Design and Analysis of Connecting Rod Using Different Materilas

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International Journal of Science and Engineering Research (IJ0SER),

Vol 7 Issue 4 April -2019

3221 5687, (P) 3221 568X

Design And Analysis Of Connecting Rod Using

Different Materilas
D.Jeeva, Ashok Kumar.R
P.G (Student), Assistant Professor
Department Of Mechanical Engineering
A.K.T Memorial College Of Engineering And Technology
Abstract-Connecting rod is an important component in an engine. Connecting rod used to connect between piston and crankshaft. The
purpose of the project was to analysis connecting rod fracture using Finite Element Analysis. The stress and thermal for connecting rod
can analyzed with this software. With this software, can analysis the stress and thermal for connecting rod. Before that, draw the
connecting rod using CATIA V5 W/F software, then exported to the finite element analysis (ANASYS software). This project focused on
analysis. Overall, this project will acquire the analysis of fracture connecting rod. The connecting rod is under tremendous stress from
the reciprocating load represented by the piston, actually stretching and being compressed with every rotation, and the load increases to
the third power with increasing engine speed. Failure of a connecting rod, usually called „throwing a rod‟ is one of the most common
causes of catastrophic engine failure in cars, frequently putting the broken rod through the side of the crankcase and thereby rendering
the engine irreparable; it can result from fatigue near a physical defect in the rod, lubrication failure in a bearing due to faulty
maintenance, or from failure of the rod bolts from a defect, improper tightening, or re-use of already used (stressed) bolts where not
recommended . Connecting rod produced from alloy steel forging or aluminium alloy were used to a limited extend in early practice, the
primary object being to reduce the loading on the big end and main bearing. Connecting rods used these days are the result of
advancements in metallurgy and machining techniques. These rods are the critical part of an engine because even a small defect in it can
lead to catastrophic engine failure in automobiles. Most of the automobile manufacturers are engaged in making superior and high
performance connecting rods at economical process
1. Structural Steel
1) INTRODUCTION 2. Aluminium Alloy
Connecting rod used to connect between the piston 3. Titanium Alloy
rod with crankshaft. Connecting rod is an important 4. Forged Steel
component in the engine. Failure at the connecting rod 5. Beryllium
causes the engine cannot be functioned. This conditions not
safe and can cause accidents while driving.\
The objectives of this project are to:
1. Developed a geometrical model for connecting rod
using CATIA V5 W/F software. A.) STRUCTURAL STEEL
2. Investigate the stress analysis of steel and Structural steel rods have some real advantages
aluminum alloy of connecting rod using ANASYS over Titanium and aluminum. They are much stronger than
software. both aluminum and Titanium. The material itself is not
3. Investigate the maximum stress of connecting rod lighter than titanium, but the added strength allows less
using ANASYS software. material to be used. The end result can be a rod of equal
The computational stress from finite element strength to titanium and even lighter than many aluminum
analysis will be carried out on a CATIA V5 w/f connecting rods.
rod design. The two different materials are chosen for The structures are designed to withstand the forces
analysis is structural steel and aluminum alloy. The of nature and to retain the shape of Components. Steel
geometry model for the connecting rod had drawn using structures are of the following two types: braced structure
CATIA V5 w/f software. The analysis was running using and framed Structure. Steel structures can be statically
ANASYS software. The apply load for the analysis is 90 0 determinate or hyper-static. The steel structure Forms a
only. skeleton to withstand forces. The steel structure can
undergo gross bucking or local buckling. Reinforced
2) MATERIAL USED FOR ANALYSIS Cement Concrete (RCC) structures are labor intensive. The
Construction time for RCC structures is longer than a
The connecting rods are most usually made of structural comparable steel structure. In India, Steel structures are
steel or aluminum alloy for production engines. These used widely for factory buildings. The connections of the
materials have different properties and suitable for different steel structures can be riveted or bolted or welded. Welded
engines. connections are done in the factory or under Covered sheds.
Jeeva,Ashok kumar ……. (IJ0SER) April– 2019

(p) 4073-081
International Journal of Science and Engineering Research (IJ0SER),

Vol 7 Issue 4 April -2019

3221 5687, (P) 3221 568X
Bolted connections are done in the field (open to in engine components due to its durable properties in these
atmosphere). The bolted Connections can be bearing type high stress engine environments.
or friction type. Bearing type of bolted connections Although "commercially pure" titanium has
is widely used in structural steel industries in India. Friction acceptable mechanical properties and has been used for
types of connections require high Quality parts and orthopedic and dental implants, for most applications
discipline among the working groups. The structure has a titanium is alloyed with small amounts of aluminum
life of fifty years and shall be painted once in three years. and vanadium, typically 6% and 4% respectively, by
The steel structure has the following three main Parts: weight. This mixture has a solid solubility which varies
beam, column and bracing. The following parts are also dramatically with temperature, allowing it to
used: base plate, foundation Bolt, joints, foundation undergo precipitation strengthening.
materials, purlin, rafter, eve's girder, roof girder, etc. Mechanical Properties of Titanium Alloy
Aluminum rods are popular among high rpm race Ultimate Tensile Strength 1280-1480 Mpa
engines. They are very light and strong, but they a short Yield Strength 965-120 Mpa
fatigue lift. In a limited use situation, they can last a long Young Modulus 125-130 Gpa
time and usually those types of engines see frequent tear Poisson’s ratio 0.33
downs anyway. High rpm is where aluminum rods offer Modulus of rigidity 50 Gpa
advantages, so it can be preferred by most of the
company’s .the aluminum alloys are less in weight and its
expense is less than other materials.
In my opinion, high rpm is where aluminium rods This study investigates and compares fatigue
offer advantages, so if you are not going to rev high, there behaviour of forged steel and powder metal connecting
is no sense in using aluminium. They also need more rods. A literature review on several aspects of connecting
pistons to head clearance due to more rod stretch; a typical rods in the areas of load and stress analysis, durability,
aluminium rod can stretch up to 0.008" more than a steel manufacturing, and optimization is also provided. The
rod in a high rpm application. Since aluminium stretches experiments included strain-controlled specimen testing,
more than steel, bearing retention is also a problem; the with specimens obtained from the connecting rods, as well
usual Tangs are not enough to be reliable. Aluminium rods as load-controlled connecting rod bench testing. Monotonic
must use a dowel pin to keep the bearings from spinning. and cyclic deformation behaviours, as well as strain-
controlled fatigue properties of the two materials are
Pure aluminum is soft, ductile, and corrosion evaluated and compared.
resistant and has a high electrical conductivity. It is widely
used for foil and conductor cables, but alloying with other Experimental S-N curves of the two connecting
elements is necessary to provide the higher strengths rods from the bench tests obtained under R = -1.25 constant
needed for other applications. Aluminum is one of the amplitude axial loading conditions are also evaluated and
lightest engineering metals, having strength to weight ratio compared. Fatigue properties obtained from specimen
superior to steel. testing are then used in life predictions of the connecting
rods, using the S-N approach. The predicted lives are
C.)TITANIUM ALLOY compared with bench test results and include the effects of
stress concentrations, surface finish, and mean stress. The
Titanium alloys are metals which contain a stress concentrations factors were obtained from FEA, and
mixture of titanium and other chemical elements. Such the modified Goodman equation was used to account for
alloys have very high tensile strength and toughness (even mean stress effect.
at extreme temperatures). They are light in weight, have
extraordinary corrosion resistance and the ability to In a reciprocating piston engine, the connecting
withstand extreme temperatures. However, the high cost of rod connects the piston to the crank or crankshaft. In
both raw materials and processing limit their use modern automotive internal combustion engines, the
to military applications, aircraft, spacecraft, medical connecting rods are most usually made of steel for
devices, connecting rods on expensive sports cars and some production engines, but can be made of aluminium (for
premium sports equipment and consumer electronics. Auto lightness and the ability to absorb high impact at the
manufacturers Porsche and Ferrari also use titanium alloys expense of durability) or titanium (for a combination of
strength and lightness at the expense of affordability) for
Jeeva,Ashok kumar ……. (IJ0SER) April– 2019

(p) 4073-081
International Journal of Science and Engineering Research (IJ0SER),

Vol 7 Issue 4 April -2019

3221 5687, (P) 3221 568X
high performance engines, or of cast iron for applications alloys feature high fatigue strength and resistance to wear,
such as engine. The small end attaches to the piston pin, corrosion, galling, and stress relaxation
gudgeon pin (the usual British term) or wrist pin, which is Mr.J.D.Ramani, Prof. Sunil Shukla
currently most often press fit into the con rod but can In series of automobile engine components a
swivel in the piston, a "floating wrist pin" design. The connecting rod is highly critical and researchable one. The
connecting rod is under tremendous stress from the main idea of this study is to do analysis of connecting rod
reciprocating load represented by the piston, actually and get idea of stress producing during compressive and
stretching and being compressed with every rotation, and tensile loading. And then give idea about weight reduction
the load increases to the third power with increasing engine opportunities for a production steel connecting rod. This
speed. Failure of a connecting rod, usually called "throwing has entailed performing a detailed load analysis. Therefore,
a rod" is one of the most common causes of catastrophic this study has contain by two subjects, first, load and stress
engine failure in cars, frequently putting the broken rod analysis of the connecting rod, and second, optimization for
through the side of the crankcase and there by rendering the weight reduction. In the first part of the study, loads acting
engine irreparable; it can result from fatigue near a physical on the connecting rod and find out stress-time history at
defect in the rod, lubrication failure in a bearing due to some critical point. The results were also used to determine
faulty maintenance or from failure of the rod bolts from a the variation of Tensile and Compressive loading the
defect, improper tightening, or re-use of already used component was optimized for weight reduction subject to
(stressed) bolts where not recommended. space constraints and manufacturability.

E.) BERYLLIUM H.B.RAMANI has do Analysis of Connecting

The Connecting rod is the intermediate member Rod under Different Loading Condition Using
between the piston and the Crank-shaft. Its primary ANSYS Software [1].In spite of the great power of FEA,
function is to transmit the push and pull from the piston pin the disadvantages of computer solutions must be kept in
to the crank pin, thus converting the reciprocating motion mind when using this and similar methods, they do not
of the piston into rotary motion of the crank. Existing necessarily reveal how the stresses are influenced by
connecting rod is manufactured by using Carbon steel. This important problem variables such as materials properties
project describes modelling and analysis of connecting rod. and geometrical features, and errors in input data can
In this project connecting rod is replaced by Beryllium produce wildly incorrect results that may be overlooked by
material. the analyst. Finite element codes are less complicated than
A 2Dimensional drawing is drafted from the many of the word processing and spreadsheet packages
calculations. A parametric model of connecting rod is found on modern microcomputers. Nevertheless, they are
modelled using 3d modelling software called complex enough that most users do not find it effective to
SOLIDWORKS 2016. Analysis is carried out by using program their own code. A number of prewritten
ANASYS WORKBENCH R 2016 software. Finite element commercial codes are available, representing a broad price
analysis of connecting rod is done by considering materials, range and compatible with machines from microcomputers
via... Beryllium. to supercomputers.
The structural parameters like Von misses stress
and strain, Deformation for two wheeler Connecting rod PROF. N.P.DOSHI “analysis of connecting rod using
were done in ANASYS. Compared to carbon steel, The analytical and finite element method”. The most common
Beryllium is found to have working factor of safety is high, types of materials used for connecting rods are steel and
to reduce the weight up to 25% to increase the stiffness by aluminium. Connecting rods are widely used in variety of
40% and to reduce the stress by 30%.The objective of the engines such as, in-line engines, v-engine, opposed cylinder
present study is to design and analysis of two wheeler engines, radial engines and oppose-piston engines. For the
connecting rod and to find the best alternative material of project work we have selected connecting rod used in light
connecting rod. commercial vehicle of tata motors had recently been
In the present study beryllium alloys and launched in the market. We found out the stresses
magnesium alloys have taken in place of currently using developed in connecting rod under static loading with
materials like aluminium 360 for CAE analysis and a different loading conditions of compression and tension at
meaningful comparison made among AL360, Beryllium crank end and pin end of connecting rod. Design of
alloy and Magnesium alloy for choosing the alternative of connecting rod which is designed by machine design
existing material using for manufacture the connecting rod approach is compared with actual production drawing of
of single cylinder 4 stroke combustion engines. connecting rod. We found that there is possibility of further
In this work, an analysis is done for aluminum reduction in mass of connecting rod. [2]
alloy, magnesium alloy and beryllium alloy. Beryllium
Jeeva,Ashok kumar ……. (IJ0SER) April– 2019

(p) 4073-081
International Journal of Science and Engineering Research (IJ0SER),

Vol 7 Issue 4 April -2019

3221 5687, (P) 3221 568X
WEBSTER ET AL. (1983) performed three dimensional actually stretching and being compressed with every
finite element analysis of a high-speed diesel engine rotation, and the load increases to the square of the engine
connecting rod. For this analysis they used the maximum speed increase. Failure of a connecting rod, usually called
compressive load which was measured experimentally, and "throwing a rod" is one of the most common causes of
the maximum tensile load which is essentially the inertia catastrophic engine failure in cars, frequently putting the
load of the piston assembly mass. The load distributions on broken rod through the side of the crankcase and thereby
the piston pin end and crank end were determined rendering the engine irreparable; it can result from fatigue
experimentally. They modelled the connecting rod cap near a physical defect in the rod, lubrication failure in a
separately, and also modelled the bolt pretension using bearing due to faulty maintenance, or from failure of the
beam elements and multi point constraint equations. [3] rod bolts from a defect, improper tightening.
YOO ET AL. (1984) used vibrational equations of
elasticity, material derivative idea of continuum mechanics
and an ad joint variable technique to calculate shape design
sensitivities of stress. The results were used in an iterative
optimization algorithm, steepest descent algorithm, to
numerically solve an optimal design problem. The focus
was on shape design sensitivity analysis with application to
the example of a connecting rod. The stress constraints
were imposed on principal stresses of inertia and firing
loads. But fatigue strength was not addressed. The other
constraint was the one on thickness to bound it away from Fig.No:1 Connecting Rod
zero. They could obtain 20% weight reduction in the neck • Connecting Rod Nut
region of the connecting rod. [4] • Piston Pin Bolt
Connecting rod is a vital component of any • Connecting Rod Bearing Cap
internal combustion engine. This is the component which • Spacer Washer
carries the power from the piston to the crank-shaft and 4. A) COMPARISION OF MATERIALS
thus giving movement to the engine. Density Comparison
The connecting rod is attached to the crank-shaft by The connecting rod has a tremendous field of research.
crank pin and the other end of the connecting rod is In addition to this, vehicle construction led the invention
connected to the piston with the piston pin. The connecting and implementation of quite new materials which are light
rod takes the power thrust from the reciprocating piston and and meet design requirements. And the optimization of
carries it to the crank pin which in turn transmits the power connecting rod had already started as early year 1983 by
/ motion to the crank-shaft in the form of rotary motion Webster and his team. There are many materials which can
which makes the vehicle move. It is utmost important that be used in connecting rod for optimization. In modern
the connecting rod should be of correct weight and size so automotive internal combustion engines, the connecting
that there is no vibration in the connecting rod while rods are most usually made of steel for production engines,
transmission of power. Also the dimensional parameters but can be made of aluminium (for reducing the weight and
and the heat treatment parameters should be strictly the ability of absorbing high impact at the expense of
maintained to ensure trouble free running of the engine. durability) or titanium (for a high performance engines) or
The small end attaches to the piston pin, gudgeon of cast iron for applications such as motor scooters. In this
pin or wrist pin, which is currently most often press fit into study materials compared are Forged Steel, Beryllium 25,
the connecting rod but can swivel in the piston, a "floating aluminium 360, Titanium alloy, Magnesium alloy. In this
wrist pin" design. The big end connects to the bearing comparison we replace Beryllium alloy by Titanium
journal on the crank throw, in most engines running on alloy.
replaceable bearing shells accessible via the connecting rod
bolts which hold the bearing "cap" onto the big end.
Typically there is a pinhole bored through the bearing and
the big end of the connecting rod so that pressurized
lubricating motor oil squirts out onto the thrust side of the
cylinder wall to lubricate the travel of the pistons and piston
The connecting rod is under tremendous stress Fig.No:2 Density Comparison Chart
from the reciprocating load represented by the piston,
Jeeva,Ashok kumar ……. (IJ0SER) April– 2019

(p) 4073-081
International Journal of Science and Engineering Research (IJ0SER),

Vol 7 Issue 4 April -2019

3221 5687, (P) 3221 568X
Compared five materials used for manufacturing of
connecting rod these are Al360, Magnesium alloy,
Beryllium 25, Forged Steel and Titanium alloy. The
modelling and analysis of connecting rod was done. FEM
analysis was carried out by considering three materials
AL360, beryllium alloy and magnesium alloy. In his study
he found out that out of above three material beryllium
alloys is the best suitable material for connecting rod of two
Fig.No:5 Geometry

Fig.No:3 Weight Comparisons

The connecting rods are most usually made of
steel for production engines, but can be made of aluminium
(for lightness and the ability to absorb high impact at the
expense of durability) or titanium (for a combination of Fig.No:6 Meshing
strength and lightness at the expense of affordability) for
high performance engines, or of cast iron for applications
such as motor scooters.
ANASYS is analysis software. It is used to check
design feasibility of the design almost in all aspect.
ANASYS as a software is made to be user-friendly and
simplified as much as possible with lots of interface options
to keep the user as much as possible from the hectic side of
programming and debugging process.

Fig.No:7 Stress

Fig.No:4 2D Diagram of Connecting Rod

Fig.No:8 Strain

Jeeva,Ashok kumar ……. (IJ0SER) April– 2019

(p) 4073-081
International Journal of Science and Engineering Research (IJ0SER),

Vol 7 Issue 4 April -2019

3221 5687, (P) 3221 568X


Stress 1.334×106 2.9557×108

Strain 1.9632×10-5 0.0044616

Deformation 0.0 0.00033186

Fig.No:9 Deformations
Table.No:3 Result and analysis
Table.No:2 Result and analysis
Stress 1.4385x106 2.9774x108
Strain 1.2413x10-5 0.002651
Deformation 0.0 0.00019652

Fig.No:13 Stress Using Beryllium

Fig.No:10 Stress Using Aluminium

Fig.No:11 Strain using Aluminium

Fig.No:14 Strain using Beryllium

Fig.No:12 Deformation using aluminium alloy Fig.No:15 Deformation using Beryllium

Jeeva,Ashok kumar ……. (IJ0SER) April– 2019

(p) 4073-081
International Journal of Science and Engineering Research (IJ0SER),

Vol 7 Issue 4 April -2019

3221 5687, (P) 3221 568X
A.) RESULT AND ANALYSIS • Dynamic analysis of connecting rod can also be
Table.No:4 Result and analysis performed on ANASYS to get the better analysis.
MINIMUM MAXIMUM • Thermal analysis can be done of connecting rod to
minimize the thermal stress effect on connecting rod.
Stress 1.334×106 2.9557×108 • Torsional analysis can be done due to presence of
small amount of torsional moment at the end points.
Strain 1.9632×10-5 0.0044616 • Design modification can be done to minimize the
weight of connecting rod and the inertia force.
Deformation 0.0 0.00033186 • Work on the internal coating of hard material inside the
6. B) Analysis Diagram of Connecting Rod using Forged Steel both ends can be done to minimize the wear failure in
connecting rod.
N = No. of cycles
σe = Endurance Limit
𝜎𝑢= Ultimate Tensile Stress
𝜎𝑒 ′ = Endurance limit for variable axial stress
k a = Load correction factor for reversed axial load = 0.8
ksr = Surface finish factor = 1.2
ksz = Size factor = 1
f.o.s = factor of safety
Fig.No:16 Stress using forged Steel
σm = mean stress
σy = yield stress
σv = variable stress
σe = endurance stress



Density of titanium alloy = 4.6×10−6 kg/mm3

Fig.No:17 Shear Stress at Xy plane Volume = 41050 mm3
Deformation = 0.0048301 mm
Weight of Titanium Alloy = Volume ×Density
= 0.188kg
= 0.188×9.81
= 1.8524 N
Stiffness = weight/deformation
= 1.8524/0.0048301
=383.51 N/mm
Fig.No:18 Deformation using Forged Steel FATIGUE CALCULATION RESULT FOR FATIGUE OF
• We can easily identify the mechanical deformation N=1000(sf/ (0.9σu)) 3/ (log (𝜎𝑒 ′/ (0 .9×𝜎𝑢)))
of connecting rods. Where,
• Easily identify the stress analysis. N = No. of cycles
• Comparison between different types of materials σe = Endurance Limit
used in connecting rods. 𝜎𝑢= Ultimate Tensile Stress
A.) SOFTWARE USED: 𝜎𝑒 ′ = Endurance limit for variable axial stress
1. CATIA k a = Load correction factor for reversed axial load = 0.8
2. ANASYS ksr = Surface finish factor = 1.2
B.) FUTURE SCOPE ksz = Size factor = 1
• Vibrational analysis can be done at ANASYS for 𝜎𝑒 ′ = σe×ka×ksr×ksz
minimizing the premature failure. 𝑠𝑓= (𝑓.o.𝑠x σv)/(1−(𝑓.𝑠𝜎𝑚/𝜎𝑢))
For titanium alloy
𝜎𝑢 =962.5 Mpa
Jeeva,Ashok kumar ……. (IJ0SER) April– 2019

(p) 4073-081
International Journal of Science and Engineering Research (IJ0SER),

Vol 7 Issue 4 April -2019

3221 5687, (P) 3221 568X
σe = 𝜎𝑢×0.5
= 481.25 Mpa Table.No:5 Result Factor
= 481.25×0.8×1.2×1 Titanium
17.69 1.8524 383.51
= 462 Mpa Alloy
sf = (f.o.sxσv)/(1−(f.o.s×σm)/σu)) Beryllium
=(17.69×16.708)/(1− ((17.69×16.708)/962.5)) 4.747 3.36 772.609
= 426.54 Mpa
N = 1000(sf/0.9σu) 3/log (𝜎𝑒 ′/ (0 .9×𝜎𝑢)) 10 CONCLUSION
=1000(426.54/(0.9×962.5))3log(462/(0.9×962.) It is the conclusion of this study that the connecting rod
N = 2405.03× 103cycles can be designed and optimized under a load range comprising
9.)CALCULATION FOR WEIGHT AND STIFFNESS compressive load as one extreme load and tensile load.
FOR BERYLLIUM ALLOY Furthermore, the existing connecting rod can be replaced by
Density of beryllium alloy = 8.36×10-6kg/mm3 optimization with a new connecting rod made of lighter in
Volume = 41050 mm3 weight (approx. 15%).From the above analysis we can
Deformation = 0.0043489 mm conclude that stresses of all the materials are almost
Weight of beryllium alloy = volume ×density comparable and also in safe limit, i.e., well below the yield
=41050×8.36×10-6 stress. The section modulus of the connecting rod should be
= 0.3431kg high enough to prevent high bending stresses due to inertia
= 0.3431×9.81 = 3.36 forces.
N • Solid modelling of connecting rod was made in fusion 360
Stiffness =weight/deformation according to production drawing specification and analysis
= 3.36/0.0043489 under the effect of tensile and compressive loads in terms
=772.609N/mm of pressure is done in ANSYS Workbench.
FATIGUE CALCULATION RESULT FOR FATIGUE OF • From analysis it is observed that the minimum stresses
CONNECTING ROD among all loading conditions, were found at crank end cap
N=1000(sf/(0.9σu))3/(log (𝜎𝑒 ′/(0 .9×𝜎𝑢))) as well as at piston end. So the material can be reduced
Where, from those portions, thereby reducing material cost. For
N = No. of cycles further optimization of material dynamic analysis of
σe = Endurance Limit connecting rod is needed.
𝜎𝑢= Ultimate Tensile Stress • After considering dynamic load conditions once again finite
𝜎𝑒 ′ = Endurance limit for variable axial stress element analysis will have to be performed. It will give
ka = Load correction factor for reversed axial load = 0.8 more accurate results than existing.
ksr = Surface finish factor = 1.2 • It is the conclusion of this study that the connecting rod can
ksz = Size factor = 1 be designed and optimized under a load range comprising
𝜎𝑒 ′ = σe×ka×ksr×ksz compressive load as one extreme load and tensile load.
𝑠𝑓 = (𝑓.o.𝑠×σv)/ (1− ((𝑓.o.𝑠×𝜎𝑚)/𝜎𝑢)) Furthermore, the existing connecting rod can be replaced by
𝜎𝑢 =370Mpa optimization with a new connecting rod made of lighter in
σe = 𝜎𝑢×0.5 weight (approx. 15%).
= 370×0.5 • From the above analysis we can conclude that stresses of all
= 185 Mpa the materials are almost comparable and also in safe limit,
𝜎𝑒 ′ = σe×ka×ksr×ksz i.e., well below the yield stress.
= 185×0.8×1.2×1 • The section modulus of the connecting rod should be high
= 177.6Mpa enough to prevent high bending stresses due to inertia
s𝑓 = (𝑓.o.𝑠×σv)/ (1− ((𝑓.o.𝑠×𝜎𝑚)/𝜎𝑢)) forces. Weight of connecting rod is reduced, Thereby
= (4.747×18.9575)/(1−((4.747×18.9575)/370)) reduces the inertia force by comparing the results of three
= 118.91Mpa different materials used for connecting rod analysis it is
N = 1000(sf/0.9σu) 3/log (𝜎𝑒 ′/ (0 .9×𝜎𝑢)) found that equivalent von mises stress for all the materials
= 1000(118.91/ (0.9×370)) 3log (177.6/ (0.9×370)) is approximately same.
N =1000.186× 103 cycles. • From the static analysis the stress is found maximum at the
small end of the connecting rod.

Jeeva,Ashok kumar ……. (IJ0SER) April– 2019

(p) 4073-081
International Journal of Science and Engineering Research (IJ0SER),

Vol 7 Issue 4 April -2019

3221 5687, (P) 3221 568X
• Carbon steel as a connecting rod material is less stiff and Engine by Finite Element Method, Australian Journal of Basic
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• Aluminum alloy connecting rod is having more weight and
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behaviour.Maximum von mises stress,
• Maximum von mises strain and Maximum displacement are
minimum in connecting rod of Beryllium alloy.
• Comparing the different data it is observed that stress,
strain and displacement is minimum in beryllium alloy
connecting rod. So, beryllium alloy can be used for
production of connecting rod for longer life.
• Vibrational analysis can be done at ansys for minimizing
the premature failure.
• Dynamic analysis of connecting rod can also be performed
on ansys to get the better analysis.
• Thermal analysis can be done of connecting rod to
minimize the thermal stress effect on connecting rod.
• Torsional analysis can be done due to presence of small
amount of torsional moment at the end points.
• Design modification can be done to minimize the weight of
connecting rod and the inertia force.
• Work on the internal coating of hard material inside the
both ends can be done to minimize the wear failure in
connecting rod.

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