ATA24, Electrical Dash 8 q200

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DHC-8 100/200/300 Series TCM

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DHC-8 100/200/300 Series TCM

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DHC-8 100/200/300 Series TCM

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DHC-8 100/200/300 Series TCM

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DHC-8 100/200/300 Series TCM

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DHC-8 100/200/300 Series TCM

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DHC-8 100/200/300 Series TCM


Electrical Power Systems

The following electrical systems on board the aircraft are:

DC System VAC 400 HZ System

Two engine driven DC starter generators providing 28 volts and Fixed frequency AC power required for avionics and some
from a variable AC frequency system through two transformer- instrumentation is provided by 3 solid state inverters that are
rectifier units (TRUs). powered by the 28 volt system. Inverter output is 115 VAC at
400 Hz. Some of the 115 volt inverter output is reduced to 26
Two nickel-cadmium (Nicad) batteries or lead acid pending mod volts, 400 Hz AC through two step down transformers for
status. Nicad: one 40 amp capacity (main battery) and another operation of 26 volt equipment.
of 15 amp capacity (auxiliary). Two 40 amp batteries (main and
auxiliary) may also be installed pending mod status. Bus System

DC External power Bus distribution is as follows:

AC Variable Frequency System L and R DC Essential buses.

L and R DC Main buses.
115 volt, three phase alternating current power provided by two L and R DC Secondary buses.
engine driven AC generators. L and R AC 115V, 400 Hz buses.
L and R AC 26V, 400 Hz buses.
AC external power L and R AC 115 Variable Frequency buses.

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AC & DC Control Panels

The AC & DC Control panels are located on the overhead panel.

These panels contain switches of different form. Also, two
monitoring panels are installed for the AC and DC systems.

Circuit Breaker Panels

Circuit breaker panels are installed behind the pilot and copilot
seats. The circuit breaker panels for the DC main, essential and
secondary buses are mounted on the top surfaces - left buses on
the pilots side and right buses on the copilot side.

The left and right panels (horizontal) each contain three shelves
which mount the 400 Hz inverters and other power-related

The avionics circuit breaker panel is mounted above and behind

the pilot's circuit breaker console, on the rear flight compartment

The VAC variable frequency circuit breaker panel is located

behing the copilot's seat on the rear flight compartment bulkhead.

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circuit breaker panels are the distribution buses, but the word
"distribution" is omitted in the titles on the panels. A small
number of control circuit breakers are mounted in the DC
contactor box.
Electrical Load Distribution
Left DC Circuit Breaker Panel
The left DC circuit breaker panel is located on the top surface of
Electrical load distribution from the three basic power systems the left circuit breaker console beside and outboard of the pilot's
(28 volts DC, 115/200 volts 3-phase AC variable frequency, and seat. It contains the left main, left essential and left secondary
115 volts 400 Hz) is provided through the following four circuit DC distribution buses. Panel markings indicate the division of the
breaker panels located in the flight compartment: buses and system designation of the circuit breakers (CBs).
(a) Left DC circuit breaker panel, Power feed to the left main distribution bus is supplied by four
(b) Right DC circuit breaker panel, separate lines from the left main feeder bus in the DC contactor
(c) 115V AC VARIABLE FREQUENCY circuit breaker panel box, through the L MAIN INPUT circuit breakers A10, B10, C10,
(d) Avionics circuit breaker panel (distributes 28 volts, DC, 115 D10. In addition to supplying power directly to various equipment,
volts and 26 volts AC, 400 Hz). the main distribution bus supplies power to the avionics panel left
buses through CBs (A9, B9, C9) and to the left essential bus CB
Thermal push-pull circuit breakers are used for the protection of (E10).
all AC and DC wiring. The circuit breakers (CBs) and associated
buses are mounted on the four panels. With the exception of the The left essential bus is powered through isolation diodes from
AC VARIABLE FREQUENCY panel, alpha/numeric panel the left main distribution bus CB L MAIN INPUT, (L10) and the
markings are placed along the bottom and left edges of the left battery bus CB AUX BATT INPUT, (M10). The left essential
panels to identify the rows and line in which CBs are located, for bus is normally tied by the BUS TIE circuit breaker (K10) to a
the benefit of location description. similar circuit breaker on the right essential bus in the copilot's
panel. The left secondary buses are powered from the left TRU.
Example The secondary feeder bus in the contactor box is connected to
the L SECONDARY distribution bus by three separate lines
The CABIN LT circuit breaker PWR 1 (bottom left-hand corner) is applied through the L SEC INPUT circuit breakers (P10, Q10 and
located in row A line 1, abbreviated Loc. A1. Simplified, that R10). The secondary bus operates independently and is
reads "circuit breaker PWR 1 (A1)". The electrical buses in the electrically separate from the main and essential buses.

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Right DC Circuit Breaker Panel

The right circuit breaker panel is located on the top surface of the right secondary bus also operates independently and is
right circuit breaker console, beside and outboard of the copilot's electrically separate from the main and essential buses.
seat. It is similar in design and function to the left DC circuit
breaker panel, with the addition of a separate bus and circuit 115V AC VARIABLE FREQUENCY Circuit Breaker Panel
breakers labeled BATTERY PWR, at the bottom of the R
ESSENTIAL section. The BATTERY PWR circuit breakers are The 115 V AC VARIABLE FREQUENCY circuit breaker panel is
connected directly to the right battery bus through a 10-amp mounted on the rear flight compartment bulkhead above and
circuit breaker located in the DC contactor box. If CSI 82062 is behind the copilot's circuit breaker console, on the rear flight
installed, ground service lights are also powered from the right compartment bulkhead at Station X182. Variable frequency AC
battery. See Chapter 33 for details. power is distributed by independent left and right 115 volt three-
phase variable frequency buses identified by appropriate panel
Power to the right main distribution bus is fed by four separate markings. Power from the AC contactor boxes (one located in
lines from the right main feeder bus, and through the R MAIN each nacelle) enters the panel through connector 2421-P26, and
circuit breakers (P10, Q10, R10, S10). The main distribution bus is wired to each circuit breaker on the panel.
supplies power to the avionics panel right DC buses through the
AVIONIC FEEDERS circuit breakers Q9, R9, S9.

The right essential bus is powered by the right main distribution

bus and the right battery bus through isolation diodes (CR2 and
CR4) and circuit breakers R MAIN INPUT (M10), R ESS BUS
(N10), and MN BATT INPUT (L10).

The right secondary distribution bus is powered from the right

TRU. Power input is connected through the three R SEC INPUT
circuit breakers (C10, D10, E10), supplied by three separate lines
from the right secondary feeder bus in the DC contactor box. The

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Avionics Circuit Breaker Panel

The avionics circuit breaker panel is mounted above and behind

the pilot's circuit breaker console, on the rear flight compartment
bulkhead. It distributes 28 volts DC, 115 and 26 volts 400 Hz to
avionics equipment and any other frequency sensitive AC
systems. Panel markings identify the appropriate buses and
circuit breakers. The 28 volt input from the left and right main
distribution buses enters the avionics panel through 2431-P1
(left) and 2431-P2 (right) and is applied to their respective
distribution buses through separate 20-amp circuit breakers (J8,
K7, L6, right) and M5, N4, P3, left).

The three 400 Hz inverters supply the left and right 115V buses
through the paralleling control box, applied to the avionics panel
through connector 2422-P8. The paralleling control box directs
the output from the auxiliary inverter to either the left or right bus
by selection of a switch located on the AC CONTROL panel in
the flight compartment.

The BUS TIE circuit breaker located at the top of the panel
connects the two buses. Each 115 volt bus supplies power to a
26 volt auto-transformer through the 115/26 VAC XFMR RT and
115/26 VAC XFMR LT circuit breakers located at G10 and H9.
The output of the transformers directly supplies 26-volt 400 Hz
power separately to the left and right 26-volt buses.

These buses are monitored by the master caution light system to

provide indication of power loss to the buses.
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Main and Auxiliary Batteries


The battery system consists of two nickel-cadmium batteries, Each battery is equipped with a temperature sensor which is
with venting and temperature monitoring equipment, current connected to a temperature monitoring system. The battery
metering shunts, power contactor and their control circuits. contactors, control relays, and circuit breakers are located in the
DC contactor box which is mounted on the forward side of the
The batteries are mounted in the lower left section of the nose upper pressure bulkhead.
compartment on shelf Z97.00, parallel to the aircraft centerline
forward of the lower pressure bulkhead.

The main, or right battery, has a capacity of 40 ampere-hours,

and is mounted in the forward position. The auxiliary (left) battery
has a capacity of 15 ampere-hours and is installed at the rear of
the main battery. (SOO 8070 replaces the 15 ampere-hour
battery with a 40 ampere-hour battery in the auxiliary position).
Both batteries are secured to their mounting trays by tie-down
bolts. The two battery cases are commonly vented to
atmosphere through a sump jar. The jar is mounted aft of the
frame at X-4.5, left hand side, and is connected to the battery
cases and outside air by hoses and a tee union. The negative
side of eh battery is connected through separate battery metering
shunts to airframe (ground) on the underside of shelf Z112.00
above the batteries.

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Battery Venting

The battery venting system consists of the battery sump jar,

breather tubes from the two batteries, and the overflow vent
through the aircraft skin to atmosphere.

The sump jar is made of styrene plastic and consists of two

separate parts. The top is mounted to the left wheel well web
forward of the main battery and contains two vent pipe fittings,
one connected to the battery breather tube, the other to the
overflow vent. The bottom part of the sump jar screws into the
top and is held in place by two half clamps, also attached to the
wheel well web. The jar contains a pad soaked with a boric acid
solution which neutralizes any fumes or electrolyte spillovers
from the batteries. The batteries are each equipped with two
vents, one of which is capped and unused. The breather tubes
from the batteries are plastic tubes joined at a tee connector,
which in turn is connected to a fitting on top of the sump jar. The
tubes are clamped at various places to prevent movement and/or
damage. The second vent fitting on the sump jar is connected
through a plastic tube, the end of which forms the overflow vent
through the aircraft skin on the bottom of the nose section. It is
clamped to prevent movement and the end is cut flush with the
aircraft skin.

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Battery Control Circuit

The main and auxiliary batteries are connected directly to their All control switches for the battery system are located on the DC
respective buses. They are connected to the essential buses CONTROL panel located in the overhead console. The
through contactor which are manually controlled by the battery BATTERY MASTER switch operates four separate circuits,
master switch. providing a ground return to essential bus contactors K3 and K4
(powered from the left and right battery buses), and power to the
The left (auxiliary) battery is connected to the left essential bus auxiliary and main battery switches; this power is supplied from
through left essential bus contactor K3 and isolation diode CR5. the left and right essential buses through the bus bar protection
Charging current for the left battery is provided from the left main unit and its reset switch. The AUX BATT and MAIN BATT
feeder bus through isolation diode CR1 and left battery bus switches operate battery bus contactor K7 and K8 through
contactor K7. normally-closed contacts of the external power interlock relay
The right (main) battery is connected to the right essential bus
through right essential bus contactor K4 and isolation diode CR4. A customer option (CSI 82066) inhibits relay K15, leaving the
It is directly connected to the right main feeder bus through right batteries "on line" to permit charging from the external DC power
battery bus contactor K8. The right main battery also powers the source. The main battery may also be charged from the AC
BATTERY PWR bus on the right (essential) DC circuit breaker EXTERNAL POWER if the aircraft is so equipped (SOO 8095).
panel through a circuit breaker (CB74) located in the DC
contactor box.

The left and right essential buses are connected by the BUS TIE
circuit breakers located on the pilot's and copilot's essential DC
circuit breaker panels.

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Battery Control Circuit Con’t

The MAIN BUS TIE switch is normally lever-locked in the open or When K7 or K8 are de-energized (batteries disconnected from
OFF position. In emergency situations it is selected ON to the buses) their auxiliary contacts 13/14 provide a ground
energize the main bus tie contactor K21. connection to the caution lights panel to turn on the AUX BATT or
MAIN BATT warning lights.
With the battery switches on and the contactor energized, the
Actuation of the BATTERY MASTER switch on the DC right main feeder bus and right main distribution buses are
CONTROL panel energizes essential bus contactors K3 and K4, powered for the operation of any system connected to them,
connecting the auxiliary (left) battery to the left essential bus including right .engine start operation. To power the left main
through diode CR5, and the main (right) battery to the right feeders and left distribution buses from the right battery the MAIN
essential bus through diode CR4. Simultaneously, power BUS TIE switch is set to on to energize the main bus tie
becomes available at the MAIN BATT and AUX BATT switches, contactor K21. The contactor is energized from the right essential
through the Bus Bar Protection Unit (BBPU) and the BUS bus, through the bus bar protection unit.
RESET switch.
NOTE: Bus tie contactor K21 is normally operated
Operation of the AUX BATT and MAIN BATT switches energizes automatically by the Generator Control Unit Manual
battery contactor K7 and K8. Both are interlocked through K15 to selection of the bus tie switch is necessary for battery
prevent actuation if the aircraft is on external power (unless CSI operation only.
82066 is installed). Contactor K7 provides a diode-protected
charging path for the auxiliary battery from the left main feeder When CSI 82066 is installed and the battery switches turned on,
bus. Contactor K8 connects the main battery directly to the right the external DC power source (when applied to the buses)
main feeder bus. supplies charging current to the batteries.

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Battery Control Circuit Con’t




Current flow in each battery (charge or discharge) is continuously

monitored on the DC SYSTEM panel in the overhead console.
The two battery shunts are connected to the MAIN BATT LOAD
and AUX BATT LOAD on the DC SYSTEM power monitor panel,
which indicate current flow expressed as a percentage factor of
the rated load. The rated load for the batteries is 100 amperes. A
readout of 1.00 indicates full load, 0.50 indicates half load; a
reading of 1.20 indicates a twenty percent overload. Max.
readout is + or -1.99. A discharge condition is indicated by a
flashing minus sign (-) preceding the readout.

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Battery Temperature Monitor System

(Applicable to Nicad installation only)

The battery temperature monitor system provides continuous The scale is graduated in Celcius from 15 to 80 degrees C. The
temperature indication and overheat warning indication for each displays are colored green from 15 to 50 degrees C, yellow from
battery. The system consists of a battery temperature monitor 50 to 65 degrees C and red from 65 to 80 degrees C,
and four temperature sensors. Two sensors provide temperature corresponding to normal, caution and danger operating ranges.
information to the monitor, and two operate indicator lights on the The input of each indicator driver circuit is connected to the
warning lights panel. The lights are labeled MAIN BAT HOT and display temperature sensor installed in each battery. The circuit
AUX BAT HOT. responds to temperature-related changes in resistance of the
thermistor to generate a drive signal proportional to the sensed
Battery Temperature Monitor temperature. The driver circuit output is connected to the related
indicator. The input of each overheat warning circuit which drives
The battery temperature monitor is identified BATTERY the warning lights is similarly connected to the overheat
TEMPERATURE, and is located on the overhead console. Panel temperature sensor thermistor installed on the related battery.
lighting is provided by integral lamps. The circuit is essentially a comparator with a set point equal to
65degrees C. If the thermistor resistance exceeds a value
The monitor contains two temperature indicators, indicator driver corresponding to 65 degrees C, the circuit applies a positive
circuits, overheat warning circuits and built-in test equipment voltage to the related MAIN BAT HOT or AUX BAT HOT warning
(BITE) which includes sensor fail indicator lamps and a test light. A second input is applied to the overheat warning circuit
switch. The temperature indicators on the monitor are labeled from the related indicator driver circuit if the indicated
MAIN and AUX, and separately monitor the temperature of the temperature exceeds 65 degrees C, ensuring operation of the
two batteries. The displays consist of colored oval-shaped LED's, overheat light in event of failure of the overheat warning
arranged above and below a horizontal temperature scale. temperature sensor.

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Battery Temperature Monitor Con’t

The built-in test equipment (BITE) provides a continuous self-

check of the temperature monitor circuits and visual indication of
open or shorted overheat light sensor circuits by turning on the
applicable yellow SENSOR FAIL light. An open or shorted
display sensor is indicated by only the affected yellow 60 degrees
C segment turning on.The test switch is a combined
pushbutton/2-position momentary toggle switch labeled TEST,
located on the face of the monitor panel. The switch energizes
the BITE circuits and simulates predetermined conditions and
failures for manual check of selected circuits and displays.

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Operation of the battery temperature monitor is automatic and Mode 2.

continuous when power is applied to the right essential bus and When moved to the left and held, simulates shorted
the applicable circuit breakers are closed. Valid temperatures display/overheat sensors.
below 15 degrees C are indicated by the lowest-reading green
segment being on. Increases in battery temperature turn on Mode 3.
additional segments, the value being read on the adjacent scale. When moved to the right and held, simulates open
Excessive battery temperature is indicated by the display lighting display/overheat sensors.
in the yellow zone (50 - 65 degrees C) and eventually red (over
65 degrees C). At 65 degrees C the related AUX BAT HOT or When the TEST switch is pressed in and held, the BITE
MAIN BAT HOT warning light is also turned on. sequentially turns on all green and yellow segment lights, and the
red segment lights to the 70 degrees C point. In addition, the
NOTE: The monitor normally indicates internal battery MAIN BAT HOT and AUX BAT HOT overheat warning lights flash
temperature. If the aircraft has been operating or sitting in on and off. (Master warning light will also flash). Upon release,
hot sun, temperature indications may be higher than the light indicators go out, and the segment lights sequentially
atmospheric. reduce to normal battery temperature.

Self-Test When the TEST switch is selected and held to the left, the
display sequentially turns on all green, yellow and red segment
Self test is Accomplished by operation of the TEST switch. This lights to full scale, then all extinguish; followed by lighting of only
switch energizes the built-in test equipment (BITE) and when the yellow 60 degree segments and both SENSOR FAIL lights
operated provides three different test modes: and the MAIN BAT HOT and AUX BAT HOT overheat warning
lights flash on and off. The master warning light will also flash).
Mode 1. When the TEST switch is selected and held to the right, the
When pressed in and held, simulates a temperature of 70 normal temperature light segments extinguish sequentially,
degrees C. followed by lighting of only the yellow 60 degree segments and
both SENSOR FAIL lights. The overheat warning lights do not
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DHC-8 100/200/300 Series TCM


The DC starter-generators are used to motor the engines for

engine start, as well as generate DC power in the generation
system. The starter-generators are mounted on the upper right
side of each engine accessory gearbox, through which they are
driven. They are electrically connected to the DC generator
system by a multi-pin electrical connector for control and
monitoring functions, and by two threaded stud terminals for
power output (positive and negative).

The generators are rated to supply 300 amperes at 30 volts and

are self cooled. Each generator is controlled by its individual
GCU so that the output voltage remains constant over the speed
range of approximately 5600 rpm (min.) to 12,000 rpm (max.).

Four brush blocks spaced 90 degrees around the commutator

are employed. A pair of brushes with leads joined to a common
terminal are retained in each brush block by springs. A
removable window strap provides access to the brushes.

An air inlet duct is secured to the non-driven end of the starter-

generator and an exhaust duct is incorporated in the mounting
flange to provide cooling. A thermostatic switch is installed in the
starter-generator to close a circuit if temperature goes above a
predetermined limit, providing an appropriate DC GEN HOT
indication on the caution lights panel.

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Generator Operation

With the aircraft engines running, and the GEN 1 and GEN 2 Having generator logic relay K12 energized, and K11 de-
switches (DC Control Panel) selected on, the starter-generators energized (left generator off, and right generator on), their
assume their generator function. Each starter-generator is interconnecting contacts provide a power path to energize the
controlled by a separate generator control unit (GCU) which main feeder bus tie K21. The power is supplied by CB26 from
automatically switches from starter to generator function upon the right essential bus, through the Bus Bar Protection Unit
release of the starter circuits. internal relay RL3. Power is then available on the left feeder bus.

When switched to generator operation, the GCU's receive current Action of the left generator and GCU is identical to the right side;
sensing information (output and ground return), speed sensing, the GCU in this case operating contactor K1, and supplying
interpole current, and output voltage signals from the generators. power ready voltage to logic relay K11. Activation of K11 while
Output voltage and current is regulated by the GCU by varying K12 is also energized (both generators functioning), interrupts
the current flowing in the shunt field winding of the generator. the voltage path to bus tie K21, and the left and right generating
systems operate independently.
Assuming the right generator (No. 2) is selected on and the left
generator (No. 1) is OFF, the right GCU on sensing a generator The main battery receives charging current from the right feeder
output voltage in excess of the main feeder bus voltage sensing bus through battery relay K8, energized when MAIN BATT switch
reference, will supply contactor control power to contactor K2, S4 is selected on. The auxiliary battery is charged from the left
connecting the generator output to the right main feeder bus. feeder bus through diode CR1 and battery relay K7, energized
Auxiliary contacts on K2 connect the right essential bus to the when AUX BATT switch S3 is selected on.
GCU to complete the GCU logic circuits requirement.
Simultaneously, the GCU sends a "power ready" voltage to
energize the generator logic relay K12, which will cause No. 2
GEN caution light to go off, provided K2 remains energized to
open contacts 13 and 14 that also control the GEN caution light.

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Generator Control Unit

The GCUs are mounted in the RH circuit breaker console on the The above functions are achieved by GCU circuits which monitor
center and bottom shelves. They provide automatic control, external signals. The principal circuits are differential voltage
monitoring and voltage/current regulation for the DC generators, sensing, reverse current and overcurrent protection,
and control the operation of the main feeder bus contactor. overexcitation and overvoltage control, feeder fault detection and
An overcurrent sense signal is also supplied to the bus bar field relay trip.
protection unit. When the generators are used in the starter
mode, the GCU controls the start cycle. Operation of both GCUs
is identical.

The GCU provides the following control functions for the DC

(1) Voltage regulation, by varying the generator field
current to maintain a preset voltage output.
(2) Paralleling control, to equalize the load on both
generators when operating with the main feeder bus tie
(3) Current limiting, preventing excessive current from
flowing during starting of the opposite engine.
(4) Field weakening, used during engine start to reduce
starter field current as engine speed increases.

If necessary, the GCU will shut down a generator and

isolate it from the main feeder bus.

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Bus Bar Protection Unit

The bus bar protection unit (BBPU) is located on the top shelf of
the RH circuit breaker console. It operates in conjunction with the
two GCUs providing overcurrent protection against a bus fault in
the generating system by isolating the faulty bus from the power
source and by signaling the GCU to shut down the affected
generator and disconnect the associated battery.

The BBPU receives an overcurrent signal from the GCU if the

generator interpole current exceeds 400 amperes. The BBPU
immediately opens the coil energizing source for contactors K21,
K5 and K6, and turns on a DC BUS fault light on the caution
panel. Simultaneously a 7-to-10 second timer is started within the
BBPU. If isolation of the faulty bus removes the overcurrent
condition, no further action is taken by the BBPU.

If the excessive current continues to flow, at the end of the timer

cycle the BBPU disconnects the associated battery and applies a
trip voltage to the GCU, which in turn opens the primary
contactor and shuts down the affected generator by removing its
field current.

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The unit is located on the top shelf of the right circuit-breaker

console. The BBPU detects bus faults by monitoring the GCUs
for generator overcurrent conditions and responds to a fault in
AUTOMATIC BUS-TIE OPERATION AND BUS two stages. Upon initial detection of a fault, the BBPU
immediately opens or inhibits the main bus tie and the two
main/secondary bus ties to ensure that the faulty bus is isolated
from the rest of the system. At the same time, a DC BUS caution
Four bus-tie relays, consisting of a main bus tie, a secondary bus
light on the caution lights panel illuminates to warn of the fault
tie, and two main/secondary bus ties, are controlled automatically
by a series of DC logic relays that tie the appropriate feeder
buses when there is an inoperative power source(s) (the main
If after approximately seven to ten seconds the generator
bus tie is also manually operable). The DC logic relays receive
overload is still present, the BBPU trips the affected generator off
on-line signals from the GCUs and TRU undervoltage relays.
line and isolates the appropriate battery from the faulted main
These signals are used to determine which bus tie to close in
feeder bus (MAIN or AUX BATTERY and related DC GEN
order to sustain power on the affected feeder bus following failure
caution lights illuminate). The BBPU continues to monitor the
of a power source.
unfaulted side. Ail main DC services on the faulted side (and all
secondary DC services if both TRUs are offline) are lost.
When only one DC generator is on line, the logic relays close the
Essential bus power from the remaining generator or the
main bus tie K21 to maintain power to the affected main feeder
batteries is normally unaffected.
bus from the opposite generator. The same happens through the
secondary bus tie K22 when only one TRU is on line.
NOTE: Manual operation of the main bus lie through the
MAIN BUS TIE switch is inhibited once the BBPU has
If both starter-generators are off line and both TRUs are on, the
reacted to a fault.
main/secondary bus ties K5 and K6 are closed to permit the
TRUs to power the main and essential buses. Conversely, if both
If the fault is subsequently cleared, normal operation can be
generators are on and both TRUs off, the main/secondary bus
restored by means of a momentary BUS FAULT RESET switch
ties K5 and K6 are closed to supply the secondary buses from
located on the DC CONTROL panel. When the BUS FAULT
the starter-generators.
RESET switch is held. BBPU authority over bus isolation and
generator shutdown is canceled (the BBPU remains armed in
Automatic protection for the starter-generators and batteries from
case the fault returns). Reactivation of the affected starter-
overloads due to bus faults (short circuits) is provided by a bus
generator requires resetting its GCU by off-on selection with the
bar protection unit (BBPU) acting in conjunction with the GCUs.
appropriate generator control switch.
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Current Transformers

Two current transformers are installed in each generator system.

One is installed in the positive feeder cable adjacent to the
generator contactor in the DC contactor box, and the second
transformer is mounted on the negative feeder cable connecting
the generator E terminal to system ground.

Each transformer consists of a core that provides a feed through

for the primary feeder. The secondary winding is wound on this
core, and the assembly is installed in a formed aluminum case.

A terminal block is secured to the top of the case to provide

terminal connections for the transformer secondary, leading to
the GCU. A removable plastic cover plate provides protection
over the terminals.

Normal currents sensed by both transformers produce canceling

signals in the GCU differential circuits. An instantaneous
differential fault current produces a signal in one transformer that
is used by the GCU to trigger a trip of the field relay of the
affected system.

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DC Contactor Box

The DC contactor box, located in the aircraft nose, contains all

primary contactor, the main and secondary feeder buses, bus tie
contactor, protective fuses, and circuit breakers for the main and
secondary distribution buses and various control and interlocking

The left and right contactor are physically located on opposite

sides of the contactor box assembly, and are connected by bus
bars mounted directly on the contactor.

External connections to the generators and batteries are routed

through the ends of the contactor box to their respective
contactor with the generator leads passing through current
transformers within the contactor box.

The side end panels mount the various circuit breakers for
battery connections, main and secondary distribution buses, and
control circuits.

The contactor box assembly also contains the auxiliary battery

charging diode and relay, TRU output undervoltage and external
power overvoltage protection relays.

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DHC-8 100/200/300 Series TCM

Transformer-Rectifier Units (TRUs)

Two identical left and right transformer-rectifier units (TRUs) are The negative outputs of the TRUs are connected to airframe
located in the nose compartment on a shelf at Z112.00 LHS, and ground through shunts R5 (left) and R6 (right). The left shunt is
supply 28 volt DC power separately to the left and right mounted immediately forward of the left TRU and grounded
secondary feeder buses. They consist basically of transformers through a short bus bar to the adjacent ground stud GS9. The
and diode rectifiers. The DC output capacity of each TRU is 200 right shunt is mounted on the right side of the shelf, grounded
amperes at 29.5 volts maximum and 25 volts minimum at 100 through a short bus bar to the ground stud at GS10.
percent load.

Power is converted from the variable frequency AC 3 phase

input. The output voltage is dependent on input voltage and
transformer regulation.

The TRUs receive input power to their wye connected primary

windings independently from the left and right variable frequency
AC generators.

In each TRU, dual secondary winding outputs are

interconnected by an interphase transformer and six diodes to
provide full-wave, 12-phase rectification.

An internal fan provides cooling air for the diodes and

transformer. A thermostatic switch in each TRU provides
indication of excessive temperature to the L TRU HOT or R TRU
HOT warning light on the caution lights panel.

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TRU Operation External DC Power

The TRU's operate directly from the primary 3-phase variable- The connector for external DC power application is on the nose
frequency buses when the AC generators are on, or when of the aircraft, lower left side. Selection of the EXT POWER
external AC power is applied. Their nominal 28-volt DC output is (switch S8) on the DC CONTROL panel to on position applies
applied to the left and right secondary buses through TRU power simultaneously to external power contactor K9 and K10,
contactor K17 and K18. Auxiliary contacts on these contactor and interlock relays K15 and K16.
complete the ground return circuits for the TRU logic relays K13
and K14 when energized, and the associated L TRU fail and R Application of external DC power inhibits DC generator operation
TRU fail indicators on the caution panel when de-energized. and isolates the batteries from the buses. A customer option (CSI
82066) permits the batteries to remain "on line", and to be
Power for the logic relays is from CB6 on the left essential bus. charged from the external DC power source.

The TRU contactor receive operating voltage from either the Test - DC Power Monitor System
essential bus (CB21 and diodes CR7 or CR8) or from the TRU
outputs, through diodes CR9 or CR10, ensuring adequate To operate the internal test circuits of the DC SYSTEM power
operating voltage during any voltage fluctuations from the TRU. monitor panel, the TEST pushbutton is pressed and held.
The contactors are controlled however by under-voltage Pressing the button causes all segments of the VOLTS and
protection relays K19 (left) or K20 (right). These relays close on LOAD digital display characters to light. When held longer than
receiving a voltage of 18 volts or more from the TRU outputs at approximately two seconds, the internal test circuits simulate
their voltage sensing control terminals C2. VOLTS of 30.5 + or - 0.3 and LOADS of 1.05 + or - 0.03 which is
displayed on applicable sections of the panel.

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AC Variable Frequency System (VAC)


The VAC provides 115 volt three phase power for ac systems When external power is applied and selected, each bus contactor
that are not frequency sensitive such as deicing, fuel aux pumps is automatically selected to the cross-tie position by its
and the standby power units (hydraulic). It also supplies power associated GCU, and external power contactor connect the
to the TRUs. Each generator supplies independently to the left external power to both left and right bus systems. Generator
and right buses. An ac external power receptacle and control operation is inhibited while external power is selected.
circuitry are provided to enable the system to be powered from
an external source while the aircraft is on the ground. The bus
systems are automatically tied in the event of either generator
failure or when external power is applied.

The system consists of two generators, two GCUs, ac contactors,

current transformers, control circuits and caution lights. The
generators are connected to the variable ac buses by bus
contactors in the ac contactor boxes located in the engine
nacelles. The GCU controls the output as the propeller speed
varies. Each GCU automatically controls the operation of the
associated generator. In the event of a generator failure, logic
switching in the GCU operates the bus contactor to a cross tie
position switching the feeder lines to the other generator.on by
the logic switching function of the GCU.

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The generator is fitted to, and driven by the propeller gear box on Lubrication and cooling of the generator is provided by internal oil
each engine. The output power is 115/200 volts, three-phase, circulation. Oil supplied from the engine enters an inlet port at the
variable frequency, with normal capacity of 20 KVA and overload flanae (mounting) end under pressure.
capacity of 30 KVA. It is a two-stage brushless, two-bearing
design, with stationary and rotary excitation. The oil is ducted to and through the hollow rotor shaft of the
generator, exiting through eight spray nozzles which direct the
On the rotary shaft is the first stage generator, excited by the flow onto the rotor and stator windings. Bearing lubrication is
stationary field. This generates an AC current which is rectified provided by a controlled leakage device within the rotor shaft.
by diodes mounted on the shaft to supply current to the main field The oil flows through a screen to a collector sump in the bottom
for excitation of the second, or main stage stator output windings. of the generator and is returned to the engine through the outlet
A magnetic speed sensor and current transformers are also port by action of the oil scavenge pump.
mounted in the generator housing.

An over-temperature switch is installed in the generator. The

switch contacts close when the stator windings reach a
temperature of 210 degrees C, to operate the AC GEN HOT
lights on the caution panel. It will automatically reset when the
temperature returns to a safe level.

The output frequency of the generator varies with propeller

speed, and ranges from 333 Hz at 10,000 rpm, to 528 Hz at
15,850 rpm, but the output voltage is controlled by the GCU.

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Two bus contactor (left and right) switch the three-phase feeders The sensed out put is used in the GCU differential current
between their own generator or the opposite generator (cross-tie sensing circuits. Transformers T2 and T3 measure cross-tie
position). The cross-tie position is also used when external power current. They sense current flow only when the bus contactor are
is selected. in the cross-tie position. Their output is summed with the output
of the opposite T1 or T4 for differential current sensing within the
The left and right bus contactor are hermetically sealed, three GCU.
position center-off type, with a three-pole double throw (3PDT)
contact arrangement. Separate coil windings, designated X and Each current transformer assembly consists of three single
Y, are used to energize the contact arm to either of the two phase toroidal current transformers, installed in a light weight
closed positions. Heavy threaded studs provide electrical aluminum housing. Each line of the 3-phase system to be
connections to external circuits. monitored is passed through its toroid. Electrical connections to
the toroids are via a multi-pin connector. The mounting holes for
The external power contactor are conventional two-position the assembly are asymmetrical to avoid improper installation.
contactor, hermetically sealed, with a 3PDT contact arrangement
actuated by a single coil. The de-energized position provides the
cross-tie connection for the bus contactor. When energized,
external power is supplied to the bus contactor.

Current Transformers

Six current transformers are installed in the system, labeled T1

thru T6. Transformers T5 and T6 measure total generator output
current for the AC power monitor system. Transformers T1 and
T4 measure total current flow in the main and cross-tie feeders.

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DHC-8 100/200/300 Series TCM

AC Power Monitoring System

The AC power monitor panel labeled AC SYSTEM is located

adjacent to the AC control panel. The right half of the panel is
labeled VARIABLE FREQUENCY, with two digital readout
windows labeled VOLTS and LOAD, and a 6-position rotary
selector switch. The digital readouts indicate voltage and current
readings on the selected left or right phase.

The LOAD display window monitors load currents expressed as a

percentage factor of the rated circuit load. For example, a
readout of 1.00 indicates full load (87 amps per phase), .50
indicates half load; and a reading of 1.20 indicates a twenty
percent overload. An overload condition is advised by a flashing
positive sign (+) preceding the readout.

Operation of the internal test circuits of the power monitor panel:

When the TEST pushbutton is pressed and held, the button

causes all segments of both VOLTS and LOAD digital display
characters to light. When held longer than approximately two
seconds, the internal test circuits simulate VOLTS of 150 + or - 3
and LOADS of 1.05 + or - .03, which is displayed on both
sections of the panel.

Voltage readings are from individual circuit breakers on each

phase of the left and right power buses; current indications are
obtained from transformer T5 on the left generator output and T6
on the right generator output

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DHC-8 100/200/300 Series TCM

External AC Power General

The external AC power source takes precedence over aircraft An optional battery charger (SOO 8095) may be installed,
electrical power to supply the variable frequency bus system. The powered from the external power source.
control circuit incorporates an external power protection unit
which ensures that the external power source phase rotation is Pins A, B and C of the AC receptacle are also connected to the
correct and within frequency and voltage limits. The external external power protection unit 2442-K1 pins C, D and E. The
power protection unit is mounted on the bottom side of the right protection unit contains a sensing circuit which controls an
AC contactor box which is located in the right engine nacelle at integral normally-open relay connected in series with the control
Sta. Xn 197.32, adjacent to the external power connector. A circuit. If the external source three phase output is correctly
control switch and green advisory light marked EXT POWER, are connected, the frequency is within 370 to 450 Hz + or - 2% and
located on the lower left corner of the AC CONTROL panel on the voltage within 106 to 124 volts + or - 2% the integral relay
the overhead console. energizes, supplying power to the external power control circuit.

The AC external power receptacle provides connection of the For aircraft with an APU, two extra relays are added.
three phase external power source and control voltage to the
system. Pins A, B and C are connected through limiters F1, F3 The AC GCUs require 28 volts which operate relays K1 and K2
and F5 (left) and F2, F4 and F6 (right), mounted on the bottom when external power switch is set to ON. If equipped, the AC
side of the right AC contactor box. They are protected by a fibre external power equipment may have a 28 volt supply.
epoxy cover held in place by two quick-release camloc fasteners.
The control circuit can be supplied from the external AC power
The limiters are connected to normally open contacts A1, B1 and equipment through the aircraft wiring from the EXT PWR LOGIC
C1 of external power contactor K3 (left) and K4 (right). The arms circuit breaker on the right essential bus, when powered.
of these contactor A2, B2 and C2 are connected to terminals A3,
B3 and C3 of left and right bus contactors K1 and K2 which When the essential DC buses are energized by the TRUs control
connect the aircraft buses to the external power contactor. power is maintained from the right essential bus through the DC
EXT PWR LOGIC circuit breaker, and the BATTERY MASTER
switch may be selected OFF.
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Generator Failure

Loss of output voltage is sensed by the GCU pins F, E and D, (b) Currents flowing within the generator and the feeder current
connected to the generator output at terminals A1, B1 and C1 of transformers are compared in the GCU differential current
the bus contactor. The GCU control circuits remove the ground sensing circuits. Any difference in these values causes the GCU
from bus contactor terminal X2, and apply a ground to terminal to transfer the load to the other generator by operation of the bus
Y2, transferring the contactor to the cross-tie position. The GCU contactor. Time delay circuits within the GCU provide allowance
also shuts down the generator by removing the exciter field for normal transients caused by on-off switching of various loads,
current from the generator pins K and J. Simultaneously, a and these will not cause any GCU switching action.
voltage is supplied by the GCU from pin e, lighting the AC GEN
(No. 1 or No. 2) caution light.

Bus Bar/Feeder Failure

An overload or short circuit in the bus or feeder system is

detected by the GCU by voltage or current monitoring.

(a) If the voltage at the point of regulation falls below 90 volts, the
GCU will remove the energizing voltage supply to the bus
contactor coil (pin B on GCU) by operating an internal latching
relay (BCCR-1). The appropriate bus fault caution light (L AC
BUS or R AC BUS) is switched on by GCU relay contacts BCCR-
2 providing a ground return on pin d. When the fault is cleared,
the latching relay must be manually reset by selecting the
appropriate GEN switch on the AC CONTROL panel to OFF,
then on to return the generator to the line.

For training purposes only – January 2007 R1 494

DHC-8 100/200/300 Series TCM

AC 400 Hz System

General Normal Operation

The AC 400 Hz system supplies electrical power for instruments, All three inverters are normally operated simultaneously. With the
powered flight control surfaces position indicators, hydraulic DC buses powered and the primary and secondary inverter
quantity, navigation and communication equipment. switches on, and the auxiliary inverter switch selected to either L
or R, each inverter generates a 115V AC 400 Hz output which is
The system consists of three static inverters (primary, secondary applied to the inverter paralleling control box. The paralleling
and auxiliary), a paralleling control box and two 26 volt 400 Hz control box provides the necessary feedback signals to the
auto-transformers, supplying power to left and right 115V 400 Hz inverters to obtain frequency synchronization and load sharing.
buses and left and right 26V 400 Hz buses. The system also This being achieved, the paralleling control box connects the
includes an inverter warning control box which operates inverter primary inverter output to the left bus, the secondary inverter
and bus failure caution lights and a 400 Hz control box which output to the right bus and the auxiliary inverter output to the left
contains the primary power contactor K1, K2 and K3, output or right bus as selected by the AUXILIARY INVERTER selector
current transformer T3, and voltage monitoring circuit breakers switch on the AC CONTROL panel.
CB7, CB8 and CB9 for the inverters.
The left and right buses are interconnected through the 115V
Monitoring provisions for the 400 Hz system are included on the BUS TIE circuit breaker on the avionics circuit breaker panel.
AC SYSTEM power monitor panel. The left and right 115V 400 With power applied to the left and right 115V 400 Hz buses, the
Hz buses are interconnected through a 115V BUS TIE circuit autotransformers connected to each bus step down the applied
breaker located on the avionics circuit breaker panel. In normal voltage and provide a 26V 400 Hz output to the left and right 26V
operation the primary inverter supplies the left bus and the 400 Hz buses.
secondary inverter the right bus.

The auxiliary inverter is normally operative and can be selected

to supply either bus by a switch located on the AC CONTROL

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DHC-8 100/200/300 Series TCM

Static Inverters

The three solid state static inverters each generate a 115V 400 A switching circuit in the box connects the auxiliary inverter
Hz, single phase, sine wave output from 28 volt DC input. They output to the left or right bus through either one of two AUX INV
contain frequency and voltage regulator circuits which regulate INPUT circuit breakers.
the output to 115V AC + or - 5.75 V at 400 Hz + or - 1%.
The switching circuit is controlled by the AUXILIARY INVERTER
The outputs from the three inverters are supplied to the selector switch located on the AC CONTROL panel. The
paralleling control box. The primary and secondary inverters are paralleling control box also contains circuits to detect an inverter
separately supplied from the left and right essential DC buses fault and provide a fault signal to the inverter warning control box.
through the PRI INV PWR and SEC INV PWR circuit breakers, The paralleling control box is mounted on the center shelf of the
and the auxiliary inverter from the left main DC bus through the left hand circuit breaker console, adjacent to the secondary
AUX INV PWR circuit breaker. inverter.

The inverters are mounted on the top, center and bottom shelves Inverter Warning Control Box
of the left hand circuit breaker console (pilot's side).
The inverter warning control box processes inverter fault signals
Paralleling Control Box from the paralleling control box and controls the inverter failure
caution lights. Power to the warning control box is supplied from
The paralleling control box incorporates frequency the left essential DC bus through an INV WRN CONT circuit
synchronization and load sharing circuits to control the operation breaker. The inverter warning control box is mounted on top of
of the inverters, thus permitting the three outputs to be applied in the 400 Hz control box, located on the bottom shelf of the left
parallel to the tied left and right 115V AC buses. The paralleling hand circuit breaker console.
control box applies the primary inverter output directly to the left
bus and the secondary inverter output to the right bus.

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DHC-8 100/200/300 Series TCM


Two 26V 400 Hz autotransformers and power factor correction through the L 26V FAIL and R 26V FAIL circuit breakers on the
capacitors are installed on the rear face of the bulkhead at Sta avionics circuit breaker panel.
X111.05, behind the pilot circuit breaker console. The
transformers are supplied from the left and right 115V 400 Hz The logic circuits are designed to put on the left or right 26 volts
buses through the 115/26V AC XFMR LT circuit breaker (CB13) caution light in the absence of voltage on the 26V AC buses or if
and the 115/26V AC XFMR RT circuit breaker (CB12). The the voltage on either bus fails below 20 volts.
outputs are connected to the related 26V 400 Hz bus.
Inverter Control
Caution Lights
Inverter control and selection is by three switches on the AC
Caution lights are incorporated in the AC 400 Hz system to CONTROL panel on the overhead console. The three
provide a visual indication of an inverter failure or a 26V AC bus INVERTERS switches are labeled PRIMARY, SECONDARY and
failure. The lights are located on the caution lights panel. AUXILIARY, with the OFF positions marked on the panel.

Three inverter failure lights, PRi, SEC and AUX INV, powered by The PRIMARY and SECONDARY switches are two-position
the left essential DC bus through the INV WRN CONT circuit toggle switches which operate power contactor K1 and K2 for the
breaker, are controlled by the inverter warning control box. If an two inverters. The AUXILIARY switch is a three-position, center-
inverter failure occurs, a fault signal is generated in the off toggle switch, marked L, OFF and R. It operates contactor K3
paralleling control box and applied to the warning control box supplying power to the auxiliary inverter and, through the
which processes the signal to switch on the related caution light. paralleling control box, connects its output to the left (L) or right
(R) bus as desired.
Two caution lights labeled L 26 AC and R 26 AC provide
indication for a left or right 26V bus failure. Logic circuits within
the caution lights panel are connected to the left and right buses

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DHC-8 100/200/300 Series TCM

Power Monitoring

Power monitoring for the 400 Hz system is provided on the left may be manually switched if necessary, to the side on which the
side of the AC SYSTEM panel on the overhead console. Two failure occurred.
digital readout windows indicate voltage and load on the inverter
outputs as selected by the three-position rotary switch labeled If a second inverter subsequently fails leaving one operational,
INVERTERS PRIM/AUX/SEC. the paralleling control box disconnects that inverter from the load
and applies a second fault signal to the inverter warning control
The LOAD display window monitors load currents expressed as a box, which switches on the related inverter caution light. The
percentage factor of the rated circuit load. For example, a ON/OFF switch for a failed inverter must be manually switched
readout of 1.00 indicates full load (3.5 amps per phase), 0.50 off.
indicates half load; and a reading of 1.20 indicates a twenty
percent overload. An overload condition is advised by a flashing 26 Volt AC Bus Failure
positive sign (+) preceding the readout.
Loss of voltage on a 26 volt 400 Hz bus will be indicated by the L
The voltage indicator is connected to the inverter outputs through 26 AC or R 26 AC caution lights coming on. As these buses are
circuit breakers CB7, CB8 and CB9 located in the 400 Hz control dependent upon the autotransformers being supplied power from
box. The load indicator receives its information from the monitor the main 115V AC buses, loss of power from the left or right
outputs of current transformer T3, also located in the 400 Hz 115V AC bus will result in failure of the 26V AC buses, and
control box. illumination of the associated 26V AC caution light.

Inverter Failure

In the event of a single inverter failure, the paralleling control box

senses the fault, disconnects the inverter from the associated
load, and applies a fault signal to the warning control box. The
warning control box processes the fault signals and the related
inverter caution light is switched on. The two remaining inverters
continue to operate to power the buses. The auxiliary inverter

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DHC-8 100/200/300 Series TCM



Electrical Power:
If skin contact occurs, soak the affected area with water and
Ensure that battery power is always “on” before applying or vinegar. If eye contact occurs, flush with water and obtain
removing grd power. immediate medical attention.

Dedicated avionics fan diode may illuminate on F/A panel upon

APU start up.
Different physically looking knobs on side console, engine panel
and overhead panel.

Ensure that all power is turned “off” when removing or replacing

an electrical unit.

Pull all applicable circuit breakers and clip when carrying out
work on a system.

If a unit is to be removed and not immediately replaced, ensure

that connectors are capped and stowed.

When removing or installing a battery, two persons should be

available as the weight is approximately 80 Ibs.

Battery solution is hazardous. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

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