What Is Bothering You - Public Speaking
What Is Bothering You - Public Speaking
What Is Bothering You - Public Speaking
These idiots partying and going out recklessly despite the lockdown that the
government strictly implemented, may be carriers of the virus and the reason why the number
of COVID cases is increasing.
Currently, the Philippine Government is battling against the spread of the pandemic
virus that can cause immediate death to those who were infected. The local government could
not afford to provide all the needs of its constituents for the whole period of lockdown. If the
community could not be able to find their food, they might die due to famine. Although we
cannot blame those people who still go out of their houses, because they are working to
provide food and supplies for their families, still others are not adhering to government
protocols. The goal of everybody throughout this pandemic is to flatten the curve, and that can
only be done if people are self-isolating and avoiding crowds. Seeing these people who are not
following social distancing and the wearing protections like a face mask and hand gloves
frustrates me, as it puts other people’s lives in danger.
Every day, the number of COVID19 cases increases. As the world grapples with the
coronavirus pandemic, many individuals like me are doing their best to cope up and adjust to
this new normal. It is very difficult to read news reports about the thousands of deaths in the
Philippines and around the world. Many of us have lost our loved ones to this devastating
disease. Seeing the statistics showing the total number of affected and also the possible effects
are the things that bother me every day. Surveys show, for instance, that a solid majority of
Filipinos are more worried about reopening the country too fast and worsening the pandemic
than opening it too slowly and worsening the economy. Yet the noisy minorities of protesters
are furious at the government for trying to keep them healthy. They demand their right to life,
liberty and the pursuit of acute respiratory distress.
To intensify the regulations, Lapu-Lapu City Mayor Chan during his Stare of the City
Address last July 2, 2020, called for the amendment of Ordinance 15-084-2020, which imposes
penalties for violations of quarantine protocols in the city. Currently, the ordinance only fines
violators P2,000 for the first offence, P3,000 for the second, and P5,000 for the third and
subsequent offences. Mayor Chan even proposed to give cash incentives for every “citizen’s
arrest” made, to encourage residents to help enforce measures against the spread of the
coronavirus. The violations range from non-wearing of face masks, non-conformity to curfew
and vehicular coding, failure to carry quarantine passes, mass gathering, and hoarding or
overpricing of medical supplies. If only these idiots will behave themselves and follow the
protocols, lockdown would have not been this long.
I get that businesses are suffering. And there are things that and there are things I miss
while in lockdown: Dinners out with friends, going to the movies, and attending plays and
concerts, for sure. But because the risk is high for exposure, I refuse to eat in a crowded
restaurant, sit in a packed movie house or fly on a full flight again until I feel I can do so safely.
No, I need to hear from serious, credible people. I need to know sufficient testing has
been conducted and that they feel the virus is no longer a threat. If these violators want to die,
I cannot stop them, especially if it would end the virus spread. But if the Philippines wants its
economy back, it would be wise to prioritize the goal of saving lives and protecting
For some, this crisis has been an opportunity, but for others, who are already in a
disadvantaged position, it is a very frightening experience. I read something on social media
recently that resonated with me, that rather than counting the days, we should make the days
count. And that is what I am trying to do. I will strive for that work-life balance that helps me to
make sense of things during these trying times.
To sum it all up, these idiots who are anxious to wander around are the main cause of
the virus spread and they need to stop. The idea is for us not to live a boring life, but at least
we get to live this life worthwhile. I have been blessed with a good life and I am very aware of
how lucky I am that I have a roof over my head, food in my fridge and people around who care
about me. What this pandemic has provided is an opportunity to reflect on these many