Bio Lab Manual Form 5

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Lab #11 Skill: Drawing

Title: Drawing of a Barbados Pride Flower

Aim: To draw and label a Pride of Barbados flower
Apparatus/material: Pride of Barbados flower, ruler
Method: Draw and label a pride of Barbados flower
Results: Drawing
Discussion: Is the pride of Barbados flower insect of wind pollinated? Give reasons for
your answer.
Reflection: How is this experiment relevant to me and society?
Conclusion: Summarize the experiment’s finding and relate the findings to the aim.

Lab #12 Skill: PD

Title: Pupil diameter and light intensity
Observation: Matthias was playing cricket and lost his sunglasses. Tristan noticed that
Matthias’ pupils looked very small on the field but in the locker room, the pupils were
extremely large.

Hypothesis: stated so that it’s testable

Aim: appropriate to the hypothesis
Apparatus/ material: Include replicates
Method: Reasonable and logical sequence of activities. Do NOT write in past tense.
Include the control variables, manipulated variables and responding variables
Expected results: Do NOT include actual results. State what you expect to happen.
Include how you want the results to be displayed. Tables, graphs etc.
Limitations: relevant to the topic
Sources of error
Lab #13 Skill: Drawing
Title: Fruit dispersal
Aim: To draw and label a transverse section of a tomato and the longitudinal section of
an apple.
To determine the method of dispersal of the various fruits in the lab
Apparatus/ Materials: knife, ruler, Tomato, apple
Method: Draw and label a transverse section of a tomato and a longitudinal section of an
apple. Examine the other fruits in the lab and determine the method of dispersal.
Results: Place drawings here
Table 1 :
Specimen Method of dispersal Reason

Discussion: What is a fruit?

Why must fruits be dispersed far from the parent plant?
Reflection: What did you learn from this experiement? How is this experiemtn relevant to
you and to society?
Conclusion: Make any valid conclusion

Lab #14 Skill: ORR

Title: Variation
Aim: To investigate continuous and discontinuous
Apparatus/ Materials: Measuring tape
Method: Tongue rolling
Make a list of students in the class.
Students are told to roll their tongues
Make observations, record them in a table, and construct a bar chart.
Measure the heights of the heights of the students in the class. Create a class interval-
frequency table of the results.
Tabulate the results and plot a histogram
Table 1:
Student’s Height/cm Tongue Student’s Height/cm Tongue
name rolling name rolling

Table 2:
Class interval/cm Frequency

Define variation
Define discontinuous variation. Refer to genes and the effect on the environment
Define continuous variation. Refer to genes and the effect on the environment
What kind of variation is shown by the height and tongue rolling data. Explain your
Explain how variation arise in the population.
Give two precaution and state why they are necessary.
Give two sources of error and state why they would affect the results
Give 2 limitations
State how the experiment can be improved
Reflection: How is this experiment relevant to you and to society?
Conclusion: summarize results and make a conclusion

Lab #15 Skill: AI

Title: Determining the characteristics of a puppy
Aim: To determine the physical characteristics of a puppy using a coin toss.
Apparatus/ Materials: Picture of a puppy, marker, 2 coins of the same size
Method: use a marker to colour one coin. The coin is designated ‘male’
Alternatively this coloured coin can be female
The two coins are flipped seven times in order to complete the table
Then one coin is flipped one more time to determine the sex (gender) of the offspring
In this case heads represent a Y chromosome and tails representan X chromosome of the
A genetic diagram must be done for one physical trait from the table. Using an outline of
a puppy draw in the features you determined from the coin toss experiment.
Let A= allele for a fluffy tail a- allele for non fluffy tail
Let B= allele for brown eyes b- allele for green eyes
Let W= allele for white paws w-allele for black paws
Let Y= allele for brown fur y- allele for white fur
Let E=allele for pointed ears e-allele for flat ears
Let S- allele for spotted fur s- allele for plain fur
Let F=allele for thick fur f- allele for non-furry body
Table 1:
Trait Male Female Genotype Phenotype
Flufiness of tail A a A a
Eye colour B b B b
Colour of paws W w W w
Fur colour Y y Y y
Shape of ears E e E e
Pattern of fur S s S s
Thickness of F f F f

Genetic Diagram for one cross of the coin toss experiment.

Puppy: Draw the puppy with the traits determined by the coin toss

Discussion: Define the terms of gene and allele

Define a dominant allele and a recessive allele
Both parents in the genetic crosses were heterozygous. What does this term mean.
In humans is height controlled by one gene? Give a reason for yur answer.
List an/y relevant precautions and sources of error.
Reflection: what did you learn from this experiment? How is it relevant to you and to
Conclusion: make a valid conclusion

Lab #16 Skill:

Title: The effect of unidirectional light on plants
Aim: To investigate the effect of unidirectional light on the growth of lentil seedlings
Apparatus / Materials: 2 sets of lentil seedlings, 1 week old, wash bottle, shoe box with
lid, water for seedlings
Method: Place one set of seedlings on a counter top in the lab where they can receive
illumination from all sides.
Place the other set of seedlings in a shoe box which had one of the sides removed. Place
the lid on the shoebox. These seedlings will be exposed to light from one direction
(unidirectional light).
(Note : the shoebox should be large enough that when the lid is put on the seedlings are
not squashed and they also have some space to grow.)
Put the shoebox near a window in the lab
Put the cut end of the shoebox to face the sunlight coming through the window.
Water both sets of seedlings daily using a wash bottle (so that the lid of the shoebox is
not opened )
Record any differences in the direction of growth of the seedlings after a week.
(Note : in this experiment another set of seedlings can be placed in a shoe box, with no
lid so it can receive light from all directions).

Table 1: Result of direction of growth of seedlings in different conditions.
Light from all directions Unidirectional light

What is meant by the term tropism?
How is this different to the way in which animals usually respond to stimuli?
What is the effect of the plants growth regulator auxin in plant shoots?
Explain the result of this experiment
What is the significance of these result to plants?
What was the control in this experiment?
What are the limitations of this experiment?
List any two relevant precautions and sources of error.
How can this experiment be improved?
Reflection. What did you learn from this experiment? What is the relevance of this
experiment to you and to society?
Conclusion: Briefly summarize the results and accept or reject any hypothesis

Other labs
Ecology school lab
Field trip

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