La Schools Wants A Far-Left Agenda
La Schools Wants A Far-Left Agenda
La Schools Wants A Far-Left Agenda
LAUSD educators clearly want to get back into schools with their students, but the underlying question at
every step must be: Given broader societal conditions, how do we open physical schools in a way
that ensures that the benefits outweigh the risks, especially for our most vulnerable students and
school communities?
The COVID-19 pandemic in the United States underscores the deep equity and justice challenges arising
from our profoundly racist, intensely unequal society. Unlike other countries that recognize protecting lives
is the key to protecting livelihoods, the United States has chosen to prioritize profits over people. The
T m admini a ion a em o fo ce people to return to work on a large scale depends on restarting
physical schools so parents have childcare.a
In Los Angeles, this means increasing risk especially in Black and Brown working communities, where
eo le a e mo e likel o ha e e en ial job , insufficient health care, higher levels of preexisting health
conditions, and to live in crowded housing.1 Meanwhile, the rewards of economic recovery accrue largely to
white and well-off communities that have largely been shielded from the worst of the pandemic effec .
Vulnerable students already facing hurdles such as structural racism, poverty, homelessness, immigration
documentation issues, learning and health disabilities, and limited technology access were
disproportionately negatively impacted by he Lo Angele Unified School Di ic shift to crisis distance
learning. 2 Ed ca o kno be e han mo he c i ical ole ha chool la in child en li e , o ing
not just their educational lives but their social and physical development. But until a vaccine or cure is
available, starting school without policies in place to mitigate viral spread and provide additional student
o ill almo ce ainl com o nd he andemic o i e a ma on ho e den and hei familie .
This document outlines the equity lens that we must use o ie bo h oda eme genc and omo o
recovery. First, we ask, Who is suffering the most, and why? Next, we outline current best practices that must be
in place to ensure that our most vulnerable communities are helped, not hurt, by the restart of schools.
Throughout, results from UTLA member surveys and the first round of parent surveys collected by UTLA
will provide insight into the deeply felt concerns that are impacting educators, students, and their families.
Finally, we discuss how funding must be drastically improved if schools are to start safely and equitably.
In March, when it was clear that the deadly virus was spreading in the community, UTLA educators led the
way in calling for LAUSD to save lives by shutting down schools. Today, we are calling on politicians to
demonstrate their commitment to saving lives by fully funding the safe and equitable start of school.
a ALEC, a right- ing co o a e lobb g o calling o b ing he econom back o life h o gh a f ee ma ke a oach ha ge big go e nmen
o of he a ho ed a call i h Ed ca ion Sec e a Be DeVo on Ma 5 fo hi o e.
The Same Storm, but Different Boats:
The Safe and Equitable Conditions for Starting
LAUSD in 2020-21
The Same Storm, but Different Boats: The Safe & Equitable Start of School UTLA 2
packed the streets in multiple cities across the US
I ill e d m child i i afe f with little police intervention.16
children and teachers that have elderly family
Because of the forces of structural racism, Blacks,
membe ha li e i h hem.
Latinx, and Pacific Islanders in Los Angeles County
- UTLA parent survey response - are dying of COVID-19 at twice the rate of white
residents.17 Residents of high-poverty areas were
almost four times as likely to die of COVID-19
likely to have chronic illnesses such as obesity,
compared to those who lived in wealthier areas.18
heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease all of
The effect on human lives is quantifiable: the
which are linked to higher COVID-19 fatality.
disproportionate effect of coronavirus means that
93% of all LA County virus fatalities had
at least 700 Blacks, Latinx, and Asian Americans
underlying health conditions.8
died because of structural racism that puts them
When employed, more likely to be required to more at risk compared to white people. Nearly
work outside the home in essential jobs that 1,000 people living in high poverty areas died
place them in ha m way for infection. For because of class and income inequality that puts
example, although Black workers make up only them more at risk compared to people living in
12% of all employed workers, they make up 36% wealthy areas.19
of all nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides. 9
More likely to have a job without paid sick leave,
increasing their exposure to other workers who
I am [ lde ] a d Af ica Ame ica . Al h gh I
may be infected, and increasing the likelihood that
they themselves will expose others to COVID-19. am healthy for my age and I love my job, I am
Latinx workers are less likely to have access to afraid to come back... I have adopted high
paid leave compared to white workers.10 school students and I want to live to see them
More likely to rely on public transportation, g ad a e a d ge i c llege.
increasing the risk of viral exposure.11 - UTLA member survey response -
More likely to live in areas with poorer
environmental and air quality, increasing the
likelihood of preexisting health conditions. In Restarting physical schools during the pandemic
LAUSD, over 65,000 students have asthma.12 will inevitably increase the risk of infection and
death for all Angelenos, but especially for over half
Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for most
a million LAUSD students and families who fall
governmental relief funds, and ineligible to enroll
into a vulnerable category because of race and/or
in the Affordable Care Act. More than 5 million
U.S.-born children who have undocumented-
immigrant parents are likely to suffer extreme LAUSD Student Demographics 21
poverty. As a result, they are much more likely to Latino 73.4
be uninsured and thus more likely not to receive
White 10.5
the health care they need.13
African American 8.2
Close to 100,000 LAUSD students are English
Asian 4.2
Learners.14 While many ELs are native born, they
overwhelmingly come from immigrant families. American Indian or Alaskan Native, <1
In addition to similar healthcare context as Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
undocumented immigrants, EL families face Filipino 2.1
added difficulties in poor translation or no Not Reported 1
translation in their native language.15 Note: Percentages do not add up to 100%
The Same Storm, but Different Boats: The Safe & Equitable Start of School UTLA 3
STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES AND OTHER ma k . 25 On the question of physical distancing,
the state appears to prima facie admit that students
with disabilities should be exposed to greater risk in
Students with disabilities make up 13% of the o de o ecei e in c ion: E abli h fle ibili ie
population of LAUSD. These students often rely and plan for how to implement physical distancing
on additional in-person services and supports for gi en lack of ace and facili limi a ion
their learning success, particularly if they have a
disability classified as moderate to severe. Because
of unregulated privatization growth, students M da gh e ha a hma a d alle gie . I ha e
classified as moderately to severely disabled make a high- i k bab ha i 6 m h [ ld]. I d
up a disproportionate percentage of the special ha e i a ce c e age. I m af aid f m
education population of LAUSD: 31% of all da gh e heal h. Plea e, I eall eed hel .
LAUSD special education students have a disability
- UTLA parent survey response -
classified as moderate-severe, compared to only
16% at charter schools.22 The shift to crisis distance
learning has been especially disruptive for these
Special education educators are keenly aware of the
students. For families of students with disabilities
who are also low-income or who do not speak challenges of distance learning for their students.
English, the situation becomes even more fraught. Given the high risk of infection and death for
vulnerable students, it is critical that we fully fund
Unfortunately, research shows that people with IDEA to ensure all supports are in place to meet
intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) the needs of our students with disabilities. Without
are more likely to be infected, and more likely to that targeted funding, the crisis services offered will
experience serious illness and death from COVID- not outweigh the risks endemic to in-person
19.23 Children younger than 17 years old with IDD learning.
were nearly 9 times more likely to contract
COVID-19 than children without these disabilities. Safe and Equitable Starting
Initial outcomes show that people with IDD who
contract COVID-19 may be 2.5 times more likely of School: Biology Has
to die than those without such a disability.
Rules, Even If We Choose to
As recently as late June 25, 2020, the CDC
expanded its list of people at high risk of severe Ignore Them.
illness, and changed its presentation of age-related
i k, no ing ha i k doe n begin ddenl a 65, LAUSD is the second-largest school district in the
but rather increases with age. Among other risk country, with over half a million students and their
factors, obesity (BMI of 30 or higher) and diabetes families who are especially vulnerable to serious
were added.c At least 25% of LAUSD students fall illness and death because of structural racism,
into these expanded categories, even though many poverty, and/or disability. To equitably start
of them would not necessarily have an IEP and be school, we must adhere to known best practices to
classified as a student with a disability.24 e en he i ead hile em lo ing
education practices that benefit all students,
The inadequate guidance from the federal and state especially those suffering the most from learning
levels does not help districts meet the challenge of loss and social isolation. Most organizations and
how to ensure the needs of students with individuals that have come out unequivocally in
disabilities are met during the pandemic era of favor of reopening schools are either motivated by
education. For example, on the important question eigni ing he econom (igno ing he fac ha
of personal protective equipment (PPE), the sta e this is first and foremost a public health crisis and not
g idance i im l : Con ide ho he LEA [Local primarily an economic crisis), or gloss over the
Education Agency] will address students with likely impacts of starting school on broader school
disabilities who refuse or are not able to wear
The Same Storm, but Different Boats: The Safe & Equitable Start of School UTLA 4
communities, to which our students are inextricably transmission.32 If true, recommended infection
bound. control guidance would change dramatically.
While much about the virus remains unknown, a
few facts should be kept in mind: And lost amidst the relief at the low mortality rate
in children is the distinction between morbidity and
1) This is a highly contagious, deadly mortality. Many young people still experience
disease and the role of children in the severe illness, and the rare multisystem
transmission of COVID-19 is currently inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is still
unknown. Some studies raise concerns that not well understood. A European study found that
children may transmit COVID-19 through two 13% of children required respiratory support, and
mechanisms: increased contacts/opportunities for that patients younger than one month may be more
transmission; and high viral loads even when likely to require intensive care.33 COVID-19 is now
asymptomatic.d In Cleveland, Ohio, as the state suspected to cause lung, heart, kidney, brain, and
lifted protective measures, more children tested clotting complications and these are just the
positive for COVID-19 and hospital admissions for known immediate effects.34 The longer-term effects
children also increased, raising doubt about the are almost completely unknown. As we discuss best
myth that children do not get ill from the virus.26 practices, recommendations may shift or expand as
Al ho gh o he co n ie ini ial chool eo ening the science shifts and expands.
show extremely low rates of child-parent
transmission, North Carolina and Texas identified 3) LAUSD educates over half a million
several clusters at daycare centers.27, 28 students, employs over 60,000 adults, and is
spread out over 720 square miles.35 The vast
network of busing and commuting results in an
E e e i he h eh ld ffe f m extraordinary number of contacts, which
asthma, diabetes, and high blood pressure and undermines social distancing and contact tracing,
Id feel c mf able e di g m [ de ] key methods of pandemic control. An
ch l. asymptomatic child may bring the virus home to
- UTLA parent survey response - their high-risk grandparents, to their densely
populated apartment building, to a parent with an
essential job that brings them in contact with
hundreds of people.
2) This is a novel virus. Scientists continue
to uncover new symptoms and risk factors, and 4) As of publication, California case counts
the long-term effects are almost completely and death rates were shattering records and
unknown. As recently as May, the CDC added hospitalization rates were increasing. Los
three new symptoms of coronavirus, adding Angeles County accounted for 40% of new cases in
congestion/runny nose, nausea/vomiting, and the last two weeks of June, despite being home to
diarrhea to the list.29 In late June, the CDC onl a a e of he a e o la ion.36 Other
expanded its list of people at high risk of severe countries that have reopened schools, such as New
illness.30 In early July, 239 scientists in 32 countries Zealand, Vietnam, and Germany, did so only after
wrote an open letter to the World Health they had flattened the curve and in a setting of
Organization outlining evidence that airborne broader societal preparedness, including rapid case
transmission may be a significant factor in the identification, contact tracing, and isolation.37
andemic ead.31 On July 8, WHO confirmed
ha he e i eme ging e idence of ai bo ne
d One study showed that although children were 1/3 as susceptible to infection as adults, with schools open the risk evens out due to children
having three times as many contacts as adults. Based on this, researchers estimated that closing schools can reduce pandemic surge by 40 - 60 %.
The second study shows that children who test positive have as high a viral load, and sometimes higher, than adults. More con cerning is the fact
that a group of 47 infected children were mostly symptom -free, and these asymptomatic children had viral loads that were as high or even higher
than symptomatic children and adults.
The Same Storm, but Different Boats: The Safe & Equitable Start of School UTLA 5
5) There is a jarringly disparate rate of having enough funding to ensure safety and
COVID-19 infection, severe illness, and death enough personnel to ensure cleanliness
among BIPOC working communities, where younger students ggle with physical distance
structural racism and economic inequality students with preexisting health issues such as
mean people live with economic and social asthma, medically fragile students, and students
factors that increase risk of illness and death. with disabilities
In these communities, people are more likely to availability of personal protective equipment
ha e e en ial job , in fficient health care,
fear of increased policing in schools
higher levels of preexisting health conditions, and
live in crowded housing. Because of the forces of being forced to go back to a potentially unsafe
structural racism, Blacks, Latinx, and Pacific working situation in order to be able to pay for
Islanders in Los Angeles County are dying of basic life necessities
COVID-19 at twice the rate of white residents. To ensure that our most vulnerable students and
UTLA con e a ion i h and initial polling of families are helped, not hurt, by the starting of
LAUSD parents show that 83% of parents said school, we must implement best practices to
they do not feel confident enough to send their mitigate the risk of viral transmission. These
child back to school in the fall. Unfortunately, low- practices have been gathered from many sources,
income and BIPOC individuals are more likely to including scientific guidelines set forth by the
have to work outside the home, and will be more Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
likely to send their children to school even if they (CDC), the California Department of Education
are reluctant to do so.38 Meanwhile, more affluent (CDE), the LA County Office of Education
families, already at lower risk of infection and death (LACOE), practices from other countries that have
thanks to economic and/or racial privilege, are reopened schools especially in Scandinavia and
more likely to have the luxury of choice to keep Asia, practices from childcare centers in the United
their children home, further widening the already States that have been caring for the children of
existing risk gap. essential workers, and feedback from UTLA
educators and LAUSD parents.
As Dr. Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo of UCSF said,
I al o hel e in lace. 39 But it should Restarting schools safely and equitably occurs
not be a luxury for parents to be able to choose to in a broader setting of community
keep themselves and their children safe. preparedness, requiring greater federal and
state resources to support a strategy of physical
Pa en main conce n , expressed via townhalls, distancing in small, isolated groups, with a
conversations, and initial surveys include: strong emphasis on hygiene. Finally, all plans
and practices must be responsive to the rapidly
emerging epidemiology of this novel virus.
The Same Storm, but Different Boats: The Safe & Equitable Start of School UTLA 6
BROAD COMMUNITY PREPAREDNESS protocols and parameters for restarting at the
There is no safe restart of physical schools without school and district level41
the foundation of broad community preparedness Clear procedures for confirming that members of
that demonstrates a commitment to stopping the den ho ehold do no ha e he co ona i 42
spread of the virus through objective metrics and
dramatically increased funding. This includes:
M g ea e c ce i ha m cla mi
Testing of 100% of symptomatic individuals in
very small. There is one door in and out of the
the community
class. There is one small half window for [air
Clear, specific, and consistent guidance from
ci c la i ].
public health officers
A common response plan for all cities within the - UTLA member survey response -
LAUSD boundaries to reduce the risk of
confusion and unnecessary risk
Decreasing or stable infection and hospitalization P HYSICAL DISTANCING
rates in Los Angeles County for 14 days and an Kee ing den in mall g o ( od ) i h a
absolute case number that indicates community little contact with others as possible43
spread has stopped
Plans that account for siblings to maintain the
Close monitoring of the transmission rate (R0 od o ec ion fo ho ehold
rate) to ensure it does not rise above 1
Staggered arrival, recess, lunch, and pickup times
Paid sick leave for parents to be able to keep
Drastically reduced class sizes to no more than 12
symptomatic children home
per classroom
Clear framework to protect against personal
S ecific im lemen a ion lan gi en each chool
liability, in acknowledgment of the fact that there
unique physical layout
is no way to eliminate all risk during an active
pandemic One-way travel in hallways, and lockers assigned
b od and/o he elimina ion of locke o
Greatly increased federal and state funding to
avoid commingling in hallways
support physical distancing and hygiene practices
Personal protective equipment provided for staff
and students
Reduced furniture in classrooms to increase space
M i ci al e e aid, Nothing is changed,
for physical distancing and reduce surfaces
e ce ed mee . REALLY?! Tha a
needing disinfecting
i a e ie .
Dramatically changed transportation plans to
- UTLA member survey response - ensure social distancing
Increased air circulation in classrooms and
buildings 44
Instruction provided in outdoor settings when
A robust, free testing and contact tracing system
for the entire community that explicitly addresses
access issues about Black, Brown, and low-
income communities Frequent and thorough hand washing supported
by installation of portable hand-washing stations;
Assigned seating in classrooms and on buses so
adjusted lesson plans to factor in time for hygiene;
that contact tracers will know exactly who was
and considerations for additional supervision
sitting next to someone who is found to be
need fo o nge child en hand a hing
regimens 45
Rapid response and quarantine protocols upon
Strict cleaning and sterilizing regimens, including
any active infections in students or staff 40
ensuring schools have proper supplies (including
Upon discovery of active infections that
necessitate a classroom or school closure, clear
The Same Storm, but Different Boats: The Safe & Equitable Start of School UTLA 7
Clear guidelines for safe service delivery of IEP-
[M i gle g ea e c ce i ] ei required services for students with disabilities
l cam h ee ime a eek. Additional support for parents who have
- UTLA member survey response - vulnerable individuals in the household to be able
to stay home to reduce chances of infection and
paper towels given the likely need to eliminate Policies designed to mitigate the disproportionate
hand dryers in bathrooms) risk of infection, serious illness, and death in
Special attention for high-touch surfaces such as den BIPOC and/o oo comm ni ie
drinking fountains, door handles, and faucet
Adequate supplies of Personal Protective ACADEMIC SUPPORTS
Equipment (PPE) for all staff and students
In addition to taking steps to mitigate the risk of
Self-directed symptom and temperature screening
viral transmission, LAUSD should also take steps
of students by parents before they leave home
to provide increased supports for students, many of
(and see above regarding newly added
whom may be returning to school having
experienced increased trauma from the health and
Student and staff symptom and temperature economic effects of the pandemic.
screening before entering buses or school
buildings (although see above regarding the A nurse in every school, to support health
unknown role of asymptomatic transmission by outreach including:
children) o Strong programs for free and widespread
Designated rooms for isolating students who influenza vaccination for students and staff,
exhibit symptoms 48 given the overlap of influenza with the potential
return to school buildings in the fall51
PROTECTIONS FOR HIGH - RISK STUDENTS AND o A coordinated approach with all appropriate
EMPLOYEES agencies in the LAUSD boundaries to ensure
Clear options and accommodations for staff and children receive all recommended vaccinations
pupils who are at higher risk or have family before return to school, given the precipitous
members who are higher risk (and see above drop in recommended childhood vaccinations
ega ding CDC ecen l added i k fac o )49 as a result of the pandemic (leading to increased
likelihoods of simultaneous infectious disease
Clear guidelines for students and staff with health
outbreaks such as measles)52
issues that cannot safely wear PPE or that need
specialized PPE (such as deaf and hard of hearing Explicit plans to address social emotional trauma
students and staff who rely on lip reading)50 and continued stress amidst pandemic through
increased mental health supports, including
With an over 55% response rate from UTLA members, the UTLA Safe and Equitable Schools
survey showed that over 85% of members said that the following safety measures were
c i icall important e im a f hem feel ha i i afe a d a ia e
return to schools:
Widespread testing of students and employees
Significantly increased cleaning protocols
Personal protective equipment for employees
Personal protective equipment for students
A rigorous tracing procedure for anyone in close contact with someone who tests positive
Reduced class sizes to keep students six feet away from each other
Alternative learning/work arrangements for high-risk students and staff
The Same Storm, but Different Boats: The Safe & Equitable Start of School UTLA 8
increased staffing of counselors, psychologists, A commitment to a balanced curriculum with
PSWs, and PSAs. According to the CDC, even physical education, arts, and other electives to
before the crisis, suicide was the second leading teach the whole child
cause of death among youth aged 10 24 years.53 Explicit plans to avoid marginalization of families
An estimated 20% of LAUSD students have a where English is not the primary language
diagnosable mental health issue. 54 through consistent communication and
Explicit plans to carry out health and safety opportunities for feedback in all languages spoken
protocols without resorting to punitive policing in the school community
and punishment Compensatory services for students with
No standardized testing infringing on disabilities, including extra supports where needed
instructional time55 for transitioning back into the school setting
Increased academic supports to address learning Policies to support staff mental health, including
loss, balanced with realistic academic expectations accommodations where needed, clear and regular
given the likely continued stress and trauma that communication from administrators and the
will be experienced by students and their families district, opportunities to express concerns, and
upon restarting, so that the return to school does participatory decision-making processes
not become an additional source of trauma Pre-o ening aining and ehea al o aff ma
adequately prepare and identify areas for
eAverage school district has 3,659 students, eight buildings, 183 classrooms, 329 staff members, and 40 school buses. Expenses contemplated
for additional health monitoring, cleaning/disinfecting, health and safety protocols, PPE, etc. -19-Costs-to-Reopen-Schools.pdf
The Same Storm, but Different Boats: The Safe & Equitable Start of School UTLA 9
1. Federal Bailout: Although the CARES and HEROES Acts 58 provided funding for K-12, both fell far
short of what would be needed to rescue districts and state and local governments. And as of
publication, no money has been dedicated to address the specific needs of students with disabilities,
which in LAUSD annually requires nearly $1 billion in general fund transfers due to the federal
go e nmen fail e o mee i IDEA f nding omi e. Man e e a e calling fo a lea $500
billion in additional federal assistance this year, and a commitment to continue support over several
2. Fully Fund Title I: Congress has perpetually underfunded Title I, ignoring the growth in student
enrollment, the increasing costs of education, and the reality that schools have become the de facto
centers of their respective communities. In California, specifically, last year the Title I funding gap was
$3,400 per Title I eligible student the largest gap in the nation.59 This funding is foundational to
meeting the needs of our students, and Title I was persistently underfunded well before the pandemic.
Congress must appropriate substantial emergency and ongoing resources through the Title I program if
we are to have a solid floor in which to provide education during and after the pandemic.
3. Fully Fund IDEA: Since the passage of the Individuals With Disabilities Education (IDEA) Act in
1975, Congress has never come close to allocating the 40% funding promised to ensure a free and
appropriate public education for students with disabilities. Instead, funding has consistently hovered
around 16%.60 In early May, 25 senators wrote a letter oicing hei o fo IDEA f ll
implementation at this time in conjunction with an additional appropriation of $12 billion in IDEA
funding to ensure school districts across the country are able to meet the needs of students with
disabilities. To date, that letter has been entirely ignored by the Senate Majority Leader, Mitch
McConnell, and no such funding has been officially proposed or discussed in the Senate.
4. Medicare for All: Coronavirus shows definitively why we need Medicare For All. People fearful of
crippling medical bills avoid seeking testing and treatment, leading to undetected COVID-19 cases and
a likely increase in death rates thanks to people delaying medical care until they reach a critical
condition. The boundless greed of the for-profit heal h ind , combined i h hi co n dee l
ingrained racism, has led to race-based health disparities that have resulted in excess deaths especially
among Black communities long before the pandemic further widened the health gap. That same greed
has resulted in Gilead Sciences pricing a five-day course of Remdesivir at $3,120 despite having
received $70.5 million in public funding for the development of the coronavirus drug. 61
Although the 2020-21 California budget did not have cuts to K-12, a no c b dge i no eno gh o
restart safely amidst pandemic when California ranks 38th in the nation in per-pupil funding.62 With the
a e ain da f nd projected to be depleted within three years, Californians must make a choice: continue
defici ending ha ill ake ea o a do n a he e en e of comm ni ie , o demand ha Califo nia
record number of millionaires and billionaires finally pay their fair share. 63
1. The California Schools and Local Communities Funding Act of 2020, aka Schools and
Communities First: This proposition on the November 2020 ballot will increase funding to education
and local government by reassessing property tax of commercial and industrial properties valued at $3
million or more from 1978 assessments to current assessment values. Projected to add $7.5 billion to
$12 billion a year with 40% allocated to schools and 60% added to local governments. 64
2. Wealth Tax: A new tax on unrealized capital gains to California billionaires only, 1% a year until
capital gains taxes are met. This would generate an estimated $10 billion a year initially.
3. Millionaire Tax: Add a 1% surtax on incomes over $1 million a year, and 3% for over $3 million a
year. This would generate an estimated $4.5 billion-plus a year.
The Same Storm, but Different Boats: The Safe & Equitable Start of School UTLA 10
Although the machinations of Washington, D.C. and Sacramento have received the spotlight during this
crisis, many of the living and working condi ion in eo le e e da li e a e decided a he local le el.
Local policies often set the precedent for more progressive moves at the state and national level.
1. Defund Police: Police violence is a leading cause of death and trauma for Black people, and is a
serious public health and moral issue.65 We must shift the astronomical amount of money devoted to
policing, to education and other essential needs such as housing and public health.
2. Housing Security: The e i no afe a home fo ho e ho do not have a home. Students need
stability, and cities have the power to pass ordinances to prevent evictions and provide rental relief
funds. Instead of just one-time relief, as was passed by the LA City Council in June 2020, housing can
be a human right assisted by the state.66 Additionally, as Project Roomkey has demonstrated, sheltering
the homeless community is a matter of political will, not scarce resources. 67 Over 15,000 homeless
students in LAUSD need permanent shelter.68
3. Paid Sick Leave: Parents should not have to decide between staying home with a sick child or going
to work in order to be paid. All cities in LAUSD bo nda ie should follow LA City Council lead
and require ten additional sick days, and expand those sick days to require it of all businesses.69
4. Charter Moratorium: Privately operated, publicly funded charter schools drain resources from district
schools and man ha e do ble-di ed d ing hi c i i b taking federal small business bailout
loans even though state funding did not decline this school year. 70 In addition, colocation adds
students to campuses when we need to reduce the number of students to allow for physical distancing.
5. Financial Support for Undocumented Students and Families: Califo nia mo e han 2 million
undocumented residents are by and large ineligible for state and federal benefits. Even if their children
are US citizens, in the era of ICE raids and mass deportations, many undocumented parents are too
fearful to apply for benefits for their children. California undocumented immigrants disproportionately
pay taxes without benefits, paying an estimated $4.5 billion in federal taxes and $2.5 billion in
California state taxes in 2018.71 Immigrant students and workers, so vital to our schools and our
economy, must be supported during this crisis.
In Conclusion: N a Wa W ki g F U Bef e.
We Ca G Back
UTLA educators went on strike in 2019 demanding smaller class sizes; more nurses, librarians, and
counselors; an end o aci andom ea che ; and mo e, beca e normal wasn t working. Educators won
he e demand beca e i a n j 35,000 ed ca o in he ee demanding a ne no mal, b 70,000
Angelenos walking side by side with educators demanding increased investments in schools and
No ma e he cena io in A g , i clea ha i ill no be a no mal chool ea . B hen no mal
means deep race and class fissures that result in increased infection and death rates in Black, Brown, and
high-poverty communities; hen no mal mean inc ea ing olice b dge e en a chool , lib a ie , and
public health face catastrophic cuts; hen no mal mean co o a ion receiving trillions in bailout funds
as federal commitments to support special education and high-poverty students remain unfulfilled; when
no mal mean o king familie lining fo mile fo food bank hile US billionai e inc ea ed hei
wealth by over $584 billion it is clear that going back to normal is not an option. This crisis presents an
opportunity to create a new normal that supports all students.
UTLA educators are eager to get back to our schools where they can care for, laugh with, and most
importantly, teach our students. But even more than teaching, our job in a pandemic is to keep students and
The Same Storm, but Different Boats: The Safe & Equitable Start of School UTLA 11
communities safe. As politicians have gutted public goods, the burden on schools to be safe havens for
learning has become more substantial. The eventual restarting of physical schools should be primarily about
learning, not merely about opening childcare centers for workers, whose employers by and large pay
minimum wage and don offe healthcare and paid sick leave.
Learning happens when students and educators feel safe, and safety is only possible in a broader setting of
community preparedness, requiring greater federal and state resources to support a strategy of physical
distancing in small, isolated groups, with a strong emphasis on hygiene. All of that is attainable, but only if
schools and communities are funded appropriately. California can do that if politicians are finally willing to
prioritize pupils over plutocrats.
Despite an avowed interest in hastily reopening schools, American politicians, and society as a whole, have
not done what is needed to safely restart as evidenced by record-shattering infection rates, rapidly filling
ICU wards, a grotesque lack of PPE for essential workers, a shameful lack of tests, an almost complete
inability to contact trace new outbreaks, and dramatically disproportionate infection and death rates in
Black, Brown, and high-poverty communities. The United States leads the world in the number of
coronavirus cases and deaths and not coincidentally, also leads the world in number of billionaires, per-
capita energy consumption, prisoners, school shootings, and medical bankruptcy f.72,73,74,75 This is not the
setting of community preparedness that serves as the foundation for safe classroom instruction amidst a
When oli ician e ho ed ca o and o he o ke o eigni e he econom , UTLA ed ca o a k: who
are you planning to use as kindling? The benefits to restarting physical schools must outweigh the risks,
especially for our most vulnerable students and school communities. As it stands, the only people
guaranteed to benefit from the premature physical reopening of schools amidst a rapidly accelerating
andemic a e billionai e and he oli ician he e rchased.
f Medical bankruptcy is such a foreign concept outside of the United States that no other country even attempts to track it.
The Same Storm, but Different Boats: The Safe & Equitable Start of School UTLA 12
Appendix A
A of J ne 25, 2020, he CDC li fo Peo le Who A e at Inc ea ed Ri k fo Se e e Illne
Older Adults
People of any age with the following conditions are at increased risk of severe illness from
1. Chronic kidney disease
2. COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
3. Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) from solid organ transplant
4. Obesity (body mass index of 30 or higher)
5. Serious heart conditions such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies
6. Sickle cell disease
7. Type 2 diabetes mellitus
People with the following conditions might be at an increased risk for severe illness from
8. Asthma (moderate-to-severe)
9. Cerebrovascular disease
10. Cystic fibrosis
11. Hypertension or high blood pressure
12. Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) from blood or bone marrow
transplant, immune deficiencies, HIV, use of corticosteroids, or use of other immune
weakening medicines
13. Neurologic conditions, such as dementia
14. Liver disease
15. Pregnancy
16. Pulmonary fibrosis (having damaged or scarred lung tissues)
17. Smoking
18. Thalassemia (a type of blood disorder)
19. Type 1 diabetes mellitus
The Same Storm, but Different Boats: The Safe & Equitable Start of School UTLA 13
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