Baseline Risk Assessment1 PDF
Baseline Risk Assessment1 PDF
Baseline Risk Assessment1 PDF
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Risk Matrix Analysis (Risk = probability x impact)
Low (1) Medium (2) High (3) Very High (4)
Low (1) 1 2 3 4
Medium (2) 2 4 6 8
High (3) 3 6 9 12
Very High 4 8 12 16
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Risk assessment Action plan
Task step Describe individual risk +Raw risk Risk management *Residual risk Additional measures (if Responsible Action Date Records
consequence C P R. RR /Control measures C P R.S RR necessary) person
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1.Personnel Employee Absent / Sick; 3 2 6 M Good Human Relationships with 3 1 3 L Consequence Construction At Inception. Warnings;
Absent / high Company leave; workforce; Management System; Supervisor; Contractual
turnover or poor Incidents / Accidents; Signed agreements by both parties; Risk Assessment where Clerk. Agreements.
attendance Unknown hazards not Re-evaluation of Hazards will be done by no information is
identified; Construction Supervisor; available;
Poor performance; Appropriate placing of personnel; All attendance to be
Personal problems; Good two-way communication. recorded.
Individual has other Legal Liability Impact;
priorities; Commercial Impact;
Project Delay;
Strike Action;
Stay away;
2.Loss of Frustration; 3 1 3 L Monthly Audits; 3 1 3 L Construction Supervisor Construction At Inception. Audits;
Communication Lack of Communication; Provide sufficient and reliable has Cell phone; Management; Transmittals;
Not following communication systems; Use of electronic back- . E-mail.;
Standards; Report back on conversations up system; SMS.
Project Delays; Regular meetings conducted. Standardization on
Follow own decision; communication and
Frustration due to signals;
poor/inadequate/ Copy of safety
Complicated system. documentation to be
submitted to Client via
3.Loss of Confidential 3 2 6 M Quality System 3 1 3 L Verification on All Admin At Inception Internal Audits;
Documentation Information at risk; Safety, Health & Environmental documents. Personnel & Filing System;
Delay of project work; Management System Controlled filing system. Construction Back- up System;
Financial loss; Back-up system e.g. Management Transmittal
Lost documents; scanned documents or System.
Unsigned documents; electronic system.
No Transmittal used;
Loss of future clients;
4.Employee Injury 3 3 9 H Verification of training, certificates and 3 1 3 L Ensure correct Construction At Inception Competency
Incompetence Damage competency. placement of all Supervisor Certificates;
Project Delay. Verification of skills by supervision. individuals. Job Observation.
Not aware of Client /Principle Contractor Induction. Supervisor does a job Activity Risk
consequences. Internal Training and correct placement of observation. Assessment
Takes a chance. individuals. Supervisor does mini risk DSTI
Comply with legal requirements.
Follows own discretion. assessment prior to
Provide additional training, as required.
activity and ensures
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Risk assessment Action plan
Task step Describe individual risk +Raw risk Risk management *Residual risk Additional measures (if Responsible Action Date Records
consequence C P R. RR /Control measures C P R.S RR necessary) person
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Fails to follow a direct Induction done and acknowledged by every team member
order. employee before work commences. understands what must
Lack of knowledge. Employees made aware that other be done and how it must
Unfamiliar equipment. employees may also be working in the be done.
Employees made aware of potential
congestion and mobile equipment
5, Non- Failure to adhere to 3 3 9 H Adhere to Client Health & Safety 3 1 3 L Audit to be conducted. Safety Officer At Inception Audits
Compliance to required standards Specification. Consequence
Legal Legal Liability Impact; Adherence to Safety, Health & Management
Requirements Commercial Impact; Environmental Management System System
6.Behaviour / Lack of knowledge/ skill 4 3 12 H Consequence Management System. 4 1 4 L Safety Toolbox Talks; Construction At Inception Client Induction;
Attitude Uncertain Zero Tolerance; Competent Personnel Manager; Principle
Taking a chance Non-conformance System Induction training Construction Contractor
Using own initiative Supervisor; Induction;
Unsafe Acts Safety Officer Company
Ignoring Induction;
Negligence Toolbox Talks;
Aggression Competency
Negative Behavior Certificates
Diversity of
Fear / Phobia
Family Responsibilities
Inadequate mental /
physical capacity
Not listening
Not Understanding
Stress / Workload
Poor Management
7.Injuries and DoL Investigations. 3 3 9 H Trained First Aiders on Site. 3 1 3 L Risk Assessment for Construction At Inception Incident
Incidents Lost Workday Case; Equipment readily available for First Aid. every task Supervisor; Investigation
Restricted Workday Near Miss Investigations. Method Statement on Safety Officer Records
Case; Corrective Actions followed up. how task must be DSTI’s;
Medical Treatment Exercise of emergency Procedure. conducted. Emergency Drills;
Cast; DSTI Corrective Action
First Aid Treatment; Internal Training Sessions. List;
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Risk assessment Action plan
Task step Describe individual risk +Raw risk Risk management *Residual risk Additional measures (if Responsible Action Date Records
consequence C P R. RR /Control measures C P R.S RR necessary) person
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Near Miss Incident; Safety Feedback Report. Supervisor talks to Meetings.
Health Impact; employees and monitors
Quality Impact; team.
Environmental Impact; Stop Work Safety Talks.
Legal Liability Impact; Discussed on SHE
Commercial Impact; Committee Meetings.
Occupational Diseases;
Hearing Loss Claims
8.Unknown high Unknown Hazards 3 4 12 H Do Inductions. 3 1 3 L Client to inform Construction At Inception Pre-checks;
risks Hazard not anticipated. Toolbox Talks; Contractor of potential Supervisors DSTI; Inspections;
Short Cut taken. Near misses reported; hazards in area. Incident
Failure to follow All available Risk Assessments. Close liaison between investigation;
procedure or acknowledged by employee; Client Safety Toolbox Talk topic
instruction. Pre-check done by employee; Department and used;
Taking a chance. Any incident, no matter how small, Contractor. Risk Assessments
Horseplay or teasing. reported to Safety Department, as soon utilized.
Unfamiliar with work as possible.
Being inquisitive of
surrounding area.
Do not observe work
area potential hazard.
Hurry to complete
9. Pregnant and Excessive Noise. 3 2 6 M Health and safety is a priority. 3 1 3 L Re-allocate to an easier Construction At Inception HR Records
Breast Feeding Vibration. working environment. Supervisor
Women Radiation.
Electromagnetic fields.
Electrical fields.
Radio-active activities.
10. Under the Alcohol used on site. 3 3 9 H No employee will be allowed to work 3 1 3 L Zero tolerance. Construction At Inception Alcohol Test
influence of Drug use on site. when suspected to be under the Immediate dismissal. Supervisors; Record
intoxicating Weapons brought to influence of alcohol or drugs. Safety Officer
substance. site. Random checks will be undertaken.
Certain medication The Safety Officer has a right to remove
causing drowsiness. any person from site should the
behaviour of the employee deem to be
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Task step Describe individual risk +Raw risk Risk management *Residual risk Additional measures (if Responsible Action Date Records
consequence C P R. RR /Control measures C P R.S RR necessary) person
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11. Cameras and Lack of concentration. 3 2 6 M No cellphones allowed whilst working on 3 1 3 L Confiscation of Construction At Inception Warnings issued.
cellphones on Disobeying rules. site. cellphone. Supervisors;
site Contravention of No pictures are allowed to be taken on Consequence Safety Officers
private information. site without the Clients permission. Management Procedure
Should an incident occur you are not
allowed to phone and tell anyone
without the Construction Managers
12. Dangerous Injury 3 2 6 M No guns, weapons or potential 3 1 3 L Management to Construction At Inception Consequence
Weapons Fighting on Site traditional weapons are allowed on site maintain a good Supervisors; Management
or are allowed to be made on site. relationship with Safety Officers Procedure.
employees. Zero Tolerance.
13.Theft Loss of income 3 2 6 M No stealing allowed. 3 1 3 L Incident Investigation Construction At Inception Zero Tolerance
Project Delay Supervisors
14.Animal & Allergic Reactions 4 3 12 H Toolbox Talk Awareness – bees like 4 1 4 L Contact numbers Construction At Inception Hygiene Record;
Insects: - Lost Time Incident. cardboard boxes; wasps like cable available for Pest Supervisor; Housekeeping
Bee Stings; Fatal Incident drums; Control. Safety Officer record;
Wasp Stings; Animal diseases Protection of Fauna and Flora Disposal of Carcinogenic Waste Disposal
Cats poo; Health Problems No feeding of animals allowed on site. Material done Record.
Mosquitoes Poor Hygiene on site Good housekeeping practices enforced. appropriately
Pigeons poo;
Snakes bites;
Spiders bites;
Rats and mice
Monkeys attack
for food.
15.Environmenta Poor Health 4 3 12 H Environmental Management Plan 4 1 4 L Contact Client before Construction When Incident Report;
l: - COID Claims No fires allowed on site. remediation is done. Supervisor. incident Proof that
Sand Blasting Legal Litigation Cases Spills or contamination shall be reported Incident Investigation Environmental occurs. remediation was
grit; Lost Time Case immediately. undertaken. Appointee undertaken.
Spray painting Loss of jobs due to Rainfall will be recorded, if required. Report to relevant
residue; Pending cases Department, if
Poor publicity necessary.
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Task step Describe individual risk +Raw risk Risk management *Residual risk Additional measures (if Responsible Action Date Records
consequence C P R. RR /Control measures C P R.S RR necessary) person
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Oil Spillage in Wood may not be removed from site Client policy regarding
ground; without a gate release. Cable drum Fauna and Flora
Metal fumes in wood is carcinogenic, do not burn.
air; Batteries in well ventilated area not in a
Battery fumes in room.
room; Hydrant water causes ill health.
Industrial Water Weather monitored and decided by
not clean; Construction Supervisor and Safety
Fire hydrant Officer.
Borehole water;
Standing still
Wood on site fire
16.Waste Poor housekeeping 4 3 12 H Follow Waste Management Plan. 4 1 4 L Audits and review Construction Daily Audit Reports;
Management: - Incidents Employees made aware of importance Competent personnel; Supervisor. Waste Disposal
Wood; Accidents of consistent waste disposal. General inspections; Environmental Record Keeping;
Plastic; Poor Health Quantities of paint, rags, oil etc. used on Induction training; Appointee Corrective Actions
Rags; Soil Contamination site shall be kept to a minimum. Safety, Health and list
Scrap Metal; Environmental
Management System;
Material Safety Data
Oil & Grease;
Off-cuts; Site Walk About;
Grinding Discs; Construction Supervision;
Cutting Blades; Toolbox Talks;
Chemical; Waste Removal with
Domestic disposal certificates
Client policy regarding
Fauna and Flora
Waste recycle program.
17.Nature / Ill Health 3 3 9 H The Construction Supervisor and the 3 1 3 L Keep record of the lost Construction Daily Daily Dairy
Climate: - Slipping Safety Officer will make a joint decision time. Supervisor;
Rain; Falling to stop work for excessive inclement Toolbox Talk topic on Safety Officer
Hail; Incidents weather and the Construction manager inclement weather.
Wind; Lost Time Cases shall first be consulted.
Fog; Pushing for completion
Mist of tasks in bad weather
Lightening Loss of production
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Risk assessment Action plan
Task step Describe individual risk +Raw risk Risk management *Residual risk Additional measures (if Responsible Action Date Records
consequence C P R. RR /Control measures C P R.S RR necessary) person
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18.Exposure to Heat Stroke 3 2 6 M The Construction Supervisor and the 3 1 3 L Keep record of the lost Construction Daily Daily Diary
excessive sun or Sun Stroke Safety Officer will make a joint decision time. Supervisor;
excessive cold or Frost Bite to stop work for excessive inclement Toolbox Talk topic on Safety Officer
dehydration Ill Health weather and the Construction manager inclement weather.
Lost Time Incidents shall first be consulted.
Loss of limbs In hot weather drink plenty of water.
19.Poor Lighting: Injury 2 2 4 L Use portable lights available. 2 1 2 L Audits and review Construction Daily PEE Inspection
- COID Claims General inspections; Supervisor
Eye Strain Re-train new employee Safety, Health and
Poor quality work Re-work Environmental
Loss of income Management System;
Night work Site Walk About;
Toolbox Talks.
20.Biological: - Stomach bugs 3 3 9 H Appointed Hygiene Inspector. 3 1 3 L Send employee home to Construction Daily Hygiene
Colds and Flu; TB; Excessively off sick Inspection on facilities carried out. recover, if sick. Supervisor & Inspections.
Passive Smoking; Poor Hygiene practices SHE Rep reports deviations. Monitor employees Safety Officer SHE Rep Reports;
Spitting; Failure to carry out Toolbox Talk Awareness. whilst toolbox talk is Toolbox Talks.
Stagnant Water; instructions done.
Wooden Cable Breeding of diseases
Drums; Breeding of animals
Cardboard Boxes; Poor Work performance
Toilets -Portable
& Fixed
21.Emergency: - Damage to property 3 2 6 M Emergency Plan to be followed. 3 1 3 L Have ad-hoc mock Emergency At Inception Evacuation
Bomb Threats; Loss of income Fire Drill must be practiced 3 monthly. emergency drill Coordinator Report.
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Task step Describe individual risk +Raw risk Risk management *Residual risk Additional measures (if Responsible Action Date Records
consequence C P R. RR /Control measures C P R.S RR necessary) person
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Environmental Re-work
Activist; Remediation Cost
Chemical Loss of a life
Electrical Fire.
22.Explosion/ Loss of Income 2 2 4 L Client to inform Principle Contractor of 2 1 2 L Additional 3 spare fire Fire coordinator At Inception Fire Extinguisher
Fire: - No Work potential inherent dangers. extinguishers always Inspections
Spontaneous Damage to property Do fire risk analysis and inspections available for immediate
Combustion; exchange
23.Gasses: - Asphyxiation 3 2 6 M Client to inform Principle Contractor of 3 1 3 L Soap Test must be done HCS Coordinator At Inception Store to CR specs.
LP Gas; Inhalation potential inherent dangers. twice a day for gas Signage in place.
Nitrogen; Absorption through skin Minimum quantity to be kept on site in cylinders. Stock recorded
Oxygen; Death store. If gas is smelt, it must be daily.
Helium; Loss of consciousness Store locked and controlled by reported immediately to MSDS sheet
Carbon Legal Litigation appointed nominee. the Safety Officer available.
Monoxide; Excessive Gas Emissions Drip tray +10% available to contain
Carbon dioxide. Lack of oxygen maximum stock in store.
Potential Gas Constant record kept of stock in store.
lying low on floor
in sumps, pits
24.Chemical: - Addiction 4 3 12 H All Hazardous Chemical will be identified 4 1 4 L Audits and review HCS Coordinator At Inception Store to CR specs.
Paint; Asphyxiation and be controlled. Competent personnel; Signage in place.
Thinners; Inhalation No decanting may take place without General inspections; Stock recorded
Welding fumes; Absorption through skin the container being marked in an Induction training; daily.
Aerosol tins; Death approved holder. Safety, Health and MSDS sheet
Mineral fiber / Loss of consciousness Minimum daily required quantity to be Environmental available.
wool; Legal Litigation kept on site. Management System;
Asbestos; Allergy Spills to be cleaned immediately. Material Safety Data
Lead; Skin irritations Sheets;
Flammable Construction
Liquids; Supervision;
Toolbox Talks.
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Task step Describe individual risk +Raw risk Risk management *Residual risk Additional measures (if Responsible Action Date Records
consequence C P R. RR /Control measures C P R.S RR necessary) person
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Oil and grease;
25.Building & Fall to lower level 3 2 6 M SHE Rep to Inspect monthly to ensure 3 1 3 L Audits and Review SHE Rep Every month SHE Rep Reports
Structures: - Change to confined buildings and structures are safe. Competent Personnel Audit Reports
Corroded Roof space thus lack of Report temporary structures, any General inspections Corrective Action
Sheeting; oxygen potential for an employee to fall that is SHE Management Reports.
Open Fall into not barricaded properly and if structure Systems.
holes/drains/trap Fall through is not supported sufficiently. Only the Formwork
s; Stumble Scheduled inspection to be conducted. Supervisor has the
Potholes; Slip Scheduled walk about to be conducted. authority to give
Temporary Fall off permission to remove
Structure on Injury the structures once he is
trestles; Lost time satisfied that the cement
Staircases; COID Claims has cured and set.
Support Legal Litigation
Lack of
26. Machines – Squashed in-between 2 2 4 L Awareness of installation taking place by 2 1 2 L Audits; SHE Rep; Every Month Toolbox talk
fixed Caught in between means of a toolbox talk. Walk about Inspection Construction Competency
Grinders; drills; Caught in Do not touch if you do not have and corrective action Supervisor; certificates
saws; bending Loss of limbs permission and especially if you are not reports. Safety Officer
machines; boring Fatal trained and competent.
machines; Incidents
guillotines; Injury
lathes; punch Loss of production
machines, Re-work
pumps; fans; air Stoppages
conditioning Environmental spillages
systems; standby Loss of eyes
generator; Clothes caught in
submerged units; machine
27.Machines - in Poor maintenance 3 2 6 M Daily checklist for drivers 3 1 3 L No walking and talking Driver Daily Vehicle Checklist;
motion: - Lack of control Toolbox Talk awareness that a moving on cell phone allowed. Driver’s License;
TLB; tankers; In-competent machine takes longer to stop. Man and Machine Competency
tractors; Limited vision Mobile vehicles will have right of way. Interaction Plan to be Certificate
dumpers; done, as required.
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consequence C P R. RR /Control measures C P R.S RR necessary) person
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graders; Does not stop Employees to stay out of driver’s blind
excavators; LDV; immediately eye.
scrapers; rollers; Lack of concentration Drivers competent and certified
watering No brakes No cellphones or walky talkies allowed
machines; Override safety whilst driving
cement mixers; switches
cherry pickers; Abuse of equipment
overhead cranes;
forklifts; trains;
28 Stored Pressure kills E.g. 4 3 12 H Follow Isolation procedures 4 1 4 L Work permit required Construction Daily Work Permit
Energy: - bubble sickness when Ensure an additional control is put in for any potential stored Supervisor;
Hydraulic diving; place to stop any unexplained activation system to be worked on. Safety Officer
Systems – e.g. Using air to clean from occurring. Walk about Inspections
Clamps; Pressing yourself, blasting Follow legislation when working near Deviation Reports
Machines; hydraulic oil through water – life jackets must be made Audits.
Bending your own skin, available. Appoint a GMR 2.1 for
Machines; Jacks; Uncontrolled motion isolation and lockouts
Bearing pullers; Whiplash and machine
Actuators; Get squashed maintenance.
Cylinders; Cutting Fatal
Machines; Injury
Compressors; Loss if limbs
Cut-off Drowning in a very
Machines; small amount of water
Guillotine; Not being able to swim
Valves; Explosion of pots or
platforms; Cars, cans under pressure,
Cherry Pickers; Playing with spray tins,
Waste Removal Addiction by inhalation
Lorry; Failure of equipment
Pneumatic Failure to isolate
Systems: e.g. Air machines or equipment
Receivers; Hoses properly
and fittings; Defective equipment
Blasting pots; releases stored energy
Spray guns; nail Legal Litigation
guns; air COID Cases
compressed air
systems; e.g.
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consequence C P R. RR /Control measures C P R.S RR necessary) person
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aerosol cans;
gas cylinders;
suspended loads;
water pressure
systems; hot
machines; steam;
29.Gravitational Fall to lower level 4 3 12 H Fall Protection Plan utilized. 4 1 4 L Employees trained and Fall Protection When there is Safety Harness
- Object: - Get knocked over or Emergency Fall rescue plan in place. certified to work at Plan Officer a potential to Inspection
Goods Hoist squashed, Housekeeping system utilized, platforms heights. fall Rescue Kit
System Person can fall, kept clean Medical fitness certified Inspection Record
Stacking of Structures can collapse, SHE Rep checking site & SHE System. at heights. SHE Rep
Material Caught in-between, Walk about Inspections Inspection
incorrectly, Slips, Audits Corrective Action
If it rolls it must Trips, Corrective Action List list
be chocked. Falls Use lanyards, as Audit report.
Scaffolding required and tool belts
Overhead Crane
Structure built;
Lose Objects
lying around at
height that can
be kicked off;
30.Gravitational Ground can collapse 3 4 12 H Fall Protection Plan utilized. 3 1 3 L Employees trained and Fall Protection When there is Safety Harness
– Man: - Or cave in or subside, Emergency Fall rescue plan in place. certified to work at Plan Officer & a potential to Inspection
Platforms; Scaffolding can collapse Housekeeping system utilized, platforms heights. Construction fall Rescue Kit
beams; or break, kept clean Medical fitness certified Supervisor Inspection Record
pipes; Platforms can break, SHE Rep checking site & SHE System. at heights. SHE Rep
landings; Slip of pipe, Walk about Inspections Inspection.
panels; Fall down, or into, Audits Corrective Action
stairs; Trip, Corrective Action List list
Scaffolding; Knock over and fall, Safety Harness must be Audit report.
ladders; Did not see, secured at all times
ditches, Lack of concentration, especially when climbing
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consequence C P R. RR /Control measures C P R.S RR necessary) person
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excavations, Not thinking, or working near an edge
uneven ground Worrying, or on a roof.
holes in ground, Work pressure
31.Ergonomics: - Cramping, 4 3 12 H Use the long people at high to reach 4 1 4 L Construction Supervisor Construction Daily Ergonomics’
Tables and Keeping same position, place and the short people at plans next day’s Supervisor. checklist
Chairs; Not taking a break, appropriate place where their strength activities in advance. Safety Officer SHE Rep Report.
Body Posture; Repetitive work, can be utilized. Supervisor to use
Confined Space; Lack of concentration, Toolbox talk awareness on the subject. employees according to
Limited work Overriding a safety Work smarter not harder. Plan your their individual
area; system activities to safe unnecessary energy by strengths.
Work benches; just walking about.
Welding activity; Cancer, 2 2 4 L Put up welding blankets or cordon area 2 1 2 L Use radiation exposure Safety Officer At Inception Toolbox Talk
Measuring Burns, off with protective yellow sheets for card, if necessary or topic;
devices; cutting Property damage, glare. unsure. Welding and
torches; Plasma COID Claims, Toolbox Talk Awareness never to look Appropriate eye cutting Safe work
cutters, Loss of limbs or eyes, directly into the flame, spark or energy protection must be procedure if work
numbering Exposure to radiation source. worn. [Green safety will be done.
machines; sources, Wear appropriate PPE. glasses /welding Checklist and
isotopes; x-rays; Arc eyes, Take note of X-rays notices. Never go helmet]. register
Spectro Analyzer, Death into the barricaded area. Do not try to Flame cutting completed.
brazing; Environmental damage hide away. You will still be exposed to equipment fitted with JSO done,
soldering; radiation. flashback arrestor. Verify
welding; Welders must wear leather aprons to Flame cutting competency of
Flame cutting avoid infertility. equipment to be trade.
Check that no open flame can ignite inspected frequently and Work Permit
flammable liquid or hazardous materials soap tested for any obtained.
in the area to be worked. Check lower leaks.
level for hot sparks or potential ignition Have a fire watcher
sources when hot work is done.
Safe storage of pressure
equipment after use.
Close off cylinders
during lunch breaks and
after work.
Competency of user in
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consequence C P R. RR /Control measures C P R.S RR necessary) person
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33. Noise Not doing exit medicals 2 2 4 L If continuous exposure to noise in excess 2 1 2 L Toolbox talk Awareness Construction Warnings issued.
Sources: - means no COID Claim of 8 hours, the area will be identified Exit medicals must be Supervisor; PPE control and
Traffic passing; can be made, and the required pictograms installed. done. Safety Officer check list.
Air Tools; Not wearing ear plugs Hearing protection must be worn when Monitor adherence to SHE Rep Report
Drilling lead to deafness, in this area. rule.
Machines; COID Claim & litigations,
Cutting and Court Cases,
Grinding; DEAFNESS for life
Handling of
Live equipment
in operation;
Jack Hammers;
Airplanes /
Tire Bursting
Sudden release
of energy; Air
34.Vibration: - Vibration 2 3 6 M Employees trained and competent; 2 1 2 L SHE Rep to monitor; Construction When activity Machine checklist
Pneumatic syndrome(HAVS) or Medical fitness certificate available. Toolbox Talk awareness; Supervisor; is done. completed;
Equipment; White finger syndrome Rest periods taken as prescribed. Competency
Rotating certificates;
Machinery; Medical fitness
Water certified;
35. Tools & Improper use of tools 3 4 12 H Operator Competent. 3 1 3 L Accident Incident Construction At Inception PTO done;
Equipment: - Using substitute tool No training to be done by Operator Investigation and Supervisor; Appointees
Electrical; Using tool incorrectly without the Supervisors permission. analysis Safety Officer appointed;
Electro- Not trained to use a All equipment identified, marked Audits and Review certificate’s
Mechanical; tool inspected and monitored. Competent Personnel verified and
Gas Cutting Taking a chance Electrical items verified by competent General inspections appointee is
Equipment; Playing electrician. Induction training competent
Hand tools; Throwing tools to Lifting equipment checked by Medical Facilities Checklist done in
Hilti Gun; someone competent inspector Personal Protective required cycle
Pressure vessels checked and certified. Equipment
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Hydraulic Not isolating and Procedure to specify double eye SHE Management
Equipment; releasing the pressure protection and proper storage of grinder Systems
Pressure and disc, no removal of safety guards or Client policy regarding
Equipment; handles and fitted with a switch, which if Fauna and Flora
Lifting Tackle and released, switches off tool immediately. Lanyards to be worn if
Equipment; there is a potential for
Mechanical; equipment or tools to
Pneumatic. fall
Angle Grinders No abuse of equipment
Use correct tool for the
applicable job.
36.Electrical: - Shock 4 3 12 H Checked by certified electrician. 4 1 4 L Audits and Review Electrician At inception COC’s
DB Boards; Electrocution Copy of COC available. Competent Personnel Construction Checklists
Control Rooms; Struck by Permit required to work near power General inspections Supervisor; Permits
Overhead Power Overload lines and electrical equipment. Induction training Safety Officer Lock out and tag
lines; Illegal connections Checklist checked that it is safe to use Medical approval out system
Train rails and Abuse of a machine for equipment or tool is used. Personal Protective PTO’s
lines; Using the machine LOTO system = Lock Out and Tag Out to Equipment Certificate of
Crane rails; without following the be used. SHE Management competency
Compressors; instructions, Systems
Electrical Taking a short cut
Extensions, plugs Death
and multiplugs; Injury
Grinders; LEGAL Litigation and
Extension Fans; COID Claim
Heat Treatment
Portable lights;
37. Portable Not competent 2 3 6 M List available and all equipment 2 1 2 L Audits and Review Construction At inception COC’s
Electrical Not trained, identified and checked by certified Competent Personnel Supervisor; Checklists
Equipment and Inexperienced electrician. General inspections Safety Officer Permits
Machines: - Over eager, Copy of COC available. Induction training Lock out and tag
Domestic Lack of knowledge Checklist checked that it is safe to use Medical Approval out system
Appliances; No maintenance, for equipment or tool is used. Personal Protective PTO’s
Drilling Injury Equipment Certificate of
Machines; Using incorrect SHE Management competency
Engravers; accessory, Systems
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Vacuum Using accessory
Cleaners; incorrectly
38. Overtime Excessive time worked. 2 3 6 M Request permission to work overtime 2 1 2 L Employees to agree that Construction At Inception Approval
Labour law especially on Sundays and Public they want to work these Supervisor; certificate from
contravention Holidays from Client and Department of hours. Safety Officer department of
Labour. Labour.
39 Off-loading of Damage to property 4 3 12 H Ensure Method Statement is correct. 4 1 4 L Manitou driver Construction During Manitou checklist
Material Incident Use of Manitou to lift the crates competent. Supervisor, project work Tractor / Trailer
Equipment Damaged (Forklift) Area barricaded. LDV’s
40. Manual Rough surfaces, 4 3 12 H Personnel to wear gloves when handling 4 1 4 L Refer to housekeeping Construction As per Toolbox Talk on
Loading and sharp edges, material. procedure. Supervisor program safe lifting of
Unloading weight of load, Do not lift a load if it is too heavy for Special precaution Schedule loads.
of material and awkward shapes, you. required if there is a requirement PTO.
equipment unbalances parts, Ask for assistance. potential to roll out of Housekeeping
Poor communication, Ensure a clear space to walk to where control or blow item checklist done,
Misunderstanding, the items are to be stored or used. away.
Injury, strains or Be aware of activities in this area. Monitor weather
Tripping hazards Clear instructions and concentrate whilst conditions.
Inclement weather offloading or loading of material.
Secure load. If it rolls chock it.
41. Transporting Injury whilst loading, 4 3 12 H Secure loads with proper approved 4 1 4 L Daily vehicle checklist Vehicle Controller As per Checklist
of Equipment Damage to property, methods. Driver’s License program Licenses
Loss of Income, Adhere to road safety rules and No learning of drivers Schedule PTO
Legal Cases, procedures. allowed on any site. requirement Road Permits as
Reckless driving, No overloading allowed. Check required
Poor attitude of other equipment size, shape and weight.
drivers. If it can roll chock it.
If the wind can pull it off, secure it.
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Risk assessment Action plan
Task step Describe individual risk +Raw risk Risk management *Residual risk Additional measures (if Responsible Action Date Records
consequence C P R. RR /Control measures C P R.S RR necessary) person
Sc cor
or e
42.Lifting and Injury or death 4 4 16 VH Adhere to lifting and rigging study 4 1 4 L SHE Rep to do ad hoc Rigger appointee As per PTO
rigging Property damage Only competent employee to use lifting inspections program Training for all
Loss of income equipment Safety Officer to check Schedule employees doing
Standing under a load Only certified lifting equipment to be on monthly internal requirement lifting work.
Moving over buildings used audit held. Competency
or containers with All lifting equipment has ID tags and SWL Use a tag line to control Cert’s of
people inside. displayed the lift employees
Overloading. Certification of
Improper securing of lifting equipment
load. available
Inclement weather. Monthly audit
& register checks.
43. Temporary Injury or death 4 3 12 H Formal Training on the use of 4 1 4 L Cement Samples taken. Formwork As per Formwork
Works Property damage equipment. Weather monitored and Appointee program checklist and
Loss of income Drawing specs adhered to and complied stop work ordered if Schedule register
Inclement weather with. required. requirement Formwork
Stored energy Correct material checked and utilized. Engineer approval Engineer
Firm foundations. obtained. approved.
44. Working in Engulfment, 4 3 12 H All trenches to have safe access, within 4 1 4 L Low angle kit available, if Excavation After Checklist and
trenches / Entrapment, 6meters of each person, required. Appointee inclement register
excavations Ground collapses or All trenches deeper than 1,8m to be Geological survey done, weather and completed by
slides shored. if required. checked appointee daily.
collection of flammable Gas testing for excavations deeper than Proper barricading done. twice per day. Engineer
vapors 1.5m, if required. Ground remediation, as approved
Inadequate shoring and Engineer has approved shoring and required. procedure.
bracing bracing procedure. Geo Survey
Re-approval after
inclement weather.
45. Concrete Substandard shoring 4 3 12 H Shoring to be inspected before any 4 1 4 L Competent personnel Construction Every time a Daily formwork
work practices, concrete is poured, all personnel Supervisor pour is checklist,
(Foundations) working with wet involved in the concrete pour is to wear required. Client approval.
concrete, sufficient PPE and to wash hands in
Rush job clean water and with soap after each
Inclement weather shift and before lunch.
Lack of experience
46. Fixing Re-bar Sharp edges, 4 2 8 M All personnel involved with fixing steel is 4 1 4 L Exposed rebar sticking Construction As per Quality control
sharp burrs, required to wear gloves, where rebar out will be cut off as Supervisor program document
off cuts, sticks out of excavations, rebar caps are soon as possible. Schedule approval
tripping hazard, required. requirement
poor housekeeping Follow rebar procedure and be careful of
injuries hand injuries and potential injury.
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Task step Describe individual risk +Raw risk Risk management *Residual risk Additional measures (if Responsible Action Date Records
consequence C P R. RR /Control measures C P R.S RR necessary) person
Sc cor
or e
repetitive work
47. Formwork Working at heights, 4 4 16 VH All personnel erecting formwork must 4 1 4 L Competent personnel. Formwork As per Daily formwork
weight of equipment be certified erectors, receive training in Equipment has prior Appointee program checklist.
and material, fall prevention, be medically and approval and is safe to Schedule Tool checklist.
Substandard material, psychologically fit, wear and attached use. requirement Client approval.
Lack of material, full body safety harnesses and work Pre-planned for required
sharp edges, under a competent supervisor. All tools quantity to be available
improvisation, to be inspected prior to work and the so that work can be
rush job, appropriate PPE to be worn. done safely.
inclement weather,
taking chances
using a short cut
47. Stripping of Weight of material, 4 3 12 H All areas of formwork to be dismantled 4 1 4 L Accountable appointee Formwork As per Daily formwork
Formwork working at heights, must be barricaded, all employees to approve the stripping appointee. program checklist.
falling material, working at height are to wear full body procedure. Schedule Tool checklist.
formwork oils, harnesses and attached 100%, oils and Constant Supervision requirement Engineer approval
loss of control, degreasers are to be used with care and required. obtained to
stored energy, ensure that they are contained. Toolbox Talk to be held dismantle
collapse of cement, Appropriate PPE to be worn by that employees must formwork.
repetitive work formwork erectors. All persons dismantle carefully.
dismantling formwork are to be certified
and appointed. All personnel to be
trained in the Fall Protection Plan and
supervision is required
48. Brick Work Rough brick surfaces, 4 3 12 H Bricks to be placed on elevated scaffold 4 1 4 L Employees to Construction As per PPE Monitoring,
(General) unnatural posters, planks to ensure that they are easily acknowledge Cement Supervisor. program Tool Checklist
repetitive movements, accessible and minimize bending, MSDS. Schedule daily,
fall from heights, scaffold that the bricklayers are to work Safety Glasses and requirement Housekeeping
over exertion, on must be safe from use, gloves must gloves must be worn to Checklist,
falling/ throwing bricks, be worn by brick layers. protect eyes and hands. Stack and Storage
make-shift tools No make shift platforms or drums Toolbox Talk on hygiene Checklist.
loosing tempers, allowed. to be held.
poor communication.
Cement splash in eyes.
49. Plastering Wet cement, 2 3 6 M Appropriate PPE to be worn, including 2 2 4 L Wear Eye Protection. Construction As per MSDS discussed
Repetitive movements, dust masks for dry cement. Monitor hands for Supervisor. program on dry cement.
Eye injury Personnel to wash hands after each shift dermatitis. Schedule Tool Checklist
Damage to building, and before lunch requirement daily,
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Task step Describe individual risk +Raw risk Risk management *Residual risk Additional measures (if Responsible Action Date Records
consequence C P R. RR /Control measures C P R.S RR necessary) person
Sc cor
or e
Re-work Annual medicals to Housekeeping
check respiratory Checklist,
50. Cement and Wet cement, 3 3 9 M Appropriate PPE. 3 1 3 L Wear Eye Protection. Construction As per MSDS discussed
Concrete Mixing Repetitive movement, Follow proper techniques to prevent Monitor hands for supervisor program on dry cement.
Uncontrolled release of back injury. dermatitis. Schedule Tool Checklist
cement, Annual medicals to requirement daily,
Route not planned, check respiratory Housekeeping
Spillage system. Checklist,
51. Roof work Work at heights, 4 4 16 VH Life lines with secure anchor points to be 4 1 4 L Roof kit will be used if Construction As per Tool Checklist
(Including not using fall protection installed, all personnel working on the necessary. Supervisor. program daily,
trusses, steel equipment, roof to wear and attach full body Gloves, safety glasses Schedule Housekeeping
canopy and roof unsafe footing, harnesses to the installed life line at all and ear protection must requirement Checklist
sheeting, unsafe anchor points, times. All tools to be secured and be worn.
cladding and workers not medically material not to be placed where it may Water will be made
painting) fit to work at heights, fall from heights. available on site.
fall through roof,
heat exhaustion,
roof structure falls or
52.Scaffold Not using fall protection 4 3 12 H All persons erecting the scaffold must be 4 1 4 L Scaffolding certificates. Scaffold Inspector As per Green Tags
erection and equipment, certified, medically fit and appointed. All Safety Harness / Supervisor written Inspection
dismantling Unstable scaffolds are to wear and attach safety harnesses certificates. instruction Register,
Not red tag, at all times. Rescue kit readily request. Scaffold Daily
Safety Harness not available. Checklist.
secured to safe anchor Emergency Team on Daily Scaffold
point, stand-by. Checklist per
Unsafe/homemade Hard Hats with chin employee.
podgers used. strap to be worn. S. Harness Check
Tool Checklist.
53. Work in Working at heights, 4 4 16 VH All scaffolds will be inspected by a 4 1 4 L Platforms to be cleaned Construction As per Housekeeping
elevated unsafe / unstable certified scaffold inspector before use before dismantling Supervisor program Checklist.
positions scaffolds, and tagged as safe for use. requested. Schedule
(scaffolds) Slips or trips No changes or modification to be done Damaged or lost requirement
Working at speed by anyone except as per the scaffold scaffolding investigated.
supervisors permission. Lanyard to be used for
tools and equipment.
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Risk assessment Action plan
Task step Describe individual risk +Raw risk Risk management *Residual risk Additional measures (if Responsible Action Date Records
consequence C P R. RR /Control measures C P R.S RR necessary) person
Sc cor
or e
54. Use of Unstable ladder, 3 3 9 H All ladders are to be inspected before 3 1 3 L Monthly ladder Construction As required. Ladder Checklist.
Ladders ladder in poor use and adequately supported. inspection done by supervisor Housekeeping
condition, Follow ladder procedure. ladder inspector. Checklist.
trying to move ladder Never stand on top two steps or rungs of Faulty or defective
without climbing down. ladder. ladders to be reported
55. Temporary Potentially alive switch 4 4 16 VH All installations to be done by qualified 4 1 4 L Proof of Electrical Temporary As per Electrical checklist
Electrical panels and wires. electricians, COC to be provided before competency in file. Electrical requirement for phase testing
Installations Cables lying in pools of use. Correct electrical gloves Installation and earth leakage
water, No cleaning of panels allowed. available and worn. Appointee testing.
Exposed cables and Stanley knife training CoC for all
wires, provided. temporary
Not locked out / electrical
isolated, installations.
Potentially stored
energy sources
56. Mechanical Overhead loads, 4 3 12 H All lifting to be done by certified staff 4 1 4 L Competency Cert of Lifting Inspector. As per Lift Equipment
lifting and uncontrolled only. Inspector in file. program Checklist’s done.
handing movement of loads, No loads may be lifted above any person Competency Cert’s of Schedule
unsafe lifting practices, at any time. No person may be lifted in a equipment in file. requirement
unsafe lifting crate or hanging on to a load being Lifting equipment
equipment, lifted. All lifting equipment to be checked and safe to use.
overload, inspected before use, chains are to be Lifting Equipment colour
center of gravity not load tested and loads that move in an coded.
determined, uncontrolled manner are to have guide
Rush job ropes installed.
57. Construction Unauthorized 4 4 16 VH Only certified operators to operate 4 1 4 L Follow Client Safety Vehicle Fleet As per Daily Vehicle
vehicles and operators, vehicles, vehicles are to be inspected Rules. Controller. program checklist required.
Plant Machines operators not trained, daily before shift, lockout procedure to Drivers Licenses in Schedule
vehicles not suitable for be in place to ensure no unauthorized Safety File. requirement
the job, access. Vehicle permits in place.
vehicles not road Never leave a vehicle idling. Switch off Maintenance of vehicles
worthy, ignition before leaving the vehicle. done off-site.
inexperience, No cellphone talking whilst driving. Vehicles roadworthy and
lack of communication Fasten your Safety Belt. have fire extinguisher,
lack of knowledge Keep to the speed limit. first aid kit and triangle
No catching a lift with drivers in.
No washing cars allowed on site.
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Task step Describe individual risk +Raw risk Risk management *Residual risk Additional measures (if Responsible Action Date Records
consequence C P R. RR /Control measures C P R.S RR necessary) person
Sc cor
or e
58. Electric Drill Cracked housing, 4 3 12 H Drills are to be inspected regularly for 4 1 4 L Operator Competent. Electrical Drill As required. Portable
unsafe cables, damage and loose connections, Never remove drill Operator Electrical
unsafe operating Appropriate PPE to be worn. offcuts without wearing Equipment
practices, No safety guard are allowed to be safety gloves. checklist
Drill bit not secured removed. Secure the work piece Housekeeping
properly, The correct blade for the appropriate before drilling. checklist.
Abuse, application is to be used.
Incorrect Drill bit for Route all electrical cables safely.
application used, Use a chuck to secure the drill bit
Not knowing what may securely.
be in the wall e.g. live Services plan has been obtained and
electric cable or water verified it is safe to drill.
Poorly isolated,
No safety device e.g.
‘Deadman’s’ switch.
59. Angle Cracked housing, 3 2 6 M Correct disc size to be used on grinder, 3 1 3 L Competent Operator. Angle Grinder As required. Portable
Grinder/ circular unsafe cables, unsafe grinder to have guard in place, grinder to Wear ear protection and Operator Electrical
saw operating practices, be inspected before use. Appropriate double eye protection Equipment
exposed moving parts, PPE to be worn. Welding screen used to must be worn. If Checklist,
removal of safety contain sparks. Fire extinguisher readily required, obtain a hot housekeeping
covers, incorrect blade at hand. Work piece to be secured work permit. Check for Checklist
used, forcing the blade, properly to avoid a kick back effect. Dust potential items that can Hot Work Permit
kickback, improper mask to protect respiratory system ignite around or below
work surface or area, you. If needed build a
Fire, cocoon with a fire
60. Jack Hammer High noise levels, 3 2 6 M Equipment to be inspected to ensure 3 1 3 L Competent operator. Jack Hammer As Required. Jack hammer
high vibration levels, that is it is good condition before use, Never try to fix the jack operator. checklist,
weight of equipment , Appropriate PPE to be worn by operator hammer. Only a Housekeeping
‘Deadman’s’ finger, and hearing protection to be worn by qualified technician may checklist.
heat exhaustion, employees working nearby. repair a jack hammer.
Faulty jack hammer, Drink water and take a rest every four Wear Ear protection.
incorrect bit used. hours for 15 minutes.
61. Skill Saw Sharp blade (teeth), 3 2 6 M Tool to be inspected before use, ensure 3 1 3 L Competent operator. Skill Saw As Required. Skill Saw checklist
weight of equipment, guard is in good working order, Wear double eye Operator. completed.
unsafe positions operators to always cut away from protection.
when using the saw, themselves, Appropriate PPE to be worn Use a push rod to avoid
repetitive pieces, by operator. the hands being caught
Use an appropriate work surface. in the blade.
Cable routed safely.
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Task step Describe individual risk +Raw risk Risk management *Residual risk Additional measures (if Responsible Action Date Records
consequence C P R. RR /Control measures C P R.S RR necessary) person
Sc cor
or e
injury, poor work Fire extinguisher at hand when
surface, incorrect blade combustible material is being cut. E.g.
used, potential for fire. wood.
62. Extension Damage cords, cords 2 3 6 M Inspection extension cords, 2 2 4 L Report defective Operator using As Required. PEE Checklist.
Leads laying across access ensure all access ways are clear. extension cords. extension cord
routes, trips and fall, Protect extension cords from damage.
63. Hand tools Mushroom effects, 3 3 9 H All hand tools are to be inspected before 3 1 3 L When tools or Construction Monthly Hand Tool
blunt tools, use by the user. equipment have a Supervisor Check and Checklist
damaged handles, The Construction supervisor will do a potential to fall it must spot checks Housekeeping
substitute tools used, spot check and a monthly check on all be secured with a on site Checklist
hand-made tools, tools and equipment. lanyard to prevent it
wrong tool applied, Never make home-made tools. from falling.
Abuse of tool, Replace defective tools and equipment Never hide tools.
electrocution immediately. Remember tools are
easily stolen.
64. Compressed Excessive noise, 3 2 6 M Compressed air tools to be inspected, 3 1 3 L Cert available for air Construction As per Maintenance
Air Tools compressed air force, Appropriate hearing protection to be cylinder. Supervisor program program.
Whipping of cables, worn. Air traps are there to clean the air. Gauge red lined for max Schedule Air tool checklist.
Blowing people with air, Never use this air to breathe. pressure. requirement Housekeeping
Pressurized cylinders checklist.
65. Light Driving Un-roadworthy 4 3 12 H Vehicles are to be inspected daily, 4 1 4 L Vehicle serviced as per Vehicle Fleet Daily Daily vehicle
Vehicles vehicles, regular services done, licensed driver. maintenance plan. Controller checklist.
Inconsiderate road Drive is in charge and must be obeyed. Check and renew license Drivers License.
users, Driver is responsible for secure load and disc annually.
Potholes, Roadworthy vehicle. Driver will be disciplined
poor road conditions Report defects immediately. if not adhering to road
and No maintenance allowed on site. traffic regulations.
Poor weather No washing cars allowed on site. Must have a vehicle
conditions, impatience permit.
66. Vibration Excessive vibration of a 3 4 12 H Gloves to be worn and hearing 3 1 3 L Good communication Construction At Inception, Vibration Tool
(General machine, protection. Equipment checked and between operator and Supervisor if used. Checklist.
Machinery) Consistent use of the numbered before being used. assistant is very
machine, Competent operator. important. Assistant
Poor maintenance, Defects to be reported immediately. may not clean around
Defective equipment operating vibrator.
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Task step Describe individual risk +Raw risk Risk management *Residual risk Additional measures (if Responsible Action Date Records
consequence C P R. RR /Control measures C P R.S RR necessary) person
Sc cor
or e
67. Poor Lighting Dark work areas, 3 3 9 H Artificial lighting to be placed in all dark 3 1 3 L If you cannot see Construction As per PEE Checklist.
Poor maintenance, work areas. properly request Supervisor program Electrician
Cannot see properly Restrict work with inclement weather additional lighting. Schedule verified.
and night shift work. requirement
68. Work position Unnatural postures, 3 3 9 H Training of staff to be aware of safe 3 1 3 L If unsure, ask your Safety Officer Monthly Ergonomic
and postures repetitive movements, lifting and working practices. Supervisor, Safety Checklist
Log period of time in Discuss and take regular rest periods for Officer or SHE
same position. repetitive work with your Supervisor. Representative
69. Heavy Unsafe manual handling 3 3 9 H Training of staff to be aware of safe 3 1 3 L Control swing with a Construction As per Ergonomic
Manual Lifting practices, lifting and working practices. guide rope. Supervisor program Checklist.
Take a chance, Be aware of inclement weather. If unsure ask. Schedule Housekeeping
Out of control situation, Have a clear plan of how to walk and If it is too heavy do not requirement Checklist.
poor communication. where to store and maintain good try to lift it.
Standing under a load. communication.
Concentrate whilst busy in the activity.
70. Demolition Falling objects, 4 4 16 VH Ensure that personnel are trained and 4 1 4 L Engineer to approve Demolition Expert As per Approved
work exposure to work in accordance with the demolition demolition procedure. Construction program demolition plan
flying objects/particles, plan. Competent supervision, inspection Constant monitoring Supervisor Schedule and procedure
excessive / irritating of tools/equipment and plant and use of from Construction requirement from an engineer.
dust, PPE. supervisor required. Waste disposal
noise & constant Regular rubble removal is required. Emergency Team to be plan.
moving construction Damaged netting to be replaced on stand-by. Housekeeping
vehicles immediately. plan.
sudden loud noises.
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Risk Matrix
Risk Matrix Analysis (Risk = probability x impact)
Low (1) Medium (2) High (3) Very High (4)
Low (1) 1 2 3 4
High (3) 3 6 9 12
Very High 4 8 12 16
Egypro East Africa Ltd Baseline HSE Risk Assessment Rev 1 Jan. 2020 Page 24 of 25
Severity of the potential injury/damage
0 - 5 : Low Risk
Non r
6 - 10 : Moderate Risk
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