SPM Unit 5 Notes PDF

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LECTURE NOTES PAPER UNIT- V STAFFING IN SOFTWARE PROJECTS Managing people Organizational behavior Best methods of staff selection Motivation The Oldham Posblom selung: + Mokivahre © Flannirg + Estmabing = Grbroling cod Oxproleing upsets Tk Ts Ke Povtees BE dividieg — Problem jy gs Sob—troblems ond awelgn Cah oub-frohlem te Indntdnnl) testy, Problems Ave Solves} Weir g avenlabe Beofle ip fe ne Steppe Who Were Newking Carnent ly . . 7 Tne Per pg LECTURE NOTES PAPER = Mohvahry > SE TS ie promey oy mobvaliy Ike Pearle who > Covvenkly Working om & Prsjak rs mobnien pretest halts Ko Peorle Je davatep Positiee alkijwdes or Howeby yields belben results There Sve Vores8 ways fo mochivake people. The noregemest Wed fo Consteantly mabivvke Kay Shy wena fe gredute A Smee Working Envirevment * Plvoni rg — TE deals oc tke plapning oe each mn) etry ber — tne duration o Sach aad} exery fest Show) be phos Se Hoy it Gm be finithy accoroyely. als planing Grune be peope ove Wortire on le Corned Gur Wik, Cored plaonirg + Estimalies? ads aciahy Aaale with he prodicpem dF People Alouk tery Performance: this grees sf Wowk wow fast people wi) Stee tere eae em a bese yp pacobs eee ene + Goobrllivg : jp WE Protesk Ge Com Prodi € fe aches involve) jo dovelap ing OPE: ~ Conbrlling vezouter, obrling Guks ats ired fs eal gerton rm ~ Vitel tack fn kis achivhg, asia CTs UE Protease agen ere [hey jn tls pope wou — |e jnvelved — y Paegorire P ‘ = ce Sdirg recdemmp Sbeuk a Prosect 5 rads ere te diseut meant fide we onye jn Cue J Ong Pobh-me WV Under tiemding People's Lebanon, OFC ers Va LECTURE NOTES PAPER & ORGANIZATIONAL REMAVIOR. — Shudies chor organizaloral Lelawer were dore by Frederick Tayler jn late 9% ond early 2 oth Centumes = Taylor aitemtted fo rely [Ke Mest preclwetive Losey a dang mronuc! tasks. =) Seer mare tas an ee gees Ge ag. Vag lesa nad_3 bese Foeeaies: Ie best feople too Job = be Selech oe e pastaneh Hee Jo Ihe best . ie ea TreesHvel WoRemieorne higher Wager to Ihe Jeet workers = NE g ~ Seeepramashtesiedy lee Tate oF ohh Strheed ont o@le na) eels Ghouls be Leven ints acouol gle alts Set laizect on lke Ienfertenee “f ngenforerennte eben! Pay! Gp [KE Wages Fo FE Workers cay) We Ftd Aaterling oo Hair pivferenate Teaser yes yas Sena ae Sltue), when Sergiy =) i se Jn Are, We we searcleng Smee ok a fait Gla beds an te weeeurene stab} worked beet This veserck Chesitd how UL Skye Fe mind of trowtons TFhentep Hear Prodnchiahy | —Pes wbihele toad divided 10 bea Nyt TF Hewses: Neyrortie Dheorg x Ok Theory y, . ee LECTURE NOTES PAPER wy Theory XL TE beds that * ee Tre auereng humen be an wwnade dis)ika Ap Werk. sufi here ot ead herafeel dow eaten retin orol contre! = Peorle ded be over seeggorsi bility. Theory yD hots Bek + Work ts 20 paternal @s HE oe phy ; + evkenne) wont! and Coesdon axe nob Ihe wag of Penne aro —ffert Brribel Lo word om owgentahan's ends + Comemtmenk te oped Is & akouated With Ker Achievertak to accept od eerie Paecdion up jig Twas + Te atone barn Gn las Seok “responsi lity o He Copatity Pe enrercise drm gea ie Gpnalipes ise wile dusfhbubed , Seleding Wee sicher ponies for te 3H kisi ond olkieg vess ads i le a Ceaoy IE oe zation) Yale dowwend by Taylor: = We forenleped, fe Sacer Of Selecting lls yar Person for fe Var dob- \whintle Gasrdo Shs dasclaemenk, Momy tPactoes Seok os ses fools ond rrelkects Whide ee eh, Shoda e Lahorn im to atGount — Tre Atfecence!? Ie Plvfoxeronte will be ble Ihe jedi dma Reotle, hicln Fs Vil lifacors — Hence, Trlr Svegcred tap th Ts eleny. letteh fo have Lest teeth Crnrlosed Fn IE ayy Wowk Te Ge mn ntipan Nea ord Ere Gon} edulis, a LECTURE NOTES PAPER > Recsikmeat Prowse >» we ig we Pah Se OFA! lehavion ovr) veggoncivi lity. — Ne Per promepec hat UE wesrensi Ml Re of-cheosing Ve Vig CCngan Fo LP Hai year —~ Merete. Ballin Cokegerineg ftefle fe xee natiran| Proen into d dyter: Trey owe 3) eligi Condidstes W) ulkWe Gedntder *Eligle Gudidaier have a Cures Cale Vitae Cov)? Wiel Shed, ger egylhe HEE ne-oy SPNE TT Aa Previow! vost Ord Use ger! Ronee awolupotor. acuallp ae Ihe Joh WP. While cele ral HIS Te Petron Thos te % + Salle Condidekes on A wren for HE Job, & taken jibe [aca Rechastenk pestis, ets D Uweake a Job Steafiahn > Reqwtremest oli job Wwoludirg VG yes bxget be Grmed our, Should ke 28¥eed BD Coe @ Job Welder (raile—> heat, Prepile US fren] rode Contin HB) polis, Geb Febins, educahun ood Crgetine 3 fertor WOMtin apehcatoot > peverfigennsdd Stoll be pleted fo fee: Jocel pret CH) nrewsmper, Ty Che By aiving Ike Shee, loction, Sob Store ord ole tential swaliftcobens, ae Apereole WI) be Sievited fo ke mort -weabiskc Gwdidates. 7 - , af LECTURE NOTES PAPER ‘bh ea W) Examine Curscalim Vitae > fe agehicatins Should Tye end Cavefilly omed This Com@ered With Job holder Profile And Suitelle. agelrcatime Gre filbened VD Conducheg iwlerviews > (flor Qramining Crscddam Viteels Sf Grlideler, inlamieus Are Conducted, Neje indude athhde Fests, pervorvlity bets vel ioe les oF Preview Work . eepaen op eer : = Hor Prt eh IB interes woul) be Sialua hing: Gr Goofixe rg clement in Ike CY- , Vi) OL Pavtedwes —y Refecentes wll reed Fo be bekancip| WhencWax Teeded Ba D LECTURE NOTES PAPER () ie Best Melkade of Staff Seledion — The yegronaiblly apie team Neadler becomes very high in Gaze of vecsuiing new Members ino lk Peary = Dhts Procasg fs not Cony, G0 ke ree me mbes m: ke weg) ine ovporstalen, if IE Prsjed Se alvensly— 111, }rotlememlabiene Siege. _ — fe team leccled Aout} be tigre ob Me. HHS, 2 OES Or) Ne veuly ecmuite,) Were Ghoul) pe asSeetey Continually. Tiss aueczweot eles io mer I tamonis of Ue projec. — Proper Pamiring Goold be gien te ath ordeven SHER inched ty NZ) Buelegment Opis foajech Pie tear moreges Sheuld MAKE clecitions Aboot wWetor je veulg wecrulted SPY member Wilf ger FeAmical Sngeriie bn tke Rrjer — Bis, Ihe tears rember Urol) Work om UE Presjed erd pay fo learn abou neo Yools ord Fecbniyoe —Pheteosrirg Protes mutt be sctwelly trp aonly by ie fear members aba Whok bn Orde te meet ir Oy ectives Reviews ore! pncpecezenp Should ke Conduches! “epelenly fo ger letter. ~wesules LECTURE NOTES PAPER < Motivation - = Moliwien is lz team hide mtams Yencamégemenh’. Be SO We feapie oe IS S)Kewige Calte} og mokvaten" _ mohvahre i geotle Plays a viK) we Fn develoring a Pasyech, ond Pheselny Tr Produced goad wessls SS ee ee ces aa Terzonc fox mohvabre fa feerie te Werk. — Sewe Sp Iie one Tagloris oda} Maslowls Wierexchy Bf ness + Yerzbert's Gao stder theory » > Expedonsp Theory oy mbvvtion - ted ; — TMs model js sefhcred jn ye Be ee 1 enownu fecha re acdug bing ; — Piece kes one Hose Where Werkerd one Pad} a Fined Sam Gor ad ite Vey Tretace — Prog voles Crease PFs IF o rew Sytem Wil chop werk Practices Dagarates Merb Payrren bh for Lyre Mowkad . — Pe amount fad) tof Works WI" nok djxectly vee bp menimi2e Ite ovrpeh tn order to animes Hei InCome - = Pe amount FF oper will pormly degrod Werkint BVP ard nok aged ON on Jrodividuoh — Rewends lpased an fie —v rie} payed. S — dixcchg be week prmtuced) , —/ wey) LECTURE NOTES PAPER. eD i — OS Ore rember of Sirona Study eg I S¢port Wer £250." hrc Seppe dofortmectdees Wel) beauze Wels a Fone , not Lecutewelte all Individuals. TThivge ile pte oy wong The Suppest team Go Werk Si Ceetefillg” To Nits Rind oy enrzrenmedk, ~vemernls Dylan Whrel, makes encersre l'sHrotions fey dawnage novel orel pando Sty —3n Mkts redhsg, bows Wi) be given bo lis Yarscly beam wembes, wWheo ke Projets Sutcesr fully Complehed, MessieialeWiexoncl aeons ae) Tus theowy JE susgettel by an Brrevicen phycloigtt, Dive Wade. poterdieg boi hic pansek, (a wobieHonsy- en individual wil) Vereg = $54 lower leed ap neade is SAbisfied Pho gradually. A hipher lex) a reads Cmnorges. Maslow CMBR the pends OPS 2 byes. )Begre racdt > TrcluAe drod, Shelter ond Peasora) Sajehy 2. bighTevel reads 5 48 ha, reed for " se _ackuali cation! (> Compete fulfilnent Gfobeotinl. =-cen @leyeo s Coldd —Normalhy, People GK mobivabed by cLffered thing ak differen shag g Uife- Free they Jocrenieg while always welcome, Provably have eee ietad on Uke mare meadow. Renfloyen who ir BN ee cceteWcal) ad 9A toon cia a Venlo easel ee ew ) LECTURE NOTES PAPER 2) terme bwo-fador I ; = Resear, inte doh SapiSfaciem by Herzberg ong Wis Slasher ust 2 ‘seo hort obeut & Job: J 1 My giene ov cnainberomse daders > Which Cnr make You Aassopistied fF key ore veh Walk, Dox Socom ple ME Yewe] a Pay Ow Ihe Working Cond font 2. Mobivafors 3 Vheh mole gou Seal trak Ike Jeb is worpulite jpea a Senge ap achiavement ov he Aaderg 9 he Weak ibse)f- Te ,Sntectoritt Heche ah rnebntion =f meade! Qe rropselten denehoped hI Vervom ond his Cal). 5 i Tb jevabifes 2 jafluectes oO moti valioo + haxpedonyy —> Je elit Mor wowtirg harder Wi? Jed Foie Lelter Pesformans : : 2 ushremedtality > Yc bebep teh veer Pevformanee wil ke qreinerdled , 2 Porcaiye) Value S Sp ke Wetting yew. —mepvebion willie high Wheel! 3 Cae Nigh. @ Coys level for omy one of |fa TRUet Sn Temeve motivation: LECTURE NOTES PAPER WG Oldham —Hackmen Job chowockesseice Medel. SS erratreriics Medel. — Pes meds) Is bagedion Jeb SetstOFen. older Cel Hack Mon Sate) tor Mere gee S Pabes which Byes Ie Yo Salistkchio he free 2 fades ote dee Jot’ ecornen Ps ke Peron Wro is deg iby « Shik Vesely <> Yrs ve. dp Aefferwaboeds do te Job bold Jos Ue ortosterihy te Prone, . “Jase Ddenbity > hte dagere to which four Worle ard its results ones idemi Fiabe 95 Lelerprge fo you . aTaSk Siamibicamce> fe Aegeae Fo AWIY Your Jab bes nn Fdlnenne, on Mins: — re ole tro Fachers OFF * = Pubemomy 5 fin dicereiin Be Jove Abert Ie Way Hed You de Ike job sfedback => lie infeemaien fou ger back Abowr ar selts oy York Work Melieds & Iotwseg Mahvation 70 | Wine edie he “Pages ore Parcafoer Ae Ife Folbesing o Sek stechic Gules Them sels vtad fo be Semardivg ore) yor accerfatle fo SAFE. valving S}app 10 Ike settirg ST pools bales bo sn qcaagence for farm, + protda Feedback petarbyde ten love fo be Set 5 Sheff hea) Wepela Feedback About” ber! They ore Regering. os A @ (e = Consider fob deslim -» Jobs Gn be atkeny go . Theen ose Joreneting nd aie Sibir more Jeline a respons Lilt. = Metered Gwe often used J® To moment % We grup at to knew eack oy ond pry ty Set +f Some Good tule ato OR i) Shosming > Goudy avise as Varous wembess Ua tep bay te exert Jealendine orb) Tevpls alkads tog opemlinm me Leirg esbbishad ii) Nosrming > Con tiie are Vareqady Seed ord) a foal; eR Beep ienhy Sriegeg Wlerfosmings fre emehoris is pow on ike tases at borg VY) Helfownivg s Pha qaenp eltsbands \qheable ~ Good ab Calcite ideas ond Pokenkat Solute ove wy ene ee beat one OTe Shaper wahy a Woeser, Whe helps be dite [= Eeare's attention bk im forint Teed 3) Ne Keam Workers skiveq of Creative « olor envirooment. ave S ) i LECTURE NOTES PAPER (a Ne veorne Investigator 9 ander <} jinding wetones Mnteams ete beth Phygiad Fetountes and infornalion Fe Comleter—finithey >» Cn@aned with Compebre tune The Lomein wserrkug > a Grol Leam Plyty who i Wire fo Unlite ley altradive tusks iF Nha Ore hoaded fox Year tuttess- Set perforce. 2 THs Leen thon Individealt coor Te potest 3 Lael Yo te Sore Work Yelle belfer Whelts IF Gaved out aga Tenn) While “S6RRe Rake ave” SRB) dewoalt Me work °F Comgartinesilized Safin Tndivialcal bows: ees ee eee 1) PARIIVE Laake > oe Ha neppeets EE Sich Pititi pam ane iiy Ye geen gree TR! (29 Gomg clear Sadw 1) de contentions Sey ee Members Axe Pooled So thab Ihe Razor a Some are Comytntated for by Ne Intuye from citzre - (£8) Todivdlia) mem bevd 4X Group axe Aken} FO Reso Rokinmled Of SAfort needed bo Produce < Piece. Siw ord vetulls axe Tre| averaged WD Diitnesk Stee 1 Sep oe ERMINE, The Aedivences of yroup depends on, Someone. Cont or with Ie Homer W) Gonjhnctive busts > oxe Whive Propel 8 poverty be whe oy Shensert Gerformen - - (25) Shi pyecychon where Prgrep Prverty boy Te ote 1 lee Performer, = ve a a) es Jeok Jn Wik whic grevgs Gn mate decors, WE reed fe Jered Leams + IE daatien TARE Proters 2 Skucboral + qencrely solodively ¢ lamoust- sash od unto tetany Hoje) Tielie. Goma warte| Obsiades be (Gosh Bestaren MS. wa}ion\ ofp rack PB daetdien mpking tworey panengeonnsl decisions in Ke ren Worl Petre on} bated on MComilde [vhopve Fainking. Gr exomnile, }) Fawley Peuvstics— pewssics OF ES OE Frame! an be upd we the ove dangerst, estalain xf Coomiteent — is vefors Jolie ry Hobemtel SS Wavry 1) Sygetmatiin overtend — BETS Possible fe have foo muck. LECTURE NOTES PAPER ye Cigion Meh Before We Gan loo eve Closely ob Ne effectivene _pecitsens com'se Cipegor zed ot veing - Semple, Ke dackions Whee gales dan be opeied THe Sed y- red pera 7d WME, oF Unsrudere) —S most eee ers kegree| = Unshuk op comakvily. Speen ween Peres oe astm 7s be Ia A Te ated TE ytpy SEAR Shoehned, however Ore Mola Unborn Tnfoxwe Ban SW auinne of rrenkl” Syseded Fe effective they ace bagel on informa Hal Js fe heed, wolf Misleading - . 1 Hayne Goch om cPavagu(te, Such ak ACP Ire a telghmen mo @ mae Woke chefce theeb am aubizz lecuye "wel Prove! Sah Be wlth Ove «Sven Singing ooo haa erede & deciten jE jc incre es ee eee rey hy Ger TE ewe Pr ae pte dace: ry reall Inpro hin . =) LECTURE NOTES PAPER CH Groep Decigian Nets Lrerp Decision tole : = Deen ads team > * Whe orcemove) italy joe acarhed than test — psgane Her lle pushy oot genre Coeoively 5 jane been Coottaly bybifed , eSeand— would tO eee ob aden Sano Pres When I mikes Fe. trnr ore Corrtlrentedsy~ SEDs ancl CeperiSe- : ~ Gyeeps deal Jeg effecuely With foowy Shyer Probleme reading Orenhve Sapiens: J ~ RAS bming bechotjvex Corn help Reyes fo) Sihaalstn Lu Sakeands thes Hol Poort eftco Lom wp wish fhoye Wark WWdivideally Hem inen Gaeep. Oyshnclee_ te Leen) SEE en Seay Prmenda Cold fired Hel ibn Wo HS, sp ys) Hike Gens! aoe See Shine Cons tds Lining shee 9 sedans "Ga er ONY, Jobbeenced IF oreo Perec Hes . + GRRE tony dost he. Jeigjrno nobel be ep vey Measorcs por Radae Ihe clisaduen=B4 Syrup de ssn raking Ore meld op making Sreup dee Hw making mont obpccea ard Sfpecive 1S ba Tretning members Pilow a sch vp Crvceduns —pelphs teenie erdenvorS bo ware the judgements Spa wed Onfenge Sorat achaolly Lixin jem fret fa. Crna Probl bE Fellows np Procedane| Hop ene Tented greepseein oting kel Is G@ruve} out, ‘ a LECTURE NOTES PAPER @ De Cooperation Goa Yo oy Sogewde Ys On) irhep a ~ Ne poatlem 5 Prefented to orneperts - V Phe experts Meerd Nhgy ~weamerinda hens VP Loletded WAfongex, ove wWeGrulote/ , V The enyers Comment on (Ge ideas et-olhess ord mebiy lhe ~etoentrendabins 3 Se moved enw Dene fabres: AP Succes AQ mov Sole Essgend Where one Yayes Seek Hob emo Jsin fosifimte cess a gee) povided wile bl Das rs an exornple 4 tear head Ail nerd Wher Group members ME Gwoce of [le achubes o oltre Po tenbdhwe fg Overall grep Cute ord (oo Jdtotty caleags| Ot Supperbre ftot Con Fb bwion- E Sppleas Povgearoring: Te exicg clays 4 Cocepifty dewbepreia rareters Corded fo Print op Ses deb leher AS Comoining ‘nutter Wiis Ine rnechine - The eden, Ws Fertte propre mmmecs PF Poo pre tome al wing Gm extention Jp Hamidved mel fo feel Wer Pyofedive founds Reels RG CBedeae stan I motnintrabi ly of frofims Gr ke insgned —Pepees loll ewe jo Spper g Commer Property of a heprammigg BE ay Pregrmmni GE would lewre | egress), Chick Pregwammer Teams: ~The lager I Ranchero “QRey Ie Sours JF Weems LER Bow fs 0 de porbinen Or Fernie) Mnbo teams? 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YP Whe ee ond work WA deen’ CR Wer WH MSL Ha Posie advan HE Sad a Qormgemen £, 1) A redrclion im Gait Goss by une cakes ore lwo. isur dee devweler He Coundries Ohare i) PR Im Fhe overheads Hobenice trom Jordee IRE 0%] Snpljeer an Site, jothude —Gake oy _OcCommadsdien Secin) Seam Payowals teeming ii) The Hempel Me agp — Hey arent) OrrPleyty Alen Ka, ce. not needed « WO Geodachdhy mite be hikes: D Use IF Gewdish Sh for GpeaHCIS ee thon moet, Opmared paded— reeked mip Imtwve Swlity . WD Plveminge of Sie Lebrige, If Go be teken Oe People Working fin difPtetet Lire “Zora FO edu Pyk duncdion ¢ Gere Rrcmmple Shi daselatrrs Con Adliver ress Virkiony Code jo testers WA Aiffererk ime Zore Who Com beat [E Codd Aeliveg HK WOR bose ab fee Ser F |e rash Working| — —-.a. LECTURE NOTES PAPER a ~ Sore & lke Hedlerget of disperted Wortirg ave, D The veasnemeets for work fret is Aiktmbted te contondord Jove Fete Corvesully seesFied 2) Commtirohin of disperse) Wovkar Gr be ARudlt- 3) Mere omy be & Jad ob Eeath Of Cactorhert Whe are emmore On vover Lean WD Pisegemenk Of HE ulihy ef dabiveredetredact (IV) neuf do be frornyle a S DisPereot Lyre Zonet Con ange Cammumahat wd Gordinghoy Packeans LECTURE NOTES PAPER I) Communication Gonvet — axe wind Week Bes bY ih HNeogues in kts Pork de Cates Ww Pasar OrFani AIMS, le omgeriitabien, or Some ae eres Teen en een ere ee of vejou Telked of Gammunt atien oe aren hey been to try slcofify Cormmunicatiin Benves We He ompects lke Fechnia) Maas G Commun! Gia. ~ Gor Some Tytes ceremmun’ tabion Sudh os ofpres rankings Piege ewlea Mir be We formal Oi 9 KE reac) Wendie 9 “ mowegened: meatirpt! Phere Cold be Seen a8 BtAme in Shwe own WR Pe Grenl handing oF e-mes) Communiahion Senve, advemta} Omos) betel RPI Gon be developed Whee ta Content oF IS eavt) ts strudwap by Pressl Peefermat Arsigred fo ff) A Ghawdand procest, Sachod Yprepting charge! ton he creation, Hf mayor jnfluene on Ie nabyet of Gmmuniaben Qenved fS Ike Guskeounis op Mere ond f)ste. modes fe Comeunigtm Gm i Ghegeten] ad Compivahins of 2 oPvositess Dana Hee) Mi fPeven) time any) ifpovect Pate Asean) below. Davee pce] TY Garr fale L pisteenr flac neces Somme Tene | Meng, Sohavienyebe Jedephor® , Inglorn + Obes ofc. Dex 1 ee P igec00 holes Eons), Vieron), Dotumedt eae i LECTURE NOTES PAPER wD ( Pe nehne opts Date boke Gonvetpd also head >) do ve consideve} . DW FSUG extent ocd Comyplenihy of fhe P telephone Coversabiin Ody be AVUMY Apatch Wa Covers Slngle megege DTS St Aug be Uleerd ? ee te TS lhe Gomben wel Inova te bol Sender ord secaitiont? JF 5€ is Vikaly Warrewigienk wi) need Undhasen Sy ssregs of Ihe doin, Thea amale of Communiaven i Dey 3) Where K lormmuntajin 3 Pertorelly Sensihve, Han tate pe. face Contag- Ts Te rrosh Sffe de Sen Of Comimunrayay Crem The Go ke Uncomfortable OF TO Comemienb Jor theme Can taihe] BAG Sages gp proke ih is likely ap Lifferent Commmunicakin geraee wil le preferred. Ports arren Cy Dae ; ~ Atle Set gle Prejek, Ram mentors wi) toay build up thar Prubond Coniidente Op (Keir ConWovkars ~ Pre dispersed PrsjerS OF Clavles hondy hu walbeo, wnization becomes , |; mere doks bo ke Go nveyogo "Pormdowitalg ja mere Viniueld on & its Qeorle yosd fo Meer ix (erkor'!. — We

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