The writer then brings about the topic of PR where he states that “The internet has made public
relations public again after years of focus on media.” Blogs, online videos, news has let the
organisation communicate directly instead the closed room conferences and various other PR
strategies involving media. Web has transformed the rules PR strategies must be transformed to
make best use of it. Traditionally only way of PR was through media, companies used to create
significant news in order to be in headlines of media.
Marketers must shift their thinking away from short head of demand curve- mainstream marketing
to masses and towards the long tail – a strategy of targeting.
Amazon example : Whenever we search for a book go to the product page we see customers who
bought this also viewed this, a list of books. This is the way on how to reach the buyers by
establishing a direct relationship with customers and engaging them into the business.
Now, some of the new rules of marketing states
You are what you publish.
Marketing is not about agency winning awards its about organisation winning business.
In our always- on world, buyers expect instant 24/7 communication.
People want participation not propaganda.
Think Like A Publisher , The new publishing model is not about hype and spin and messages. It is
about advertising content when and where it is needed and in the process, branding you and your
organisation as a leader. Customer targeting is very important, publish you content according to
your target market. American Airlines has a twitter handle where someone posts a question and
within 15 minutes they get a reply from the company. “Create Customer value, Create Business
value” says Director of Social Media and content for the airlines.
Coming to example of Canada Tourism, They created real-time social content about travellers and
their experiences once they visit Canada. They got responses from over 100 countries’ travellers.
Social Networking drove awareness of Canada and its share increased by 21.5% among competitive
destinations. When responding to a negative comment, it is best to reply quickly, honestly and in
same medium.
Blogs are the tools for long term marketing success for your business and personal brand. Blogs
focus is on a single point of view different than journalist’s goal of providing a balanced prospective.
The important factors for blogs are : Monitoring what millions of people are saying about you :
Participating in conversations about your industry’s blogs. Analysing blogs becomes very important
as they help us to do a positive or negative competitive analysis of our brand. We get to know what
is going about in the market about our brand.
General Motors: Bloggers were made to test drive their new car which resulted in hundreds of blog
posts and thousand of tweets which was an automatic advertising of the product.
Talking about the video and audio tools of marketing mainly YouTube, various podcasts they
generate an emotion to tell the story that no other form can. Air New Zealand made a safety video
of their rugby team it generated millions of view due to the fun segment which was used to show a
boring concept and the timing of this video. Blacks had just beaten South Africa. Another tool here is
Podcast which is an all audio section and is free made Jon Nastors “Velocity Page” a word press
building tool boost its sales nearly by 50 %.
Make your site mobile friendly. As people use mobile web browsers more these days.
As many companies are recognised for different brands. The key is the connection between
different business units ,the corporate offices and the departments, “say Sarah F. Garnsey head of
marketing at Textron Inc
Creating a kind of experience that make customers feel that it was just meant according to his liking
is exactly the point of understanding buyers Persona. For example life water field designs draw on
the passion of the people who build them and reflect the personality of someone dedicated to
helping others.
To succeed on the web under the new rules of marketing and PR you need to consider your
organisational goals and then focus on your buyers first. What are your organisational goals? We
need to align marketing and PR objective with those of the organisation
Step1: determine your business goals
Step2: learn as much as you can about your buyers and segment them into groups so you
can reach them through your web publishing efforts. Building buyer personas is most
important thing. A buyer Persona is essentially a representative of a type of buyer that you
have identified as having a specific interest in your organisation or product or having a
market problem that your product or service solves
Step3: build a buyer Persona profile consisting of their goals and aspirations, their problems,
what media do they rely on for any answer to problems etc. “a buyer Persona profile is a
short biography of the typical customer, not just a job description but a person description”
says Adele Revella (author of buyer personas). The best way to learn about buyers and bio
profiles is to interview people.
After building buyer Persona, company produces product according to that when the resulting
product is brought to the market the same by insights are used to create compelling web content to
educate and inform consumer.
What we want buyers to believe should be depicted in our ideas. For example Obama and Donald
Trump during vote campaigns. VOLVO=SAFETY. Different buyer personas have different problems for
your organisation to solve.
Seven things you can measure to find the success of new kind of marketing.
1. How many people are eager to participate in your online efforts?(by measuring your
followers on Facebook and Instagram, viewers on You tube etc)
2. How many people are downloading your stuff?( by checking how many people have
downloaded your e-books, presentation slides ,videos etc)
3. How often are bloggers writing about you and your ideas?
4. (And what are those bloggers saying?)
5. Where are you appearing in search results for important phrases?
6. How many people are engaging with you and choosing to speak to you about your offerings?
7. How are sales looking?
Marketing generates attention from the many people who make up a buyer Persona. Sales content
on the other hand communicates with one potential customer at a time putting the buying process
in to content.
Many organisation create content to attract buyers but none to support the sales people. That’s a
big mistake. People don't go to the web looking for advertisement they are on a quest for the
To best leverage the power of content you first need to help your site visitor find out what they
need. You need to start with site navigation that is designed and organised with your buyers in mind.
Considered what happens offline in parallel with online interactions. They two compliment Each
Steps to help your website shape in:
1. He/ she needs to find the self reflection. You must organise your site with content for each
of your distinct buyer personas. One way many organisation approach navigation is to link
to landing pages based on the problems your product or service solves.
2. Develop a site personality. For example “I am feeling lucky” says a lot about Google. As
strong focus on site personality and character pays off
3. Photos and images tell your story. Non text content: a technical note, be wary of very large
image and image sizes and of distracted multimedia content like flash graphics and
animation. Visitors want to access content quickly
4. Include interactive content tools: this may include the stock quoting and charting
applications found on financial sides and ‘email your congressmen’ tools as political
advocacy site
5. Make feedback loops
6. Provide ways for your customers to interact with each other example forum, Wiki
7. Make sure your site is current
8. Includes social media share buttons
9. Think about your buyers preferred media and learning styles
10. Create content that can go viral
The author specifies a number of guidelines while writing a thought leadership content-
1- Do not write your company and your products. Clearly specify and solve the buyer’s
2- Define goals
3- Registration mechanism
4- Title that grabs attention
5- Easy to find links
The use of jargon- laden phrases and gobbledygook words must be avoided while writing a web
content. The analysis conducted in early 2009 concluded the use of 325 gobbledygook phrases in
each release. Moreover, When we write, we should start with the buyers, not with our product.
When buyers use search engines and directories to reach your site, link to it through another site, or
respond to a marketing campaign, we have an opportunity to deliver targeted information at the
precise moment when they are looking for what we have to offer. By providing information when
they need it, we can begin a long and profitable relationship with them. We should learn as much as
possible about the buying process, focusing on issues such as how people find our site or the length
of a typical purchase cycle. The photos and videos on the website itself tell a story. Other important
elements on a website includes interactive content tools and a consumer forum or wiki where the
consumers can interact with each other. The social networking websites have taken off as an online
tool for business people to connect to communities and to customers directly.
The best way to publish news releases so they are seen by our buyers is to simultaneously post a
release to your own website and send it to one of the news release wires. The benefits of using a
news release distribution service is that you can often reach hundreds of websites with a single news
Many news release distribution services also offer RSS feeds of their news release. This means that
each time we publish a news release with the service, the news release is seen by potentially
thousands of people who have subscribed to the RSS content feeds in your market category.
For dedicated newsjackers, there is no tool more essential than Twitter. It is both a primary source of
newsjacking ideas and a powerful channel to get our message out to the media in real time.
News jacking can damage our brand too. To be successful, attempts at news jacking must have a
legitimate tie to the story, especially when the story is about a disaster, death, or any other negative