Write, Execute, Assess: Program Synthesis With A REPL: These Authors Contributed Equally To This Work
Write, Execute, Assess: Program Synthesis With A REPL: These Authors Contributed Equally To This Work
Write, Execute, Assess: Program Synthesis With A REPL: These Authors Contributed Equally To This Work
We present a neural program synthesis approach integrating components which
write, execute, and assess code to navigate the search space of possible programs.
We equip the search process with an interpreter or a read-eval-print-loop (REPL),
which immediately executes partially written programs, exposing their semantics.
The REPL addresses a basic challenge of program synthesis: tiny changes in syntax
can lead to huge changes in semantics. We train a pair of models, a policy that
proposes the new piece of code to write, and a value function that assesses the
prospects of the code written so-far. At test time we can combine these models
with a Sequential Monte Carlo algorithm. We apply our approach to two domains:
synthesizing text editing programs and inferring 2D and 3D graphics programs.
1 Introduction
When was the last time you typed out a large body of code all at once, and had it work on the first
try? If you are like most programmers, this hasn’t happened much since “Hello, World.” Writing a
large body of code is a process of trial and error that alternates between trying out a piece of code,
executing it to see if you’re still on the right track, and trying out something different if the current
execution looks buggy. Crucial to this human work-flow is the ability to execute the partially-written
code, and the ability to assess the resulting execution to see if one should continue with the current
approach. Thus, if we wish to build machines that automatically write large, complex programs,
designing systems with the ability to effectively transition between states of writing, executing, and
assessing the code may prove crucial.
In this work, we present a model that integrates components which write, execute, and assess code to
perform a stochastic search over the semantic space of possible programs. We do this by equipping
our model with one of the oldest and most basic tools available to a programmer: an interpreter,
or read-eval-print-loop (REPL), which immediately executes partially written programs, exposing
their semantics. The REPL addresses a fundamental challenge of program synthesis: tiny changes
in syntax can lead to huge changes in semantics. The mapping between syntax and semantics is a
difficult relation for a neural network to learn, but comes for free given a REPL. By conditioning the
search solely on the execution states rather than the program syntax, the search is performed entirely
in the semantic space. By allowing the search to branch when it is uncertain, discard branches when
they appear less promising, and attempt more promising alternative candidates, the search process
emulates the natural iterative coding process used by a human programmer.
In the spirit of systems such as AlphaGo [1], we train a pair of models – a policy that proposes
new pieces of code to write, and a value function that evaluates the long-term prospects of the code
These authors contributed equally to this work.
written so far, and deploy both at test time in a symbolic tree search. Specifically, we combine the
policy, value, and REPL with a Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) search strategy at inference time.
We sample next actions using our learned policy, execute the partial programs with the REPL, and
re-weight the candidates by the value of the resulting partial program state. This algorithm allows us
to naturally incorporate writing, executing, and assessing partial programs into our search strategy,
while managing a large space of alternative program candidates.
Integrating learning and search to tackle the problem of program synthesis is an old idea experiencing
a recent resurgence [2–11]. Our work builds on recent ideas termed ‘execution-guided neural
program synthesis,’ independently proposed by [12] and [13], where a neural network writes a
program conditioned on intermediate execution states. We extend these ideas along two dimensions.
First, we cast these different kinds of execution guidance in terms of interaction with a REPL, and use
reinforcement learning techniques to train an agent to both interact with a REPL, and to assess when
it is on the right track. Prior execution-guided neural synthesizers do not learn to assess the execution
state, which is a prerequisite for sophisticated search algorithms, like those we explore in this work.
Second, we investigate several ways of interleaving the policy and value networks during search,
finding that an SMC sampler provides an effective foundation for an agent that writes, executes and
assesses its code.
We validate our framework on two different domains (see Figure 1): inferring 2D and 3D graphics
programs (in the style of computer aided design, or CAD) and synthesizing text-editing programs (in
the style of FlashFill [14]). In both cases we show that a code-writing agent equipped with a REPL
and a value function to guide the search achieves faster, more reliable program synthesis.
Explicitly, our contributions are:
• We cast the problem of program synthesis as a search problem and solve it using Sequential Monte
Carlo (SMC) by employing a pair of learned functions: a value and a policy.
• We equip the model with a REPL, bridging the gap between the syntax and semantics of a program.
• We empirically validate our technique in two different program synthesis domains, text-editing
programs and 2D/3D graphics programs, and out-perform alternative approaches.
2 An Illustrative Example
To make our framework concrete, consider the following program synthesis task of synthesizing
a constructive solid geometry (CSG) representation of a simple 2D scene (see Figure 2). CSG is
a shape-modeling language that allows the user to create complex renders by combining simple
primitive shapes via boolean operators. The CSG program in our example consists of two boolean
r w,h,θ
combinations: union + and subtraction − and two primitives: circles Cx,y and rectangles Rx,y ,
specified by position x, y, radius r, width and height w, h, and rotation θ. This CSG language can be
formalized as the context-free grammar below:
r w,h,θ
P −> P + P | P − P | Cx,y | Rx,y
The synthesis task is to find a CSG program that renders to spec. Our policy constructs this program
one piece at a time, conditioned on the set of expressions currently in scope. Starting with an empty
{} π { } π { } π { } π { } π { }
Syntactic C2,8 R45º C2,8-R45º R0º2,8 (C2,8-R45º
1,3 )+R 2,8
1,3 1,3
Space -
- +
Figure 2: A particular trajectory of the policy building a 2D wrench. At each step, the REPL renders
the set of partial programs pp into the semantic (image) space. These images are fed into the policy
π which proposes how to extend the program via an action a, which is incorporated into pp via the
transition T .
Spec: { }
{ } { } { }
{ } { }
{ }
{ } { } { }
{} { }
{ }
{ }
{ } { } { }
{ }
Figure 3: SMC sampler maintains a population of particles (i.e. programs), which it evolves forward
in time by (1) sampling from policy π to get a new generation of particles, then (2) reweighting by
the value function v and resampling to prune unpromising candidates and up-weight promising ones.
set of programs in scope, pp = {}, the policy proposes an action a that extends it. This proposal
process is iterated to incrementally extend pp to contain longer and more complex programs. In this
CSG example, the action a is either adding a primitive shape, such as a circle C2,8 , or applying a
boolean combinator, such as p1 − p2 , where the action also specifies its two arguments p1 and p2 .
To help the policy make good proposals, we augment it with a REPL, which takes a set of programs
pp in scope and executes each of them. In our CSG example, the REPL renders the set of programs
pp to a set of images. The policy then takes in the REPL state (a set of images), along with the
specification spec to predict the next action a. This way, the input to the policy lies entirely in the
semantic space, akin to how one would use a REPL to iteratively construct a working code snippet.
Figure 2 demonstrates a potential roll-out through a CSG problem using only the policy.
However, code is brittle, and if the policy predicts an incorrect action, the entire program synthesis
fails. To combat this brittleness, we use Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) to search over the space
of candidate programs. Crucial to our SMC algorithm is a learned value function v which, given
a REPL state, assesses the likelihood of success on this particular search branch. By employing v,
the search can be judicious about which search branch to prioritize in exploring and withdraw from
branches deemed unpromising. Figure 3 demonstrates a fraction of the search space leading up to the
successful program and how the value function v helps to prune out unpromising search candidates.
3 Our Approach
Our program synthesis approach integrates components that write, execute, and assess code to perform
a stochastic search over the semantic space of programs. Crucial to this approach are three main
components: First, the definition of the search space; Second, the training of the code-writing policy
and the code-assessing value function; Third, the Sequential Monte Carlo algorithm that leverages the
policy and the value to conduct the search by maintaining a population of candidate search branches.
The space of possible programs is typically defined by a context free grammar (CFG), which specifies
the set of syntactically valid programs. However, when one is writing the code, the programs are
often constructed in a piece-wise fashion. Thus, it is natural to express the search space of programs
as a markov decision process (MDP) over the set of partially constructed programs.
State The state is a tuple s = (pp, spec) where pp is a set of partially-constructed program
trees (intuitively, ‘variables in scope’), and spec is the goal specification. Thus, our MDP is goal
conditioned. The start state is ({}, spec).
Action The action a is a production rule from the CFG (a line of code typed into the REPL).
Transitions The transition, T , takes the set of partial programs pp and applies the action a to either:
1. instantiate a new sub-tree if a is a terminal production: T (pp, a) = pp ∪ {a}
2. combine multiple sub-trees if a is a non-terminal: T (pp, a) = (pp ∪ {a(t1 . . . tk )}) − {t1 . . . tk }
Note that in the case of a non-terminal, the children t1 . . . tk are removed, or ‘garbage-collected’ [13].
Reward The reward is 1 if there is a program p ∈ pp that satisfies the spec, and 0 otherwise.
Note that the state of our MDP is defined jointly in the syntactic space, pp, and the semantic space,
spec. To bridge this gap, we use a REPL, which evaluates the set of partial programs pp into a
semantic or “executed” representation. Let pp be a set of n programs, pp = {p1 . . . pn } and let [[p]]
denote the execution of a program p, then we can write the REPL state as [[pp]] = {[[p1 ]] . . . [[pn ]]}.
Given the pair of evaluated program states and spec ([[pp]], spec), the policy π outputs a distribution
over actions, written π(a | [[pp]], spec), and the value function v predicts the expected reward starting
from state ([[pp]], spec). In our MDP, expected total reward conveniently coincides with the probability
of a rollout satisfying spec starting with the partial program pp:
Thus the value function simply performs binary classification, predicting the probability that a state
will lead to a successful program.
Pretraining π. Because we assume the existence of a CFG and a REPL, we can generate an infinite
stream of training data by sampling random programs from the CFG, executing them to obtain a
spec, and then recovering the ground-truth action sequence. Specifically, we draw samples from a
distribution over synthetic training data, D, consisting of triples of the spec, the sequence of actions,
and the set of partially constructed programs at each step: (spec, {at }t≤T , {ppt }t≤T ) ∼ D. During
pretraining, we maximize the log likelihood of these action sequences under the policy:
Lpretrain (π) = ED log π(at |[[ppt ]], spec) (2)
Training π and v. We fine-tune the policy and train the value function by sampling the policy’s
roll-outs against spec ∼ D in the style of REINFORCE. Specifically, given spec ∼ D, the policy’s
rollout consists of a sequence of actions {at }t≤T , a sequence of partial programs {ppt }t≤T , and a
reward R = 1 [[[ppT ]] satisfies spec]. Given the specific rollout, we train v and π to maximize:
LRL (v, π) = R log v([[ppt ]], spec) + (1 − R) log(1 − v([[ppt ]], spec))
t≤T t≤T
+R log π(at |[[ppt ]], spec) (3)
3.3 An SMC Inference Algorithm That Interleaves Writing, Executing, and Assessing Code
At test time we interleave code writing, i.e. drawing actions from the policy, and code assessing,
i.e. querying the value function (and thus also interleave execution, which always occurs before
running these networks). Sequential Monte Carlo methods [15], of which particle filters are the most
famous example, are a flexible framework for designing samplers that infer a sequence of T latent
variables {xt }t≤T conditioned on a paired sequence of observed variables {yt }t≤T . Following [4] we
construct an SMC sampler for our setting by identifying the policy rollout over time as the sequence
of latent variables (i.e. xt = ppt ), and identify the spec as the observed variable at every time step
(i.e. yt = spec), which are connected to the policy and value networks by defining
P(xt+1 |xt ) = π(a|xt ) P(yt |xt ) ∝ v([[xt ]], yt ) (4)
T (xt ,a)=xt+1
and, like a particle filter, we approximately sample from P({ppt }t≤T |spec) by maintaining a pop-
ulation of K particles – each particle a state in the MDP – and evolve this population of particles
forward in time by sampling from π, importance reweighting by v, and then resampling.
SMC techniques are not the only reasonable approach: one could perform a beam search,
seeking to maximize log π({at }t<T |spec) + log v([[ppT ]], spec); or, A* search by interpreting
− log π({at }t<T |spec) as cost-so-far and − log v([[ppT ]], spec) as heuristic cost-to-go; or, as popu-
larized by AlphaGo, one could use MCTS jointly with the learned value and policy networks. SMC
confers two main benefits: (1) it is a stochastic search procedure, immediately yielding a simple
any-time algorithm where we repeatedly run the sampler and keep the best program found so far; and
(2) the sampling/resampling steps are easily batched on a GPU, giving high throughput unattainable
with serial algorithms like A*.
4 Experiments
To assess the relative importance of the policy, value function, and REPL, we study a spectrum of
models and test-time inference strategies in both of our domains. For each model and inference
strategy, we are interested in how efficiently it can search the space of programs, i.e. the best program
found as a function of time spent searching. We trained a pair of models: our REPL model, which
conditions on intermediate execution states (architectures in Figure 4), and a ‘no REPL’ baseline,
which decodes a program in one shot using only the spec and syntax. This baseline is inspired by the
prior work CSGNet [16] and RobustFill [8] for CAD and string editing, respectively. We compare our
SMC sampler with a simple beam search using both policy and value, as well as a pair of inference
strategies employing only the policy: simple policy rollouts, and a beam search decoding to find the
highest likelihood program under π. The policy-only beam search method is inspired by [12] and [13],
which performed execution-guided synthesis in Karel and list processing domains, respectively.
Modern mechanical parts are created using Computer Aided Design (CAD), a family of programmatic
shape-modeling techniques. Here we consider two varieties of inverse CAD: inferring programs
generating 3D shapes, and programs generating 2D graphics, which can also be seen as a kind of
high-level physical object understanding in terms of parts and relations between parts.
We use CSG as our CAD modeling language, where the specification spec is an image, i.e. a
pixel/voxel array for 2D/3D, and the the goal is to write a program that renders to the target image.
These programs build shapes by algebraically combining primitive drawing commands via addition
and subtraction, including circles and rotated rectangles (for 2D, w/ coordinates quantized to 16 × 16)
as well as spheres, cubes, and cylinders (for 3D, w/ coordinates quantized to 8 × 8 × 8), although in
both cases the quantization could in principle be made arbitrarily fine. Our REPL renders each partial
program p ∈ pp to a distinct canvas, which the policy and value networks take as input.
Experimental evaluation We train our models on randomly generated scenes with up to 13 objects.
As a hard test of out-of-sample generalization we test on randomly generated scenes with up to 30 or
20 objects for 2D and 3D, respectively. Figure 5 measures the quality of the best program found so far
as a function of time, where we measure the quality of a program by the intersection-over-union (IoU)
with the spec. Incorporating the value function proves important for both beam search and sampling
methods such as SMC. Given a large enough time budget the ‘no REPL’ baseline is competitive with
our ablated alternatives: inference time is dominated by CNN evaluations, which occur at every step
with a REPL, but only once without it. Qualitatively, an integrated policy, value network, and REPL
yield programs closely matching the spec (Figure 6). Together these components allow us to infer
very long programs, despite a branching factor of ≈1.3 million per line of code: the largest programs
we successfully infer2 go up to 19 lines of code/102 tokens for 3D and 22 lines/107 tokens for 2D,
but the best-performing ablations fail to scale beyond 3 lines/19 tokens for 3D and 19 lines/87 tokens
for 2D.
Learning programs that transform text is a classic program synthesis task [18] made famous by the
FlashFill system, which ships in Microsoft Excel [14]. We apply our framework to string editing
programs using the RobustFill programming language [8], which was designed for neural program
REPL Our formulation suggests modifications to the RobustFill language so that partial programs
can be evaluated into a semantically coherent state (i.e. they execute and output something mean-
ingful). Along with edits to the original language, we designed and implemented a REPL for this
By “successfully infer” we mean IoU≥0.9
Figure 4: Left: CAD architecture. The policy is a CNN followed by a pointer network [17] (attending
over the set of partial programs pp) which decodes into the next line of code. The value function is
an additional ‘head’ to the pooled CNN activations. Right: String Editing architecture. We encode
each example using an embedding layer, apply a 1-d convolution and a dense block, and pool the
example hidden states to predict the policy and value.
Figure 5: Quantitative results for CAD on out-of-sample testing problems. Both models trained on
scenes with up to 13 objects. Left: 2D models tested on scenes with up to 30 objects. Right: 3D
models tested on scenes with up to 20 objects. SMC achieves the highest test accuracy.
Figure 6: Qualitative inverse CAD results. Top: Derendering random scenes vs. ablations and
no-REPL baseline. Teal outlines show shape primitives in synthesized 2D programs. Bottom:
Rerendering program inferred from voxels from novel viewpoints.
domain, which, in addition to the original inputs and outputs, includes three additional features as
part of the intermediate program state: The committed string maintains, for each example input, the
output of the expressions synthesized so far. The scratch string maintains, for each example input,
the partial results of the expression currently being synthesized until it is complete and ready to be
added to the committed string. Finally, the binary valued mask features indicate, for each character
position, the possible locations on which transformations can occur.
Experimental Evaluation We trained our model and a reimplementation of RobustFill on string
editing programs randomly sampled from the CFG. We originally tested on string editing programs
from [6] (comprising training tasks from [4] and the test corpus from [19]), but found performance
was near ceiling for our model. We designed a more difficult dataset of 87 string editing problems
from 34 templates comprising address, date/time, name, and movie review transformations. This
dataset required synthesis of long and complex programs, making it harder for pure neural approaches
such as RobustFill.
The performance of our model and baselines is plotted in Figure 7, and examples of best performing
programs are shown in Figure 8. The value-guided SMC sampler leads to the highest overall
number of correct programs, requiring less time and fewer nodes expanded compared to other
inference techniques. We also observe that beam search attains higher overall performance with
the value function than beam search without value. Our model demonstrates strong out-of sample
generalization: Although it was trained on programs whose maximum length was 30 actions and
80 80
% of problems solved
String Editing Programs String Editing Programs
60 60
% of problems solved
80 80
% of problems
60 4060 80 80
Policy Rollout Policy
% of problems
\% of problems solved
Beam w/ value Beam
% of problems solved
% of problems solved
40 40
20 20
Beam w/out value Beam
60 60
20 20
A* w/ value A* w/ v
00 00 A* w/out value A* w/o
40 40
10 101 1
10 10
104 4 5 5
1010 0 0
1010 1 1
1010 102102
expanded Time (seconds)
Time (seconds)
20 20
Figure 7: Results for String Editing tasks. Left: tasks solved vs number of nodes expanded. Right:
tasks solved vs total
20time per task. Our SMC-based search algorithm solves more tasks using 10x
fewer node expansions and less time than previous approaches. Note that x-axes
0 are log scale. 0
100 101 102 103 104 105 100
Spec: Spec: Nodes expanded Tim
6/12/2003 → 0date: 12 mo: 6 year: 2003 Dr Mary Jane Lennon → Lennon, Mary Jane (Dr)
100 101 102 103 1043/16/1997
105 → date:
10016 mo: 3 year: 1997
101 Mrs Isaac McCormick
102 → McCormick, Isaac (Mrs)
Nodes expanded Held out test instance:
Time (seconds) Held out test instance:
12/8/2019 → date: 8 mo: 12 year: 2019 Dr James Watson → Watson, James (Dr)
Results: Results:
SMC (Ours) → date: 8 mo: 12 year: 2019 → Watson, James (Dr)
Rollout → date: 8 mo: 1282019 → Watson, James
Beam w/value → date: 8 mo: 12 year:2019 → Watson, JamesDr
Beam → date: 8 mo: 12 year: → Watson, James (
RobustFill → date:12/8/2019 → Dr James Watson
Figure 8: Comparison of best programs on held-out inputs. Best programs determined by Levenshtein
distance of program outputs to spec outputs. Leveraging the policy network, value network, and
REPL-based execution guidance, SMC is able to consistently find programs with the desired behavior.
average length approximately 8 actions, during test time we regularly achieved programs with 40
actions or more, representing a recovery of programs with description length greater than 350 bits.
5 Discussion
Related Work Within the program synthesis community, both text processing and graphics pro-
gram synthesis have received considerable attention [14].We are motivated by works such as In-
verseCSG [20], CSGNet [16], and RobustFill [8], but our goal is not to solve a specific synthesis
problem in isolation, but rather to push toward more general frameworks that demonstrate robustness
across domains.
We draw inspiration from recent neural “execution-guided synthesis” approaches [13, 12] which
leverage partial evaluations of programs, similar to our use of a REPL. We build on this line of work
by explicitly formalizing the task as an MDP, which exposes a range of techniques from the RL and
planning literatures. Our addition of a learned value network demonstrates marked improvements on
methods that do not leverage such learned value networks. Prior work [21] combines tree search with
Q-learning to synthesize small assembly programs, but do not scale to large programs with extremely
high branching factors, as we do (e.g., the > 40 action-programs we synthesize for text editing or the
>1.3 million branching factor per line of code in our 3D inverse CAD).
Outlook We have presented a framework for learning to write code combining two ideas: allowing
the agent to explore a tree of possible solutions, and executing and assessing code as it gets written.
This has largely been inspired by previous work on execution-guided program synthesis, value-guided
tree search, and general behavior observed in how people write code.
An immediate future direction is to investigate programs with control flow like conditionals and loops.
A Forth-style stack-based [22] language offer promising REPL-like representations of these control
flow operators. But more broadly, we are optimistic that many tools used by human programmers,
like debuggers and profilers, can be reinterpreted and repurposed as modules of a program synthesis
system. By integrating these tools into program synthesis systems, we believe we can design systems
that write code more robustly and rapidly like people.
We gratefully acknowledge many extended and productive conversations with Tao Du, Wojciech
Matusik, and Siemens research. In addition to these conversations, Tao Du assisted by providing 3D
ray tracing code, which we used when rerendering 3D programs. Work was supported by Siemens
research, AFOSR award FA9550-16-1-0012 and the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab. K. E. and M. N. are
additionally supported by NSF graduate fellowships.
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A Appendix
A.1 Graphics Programming Language
# F o r 2D g r a p h i c s
S −> c i r c l e ( r a d i u s =N, x=N, y=N)
| q u a d r i l a t e r a l ( x0=N, y0=N,
x1=N, y1=N,
x2=N, y2=N,
x3=N, y3=N)
N −> [ 0 : 31 : 2 ]
# F o r 3D g r a p h i c s
S −> s p h e r e ( r a d i u s =N, x=N, y=N, z=N)
| c u b e ( x0=N, y0=N, z0 =N,
x1=N, y1=N, z1 =N)
| c y l i n d e r ( x0=N, y0=N, z0 =N,
x1=N, y1=N, z1 =N, r a d i u s =N)
N −> [ 0 : 31 : 4 ]
In principle the 2D language admits arbitrary quadrilaterals. When generating synthetic training data
we constrain the quadrilaterals to be take the form of rectangles rotated by 45 increments, although in
principle one could permit arbitrary rotations by simply training a higher capacity network on more
CFG Our modified string editing language, based on [8] is defined as follows:
Program P −> c o n c a t ( E , . . , E ) (at most 6 E’s)
E x p r e s s i o n E −> F | N | N(N)
| N( F ) | C o n s t
S u b s t r i n g F −> Sub1 ( k ) Sub2 ( k )
| Span1 ( r ) Span2 ( i ) Span3 ( y )
Span4 ( r ) Span5 ( i ) Span6 ( y )
N e s t i n g N −> GetToken1 ( t ) GetToken2 ( i )
| ToCase ( s ) | GetUpTo ( r )
| GetFrom ( r ) | G e t A l l ( t )
| GetFirst1 ( t ) GetFirst2 ( i )
Regex r −> t | d
Type t −> Number | Word | AlphaNum
| D i g i t | Char | A l l C a p s
| P r o p e r | Lower
Case s −> A l l C a p s | P r o p C a s e | Lower
D e l i m i t e r d −> & , . ? !@( ) [ ] % { } / # $ : ; " ’
I n d e x i −> {−5 . . 6}
Boundary y −> S t a r t | End
String Editing We performed supervised pretraining for 24000 iterations with a batch size of
4000. We then performed REINFORCE for 12000 epochs with a batch size of 2000. Training took
approximately two days with one p100 GPU. We use the Adam optimizer wiht default settings.
Our Robustfill baseline was a re-implementation of the “Attn-A" model from [8]. We implemented
the “DP-beam" feature, wherein during test-time beam search, partial programs which lead to an
output string which is not a prefix of the desired output string are removed from the beam. We trained
for 50000 iterations with a batch size of 32. Training also took approximately two days with one
p100 GPU.
2D/3D Graphics We performed supervised pretraining with a batch size of 32, training on a random
stream of CSG programs with up to 13 shapes, for approximately three days with one p100 GPU. We
use the Adam optimizer wiht default settings. Over three days the 3D model saw approximately 1.7
million examples and the 2D model saw approximately 5 million examples. We fine-tuned the policy
using REINFORCE and trained the value network for approximately 5 days on one p100 GPU. For
each gradient step during this process we sampled B1 = 2 random programs and performed B2 = 16
rollouts for a total batch size of B = B1 × B2 = 32. During reinforcement learning the 3D model
saw approximately 0.25 million examples and the 2D model saw approximately 9 million examples.
For both domains, we performed no hyperparameter search. We expect that with some tuning, results
could be marginally improved, but our goal is to design a general approach which is not sensitive to
fine architectural details.
For both domains, we used a 2-minute timeout for testing for each problem, and repeatedly doubled
the beam/number of particles until timeout is reached.
String Editing We originally tested on string editing programs from [6] (comprising training tasks
from [4] and the test corpus from [19]), but found our performance was near ceiling for our model
(Figure 10). Thus, we designed our own dataset, as described in the main text. Generation code for
this dataset can be found in our supplement, in the file generate_test_robust.py.
with a separate CNN and sum their activations, i.e. a ‘Deep Set’ encoding [23]. The value function is
an additional ‘head’ to the pooled CNN activations.
Concretely the neural architecture has a spec encoder, which is a CNN inputting a single image, as
well as a canvas encoder, which is a CNN inputting a single canvas in the REPL state, alongside the
spec, as a two-channel image. The canvas encoder output activations are summed and concatenated
with the spec encoder output activations to give an embedding of the state:
stateEncoding(spec, pp) = specEncoder(spec) ⊗ canvasEncoder(spec,[[p]]) (5)
Figure 9: Top: Spec. Bottom rows (in order): SMC, policy rollouts, beam search with value, beam
search without value, no REPL
80 80
% of problems
80 80 80
40 40 80 80
Policy Rollout Policy
% of problems
% of problems
60 60
\% of problems solved
% of problems solved
40 Beam w/out value Beam
60 60
20 20
A* w/ value A* w/ v
0 0 0 0 A* w/out value A* w/o
40 40
0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 0 0 1 1 2 2
1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010
Nodes expanded
expanded Time
Time (seconds)
20 20
Figure 10: Results for String Editing tasks on dataset from [6]. Left: tasks solved vs number of nodes
expanded. Right: tasks
20 solved vs total time per task. Note that x-axes are log scale.
0 0
100 101 102 103 104 105 100
Nodes expanded Tim
0 14
100 101 102 103 104 105 100 101 102
Nodes expanded Time (seconds)
(’3/16/1997’, ’4/17/1986’, ’6/12/2003’, ’4/23/1997’)
(’date: 16 mo: 3 year: 1997’, ’date: 17 mo: 4 year: 1986’, ’date: 12 mo: 6 year: 2003’, ’date: 23 mo:
4 year: 1997’)
Const(d), Commit, Const(a), Commit, Const(t), Commit, Const(e), Commit, Const(:), Commit,
Const( ), Commit, Replace1(/), Replace2( ), GetToken1(Number), GetToken2(1),
Commit, Const( ), Commit, Const(m), Commit, Const(o), Commit, Const(:), Commit, Const( ),
Commit, GetUpTo(Number), Commit, Const( ), Commit, Const(y), Commit,
Const(e), Commit, Const(a), Commit, Const(r), Commit, Const(:), Commit, Const( ), Commit,
GetFrom(/), Commit
(’April 19, 2:45 PM’, ’July 5, 8:42 PM’, ’July 13, 3:35 PM’, ’May 24, 10:22 PM’)
(’April 19, approx. 2 PM’, ’July 5, approx. 8 PM’, ’July 13, approx. 3 PM’, ’May 24, approx. 10
GetUpTo( ), Commit, GetFirst1(Number), GetFirst2(-3), Commit, Const(,), Commit, Const( ),
Commit, Const(a), Commit, Const(p), Commit, Const(p), Commit, Const(r),
Commit, Const(o), Commit, Const(x), Commit, Const(.), Commit, Const( ), Commit, GetFrom(,),
GetFirst1(Digit), GetFirst2(3), GetFirst1(Digit), GetFirst2(-3), Commit,
Const( ), Commit, Const(P), Commit, Const(M), Commit
(’cell: 322-594-9310’, ’home: 190-776-2770’, ’home: 224-078-7398’, ’cell: 125-961-0607’)
(’(322) 5949310 (cell)’, ’(190) 7762770 (home)’, ’(224) 0787398 (home)’, ’(125) 9610607 (cell)’)
Const((), Commit, ToCase(Proper), GetFirst1(Number), GetFirst2(1), GetFirst1(Char), GetFirst2(2),
Commit, Const()), Commit, Const( ), Commit, GetFirst1(Number),
GetFirst2(5), GetFirst1(Char), GetFirst2(-2), GetToken1(Char), GetToken2(3), Commit, SubStr1(-
16), SubStr2(17), GetFirst1(Number), GetFirst2(4), GetToken1(Char),
GetToken2(-5), Commit, GetFirst1(Number), GetFirst2(5), GetToken1(Char), GetToken2(-5), Com-
mit, GetToken1(Number), GetToken2(2), Commit, Const( ), Commit,
Const((), Commit, GetUpTo(-), GetUpTo(Word), Commit, Const()), Commit
(’(137) 544 1718’, ’(582) 431 0370’, ’(010) 738 6792’, ’(389) 820 9649’)
(’area code: 137, num: 5441718’, ’area code: 582, num: 4310370’, ’area code: 010, num: 7386792’,
’area code: 389, num: 8209649’)
Const(a), Commit, Const(r), Commit, Const(e), Commit, Const(a), Commit, Const( ), Commit,
Const(c), Commit, Const(o), Commit, Const(d), Commit, Const(e), Commit,
Const(:), Commit, Const( ), Commit, GetFirst1(Number), GetFirst2(0), Commit, Const(,), Commit,
Const( ), Commit, Const(n), Commit, Const(u), Commit, Const(m),
Commit, Const(:), Commit, Const( ), Commit, GetFrom()), GetFirst1(Number), GetFirst2(2), Commit
Figure 11: Examples of long programs inferred by our system in the string editing domain.