The Magazine of The Hare Krishna Movement: Vol - Lo No.l2

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Godhead is light.



The lnternatio1zal Society for Krislma Consciotlsness (ISKCON) is a worldwide community of devotees practicing
bhakti-yoga, the eternal science of loving service to God. The Society was founded in 1966 by His Divine Grace
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Stvami Prabhupiida, a pure devotee of God representing an unbroken chain of spirit11al masters
originating with Lord Kr~ra Himself The following eight principles are the basis of the Kmza collSciotHness move-
ment. We invite all our readers to consider them with an open mind and then visit one of the ISKCON centers to see
how they are being applied in everyday lifo.

. ·.·.·

Devotees outside the Los Angeles Center of the International Society for Krishna Consdousoeu.

1. By sincerely cultivating a bona fide spiritual 5. W e should learn the Vedic knowledge from a
science, we can be free from anxiety and come genuine spiritual master-one who has no
to a state of pure, unending, blissful conscious- selfish motives and whose mind is firmly fixed
ness in this lifetime. on Kr~J:ta .
... .
2. We are not our bodies but eternal spmt 6. Before we eat, we should offer to the Lord
sou ls, pam and parcels of God (Kr~I:ta) . As such, the food that sustains us. Then Kr~J:ta becomes
we are all brothers, and Kr~J:ta is ultimately our the offering and purifies us.
common father.
7. We should perform all our actions as offer-
3. Kr~Qa is the eternal, all-knowing, omnipres- ings to Kr~J:ta and do nothing for our own sense
.,~ ent, all-powerful, and all-attractive Personality gratification.
...,• ~j:t.
of Godhead. He is the seed-giving father of all
8. The recommended means for achieving the
living beings, and He is the sustaining energy of
mature stage of love of God in this age of Kali ,
the entire cosmic creation.
or quarrel, is to chant the holy names of the
4. The Absolute Truth is contained in the Lord. The easiest method for most people is to
Vedas, the oldest scriptures in the world. The chant the Hare Kr~J:ta mantra: H are Kr$J:ta, Hare
essence of the Vedas is found in the Bhagavad-gita, Kr~J:ta, Kr~J:ta Knr)a, Hare Hare/ Hare Rima,
a literal record of Kr~I)a' s words. Hare Rima, Rima Rama , Hare Hare.

(undC'r 1hc dirtC'uon o( Hh OtvinC' GDCC
Sri Srhn:ad Uhaltti•iddhint:a Su:a.s,·;lti Pu.bhupid:a)
HI$ Divine" GutC' ~
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prahhupida
Life Comes From Life 5
SENIOR EDITOR H is Holiness Sauv:m1pa dSsa Gosviml
Scientists say that life begins with chemicals. But
the real question is, "Where have the chemicals come from? "
MANAGING EDITOR jagann:ltha Suta disa
A morning walk conversation with His Divine Grace
ASSOCIATE EDITORS Oamodara d:isa. Ouvi<)a disa A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
ART DIRECTOR Nav>dvlp> d:isa

RESEARC H EDITOR Karul)isindhu d:lsa

SANSKRIT EDITOR Gopiparil)adhana dasa

How The Hare Kr!!t:ta Movement 10
PRODUCTION MANAGER !Udhavallabha diisa
Came To Africa
ILLUSTRATORS Bhaudvaja disa, Muralidhara d:lsa, A personal account of how the Kr~t:~a consciousness
Parlk$it disa, Railcora d:lsa, Y>durar.ll-devi disl movement was brought to a new frontier.
PHOTOGRAPHERS Bhargava dasa, Muullvadana d:lsa. by His Holiness Brahmananda Svami.
Yaduvara d:lsa. Vi;:lkha-drvi d;isi. Gopavrndeh dha
TECHNICIANS Arcita disa. Gopavrndda diu,
Yug>!.-kisora disa. Yamarij> d:isa. Madhusildana disa, 18
K>lanb disa. llh>kta Lennie
Africa's Bright Future
COPY EDITORS Dcvamrra d:lsa. Gopipara1,1:odhana d:lsa. The prospectus for a peaceful, prosperous and
Srlk:\rua dis•
self-sufficient Africa is outlined in this interview with
COMPOSITORS Ual:\i.dcvi d:isi. Surasa-dcvl disl His Holiness Chayavana Svami, chairman of the
ISKCON Africa mission.
monthly. S6.()() p<r year (S7.()() outside
0 Publi1hed
USA), by rhe Uh>kti,·ed>nt> Book Tru><.
3764 Watseka Ave., L<» Angeles. Cali(. 9()()34. ,Tbe' Special Kindness of Lord Caitanya
lnlree vivid accounts of how Lord Caitanya showed
@ 1975 Uhak<ivedanu Book Trusc His mercy to the sinful, the atheists and
All righ" reserved. Princcd in USA. even the jungle an imals.
From the writings of His Divine Grace
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Sanskrit words and names in BACK TO GODHEAD
arc spelled according tO a system that scholars
throughout the world usc to show how to Letters 16
pro nounce each word. Vowels in Sanskrit arc
pronounced almost as in Italian. The sound of the
short a is like the" in b11t. The long dis like the a in Farm Report 17
far and held twice as long as the short a, and tis like
the a in evade. Long i is like the i in pique. The
vowel r is pronounced like the ri in the English
Special Centerfold Section:
word ring. The cis pronounced as in the English
word chair. The >Spirated consonants (ch,jh, Jh, Srimad-Bhigavatam
etc.) He pronounced as in staunch-heart. hedge-hog The continuing presentation of India's great spiritual classic.
and reel-/rot. The two spirants i and 1 arc like the Translation and commentary
English Jlr, and J is like rhc J in nm. So pronounce
by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Kmra as KRI SHNA and C•ir;mya as CHAITANY A.

ON THE COVER The founder and original editor of BACK TO GODHEAD is His Divine
Bei11g a11 i11camario11 ofrhe S11preme Lord Grace A. C. Bhaktivcdanta Swami Prabhupida. Srila Prabhupida first carne to the
United Stales in Septembe r of 1965, and by Octobe r of 1966 he and his first
Km;a, Sri Cairanya Mahaprabhu is also dear
American student had begun the International Society for Krishna Conscious ness in
ro alllivi1111 crearures. When He traversed rht
a small srorcfronr in New York Ciry.
holy forms oJV,dovana, India, jive hrmdred From the beginning. BACK TO GODHEAD magnine was an integral part of
years ago, all rhe a11imals, plams, a11d evm JSKCON. In fact. ir has ofren been called "the backbone of thc Kmr" consciousness
rhe insecrs became very j ubilant. Cows movement" by Srila Prabhupada. who began writing. printing and distributing it
followed Him, peacocks dat~wl, cuckoos sa11g, himself in 1944. Over rhe years, BACK TO GODHEAD has changed in many ways.
a11d the deer came a11d licked His body. bur irs purpose has remained one: ro present topics con ce rning Knna. the Suprcrn~
(An or(~inal oil pailttit~g by Muralidlrara dasa.) Personality of Godhead. for rhe spi ritu3l enlightenment of its readers.
His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
• • •
• • •
• • • • • •

It's natural to praise eternal truth about

someone who does Himself, which can
something wonderful, liberate us from all
and God does the most suffering, and H e
wonderful things of sends His representa-
all. He creates the en- tives to teach it .
tire cosmic manifesta- Moreover, He Himself
tion, orbiting count- descends into the ma-
less planets and stars terial world and per-
with astonishing skill forms superhuman ac-
and artistry. He gives tivities to attract and
light to the sun and purify our minds.
fragrance to a rose, and He invests life in all that He knows everything-past, present and fu -
lives. Whatever wealth, wisdom, beauty, strength, ture - and never forgets any service rendered to
fame or renunciation we see in this world is merely H im, no matter how small. His glorious qualities
a fragment of His opulence. H e directs the wander- are unlimited, and He is known by millions of
ings of all living beings by expanding H imself into names, like Kr~l)a and Rama. The Hare Kr~l)a
everyone's heart. Indeed, the entire universe is per- mantra is both a glorification of God and an appeal
vaded by His energy. to be engaged in His service. Find out more in this
He gives humanity great scriptures revealing the issue of BACK TO GODHEAD.

Can science create life in the laboratory?
On a morning walk with his disciples, Srila Prabhupada explains
why it's not possible to produce life from chemicals, now or in the future.


Srila Prabhupada: The whole world of science and eternal; it goes through no such changes. Life appears to
technology is running on the false idea that life is born be developing and decaying, but actually it is simply
from matter. We cannot allow th is nonsensical theory passing through each of these six phases until the ma-
to go unchallenged. Life does not come from matter·. terial body can no longer be maintained. Then the old
Matter is generated from life. This is not theory; it is body dies and the soul enters a new body. When our
fact. Science is based on an incorrect theory; therefore clothing is old and worn, we change it. Similarly, one
all its calculations and conclusions are wrong, and day our bodies become old and useless, and we pass on
people are suffering because of this. When all these to a new body.
mistaken modern scientific theories are corrected, As Kr~t:ta says in the Bhagavad-gita (2.13), dehino 'smin
people will become happy. So we must challenge the yatha dehe kaumaram yarwanam jaral tatha dehantara-praptir:
scientists and defeat them. Otherwise they will mislead "As the embodied soul continually passes, in this body,
the entire society. from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly
Matter changes in six phases: passes into another body at death." And a little later
birth, growth, maintenance, (2.18): antavanta ime deha nityasyoktab saririr:uzb. This
production of by-products, means that only the material body of the indestructible
dwindling and death. But and eternal entity is subject to destruction. This ma-
the life within mat- terial body is perishable, but the life within the body is
ter, the spirit nitya, eternal.
soul, is According to the Vedas, the measurement of the soul
within the body is one ten-thousandth part of
the tip of a hair. This is very small; in fact,
it is atomic. Yet because of that atomic
spiritual energy, my body is working. Is
it so difficult to understand? Suppose a
man thinks himself very stout and
strong. Why is he stout and strong?
Only because within his body is a

CREATION. Innumerable universes

are generated from the transcen-
dent al body of Lord Maha -Vi~J;~u,
an expansion of Lord Sri KHJ;~a, the
original Supreme Personality of
small spiritual spark. But as soon as the [Srila Prabhupada points at a dead tree must be the case, since all the chemicals
spiritual spark is gone, his body dies and with his cane.] Now here is matter. For- that are necessary to support life are still
his strength and vigor become void. If merly leaves and twigs were growing there, yet the tree is dead.
scientists say that matter is the cause and from this tree. Why are they not grow- Here is another example: suppose I
origin of life, then let them bring just ing now? Can the scientists answer this am living in an apartment, and then I
one dead man back to life by injecting question? leave it. I am gone, but many other liv-
him with chemicals. But this they can- Karandhara: They would say the ing entities remain there- ants, spiders
not do. chemical composition has changed. and so forth. It is not true that simply
because I have left the apartment, it can
no longer accommodate life. Other liv-
ing entities are still living there. It is
simply that I-an individual living
being-have left. The chemicals in the
tree are like the apartment; they are
simply the environment for the in-
dividual living force-the soul-to act
through. T hus the scientists will never
be able to produce life in the chemical

The so-called scientists say that life

begins from chemicals. But the real
question is, "Where have the chemicals
come from?" The chemicals come from
life, and this means that life has mystic
power. For example, an orange tree con-
"The so-called scientists say that life hegins from chemicals. But tains many oranges, and each orange
the real quest ion is, 'Where have the chemicals come from? , , contains chemicals - citric acid and
others. So where have these chemicals
Dr. Singh: Since scientists cannot see Srila Prabhupada: All right, then if come from? Obviously they have come
the spirit soul, they say its existence is they are so advanced in knowledge of from the life within the tree. The scien-
very dou btful. chemistry, they must supply the proper tists are missing the origin of the chemi-
Srila Prabhupada: How can they see chemicals to make branches and leaves cals. They have started their investiga-
it? It is too small to see. Where is such grow again. tion from the chemicals, but they cannot
seeing power? Brahmi n anda Svimi: Knowledge identify the origin of the chemicals.
Dr. Singh: Still, they want to sense it means that one must be able to demon- Chemicals come from the Supreme
by some means. strate his theory. They should be able to Life- God. Just as the living body of a
Srila Prabhupida : If you inject just show in their laboratories that life is man produces many chemicals, the
one grain of deadly poison into someone, caused by a combination of chemicals. Supreme Life (the Supreme Lord) is pro-
he immediately dies. No one can see the Srila Prabhupada : Yes, the scientific ducing all the chemicals found in the at-
poison or how it acts. But the poison is method means first observation, then mosphere, in the water, in humans, in
acting nevertheless. In the same way, the hypothesis and then demonstration. But animals and in the earth. And that is
Veda.s say that because the minute parti- these scientists cannot demonstrate their called mystic power. Unless the mystic
cle called the soul is within the body, the hypothesis. They simply observe and power of the Supreme Lord is accepted,
whole body is working nicely. If I pinch then speak nonsense. there is no solution to the problem of the
myself, I immediately feel it because I Scientists say that the chemicals are origin of life.
am conscious all over my skin. But as the cause of life. But all the chemicals Dr. Singh: The scientists will reply
soon as the soul is absent, which is the that were there when the tree was living that they cannot believe in mystic
case when my body dies, you can take are still present. And life-energy is also power.
this same skin and cut it and chop it, and there. There are thousands of microbes Srila Prabhupi da: But they must ex-
no one will protest. Why is this simple in the tree, and they are all living en- plain the origin of the chemicals. Any-
thing so hard to understand? Is this not tities. No one can claim that life-energy one can see that an ordinary tree is pro-
detecting spirit? is lacking in the body of this tree. ducing many chemicals; they cannot
D r. Singh : That is the soul. But what Dr. Singh: But what about the life- deny it. But how does it produce them?
about God? energy of the tree itself? Since they cannot answer this, they must
Srila Pra bhupada: First of all let us Srila Pra bhupi d a: Yes, that is the dif- accept that the living force has mystic
understand the soul. The soul is a small ference. T he living force is individual, power. I cannot explain how my finger-
God. If you understand the sample, then and the particular individual living en- nail is growing out of my finger ; it is
you can understand the whole. tity which was the tree has left. This beyond the power of my brain. In other

Like a frog who can't ac -
cept the existence of any-
thing outside his own well,
a m a t e rialistic scientist
denies the existence of
God because God is out-
side his limited sensory ex-

words, it is growing by inconceivable vanced, so why don't you cre-

potency, or acintya-sakti. So if acintya-sakti ate life?"
exists in an ordinary being, imagine how Kara ndhara : They say they
much acintya-iakti God possesses. will create life in the future.
The diff'erence between God and me Srila Prabhupiida: When in
is that although I have the same poten- the future? If the scientists know
cies as God, I can produce only a small the creative process, why can' t they
quantity of chemicals, whereas He can create life now? If life has a biochemi-
produce enormous quantities. I can pro- cal origin, and if biologists and chemists
duce a little water in the form of arc so advanced, then why can't they
perspiration, but God can produce the create life in their laboratories? When
seas. Analysis of one drop of seawater this crucial point is raised, they say, begets a child, the father is living and
gives you the qualitative analysis of the "We shall do it in the future." Why in the child is living. But where is the
sea, without any mistake. Similarly, the the future? That is 'nonsense. Trust no scientist's proof that life comes from
ordinary living being is part and parcel futu re, however pleasant. What is the matter? We can prove that life begins
of God, so by analyzing the living beings meaning of their advancement? They from life, and we can also prove that the
we can begin to understand God. In God arc talking nonsense. original life is Knr:ta. But what evidence
there is great mystic potency. God's Kar a ndhara: They say that they are exists that a child is ever born out of a
mystic potency is working swiftly, ex- right on the verge of creating life. dead stone? The scientists cannot prove
actly like an electric machine. Machines Srila Prabhupiida : But that is also the that life comes from matter. They are
operate by certain energy, and they are future in a diff'erent way. T hey must ac- leaving that aside fo r the futur e.
so nicely made that all the work is done cept that they still do not know the truth Karandhara: The basis of what the
simply by pushing a button. Similarly, about the origin of life. Since they are scientists call "scientific integrity" is
God said, "Let there be creation," and expecting to be able to create life in the that they talk only about what they can
there was creation. Considered in this future, presently their knowledge must experience th rough their senses.
way, the workings of nature are not very be imperfect. Their proposal is some- Srila Pra bhupiida : Then they are
difficult to understand. God has such thing like giving someone a post-dated suff'ering from what we call "Doctor
wonderful potencies that the creation, check. Suppose I owe you S10,000 and I Frog's philosophy." There was once a
on His order alone, immediately takes say, "Yes, I will pay you the entire sum frog who had lived all his life in a well.
place. with this post-dated check. Is that all One day a friend visited him and in-
B ra h miinand a Sviimi: Scientists don't right?" If you are intelligent, you will formed him of the existence of the
accept God or acintya-sakti. reply, "At present, give me at least five Atlantic Ocean.
Sr ila Prabhu piida: That is their dollars in cash so I can see something "Oh, what is this Atlantic Ocean?"
rascaldom. God exists, and His acimya- tangible." Similarly, the scientists can- asked the frog in the well.
iakti also exists. not produce even a single blade of grass "It is a vast body of water," his friend
Kar a ndhara : Scientists say that life by biochemistry, yet still they claim that replied.
was created biochemically. life is produced from matter. What is "How vast? Is it double the size of this
Srila Prabhupiid a : And I say to them: this nonsense? Is no one questioning well?"
"Why don't you create life? Your this? We can prove that life began from "Oh no, much larger," his friend
biology and chemistry are very ad- life. Here is the proof: W hen a father replied.

"How much larger? Ten times the called Nature. It contains articles con- Srila Prabhupida: Yes, that is it ex-
size?" cerning natural products like plants and actly. They are ignorant of the origin.
In this way the frog went on calculat- animals, but it does not mention God- The scientists start from one point- but
ing. But what was the possibility of his only nature. where does that point come from? That
ever understanding the depths and far Srila Prabhupida: We may correctly they do not know, in spite of vast
reaches of the great ocean? Our faculties, observe that plants are being produced research. One has to accept that the
experience and powers of speculation by nature, but we must ask, "What has original source is God, who is full of all
are always limited. The frog was always produced nature?" To ask this question mystic powers and from whom every-
thinking in terms relative to his well. He is intelligence. thing emanates. He Himself says in the
had no power to think otherwise. Dr. Singh: The scientists don't think Bhagavad-gitii ( 1 0.8): aham sarvasya
Similarly, the scientists are estimating about that. prabhavo mattab sarvam pravartate, "I am the
the Absolute Truth, the cause of all source of all spiritual and material
causes, with their imperfect senses and worlds. Everything emanates from Me."
minds, and thus they are bound to be Our conclusions are not based on blind
bewildered. The essential fault of the faith; they are most scientific. Matter
so-called scientists is that they have comes from life. In life-in the origin-
adopted the inductive process to arrive at there are unlimited material resources;
their conclusions. For example, if a that is the great mystery of creation.
scientist wants to determine whether or Modern scientific research is just like
not man is mortal by the inductive pro- Satikhya philosophy, which analyzes
cess, he must study every man to try to material elements. Satikhya means "to
discover if some or one of them may be count." We are also Satikhya philoso-
immortal. The scientist says, "I cannot phers to some extent because we count
accept the proposition that all men are and analyze the material elements; this
mortal. There may be some men who is land, this is water, this is air, this is
are immortal. I have not yet seen every sunshine, this is fire. Furthermore, I can
man. Therefore how can I accept that count my mind, my intelligence and my
man is mortal?" This is called the in- ego. Beyond my ego, however, I cannot
ductive process. And the deductive pro- count. But Kr~!fa says that there is exis-
cess means that your father, your teacher tence beyond the ego, and that existence
or your gum says that man is mortal, and is the living force-the spirit soul. This
you accept it. is what the scientists do not know. They
Dr. Singh: So there is an ascending think that life is merely a combination
process of gaining knowledge and a de- "Nature means energy, and as of material elements, but Kr~!fa denies
scending process? soon as you speak of energy, you this in the Bhagavad-gitii. Apareyam itas tv
Srila Prabhupida: Yes. The ascending must accept that there is a anyam prakrtim viddhi me param: "Besides
process will never be successful because source of that energy... this inferior nature there is a superior
it relies on information gathered energy of Mine." (Bg. 7 .5) The inferior
through the senses, and the senses are Srila Prabhupida: So they are fools. energy is the material elements, and the
imperfect. So we accept the descending As soon as we speak of nature, the next superior energy is the living entity.
process. question should be, "Whose nature?" For
God cannot be known by the induc- instance, I speak of my nature, and you bhumir iipo 'nalo vayub
tive process. Therefore He is called speak of your nature. Therefore, as soon kham mano buddhir eva ca
adhok$aja, which means "unknowable by as nature is mentioned, the next inquiry ahankara itiyam me
direct perception." The scientists say should be, "Whose nature?" bhimui prakrtir a$.tadlui
there is no God because they are trying Nature means energy, and as soon as
to understand by direct perception. But you speak of energy, you must accept "Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, in-
He is adhok$aja; therefore the scientists that there is a source of that energy. For telligence and false ego-altogether
are ignorant of God because they are example, the source of electric energy is these eight comprise My separated ma-
missing the method of knowing Him. In the electric powerhouse. Electricity is terial energies." (Bg. 7.4) Knlfa ex-
order to understand transcendental not produced automatically. We must plains here in the Bhagavad-gita that vayu
science, one must approach a bona fide install a powerhouse and a generator. (gas) comes from Him, and that finer
spiritual master, hear from him sub- Similarly, in the Vedas it is said that ma- than the gases is kha (ether). Finer than
missively, and render service to him. terial nature is working under Kr~lfa's ether is the mind, finer than the mind is
Lord Kq(fa explains thi s in the direction. intelligence, and finer than the intelli-
Bhagavad-gitii (4.34): tad viddhi pra~ipiitena Dr. Singh: So do you mean co say that gence is the soul. But the scientists do
pariprasnena sevayii. science has started from an intermediate not know this. They can perceive only
Dr. Singh: There is a scientific journal point-not from the original point? gross things. They mention vayu, but

"Material elements are not creative! The soul is creative. No one ~
can create life with only matter, and matter cannot create itself."

where does the vayu come from? Where Srila Prabhupiida: Yes, the superior And a little later:
does the gas come from? energy-the living entity-is required.
Dr. Singh: That they cannot answer. Oxygen and hydrogen are inferior en- sarva-yoni~u kaunteya
Srila Prabhupada: But we can answer. ergy, but when the superior energy murtayab sambhavanti yab
We have the knowledge that gas comes mixes them, then they can become tdsdm brahma mahad yonir
from kha, or ether, and ether comes from water. aham bija-pradab pita
mind, mind comes from intelligence, Inferior energy has no power unless
and intelligence comes from Kr~t:~a's superior energy is involved. This sea "All species of life are made possible by
superior energy, the spirit soul. [indicating the Pacific Ocean] is calm birth in material nature, and I am the
Dr. Singh: Are both inferior and and quiet. But when superior force - seed-giving father." (Bg. 14.4) For ex-
superior energies studied in Sankhya air-pushes it, high waves are created. ample, if we sow a banyan seed, a huge
philosophy. The sea has no power without the tree eventually grows up and produces
Srila Prabhupida: No. Sankhya phi- superior force. Similarly, there is millions of new seeds. Each of these
losophers do not know of superior en- another force superior to the air, and seeds, in turn, produces another tree
ergy. They simply analyze the material another and another, until we arrive at with millions of new seeds, and so on. So
elements, just as the scientists do. Knt:~a, the most superior force. This is Knt:~a is the original seed-giving father.
Neither the scientists nor the Sankhya real research. Suppose a railroad train is Unfortunately, the scientists only ob-
philosophers know anything of the spirit just starting to move. The engine pushes serve the immediate cause, they do not
soul. They are simply analyzing Kr$t:Ja's one car, which pushes another and so on perceive the remote cause. There are two
material energy. until the entire train is moving. And the causes-the immediate cause and remote
Dr. Singh: They are analyzing the cre- whole motion originates with the cause. Kr~t:Ja is described in the Vedas as
ative material elements? engineer, a living entity. Similarly, in sarva-kdrara-kara~Jam, "the cause of all
Srila Prabhupiida: Material elements the cosmic creation, Kr~t:Ja gives the first causes." If you understand the cause of
are not creative! The soul is creative. No push, and then, by means of many all causes, then you understand every-
one can create life with only matter, and successive pushes, the entire cosmic thing. Yasmin vy·nate sarvam evam vijiiatam
matter cannot create itself. You, a living manifestation comes into being. This is bhavati: "If you know the original cause,
entity, can mix hydrogen and oxygen to explained in Bhagavad-gitd: mayadhyak$era the later, subordinate causes are auto-
create water. But matter itself has no prakrtib suyate sa-carticaram. "This ma- matically known." Although the scien-
creative energy. If you place a bottle of terial nature is working under My direc- tists are searching after the original
hydrogen near a bottle of oxygen, will tion, 0 son of Kunti, and is producing cause, when the Vedas, which contain
they automatically combine without all moving and unmoving beings. By its perfect knowledge, give the original
your help? rule this manifestation is created and an- cause, they won't accept. They keep to
Dr. Singh: No. They must be mixed. nihilated again and again." (Bg. 9.1 0) their partial, imperfect knowledge. 0

the Hare Hrsna
[ame ta AlriEa
he story of how the Hare movement came to Africa
T starts in 1971 in the United States. I was in Tallahassee,
Florida, teaching an experimental course in Kr~t~a conscious-
and on into the European side of Turkey, where at last we en-
tered !stan bul.
n my compartment on the train during the entire trip was a
ness at the state university, when I received a letter from my
spiritual master, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta
I Turkish lady who had brought along an ample supply of
French bread and cheese. I had prepared some very nice
Swami Prabhupada, instructing me to go immediately to prasiida· consisting of upma (farina with butter, peppers and
West Pakistan for preaching work. I had very little money, spices), various vegetables, fried pr1ris (a type of flat bread),
and I knew the trip to Pakistan would be long and arduous. and some delicious sweets. When I offered some to the
However, a disciple takes his spiritual master's order as his woman on the first day, she refused, preferring her bread and
very life and soul, and I was determined that nothing would cheese. But on the second day she accepted some and liked it
stop me. very much. In fact, she ate sumptuously, and I took the op-
The first leg of my journey took me to N ew York City, portunity to talk with her about Kr~Q.a consciousness. She was
where a young brahmaciiri· assistant joined me; then the two very favorable and said she would pray to God for our suc-
of us flew to London. From cess. From this incident I
London we went to Paris by realized how important
via hydro-plane and rail. In • • _ _ _ prasiida distribution is in
Paris I had a good oppor-
tunity to preach at
HIS Holiness Brahmananda Suaml.-spreading Kr~Q.a conscious-
~ ness. By eating prasiida, a
Dauphine University, the person gradually becomes
Sorbonne, and to some yoga spiritually purified and
groups. After a few days in receptive to the message of
Paris, we boarded the Kr~Q.a consciousness.
Orient Express for a forty- In Istanbul we met two
eight-hour train ride to boys-an American and a
Istanbul, Turkey. Canadian-who were both
First we crossed the intelligent and spiritually
French, Swiss and Italian inclined. They were going
Alps and then descended to India and decided tO ac-
onto the broad plains of company us tO Pakistan.
Italy, with its many grape During the two-day train
and olive farms. We saw ride to the Turkish hill-
Genoa, Venice and Trieste town of Erzurum, the next
pass by our windows and stop on our journey, I
then entered Yugoslavia, talked constantly to the
with its broad collective two boys about Kr$Q.a con-
farms of peasants. From sciousness. The Canadian
Belgrade our route took us was going to India on a
to Sophia, Bulgaria, then spiritual quest and was
through northern Greece writing a journal of his

"single male student "Food offered to Lord Kmta

daily thoughts and experiences. He had titled it " A Journey Khyber Pass, an incredible masterpiece of nature, we finall y
to the East," after the famous book by Hermann Hesse, and descended onto the warm plains of Pakistan. Our bus let us
he was writing into it everything I said about K r~l)a con- down in Peshawar, and from there we took a train to Lahore.
sciousness. He was also avidly reading our books. By the rime I had planned to make Lahore my destination because it is
we reached Erzurum, he had learned all the prayers for offer- the leading university city in Pakistan. First I visited rhe
ing prasiida and was also chanting the Hare Kr~l_la mantra on venerable Punjab University, where I spoke with the chair-
japa beads. man of the philosophy and religion department. He thought
he train pulled into Erzurum in the morning, and we all
T went to a nearby hotel to wait for the bus to T abriz, Iran,
which was scheduled to leave the following morning. Since
Kf$l_la consciousness was a sectarian religion. I explained to
him that far from being a sectarian religion, Kr$J:la conscious-
ness is the essence of all religion because it is the inseparable
we had a whole day, we decided to go out on smikirtaua quality of every living entity. Just as sweetness is the essential
(congregational chanting of the Hare Knl)a mantra). So we quality of sugar (there is no such thing as sugar that is not
rook our drums, karatiilas (hand cymbals) and some sweet), similarly, service is the essential quality of every liv-
pamphl~ rs, went out into the village square, sat down and ing entity. Everyone is a servant, from the street sweeper on
started chanting Hare Kr~l)a. A large crowd of several up to the president. The husband serves the wife, the wife
hundred curious villagers quickly formed. Suddenly my serves the children, the businessman serves his customers,
chanting was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. When I and the worker serves his boss. Bur ultimately everyone is a
looked up I saw that we were surrounded by many policemen servant of God, Kr$1)a, the cause of all causes. How to fu lly
and plainclothes detectives. They took us to the police station realize this fact and always act as a servant of God is the
and confiscated our passports. (Only later did I learn that science of Kr$J:la consciousness.
they suspected us of being Christian missionaries. In Turkey,
preaching Christianity is against the law.) They also took all
our books and pamphlets and sent them off to the university
0 n the Punjab University campus, some students became
antagonistic when I spoke with them, telling me that the
Koran was the only book. But I showed them that one of our
for translation. They wouldn't let us call the American em- books, The Nectar of Devotion, was written by a devotee who
bassy in Ankara, and worst of all, none of our captors spoke was a high official in the Muslim government. Then they
English. listened intently, and invited me to speak at a philosophy
After several days in jail, we were finally permitted to live class. However, as the days went by, the number of incidents
outside in our hotel, although the police kept our passports so grew. Students accused us of being spies and called us ill
we could nor leave town. W e then placed a telephone call to names. Some people once rubbed the tilaka off our foreheads
the American embassy, but after several days of "inves- and warned us nor to walk on the streets or we'd be stabbed.
tigating" our case, we had sri II heard nothing concerning our Meanwhile the political situation was becoming more and
release. Finally, we made our way to the university and met a more critical. The Pakistani government was whipping up
professor there who had studied in America. He was quite anti-Indian war fever. Newspapers and radio programs were
friendly toward us when we explained our situation. After he filled with anti-Indian propaganda. Finally. the local Hindus
gave a favorable report about us to the police, they decided to told us that Pakistan was no place for us ro be, so when the
let us leave and continue our journey. They still wanted to fighting broke out over in East Pakistan, we reluctantly took a
keep our books, though, and I had ro become very forceful Swissair flight from Karachi to Bombay. where Srila Prabhu-
with them and demand that the books be returned. At last, pada had just started his Indian preaching program.
seven days beh ind schedule, we boa rded the bus for Tabriz, Unknown to me, Srila Prabhupada had read a newspaper
marveling at how Lord Kr~t.ta protects His devotees. story reporting that four Hare Kr$1)a missionaries from
On the bus to Tabriz, the Canadian and American boys America had been shot and killed by Pakistani soldiers. (In
decided to go their own way. I explained to them that if they East Pakistan my brother, Gargamuni Svami, was also
were going to India. they should make it a point to visit preaching with an assistant.)
Vrndavana. Ninety miles south of Delhi, Vrndavana is the When I entered Srila Prabhupada's room in Bombay to
transcendental abode where Kr$l)a appeared five thousand offer him my humble obeisances, he was relieved to sec me
years ago to exhibit His extraordinary pastimes. I later found well. He rose from his sear, came forward and embraced me.
our that the Canadian boy did indeed go to Vrndavana and Although I had been traveling and was dirty and sweaty, Srila
stayed with one of our devotees. Prabhupada was so relieved to see me unharmed that he
e spent one night in Tabriz and then went on to Tehran
W and Meshed. In Meshed we got our visas for
Afghanistan and boarded a bus which took us across the
embraced me again and again. From his touch I felt great
transcendental ecstasy. I also felt great shame because I was so
unclean. I felt roo sinful to be worthy of this wonderful
border into the city of Herat. From Herat we rode across the benediction.
desolate terrain of central Afghanistan until we came ro Kan- Soon after I arrived in Bombay, Srila Prabhupada decided
dahar. The use of opium and marijuana was very common that I should go to Africa and preach. N one of our men had
there, not only among the local popu lation, bur also among been there, and he was very pleased to contemplate that if I
many American and European hippies. The next town we went to Africa, we would then be preaching on the five major
reached was Kabul, where we made the last connection continents of the world.
before entering Pakistan. After riding through the famous I did not know what to expect in Africa. A few hunting

By train, plane, bus and boat, Brabmananda Svami made his way from Paris to Mombasa in early 1971.

stories by Ernest Hemingway and some adventure films had for Knna is just like that of a mother who does not hesitate to
led me to believe that Africa was a place of jungles, wild run in front of a moving car to save the life of her child. She
animals and primitive peoples. I naively thought there was no doesn't think, "If I run in front of this car, I may be killed."
electricity in Africa, so I gave my tape recorder away, gath- No: because of her love for her child, she w ill risk her own
ered together a few essentials-a drum, a pair of karariilas, and life. Similarly, one who is Knt:ta conscious also has this men-
a metal box full of Srila Prabhupada's books-and prepared tality of total surrender.
myself for the journey. Although the sea journey was scheduled to take eight days,
oon after my assistant and I boarded the ship for Africa,
5 the seas became very rough, making the journey difficult.
Another problem was that although there was Indian-style
only afrer a rough voyage of twelve days did the ship finally
arrive in the port of Mombasa on the coast of the east African
state of Kenya. Unfortunately, no one had told us that a first-
vegetarian food available, it was neither very palatable nor class return ticket was needed to enter Kenya, so we failed to
cooked under especially clean conditions. I became absorbed meet the immigration requirements. The immigration
in thinking of Srila Prabhupada, who has vividly shown us officials would not let us disembark, and when the ship's au-
the meaning of real devotion: to preach Kr~ na consciousness thorities began talking about sending us back to India, I be-
without concern for one's own well-being. At the advanced came very discouraged. One day passed, and in the evening of
age of seventy, he traveled alone aboard a ship from India to the second day a man approached me and struck up a conver-
America in 1965. I wondered at the difficulty he must have sation. I explained my predicament to him, and he offered to
endured traveling across the Atlantic Ocean during the Sep- place a telephone call to our center in Bombay and have them
tember hurricane season. I thought of how he had also trav- wire me a ticket. I gave him the $20. Another day passed.
eled with only a metal box full of books, a pair of kararalas and Finally, on the fourth day, the ticket arrived but our Bombay
forty rupees (I had a bit more - $20) and of how he would center had sent a third-class ticket instead of the first-class
cook his plain meals on a little tin stove the captain's wife had one we required.
given him. I remembered how he had wanted to get off the y this time, all the members of the crew as well as the
ship and return to India, but had remained aboard, and how
he had even experienced a stroke during the trip. Who could
B dock workers were talking about "the two Americans
dressed as Indian siidhus [saintly persons] who could not get
fail to be inspired by such an example! off the ship." People would come to the dock and point to us
Everyone in the world is concerned primarily with his sitting on the ship's deck. They said we would probably have
own well-being, but a self-realized soul-a pure devotee of to go all the way back to India. Finally, the manager of the
the Lord-is only concerned with fulfilling Knna's desire. shipping company agreed to issue us a first-class ticket, for
This selflessness is the essence of love. A pure devotee's love which we could repay him later. This satisfied the immigra-

cion officials, and on the afternoon of the fourth day we took wildlife. I came to know how really big Africa is. It contains
our belongings and started walking down the gangplank. Just one-fifth of the world's land, being almost as large as Asia
then the ship's whistle tooted, signaling departure within half and twice as large as South America. The coastline of Africa
an hour. is as long as the earth's diameter at the equator. It is sealed off
s we came down the gangplank, many dock workers,
A officials, and other people crowded around us and started
cheering. They were very glad to see that we were successful,
from the rest of the world by the foreboding Sahara Desert
and the Atlas Mountains in the north, and its shores are pro-
tected by huge sandbars and impenetrable thickets along the
and we were very glad to know that Kn1,1a, the Supreme Per- coastlines. From the sea, many of its rivers, such as the Congo
sonality of Godhead, who is situated in everyone's heart, was and the Zambezi, are impassable due to the rapids and other
taking care of us. I was now sure that Kr~1.1a wanted me to natural barriers. For many years, malaria prevented outsiders
preach in Africa. from penetrating inland. For these reasons, the distinct life-
After disembarking, we just stood on the dock for a while, sryles, languages and culrures of the people of Africa had for
greatly relieved after sixteen days on board the ship. We had the most part remained intact until fairly recently. Due to the
no money and didn't know where to go. Soon an Indian man vast differences berween each tribal group, there are only
approached me, and we began conversing. He was very nineteen people per square mile in Africa. Thus Africa con-
favorable toward us and toward Kr$1.1a consciousness, and he tains few real cities. Whenever food was found wanting,
drove us in h is car to a Hindu temple of Lord Siva. Within a people could easily move to a nearby tract of virgin land that
few moments we were safely ensconced in a comfortable would provide all their needs.
room with a fan, beds, a veranda overlooking a courryard,
and other conveniences.
Each day people would come to see "the American sadhus."
W hen we arrived in Nairobi, we held a very successful
program at a Radha-Kr$1.1a temple. People were
astonished that Americans had taken to Kr~1.1a consciousness,
They would offer us fruit, flowers, money and other and they appreciated our kircana and our lectures on Bhagavad-
necessities. We were reminded of Mrgrari, the devotee of giUi very much. Many wanted to help us in our mission.
Narada Muni who had been a hu nter by profession. He had Shortly thereafter, three American devotees arrived. They
led a very sinful life, but after he became a devotee of l(r~1,1a, were sent by Srila Prabhupada, who by this time had reached
his life was very peaceful and pleasant. H e did not have to London. He had fallen ill there, and having heard that the
hunt animals; people would bring him fruits and flowers and African climate is very healthful, he desired to come to Africa
many other things so that he could offer ample prasada to the to recuperate. First Srila Prabhupada came to Nairobi and
Lord. Formerly, we had been like Mrgrari-hunters after the remained one night at the home of a life member with whom
illusory pleasures of intoxication, illicit sex, uncontrolled we were staying. (This life member later surrendered at the
tongue. But now, by the grace of Srila Prabhupada, we had lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada and became his initiated disci-
become purified of these things. ple.) We then arranged for Prabhupada to stay in a nice
uring this time, we were preaching exclusively to the In-
D dian nationals in Africa, and we began to appreciate their
unique position among the world's people. Because vestiges
house in Mombasa, in a location I had once described to him
as one of the most wonderful places in the world. When Srila
Prabhupada walked into his spacious, airy room overlooking
of the deeply spiritual Vedic culture are still present in India, the aquamarine-colored sea and saw the cloudless skies, the
the Indian people have respect for a sadhu, they are charitable pleasant sunshine and the white sandy beach fringed with
and kind, and they are not as mad after sense gratification as palm trees, he said, "Yes, Brahmananda, this is one of the
people in the Western countries. They showed us their most wonderful places in the world. " Srila Prabhupada
character by helping us out in many ways during those dif- quickly recovered his health with the help of the mild cli-
ficu lt early days and by being enthusiastic to introduce us to mate, the abundant varieties of fruits and vegetables, and
their compatriots. They would take us to various functions, various rich milk-products. Prabhupada then decided to
and we would speak on Kr$1.1a consciousness. Srila Prabhu- return to Nairobi, the capital of the country, and launch the
pada had not given me any specific instructions on how to African preaching campaign from there.
preach in Africa, and somehow or other I concluded that I In Nairobi, Srila Prabhupada personally demonstrated
should preach mainly to the Indians, just as Prabhupada was how a sannytisi should preach. We would stay at the homes of
doing in India. Remembering the incident in Erzurum, I was various Indians, and although they provided very comfort-
reluctant to take Kr$ consciousness to the local people-w able accomodations for us-nice food and sleeping quar-
go out into the streets and chant Hare Kr~1.1a-although that ters-Srila Prabhupada would never stay in one home longer
was my inclination. I didn't know how the authorities would than three days. He would travel from home to home, strictly
react. following the Vedic injunction that sannyasis should never
After a m~nth and a half in Mombasa, I received an invita- stay in one place for more than three days. This rule prevents
tion from an Indian family to go to Nairobi for Janmagami, their becoming attached to bodily comforts as well as incon-
Lord Kn1.1a 's birthday celebration. Since Nairobi is three veniencing their hosts.
hundred miles inland, we had to take a taxi across the broad, At each residence, Srila Prabhupada would hold intimate
flat African plains. We stopped frequently along the way to talks with the gentlemen of the house and give darsana (au-
view the many rhinoceroses, elephants, giraffes and other dience) to the family members and their friends in the after-

noons. And in the evenings he would conduct kirtanas and
give lectures. In this way, Srila Prabhupada made good
friends with many prominent Indian people in Nairobi, and
they willingly became life members. Today they continue to
take an active interest in the Hare Kni;~a movement.
ater, I expanded the life member program. I stayed for one
l and a half months in Lusaka, Zambia, moving to a dif-
ferent residence every three days just as Srila Prabhupada had
done. In this way I was able to preach by example. People
could see firsthand how we rose before dawn, took a cold
bath, performed kirtanas and japa, and refrained from intoxi-
cation, illicit sex, meat-eating and gambling. A Vai~I;~ava
preaches not only by his words, but also by his actions. This
separates us from so many bogus yoga groups, whose members
may be expert in speaking some speculative philosophy or
presenting yoga in a pleasing way to an audience, but who are In a specially-equipped van, devotees travelled around the
not able to practice in their private lives the austerity necess- Nairobi area chanting, dancing and distributing prasada.
ary for spiritual realization.
Sr!la Prabhupada began encouraging me to preach directly Soon one young Kenyan joined our movement. This was
to the African people. "This is our real business in Africa," considered a great event by the local Swahili newspaper. It
he said. So we organized a program at the University of published his photo with shaven head and tilaka and
Nairobi, placed an ad in the newspaper, printed and dis- headlined the story, "When You See These People, Don't Say
played some posters, and distributed handbills. The night of 'Jambo!' Say 'Hare Kr$1)a!'" (Jambo is the Swahili equivalent
Sr!la Prabhupada's lecture, the auditorium was so crowded of hello.)
with African students that people had to stand outside to look y this time we were holding satikirtana processions in the
through the doors and windows. At the end of Srila Prabhu-
pada's speech the students cheered. Then we had kirta11a,
B heart of downtown Nairobi and distributing literature.
We rented social halls in various housing estates for evening
showed a film, and distributed prasada. As a result of this programs. We would show a film of the Ratha-yatra festival
engagement, we received a lot of favorable publicity. in San Francisco, and when the image of Lord Jagannatha ap-

T he next program Prabhupada instituted was preaching to

the general public. The first event was held in a hall situ-
ated in a rather shabby area of town. We went there one
peared on the screen, all the people would clap and cheer.
We purchased a vehicle with a distinctive roof carrier for
storing our literature and prasada utensils, and we fitted it out
evening and just opened the doors and started chanting. as a gaily painted Hare Kni;~a Safari van, complete with a tape
Pretty soon the hall filled up with many curiosity seekers player and a loudspeaker system. As we drove down the city
right off the street. There was a full house when Srila streets playing the tape of Srila Prabhupada chanting Hare
Prabhupada walked in, effulgent in his bright, silken robes. Kr$1)a, people would stop and stare at us. Many would start
He quickly passed among the curious people, got up on stage dancing in the streets. The first time we went into the local
and started chanting Hare Kr~l)a. Then he spoke about the villages to distribute prastida, we prepared the favorite national
meaning of human life. He said that the real aim of human food of Kenya-maize, meal and cabbage- but the people
life is to understand that we are not this body but pure spirit were very reluctant to take it. "Don't give us what we already
soul, and that our duty is to serve the Supreme Lord, Sri have on our tables," one man called out. "Why don't you
Kr$J;~a. Most of the people could not understand what Srila give us some of that sweet stuff!" Then all the children
Prabhupada said, since they spoke only Swahili, but they all would chant, "Sweets! Sweets! Sweets!"
enjoyed themselves nevertheless. They were all smiles, as Srila Prabhupada returned to Nairobi in January, 1972, to
they danced, chanted and clapped. A few days later, Prabhu- preside at the World Hare Km1a Festival held at the Nairobi
pada departed for India, having fully inspired us to carry on city stadium. The British Broadcasting Company made a film
the preaching work in Africa. of the festival and also interviewed Srila Prabhupada, who
Soon afterward we organized our first outdoor kirtana per- publicly initiated the first Kenyan devotee. This time Srila
formance at Nairobi's Kamakunji Park. We simply stood Prabhupada stayed in our new temple, a spacious house we
under the largest tree there and started chanting. Soon a large had purchased in a residential area not far from the down-
crowd gathered and immediately began chanting with us. town commercial section of Nairobi.
Some were even dancing in a sort of African shuffie step. We Before returning to India, Srila Prabhupada encouraged us
had a battery-powered megaphone, and one young man to further expand our preaching. Thus we made extensive
stepped forward and offered to translate our lectures into preaching safaris throughout northern and western Kenya, to
Swahili. Everyone really enjoyed this. We then distributed a neighboring Tanzania and Zambia, and even down into
sweet food preparation called butldi that the crowd liked even Salisbury, Rhodesia.
more. Every weekend we held this program, and soon we be- In each of the towns and in the surrounding villages,
came well known. (colltillued 011 page 15)

T his is the continuing presenta~iQn.of Srimad~aMgavatam, India's great spiritual classic written 5,000 years ago
by Kr~~a Dvaipayana vyasa, and now pt:eiented in a new translation with commentary by His Divine Grace A. C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhu~da. ~tlmad-BMg~vatam provides the key to how humanity can become united in
peace, prosperity and friendship around a oommon cause, That common cause is the spiritual oneness of all living
beings, and the Srimad-BMgavatam presents a revolutionary ideology which can serve as the ba.sis for the re-
spiritualiz.ltion of society. There is no lack of mundane scientifK: advancement in today's worid, but what is lacking
is knowledge of the science of God. Therefore. in a world suffering from universal discord, anxiety and confusion,
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First ·Canto ~ w ~ ~ ~~~t¢ftc:twifl I

"Creation" •u~c(tcq ~~ttutc~qc~'l«< ~ ~~~~~~
riiporit sa fo!frhe miitsyum
Chapter Three ciikfUfOdadh i·samplDIH!
niivy iiropyo mahimoyyiim
Kr.t;~a is the Source of All Incarnations· apdd ooiua$1X1torit manum
riipam- f orm ; sa{a- h e; jagrhe- aeeepted; miit.yam- of flllh ; ciikfUfll-
... Cik,ufa; udodhi-water; samplove- inundation ; niiui- on the boat; iiropya
TEXT 14 - keeping on; mah'i-the earth; mayyiirh-drowned' in; !fpcil- protccted ;
voitHU110tam- Valvas-v~tta-; mtt11um- l\1 anu, the fallLcr of tnali!
~~ ~ iN1f ~~I I
~ ~ ~: ll t\lll TRANSLATION

nibhir y ticito bhejP When there was a complete inundation after the period of the QJq.fa
novomam piirthivorit oopub ~1anu and the whole world was deep within water, the toni aecepeed tJ.e
du~dhenuim o,adhir viprtis form of a flab and protected VaivUYata Manu, keepinc hint•ap on a boat.
tentiy am sa usattamab
.!libhQt- by the sages; yacita~-bcing prayed for; bh eje-accepted;
naoomom- the n inth one; parthivom- thl' ntler o f the earth; oopu/1-;- body; According to Sripada Sridhara Svimi, the origil\al eommentatoc on the
dugdha- milking; imom- all these; o~adhi{t-produel8 of the eartb ;·v-ipr.ij/t- Bhiigauata, there is not alwotys a devastation after the change o f every
0 br4hmapas; tena- by; ayam- this; JO/t- h c; uiattomab - beautifuUy aUrae· Manu. And yet this inundation after the period of CikfUp Manu look
live. , pl~cQ i11 ordi'J to show some wo nders to Satyavrata. But Sri jiva Go1vlimi
TRANSLATIO N has given definite proofs. ftpm authoritative ~~eriptures (like Yiftau.
dharmottora, Marka(I!Ieyo Puripa, Hariuamlo, etc.) that there is always
0 brihma~ut8, the n.i nth incarnation of the Lord, prayed for by ~f. a devastation After the end of each and every Manu. Srila Vi!vanltha
Cakravarli has also supported Sn1a jiva Gosvtmi, and he (Sri Cakravarti)
was Kin~ Prthu, who cultivated Lbe land to yield various produces, and for
that reason the earth was beautiful and attractive. has also quoted from Bhiipvotam.rtam about this inundation after each
Manu. Apart from this. th~> Lord, in order to show ;;peeiaJ fam r to
PURPORT Satyavrata , a devotee of the Lord, in this particular period, inearnatl'd
Hi mself.
Before the advent of King Prthu, there was great havOC! of maladministra-
tion due to the vicious life of the previous king, the father of l\Jahartija
J>rthu. The intelligent class of m.en (namely the sages and the bmhmapas)
not only prayed for the Lord to-come down , but tltey also dethroned the
~tl(l'lit«:fit 1URri ¥(.CO(ilflkiii( I
previous kiug. It is tlte duty of the king to be pi ous and thus look after the c:-4 ~ar U ~ fq: II~ ~II
all around welfare of the citizens. Whenever the re is some ncgHgencc on
the part of tho king in discharging his duty , the inlelltgeut class .Qf men suribu rtipQm udadh in•
mu,;l dethrone ltim. The intelligent class of men , however, do not occupy maJhnatiilit mandar4colom
the royal throne because they have much more important duties for the dadbre kamatha·riipcpa
wclfare o f the public. Instead of oeeupying the royal thro~ they pr-ayed pnlha el.-ddaie t.'iblwb
for the iocarnalion of the Lord, and the Lord ca me as Ma11lriija J>rthu.
Real intelligent men oc quaJilioo brtihma{las never aspire for political sura- the the ists; a.runipom- of the atheists: udadhim-in the O<-'f'au;
posts. Maharaja J>rlhu excavated many produco~ from the earth , a nd thw; math natom- elmrning; mondartiulam- the Mandari.-.alam Hill: dodltrc-
no t only tho cili'Lens became happy to h:~_vc $uch a good king, but the iUslained; hamafha-tortQ~; riipepo- in the form of; p,rpl/le-shcll: ekiidou
comple lt; sight of the carlh also became b4;autiful nnd a_ttrJ~t,li~~· , -eJ~venlh in the line; 11ibhu~ - the great.
34 Srimad.Bhigavatam [Canto l , Ch. 3
.... ~.r

TRA~ftTiOf ~' :~· \ .·· ,!.:. ' < _. '-~~~ri~. ~al;~ f.l.a.';~y~ip~-th~~ ste~ _only; yaca""!nafr-begging;
. . ~ ~.-' _ ' . . . t· .,_.. . . . . ~ J!rqtr.adrtsufir-Wtlli.t~g·ca~Jt~ar.t to retiJ.rril' tncpiflapam-the kingdom of the
The eleventh mcarnahon or 'the Loi'd was m tlie form of a tort·otSe three pianetary systems. ~. ·
whose shell served as n pivot for the J\1a1Jdaracala.m Hill, which was being ·
used as n churning rod by the theists ; nd atheists or the un'iverse. ' f RANSLATION

.. ., ' · PURPORT , lit the ·6ft~nth· ilicatnati.Oil, the Lord assumed the form of a dwarf
brih~a [ Y.imana) and'Vi!ited the arena of sacrifice arr~ by Mahirija
Once both tl~ a,theis.ts and..the tl}eis~s were e~gage4-)IJ producing tlcct~
from the &'a s<f. th,at all .of them cou.ld become deail).less by drinking it. Bali. Althoup ll't heart He was. willing ·to regain the kingdom of the three
planetary ~ystems, He aimpl·y -asK'ed for a donation of three steps of land.
At that time the. ~fan<\aracylatp Hill was used a5 the;.c_lu-!rning rod, and the ..; .
shell of Lord T6rtoi se, the incarnatiOtJ, of Godhead, beca,mc t}le resting PURPORT
placr (pivot) offl•cNll in the sea water. ·
• The Almighty God'.~~~ .~~tow upon anyone the kingdom of the uni·
verse\from a ~-cry slnall 'l> and similarly, He can take away the
kingd'o m lJf the universe on tire plea o!f! a small piec~ of land.


dhiinvantoram dvadasomarir. ~~~qpt~l

trayodaJof1lam eva ca
apiiyayl!t 'su'tliit onyiin
..~t~f.r.(i'lll*l.t\( II~ oil
.mQb in-r.!hlp phayan;striy ii ;
avatti~ ·~~am,e
dhiinvanlaram-the incarnation of Godhead named Dhanvantari; . ptdyan brahma-4ruho nrpiin
dvadaJamam- the twelfth in the liKe; troyodasamam-thc thirteenth in the t~·sapta-krtoo~ kupito
line; coo- certainly; ca-and;·ap'Oy4yat- gave to drink; suriin- the demigods; nifikf6.triim akaron mahim
anyiin- others; mohiny ii- by charming beauty; mohaya11- alluring; slriyii-
in the form of a woman. avatci;e....:in ~the inclllf!lltion of the Lord; ;Ojidame-sixtee:nth; paiyan-
seeing; brahlnG4ruhgfa-disobedient to the orders of the bnihrna[UI';
.,. TRANSLATION nf:POn- the kingly order; t~-sapta- thrice seven times; krtvalJ-had done;
kupitafr-being engaged; nifi-negation; kf6lriim-the administrative class;
. ln tl!e twelfth incamat;i.on, .!;be Lord appeared ·as Dhanva~tari, and jn akarot- rud perform; mahim- the earth.
the thirteenth He ~~~n;d .t he atheist,s by the ((harming beauty of a W()IDan
and gave nectar to the demigods to drink.. TRANSLATION

TEXT 18 As Bhrgu:~ti, the six~eenth incarnation of the Godhead, the Lord

annihilated the administrative cl~ I ~triyas J twenty·one times, being
~ ~ ~~~~~,·, an.gry with them because of their rebellion against the brahmll!las (the
intelligent class).
"'· ~ ~~~ .. ~u~~~~
caturdasarir. ·niirnsimharil
bibhrad daityerJ.drom urjilam The k§atriyru .or the ndnim'i'~tratlve'ctass of men are e.xpected to ru.le the
dadiro ka~jdi~ iimv . · plan~t by the direc~on o~.~he inteJ!jgen't .cl~ss ffi.e? who giye direction o!
. eroka~ 'k~la-krd ya~h~ ;.. . ..•,: to th~ rulers in terms of ;the standard liUtras or the books Of revealed
·~ ~~wie<lge.~ The -li-'ulers·cari¥ on tl1e ~(Jmin'istratlo·n acCOrdfrig to fhat direc~
cat~rdalam- the fou'fteenth in the line; na~ilifhaih...:.'t:Jie intarhatioh 'Of tion. Whenever there is disobedience on the part of the k§alriyas or the
the Lord as half rna~ ~d h a~f, liori'; ~ib~~t:;;fd~~n'te~; d'4ftye~8'[fih;:__the' . administrative class against [h'IP orde'iS i d( the learned and intelligent
kmg of the atheists; U!Jllam- strongly built; a'dd;ira-'bifur<Jale'll; ~rl:iJaili'~ ; brohmarat, the admi.n.iS:trators are removed by force from the posts, and
by .til~ nails; iirtm-on the lap; erakam- canes; 'kola·krt..!.~1peri:t~i; jathii~ affi\ngertienr'iS'<made (m bet,teddmiti'~trl!fioti.t ·· '
just_lik'e. .. · " •' ''· ,., , 1•~ ...,. 1,.-, ''l ~·· ·u rr , ' .,,., ..,; · ·
. ·-:

..,.s ., 1tf'EX'll·21J."

In the fourteenth incarnation, the Lord appeared as Nrsiritha ana (Rf: ~ ~n~:-r·({~if~f· ~ 1
bifurcated the 8trong body of the atheist Hira~yakaAipu with His nails, • ! , .,.,, ,:o.m ~-~~<~ilt~ ~.!!~~: ~~~~~~
just as a carpenter pierces cane.
''! .,,j! :"'1:·' •' tat!a'Ji 1 ti~tadalejiita{t '
" t . '!'1{\ ,, l n > ,. •• s¢tyava~yarii piirosarat
"·TEXT 19 . ., .,.." .,.. ~· ' • cakte vedtdari1h §iiJthil
., •.1;' ' I.,.,.,. dmva:~ulnii;'lpa·medhasalt
1:-:\ ~••,.. "1'~~ ,; :•.
·tatafr ... thereafter\ •·sapta8.ale-in ' the seventeent h incarnation; jiita{t-
a<!vented;>.:satyavatyiim..,.in the womb of Satyavati; pariisanit-by ParaS.ara
paiicadaibm viimanakam Muni; rcak~prepllred;:veda.•taro~-of the desi.rc tree of the Vedas; sakhii~
krtvtigiid adh ooram bale~ -br:anches;· dflJuti-~ 'l seeihg; pumsa{t- the people in general; alpa-
pada-trayam yacamiina~ medhasa{lJl~ss 'intellige·nt.·
praty8ditsui tri·piftapam 'r tiANSLATJON
paiicacksam- the fifteenth in the line; ookanakam- the dwarf bnihmll(la; Themftet,·ut'the seventeenth incarnation of Godhead, s-ri Vylt.qdeva
krtva-by assumption of; agat-went; adhvaram-arena of sacrifice; baie(l- appeared m the womb of'Satyavati, wife of ParASara Muru, and he divided
Text 24) Kl;~r)a h the Source of AU Incarnations 35

the on~ Veda into several branches and I!Ub-branchea, ~ that the no human being, including the materially ad,·~nced 1Uva!18, could perform.
people in rneral were leu intelligent. Lo rd RliOUicandra prepared a royal road o n the lodian Ocean with stone~
that floated on the water. The mod ern scie ntists have done research in til{'
PURPORT area of weightlC~~Sness, but it is not poesible to bring in weightlessness any-
where und everywhere. But because wcightlc~ness is the u-elttion of tlw
Ori~i nully tht: VP.dll is one. But Srila Vylisadeva djvided the original Lord hy wh ich He can make the gigantic planets fly and float in th .. uir.llr
I ••d11 into four, namely Siima, Yajus, (<I;, Atharoo, and then again they made the ~tones even within this earth to be weightle!;.< and prepated a
w..-re ''"pluincd in different branches like the Purarasand theMahiibh.iirata. sto ne hridge on the sea without uuy s upporting pillar. That is thC' disp'l:oy
\ '..die language and !he ~u bject malter are \'try d ifficult for o[dinary men. of the power of God.
They are unders tood by the highly intelligent and self-realized briihiiUI.!IaS.
But the: prr>t'n t age of Kali is fuU of ij!Tlorant men. £,·en those who are TEXT 23
born hy 11 briih mapa [ather are. in the present age, no better than the
Aildras or the wo men. The ' "'ice-born men, namely the briihiTICJ!UU, W<t~~"lfTCtf~ I
k.1Qtriyas and IXlilyas, are expected to undergo a cultural pu rificatory ~~~ ~ fl41ifl<t(a(¥(_11~~11
pro<·e,., kno wn as sariukiiros, but becau!e of the bad influence of the
present age the w -ulled members of the bmhmara and o ther high order ekonavimle vimJaJime
famili<:$ arc no longer ltighly cultured. They are called the dtiija-bandhu or V!lt;r~u priipya ja11mani
the frie nds nod family members of the twice-born. Bu t thes~ dvija- bandhus riimo.·kf1Qav iii bhuvo
are cla$Sified amongst the siidras and the women. Srila Vyasad,eva divided bhagavdn ahfrrad bharam
the Vedas in various branches and Sl!b-branchcs for the sake of tho le!)S
intelligent classes like the dvija-bandhus, liidras and the women. ekonavimse- in the nineteenth ; virirsatime-in the twentieth also;
ll!l{l4u- in the Ym1i dynasty; prcipya- having obtained; janmani- births;
TEXT 22 riima- Balarama; kmtau- Sri Kr§l)a; ili- thus; bhuva?r-of the world;
bhagavan- the Personality of Godhead; aharat- removed ; bharam- burden.
ot«:i4~~: ij(iitq~~4ll I
euf.t'lcl(lf.l ~ ~'hi~: ~ ~~~~~~
In the nineteenth and twentieth incarnations, the Lord advented
I'UJrrr--detJCittJ(Im apannoft
Himaelf as Lord Balarima and Lord Kr~1a in the family of Vffi!i (the
Y adu dynuty J, and by so doing He removed the btu-den of the world.
cakre viryii!lY ata~ param PURPORT
nal'Q- h uman being; devatvam- divinity; dpannap-having assumed the
form of; su ra- th e de migods; kcirya-activities; ciki,.,ayil- for the purpose of Tho specific mention o f the word bhagavan in this text indi~ates that
performing; Jamudra- the Indian Ocean; nigraha-cidini-controUing, etc.; Balurarna and Kr~tta are original forms uf the (..ord. This will be further
cakre- did perform; viryiipi-supe rhu man prowess; aloft pal'll.m-thereafter. explained later. Lord Kr~!la is 110t an incarnation o f the puru1a as we
learned from the beginning of this chuptrr. li e is directly the original
TRANSLATlON Per.sonaljry of Godhead, and Ualnriima is the rtrSt plenary manifestation
of the Loro. Prom Baladeva the rtrSt phalanx of plenary expansions,
In the eipt~nth incarnation. the Lont appeM'ed as Kin« Rima. In Visudeva , Sar1k3Jlltla, Aniruddha and Pradyumna, expands. Lord Sri
order to perfocm eom~ pleasin~ worit for the dem.icoda, He exhibited K.rwa is Vlisudeva, and Baladeva is SaiJlulr481,1a-
!!Uperhuman powers by controllin~ the Indian Oc:e111 and then killin' the
atheist King JUva~a, who was on the o lhtr side of the aea. TEXT 24

Tlw Perso nality of Godhead ~ri Riimu u~sumt>d the form of a hurnnn
being and appt>nrcd on the earth for tht' purpo H• of doin~ som<· ·pl!'o:<iug tatoft kalau sampravrtte
wo rk for tht' dt>migods or the adrninislrath e personnlitie~ to maintain tht' sammohaya sura-dv4iim
order o f the unhcrR". Sometimes great dt>mon ~ and atheist,> like Rii\'al,la buddho namniiiijana-suta~
and Hira!Jyal..asipu and many others becomt H·r~· fa mons due to ad,·ancing. kikate1u. bhavifyati
mat erial chiliution by the help of material i!cit'nce and other aclhitie>
with a •pirit o f challenging the established o rde- r of thl' Lord. Fo r t'..:arnplc-. talaft - thereafter ; kalau-the age of Kali; sampravrtte-ha\ing ensued;
the atte mpt to fly to other planets by mutt'rial mean.! is a challenge to tht' Mlmmohiiya- f or the purpose of deluding; •ura-the theists; dllifcim- those
establi; hed order. The conditions o f each and C\ cry plan('t arc- different. who are envious; buddhaft- Lord Buddha; namnii-of the name; aiijana-
and differe nt classes o f human be ings are accomod3ted there for particular suta~- the son of Aiijana (Lord Buddha); kikale~u-in the province of
purposes mentioned in the codes of the Lord. Uut , pufft>d up b~· tin~· Gaya (Behar); bhav~yati-willtake place.
success in material advancement, sornet"imes the godless materialist chal- 0.
lenges the exi&te nce of God. Ravapa wu one of them , and he wanted to TRANSLATION
deport ordinary men to tiJC planets of lndrn (heave n) by materia( means
without consideration o f the neQ.eSSary qualification~. He wanted a stair- Then, in the beginning of Kali-yuga , the Lord will appear as Lord
case to be built up directly reaching the· heavenly plane t so that people Buddha, the son of Anjana, in the province of Gayi, just for the purpose
might no t b(• re-quired to undergo the routint' of pio us work neceosary to of deluding those who are envious of the faithful theist.
enter that planet. Hr also wanted to perform other acts against the
established rul e of the Lord. He evt n ehallcngt>d the authority of Sri Rlima PURPORT
the P~rsonality of Godhead and kidnapped II is wife Sita. Of course Lo rd
Rama came l o ch<~stise this atheist, answering the pr:~yer and desire of the Lord Buddha, :r powerful im::rmatiou of thr Pn·sonalit y o f Gotllwatl,
de migods. lie therdore took up the challenge of R3va~,~a , and the complete a ppe;~n·d in the province of Gayii (Bih11r) as th(• son of ruijana, and lw
activity is the oubjl'ct matter of the Rtimayara. Bccuu.e Lord Ramacaudra preachtd hi.s own conc., ption of nonvioll'ncc a11d dcpr<•catcd CVI'II tlw
was thr Personality of Codhead, He f•xhibited supe rhuman activities which anima l sacrifices s;mctioned in the Vnlm . i\t Llor limr wlwn Lord lloulclhu
36 (Canto 1, Ch. 3

aptM',ared , the people in gent'.ral wcr,e atheistic and preferred animal nesh songs of the poet Jayadeva, who is a Va~!lava acarya. He preached the pre·
to anythiu~el!!e. On the plea of Vedic sacrifice, every place was practically liminary principles of the Vedaa in a manner suitable for the t ime being
turned into a slaughterhouse, and animal killing was indulged in unrestrict· (and so also did i\cirya Sar\karicirya) to establish the authority of the
edly. Lord Uuddha preached nonvio lence, taking pity on the poor ani mals. Vedas. Therefore both Lord Buddha and Acirya Sarikara paved the path
He preached that he did not betieve in the tenets of the Veda$ and ldressed of theism , and Vai.¥.tava Gc«rya, specifically Lord Sri Caitanya Mahi·
the ath·e rl!e psychological effects incurred. by animal killing. t ess intelligent prabhu, led the people on the path t owards a realization of going back to
men of the age of Ka!i , who had no faith in God, followed his principle, Godhead.
and for the time being they were trained in mor·al discipline a nd non vio· We are glad that people are taking interest in the nonviolent movement
lence, the preliminary ste ps for proceeding further on the path of God of Lord Buddha. But will they take the matter very seriously and close the
realization. lfe deluded the atheists because such atheists who followed his animal slaughterhouses altogether? If not, .there u no meanin& to the
principles did not believe in God, but they kept their absolu te faith in ahinua cult.
Lord Buddha who himllelf was the inca111.ation of God. Thus the faithless .Srimad-Bhiigavatam was com-posed just prior to the beginning of the
people were made to believe in God in the form of Lord Buddha. That was age of Kali (about five t hO'usand years ago ), and Lord Buddha appeared
the mercy of Lord Buddha: ·He made the (aith!ess faithful 'to him. about 2,600 years ago. Therefore in the .Sri1114d·Bhagavatam Lord Buddha is
Killing of animals before the advent of Lord Buddha was the most foretold. Such is the authority of this clear scripture. There are many such
prominent feature of the socidy. They claimed that these were Ved ic prophecies, and they are being_ fulfilled one after another. They will in·
81Crifices. When the Vedas are not accepted through the authoritative dieate the positive standing of Srinwd-Bhagavatam, which is without trace
diseiplic succession , the ca&tal readers of the VedaJ are misled by the of mutake, illusion, cheating and imperfection, which are the four flaws
flowery language of thal system of knowledge. In the Bhagavad-gitu a of all conditioned souls. The liberated souls are above these flaws; there·
comment has been made oo such foolish scholars. The foolish scholars of fore they can see and foretell things which are to take place on distant
Vedic literature who do not cate to receive the transcende ntal message future dates.
through the tran~K:endental realrt.ed sources of disci plic successio n are sure TEXT 25
to be bewildered. To them , the ritualistic ceremonies are considered to be
all in all. They have no depth of knowledge, accordin.g to the Bhagava:d- ~ ~M"""I.. I C:~Sii~t ~ I
giti. The whole syste m of the Vedcu is to lead one gradually to the path of iitf.m R1~ia\tt omi'T ~~: II ~'\II
the Supreme Lord. The whole theme of Vedic literature is to know the
Supreme Lord, the individual soul, the cosmic situation and the relations athasau YU8fJ·sandhyayiim
between all theae items. When 'the relation is 'known, the relative function daayu·prriyellf riijau
beKin.s, and aa a reault of such a function the ultimate goal of life or going janita vi,l}u-yaJaso
back to Godhead takes pia~ in the euiest manner.' Unfortunately, un- ruimnci kGlkir jagat-pati/1
IUthorized scholars of the J'edaa become captivated by the purificatory atha- the.r eafter; C~.taU-the same Lord ; yuga-sandhyayam- at the con-
ceremonies only, and natural progress is checked thereby. junction of the~ ; dasyu- plunderers; priiye,u- almost all; riijasu-the
To such bewilc!eted penons of atheistic propensity, Lord Buddha is the governing personalities; jGnita- wiil take His birth; viJpu- named Viwu;
emblem of theism. He therefore first of all wanted to check the habit of yalcuafa-sumamed Yail; ncimna- in the name of ; kalki/1 - the incarnation
animal killins. The animal killers are dangerous elements on the path of of the Lord; jagat-pati/l-the Lord of the creation.
pftl back to Godhead. 11\ere are two type$ of ~nimal killers. The soul is
alao eometimes called the "animal" or the living being. Therefore , both TRANSLATION
the elau"'tmr of animals u well as tholle who have lost their identity of
eoul are animal killers. 11lereafter, at the conjunction of two yugas, the Lord of the creation
Mahirlja hrik.U said that only the animal killer cannot relish the will take His birth u the Kalki incarnation and beoome the eon of Vi¥.J.u
tranecendenbl ~ of the Supreme Lord. Therefore if people are to Yail. At this time •the n.tlere• of the earth will have degene.r ated into
be educated to the path of Godhead they must be taught first and foremost .plunderers.
to dop IAe procu. of animal lcilliii« u above mentioned. It u noruenaical PURPORT
to IIIJ ,.., anim.d lciUi~ /I4J no~hill8 to do with spirity4l realization. By
Here is ano ther foret elling of the ad,veot of Lord Kalki, the incarnation
this dangerous theory many eo-c;..ped lllllayau lia'Ve ~~ up by the
of Godhead. He is to appear at the conjunction of the two yugas, namely
pe of Kati·y!JKl who pruch animal killing'under die gJJ"b of the Vedas.
The subjeet matter hu already been diiiCuseed in the conversation between at the end of Kali-yuga a 0 d the beginning of Satya-yuga. The cycle of the
Lord Caitmya and Maulana Chand Kazi Sliaheb. The animal sacrifice as fo ur y:ugaJ~ namely SJJtya, ~eu, Dvllpara and Kali, rotates like the
stated in the r ed.u is different from the unrestricted animal killing in .the calendar months. :}:he pr~,t:1t Kali,}'} lasts 432.,000 years, out of whi ch
a&.uptemouee. Beeauee the autaJ or the etH:alled scholars of Yedic we. have pi!SSCd only S,{)()p yea.r.s ilfter the Battle of Kuruk~~Ctra and the
Uteratun:e put forward the e vidence of animal killing in the Vedaa, Lord , end of the regime of King Pan~it. So there are 427,000 years balance yet
to be finished. Th.~ref01;e at the end of tb~ period,, the incarnation of Kalki
Buddha superficially denied the authoritr of the Vedoa. ;nus,rejec~op of
will talte Rlace• as fo~t:told in the .Sfi!rwd-Bhiigavatam. His father's name,
the re., by Lord Buddha Will adopted in order to save P.COP'e from the
Vif~;~» Ya~, , ,..teamed )n:!ih~C!Q. an_d the vill~e Sa mhhal are also men-
me of lftimal killill! • well .. to save the poqr kinals from'''the
tioned. A$ above mentiQJlc;d, all .these fo~tellings will prove to be factual
allupterin~ prot"eaa of their big brothers who clamor for universal brOther·
in chrono!ogical ~rdC! }J'hat> is the:aufhority of Srimad-Bhagavatam.
hood, peace, justice and equity. There is no juatice when tttere is animal
kiUi"«· Lord Buddha wanted to stop it completely, and therefore his cult ; '' I
of .,.ilhai w• pro.,.ated not only in India but also outaide the country.
TechnicaJiy Lord Buddha's philosophy is called atheistic becauee there
is no acceptance of the Supreme Lord a~d bec.auee t.h at syst~m of philoso-
phy denied the authority of the Veda. . But that'is an act o f ca!Jiouftage
by the Lord. Lord Budd.ha is the incarnation qf ,G odhead. As such, he is avatani hy cuaitklayeya
the o"Kinal propounder of Vedic knowledge. He therefore cannot reject hpre/lsat.tva-nitlller dvijii/1
Vr.dic philoeophy. But he rejected. it outwardly because the sura-dviJa, or yathiividasinafl kulyii/1
tho: demons who are always envious of the devotees of Godhead, try to sarosq~ I}'U~ saharaia/1
811pport cow killiftl or animal kiUi~ !rom the pages of the Yeda1, and this
is now beins done by the modernized 11111nyaw. Lord Buddha had to avatinJlt-incamatio~; hi-e~rt~nly; ~~~~itkhyeyiift-innumerable ; hare~
rejed the authority of the Yedaa altogether. This is simply technical, and - of Hari, the Lordr •ttva-nidlle/i-o,f the ocean of goodness; dvijiift- the
had it not been eo he would not have been eo accepted 111 the incarnation bnlhfmlliiU; yathi-aa it is; llllil/cb~nall-inexhaustible ; kulyafl-rivulets;
of Godhead. Neither would he have been worehiped in the tranecendental sarasa/a-of Vllllt lakes; 1yu~-ar-e ; sahcuraiafa-thousands of.
Text 28) Kt,r,a b Ole Source of AU Jncarnations 37

TRANSLATION indriiri,·vyakulom lokam

mnJayanti yuge yuge
0 hr.lhmJiflllll, the incarnations of the ·J.;ord are ihnumerahJe rivuJets
flowing from inexhall8tible sourees of water. ete-all these; ca- and; arh$11-plenary portions; ka/Gfa-portions of the
plenary portions; puriuatr-Of the Supreme; k!lflaii-'Lord Kf~l)a; tu-but;
PURPORT bhagaviin-the Personality of Godhead; svayam-i~. pe"f~n; iil~~-.~ri-the
enemit'.s of Indra; vyiikulam-disturbed; lDkam-all'the planets; mtpayanti
The list of incarnations of the Personality of Godhead given hetein is - gives protection; y~tge yuge- io differeht ages.
not complete. It is only a partial view of aU the incarnations. There are
many others, such as Sn Hayagriva, Hari, Hamsa. Prsnigarbha, Vibhu, TRANSLATION
Satyase11a, Vaiku(1~ha, Sarvabhauma, Visvaksena, Dharmasetu, Sudhamll,
Yogesvara, Brhadbhanu, etc., in the bygone ages. Sri Prahlada Mahariij<t All of the above-mentioned ineamatiom are either plenary portions or
said in his prayer, "My Lord, You manifest in a.s many incarnations as portions of the plenary portions of the Lord, but Lord Sri ~~a is the
there are species of life, namely the aquatics, the vegetables, the reptiles, originaJ Penona!ity of Godhead. All of thein appear on p.linets'Whe~r
t.h e birds, tlte beasts, the men, the demigods, e tc., just for tlte maintenance there i.l> a d.islurbanee created by the athe¥U. The Loid iliCam#tes to
of the faithful and the annihilation of ~he unfaithful. ¥ ou.advent Yourself pr.utect the theist&.
in this way in accordance witll the neces&'ity of the di{ferent yugas . .In the
Kali-yuga You have incarnated gaTbed a.s a devotee.'' Th1s incarnation of
the Lord in the Kajj-yuga i$ Lord Caitanya Mahaprabl!u. n.ere are mauy In this particu.lar stayza Lord Sn Kwa. the Personality ~i. Godhead is
other places, both in the 8/uigavatam and oth11r scripbues, in which the distinguished froiJl. other i~rnations. He is cou.n ted amongst the awtaras
incarnation of the Lord as $n Caitanya MaMprabhu is explicitly men· (incarnations) ~~use out of l:lis ca.u.seless mercy the Lord desc~<ts from
tioned. In the Bruhma-&amhita aJso it ill said indirectly that although there His tran~cendental abodc.Aootarq. means one who descends. All the i.ncar·
are many incarnations of the Lord, such as Rima, Nrsimha, V ariiha, 1\tatsya, nations of the Lord, including the Lord Himself, descend on the different
Kiirma and many others, the Lord Himself s.ometim~incarnates in person. planet~ of the material world as also .in diffetent species of .life to fulfill
Lord Kr~!la and Lord &1 Caitanya Mahaprabhu are uot, tl'terefore, incar· particular missions. Some~es He cqmes Himself, and sometimes His dif-
nations, but the origi11al &ourcc or aU other incan);~,tions. This will, be ferent plc:nary portion~ or parts of the plenary portions or Ris. differen-
clearly explained in the next /loka. So the Lord is t.(le .inelthaustible source tiated portions 4irectiy or indirectly empowered by Him descend on this
for innumerable incarnations which are not always mentioned. But such maletiaJ wodd to execute certain specific functions. Originally the Lord is
incarnations are djstinguished by specific extraordinary feats which are full o{ aU opuleQc,es, aJI prowess, aU fames, all beauti~s, all kr;lo,}Vledge and
impossible to be performed by any living being. That is the generaJ test to aU renkciations. Wh~n they are partly manifested tflrough the, plenary
identify an incarnation of ·the Lord directly and indirectly empowered. portions or parts of the plenary portio(ts, it should be noted tJlat certain
Some incarnations mentioned above are aJmost plenary portions. For in- manifestations of His different powers are requited for those particula~
stance, the Kumaras are empowered with transcendental knowledge. Sn function!\. When in the r9o.m smaJl ~lectric bulbs are d!¥P!ayed, it does not
Narada is empowered with devotional service. Maharaja. Prthu is an e m· mean that the electric is limi~d by the small b}llbs. 1'he same
powered incarnation with executive function. The Matsya incarnation is powerhouse can supply power to op~ate·seale industriaJ dynamos
directly a plenary portion. So the innumerable incarnations of the Lord are with. greater volts. Similarly, the incarnations of the Lord display limited
manifested all over the universes constantly without ce$53tion, a~ water powers because so much power is needed at that
flows constantly from waterfalls. ' For example1 Lord Piuasurama and Lord NJSimha displayed un~al
opulence by killing tl)e disobedient k14triyas twenty-one times and killing
TEXT 27 the greatly powerful atheist Hira9yaka8ipu. Hir~yakaSipu was 8() P?Wilrful
that e"en the demigods in o~er planets woulcl tremble silJI~ly by the
~~~~·~UI' unfavorable raising of his eyebrow. The demigods in the tUgher level of
m;: ~· ~ · ..~~·: ~;..n~'?n material existence many, many times excel the most well-to-do human
beings, in duration of life, beauty, welllth, paraphernalia, and in aU other
!layo m:anavo~deva · · ''' respects. Still they were afraid of HirapyakaSipu., Thus .we can simply
: Piianii-puti'a niahauf'a$4/1 ' ' imagine )Jow powt:duJ fflr,F)'akMi.pu W.M J.\1 thil ma~~! l!'OTld. But even
Jtalafi $ilroe'li'brer eba . ~·" . HirattyakaSipu waa cut inlo smaU pieces' liy fhe nailS of Lord Nrsi,mha.
ta~JiiUjOpataya~sm.rta(l · This means that anyone materia.Uy powerful cannot stand the stn:ngth
naya(l-aU the sages; lnQllava/1- all .the Manu~;, de11Ji}l-aJl the demigods; of the Lord's nails. Similarly,. f'am<ldagrtya displayed the Lord's power to
manu-putni~-all the descendants of M~nu;.malui--qfllw/1-v.ery powerfuJ1 kiU all the disobedient king,s powcrfiJny situated in their rospective states.
kalti{t- portion of the plenary portiJ>n; $4'1.\l!.,.aJl ~!lectively; !;tare.p -of the His empowered incarnatiop, Narada, and plen~ incarnation, Varllha, as
Lord; eva-certainly; sa-prujapataya{l-along )Vith..the Pr;~ji.patis; .sm}'tafa- weU as indirectly empowered Lord Buddha, created f;lith in the mass of
are known. people. Tile iilcanrations i>f Rima and Dhanvantari displayed His fame,
TRANSLATION and Balar~ua, Molri'nf and Viimana exhibited' His' beauty. Dattitrera,
Matsya, Kumara and kapila exhibited His transcendental k.rtowledge. Nara
All the ~is, Manus, demigodt and descendants of Manu, who are and Narayatta \4;is exhibited His renunciation. So all the drrferent incar-
especially powerful, are plenary pwtiom ot portions of the plenary nations of the Lord indirec.tly or directly , manifested different features,
portions of the Lord. This also includes die ~aji~tis. !:· t but Lord Kr~!'a, the primeval Lord, exhibited tJte complete features of
Godhead, and thus it i$ confirmed tlwt He is the ~OI.I'ee .of all other incar·
PURPORT' nations_. .And the ;.ost'extraordinary reature exhibited by Lor,d Sri Krwa
Tho$C who are comparatively less powerful •u-e called oibhiit~ and those wa.s His internal energetic manifestation of His pastimes with th~ cowh~rd.
who are comparatively mote powerful are called avda in<:arnations. girls. His pastime$ with the gopis are aU displays of transcendental exist·
encc, bliss and knowledge, althoqgh ~·hese are manifested apparently as
TEXT 28 sex love. The s pecific attraction or His pastimes with the gopis should
never be .misunderstood. The ·Efhiigavatam relates these transcendental
~~~:~:~~~~ pastimes in the Tenth Canto, order to reach the position to under·
stand. the ~ranscendent~. nature of Lord ·Kt-~p.a's pastimes with the gopis,
~~~ ~ ~ ~ !Iilii~~~~ the BhOgavatam promotes the student graduaJly in nine other cantos.
ete t;athsa-kalafl pumsa{l According to .SiiJa. ]:iva GusYami's statement, in accurdance wit·h authQri·
kw;tas tu bhagavan svayam tative SJ>urces, ,L.or.d Kr~p.a is the source of aU otber incarnations. It is not
\Canlo 1, Ch. 3

that Lord Kmu• has any source of incarnation. All the symptoms of the the welfare of the people in general, are nol ordinary. 'J1~ey are mysterious,
Supreme Truth in full are present in the person of Lord Sri K~pa, and in and only by those who cardully try to go deep into the maHer by gpiritua.l
the Bhagaood-gita the Lord. emphatically declares that there is no truth devotion is the mystery discovered. Thull om' gel\1 liberation (rom the.
greater than or eqt!al to Himself. In this stan.~a the word svayam is material bondage. It is therefore that one wh o simply rec;,es this
particularly mentioned to confirm that Lord Kr~pa has no other source chapter of Bhiigavatam, describing the ap.Jicarance of the Lord in different
than Himself. Althou_gh in o.t~er places the incarnations are described as incarnations, in sincerity and devotion, can have insight into such birth
bhagarxin, because of their specific function~. still nowhere are they and activities of the Lord. The very word vimukti, or liberati(;n, indicates
declared to he the Supreme Personality. In this stanza the word svayarn that the Lord's birth and activities are all transcendental; otherwise simply
signifies the supremacy as the summum bonum. by reciting them one could not attain liberation. They are therefore
The summum bonum Kr§pa is one without a second. He Himself has mysterious, and those who do not follow the prescribed regulations of
expanded Himself in various parts, portions and particles as n~ayam-rupa, devotional service are not entitled to enter into the mysteries of His
sooyam-prakii§a, tadekiitmii,, vaibhava,. viliisa, avatiira, avesa, and births and activities.
jivas, all provided with innumerable energies just suitable to the respective
persons and personalities. Learned scholars in transcendental subjects have TEXT 30
carefully analyzed the summum bonum ~pa to have sixty-four principal
attributes. All the expansions or categories of the Lord possess only some ~ 1ltFRI) ~ ~: I
percentages of these attributes. But Sn Kr~pa is the possessor of the attri· ~~~ 4\\<:(AA<~ \\~01\
butes cent percent. And His personal e1Cpansions such as svayam-prokasa,
tadekiitmii up to the categories of the avataras, who are aU Vifpu-tattva, etad rii.parir. bhagav((to
poss;ess up to ninety-three percent of these tr'anscendental attributes. Lord hy arflpasya cid-<itmanafi
Siva, who is neither avatiiro nor avesa nor in between them, possesses miiya-gurwir viracitam
almost eighty-fotlr percent of the attributes. But the jtoos or the individual mahadiidibhir ati1Ulni
living beings in different statuses of life possess up to the limit of seventy·
eight percent of the attribute~. In the conditioned state of material exis· etat- all these; ·rapam-form,s; bhagavatafi- of the Lord; hi-certainly;
tence, the living being possesses these attributes in very minute quantify, arii.pasya-o f one who has no 111aterial form; eit-<itmanafi- o f the transcen-
varying in terms of the pious life of the living being. The most perfect of dence; maya-material energy; SU.!IIlifl-by the qualities; viracitam-manu-
livi.n g beings is I3rahmli, the supreme administrator of one universe. He factured;mahat-iidlbhi/1- with the ingredient.sof matter ; iitmani- in the self.
possesses seventy-eight percent of the attributes in full. All othe.r de migods
have the same attributes in less quantity, whereas human beings possess TRANSLATION
the attributes in very minute quantity. The standard,of perfection for a The conception of the virilt8 •universal form of the Lord, as appearing
human being i~ to de-.v.lop the attributes up to SC'ienty-ei~l percent in in the m•terial> world , is imaginary. lt is to enable the less intelli~rtt land
full. The living being can never possess :~ttributes like Siva, V~pu or Lord neophytes] to adjust to the idea of the Lor.d having form. But factually
Kr§~a. A living being can become godly by developing the· seventy-eight
the Lord has no material form.
percent transcendental attributes in fullness, but he can never become a
God like Siva, V~pu or Kr§pa. He can become a Brahmii in due course. ~e PURPORT
godly living· beings who are 11ll residents of the planets in the spiritual sky
are eternal assoei~tes of God in different spiritual planets called Hari-dhama The conception of the Lord known as the viSva-riipa or the viriiJa-riipa
and'Mahe8a-dhiini11. The abode of Lord Knpa above aU spiritual planets is is particularly not mentioned along with the. various incarnations of the
called Knt~aloka or Goloka Vrndiivana, arid the perfected living being by Lord because all the incarnations of the Lord above mentioned are
developing seventy-eight percenf of the above attributes in fullness c4n transcendental, a.n d there is not a tinge of materialism in their bodies.
enter the planet of ~paloka after leaving the present material body. Titere is no differencc!-"~tween; :tbe ~ody and self as there is in the con·
ditioned soul. T,he v~a-,Ypa is con_ceived for those who are just neophyte
TEXT 29 worshipers. For thefrl l:he 'nuiferial virii!a-riipa is presented, and it will be
explained in the Second Canto ~ l,n. ,the the material manifesta-
~~ ~ ·'{ ~ ~~~ tions of different plan.e ts have been conceived as His legs, hands, etc.
~ ~~t:~ittlfQ~(t ~~~~II Actually all such desc.r ipt!o-ns ~tre fot, the neophytes. 1he neophytes cannot anything beyond matter. 'll1e IJ)aterial conception of the .Lord is
janmaguhyam bhagauato not counted in the list of His factual forms. As Paramlitmii o r Supersoul,
ya etat prayato narafJ the Lord is within e'Bcn M1d' every material form, even within the atoms,
Siiyaiit protar grpan bhak tya but the ouh~ard-~t~al>>torrh is but an imagination, ·both for the Lord
duftkha"gromiid vimucyate and the living -~eln_g. ~~P_i-~~nt forms ~Of't~r!~~(>tiditi~ned souls are also
jan"'"'- birth;.phyam- mysteriou.s; bhtf8tn.'aiap-o( the Lord; ya/1-one; not factual. '1'1\e> oondus•on'ls 'Uiitt the mater;~al conception of the body of
etat- all these; proyatafi-carefully; narofi-man; siiyam- evening; prdtafi- the Lord as viro§a is injaginary. Both the Lord and the living beings are
morning; wan- ·recites; bhakJyii- with devotion; dufaltha-griimlit-from aU living spirit.~S and 1\a~e oril!,lnalllpiritual oodiettrCilpectivety.
miseries; vimucyate-gets relief from.
TEXT ii::
'f11T ~-~~ ~ I
Whoever carefully recites the mysteriouS appearances of the Lord, ~ l:!ft ~I(IAaqftfl!: IIHII
with devo~ in the morning and in the eveni~, gets relief from all
mi.!Jeries of life. • tt"t .. ~'I
yathii nab/tasi meghaugho
fURPORT re'!lur vii parthivo'nile
evam dr~J,fJari afiyattJam
In the .Bhagavad-gitii the Personality of Godhead has declared t hat iiropitam abuddhibh*
anyone who knows the principles of the transeendentnl birth and 11ctivities
of the Lord will go back to Godhead after·bcing relieve·d from this material yathii-as it •lsi nabb sbin .t~e skf;.mepzaugha{l-a. ma$~ of douds:
tabernacle. So sim~ly .know.ihg factually the mysterious way of the Lord'~ repuft-dust; vii- as well as; piirthiva/1- m~tddiness; anile- in th(" air; evam-
incarnatiort in this ·material world can lilx:rate one from material bondage. thus; dra~Jari-to the seer; drSyatvam- for the purpose uf Stwin~t; iiropitam
'Ihercfore the birth and activities of the Lord, as manifested by ll im 'fbr - is implied; abuddhibhi/1-by the less intell igent persons.
Text S4J ~a Ia the Source of AU Incarnation• 39


Clouds and dutt are carried by the air, but Ieee intelli~nt pereo111 aay
that the sky it; cloudy and the air is dirty. Similarly, they alao implant
material bodily conception& on the spirit self.
yatreme uui.-<J.Sod-riipe
PURPORT pralifiddhe sva-samvidii
avidyayiitmani krte
It is further confinnec.l herein that with our material eyes and senses we iti tad brohrrua.-darlanam
cannot st•e the L<>rd, who is all spirit. We cannot even detect the spiritual
spark whi ch exists within the material body of the living being. We Look to yatra- whenever;· im e- in aU these ; sat-asat - gross and subtle; rupe- in
the outward covering of the body or subtle mind of the living being, but the forms of; pratipiddhe- on being nullified; sva-samvidii- by self·
we cannot sec the s piritual spark witlun the body. So we have to accept realization; avidyaya- by ignorance; atmani- in the self; krte- having been
thr living being's presen ce by the presence of his gross body. Similarly, imposed; iti- thus ; tat- that is; brahlnll-darlanam-thc process of seeing
those who want to see the L<>rd with their present material eyes or with the Abso lute.
the material senses are advised to meditate on the gigantic external feature TRANSLATION
called the viriifa-riipa. For instance, when a particular gentleman goes in
his car, which can be seen very easily, we ide ntify the car with the man Whenever a pereon experien<Jell, by self-realization, that both the V081!
within the car. When the President goes out in his particular car, we say, and subtle bodies have nothing to do with the pore self, at that time he
"TI1ere is the President." For the time being we identify the ear with the lleeB himself as well u the Lord.
President. Similarly,less intelligent men who want to see God immediately
without necessary qualification are shown first the gigantic material PURPORT
cosmos as the form o f the Lord , although the Lord is within and without.
The clouds in the sky and the blue of the sky are better appreciated in this The difference between self-realization and material illusion is to know
connectio n. Although the bluish tint of th e sky and the sky are different , th.a t the temporary or illusory impositions o f material en ergy in the shape
st ill we conceive of the color of the sky as blue. But that is a general o f gross and subt le bodies are sU,perficial coverings of the self. The cover-
conception for the laymen only. ings take place due to ignorance . Such coverings are never effective in the
person of the Personality of Godhead . Knowing this convincingly is called
TEXT 32 liberation, or seeing the Absolute. This means that perfect self-realization
is made possible hy adoption of 1odly or spiritual life. Self-realization
Q: qt ~f(&q\fiiC"{C!Ifllj ft('li( I means to become indifferent to the needs of the gross and subtle bodies
actti'IFf"'~l«t iii~ ~qtt4au ~~~~~~ and to become serious about the activities o f the self. The impetu s for
activities is gene rated from the self, but such activities become illusory
ata/1 param yod avyaktam due to ignorance o f the real position o f the self. By ignorance, self-interest
avyUflha-gu!Ul'b,nhhitam is calculated in terms of the gross and subtle bod.ies, and there fore a whole
adnliiiruta-vostutvdt set o f activities is spoiled life afte r life . When , however, one meets the self
sa jivo yat punarbhavaft by proper culture, the activities of the self begin. Therefore a man who is
eng,~ed in the activille;, of the self is called jivanmukta, or a liberated
ataft- this; param- beyond; yot-which; ovyaktam-unmanifested; p~son eyen in the conditio nal existence.
ovyiipha- without formal shape; guf!a-brrithitam- affected by the qualities; Thi~ perfect stage o f self·reali~>.ation is not attained ~y artificial means,
odnla- unseen; airuta-unh eard ; vastutvcit- being like that; $0(1- that ; but under the lotus feet o f tbe Lord, who is always transcendental. In the
jivoft- living being; yat- that which; pu1U1rbhovof!- takes birth repeatedly. Bhasavad-giui the L<lrd says that He is present in e veryone 's heart, and
from ll im only all knowledge, re membrance or forgetfulness take place.
TRANSLATION When the living bei ng desires to be an enjoyer of material ene rgy (illusory
Beyond thi& gr081! conception of form there ia another subtle concep- phenomena), the Lord covers the living being in the mystery of forgetful-
ness, and thus l.he living being misinterprets the gross body and subtle
tion of form wpich ia without form~ (lhape an.d is uneeen,; qnhear~ and
mind to be his own self. And by culture of transcendental knowledge,
unmanifest. The livinK beinK hu his (orm beyond thilaubtlety, otherwi•e
when the living being prays to the Lord for deliverance from the clutches
he could not have repeated births.
o f forgetfu lness, the L.ord , by His causeless mercy , removes the living
PURPORT being's illusory curtain, and thus he reali1es his own self. He the n engages
himself in the service o f the Lord in his eternal constitutional pollilion,
As the gross cos mic manifestation is conceived as the gigantic body of becoming liberated from the conditioned life. AU this is e x.ecuted by the
the Lord, so also there is the conception of His subtle form, which is Lord through either His external pote ncy or direc tly by th e internal
si mply realized without bcing seen, heard or manifested. But in fa ct all potency.
these gross or subtle conceptions of the body are in relation with the living
beings. The living being has his spiritual form beyond this gr~ss material or
subtle pSychic existence. The gross body and psychic functions cease to
act as soon as the living being leaves the vil;ible gross body. In fact, we say
~q~q(at ~ tCm ~~ ~ I
that the living being has gone away because he is unseen and unheard. Even ~ ~ At4ftfl1 ~ "'~ II~VII
when the gross body is not acting when the living being is in sound sleep,
we know that he is within the body by his breathing. So the living being's
passing away from the body does not mean that there is no existence of yody e1oparata devi
the living soul. It is there, otherwise how can he repeat his births again mayii vailiiradi matift
and again? sampanna eveti vidur
The conclusion is that the Lord is eternally existent in His transcendental mahimni ave mahiyate
form , which is neither gross nor subtle _like that o f the living being; His
body is never to be to the gross and subtle bodies of the living yodi- if, however; qii- they; uparatli- subsided ; devi mdyii- illusory
being. AU such conceptio ns of God 's body are imaginary . The living being energy; ooi$4radi- full of knowledge ; malQI-e nli&htenment ; $tlmpanna[a -
has his eternal spiritual form , which is conditioned only by hi& mat erial enriched wit.h; eva-certainly; i.ti-thus; vid~- being cognizant of; mahimni
contamination. - in the glories; s ue- of th e self; mahiyate- being situated in.
40 (Canto 1, Ch. 3

TRANSLATION purpose of self-realization. It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita by the l.ord

that His so-called birth in the material world and !-lis activities arc all
If the iDwory energy subsides and the 'l ivi"« entity becomes fully transcendental. And simply by meditation on such activities o ne can attain
enriched with knowledre b y the crace of the Lord, then he becomes at realization of Brahman and thus become lib<'. rated from material bondage.
once enlightened with aelf-realiution and thw becomes situated in hill In the srutis it is said that the birthless appears to take birth. The Supre me
own pocy. has nothing to do, but because He is omnipotent , everything is performed
by llim naturally, as if done automatica!Jy. As a matter o f fact, the;
PURPORT appearence and disappearance of the Supreme Perho nality of Godhead and
His different activities are all confidential , even to the Vedic literatur1:s.
Being part of the absolute transcendence, all the Lord's forms, names, Yet they arc displayed h y the Lord to bestow mercy upon the conditioned
pastimt-.a, attributes, associates and energies are identical with !lim. His souls. We shou ld always tak e advantage of the narrations of the activilit:s
transcendental energy acts according to His omnipotency. The same energy of the Lord, which are meditations on Urnhman in the most conve nient
acts as His external, internal and marginal energies, and by His omnipoten· and palatable form.
ey He can perform anything and everything through the agency of any of
the above energies. He can tum the external energy into internal by His
will. Therefore by His grace the external energy, which is employed in
illusioning those living beings who want to have it, subsides by t he will of {{ lU ~ ..
~.oo t'ft~:
the Lord in terms of repentance and penance for the conditioned soul. Q:'~~~~"~f"' " m~ 1
And the very same ·e nergy then acts to hel.p the purified living being make
progreM on the path of self-realization. The exam(ile of electrical energy 'lQ ~ 311001""':
is very appropriate in this connection. The expert electrician can utilize ,"~fflc ~ ~: ~~~~~~
the electrical enetgy for bo th healing and cooling by adjustment only.
Simi larly , the- external energy, which now bewilders the living being into IC1 !IIi idam vuvam amogha·lila/1
continuation of birth and death , is tunted into internal potency by the arjaty aooty atti na sajjate '1min
will o f the Lord to lead the living being to e ternal life. When a living being bhUlCfU can.tarlaita atma-Uinlra/1
is thus graced by the Lord , he is placed in his proper constitutional position f49-11argikam jighrati ~"K'Jfli!S~
to enj oy eternal spiritual life. sap-the Supreme Lord; !IIi-alternately; idam- lhis; uiivam-manifested
TEXT 35 universes; amogha-lilafi- one wh ose activities are spotless; •rjati-creates ;
OIJC1ti aUi-mainuins and annihilates; na.-not; sajjate- is affected by; a1min
~ ~ ~ lllfiii(ijjiM ,._ I - in them; bhUte1u- in all living 6eings; co-also; antarlait~-living within ;
~~ ...m
ifGC~tf.l ~; 11~'\1 1 atma.tantra/1-self·indepe nde nt; fli!-vaJ'!ikam- endowed with all the poten-
cies o f six opuleuces; ii«hroti-superficially attached, like smelJjng the
euam janmani kannapi fragrance; Jal-gufldafi- master of theo5ix senees.
hy okartur ajtuttuya ea
VO'!'ayanli sma kaooyo TRANSLATION
veda·guhyani hrt·pate~
evom- thus;.janmani....:birth ; kannlipi-activities; hi- certainly; okartult- The Lord, whoee activities are always spotlell8, i8 the master of the •ix
of the inactive; ajanasya- of the unbor.n; ca-and; vaf{layanti- describe ; eenaes and is omnipQtent ~ full with six opulences. He createe the
1ma- in the past; kavoya/1- the learned; veda.guhy cini- undiscoverable by manifested univenet, maintaine them and annihilates them without being
the F'eda1 ; hrt-pate[l-of the Lord of the h~t. in the least affected. He i8 within every livin« being and il always
Thw learned men describe the births and activities of the unborn and The prime difference between the Lord a.n d the living entities i8 that
inaetift, which is undiaeo¥erable even in the V edie literatures. He is the the Lord is the creator and the living entities are the created. Here He ia
Lord of the heart. c~lled the a"ritoglla-lila", which indjcates that there is not,h ing lamentable
in I c;e'atiofL ,Tliosc 1vh6 crealti~dlsturllaneu in Ih c¥ea f~o'n-. aro the m·
PURPORT seh es disturbed. Ac is transccn.lental to all materia! afflictions because
lie is fuU with all six opulenees, namely wealth, power, ramc . beauty.
Both the Lord and the living entities are essentiaUy all spiritual. lbere· knowledge and renunciation, and thus He is the maste-r of the sensei. lie
fore both of them are eternal, and neither of them has birth and death. rrcates these manifested uni~crsc:. in order to reclaim the living beings who
The difference is that the so -called births and disappearances of the arf' wi thin .tlwm suffering thrt>cfold mr.cries, maintains them , and in dur
Lord are unlike those of the living beings. The living beings who take •·ourse annihilat es them "ithout be!ng the 11ffccted by such actio ns.
birth and then again accept death are bou nd by the laws of material lie is counooted with this materia.! creation very superficiaUy, us one
nature. But the so-ealled appearance and disappearance of the Lord smells odor·w.i dlout being conn<:-cii:Al with lho odorous ar-ticle. Non-godly
are not actions of materia.! nature, but are demonstrations of the internal ~lcments th~:reforc; car\ never approaclt Jlim. des pite all end eavours.
pote ncy of the Lord. They are described_ by the great sages for the (continued in next i.uue)

.. , I •
(comimltd from page 14) vited them to come up and take refuge on the stage, and they
we held a full program of kirtana, film shows, lectures, life- did so, sitting down very stiffiy and chanting in their usual
membership enrollments, and literature and prasiida distribu- sedate way while trying not to see what was happening all
tion. Then we held sankirtana processions down the main around them. The kirtana was so ecstatic that I jumped off the
street. Finally we called upon prominent citizens to subsidize stage and danced with the kids until we were all exhausted.
the cost of complete sets of Srila Prabhup~da's books and five- Then we showed the Ratha-yatra film and sent them home
year subscriptions to BACK TO GODHEAD magazine, which with prasada. The members later agreed that from then on we
we then donated in their names to all the towns' libraries, could do all the preaching ourselves, and they would just help
schools and colleges. T hese institutions were extremely out with contributions.
grateful to receive a gift of books from abroad. Large quan- hen we returned to Nairobi, practically every Kenyan
tities of magazines were also subsidized, which we then dis-
tributed to the people at token cost.
W greeted us with "Hare Kr$t:ta" or " Hare Rama." Even
the shoeshine boys were chanting one of our Hare Kr$t:ta
In Lusaka, Zambia, a group of wealthy Indian life mem- tunes. I was reminded of Vrndavana, India, the transcenden-
bers became very enthusiastic about our preaching to the tal village where Lord Kr$t:ta appeared on earth, 5,000 years
local people. Anxious to participate, they all agreed to come ago. There all the residents chant Hare Kr$t:ta and greet each
to a program we were holding that night at a social hall in a other by vibrating the holy name. Previously I had written a
low-income area of town. In the evening they all arrived at letter to Srila Prabhupada expressing how much I appreciated
the hall in a caravan of large Mercedes cars. As soon as they Vrndavana, and he had replied that this was very good and
entered the hall, a large crowd of children gathered outside. that I should try to spread the Vrndavana spiri t to Africa.
They were excited from the afternoon, when we had driven Now it appeared to me that, by his grace, Nairobi had be-
through the area with our loudspeakers blaring a bouncy come a black Vrndavana.
Hare Knt:ta kirtana. Hundreds of kids had run after our truck, In this way, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Hare Kr$t:ta
and we had thrown leaflets to them announcing the evening movement came to Africa-not by our efforts, but by Srila
program. Now they were singing Hare Knt:ta outside the hall Prabhupada's. We are simply following what he has told us to
at the top of their lungs. So we opened the doors and they do, and what he has done himself. @
flooded in -an ecstatic swirling mass of beautiful, black kids.
Once they were inside, we started a tumultuous kirtana. The His Holiness Brahmananda Svami is personal secretary to His
life members had never expected anything like this. They Divi11e Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhtlpoda and represe11ts
had come wearing their finest clothes and gold jewelry. I in- Africa as 011e ofiSKCON's twelve Goveming Board Commissioners.


Beyond the realm of time and space.

Krfr;ta Meditation
His Divine Grace sings and
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tional music in praise of Krl?~a.
Single LP....$4.95 R1
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Link Up to the most important
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tion. Each week you'll receive lec- prayers with sarod accompani-
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Single LP ....$4.95 R2
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Letters The edicors of BACK TO GODHEAD welcome correspondence pertaining co spiric erdighcemnenr.
Alllerrers will receive personal replies, and correspo11dmce of gmeral imeresc will be p~<blished reg~<larly.

Dear Editors, I have a question that has been trou- spiritual masters-one must first under-
It has been one year since I received bling me. I can understand the impor- stand the importance of the Vedas.
my copy of Bhagavad-gita As It Is from tance you place on the exalted science of The goal of Vedic knowledge is ex-
your mail-order department. Since then bhakti-yoga and on receiving knowledge plained by Lord Kr~!fa in Bhagavad-gita:
I have read it through twice and am through an unbroken chain of spiritual vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyab. "By all
almost through it again. It is the kind of masters, but is there no room for other the Vedas am I to be known."
book that fascinates me. And to one of methods, other religions and other (Bg. 15.15) And what is the process for
my tendencies it speaks a thorough\y gurus? knowing Knlfa? In the Eighteenth
understandable message. Strangely, from Malachy Grange Chapter, verse 55, He says: bhaktya mam
childhood up I have never felt at home Yonkers, New York abhijanJti. "One can understand Me only
in my own culture. The material things by devotional service." The goal of
that so fascinate our people leave me Dear Mr. Grange, Vedic study is therefore reali2ed by one
cold and always have. Your question reveals a common mis- who practices bhakti-yoga under the
I understand perfectly the purport of understanding that many people have direction of a genuine spiritual master.
the Gita's great discipline, and if I about religion: that it is a creation of The method of chanting the holy
weren't so old (over eighty-one) I could man and thus subject to many in- names of the Lord to achieve spiritual
integrate myself quite well with its phi- terpretations. Actually, religion is cre- perfection is also supported by Vedic evi-
losophy. It is so satisfyingly complete- ated by God and is, therefore, eternal dence. In the Brhan-naradiya Puratta it is
ancient, yet as modern as today. It is an and unchanging. There may be many said:
awesome, ageless wonder. faiths in the world-such as Christian,
All my reading, for the brief time Muslim or Hindu-but the one immuta- harer nama harer nama
allotted me, will be from the Gita, be ble constant in all of them is the harer nJmaiva keva/am
assured. Enclosed is my check for a sub- development of love of God through kalau nasty eva nastya eva
scription to your BACK TO GODHEAD unalloyed service to Him. How to ac- nasty eva gatir anyatha
magazine. The last issue I received was tually achieve this goal of love for God-
from some devotees who tarried here for the essence of all religion-is the science "In this age of Kali (quarrel and hy-
a while in 1973. of bhakti-yoga delineated in Bhagavad-gita. pocrisy) the only means of spiritual
Believe me to be faithfully, To fully understand the importance of realization is chanting the holy name of
Mrs. A. Marguerite Kuersteiner receiving knowledge through disciplic the Lord. There is no other way, no
Louisville, Kentucky succession -a chain of authentic other way, no other way."

Dear Mrs. Kuersteiner,

Thank you for your very kind \etter. K~~a Conscious Calendar
We are most pleased to have you as a K!~l)a consuou.. devotees rollow a sp1ntual calendar that d1v1des the yf!,lr •nto twelve months. each named for a
subscriber to BACK TO GODHEAD. different form ~>' J...f~l)d. The year IS full or K!~I)Cl conscaou) reshvals. Jnd some of the upcommg ones arc l1stcd
here The devotees or the ISKCON 'enter neJrest vou w•ll gladly tell vou ~tbout the mcan1ng of the-se feStiVals
By submissively hearing the message
of Bhagavad-git<i As It Is, you are already Ye,lr -&89. CJI!Jnv.l [1,1
integrating yourself with the Gila's phi- Vat~f)av(l .\Aonth or Kf:r(fl\'d !November 19-Dclcmbcr 18. 1975 •

losophy. As Lord Kr~lfa says, "And I

declare that he who studies this sacred
conversation worships me by his intelli-
gence." (Bg. 18.70) The sincere senti-
ment you so nicely express in your letter
proves that age is no barrier to Kr~l)a

Dear Editors,
Let me offer my praise and thanks to
you for your efforts in spreading love of
God in the Western world. In this age
we are all sorely in need of spiritual en-
lightenment, and we have been greatly
served by you.

Farm Report
Over tire past eight years, the Imematiot1al Society for Krishna Conscious-
ness has established successful farming comm1mities in various parts of the
1vorld. As tlational ecot1omies JloutJder atJd cities go batJkn•pt, ISKCON's
farms .flourish and grow, provitlg that the Km1a comcior•sness movemmt is
providitlg not only potttlt spiritual ktrowledge, b1U a viable altemative lifestyle
as well. There 's full employment for everyone and nawral prosperity whm
everything's done for Lord Kmra. For more information please visit or write
any of tire farms listed in opposite column.

ATLANTA (Mulberry, Tennessee)- Last June, ISKCON

devotees from Atlanta purchased a 250-acre farm in the
foothills of the Appalachian Mountains of southern Ten-
nessee. Graced with beautiful green hillsides for pasturing the
cows, the farm also has verdant forests for shade and lumber,
bottomland and hilltops for grain production, and abundant
springs of clear, pure water flowing into many ponds.
The first challenge we encountered was erecting adequate
dwellings. The two barns on the property were in good
shape, but the small, hundred-year-old house was hardly
suitable as a temple and living quarters for fifteen devotees. In
a short time we completed three cement-block houses, each
of which can hold two couples. A large combination temple
and kitchen should be finished this winter. In addition, a
solid marble temple is scheduled for spring, and the hundred-
year-old house has been refurbished and now has a beautiful
temple room, fresh outside paint and an insulated dormitory.
Thus everyone is comfortably situated for the winter.
We are finding that Kmta's instructions in Bhagavad-gita
are not only spiritually purifying but economically sound as
well. In the Gita, Kr~~a says there must be a class of men AFRICA Johannesburg, S Alr~I-59Mul~r St. YtcvtUe/43•2006. LuHkl. %eMbla- TwlnPa'm'S Road. PO Bo• e7t
(C6ni1Al Alfltal, Mombau. Kenyi-MiunQal'IO Reid PO Box 8~224.. East AIIQ Nalrobt. Ken.,..-~klhofono CION

dedicated to farming and cow protection. Kn~a has sent us

Ngara Rd. PO eo~ 28946 (£ "''Cil/3315&8. Poolouis. ~Uf!bUs- 23V/tf'!11'11giOnA~--.Oualtt BomU,PO 718 eo..
ASIA Bombay. India-Hart l<t,.$il'lnl lfiiC1 Ganch Gtarn Roec1. ~ Botnolt 400 Q5.l1 578·373. Cateuua lnclt.a-
eight cows to protect, and, as soon as Yamuna (our expectant 3 Al~t fbKJ; 10011 «·3757 HydtflbiG, lnc:J•a-~e Kt•ii'W'II l&I'ICI ~ 1 Stlt.CI'I Aold. AP Je.ka111 lfl.
dONS•I-GQ Ke'w'c·IV 8·A HollO l<ol'l9-38 '-.bly Ad 4 ft TJr~ Sf'll Twtl(o.l.oon. 3•668061. MIC:b.S.Ind.ti-50
AsOI•It'G.atder.$. 2ncs S'"eel o( a.,;.., Mactas-10.6t2-515 Ntw 011~ IM!a-tt TOdll ,..Qj ~:.e. Ot,.,. ·10001
cow) has her calf, there will be sufficient milk for both the Tthrlft, lran-:>O Boll 66 1!t-40 N.t•'t'll'!' Tok,.o. .iloan-S.ctm~•r To-orcza•-a·Sh 1J ....-...~ O'lue 18A
I.C29-24-S932 VMdl¥'1!1 lnd•a-;(t S."'-•BI'IIatnl T~ Cna:t ka•l AoiO A"""" Ret. ~1. IJP. 178
farm and the Atlanta temple (about seventy-five devotees).
A.USTAAI..IA Ad-ela;cle Autllll~- l3A FretM Sl SAJ 223-511!1 Au1dlnd. Ht«'7 Gl•OC!eftitl-l Ac Ml
And by the end of this year we will have harvested literally A!berV66S 666 lao!Oioll Ftjl-.C Nltokt Stteet PO Bo• 125. MtlbOvtne. Autttalle-187 ~sSt. Ait»rt Pa'' VICIOI a
329·&8u Syctney. Autltehe-Comt• Wf~ta Rd ano Dfurm'IO'f"'e Attt O•~ N sw
tons of grains-enough to supply both ourselves and nearby EUROPE : Amstordtm. Hollend-Herft!Gt&CIH 961 070-249~ 10, COpenhiQOt'l. Oonmatk-AIOQt«Vet 11, 2660 81ot'ld bJ
Strand Edmbu-rgh, Scolland- U F'o~tett A<J, Uru:ed K~n!idOm EHI 20N fFtanklun A Mlln), W, Germeny-&:14 t
temples with chapatis (whole wheat bread) for the entire SchiOSSFltttec$hOI. betl<oonoo51etf"'-11U1'1Ui10611: 21357 Geneva SNttltriana-CJ C~CiuCteOQ. t2t3Pet!l laney
921·318 Lonaon. Eng!an.G-1'Ptect ~yVIC1~1-.t0$1.t63 P.,lt. F,.nc:e-.trueleSueur 7.S018ParoSI
year. The garden is flooded with eggplants, tomatoes, zuc- 727·0'02 Rome. lfaly-Sede Centra•• Voa tl slrett4 2 CP.a~n lCQJ 00181 Stockt~Ofm SwtcJtn- I t.t$3 S:.Od>f'IOI""
Grw;atan 1&- 607881
chini and beans, and this winter we will grow spinach, col- LAnN AMERICA Burtnos~re• AtgolnW\Ii-£0Adc):of .&13 Vtne:ueta -CIIIluo:S ~It) 6' Cool"'ti 0t
LOt ~'I"'U' 7&-74-~7 Mt.AICO C•ly. Ml:liiCO-~ T DufQO Monc• .t-5 ~ t.'~ ..1t...c:o Ctt
lards and turnips. With such abundance always at hand, gra- 18/277·312.: Rio Pledr... Puerto At<:o-ss Joroe 'lQtnany s..-u FHa 009~ 1$0'#l 7S.C-tl73 San Auoushnt
Trtni4ad ana TOC>ago-ccmec 1) O«dO"' St•eets tna SJ.nta ~._,·ga•.1a CIIQ.Mt ~A.4A1,.._ 1't"""'*l- 652-.t!IOS S.n
ciously supplied by God, what need is there for hellish JoH. Costa Rlca-..,.t 10 No3 Ca >1 Coati Aa P'-JQ12126·31.C8. S.nto Domingo Oom•n.;ean Repoubhc-Citttano
Roch~l No 36 Slo P•oiO. 8r1:II-A~ A!lo,n.o Pe••oto No .&57
slaughterhouses to unnecessarily give pain to innocent THE UNITED STATES ANO CANADA AM ArDOr, M.ctugan-718 \'1 Mld•SOI'I <~81 031 t313) 66S.63.C0. Allanll,
animals? Qecwgle-1287 Ponce oe leoti ._, NE 303061 (404) 378·9182, 8111/mott Mtryiii'KI-200 91Co0t'n51:1Ury Ave
C41GnS'I•I!e :1122a C30U 768-8783 8t111.t(ey, CthtOtnft-233.t Slutlt St 9.&7051 (415l 843·7874 8otlon.
MI111Chutens -12~ett1h A'/0 021161C617J 536·1669 Buffalo. NtwYOfk-1378.C~vo·1!11P~wy 1+1222'• t718t
Gradually our village will expand and develop according 882 0281. Charlotte, NorthC.rollna-flt 7 so,
870. M3113JOCrftelo¢ Road t821)•704l 596-51$1. Ch'icago. llllnOit-
1014 Emtf'IOI'I St. Ewantton 60201. C31:1t .c75-9126 Ctevelana, Ohlo-157:10 Euchd A'Vit E Oevfi.and 44112 1118.
to the Vedic standard of peace, harmony and spiritual culture. 8S1 9367 Dallas.,.. 75123. f21 .tJ8276330 Deft~ COfor.OoO-l~O'+IItlfY$1 80220H3031
333-5461 Ollro.t. ~NQan-8311 E J~ltf"tO"M 4$21.1 t313J82.C·aooCI Gl+nesvtUe Fkw'ida-921 SWOIOOIA.e
Srila Prabhupada has explained that if our farm projects 32801 t90.tl377-t496 ~ut~o~ Hawa. ,-~1Cottno \Vay968 17 UI0815-9!--l9•7 Houston. nAoc,e,4S!
77()()C t713 S.:i6·S850. LIQUN 8Nch CIMcwru-6-.1 1 Aii'!'IOI'\I M ~26$1 t11.Cl.t~ 911'1 los Angela Ca.IJOt·
around the world are successful then modern industry will no nea -376.t \'4ae-..IA.e i()().3.t 12131811 07\7 Mamt.Aoroda-loq(I()Ct-'•' W•t 3JI6S. fl05.l55.2'·1166 MonttMI
Cln.aoa- tS:SP,.,JtS-.'0 HIVX:~ 15U 577 '101 tW«on.ans LOU1WI'I.I-1936E~A.,oe 70n9 1!1041
4&a.1313 NeN 'fl>f1t. Ntw YO(I(-3.tQ.3.t8 West $5:~ S1 10019 21:1) 53'3 7'38 Ooi/C-ila HaWJti-~ Be• 112
longer be necessary. We will not have to make propaganda; 4871.1 Ottawa. :::an~ca- 2':1• Beutr-. $! C)Qr.o; t513) 136 9091 PrultOt' OI'Wa Penns)'tv'an'' -424 E \";'OOOII..,.. 51
191441 C11S) SA; 1161• . ArJtona-7602 N 27m lf.-e 85021 •&02t 98S 1241 P\1\&borgh. Pe-nnsytvanla-
people will see our example and automatically reject the ar- 45'6 rort)n Ave ;5213• t•,,• 683 ~100. PonJana. Oregon-280$ SE Ha,_rnorne gnu f$031 2lot 17!:15 NGtl.t•
o•mooara Traveling S&Mtlf'tana P1f1it1-PO 6o'( 21436. fJm()l Aorldl 33812" C8t3J 2S3-3S05. St loula.
tificial way of life. From the farm we can obtain all Mlteourl-4$44 Lacleoe A~e IS.3108J 13 141 38t·tn4 S.n O.ego. CahiOtnle-3300 Tn.roJwe 91H)31 171 .CJ 29J·7718
San Francisco. Catllotntt-300e UOI.Itll St 94123 f.;; 15) 567-7440 Seallle, w a.anm;ton-400 18t., lole EaS! 98102
f206t329·93•8 Toronto, Caneda-t87Genlra Sl Eau.OI'ItatiO M~,ES.· (.CI6t022·!416.
necessities -milk, fruits, grains, vegetables and fodder-to Vancouver Cen.oda-117~
WoSI18li'!Ave Vancou...-ct•9 SCI l&o4J 732·8.&22 WUI'ltngton. OC -'01$ '"0 Sl NV/ 20Q09. f2021 1567-3S18 W;n•
nl,.g, Caned.a-t60 Horf'ie St ~-4f\110bao ~704 ) 116·3575
satisfy both the animals and ourselves materially, and then
ISKCONFAAMSTHROUOHOUTTHEWOALO Ondts'l'ltte BC C.ntda -\1()-t\90 Ace~~ Aolo C60-II.C48- 4.C3$
we can all focus our energies on spiritual development. This Buttato New YM- I¥11t'~• ISI<CO·~ &f'»cc Clmtte. Ml-SSIUIOQI-A1 t.,. ' ~ ·.:.&9 ,39.:1& 160U 191-670'5
Oetaotane_ v.rg.n.a-R· '+iO I Bo• n
n\»5 11031 3&: 2158 t'ldre France-Lue.J,...u--".'H 3660 \lo\*""r l(hh.
is the perfection of Vedic village life: to be self-sufficient and Kenya Alr.U- C A•!ttiSXCO"~'· 'OOel t.onoon Wand-&n.i·r~u .., ~Hea:tl \'4a*'d\"t'07!1£P
Herttoro~ Rllclt'lt tMrll t1" r;u a.tayapur. tnc11-1SK<X>">i .,..r'l+t' O"'a Otrqr PO SrN '·'-J)-aDul ~ • w
8tng.M tO.Wc& \;lOti ,_.l.tOberry, TtnnesMO-~ .._, 1 8o-ll 1.&64 31359 ·~J151 1'5~ :"0~ New Ynndaban. WHI
live peacefully and happily in Kn~a consciousness. V11QJnt.A-fl0 ~, So• S10 Mt."''..,.,,.•
FI Ogt 1604-1 (30.11845·:11~ P<lr1 Royal Pennsytvante-AO t. 1 \7082
111n 527 2.a93
Balavanta dasa

Through Hr,l}a
Practical solutions to Africa's
economic, political and social problems.
An interview with His Holiness
Chayavana Svami, Chairma n of
ISKCON's African Mission.

BTG : What do you regard as the challenge of the ISKCON

mission in Africa?
Cbayavana Sviimi: The
IMII!II! challenge of the African
mission is the same
challenge we find every-
where in the world: to go
out and present Kr~I:J.a con-
sciousness as we have been
Jl taught it by our spiritual
~ master, and to convince
people that Kni:J.a conscious life is the solution to the
problems of modern day society by showing our practical
BTG: The Christian missionary movement has been very
active in Africa for about one hundred years and has played a
very important role in the, continent's development. How
do your philosophy and practices differ from theirs?
Cbiiyavana Svami: The Christian missionaries have ac-
tually done a lot of good work in Africa. They have taught
the people that God exists and that one should offer Him
respect. But because their philosophy is based on a material
Pioneers of the K~~t:la c

consciousness movement in Africa chant Hare K~~~a on the beach at Mombasa, Kenya.

conception of human welfare, they are
mainly concerned with things like open-
ing hospitals and schools, which can
only temporarily alleviate suffering.
They do not understand that the in-
dividual is actually spiritual-an eternal
part of God or KrHta-and that real
human welfare is to awaken people to
this truth, which can actually liberate
them from all material miseries.
BTG: What are the advantages of work-
ing here in Africa rather than in
America or in Europe?
Chayavana Svami: The main advan-
tage is having a field that is still un-
developed. In one sense we can call
Africa a new frontier for Kn~a con-
sciousness. The continent is tremen-
dous- it is a vast conglomerate of fifty-
four nations-and there are many
challenges yet uncovered. Of course, in
any part of the world there is oppor-
tunity for preaching, but Africa is es-
pecially suitable because it's a unique
At ISKCON's farm community (above) in the village of Kilifi, just north of combination of East and West. We find
Mombasa, a devotee teaches local youngsters bow a portable irrigation pump
not only large universities and modern
works. Although the community depends largely upon manual farming tech-
niques, a limited amount of basic machinery is also utilized. cities but simple village life as well. We
can preach Kr~~a consciousness on both

~_:j\ levels. There are also many native In-

dians here, and this gives us an oppor-
tunity to make life members, as we do in
Devotees give the cows special attention. Below, a farm worker bathes Mabara~;~i, India. So we have a very broad field for
a thoroughbred Freesland cow from Europe who gives about sixteen pounds of our missionary activities.
milk a day. Bathing the cows three times a week helps prevent tick fever and BTG: I've heard you're establishing a
other diseases.
vartJdsrama program in Africa. Can you
explain what va~asrama is?
Chayavana Svami: Va~asrama is a
comprehen sive system of social
organization designed to uplift everyone
to the platform of spiritual understand-
ing. In the var~srama system there are
four spiritual orders and four functional
classes. The four functional classes are
the brahmaras, the k~atriyas, the vaisyas
and the sudras. The brahmaras are the
most intelligent members of society. As
the spiritual authorities, they give direc-
tion to the k$atriyas, who administer the
government and protect the citizens.
The vaisyas engage in trading, cow pro-
tection and farming, and in this way
support the other three classes. And the
sudras or Ia borers assist the other three
classes. The four spiritual orders are the
brahmacaris (single male students) ,
grhasthas (householders following the
regulative principles of spiritual life) ,
vanaprasthas (those who are retired from

household life), and sannydsis (those who sion, how do you determine his place in Chiyava n a Svi m i: At present we
have completely renounced everything the va~rama system? have a small-scale project in the coastal
for the purpose of self-realization). Cbiyavana Svi mi: We don't force a village of Kilifi, near Mombasa, Kenya.
BTG : Is the va~srama system the same person into a specific VartJ4 or asrama. We We live among the villagers, teach
as the caste system? simply let him work according to his Kr~l)a consciousness at regular meetings,

Cbiyavana Svimi : Yes, but it is not propensities, and he naturally falls into and apply the va~srama philosophy.
the artificial caste system prevalent in one of these categories. We're getting very good results in Kili6,
India today, which is based on BTG: How can the va111asrama system and the government has recently prom-
birthright. If I claim to be a brahmatta be- solve the problems of society? ised us another plot of land where we
cause my father was a brahmatta, that is Cbiyavana Svimi: In the va~rama will expand our activities.
artificial. For example, suppose a system, everyone's energies are directed BTG : How will the va~rama system
qualified doctor has a son. The son is not toward serving God. isavdsyam idam sar- change the present economic structure
automatically a doctor. He may become a vam. This means that God is the supreme of Africa?
doc tor, but he is not born a doctor. controller and owner of everything. Cbiyavan a Svi m i: The basic prin-
Similarly, the son of a brahmatJ4 is not Thus when everyone cooperates in using ciple is to go back to the land. For exam-
automatically a brahmatta. H e must ac- everything in His service, He provides ple, here in Mauritius, the European col-
tually qualify himself as a brahmatJ4. The all the necessities of life. In this way onists came to exploit. They took the
system we advocate accepts a brahmatta society becomes peaceful, free from the land, which was at one time used for
by qualification, not by birth. This is the disturbances created by a godless raising the necessities of life, and turned
caste system given by Lord Kr~l)a for the civilization. the island into a one-crop economy. In
benefit of human society. BTG: H ow are you introducing this this way people became dependent upon
BTG : When someone joins your mis- program here in Africa? foreign imports for their subsistence.

attrac ted
How plants g row -and bow they can grow bette r-is t he subject of this class o n the Kili6 farm . The farm has
p romised ISKCON a not her plot of land to expand its

the interest of the Kenyan government which has recently

And because they were dependent, the tween different people of the world? come to Africa and tried mass food-dis-
prices could be controlled, and the Chayavana Svami: No, the only tribution programs, and although they
people were forced into such a degraded val uable connection between coun- temporarily relieved some suffering,
position that they could barely get by tries-as between individuals-is on the they did not have the long-range effect
from day to day. The whole idea of im- platform of Knt:~a consciousness. Every that the var~asrama college will have. In
porting and exporting, which came individual living entity is part and parcel the var~asrama college we arc educating
about as a result of colonialism, is simply ofKr~t:~a. Therefore, instead of each state people to take care of themselves and be
artificial. If the land is properly used becoming the center of activity, if Kr$t:~a independent of handouts from phil-
with an aim toward self-sufficiency, remains the center of activity, then there anthropic organizations. Although we
then the people will not be dependent is peace and harmony between in- are doing both kinds of work, we find
for their livelihood upon importing and dividuals as well as nations. The present that the real future lies in the varrzasrama
exporting. We are trying to present the system creates envy between the haves education, which will instill a sense of
idea of var~asrama on a small scale with and the have-nots. Under the banner of pride in the people and give them what
an aim toward self-sufficiency. If a man Kr$t:la consciousness, however, the they actually want: self-sufficiency and,
can become self-sufficient in providing whole world can be united with God as ultimately, spiritual cnlightcnrricnt.
food for himself by proper use of the the center. BTG: Have you had any success in
land and by keeping a few cows, then his BTG: Do you have a food distribution making dedicated African devotees?
primary problem is solved. Using the program here like the one in India? Chayavana Svami: Yes, a great deal.
same land and the same simple process, Chayavana Svami: Yes. At our temple For example, several months ago two of
he can also construct a small house and in Nairobi we distribute prasada· daily, our men came to see me and indicated
live very peacefully there with his and we also prepare large quantities of that they were very anxious to travel and
family. Then he can begin to make cloth prasada for distribution in villages preach. One of them had just been ini-
to provide clothing, and by following throughout Kenya. The devotees go out tiated, and the other had been with us
this system he will become completely every day in trucks and distribute the for only six months. I immediately ar-
freed from the unwanted things in prasada in the villages. This program has ranged for them to take books and
society that simply cause agitation and become very popular in Kenya. prasada into neighboring Tanzania,
disturbance. He will be in an ideal at- However, unlike the mass food dis- where they were to open up a center in
mosphere for cultivating Kr~t:~a con- tribution program in India-which we Dares Salaam. Unfortunately, they were
sciousness, the real purpose of life. may yet develop in the future-our main stopped at the border by immigration
BTG : You mentioned that trade is ar- emphasis has been on teaching self- officials and forced to return to Nairobi.
tificial. But doesn't it yield the benefit of sufficiency through the establishment of Although we were disappointed at not
promoting contact between various the var~asrama system. Many groups have being able to successfully establish a
peoples? Wouldn't total self-sufficiency center in Tanzania, we were not dis-
lead to indifference and hostility be- ·Food offered to Lord K~~t:la couraged because the men had
developed the determination to go out
on their own and preach. Now we are
arranging for them to travel and preach
within Kenya. Because this preaching
attitude is developing among the local
men who have joined us, we are very en-
couraged. The desire to preach is the
most important thing in Knt:~a con-
BTG: How do you propose to solve the
challenge of preaching Knt:~a conscious-
ness to the people of Africa?
Chayavana Svami: The solution lies
in how effectively we are able to present
Kr$t:~a consciousness as it is. Srila
Prabhupada, our spiritual master, has
given us the perfect example. When he
came to America in 1966, he began
preaching, and gradually young men and
women came forward and started to take
Mark of tilaka, an insignia of t h e soul, is prominently disp layed on the forehead to Kr ~ t:~a consciousness. Professor
of a young student at ISKCON's primary school in Nairobi. Spiritual instruction Stillson Judah of Berkeley University
compli ments the sch ool's standard academic curriculum. has recently written a book about Kr~t:~a
consciousness in which he concludes

In the Nai robi temple's special outd oor kitc hen (bel ow) a devot ee p r ep ares large amount s of a wholeso m e m a ize d ish fo r ./\
d ist ribution in t b e villages of Ken ya (above). Ever y day t h ousands of Africans ben efit from tbis food t h at 's been o ffe red ~7
to Lord Kn.,a.
that it has a very good chance of surviv- BTG : Are any Africans taking leader-
ing in the Western world because the ship roles in the ISKCON mission here?
senior disciples are serious and have Chayavana Svami: Yes. In Nairobi,
remained fixed in KfSJ:Ia consciousness. Yogesa dasa adhikari is training to be the
The same idea applies in Africa. Now president of the Nairobi temple. And in
we have nearly thirty Kenyan men and Mombasa a recent in itiate named Sar-
women, and we are very encouraged by vavit dasa brahmacari is also being
their progress. Some of them have been trained for the presidency of that city's
initiated, and they are all ta king the pro- temple. Within six months to one year
cess very seriously and becoming KnJ:~a these men will be able to take their
conscious. Therefore, we are confident posts, and they will then become the
the movement will spread here in leaders of the ISKCON mission in
Africa. We are also very encouraged that Africa. Many others arc being trained in
many foreign devotees- particularly Deity worship, cooking, gardening,
from the United States and Europe-are farming and other aspects of service, ac-
taking a new interest in the ISKCON cording to their capacities. They will
mission in Africa. In the past year nearly eventually take over the work now being
fifty young men and women from done by the foreign students of the Hare
America and Europe have come to Knl)a movement.
Africa, and they are all enthusiastically BTG : What special programs have you
engaged here. As long as this missionary instituted in Africa?
spirit is present among the members of C hayavana Svami : One of the most
the Hare Kr~J:~a movement, Knl)a con- important is the life membership
sciousness is sure to spread in Africa and program begun in 1971. We arrived in
all over the world. Africa with very little money and com-

pletely dependent on the support of the and make it work for the benefit of the Just a few weeks ago we sent a group of
local people. We do not receive money local inhabitants. devotees to the ancient city of Addis
from overseas, as many other missions Our next program was starring Deity Ababa, high in the mountains of
do. Therefore our first problem was how worship in the temples. Srila Prabhu- Ethiopia. We've received reports that
to raise funds. At that time Srila Prabhu- pada wrote us a letter explaining that for they are doing very well there. They've
pada had just instituted the program of the new men traveling and preaching met some very intelligent people who
life membership in India, and we began would be too difficult in the beginning; are taking interest in ~~Q.a conscious-
a similar program among the Indian therefore it would be necessary to ness. We have high hopes that the mis-
nationals in Africa. At first we did not establish temples like the ones in the sion will continue to expand in this way,
even have books. We simply issued a life West. So in 197 3 we installed the although traveling in Africa is certainly
membership card and promised that in Deities of Sri Sri Radha-Bankavihari in not easy. The group that went to
the future we would give them the books our Nairobi temple, and by KnQ.a's Ethiopia spent five days of arduous travel
and they would receive BACK TO GOD- grace it has become the most popular to go about a thousand miles. Spreading
HEAD magazine every month for the rest Radha-KnQ.a temple in that city. On KnQ.a consciousness in Africa is a
of their lives. To date we have enrolled Sunday we have two feast programs, and challenge for anyone, but I am confident
well over one thousand life members during the week we receive many guests. we are attracting people who can meet
throughout Africa. Most of them are Our third program is the vartUi$rama this challenge successfully.
members of the Indian community, and college, launched within the past year on BTG: How have the African people
they have given us their financial sup- an experimental basis. The van:uiSrama received your movement here?
port. Any endeavor requires organiza- system itself is well-tested and proven- Chiiyavana Sviimi: Very well. We've
tion, labor, land and capital. We have we know it will work. It is simply up to now established centers in Nairobi,
the ability to organize and to provide us to become pure and determined Johannesburg, Mombasa and Mauritius.
labor, and from the local population we enough to practically apply the prin- In the beginning, people were curious,
request capital and land. As we acquire ciples in Africa. and we found large crowds gathering
these things, we are then able to apply Of course, our traveling sankirtana wherever we held a public event. But
the philosophy of K~~Q.a consciousness (preaching) parties are as active as ever. now, although we still attract large
crowds wherever we go, the movement
has matured to the point where we're
beginning to interest the intelligentsia-
the leaders of society. They are coming
forward not only out of curiosity but also
out of a genuine desire to learn some-
BTG: What is your role in the ISKCON
African mission?
Chiiyavana Sviimi: I am trying to
practically apply the instructions given
to me by my spiritual master. Most of
the management and organization work
is carried out by the African students. I
simply preach and keep them enlivened
and fixed in K~~Q.a consciousness.
BTG: What do you feel ISKCON can
contribute to the African people?
Chiiyavana Sviimi: As I mentioned
before, the most important thing we are
trying to give them is a simple, peaceful
way of life, which is what everyone is
looking for. They are fed up with the ex-
ploitation of the Europeans, and now the
Russians and the Chinese are coming-
all simply to exploit the land and the
people of Africa. But we have not come
here to exploit Africa; we have come to
give the African people what they ac-
Lord Kn1.1a and His consort Srimati Radhara1_1i stand as Deities at the ISKCON
temple in Nairobi, a large house surrounded by gardens of sweet-smelling tually want: a peaceful, God-centered
flowers, clear ponds, and many fruit trees. The forty devotees from Africa, India, way of life. This is our most important

![\ t?'
Europe and the U.S. who live and work here receive hundreds of visitors a week. contribution to Africa and to the world.

pears to be very advanced, but from the
siistras [scriptures] we understand that
they have simply created a hellish condi-
tion of life. In fact, in the big cities of the
West, many people-especially the
youth-are becoming so frustrated by
so-called advanced technology that they
are fleeing to the country. Actually,
people all over the world are looking for
a peaceful, natural way of life, and we
know by our experience within the
Knt:la consciousness society how to
achieve that. We are simply trying to
give everyone the opportunity to take
advantage of the ideal Vedic way oflife.
BTG: What do you see as the future of
the ISKCON African mission?
Chayavana Svami: Our goal is to
spread Knt:la consciousness to the entire
continent of Mrica. By exploring areas
of western and northern Africa and the
islands surrounding the continent, we
Twenty-six year old Caityaguru dasa, son of an Indian government minister,
shows Bhaktivedanta Book T rust literature to students at the University of
have found an excellent field for spread-
Nairobi. Devotees are now busily translating the literature of the K~~r;ta con- ing Vedic culture. People are actually
sciousness movement into Swahili. anxious to take to the Vedic way of life,
and we see a very bright future.
BTG: What advice would you give the tivities of illicit sex, intoxication, gam- We have some very serious men and
leaders of the emerging African nations? bling and meat-eating will automatically women now, and they are becoming
Chayavana Svami: They should ap- be eliminated. Then the entire human determined and eager tO preach the
proach those who are spiritually en- civilization can be saved. message of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
lightened for guidance in governing BTG: How is your mission funded? to their countrymen. As long as the
their nations. Here in Mauritius, for ex- Chayavana Svami: Our activities are devotees have this missionary spirit,
ample, we have learned through meeting financed primarily through the sale of then Kr$t:la consciousness will be suc-
some of the top ministers in the govern- literature published in America by the cessful in Africa or in any part of the
ment that they are trying to develop a Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. Contribu- world. The real Vai$J:lava spirit is not to
perfect state. According to the Vedic tions from life members are also an im- be satisfied simply remaining alone in a
literatures, a perfect state must have God portant source of income. As I men- secluded place and attaining salvation,
at the center. During the Vedic age, such tioned before, we have over one thou- but to go out and preach Knt:la con-
rulers as Maharaja Parik$it and sand life members enrolled in Africa sciousness and save all the fallen souls.
Maharaja Yudhi$~hira presided over per- alone. We also have several thousand in The great Vai$J:lava saint Prahlada
fectly peaceful and prosperous God-con- India and Europe. Maharaja was offered whatever he
scious empires. There was no enmity or BTG: Are you still seeking help from desired by the Lord, including liberation
dissension even among individuals; devotees in other countries? from all material miseries. But rather
everyone was both materially and Chayavana Svami: Yes, we are in- than take liberation, Prahlada chose to
spiritually opulent. If the leaders of terested in attracting serious-minded stay in this world and preach Knt:la con-
society would consult the Vedic men and women to come to Africa and sciousness so that the unfortunate people
literature, they could understand that help us propagate Kr$t:la consciousness. could be saved and go back to home,
Krg1a consciousness is the practical solu- Mrica is a great challenge because it is a back to Godhead. As long as this attitude
tion to all the problems of modern life. strange place, and anyone who comes prevails in ISKCON, our mission will be
Then, if the leaders themselves take up here must be prepared to make certain successful. 0
the process of Krn1a consciousness, they adjustments. But there is also an urgent
will actually acquire the qualities need for Kr$t:la consciousness here. Now
necessary to govern effectively: mer- the people of Africa are looking for If yo11're interested in assisting the work of the
cifulness, cleanliness, austerity, development, and they are naturally try- Km;a consciousness movement in Africa,
and truthfulness. If these qualities ing to follow in the footsteps of those please contact Trida(l~f Chiiyavana Sviimf,
prevail in the leaders of society, then the nations who appear to be most ISKCON Africatl Mission Headquarters,
general populace will soon acquire developed. To the untrained, ma- P.O. Box 28946, Nairobi, Kenya, East
them, and the sinful, destructive ac- terialistic eye, the Western world ap- Africa. Telephone 331568.

Special Kindness
of Lord Caitanya
Sri Caitanya Mahdprabhu, an incarnation of the Supreme Lord, appeared in India in the fifteenth
century. His mission was to freely distribute pure love of God to everyone without considering who was
qualified or unqualified. He predicted that the whole world would one day hear the chanting of the Lord's
holy names. The first of the following three narratives is excerptedfrom Srila Prabhupada's introduction
to Srimad-Bhagavatam. The final two are taken from his English translation of Sri Caitanya-
caritamrta, an extensive account of Lord Caitanya's life and teachings.

Delivering the Drunken Brothers

When Lord Caitanya was preaching in the town of
Navadvipa. two of His closest associates, Nityananda Prabhu
and Haridasa Thakura, approached a noiw crowd on the
main road. They learned from passers-by that two brothers,
Jagai and Madhai, were once again causing a disturbance in a
drunken condition. These two brothers had been born in a
respectable brdhtna!za fami ly, but due to bad association they
had become debauchees of the worst type. Not only were
they drunkards, but they were also meat-eaters, woman hun-
ters and thieves.
Nityananda Prabhu decided that these two fallen souls
must be the first to be delivered by Lord Caitanya's sankirtana
movement. If they were delivered from their sinful ways, the
good name of Lord Caitanya would be still more glorified.
Thinking in this way, Nityananda Prabhu and Haridasa
Thakura pushed through the crowd and asked the two
brothers to chant the holy name of Lord Hari.
This enraged jaga1 and Madha1. The two drunks attacked
Nityananda and Handasa w1th filthy language, and chased
them for a cons1derable distance. Later, when Lord Caitanya
heard of the mcident, He was glad that Nityananda and
Haridasa had tried to deliver such fallen souls.
The next day, Nityananda Prabhu went to see the brothers
again. As He approached them, Madhai threw a piece of
earthen pot at Him. It struck Nityananda on the forehead,
and blood began to Aow. But Nityananda Prabhu was so kind tion of the age resemble these brothers, despite high birth and
that instead of protesting against the heinous act, He said, "It apparent respectability.
docs not matter that you have thrown this pot at Me. I still re- As the Lord raised His Sudadana cakra and Nityananda
quest you to chant the holy name of Lord Hari." Astonished Prabhu implored Him to forgive the two brothers, both Jagiii
to sec the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu, Jagiii at once fell and Madhai fell at the lotus feet of Cattanya Mahaprabhu,
down at His feet and asked Him to pardon his sinful brother. begging Him to forgive them for their gross behavior. After
When Madhiii again attempted to hurt Nityananda Prabhu, Nttyananda reiterated their plea, the Lord agreed to accept
Jagat stopped him and implored him to beg for Nityiinanda's them on one condition: that henceforward they would com-
mercy. pletely give up all their sinful activities. Both brothers
Meanwhile, news of the attack on Nityananda reached agreed, and the Lord kindly accepted them. He never again
Lord Caitanya, who hurried to the spot in a fiery mood. The referred to their past misdeeds.
Lord immediately invoked His Sudarsana cakra (His ultimate This incident illustrates the special kindness of Lord
weapon, shaped like a wheel) to kill the smncrs. But Nitya- Caitanya. In this age no one can claim to be sinless. Yet Lord
nanda Prabhu rem inded Him of His mtsston to deliver the Caitanya accepts anyone, no matter how smful, on the condt-
hopelessly fallen souls of the age, of whom Jagai and Mad hai tton that he promtse not to indulge in sinful activities after
were typical examples. Ninety-nine percent of the popula- being accepted as a d isciple of a bona fide spiritual master.

Initiating the Buddhists
On His extraordinary tour of South India, Lord Caitanya
visited many villages, and all the residents became Vai~Qa vas
(devotees of Kr$Qa) by chanting the holy names Hari and
K!$1)a. In this way, many thousands of people were delivered
from the miseries of material life.
Sometimes the Lord would establish the supremacy of
Kr$Qa consciousness by defeating various opposing philoso-
phtes. Once, a very learned Buddhist scholar came before the
Lord with his disctples to establish the philosophical conclu-
sions of Buddhism. W ith great pride, he set forth the n ine
Buddhist principles, but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu broke
them to pieces with strong logical arguments.
Many people had gathered to hear the debate, and when
they all began to laugh, the Buddhists, who were all atheists,
became fea rful and ashamed. Atheists may be very expert in
mental speculation and argument, but they can be defeated
by a Vai~l) ava firm ly situated in his conviction and God con-
sciousness. The Buddhists understood that Lord Caitanya was
a powerful Vai$1)ava, and they returned home very unhappy.
Later they began to plot against the Lord. Their plan was
to discredi t H im by tric king Him into eating untoucha ble
food. The next day the Buddhists brought a plate of contami- us and bring our spin rual master back to ltfe."
nated food to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, calling it maha- The Lord replied, "Chant the names of Kn Qa and Hari
prasada (spiritual food offered to Kmta). As the food was very loudly near the ear of you r spiritual master. Then he
being offered to the Lord, a very large bird swooped down, will regain consciousness."
grabbed the plate with its beak and Aew up into the air with Following Sri Caitan ya Mahaprabhu's advice, all the Bud-
it. All the food fell on the Budd hists and the plate itself fell dhist disciples began to chant the holy names of Kr$ na, Rama
down on the head of the chief Buddhist teacher, making a and H ari in unison. Soon the Buddhtst scholar regained con-
great sound. The teacher's head was cut by the edge of the sciousness and immediately began to chanc the holy name of
plate, and he immediately fell to the ground unconscious. Lord Hari w ith hts dtsciples, much to the astonishmenc of all
At this calamity, all the Buddhist disciples cried aloud and the onlookers. In this way Lord Caitanya mittated the Bud-
ran to the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu for shelter. dhists into the chanting of the holy name of Kr$na, convert-
They addressed Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead , ing them to VaisQavism by reviving their original Krsl)a
saying, "Sir, please excuse our offense. Please have mercy on consciousness.
Inspiring the Jungle Animals
Once Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu decided to travel to
Vrndavana, the place of Lord Kr~•~a's appea rance. A brahnw!w
named Balabhadra Bhanacarya was chosen to assist the Lord,
and before sunrise one morning they started their journey.
On the way, they passed through Jharikha~<;la forest. At
this time the Lord was in great ecstasy due to love of Kr~~a.
Packs of tigers, elephants, rhinoceroses and boars approached
Him, but the Lord passed right through them unharmed.
Balabhadra Bhanacarya was very afraid, but by Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu's influence all the animals stood to one side.
Then the Lord splashed water on the bodies of some of the
elephants, and they began to chant, "Kn~a! Kr~~a!" and
dance. Some of the elephants fell to the ground, and some
roared in ecstasy. Seeing this, Balabhadra Bhanacarya was
completely astonished.
While passing through the jungle, Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu chanted very loudly. Hearing His sweet voice,
all the does came near Him. A group of tigers then joined the
deer and began following the Lord. When He shouted,
"Chant Kr~J:~a! KnJ:~a!" the tigers and deer began to chant
"Kr~~a!" and dance in ecstasy. Indeed, the tigers and deer
embraced each other and kissed! Balabhadra Bhanacarya was
struck with wonder at the sight, but Sri Caitanya simply
smiled to see all the fun.
In this way the Lord was able to deliver even the animals
from the bonds of material existence. 0

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