CLASS X (2019-20) Social Science (Code 087) Sample Paper-19: Section A

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Social Science X Sample Paper 19 Unsolved


CLASS X (2019-20)
Time Allowed : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 80
General Instructions :
(i) The question paper has 35 questions in all.
(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.
(iii) Questions from serial number 1 to 20 are objective type questions. Each question carries one
mark. Answer them as instructed.
(iv) Questions from serial number 21 to 28 are 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions should
not exceed 80 words each.
(v) Questions from serial number 29 to 34 are 5 marks questions. Answer of these questions should
not exceed 120 words each.
(vi) Question number 35 is a map question of 6 marks with two parts-35 a. from History (2 marks) and
35 b. from Geography (4 marks).

Q1. Match the following items given in Column A with those in Column B. Choose the correct answer
from the options given below: [1]
(A) Haematite (i) Copper
(B) Bauxite (ii) Iron
(C) Dolomite (iii) Calcium
(D) Cuprite (iv) Aluminium

Q2. Resources which are found in a region, but have not been utilised are called [1 ]
(a) Potential (b) Developed
(c) Stock (d) Reserve

Q3. Study the picture and answer the question that follows. [1]

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Social Science X Sample Paper 19 Unsolved

Which of the following aspect best signifies this image of The courier of Rhineland’?
(a) Victories of Napolean
(b) Difficulties faced by Napolean
(c) Loses of Napolean
(d) Journey of Napolean

Q4. In which Congress session the Non-Cooperation programme was adopted? [1]
(a) Wardha (b) Bombay
(c) Lahore (d) Nagpur

Q5. Banks and Cooperative sector are included in which sector of loan? [1]
(a) Informal (b) Formal
(c) Credit (d) Saving

Q6. Identify which of the following statements is not true about globalization. [1]
(a) Globalisation is the process of rapid integration between countries.
(b) It is movement of more and more investments and technology between countries.
(c) Globalisation is introduction of restrictions or barriers by the government.
(d) It is movement of more and more goods and services between countries.

Q7. Literacy Rate measures the proportion of literate population in the age group: [1]
(a) Above 5 years (b) Above 12
(c) Above 7 years (d) Above 6 years

Q8. Which subjects are not included in the Union List? [1]
(a) Foreign affairs (b) Banking
(c) Communications (d) Trade

Q9. Which one of the following option best signifies following cartoon? [1]

(a) No party wins all votes of a caste or community

(b) Political leaders treat people belonging to a particular caste as vote bank
(c) Elections are all about castes.
(d) No parliamentary constituency in India has clear majority of a single caste

Q10. Correct the following statement and rewrite:

Communal Politics is based on the idea that language is the principal basis of social community. [1]
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Economic equality is promoted much superiorly by democracy than any other form of government

Q11. The ........... is the largest public sector undertaking in India. [1]

Q12. The countries of east of the Mediterranean which majorly referred to Asia were called ........... [1]
........... machine introduced in 1764 speeded up the spinning process and reduced labour demand.

Q13. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read
the statements and choose the correct option. [1]
Assertion (A) : Not all the money that is deposited in the bank by the depositors is kept by the banks
Reason (R) : They use it to extend loans, so that the difference between interest earned and interest
given becomes a source of income.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is correct but R is wrong
(d) A is wrong but R is correct

Q14. Government negotiate with _____ for fair rules in order to make globalisation fairer. [1]
Banks initiate digital transfer of _____ through _____ card.

Q15. _____ is the area over which someone has legal authority [1]

Q16. Who said, “Printing is the ultimate gift of God and the greatest one”? [1]
How had hand printing technology introduced in Japan?

Q17. Which is the most common route for investment by MNCs in countries around the world? [1]

Q18. Complete the following table with regard to information about political parties: 1

Type of party No. of states % of total votes required No. of seats assembly/ Lok sabha reqd.
State 1 6% (B) - ?
National (A) - ? 6% in Lok Sabha or 4
Assembly elections

Q19. Name the industry which is self-reliant and complete in the value chain. [1]
How is over-irrigation responsible for land degradation in Punjab?

Q20. Ritwik studying in class XI in Delhi was admitted to a private hospital for an appendicitis operation. A
surgeon performed the operation under general anesthesia. Due to improper anaesthesia he developed
brain abnormalities and was crippled for life.
Analyse the information given above and choose the correct option as to where his family should apply
for compensation. [1]

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(a) File an RTI

(b) The State Consumer Redressal Commission.
(c) State Consumer Court
(d) None of the above.

Q21. How was Rowlatt Act opposed by the people in India? Explain with examples. [3]
19th century indentured labour has been described as a ‘New system of slavery’. Explain.

Q22. State any three characteristics of commercial farming in India. [3]

Distinguish between ferrous and non-ferrous minerals.

Q23. Read the sources given below and answer the questions that follow: [1 + 1 + 1=3]
Source A : Accountable, responsive and legitimate government
There are some things that democracy must provide. In a democracy, we are most concerned with
ensuring that the people will have the right to choose their rulers and people will have control over
the rulers. Whenever possible and necessary, citizens should be able to participate in decision making,
that effects them all Therefore, the most basic outcome of democracy should be that it produces a
government that is accountable to citizens, and responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens.
Source B : Economic growth and development
If all democracies and all dictatorships for the last 50 years i.e. between 1950 — 2000 are considered,
dictatorships have a higher rate of economic growth. The inability of democracy to achieve higher
economic development is worrying. But this alone cannot be a reason to reject democracy. Economic
development depends on several factor: Country; population, size, global situation, cooperation from
other countries, economic priorities adopted by the country, etc. Overall, we cannot say that democracy
is a guarantee of economic development. But we can expect democracy not to lag behind dictatorships
in this respect.
Source C : Reduction of inequality and poverty
Perhaps more than development it is reasonable to expect democracies to reduce economic disparities.
Democracies are based on political equality. All individuals have equal weight in electing representatives
Parallel to this there are growing economic inequalities. A small number of ultra- rich enjoy a highly
dsproportinate share of wealth and incomes. Those at the bottom of the society have very little to
depend upon. Sometimes they find it difficult to meet their basic needs of life, such as food, clothing,
house, education and health.
Source A: Accountable, responsive and legitimate government
23 (1) Define democracy in a single sentence on the basis of the above extract. (1)
Source B : Economic growth and development
23 (2) State the factors which are responsible for a democracy’s economic growth. (1)
Source C : Reduction of inequality and poverty
23 (3) Justify the statement Democracies have successfully eliminated economic inequalities between
people.’ (1)
Q24. The Supreme Court’s order to bring down the influence of money and criminals in politics is still
fraught with defects. Discuss. [3]

Q25. In a nation, communalism has different repercussions on the minds majority and minority religious
groups. How? [3]
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Q26. Why is modern currency accepted as a medium of exchange without any use of its own? Find out the
reason. [3]
Why do people deposit their money in bank?

Q27. How is tertiary sector different from other sectors? Give examples. [3]
How do we count various goods and services for calculating Gross Domestic Product (G.D.P.) of a
country? Explain with example.

Q28. “For development, people look at a mix of goals.” Support the statement with three suitable examples. [3]

Q29. What difference did printing technology make in the lives of women and children in the 19th century?
Explain. [5]
Explain the attitude of the Indian merchants and the industrialists towards the ‘Civil Disobedience’
Movement [5]
Q30. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow: [5]
The ideas of national unity in early-nineteenth-century Europe were closely allied to the ideology of
liberalism. In the economic sphere liberalism stood for the freedom of markets and the abolition of
state-imposed restrictions on the movement of goods and capital During the nineteenth century this was
a strong demand of the emerging middle classes. Napolean had created a confederation of 39 states.
Each of them had their own currency, weights and measures. A customer travelling from Hamburg to
Nuremberg in 1833 to sell his goods had to pass through 11 customs barrier and peg a customs dug of
about 5 percent at each one of them. Duties were often levied according to the weight or measurement
of the goods. As each region had its own system of weights and measures, it was a time consuming
calculation. The measure of cloth, was the elk which in each region stood for a different length. S elk
of textile in Frankfurt got a person 54.7 cm of cloth, in Mainz 55.1 cm, in Nuremberg 65.6 cm, in
Freiburg 53.5 cm.
(i) What were the ideas of national unity in the early nineteenth century similar to? (1)
(ii) What was the ideology of Liberalism? (2)
(iii)Why was trading in nineteenth century a tedious process? (2)
Q31. Explain the pro-active approach adopted by the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) for
preserving the natural environment and resources. [5]
How is biogas produced? Why is it called ‘Gobar gas plant’ in rural areas?

Q32. Cotton textile industry has a large concentration in and around Maharashtra and Gujarat. Give three
reasons to support the statement. Mention any two problems faced by cotton textile industry. [5]

Q33. Explain and list five key features of federalism. [5]

Q34. Differentiate between an organised and unorganised sector. [5]

Q35. (a) Two places A and B have been marked on the given political outline map of India. Identify them
with the help of the following information and write their correct names on the lines drawn near
them. 1 × 2=2
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A. The place known for Indigo Plantation Movement.

B. The place where session of Indian National Congress held in September 1920.
(b) On the same outline map of India locate and label any four of the following with suitable symbols.
(i) Mumbai — Cotton Textile Industry.
(ii) Singrauli — Thermal power plant.
(iii)Tuticorin — Seaport
(iv) Indore — Cotton textile industry:
(v) Namrup — Thermal power plant
(vi) Bhadravati — Iron and Steel plant


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