Music, Arts, Pe & Health

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Matrix of Curriculum Standards (Competencies),

with Corresponding Recommended Flexible Learning Delivery Mode and Materials per Grading Period


Grade 2 ARTS

Week of Learning competencies Learning LR Link (if available Assessment

the (Grade 2 Arts) Exemplars/ Developer online) (provide a
Learning Resources link if online)
Period Available
Week 1. describes the different styles of Filipino artists when they
1 / 1st Q create portraits and still life (different lines and colors)
Week 2. differentiates the contrast between shapes and colors of
2 / 1st Q different fruits or plants and flowers in one’s work and in the
work of others
Week 3 3. draws the different fruits or plants to show overlapping of
& 4 / 1st shapes and the contrast of colors and shapes in his colored
Q drawing
Week 5
& 6 / 1st 4. draws from an actual still life arrangement
Week 7 5. draws a portrait of two or more persons - his friends, his
& 8 / 1st family, showing the differences in the shape of their facial
Q features (shape of eyes, nose, lips, head, and texture of the
6. narrates stories related to the output
8 / 1st Q
Week 1. describes the lines, shapes, colors, textures, and designs
1 / 2nd Q seen in the skin coverings of different animals and sea
creatures using visual arts words and actions.
Week 2. points out the contrasts in the colors, shapes, textures
2 /2nd Q between two or more animals
Week of Learning competencies Learning LR Link (if available Assessment
the (Grade 2 Arts) Exemplars/ Developer online) (provide a
Learning Resources link if online)
Period Available
Week 3 3. designs with the use of drawing and painting materials
& 4 / 2nd the sea or forest animals in their habitats showing their
Q unique shapes and features, variety of colors and textures in
their skin.
Week 5 4. creates designs by using two or more kinds of lines, colors
& 6 / 2nd and shapes by repeating or contrasting them, to show
Q rhythm
Week 7 5. uses control of the painting tools and materials to paint
& 8 / 2nd the different lines, shapes and colors in his work or in a
Q group work
6. design an outline of a tricycle or jeepney on a big paper
with lines and shapes that show repetition, contrast and
Week 1/ 1. differentiates natural and man-made objects with repeated
3rd Q or alternated shapes and colors and materials that can be
used in print making
Week 2/ 2. creates a consistent pattern by making two or three prints that
3rd Q are repeated or alternated in shape or color
Week 3-
3. carves a shape or letter on an eraser or kamote, which can be
4 / 3rd Q painted and printed several times

Week 5-
6 / 1st Q 4. creates a print on paper or cloth using cut-out designs

Week 7-
5. participates in a school/district exhibit and culminating
8 / 3rd Q
activity in celebration of the National Arts Month (February)
Week 1/ 1. discusses the artistry of different local craftsmen in
4th Q creating:
1.1 taka of different animals and figures in Paete,
1.2 sarangola, or kites
Week of Learning competencies Learning LR Link (if available Assessment
the (Grade 2 Arts) Exemplars/ Developer online) (provide a
Learning Resources link if online)
Period Available
1.3 banca, native boats from Cavite, and coastal towns
Week 2/
2. Answer a brief diagnostic assessment on giving value and
4th Q
importance to the craftmanship of local artists.
Week 3- 3. identifies 3-dimensional crafts found in the locality giving
4/ 4th Q emphasis on their shapes, textures, proportion and balance
Week 5- 4. executes the steps in making a paper mache with focus on
6/ 4th Q proportion and balance
Week 7- 5. creates a clay human figure that is balanced and can stand
8/ 4th Q on its own

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