Mobile App Development Mobile App Development: Todo List Viewpager App Todo List Viewpager App

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Mobile App Development

Exercises: Todo List ViewPager App

The Todo List App exercise implemented a base App with the TodoListActivity and TodoActivity controllers
and their respective fragments. This adhered to the principle of dynamically building the view with
fragment transations. It also demonstrated good practice by using a Bundle for the todoId in the fragment
rather than accessing the intent directly in the Activity; hence, decoupling the fragment with its own
argument bundle and therby making it reusable.

This exercise add a new ViewPager to the App which allows for navigating between list items by swiping
accross the screen to go forward and backward through the detail of list items.

You could either replicate the TodoListApp or create a new git branch to the existing TodoListApp
implementation. If in doubt, then recreating the App may be good practice.

The source code can be found at Please use this as reference only.
The following instructions will build the same git branch leading to the final prototype App with a toolbar.

See the following documentation on the ViewPager

list view dettail view

Todo List ViewPager App

Create a git branch for implementing the ViewPager

git checkout master

git status

git branch viewpager

git checkout viewpager
git status

Create a new Activity class and a ViewPager layout file

Create a new res/layout/activity_todo_pager file and insert the following viewpager layout:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Create the controller Activity class with the following code:

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;

public class TodoPagerActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

private static final String EXTRA_TODO_ID = "todo_id";

private ViewPager mViewPager;

private List<Todo> mTodos;

public static Intent newIntent(Context packageContext, UUID todoId){

Intent intent = new Intent(packageContext, TodoPagerActivity.class);
intent.putExtra(EXTRA_TODO_ID, todoId);
return intent;

protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

UUID todoId = (UUID) getIntent().getSerializableExtra(EXTRA_TODO_ID);

mViewPager = findViewById(;

mTodos = TodoModel.get(this).getTodos();

FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();

mViewPager.setAdapter(new FragmentStatePagerAdapter(fragmentManager) {
public Fragment getItem(int position) {
Todo todo = mTodos.get(position);
return TodoFragment.newInstance(todo.getId());

public int getCount() {
return mTodos.size();

for (int i = 0; i < mTodos.size(); i++){

if (mTodos.get(i).getId().equals(todoId)) {

Similar to the RecyclerViewer, the ViewPager requires a PagerAdapter. The detail can be complex
and we use the FragmentStatePagerAdapter, a subclass of PagerAdapter to handle the detail and
we only need to overide two simple methods for getCount() and getItem(int). Essentially, when
the getItem(int) is called, it will return a todo fragment to display the todo at that poistion.

By default, the ViewPager shows the first item in the displayAdapter, the for loop finds the
selected todo index and sets it to be the current item.

Note, the newIntent method with the extra for the todoId and the change to the

The TodoListFragment needs to be updated to start an instance of the TodoPagerActivity and not
the previous intent which was to start an instance of the TodoActivity. Update the onClick event
for TodoHolder to the following intent.

// Intent intent = TodoActivity.newIntent(getActivity(), mTodo.getId());

Intent intent = TodoPagerActivity.newIntent(getActivity(), mTodo.getId());

Finally, edit the manifest.xml file and update it so the OS activity manager can start the


Run the App

The TodoActivity has been replaced by TodoPagerActivity in the manifest file; as such the
TodoActivity is now decomissioned for the new UI. Selecting any todoItem should display the
item and you can swipe back and forth.

Submit and merge the toolbar git branch

git add .
git commit -am "ViewPager complete"

git checkout master

git merge viewpager
git status

For challenge, try adding a first and last button to the navigation.

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