Criteria For Best Thesis Award

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promote researchers for undertaking quality studies and thereby raising the standards of
our speciality. Soft copy of the thesis submitted & applied for consideration for the Best
Thesis Award will be reviewed for technical depth and significance of the research
contribution, potential impact on theory and practice, and quality of presentation etc.
The evaluation of thesis will be done in two stages –
1. Primary screening &
2. Final evaluation.
Primary screening will be done by 05 members i.e., President, Vice-President, Secretary,
Chief Editor of IAPSM UPUK STATE CHAPTER and a Senior Statistician from the Editorial
Board of IJCH/ a Senior Statistician from the reviewers list of IJCH. These 05 members will
select best 03 theses from the entire thesis received as part of consideration for the Best
Thesis Award for a particular session against a set of pre-decided criteria approved by the
Governing Council of IAPSM UPUK and given a score. Individual score of these 05 members
will be averaged out to get a Final Score for each thesis. Top three theses getting maximum
average score will be recommended for the Final Evaluation.
Final evaluation will be done by a Jury of three eminent academicians including a renowned
Statistician from our speciality/ association as decided by the Governing Council of IAPSM
UPUK against the same set of pre-decided criteria used in the Primary Screening and given a
score by each Jury Member. Score of the Jury members will be averaged out to get a Final
Score for all the three theses and the thesis getting maximum average score be declared as
the BEST THESIS. The decision of the Jury will be full and final.
The criteria that will be used for selecting the BEST THESIS : - (Total Score= 20)
 Public health relevance and implications (2 marks)
 Significance to the research community & its impact. (2 Marks)
 Originality & Innovation (2 Marks)
 Technical excellence (Rationale, objectives, methodology, study design, findings,
clarity of the content, references and presentation) is most important. (10 Marks)
 Funding agency/ agencies if any. (2 Marks)
 Statistical application/ tests. (2 Mark)

 PG students of Community Medicine from the colleges under IAPSM UPUK STATE
CHAPTER & who have submitted their thesis work in the immediate previous or
current session.
 PG students must be the member of IAPSM (Provisional or Permanent Life Member)
to apply for the BEST THESIS AWARD.
 The researchers have to apply on a prescribed format (available on the website) for
the award and must send the soft copy of his/her thesis work for evaluation by the
Best Thesis Award Committee within the stipulated time.
 The confidentiality of the data will be maintained.
 Best Thesis Award announcement – Inaugural Ceremony of the IAPSM UPUK CON.
 Jury’s (Best Thesis Award Committee) decision for the Best Thesis Awardee will be
final and binding.
 The Awardee will be awarded a Certificate of appreciation and memento. These will
be presented to them during the Inaugural function of the Conference of IAPSM UP
UK chapter.
 One research paper of the Awardee will be published in IJCH without any processing
charge as part of appreciation.
 Last date of application will be 15 days before the annual conference of IAPSM
UPUK. (e.g., If the conference date is 15th Oct then last date will be 30th September).

Note: After filling this format and getting all the signatures, scan this format and send to the
following e-mail ID along with the soft copy of your thesis:-
(Last date is 30 Sep’2016)

1. Name of the PG resident (In Capital Letters): …………………………………………………………………...….

2. Provisional/ Permanent Membership Number of IAPSM: …………………………………………….………

3. Affiliated College/ Institute: ..……………………………………………………………………………………………..

4. Period of completion of thesis work: From …………………………………… to …………………………...…

5. Name of the Chief Thesis Guide/ Chief supervisor: …………………………………..…………………………

6. Name of the Co-guide/s: …………………………..…………………….………………………………………………….

7. Title of the Thesis: …………………………………….………………………………………………………………………..



8. Thesis work has been completed as per the THESIS PROTOCOL: YES/ NO

9. Thesis work has been completed within the stipulated time: YES/ NO

10. We declare that the information given above is correct to the best of our knowledge and

match with the departmental/ institutional records.

Dated: ……………………………..

……………………………..…. ………………………………………. ……………………………………

Signature Signature Signature
(HOD) (Chief Guide) (Applicant - PG Resident)

Countersignature of the Principal / Dean

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