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A ladder of stakeholder management and engagement (Friedman and Miles 2006:162)

Stakeholder Intention of Level of Style of dialogue and

management tool ands engagement influence associated examples
nature of response

Degrees of 12. Stakeholder Majority Multi-way dialogue

stakeholder control representation of e.g. community
power stakeholders in projects

11. Delegated power Minority Multi-way dialogue

representation of e.g. board
stakeholders in representation
process Forming or
agreeing to
Proactive or 10. Partnership Joint decision- decisions Multi-way dialogue
responsive/ making power over e.g. joint ventures
trusting specific projects

9. Collaboration Some decision- Multi-way dialogue

making power e.g. strategic alliances
afforded to
stakeholders over
Degrees of specific projects
8.Involvement Multi-way dialogue
e.g. constructive
Stakeholders dialogue
provide conditional
support; if conditions Having an
are not met support influence on
7. Negotiation is removed. The decisions Multi-way dialogue
organisation decides e.g. reactive
the extent of the bargaining

6. Consultation Organisation has the

right to decide.
Stakeholders can Two-way dialogue e.g.
advise. Appease the questionnaires,
stakeholder interviews, focus
groups, task forces,
Degrees of Responsive/neut
tokenism ral 5. Placation Stakeholders can Being heard advisory panels
hear and be heard before a
but have no decision
assurance of being
heeded by the

4. Explaining Two-way dialogue e.g.

3. Informing stakeholders One-way dialogue e.g.
Knowledge verified corporate
about decisions reports

2. Therapy ‘Cure’ stakeholders One-way dialogue,

of their ignorance e.g. briefing sessions,
Non- Autocratic/ and preconceived leaflets, magazines,
participation cynical beliefs newsletters, corporate
reports other
1. Manipulation ‘Misleading’ publications
attempting to
change stakeholder

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