R-Programming: To See The Working Directory in R Studio

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Class R


Created Jun 11, 2020 1120 PM


Source Coursera

Type Section

To see the working directory in R studio

In the R-console : getwd();

👆The working directory is important because if we are reading a CSV file the
file should be in the working directory.

To read CSV file : read.csv("mydata.csv");

To see all the files: dir();

To run a file in R
Commands to run a R file

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use command

To show all the function loaded in the R console ls();

To load the file in R console source("myCode.R");

To run myFunction myFunction();

To run second second(4);

Alternate to ls(); objects()

To remove the objects rm(z,x,ink,junk);

In myCode.R


What is R?
R is a dialect of S.

Assignment operator in R (←)



if there is nothing to return they wont print anything in the console.

Assignment also can be done by 5→x .

assign("x",2) 👈 This is also used in assignement

The number 1 indicates the position
of the number

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: operator
The : operator creates integer sequence

👆This is used to create sequence


This will print all the number from 1 to 20

👆This 19 is the 19th position of 19.

Objects in R
R has 5 basic classes of objects

We use class(x) function to find the Data type

 Character

 Numneric

 Integer

 Complex

 Logical(True or false)

The most basic object is a vector

A vector can only contain objects of the same class

NOTE But one exception is a list ,which is represented as a vector but can
contain objects of different classes.

Empty vector can be created with the vector() function.

👆vector function has 2 arguments they are the type of arguments and the
length of the vector.


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#Numberic object
#explicitly gives you an integer

Inf which represent infinity . Inf can be used in ordinary calculation

#This gives 0

NaN This represent an undefined value ("not a number"). NaN can also be
thought of as a missing value.

 names,dimnames

 dimensions

 class

 length

 other user-defined attributes/ metadata

Attributes of an objects can be accessed using the attributes() function.

Creating vectors
c() is another function used to create vectors of objects.

c stands for concatenate.

x<-c(0.5,0.6) ##Numeric
x<-c(TRUE,FALSE) ##logical
x<-9:29 ##Integer
x<-c(1+0i,2+1i) ##Complex
x<-c(2+1i,2) ##Complex this also correct

Using vector() function


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Mixing objects - This will not give error ❤

y<-c(1.7,"a") ##character
y<-c("True",2) ##numeric

when different objects are mixed in a vector ,coercion occurs so that every
element in the vector is of the same class.

Explicit coercion

## 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
## "0","1","2","3","4","5","6"

NOTE Converting numeric to logical only 0 is considered as FALSE other that

that all are TRUE



1.creating matrix by matrix function
Matrix are vectors with dimension attribute,The dimension attribute is itself an
integer vector of length 2 (nrow,ncol)

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Matrices are constructed column-wise , so entries can be thought of starting
in the" upper left " corner and running down the columns

2.Creating matrix by concatenate function

Matrix can also be created directly from vector by adding a dimension

c(2,5) is c(number of rows,number of columns)

3.cbind-ing and rbing-ing

R-programming 6
factor is a special type of vector. This is used to represent categorial data.
Factors can be two types

 unorder

 order

One can think of a factor as an integer vector where each integer has a label.

Factors are treated specially by modelling function like lm() and glm()

Using factors with labels is better than using integer becaouse factors ar
self-describing :having a variable that has values "Male" and "Female" is
better than a variable has 1 and 2.

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The order of the level can be set using the levels argument to factor() .This
can be important in linear modelling because the first level is used as the
baseline level.

👆In the first example the no comes before ye because it is arranged in the
alphabetical ( N comes before Y.

Missing values
Missing values are denoted by NA or NaN for undefined mathematical

is.na() is used to test objects if they are NA.

is.nan() is used to test object if they are NaN.

NA values have a class also ,so they are integer NA,character NA.

NaN is a NA but NA is not NaN

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Data Frames
Data frames are used to store tabular data.

They represented as a special type if list where every element of the list
has to have the same length.

Each element of the list can be thought of as a column and the length of
each element of the list is the number of rows

unlike matrices, data frames can store different classes of objects in each
column,matrices must have every element be the same class.

Data frames also have a special attribute called row.names

Data frames are usually created by called read.tables() or read.csv() .

Can be converted to a matrix by calling data.matrix() .

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R objects can also have names, which is very useful for writing readable code
and self-describing objects.

matrix also have names : This are called as dimname()

Reading tabular data

reading data
There are a few principle functions reading data into R.

read.table , read.csv for reading tabular data.

readLines foe reading lines in a text file.

source for reading in R code file (inverse of dump)

dget for reading in R code files (inverse of dput)

load for reading in saved workspace

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unserialized for reading single R object in binary form.

Writing data







Reading data files with write.table

The read.table function is one of the most commonly used functions for
reading data. It had a few important arguments.

file , the name of the file or a connection

header , logical indication if the file has a header

colClasses , a character vector indicating the class of each column in the


nrow , the number of rows in the dataset

comment.char , a character string indicating the comment character.

skip, the number of lines to skip from the beginning

stringAsFactors , should character variable be coded as factor.

for small to moderate sized dataset ,you can usually call read.table without
specifying any other arguments


R will automatically

skip lines that begins with #

figure out how many rows there are( and how much memory needs to be

R-programming 11
figure what type of variable is in each column of the table telling R all
these things directly makes R sun faster and most efficiently.

Reading in larger dataset with read.table

Make a rough calculation of the memory required to store your dataset . if the
dataset is larger than the amount of RAM on your computer , this leads to

Use the colClasses argument . Specify this option instead of using the
default can make read.table run much faster. In order to use this option,
you have to know the class of each column in your data frame. If all of the
columns are "numeric" ,then colClassed="numeric"


Calculating memory requirements

I have a data frame with 1 500 000 rows and 120 columns, all of which are
numeric data , Roughly how much memory is required to store this data frame

1500000 ∗ 120 ∗ 8 = 1.34GB

dput-ting R objects
Another way to pass data around is by deparsing the R object with dput and
reading it back in using dget.

Dumping R objects
Multiple objects can be depasred using the dump function and read back in
the using source

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Inside data.R

Interface to the outside world

file , opens a connection to a file

gzfile ,opens a connection to file compressed with gzip

bzfile, opens a connection to file compressed with bzip2

url, opens a connection to a webpage

File connection

data<-read.cse(con)##Same as

We can read line by taking each line as a character


This is also used to read line from website

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There are a number of operates that can be used to extract subset of R

[ always return an object of the same class as the original ; can be used to
select more than one element

[[ is used to extract elements of a list or a data frame ; it can be used to

extract a single element and the class of the returned object will not
necessarily be a list or data frame.

$ is used to extract element of a list or data frame by name; semantics are

similar to that of[[.

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[[ Has a advantage because some times we use the result of other

Sub setting nested elements of a list


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Removing NA values

Vectorized operations

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