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Masking Lab Guide For Oracle XE 6.0.2

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Table of Contents 
P​ART​ I 6
P​ART​ II 27
E​XERCISE​ 14 – C​OPY​ A​ ​ R​ULE​ S​ET 38

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Getting Started 
Welcome to the Delphix Masking Lab Guide 
This guide is a supplement to the Delphix Admin Training for Oracle course, and provides several 
exercises to perform throughout the class. If you encounter any issues during the exercises, please 
do not hesitate to ask your instructor for advice. 
Lab Requirements 
In order to perform these lab exercises, you will need: 
✔ A modern HTML5 capable web browser (IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari) 
The Delphix Admin Training Cloud Lab 
Your instructor should have provided you with a ​Class Name​ and a ​Student Number​. In order 
access your lab server, point your web browser to: ​http://​classname​.agile.today/​studentnumber 
For example, if your ​Class Name​ is “acmetech” and your ​Student Number​ is 5, you would go to the 
site: ​http://acmetech.agile.today/5 

The Delphix Labs Login Dialog 
At the login screen, enter the username ‘delphix’ and password ‘delphix’. 
Once you have logged in, you will be connected to your lab server. This server contains everything 
you will need to perform your lab exercises including: 
● Terminal with SSH to connect to Linux source/target database servers 
● Chrome Web Browser to connect to your Delphix Engine 
● A copy of this lab guide 
● Notepad for class notes 

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IMPORTANT NOTE: ​Do not use the “Log Out” function on your lab server. If you do, it will break your lab 

The Delphix Lab Server 

Important IP Addresses 
Delphix/Masking Engine  10.0.x.10 
Linux Source  10.0.x.20 
Linux Target A  10.0.x.30 
Linux Target B  10.0.x.40 
In the above IP addresses, the “x” denotes your ​Student Number​. For example, if your student 
number is “5,” your Delphix Engine will be located at “”. 
Cloud Lab Usernames and Passwords 
Initial Delphix Masking Engine​ Admin ​username  Admin 
Initial Delphix Masking Engine ​Admin​ password  Admin-12 
Initial Delphix Virtualization Engine ​admin​ password  delphix 
Source and Target ​delphix​ user password (via SSH)  delphix 
Source and Target ​oracle​ user password (via SSH)  delphix 
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Guide Layout 
The ​Lab Exercises ​in this guide provide the full details needed to perform each operation. 
● There are two parts to this lab. Part I covers basic tasks that would need to be performed by 
an end user and Part II includes exercises that build on Part I.  
● Bold​ text is used to highlight application names (e.g. ​Terminal​), keywords found in the UI 
(e.g. ​Add​ ​Environment​) and also for words that are part of an action (e.g. Click ​Submit​). 
● Bold and Italicized​ text is used to highlight text that must be typed in the UI, rather than 
selected (e.g. Enter ​devdb​).​  
● Courier font​ ​is used to reference commands entered on the command line or in sqlplus
(​e.g. Type​ ​sqlplus / as sysdba​) 
● Dark Red​ is used to emphasize ​Notes    

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Lab Exercises 
Perform these exercises when instructed by your Delphix Instructor. 

Part I 
Exercise 1 – Logging in to the Masking Engine 
In this exercise, you will: 
● Access the Masking Engine GUI 
● Log in to the Delphix Masking Engine 
1. Connect to your Delphix Engine using Google Chrome on your lab server (see the ​Important 
IP Addresses ​section of the Getting Started guide above). 
a. http://10.0.x.10/masking​ (replace ​x​ with your ​student number​)
2. Enter your User Id and Password 
a. Default Username is ​Admin 
b. Default Password is ​Admin-12 

3. Close the Welcome Wizard by clicking on the ​X​ on the top right of the page 
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4. You should now be viewing the ​Environments​ page. 

In the proceeding exercises we will add an application and associate with an environment.  

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Exercise 2 – Add an Application 
In this exercise, you will: 
● Add an Application 
1. On the ​Environments​ List/Summary screen click on the ​Add Application​ button 
2. Enter ​Medical App Dev​ for the ​Application name​ in the ​Add Application​ pop up box 

3. Click ​Save 
The application should be added successfully. 

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Exercise 3 – Add an Environment 

In this exercise, you will: 
● Add a new Environment 
1. On the ​Environments​ List/Summary screen click on the ​Add Environment​ button 

2. Select the ​Application Name​ from the drop-down list created in the previous exercise 
3. Enter ​Oracle Dev DB​ for the ​Environment Name 
4. Select ​Mask​ from the ​Purpose​ drop-drown list 

5. Click on the ​Save​ button 
The environment should be visible in the ​Environment​ List/Summary screen. 
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Exercise 4 – Create a Basic Connector 

In this exercise, you will: 
● Select an Environment 
● Create a Basic Oracle Database Connection 
Note: Ask your instructor or lab administrator if you are unable to complete this step. 
Log into the Masking Engine 
1. Click on the ​Oracle Dev DB​ ​environment​ created in the previous exercise 
2. Click on the ​Connector​ tab 
3. Click the ​Create Connection​ button 

4. Enter Connection Details 
a. Chose ​Database - Oracle​ from the ​Type​ drop-down list 
b. Verify that the ​Basic​ radio button next to the ​Type 
c. Enter ​Oracle 11g Dev​ for the ​Connection Name 
d. Type ​DELPHIXDB​ (in uppercase) in the ​Schema Name​ text box 
e. Enter the IP address of TargetA (​10.0.x.30 ​but​ ​replace ‘x’ with your ​student number​)) 
in the ​Host Name/IP​ field 
f. Enter ​devdb​ as the ​SID 
g. Enter ​1521​ as the ​Port​ number for the listener on Linux Target 
h. Enter ​DELPHIXDB​ (in uppercase) as the DB login ID 
i. Provide the ​password:​ ​delphixdb 
j. Click the ​Test Connection​ button. A Success message indicates whether the test was 
successful or not. 

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k. Save​ the connection 
The connector should now be visible in the ​Connectors​ list for the environment. 


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Exercise 5 – Create a Rule Set 

In this exercise, you will: 
● Create a Rule Set for Patient data 
1. On the ​Environment​ List/Summary screen, click on the ​Environment Name​ created in the 
previous exercise 
2. Click on the ​Rule Set​ tab 
3. Click on the ​Create Rule Set​ button 
4. Provide the details for the rule set as follows 
a. Enter ​Patient Rule Set​ in the ​Name​ field for the ​Rule Set 
b. Select ​Oracle 11g Dev​ from the ​Connector​ drop-down list 
c. Check the boxes next to ​MEDICAL_RECORDS, PATIENT and PATIENT_DETAILS 

5. Click on the ​Save​ button 
You will see the newly created Rule Set in the list for the environment 

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Exercise 6 – Manage the Inventory 

In this exercise, you will: 
● Review an Inventory after creation of a Rule Set 
● Edit an Inventory to add or remove an assignment 
1. On the ​Environment​ List/Summary screen, click on the ​Environment Name​ created in the 
previous exercise 
2. Click on the ​Inventory ​tab 
3. From the ​Select Rule Set​ drop-down menu choose the ​Patient Rule Set​ created previously 
4. A list of tables will be displayed under the ​Contents​ section. Clicking on the name of each 
table will allow you to view the table metadata. 
a. Click on the ​PATIENT​ table 
b. Verify if there are any primary keys, foreign keys or indexes identified 
c. Validate the ​Data Type​ of each ​Column 
5. Edit the ​ADDRESS​ column by clicking on the corresponding ​pencil​ icon 

6. Change properties of the column 
a. Set Domain to ​ADDRESS 
b. Choose the ​ADDRESS LINE SL algorithm 
c. Select ​User​ for ​ID Method 

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d. Click ​Save 
This concludes the exercise 

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Exercise 7 – Create a Profiling Job 

In this exercise, you will: 
● View Profiler Settings 
● Create a profiling job 
● Execute a profiling job 
● Assign Rule Set and Profile Set 
● Review inventory after profiling job has run 
1. Click on the ​Settings​ tab 

2. Click on ​Profiler​ under ​Domains​ in the left margin of the ​Settings​ page 

3. View the profiler expressions 
a. Domain​ & ​ ​Expression  
b. Name 
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c. Level 

4. Click on the​ ​Add Profiler Set​ button to view the default ​Profile Sets 

5. Click ​Cancel​ and navigate back to the ​Environment​ L
​ ist/Summary screen 
In the next part of the exercise we will create and execute a profiling job. 
6. Click on the ​Oracle Dev DB​ ​Environment 
7. Click on the ​Profile​ button 
8. On the ​Create Profile Job​ screen enter the details as follows: 
a. Select ​Patient Rule Set​ from the ​Rule Set​ drop-down list 
b. Enter ​Patient Profile Job​ for the job name 
c. Choose ​HIPAA​ from the ​Profile Sets​ drop-down list 
d. Set ​No. of Streams​ to ​1 
e. Leave other fields at their default values 

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f. Click the ​Save​ button 
9. The newly created profiling job will be displayed at the bottom of the ​Environment​ Overview 
screen with a status of ​Created 

10. Click on the blue ​play​ button under ​Action ​to execute the job. The status should change to 
Running​ and the stop ​Action​ button will be enabled. 

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11. Click on the ​Monitor​ tab to see the list of jobs and their progress 

12. Click on the ​job name​ to view the job details 

13. View the ​Completed​, ​Processing​, ​Waiting​ and ​Results​ tabs for the job 

Note: The Results tab displays the number of sensitive columns and tables discovered by the 
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In the next part of the exercise, we will review the Inventory after running the profile job. 
14. Go to the ​Environment​ List/Summary screen by clicking on the ​Environments​ tab and 
choose the ​Oracle Dev DB ​environment 
15. Click on the ​Inventory​ tab for the environment 
16. Select the ​Patients Rule Set​ from the Rule Set drop-down list 
17. Click on the ​MEDICAL RECORDS​ table 
Note: The Algorithm column has been populated for sensitive columns identified during profiling 

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18. Click on the ​PATIENT​ and ​PATIENT_DETAILS​ tables, and note the ​Algorithms​ for the 
sensitive columns 

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Exercise 8 – Create a Masking Job 

In this exercise, you will: 
● Create an In-Place Masking Job 
● Execute Masking Job 
● View Results from Masking Job 
1. On the ​Environment​ List/Summary screen, click on the ​Oracle Dev DB Environment Name 
created in the previous exercise 
2. Click on the ​Mask ​button 

3. Enter Details in the Create Masking Job dialog 
a. Job Name: ​Patient Masking 
b. Masking Method: ​In-Place 
c. Rule Set: ​Patient Rule Set 
d. No. of Streams: ​1 
e. Update Threads ​1 
f. Leave other fields at the default values 
The ​Create Masking Job​ dialog should look like the screenshot shown below. 

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g. Click on the ​Save​ button 
4. The Masking job will appear on the ​Environment​ summary screen with a status of ​Created 

5. Before executing our masking job, we need to check the values of the ​PATIENT​ table before 
running our masking job, and again after to verify that the data has indeed been masked. 
6. Open the ​SQL Developer​ app on the lab desktop 
7. Click on the ​devdb​ connection  
If you receive the error message below, acknowledge the message,  

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then right click on the connection name and select ​Properties 

b. Validate that the Hostname (IP address) corresponds to ​your​ lab IP address which 
includes your student number. e.g for student number 5 the IP address will be 
10.0.​5​.30. (Check the ​Important IP Addresses​ section of this guide for additional 
information). Also verify that the SID is ​devdb 
c. Click on the Connect button 

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8. Type the following commands in the ​worksheet​ window to query the ​PATIENT​ table 
Click the green play button to execute the query. You should see the results in the query 
result panel below the worksheet. 


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Click on the thumbtack icon on the query results panel so that you can compare the results 
after the masking job has been completed. 
Leave the SQL Developer app open, as you will need to come back to it to compare results 
after running the masking job. 
9. In the Masking console, click on the blue ​play​ button under the ​Action​ column that 
corresponds to the newly created Masking job to execute it  

The job ​Status​ will change to ​Running 
10. Click on the ​Monitor​ tab to view the progress and status of the job 

11. Click on the ​name​ of the job to view its details 

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12. Click on the ​Completed​ tab, ​Process​ and ​Waiting​ tabs in the job details screen and note the 
results once the job has completed 

13. Click on the environment name to go back to the ​Environment​ summary screen. The status 
of the masking job should now be ​Succeeded 

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14. Using SQL Developer, execute the previous query. If not done already, you want to make sure 
that the previous results have been pinned in the Query result tab by clicking on the 
thumbtack icon. Re-executing the SQL statement will cause another query result tab to 
appear beside the existing one so that you can compare values. 
Note: The values for the Firstname, Lastname, Address, Zipcode, Phone_number, and Email have 
been masked using the Secure Lookup Algorithm while the values for the City column have 
been set to NULL. 

Part II 

Exercise 9 – Create a Secure Lookup algorithm  

In this exercise, you will: 

● Create a lookup file 
● Build a secure lookup algorithm 
● Update your inventory to use the new algorithm 
1. Open the text editor on the desktop (​mousepad​) 
2. Enter several names​ in the editor, one value per line and ​save​ to desktop as ​FN2.txt 
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3. Navigate to ​Settings​ > ​Algorithms​ in the masking UI 
4. Select  
5. With ​Secure Lookup Algorithm​ radial button selected enter an​ Algorithm Name: ​First 
Name2 SL,​ a ​Description​ as shown below and click ​Select…​ to select the file created in 
step 2​ from your desktop 

6. Save the ​algorithm​ and navigate to the ​Inventory​ of the ​Patient Rule Set 
7. Select the ​Patient​ table from the table list on the left-hand margin 
8. On the ​Algorithm​ drop down select the new ​First Name2 SL​ algorithm and click ​Save 

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Exercise 10 – Create a Segmented Mapping algorithm 

In this exercise, you will: 
● Create a segmented mapping algorithm 
● Assign the algorithm to your inventory 
● Execute a masking job 
● View the masked data  
1. Navigate to ​Settings​ > ​Algorithm 
2. Select ​Add Algorithm 
3. With the ​Segmented Mapping Algorithm​ radio button selected  
a. Name the algorithm ​SSN SM 
b. Define 3 ​Alpha-Numeric​ segments of ​3​, ​2​, and ​4​ length 
c. Click the ​Ignore comma​ checkbox 
d. Define a comma separated list of ​ignore characters​ ​-, ,/​ (dash, space, forward slash) 
e. Save the ​algorithm 

4. Navigate to your ​Environments 
5. Click the ​Oracle DEV DB​ environment then choose the ​Inventory​ tab 
6. Select the ​PATIENT​ table from the table list on the left-hand margin 
7. Click the edit ​pencil​ next to the ​SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER​ column 
8. From the ​Domain​ drop down select the ​SSN​ domain 
9. From the ​Algorithm​ drop down select your ​SSN SM​ algorithm and click ​Save 

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10. Navigate to the ​Overview​ tab and select the blue ​play​ button to run the ​Patient Masking​ job 
11. When the job completes, view the Patient table data in ​SQL Developer 
12. Notice that the ​FIRST_NAME​ column now contains values from our ​lookup file  
13. Notice that the ​SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER​ column has now been masked   

This concludes the exercise. 



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Exercise 11 – Export an Inventory 

In this exercise, you will: 
● Export an Inventory 
1. On the ​Environment​ List/Summary screen, click on the ​Environment Name​ created in the 
previous exercise 
2. Click on the ​Inventory​ tab 
3. From the ​Select Rule Set​ drop-down menu choose the ​Patient Rule Set​ created previously 
4. Click on the ​Export​ button 

5. Accept the default ​Inventory Name​ and ​File Name 

6. Click the ​Save​ button. 
a. A pop-up window should appear with a link to ​Download​ the inventory file. If the 
pop-up window does not appear, check the browser to see if it was blocked and allow 
it to display pop-ups. 
7. Right-click on the ​link​ that appears on the pop-up window and select ​Save link as… 
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8. Save the file to the ​Desktop 

This concludes the exercise. 


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Exercise 12 – Modify an Inventory using the exported CSV file 
In this exercise, you will: 
● View exported Inventory 
● Modify an exported Inventory 
Note: You should have completed the ​Export an Inventory​ exercise before proceeding. 
1. Open the exported ​CSV​ file from the previous exercise (opens with ​LibreOffice Calc​ by 
Note: LibreOffice is the open source equivalent for MS Office Excel 
a. Uncheck the ​Tab​ and ​Semicolon​ checkboxes under ​Separator options​ in the ​Import 
dialog box. Only the ​Comma​ box should be checked. 
b. Click the ​OK​ button. 

2. Remove a column from the masking inventory 
a. Note that columns ​H, I, J​ contain a ​Domain​, an ​Algorithm​ and ​true​ for sensitive 
b. Note that columns ​H, I, J ​contain ​-​, ​-​, ​false​ respectively for columns that are not 
c. For ​PATIENT​ table, ​DOB​ column, copy a ​-​ (dash) into columns ​H ​and ​I​ and copy ​false 
from another row into column ​J​.   
d. Save​ the changes 
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Note: A confirmation dialog box will pop-up asking to confirm the file format. Click the “Use Text 
CSV Format” button. 

3. Switch back to the Masking UI in the web browser and navigate to the ​Inventory​ for the 
Patient​ ​Rule Set​ and press the ​Import​ button 
Note: You may need to log back into the UI if your session has timed out 

4. Select the modified ​CSV​ file from your desktop 
Note: You may need to scroll down on the import dialog box to see the ​Save​ button 

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5. Refresh​ the masking UI browser session 
6. DOB​ should no longer be selected for masking  

Note: This method of modifying an inventory can be used to speed up a large number of changes 
as compared to making inventory changes via the UI. 

This concludes the exercise. 


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Exercise 13 – Refresh a Rule Set   

In this exercise, you will: 
● Refresh a rule set 
1. Using ​SQL Developer​ add a new column called ​BIRTHDAY​ to the ​PATIENT_DETAILS​ table, 
data type is ​DATE 


2. Navigate to the ​Inventory​ tab in the Masking UI and select our ​Patient Rule Set 
3. Select the P
​ ATIENT_DETAILS​ table in the table list on the left 
Note: The new column is not shown in the Inventory 

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4. Click the ​Rule Set​ tab and select the blue ​Refresh​ icon 

5. Click the ​Inventory​ tab and note that the new column now appears in the ​Inventory 

Note: This method is used to bring schema changes into the masking inventory 
This concludes the exercise. 
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Exercise 14 – Copy a Rule Set   

In this exercise, you will: 
● Copy a rule set 
1. Navigate to the ​Rule Set​ tab in the UI  
2. Click the ​Copy​ icon 

3. Name the new ​Rule Set​ ​Patient Copy​ and click Save 


4. Click the ​Inventory​ tab, select the new ​Rule Set​ from the ​Select Rule Set​ drop down 

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5. Confirm that the Masking ​Inventory​ is copied along with column definitions 
Note: This method is used to duplicate an Inventory 
This concludes the exercise. 

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Exercise 15 – Export an Environment 

In this exercise, you will: 
● Select an Environment 
● Export an Environment 
1. Log into the Masking Engine 
2. Click on the ​Export​ icon corresponding to the ​Oracle Dev DB​ environment 

3. On the ​Export Environment​ dialog box accept the default ​Environment Name​ and ​File 

4. Click the ​Export​ button 
Note that a pop-up window should appear with a link to Download the environment XML file. 
If the pop-up window does not appear, check the browser to see if it was blocked and allow it 
to display pop-ups. 
5. Right-click on the link that appears on the pop-up window and select ​Save link as… 

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6. Save​ the file to the Desktop 

This concludes the exercise. 


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Exercise 16 – Import an Environment 

In this exercise, you will: 
● Import an Environment from a previously created export file  
Note: The previous exercise, Export an Environment, must be performed before proceeding  
1. Add a new application for QA 
a. Click the ​Add Application​ button 

b. Enter the name ​Medical App QA 

2. On the ​Environments​ List/Summary screen click on the ​Import Environment​ button 

3. On the ​Import Environment​ dialog box, select ​Medical App QA​ from the ​Application Name 
drop down 

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4. Enter ​Oracle QA DB​ for the ​Environment Name 
5. Click on the ​Select​ button and browse to the location of the previously exported file 

6. Click on the ​Save​ button.  
The ​Oracle QA DB​ environment will be displayed on the ​Environment​ list/Summary screen 
Note: You may need to navigate to another tab and click Environments tab again to see the 
imported environment. 

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Note: This function is used to replicate a Masking environment and jobs for another copy of 
the  schema 
This completes the lab session 

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