Service Profile Consulting

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Information is our forté

Consulting Services Profile

Cadence Group draws
Staffing Consulting Outsourcing
on more than 20 years of
Information Challenge enables us to provide objective and current
experience in library science, information management (IM) consulting
Even though most companies are flooded
information architecture, with information, not all have the expertise on solutions tailored to fit your needs.
and technology solutions to hand to effectively organize and manage that Consulting Services
information. Consulting services are available in all
help clients deliver valuable For example, you may need to set up a re- Cadence Group practice areas. We help you
information to people who cords center, implement a virtual library, or define your IM needs, develop plans and
improve your content acquisition process. recommendations, create tailored solutions,
need it the most. How can you get this expertise without hiring implement new processes and procedures, and
new resources or disrupting your work flow? train your users.
Cadence Group Solution For all consulting assignments, Cadence
Cadence Group has a long history of help- Group uses a structured, five-phase consulting
ing clients easily obtain and manage informa- methodology consisting of Define, Plan,
tion tailored to specific needs — using its Assess, Create, and Implement.
professional Consulting services.  Define: (Pre-startup) Includes defining
Cadence Group’s information professionals business needs, opportunity, and scope of
understand the best practices for and hold the project.
expertise in records management, knowledge  Plan: (Post-startup) Includes developing
management, library science, research, infor- the detailed requirements, project plan,
mation architecture, and content management. resource requirements, and timeline.
At Cadence Group, we do not resell or en-  Assess: Includes documenting the existing
dorse any software products. Rather, we sift and desired environments, analyzing the
through an ever-growing pool of information gap between the two, and developing
 Gain compliance with resources and software solutions, identifying recommendations.
best practices the most reliable sources and tools. This
 Increase operating
 Lessen work flow
Fundamental Consulting Methodology
Solution developed
 Reduce risks of non- Comprehensive testing performed
Pilot executed
compliance Deliverable: Pilot Solution 5. Implement
Existing environment documented
 Control costs Desired environment documented
Gap analyzed
 Get the highest return Recommendations developed 4. Create
Deliverable: Recommendations
from technology invest- Needs identified
Opportunity defined
ments — across the Scope defined
Documentation published
enterprise Deliverable: 3. Assess Training completed
Statement of Work Phased rollout of solution
Deliverable: Rollout Solution

2. Plan

Detailed Requirements defined

1. Define Project Charter/Plan developed
Resource requirements defined
Timelines defined
Deliverable: Project Charter/Plan
Pre-Startup Post-Startup
(continued on back)
Consulting Services Profile

Cadence Group  Create: Includes developing the solution,  Outsourcing services provide a cost-
1095 Zonolite Road performing comprehensive testing, and effective way to run an IM business opera-
executing a pilot program. tion outside your core competencies. With
Suite 105
 Implement: Includes publishing docu- outsourcing solutions, we take care of every-
Atlanta, Georgia thing – management, staffing, and day-to-
mentation, completing training, and rolling
30306 out the solution in phases. day operations – saving you as much as 30%
on the cost of running many business
404-874-0544 Our consultative approach begins with ini- operations.
404-874-0541 (Fax) tial contact and continues through project
definition, delivery, and closure. This base  Government Relations — Cadence Group has the necessary government agreements
methodology is used during all Cadence
Group efforts and is adjusted for each unique to conduct business with the federal or local
engagement during the initial needs identifi- governments. This includes a five-year GSA
cation and scope discovery. schedule contract and registrations with
PRO-Net and the Central Contractor
Benefits Registration System of the Department
Cadence Group objectively considers the of Defense.
broad implications of IM decisions, lessening
 Partnerships — Cadence Group forms
disruptions to the work flow in other depart-
partnerships with software vendors, Internet
ments. In our recommendations, we look for
Service Providers, and other IT companies.
ways to apply best practices to increase oper-
We help our partners integrate their technol-
ating efficiencies, reduce risks, control costs,
ogy solutions with our proven information
and leverage your technology investments —
and knowledge management services.
across the enterprise.
For More Information
To discuss your information Doing Business with Cadence
To discuss your IM consulting needs, please
management consulting contact Cadence Group at 404-874-0544, ext.
Cadence Group has more than 20 years’ 113 or by e-mail at
needs, please contact experience servicing a variety of clients in-
Cadence Group at cluding corporations, law firms, technology
companies, libraries, health care organiza- Cadence Group Practice Areas
404-874-0544, ext. 113 tions, and state and federal government Acquire
agencies. Research
or by e-mail at On-demand Research
For each assignment, Cadence Group Competitive Intelligence
determines the service agreement that best Content Acquisition
fits your current information needs and Document Delivery
budget — with updated assessments for
future considerations. Records Management
Whether you need research, records man- Enterprise Content Management
agement, taxonomy development, knowledge Taxonomy Development
management, or the staff to run a virtual/ Virtual/Physical Libraries
physical library, Cadence Group offers the Knowledge Management
requisite Staffing, Consulting, and Outsourc- Custom Application Solutions
ing services to fill your needs. Disseminate
 Staffing services help you quickly find Web Content Architecture
qualified information specialists when you Web Content Management
need them for as long as you need them – News and Content e-Summaries
for temp, temp-to-hire, and direct-hire In-fortéSM, A virtual information center
placements. solution
 Consulting services help you define your
IM needs, develop custom solutions, and
train users in new processes and systems.
© 2008 The Cadence Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Cadence Group is a registered trademark of The Cadence Group, Inc.
All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

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