Spiritual Warfare Prayers
Spiritual Warfare Prayers
Spiritual Warfare Prayers
Bern Zumpano, M.D.
Bible Teacher
To that end is this book written, then, to the memory of my late wife, Rosa Maria, and my late son,
Gian-Andrew, both of whose love of Jesus and walk in the Spirit taught me many wonderful things even
through their untimely deaths...
Then to my sons Joseph, Daniel, Cary, and my daughter, Roseanne, God's blessings to me during good
times and bad, whose unconditional and steadfast love for me has allowed me to see Christ living in them
and through them, and whom I will always love and cherish in Him, and to my grandchildren and
descendants to come, each and every one...
And to each and every one of my disciples and students in the Word, whom the Lord Jesus Christ is
discipling through me, and whom I have also come to love and cherish as He does,
Bern Zumpano
Miami, Florida
June 1, 1999
This is NOT a book of generic prayers which are to be used for one's personal convenience, so that it is not necessary to think
of what one wants to say to God. They are not meant to be mechanically or repetitively recited aloud as a mental exercise in
vying to communicate with Him.
The purpose of this book is to familiarize the reader with the mechanics, dynamics, and scriptural vocabulary of prayers of the
Word and Spirit. Pray them aloud.
The Bible speaks of praying in-the-Spirit (tongues) and praying with-the Spirit. This book addresses the latter. My purpose in
writing this book is to provide a foundation of style, vocabulary, and knowledge from the scriptures, which can be used by the
Holy Spirit to instill in each and every reader, the desire and practice of praying for their particular need, circumstance, or loved
one ... in-the-Spirit.
When a believer prays in-the-Spirit, he or she must first yield to the Holy Spirit in Jesus' Name, and let the Holy Spirit put it
upon their heart as to what to pray and how to pray out the request, problem, or circumstance. In praying in-the-Spirit, the
believer lets the Holy Spirit make the words flow from their own heart spontaneously after yielding to Him. The words just flow
in power. The degree to which this happens depends upon the degree of tug and yieldedness. It must be practiced. Thus, it
should be your goal to let the Holy Spirit pray through you and with you, in your own language, and to seek to let Him make
the words arise from your heart, directed upward to the Lord. You let Him lead the prayer.
I encourage you, then, to use these prayers as a jumping-off point. When a believer learns the vocabulary of scripture
through repeated use, and understands the principles, direction, goals, and objectives of praying in each type of prayer, he or she
can then yield to the Spirit and begin to pray such prayers in their own words, from the heart. This is praying with-the-Spirit as a
yielded vessel. Do not worry about how perfect or smoothly the "flow" or words of your prayer come out. The Holy Spirit
honors the intent of the heart.
As this is practiced, familiarizing oneself with the terms, intentions, style, and vocabulary of specific prayers, makes it easier for
the trader to express his or her prayer from the heart, asking the Holy Spirit what to pray, in Jesus' Name. With practice, you as
a believer, will be praying Spirit-filled prayers on your own. The Holy Spirit will develop your own style of prayer for you. You
must simply rely, bust, and depend upon Him to do so. That is what the scriptures call "abiding" on Christ.
I pray that this book will be helpful and a blessing to all who use it, and that through the ministry of the Holy Spirit to your
heart, that it will lead YOU into a more mature prayer-life and faithwalk. To that end is this book written. If it serves some
small purpose in helping to achieve this through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit upon your life, then it will have achieved its
Why? Because a believer without prayer is a believer without power; a church without prayer is a church without power.
Bern Zumpano
Miami, Florida
June 1, 1999
50. Prayer For Damaged Relationships …….…. 41
51. Warfare Prayer For An Unsaved (Or Saved But In Sin) Son, …….…. 42
Daughter, Spouse, Relative, Friend
52. Prayers of Praise …….…. 42
53. Prayers of Intercession And Supplication …….…. 44
54. Warfare Through Praying In "Tongues” …….…. 45
55. Warfare Prayer To Confound The Enemy …….…. 49
56. Prayer For Salvation, Healing And Deliverance of A Spouse, …….…. 50
Child, Family Member Or Relative
…….…. 51
This book is for those Christians who want to gain further knowledge about spiritual warfare. Some of the prayers of
this book appear in the book “ The Saints in Light”. It is also written for Christian believers who are inexperienced at spiritual
warfare. It includes an expanded collection of additional prayers to benefit the personal spiritual growth and life of the believer.
The question might be raised “is it proper to teach someone how to pray?” Luke 11: 1, 2 gives us that answer. The disciples
said to Jesus, “teach us to pray…..” Jesus’ answer was “when you pray, say…” (NASB). Notice that Jesus was accommodating
because he understood the need of the disciples, and he understood that they needed a model to follow before the Holy Spirit
could lead them on their own, through his Spirit of prayer, into Spirit-led praying on their own.. Since the disciples had
disciples, it is certain that they, too, had to teach their inexperienced followers how to pray in the Name of Jesus. Scripture tells
us, numerous times in the Old Testament, that God sends the man of understanding, the man of instruction, to repair the
breach and restore the path. I believe that this refers to those believers who have the teaching anointing, many of whom operate
in prophetic ministry. They, too, are called to minister to the needs of believers and to teach as Jesus taught. To that end, this
book is written.
Christians are a people who are at war. (Ephesians 6:12). That war is spiritual and, according to Ephesians 6, it is
against the forces of evil that are spirit-persons, but persons nonetheless. The Lord Jesus Christ has delegated power and
authority to trample the enemy (Luke 10: 19) in His Name (Luke 10: 17) and possess the Kingdom of God on the earth by
force (Matthew 11: 12). We are the Lord’s instrument of war (Jeremiah 51:20).
This Companion Manual was written for those believers who are unfamiliar with the principles or vocabulary of
spiritual warfare. It is not meant to be a book of generic prayer and it is not written or purposed to that end. It is meant to be a
tool through which the Holy Spirit will familiarize you with the vocabulary, patterns and leadings of spiritual warfare so that
you, the reader, can gain knowledge and proficiency in seeing how these prayers apply the word of God to warfare
circumstances. The Holy Spirit, upon your continual yielding to Him will, over time, lead you into developing your own style
and vocabulary of scriptural warfare, led by His Spirit of prayer to His glory and your edification and that of the Church. Like
most aspects of the faithwalk, spiritual growth, including knowledge and prayer in spiritual warfare, is a process gained precept
upon precept and order upon order, a little here and there (Isaiah 28:13)... that is the way of the Holy Spirit.
Use the prayers, even if they are not your own. God honors the intent of the heart and you will see Him respond to
your faith. As you grow in your knowledge and vocabulary in spiritual warfare, let the Holy Spirit lead you in varying the words
of these prayers or your own, to suit the spiritual needs of loved ones or your own spiritual needs. Be sensitive to His leading in
showing you what to pray.
Over time, you will become proficient at praying the Will of God for a warfare circumstance or situation, or anyone
for that matter. A time will come when you will be able to lay this book aside, or, better yet, pass it on to another Christian
brother or sister so that they, too, can learn what you have learned. That is how we build the Lord’s Kingdom on earth, living
stone by living stone.
Spiritual Warfare Prayers 1
Foundational truths for spiritual warfare are found in the scriptures. They are directed at teaching the believer who he
or she is in Christ. Before praying warfare prayers, it is important to understand the scriptural basis for spiritual warfare. Please
take the time to look up the following scriptures and to study them. You will get them into your spirit-man and they will build
your faith and confidence to do spiritual warfare. Remember, it is not ability that God uses but availability. If you are available,
God will use you. You must be born-again and spirit-filled, operating in the baptism in the Holy Spirit and gifts of the Holy
Spirit (I. Cor. 12). In particular, the three knowledge gifts of word of knowledge, word of wisdom and discernment of spirits,
prove indispensable for spiritual warfare and manifest in the spirit-filled believer as the Holy Spirit wills. Knowing the scriptures
listed below will build your faith and confidence, and it is faith which empowers your prayers and moves God’s hand and heart
to respond on your behalf.
The scriptural basis for spiritual warfare is founded upon the truths of the following scriptures:
1) Luke 10:19
2) 1 John 4:4
3) Matthew 11:12
4) Jeremiah 51:20
5) Job 22:28
6) John 14:13, 14; 15:7; 16:23-24
7) Joshua 1:3, 9-11
8) Ephesians 6:16
9) James 4:7
10) Ephesians 11:17
11) Ephesians 6:18
12) Romans 8:26, 27
13) Matthew 16:19
14) Matthew 12:29
15) Matthew 16:17,18
16) Mark 11:23, 24
17) Proverbs 18:21
18) James 1:6, 7
19) Matthew 7:7,8
20) John 14:12
21) Hebrews 1: 13.14
22) Revelations 12:10,11
23) Proverbs 23:7
24) Ephesians 6:12
25) Luke 10: 17
26) 1 John 3:8
27) 1 Corinthians 6:17
28) Romans 6- Our Identity in Christ
Spiritual warfare prayer, as with all prayer, is empowered by our faith in Christ through the delegated authority which
He gives to every believer through His shed Blood and His victory over Satan through His work of the cross on our behalf.
Believers must understand their position in Christ, that they are joined to His Spirit (I Cor. 6:17) and are, therefore, one with
Him (Romans 6). The born-again, Spirit-filled believer, then, functions through His position in Christ. The believer must,
therefore, know who he or she is, in Christ, and the power that has been delegated to them by the Holy Spirit. Study the
following scriptures on the Believer’s Authority :
1) Luke 10:17
2) Luke 10: 19
3) Matthew 11: 12
4) John 14:12
5) Jeremiah 51:20
6) Matthew 16:19
7) Matthew 12:29
8) Job 22:28
9) Matthew 16:17,18
10) 1 Cor. 6:17
11) Mark 11: 23-24
12) Proverbs 23:7
13) Proverbs 18:21
14) Revelation 12:11
The Christian walks by faith, not by sight. Therefore, the weapons of spiritual warfare must be known, recognized,
understood, and appropriated, that is, taken possession of. Look up the scriptures associated with each, so that you can well
understand the basis for which they are used. The Holy Spirit places great importance upon them. The weapons of warfare are
as follows:
1) The Gospel -this is the greatest weapon of spiritual warfare because it, alone, when accepted by the
unbeliever, transfers that person from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light. (John 12:46; Ephesians
5:8; 1 Thess.5:5; 1 Peter 2:9; 1 John 1:6,7)
3) Faith-which empowers prayer. (Heb 11: 1; Ephesians 6:12; Rev. 12:11; James 1: 6,7)
4) Your faith confession (the shield of faith)- these are your faith-filled words, spoken aloud from the applied
Word of God, over another person, self, or circumstances. (Mark 11:23, 24; Proverbs 18:21; Ephesians 6:16; Rev.
5) Prayer- (Matthew 7:7; 1 John 3:22; 1 John 5: 14; Mark 11:23, 24; Proverbs 23:7; Proverbs 18:21)
10) Agreeing (Matthew 16:17, 18) and decreeing (Job 22:28) in the Name of Jesus (Luke 10:17)
All prayer must be directed to the Father or to the Son. Your mind and heart must be directed to the Father, asking in
Jesus’ Name, or to Jesus, Himself, asking in His Name. Your mind and heart must not be on the person while praying.
Before you pray, yield to the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ Name and ask His Spirit of prayer to fall upon you and to lead you
with faith-filled words.
Back your prayers with faith (trust in Christ). Faith moves God’s heart and hand to act on your behalf.
Faith must be unwavering. Reject doubt. It doesn’t take any more effort to believe than not to believe. It takes the
same amount of effort. It is a choice. Faith is a decision. You choose to believe and stand on your choice.
Speak your prayers aloud into the air to nullify the devil’s power. He is the prince of the power of the air, Jesus says.
Your faith-filled words (faith confession) spoken under the anointing are spiritual power packets which, when in line with
God’s Word, moves the Holy Spirit to come into agreement with them. He waters these seeds of faith (your words), and
empowers, bringing the “guaranty” “evidence” of things unseen (that is things from the Spirit-realm into the physical realm).
(Heb. 11: 1).
Pray “through” that is, with persistence, until you receive and see the result. Two of the strongest forms of prayer are
praise and “tongues” (praying in the Spirit). The Psalms tell us that the Lord inhabits our praise and that praise releases angels.
In addition, tongues confounds the enemy because Satan cannot understand tongues. When you do not know how to pray for a
problem, always pray in “tongues”. The Holy Spirit will pray a perfect prayer according to the Will of God for your
circumstance or that of others, and therefore, He will be better able to bring forth the answer or solution to the problem,
perhaps, quicker than you can. Note also that “tongues” always brings revelation when persistently prayed (so does praise).
Remember that when you are praying the prayer of Binding and Loosing, you bind Satan first, then the ruler spirit
assigned to the person, then the demonic spirits below the ruler spirits, and you loose the person, church, circumstance,
finances, etc. (whoever or whatever affected), always “in the Name of Christ Jesus”. The word “bind” means “to tie up”. The
word “loose” means “to untie”. Therefore you do not “bind and loose” the spirit afflicting the person, but you bind the spirit
and loose the person.
Pray for the needs of others first, before praying for your own needs. Avoid selfish prayers, prayers motivated by self,
ambition or the desire for self-indulgence, self-recognition, or self-promotion. Such prayers are from the “flesh” and not from
the Spirit, and Jesus says that the things of the spirit are Spirit (John 3:6)
Pray on the offense against Satan and the powers of darkness, and also on the defense as the Holy Spirit leads, always
asking or commanding “in the Name of Christ Jesus”. Do not pray the problem, pray the solution. Pray what the Word of God
says about your circumstances and what God promises that He will do on your behalf. Back it by faith. Believe (tug) that you
receive. Make these things your faith confession.
In this book, a variety of different spiritual warfare topics will be discussed to “round off” the background information
the Christian believer needs to know in order to protect himself, and his loved ones, for the glory of God, and the expansion of
the Kingdom. Some other major topic areas are discussed in adequate detail to give the Christian believer a foundation
knowledge with which to work and pray. It is not possible to cover these subjects at great length since each of them could take
a whole book to do so. In fact, there are books written on many of the individual subjects mentioned in this section.
The purpose of the prayers in this section is not to provide the reader with generic prayer forms to follow, thus
displacing the Will of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is quite able to lead you in prayer. ‘Me purpose of these prayers, then, is
to provide the reader with a pattern of praying, in which he can see the spiritual points that need to be covered for effective
prayer. The reader can then speak the prayer in his own words, as led by the Holy Spirit. If you have difficulty in expressing
yourself, you may use the prayers as written. The Holy Spirit will understand. God is not a legalist! The purpose of the prayers
and information provided, herein, are to be a blessing to the reader to the glory of God. Please keep in mind that, as with a
prayers, they should be spoken aloud, conceived in your spirit, believed on in the heart, and received. Again, it is the biblical
pattern of conceive-speak-believe-receive. Remember that faith is in the will. It takes no more effort to believe, than it does not
to believe. Even mustard-seed faith works!
“Lord Jesus Christ, I come before you this day and I acknowledge you in all of my ways and ask you to make straight
my path. Walk before me this day in all that I do and say and live your life in me and through me. Guide my every word,
thought, judgment, counsel, and action. I acknowledge you in all of my ways and ask you to make straight is my path .
“I empty myself and, as an empty vessel, receive you Holy Spirit for the work you would have me do this day for your
glory. I come to you in full submission to your will in my life. In Your Name, I pray.”
“Lord Jesus Christ, I confess to you all of my sins of this day, of yesterday, and every day past. I repent and renounce
them, those known and unknown) those of omission and commission, in what I have done, and in what I have failed to-do. In
particular, I lay down at your feet all sins of the flesh, sins of the tongue, sins of the heart, and all unholy thoughts or actions.”
“I repent of every negative word spoken over, formed against, or directed at anyone other than me or self-inflicted
upon me. I renounce those words, bind and loose them and break them off of whomever they were inflicted upon, all in Your
Holy Name, Lord Jesus Christ.”
“I lay all sin down at Your feet and ask you to keep me cleansed by your Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”
“Father, I put on the mind of Christ and the Lord Jesus Christ consciously this day and each and every day to come.
Lord Jesus Christ, I acknowledge you in ALL of my ways, and ask you to make straight my path.”
“Father, this day and each and every day to come, I firstly bind Satan, then the ruler spirit, and every principality,
power, ruler of the darkness, wicked spirit in high places, and all spirits not of the Holy Spirit in all ways, manner, and form in
all of their seedings, works, plans, and activities directed at my spouse, children, family members, relatives, all true Christian
believers, and lastly, against me.”
“I bind and loose us all permanently from them, and I speak a curse and destruction upon all of their seedings, works,
plans, activities, blueprints, plots, plans, designs, traps, wiles, snares, and assignments against them or me, in any way, manner,
or form, to or through any individual, organization, adversary or would-be adversary, from this day, any day past, or any day to
“I bind permanently loose us permanently from, and uproot all of those seedings, works, plans and activities and I
curse them at their roots, and by trusting faith, call them cancelled, nullified, never come to pass, and rendered of no effect, all
in Christ Jesus’ Name.”
“Your Word says Father, that no weapon formed against me (us) shall prosper. Therefore, Father, I decree that no
weapon formed against me (us) prospers this day or any day to come. Your word says, Father, that trouble shall not arise a
second time. Therefore, Father, I decree that Satan cannot make trouble for me (us) again, in this matter, as he did in the past,
in Christ Jesus’ Name.”
“Your Word says, Father, that when the enemy comes in that Your Holy Spirit will raise a standard against them.
Therefore, Father, I decree that the Holy Spirit stops Satan, and all of his evil spirits, dead in their tracks in all things regarding
my loved ones and me. Your Word says, Father, that in that day we shall decree (declare, speak) a thing and it will come to pass
(Job 2:28). Therefore, Father, I decree all of these prayers accomplished and brought to pass by trusting faith and expectation,
in Christ Jesus’ Name. (Remember that faith calls the things that are not as though they already are, in the Name of Christ
“Lord Jesus Christ, in Your Holy Name I put on the full armor of Father God, this day, upon my spouse, each of my
children or immediate family members, relatives, friends, acquaintances, all true Christian believers who may be forgetting, and
lastly myself, covering each and everyone of us, and all that we are, have, and possess, with Your Precious Blood of protection”
“I put on thelmet of salvation because You are our salvation, Lord Jesus Christ; the breastplate of righteousness,
because you are our righteousness, Lord; the belt of truth and the shoes of the gospel of peace in which we stand, Lord Jesus
Christ, because You are our truth and peace.”
“In my left hand I pick up the shield of faith, with which to quench EVERY fiery dart of the enemy, and place it in
theirs, and decree by trusting faith that all of Satan’s plans are bound, we’re loosed, and he is defeated in our lives this day and
every day to come.”
“In my right hand I pick up the sword of the Spirit which is Your Word, Lord Jesus Christ and place it in theirs for
Your Word says that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I decree all these things accomplished in Your Name, Lord
Jesus Christ, Amen.”
“Father, having bound Satan and then every principality, power, ruler of darkness, wicked spirit in high places and all
spirits not of the Holy Spirit, I take into captivity and permanently bind and loose and break all negative words, negative
prayers, curses, hexes, vexes, bewitchments, enchantments, spells, all psychic attacks, psychic assignments, psychic operations,
physical attacks, physical assignments, physical operations, all thoughts of magic, sorcery, or witchcraft along with all demonic
thoughts or threats spoken over, formed against, or directed at my spouse, my family members, children, relatives, friends,
acquaintances, any true Christian believers or me, this day or any day past or any to come.” Oil uproot and break them, each
and every one of them, and cast them down as vain thoughts and imaginations and by trusting faith, call them cancelled, made
null and void, never manifested, never come to pass, cursed and destroyed at their roots and rendered of no effect, breaking
them all in Christ Jesus’ Name.”
“I decree all these things come to pass by trusting faith in Christ Jesus’ Name.”
Many times, spiritual attack will occur through unbelievers with whom we work or associate with, and occasionally,
even from believers. The Word of God should be quoted over these circumstances. Remember, His Word will not return to
Him void or empty. Father God says that He will perform His Word. Proverbs 16:7 states that when a man is at peace with his
God, even his enemies favor him. Psalm 5 tells us that the righteous (the believer) is surrounded by a shield of favor.
“Father, Your Word says that the righteous shall receive favor from their enemies because you surround them as with
a shield of favor. Therefore, Father, I claim favor from (name of person or persons) at (name location such as work,
etc.) and decree that this has already come to pass in heaven and manifests for your glory here on earth. I claim favor
in Christ Jesus’ Name, Father, and already thank you for having heard and granted this prayer ... in Christ Jesus’
Name.” Claim favor speaking this or a similar prayer frequently until you see the manifestation come to pass from the
realm of the Spirit.
“Father, Your Word says that we WILL lay hands on the sick and they WILL be healed. Your Word does not say that
they may be healed or that they might be healed. Your Word says that they WILL be healed. Your Word says, Father, to speak
to the mountain which is the problem (Mark 11:23, 24) and that if we command the mountain to be gone, believing without
doubt, that we WILL have WHATSOEVER we say.”
“I therefore address this problem in Christ Jesus’ Name. (Now lay hands on the individual while you speak and call the
problem by name, such as “cancer”, “addiction”, “alcoholism”, etc.) and say “problem” (name it) I address you and come
against you in the Name of Christ Jesus. I take authority over you in Christ Jesus’ Name. I bind you Satan. I bind and loose
from you, my brother/sister (name), and command you to go in the Name of Christ Jesus. I curse this disease at the roots, and
from this moment on, render your seedings, works, plans, and activities of no effect. Go now, in Christ Jesus’ Name, and leave
my brother’s/sister’s body. By the laying-on-of-hands, I call him/her totally healed- body, mind, and spirit, all in Christ Jesus’
Name.” I command you to be gone, disease, right now, in Christ Jesus’ Name.” (Speak to the “mountain”.) (Mk. 11: 23, 24) In
the case of malignant disease such as cancer, talk to every cancerous tumor cell and command it to die in the Name of Christ
Jesus. Once the disease has been taken authority over, bound, them loosed, and it cast out, and the works of the spirit of
infirmity cursed at it’s roots and commanded to wither and die, encourage the person being prayed over to confess Exodus
15:26 aloud every day, to keep the disease away. Encourage the person to believe and receive. Encourage them to be
“born-again.” If healing does not manifest immediately, pray the problem through until healing manifestations are seen. Some
healings occur over time. Other healings; occur immediately. The time period may take days, weeks, or even months or years.
We must never forget that the ultimate healing is to be home with the Lord and Father God. Through His sovereignty,
sometimes God elects to take the believer home and heal him in this manner, in order to free him from disease or oppression,
and to give him a new glorified body. Also encourage the person over whom healing prayer has been recited, to read and recite
aloud, healing scriptures until they become a part of him and they become internalized in him. Suggested healing scriptures are
Ezekiel 16:6; Exodus 15:25; Isaiah 53: 4, 5; Jeremiah 17:14; Hosea 6: 1; Luke 4:18.
Ezekiel 16:6 is an important scripture to speak over a person having blood disease or blood cancer such as Leukemia,
and I strongly encourage them to confess it aloud daily, after it and other healing scriptures are spoken over them by the
“Lord Jesus Christ, this day and each and every day to come, I plead your Precious Blood of protection over my
spouse, each of my children, our immediate family members, relatives, friends, acquaintances, all true Christian believers who I
may be forgetting, and lastly myself; I cover with your Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, all that we are, have and possess, and
our travels by car, boat, plane, our income, our finances, possessions, health, safety, welfare, our bodies, our body
parts-systems-functions-organs-members-senses. I put all of these things under the covering of Your Precious Blood and decree
that Satan cannot touch them, neither this day nor any day to come, all in Your Name, Lord Jesus Christ.”
When an evil spirit, disease, or evil person is rebuked in the Name of Christ Jesus, it is as if the rebuke comes from the
Lord Himself. The scripture says that the Name of Jesus IS the Word of God. Therefore, when Satan or a demonic spirit is
rebuked in the Name of Christ Jesus, you are essentially throwing the whole Word of God against them.
Rebuking can be a very powerful form of prayer. I can recall an experience in which a pediatric nurse once came to me
asking if she needed deliverance. She was suddenly overcome by fear, one day, while walking the hospital. When she got to the
pediatric ward, she found out that she was so fearful that she could not carry out the doctors orders, nor feed the infants, nor
give them medications. This had gone on for several days and she was fearful of losing her job. I advised her to rebuke fear in
Christ Jesus’ Name and she laughed and said she would have to do it one hundred and twenty times a day. I advised her to do it
as often as she needed and told her that within four or five days she would probably only be rebuking fifty or sixty times a day,
and by ten days, forty to fifty times a day and by fourteen days, three or four times a day and a point would come that the evil
spirit would be so tormented that it would just leave. I advised her to return in two weeks. She returned in one week. She was
smiling from ear to ear. She stated that on the first day, she rebuked fear, in Christ Jesus’ Name, about eighty-five times, by the
fourth day she had to do it forty times, by the fifth or sixth day, only five to six times, and by the seventh or eighth day, she did
not have to do it at all. Such is the power of the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Name above all names.
“(Name it), I rebuke you in the Name of Christ Jesus, I rebuke you in Christ Jesus’ Name. I say I REBUKE
you in Christ Jesus’ Name. I command you to leave in Christ Jesus’ Name.”
Sometimes psychic attack occurs in the form of a repetitive mental statement or locution spoken into the mind of the
believer. Frequently a simple rebuke is sufficient to handle it, such as this:
“I rebuke that thought in Christ Jesus’ Name! I don’t receive it, in Christ Jesus’ Name! I bind you Satan and
command you to cease your ministry to me, right now, in Christ Jesus’ Name. I take that thought into
captivity and cast it down as a vain thought and imagination, cursing it at its roots and render it of no effect,
all in Christ Jesus’ Name.”
“Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, I lay down at Your feet all present and past unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, or
resentment, directed at (name or names). I repent of it and renounce it all, and ask You to forgive me for it. I forgive
and release them. I repent for anyone who was hurt by it, and ask for Your forgiveness for that also. I forgive and
release myself of all unforgiveness, anger, resentment and bitterness also. I renounce this and all past sin, and ask You
to forgive me, Lord Jesus Christ. I ask all these things in Your Holy Name, Amen.”
Ancestral sin can be an important open door to persisting sin in a family line. It usually affects the believer or
unbeliever through what is called a “generations curse.” More will be spoken about this on the topic of discussion on curses.
The important thing to recognize is that man is instructed by God to receive either the blessing or the curse (Deuteronomy
30:19). When a person goes after sin, there is a curse attached to the sin. It is like buying a box of Cracker Jacks. You get the
prize that goes along with it, whether you want it or not. Father God has purposely done this so that sin will be a deterrent to
man. The scripture says that the curse goes down four generations, which is why it is called a generations curse (Ex.20: 5). The
problem is, that if a person three to four generations down the line commits the same sin, then the curse will continue down
another three to four generations. Before a generations curse can be broken, ancestral sin has to be dealt with. This is also an
important thing that needs to be dealt with in the lives of adopted children who do not know their ancestral histories on either
side of their families. It is not important to know WHAT the ancestral sin was, God knows. All He asks is to acknowledge it,
repent of it, and ask forgiveness for all whom they may have hurt.
“Lord Jesus Christ, I confess to you all the sins of my ancestors and predecessors, and my spouse’s ancestors and
predecessors, on all sides of all of our families, back to our families’ origins. I repent, on their behalf, for all of their
sins that caused the problem or generations curse or curses of (name them) to come into our family lines. In particular,
I repent of all of their past sexual sins, of all sins of witchcraft or idolatry, and confess them to You, repent for them,
and renounce them before You, right now, Lord Jesus Christ. I repent for all whom they may have hurt by their past
actions and sins, and ask Your forgiveness for all of their past harm to others. I bless them to 1000 generations. I ask
all these things of You, Lord Jesus Christ, in Your Holy Name.”
“Lord Jesus Christ, having confessed and repented of all sins of our ancestors and predecessors on all sides of all of
our families, back to our families’ origins, I break all ties, bonds, cords, and soul ties with all of their sins and the
consequences of their sins, and break all inherited generations curses; the curse(s) of ( name it/them); hexes, vexes,
bewitchments or spells, all in Your Name. Lord Jesus Christ. I ask you to cleanse my family members and me (or name
the individual and family) of our past histories and of all defilement, in Your Name, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. I
believe, receive, and decree this (or these) generations curse(s) broken, in Your Name, Lord Jesus Christ, for Your
Word says that everyone who believes is free from all things (Acts 13:39).”
Little children, teenagers, and even young adults are susceptible to spiritual attack without knowing it, particularly
through television, movie films, rock music, unholy friendships, associations, or alliances, or through the reading of spiritually
unhealthy reading materials, among many other things. The scriptures show us that the eyes, the ears, or the touch senses
among the other senses, can become open gates to the demonic, particularly if the individual or child is passive in his attitude
toward these things. He needs to be protected as much as possible.
“Lord Jesus Christ, in Your Name, I cover with Your Precious Blood of protection, this day and every day to come,
the eye gates, ear gates, and touch gates and any other open gates to the demonic in (name the person or -child), to
protect them this day and every day to come from all spiritual attack. I speak the Precious Blood of Christ Jesus
between them and all spiritual attackers, that all that they see, hear, touch or receive in any other way, manner, or form
is screened by the Precious Blood of Christ Jesus and bound off in Christ Jesus Name, binding Satan first.”
If the financial lifeblood is being squeezed out of the family, and there is increasing financial hardships or stress,
suspect the work of the spirit of python, which will literally squeeze the lifeblood out of a person’s finances. If there has been a
history of repeated business failures, or even one business failure or a history of financial problems in the family line, suspect a
self-inflicted curse, generations curse, or a curse inflicted by others upon the person if, over a reasonable amount of time, the
finances do not appear to be improving after the binding of Satan, the ruler spirit, and then the spirit of python, claiming God’s
Word over your finances and loosing them, and you, , then suspect that a curse is the source of the block to a recovery. Pray the
prayer for the repentance of ancestral sin and break all generations curses as well as all curses spoken over, formed against, or
directed at you by others, against your finances. If you are led to believe or discern that this may be a self-inflicted curse from
your own negative words about your circumstances or situation, then repent of these, break the curse, and speak blessing over
your finances, all in Christ Jesus’ Name.
“Lord Jesus Christ, I bind Satan, the ruler spirits, every principality, power, ruler of the darkness, wicked spirit in high
places, the spirits of poverty and python and all of their underlings, all territorial spirits, all above, around and below
them, and all spirits not of the Holy Spirit manifesting against my finances. I loose myself and my finances.”
“Satan, I command you to release your grip from my finances along with all those evil spirits and all spirits not of the
Holy Spirit! Get your hands off of my finances, my income, and my possessions, this day and every day to come, in
the Name of Christ Jesus. I command from you a seven-fold return, according to the scriptures and I command you
to obey, all in Christ Jesus’ Name! I command you to restore all that you have stolen, for the Word says, “(speak one
or more particular scripture verses appropriate to your circumstances or situation)”, and the Word is true and will not
return to Him empty. By trusting faith I call my finances restored, prosperous, and full of God’s abundance according
to the Lord Jesus Christ’s plan for my life (Psalm 1), in Christ Jesus’ Name!”
If, over time, it is apparent that there may be a curse present, break the curse in the Name of Christ Jesus, if
self-inflicted or inflicted by others, and break the generations curse in the Name of Christ Jesus, after first praying the prayer for
repentance of ancestral sin that brought a financial curse into the family line, again, in the Name of Christ Jesus. Then, follow
the breaking of the generations curse, pray daily, praying through until changes in your finances are seen.
Scripture verses that you can confess over your finances for faith for financial restoration and prosperity are as follows:
Ecclesiastes 10: 19; Deuteronomy 8: 18; Matthew 6:24; 1 Tim. 6: 10.
“Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, I plead the Precious Blood of protection over (name of person) during and after
anesthesia and surgery. I bind Satan and every demonic power and all spirits not of the Holy Spirit, up and off from
(persons name), from their surgical wounds, IV sites, blood transfusion sites, body openings, and injection sites; I bind
them off from the doctors, nurses, operating rooms, and hospital room this day, and every day to come. I bind and
loose (name of person) from them and from each and every spirit of medical or surgical complications, the spirit of
infirmity of (name the disease) and the death spirit, all in Christ Jesus’ Name. I decree that they cannot manifest and I
bind them up and off from doing so, this day and every day to come. I bind to (name) the Lord Jesus Christ’s
ministering angels of safety, protection, healing, restoration, and (name other ministering spirits as indicated), and
speak a curse and destruction on all of Satan’s seedings, works, plans, and activities, against (name of person), in Jesus’
I speak all these things by trusting faith in Christ Jesus’ Name. I decree that no weapon formed against (name of
person) shall prosper, and that includes seed (children), for Your Word says that no weapon formed against us shall
prosper. (Then lay hands on the person and continue to speak the following:) in Christ Jesus’ Name (name of person),
I speak upon you by impartation healing, body, mind and spirit in the Name of Christ Jesus.” In the case of persons
who are reluctant to be prayed over or receive laying-on-of-hands, this type of prayer can be said without them
present. Remember, there is no space or time in the realm of the Spirit, and prayer is a spiritual thing and is just as
effective fifteen hundred miles away as it is at the bedside. It is not your effort that is doing the healing and protecting,
it is the Name of Jesus and the commands given in His Name, spoken aloud.
Adopted children often present a unique problem to their new parents in that their ancestral history is not always
known. Generations curses can often affect them, particularly as they get older. They may have also received curses if they have
been defiled or their family history has been defiled due to serious past sins such as sexual sins, witchcraft, Satanism, or other
unholy practices. They may also have spiritual oppression of having previously been victims of physical, sexual, or emotional
abuse. In these instances, it is generally a good spiritual practice to pray over the child with the laying-on-of-hands for cleansing
of their history, cleansing from defilement, and impartation of renewal of the mind. I believe that these are three important
things that adopted children should receive.
“Lord Jesus Christ, we come before you with (name of child) and seek wholeness and restoration, for Your glory. We
confess before you, now, all the sins of this child’s ancestors and predecessors, on all sides of all of his mothers/fathers families,
back to their families’ origins, and repent of all of their sins, whatever they were. We renounce them and ask for forgiveness for
all whom they may have hurt. We ask Your forgiveness for those sins, Lord Jesus Christ, and ask you to cleanse (name) from all
effects of his/her families’ sin histories and to cleanse him/her of all defilement.”
“We ask you to go, Lord Jesus Christ, to all those points of hurt or abuse in this child’s past; touch all points of
spiritual, emotional, or physical trauma, and heal him/her at those points of contact and free him/her. We lay hands on (name)
and by the impartation of Your Holy Spirit, we speak healing of the body, mind, and spirit, and a renewed mind, applying Your
Blood, all in Your Name, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”
Infants and young children are particularly susceptible to what is called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. In these
instances, an otherwise healthy child is put to bed and, at some point thereafter, is found dead in bed.
Whereas there may be a medical cause for such to happen, I believe that the spiritual cause is a spiritual attack by a
death spirit.
In the case where multiple premature deaths are noted in the family line, multiple miscarriages, or multiple deaths in
youth or childhood, the presence of a generations death curse should be suspected and sins of the ancestors confessed. The sins
should be repented of, and the curse broken in Christ Jesus’ Name. This is the circumstance where, obviously, one cannot do
such after the fact.
Therefore, any family which has had a history of multiple early or premature deaths, or multiple infant deaths, should
presume that a generations death curse is present in the family line and should proceed immediately to the confession and
breaking of that generations curse. When a baby is born, I believe that something like the following should be prayed:
“Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, I plead the Precious Blood of the Lord Christ Jesus over (baby’s name) this day and
every day to come, and I bind Satan, the spirit of death and all spirits not of the Holy Spirit up and off from this child,
this day and every day to come, all in Christ Jesus’ Name.”
“I bind to (name of child) the Lord Jesus Christ’s warrior angels and ministering angels of safety and protection to
watch over this child.”
“I decree and call, by trusting faith, complete protection against all infirmities, against choking, drowning, burns,
fractures, dislocations, illness, or injury of any kind, this day and every day to come, for Your Word says that we shall
decree a thing and it shall comes to pass, all in Christ Jesus’ Name.”
“I call (name of child) safe and healthy and claimed for the Kingdom, all in Jesus’ Name.”
“Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name I bind Satan, any ruler spirits assigned against me, and all spirits not of the Holy Spirit,
and the spirits of (name them). I bind them and loose them all from me binding and loosing Satan first. I command
them to cease their ministry against me. I break their communication lines and bind and loose their messenger spirits
and kindred spirits from Satan, the ruler spirit, and me.”
“ I bind all the mentioned spirits up and off from Satan, Satan up and off from them and the ruler spirit, off from
Satan and all of them off from each other in the mighty Name of Christ Jesus. I break their powers and command
them to stop ministering to me and to stop giving me their benefits (if any, such as an addiction).”
“I cast them out to go wandering in dry places never to return to me or any other living being ... all in the Name of
Christ Jesus. Go now, spirit of (name) in Christ Jesus’ Name. Leave me quietly without harming me and go wandering
in dry places not to
“I bind to myself the Lord Jesus Christ’s ministering angels of love, power, a sound mind, safety, protection, wisdom,
revelation, understanding, knowledge, good counsel, and (name other ministering spirits according to special needs)
and warrior angels of the Lord Christ Jesus as well ... all in Christ Jesus’ Name.”
“The Word of God says that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and that includes my seed (children). The
Word of God says that whoever Jesus sets free, is free, indeed. I decree these things over my life and call myself free,
by trusting faith in Christ Jesus’ Name this day and every day to come.”
For successful self-deliverance, remember that you must be walking the sanctified faithwalk which means that you are
doing your best to be living the Word of God and not just speaking it. You should also be certain that there is not secret sin or
unforgiveness in your life, and that there are no curses that need to be broken, beforehand, to get rid of any legal ground for
Satan to be active. Don’t forget to forbid retaliation by Satan or any spirits cast out, and again, in Christ Jesus’ Name.
Then ask the Holy Spirit to infill all the more, every time-you pray self-deliverance, in Christ Jesus’ Name, so that your
“house” does not remain empty. Fill your “house” with the Word of God by reading scripture daily and through prayer,
claiming the promises of scripture for your life. It is also helpful to speak renewing of your mind in Christ Jesus’ Name.
In Romans 7 and 8, St. Paul refers to the soul as the mind, will, and emotions. In Romans 12:1, 2 he tells us that we
must have a renewed mind in Christ. The mind is the soul, according to scripture. When you see people who have mental
disturbance or impaired mental function after trauma, defilement, demonic oppression from any cause, or from a possession,
scripture states the soul has become fragmented.
Indeed, practicing experienced witches even boast about projecting their souls into the mind of vulnerable individuals
and “stealing” soul fragments. Satanists can do this -also.
I once ministered to a young man who escaped a satanic cult and became a born-again Christian. He moved
out-of-state in order to escape those who were controlling him. In his new location, he was able to discern that the satanists had
projected themselves by soul-projection (what occultists call astral travel) into the living room of his home where they would
talk to him in his thoughts and tell him that they were waiting for him to return and that they believed that he would come back
to them. He was even able to recognize the voice of the individual person that he knew was projecting into his thoughts.
Occultists even claim to be able to take soul fragments and to keep them in captivity in jars or bottles. To say the least,
the Christian believer who becomes experienced in spiritual warfare and in dealing with the chaotic world of Satan and the
demonic, will quickly come to realize how bizarre and unusual it is, if not surrealistic in human terms. The best discussion that I
have seen on soul fragmentation, and the scriptural basis for soul fragmentation, is in the writings of Pastor Win Worley, whose
entire church is dedicated to the deliverance ministry. Let us suffice to say that the importance of soul fragmentation is to
recognize that it is probably a consequence of all major spiritual or demonic attack and involves demonic oppression or
possession. There is a scriptural basis for it and it has myriad causes (Ps.7: 2; Ezek. 13: 20). The important thing is that as part
of renewing of the mind, or as part of healing or immediately upon completion of deliverance, the soul fragments need to be
retrieved and reintegrated into the person’s soul. This is done by commissioning angels of the Lord Jesus Christ to go forth to
do so, through the spirit of power and might of the Holy Spirit.
“Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, I commission warrior angels of the Lord Jesus Christ to go forth to retrieve all soul
fragments of (name of person), wherever they arc, to take them by force, and to cause them to be immediately
returned and reintegrated into the soul of (name of person), all through the spirit of power and might of Your Spirit,
for your glory, Father, and all in Christ Jesus’ Name. I call all soul fragments back and restored, and his/her mind
renewed, all in Christ Jesus’ Name. Warrior angels and watch angels of the Lord Christ Jesus, go forth immediately to
cause this prayer to be, in Christ Jesus Name.”
Many people who appear and behave in a lost and forlorn manner from demonic oppression, or from trauma of any
kind, may need to have this prayed over them. The time that passes afterward, and the fruits of persistent effort will certainly
reveal if it was necessary. The believer who ministers this type of prayer should do so discreetly, even in the absence of the
person being prayed for, in order not to further traumatize the person at a time when they are emotionally and spiritually still
vulnerable. Prayer for discernment, seeking the Lord’s guidance, will provide revelation as to when this is needed.
Ties (bindings) are curses, or works of witchcraft imparted to a string, rope, ribbon, or strip of cloth used as a point of
contact with a spirit, which is then tied in a knot by a witch. It is then planted within a church, home, place of business, or other
place, in order to carry out a binding against the person to which it is directed. This is different than a soul-tie which is an
invisible bond between two people which essentially makes them function as one, a bond in which even they have difficulty in
breaking, because it is of a sinful nature (I Corinthians 6:16).
Soul-ties are automatically established between people who commit fornication, for example. Sometimes it becomes
difficult for them to stop because of the soul-ties. Soul-ties are frequently the cause behind persistent unhealthy relationships of
other types, in which an individual has trouble breaking away even though he/she desires to do so. A soul-tie cannot only be
between a person and a person, but can also be between a person and an object. The disembodied spirits of unsaved deceased
people (Isa.8: 19; Isa. 19: 3, 4), for instance, can have a soul-tie to their former residence, or to some possession such as a lamp,
piece of furniture, or other objects which we, today would consider an antique. There might be a soul-tie to a gun which, then,
could create a spiritually dangerous situation.
I was once asked to intervene for a young physician who had developed an unhealthy soul-tie with a young woman
who had a powerful spirit of control and spirit of witchcraft, which ministered against the young man. He could not break away.
At the time I was fifteen hundred miles away, residing in another state. Binding Satan first, a prayer of agreement between the
young man’s family members and me, in which we took authority over the soul-tic and broke it in the Name of Christ Jesus,
was sufficient to free him. A soul-tie can be established by backsliding and taking an interest, again, in the things, which caused
it to develop in the first place. When disembodied spirits have soul-ties to a residence, physical manifestations may occur on the
premises. This is essentially what is called a “haunting”, a term commonly used in occult literature. The Christian believer
should recognize it for what it is, and bind Satan, the ruler spirits, all demonic spirits and (if discerned) the disembodied spirit,
and cast them out to a specific destination, commanding them not to return, and break the soul-tie with the residence, all in the
Name of Christ Jesus.
Remember that repentance should then be prayed for regarding whatever happened on those premises, and you
should speak cleansing of its history and cleansing from defilement in Christ Jesus’ Name.
“Lord Jesus Christ, I take authority over the soul-tic between (persons name) and (other person’s name, location or
place, or name of object, etc.) and I bind it, loose him from (whatever named) and I BREAK IT ONCE AND FOR
ALL TME, all In Your Holy Name, Lord Jesus Christ. I loose it from (name) and (whatever named) and decree that it
cannot reform this day or any day to come, binding Satan and the ruler spirits and all evil ministering spirits first, and
loosing (name) and binding them off permanently all in Christ Jesus’ Name. I call (name) cleansed of his/her history
and of this defilement in Christ Jesus’ Name.”
It appears the breaking of the soul-tie is possible, even to some degree, in an instance where the person is confused. by
standing in-the-gap for them first. Such circumstances, which usually meet with resistance in the spiritual realm (increased
agitation, for example), indicate the presence of a spell of witchcraft and witchcraft-control or control by soul-power. The latter
is likely to be easier to break than the former. Stand in-the-gap for the person first, then decree the soul-tie and witchcraft
broken off of them, all in Christ Jesus’ Name. Pray it through until a result is seen. Such persistence is called in the scripture, the
“perseverance of the saints”.
The practice of witches infiltrating Christian churches in order to plant a “working” of witchcraft against a
congregation is commonplace to those experienced in spiritual warfare. Some time ago, I was called by a pastor to discern such
a problem in his church. The people were attending church on Sunday morning, several started to vomit on the premises
shortly after arrival. This began to happen more frequently, and soon, the numbers of people attending the services began to
drop. Soon word got around that the church had a problem with witchcraft, and more and more people kept away. The church
almost closed down. I was called to walk the premises to discern for anything of witchcraft which might be hidden. I found
nothing. Then, the Holy Spirit quickened my spirit to examine the baptistery. I found the water dirty, with small particles of
refuge, and, as I recall, leaves, floating on the water., although the water was supposedly changed frequently. The Holy Spirit
said to me “an unclean spirit”. As I recall, even those who were being baptized were getting sick. Further exploration revealed
that the cleaning woman of the church, who had been recently fired, came from a family of practicing witches, and may have
planted the “working”. The church was restored, cleansing the baptistery and it’s water, using the water-cleansing verse of 2
Kings 2:21 spoken over the baptistery and the water after taking salt in hand and decreeing it consecrated unto the Lord in
Christ Jesus’ Name.
“Father, I decree this salt consecrated unto the Lord in Christ Jesus’ Name. I decree this baptistery cleansed of it’s
history and defilement according to 2 King 2:21 which says (then speak the verse).”
“Father, Your Word says that in that day we shall decree (speak and declare) a thing and it shall come to pass. We
decree these things accomplished for Your glory, in Christ Jesus’ Name.”
Some yews ago, I had occasion to meet a great brother in Christ who was an Evangelist from India. He had told me a
story of a study that he had done with a medical school professor who was a cardiologist or heart specialist. They had evaluated
a series of, I believe, 39 patients who had heart problems and who were being resuscitated for cardiac arrest. During
resuscitation, the Evangelist would lean over and call the person’s name, whispering and speaking in a low voice into the
person’s ear on the belief that the person’s soul and spirit could still hear even though the body was unconscious due to brain
coma. He told them to call upon the Name of Jesus, letting go of all unforgiveness toward those who hurt them and to repent
of sin, and to keep calling the Name of Jesus. Surprisingly, some nineteen patients were successfully resuscitated.
Sometime later they were interviewed by the Cardiologist and the Evangelist. They were asked if they could recall what
was going on during the resuscitation. All but four could recall separating from their body during the death experience and
being pulled down into the ground. They said that they could not help themselves, nor could they resist. They were able to hear
the Evangelist’s voice commanding them to call the Name of Christ Jesus and to repent of sin and unforgiveness. Every person
who did this reported that upon immediately cooperating, they felt an immediate pull in the upward direction, which continued
in the upward direction. They, thereafter, found themselves in their physical bodies. The scripture says that all that call upon the
Name of the Lord shall be saved. Since that time, I have made it a practice to pray over unconscious people no matter what the
source of their problem is. Simply lean over the person’s ear and speak something like this in a normal voice:
“Satan, I bind you, the ruler spirits, and all spirits not of the Holy Spirit from (name of person) in the Name of Christ
Jesus. I bind, and loose from (name of person) all of your opposition, hindrance, interference, and obstructions. I
curse and destroy your works in (name of person) and render them of no effect... all in Christ Jesus’ Name.”
“(Name), in Christ Jesus’ Name I ask you to call the Name of Christ Jesus, right now in your thoughts and in your
spirit, and tell Him that you are sorry for all of your sins and ask Him to forgive you. Let go of any unforgiveness
towards anyone and ask Jesus to forgive you for it. Ask Jesus to save you and He will, for the asking. Call the Name of
Christ Jesus. Call the Name of Christ Jesus. Call the Name of Christ Jesus. Tell Him that you are sorry for all of your
sins. Call the Name of Christ Jesus to save you.” When we stand-in-the-gap for a person in a coma, believing that we
have received for him, we believe that someday, at home in glory with the Lord, we will meet that person face-to-face.
This is the kind of faith God asks of us.’’
“Satan, in Christ Jesus’ Name I command you to cease all of your activities against this person (name). Oh,
no you don’t, Devil! You get your hands off of (name of person). I bind you and I loose (name of person) and I curse
all of your seedings, works, plans, and activities at their roots, binding you first Satan, then the ruler spirit and all spirits
not of the Holy Spirit, and the spirits of (name them). I loose (name or circumstance), and I decree that you can no
longer manifest,”
“I break your power, Satan, and I break the power of the ruler spirit and all spirits not of the Holy Spirit and
all those named spirits, and I pull down your stronghold, all in Christ Jesus’ Name.”
“In Christ Jesus’ Name, I command you spirits to stop giving (name of person) your benefits and stop
ministering to him/her. I seal your spirit-lips shut by the spirit of power and might of the Holy Spirit, all in Christ
Jesus’ Name. I bind your messenger spirits and kindred spirits and break your communication lines and cut your
supply lines, and command you to cease giving (name) your benefits! I decree all of these things and command them
all in Christ Jesus’ Name!”
“I plead the Precious Blood of Christ Jesus between you, Satan and all of your evil spirits and (name of
person) and I decree that you can’t touch him and you can’t have him! Get your hands off- Back Off! Get out! The
Word says that the power that is within me is greater than that which is in the earth (I John 4:4) and the Word says
that I have power and authority to trample over serpents and scorpions (Lk.10: 17,19) and authority over all of your
power (Luke 10: 18, 19). 1 decree your works trampled. cut down, and all of your plans against (name) called cancelled,
made null and void, never manifested, never come to pass, cursed and destroyed at their roots, and rendered of no
effect, all in Christ Jesus’ Name! (Then, if you have tongues or prayer language, go immediately into praying in
This is basically the way Satan has to be handled by the Bible-believing Christian. The scriptures say that he is to be
COMMANDED in Christ Jesus’ Name. I Corinthians Chapter I tells us that the things of God appear as foolishness to man
but that God has particularly made it so, in order to confuse the wisdom of the wise, that is, to catch the unbeliever in his own
pride. Simply speaking, the scripture is saying that when we are ready, willing, and able to do and speak the “ridiculous”, then
God is willing, ready, and able to do the miraculous.
“Father, I first bind Satan, then the ruler spirit(s) and all spirits not of the Holy Spirit ministering tormenting
thoughts to me or harassing me and I loose myself, gag them, break their powers and cast their works down as vain
thoughts and imaginations, all in Christ Jesus’ Name. I take them into captivity, bind, loose, speak a spiritual Jericho
march around, uproot, plead the Precious Blood against curse and destroy at their roots and cast down each and every
negative word, negative thoughts, fears, doubts, worries, anxieties, preoccupations, all demonic thoughts or threats,
demonic mental locutions, statements or ideations, and all demonic psychic attacks, psychic operations, or psychic
assignments this day, any day past, or any day to come along with all acts of evil or witchcraft spoken over, formed
against, or directed at me by others ... all in Christ Jesus’ Name.”
“I decree that they shall never manifest nor come to pass and are cursed and destroyed at their roots and
rendered of no effect this day, from every day past, and every day to come, to and through any individual, adversary,
organization, or would-be adversary in any way, manner, or form, all in Christ Jesus’ Name.”
“Your Word says, Father, that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and that includes seed. Your
Word says it, Father. That settles it. I believe it. I receive it... all in Christ Jesus’ Name!”
For a simple, non-repetitive or infrequent negative thought or demonic mental locution, it may be sufficient simply to
rebuke it in the Name of Christ Jesus by speaking aloud:
“I rebuke that thought in Christ Jesus’ Name. I do not receive it. I stand and resist it. I bind and loose it. I
cast it down as a vain thought and imagination and curse and destroy it at its roots, all in Christ Jesus Name!”
The Psalms are replete with an abundant number of verses which reveal to us the blessings and benefits of taking
refuge in the Lord, at His right hand, or at His right side. Our God is a God of helps. He is FOR US and not against us. I have
found that praying for refuge in the Lord is an extremely powerful form of prayer, particularly in desperate circumstances where
the enemy is in hot pursuit.
The Psalm verses which particularly address the fruits of taking refuge indicate the following benefits WILL be
38. God will accomplish all things for you when you call upon Him; He will send from heaven and save
you. He will rebuke and reproach those who trample or hotly pursue you (Psalm 57:2, 3).
One can see from this list of thirty-eight blessings that the Lord will bestow upon those who take refuge in Him, that
there are few of us, if any, who do not have need to take refuge! When you need to stop the enemy dead in his tracks and cause
him to be turned back, defeated, and his works destroyed, speak a prayer of refuge after binding and loosing Satan, the ruler
spirits (and in certain circumstances, territorial spirits), and all spirits not of the Holy Spirit.
“Lord Jesus Christ, in Your Holy Name I take refuge at Your right hand and at Your right side. Your Word
says, Lord Jesus Christ, and when I take refuge in You that the enemy is turned back, rebuked, and his works are
destroyed. Your Word says that when I take refuge in You, that I will not be delivered over to the desires of my
adversaries or those who would destroy me or cause me to be put to shame. Your Word says, Lord Jesus Christ, that if
I take refuge in You, that I am delivered out of all of my troubles and that I am kept safe and secure and protected
from death and from the snares, intrigues, and designs of my enemies.
“I take refuge in You Lord Jesus Christ this day and every day to come and I believe and receive Your Word
and what Your Word says about my circumstances because Your Word is true. I decree all the promises of Your
refuge scripture as accomplished and come to pass in my life, by trusting faith in Your Name, Lord Jesus Christ,
Practicing the Martial Arts is an occult practice. Whether something is occult or not does not depend upon your
interpretation, but upon the origin from which it developed. If one traces the history of all Martial Arts, it will readily be found
that they are the physical disciplines associated with false religions. There is a definite tie. Those who practice the Martial Arts
long enough may be overtaken by a spirit of violence or spirit of murder.
The intent of the Martial Arts discipline is defense in such a way as to bring destruction and harm upon the opponent.
Clearly and in no uncertain terms this is not of God. The scripture says that Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy. I have noted
in the past that at least two people that I have encountered, who practiced Martial Arts before a mirror for many hours at a
time, eventually were confronted by an apparition of an oriental person in the mirror. Both men told me that the apparition
would instruct them in the Martial Arts. After a period of time, the apparition stepped out of the mirror and into their physical
presence, sat down, and began to instruct them in occult things.
All false religions are demonic in origin and their purpose is to proselytize glorification of self. Jesus says that nobody
goes to the Father but through Him. False religions are of Satan’s creation for the purpose of dividing and weakening mankind.
The occult sciences that are attached to false religions as a discipline, such as the Martial Arts, are of Satan’s creation also.
Satan’s attitude is “If you have an interest of something of my creation, then I have an interest in you!”. Satan then puts a spirit
on the individual who takes an interest in such things as this or the other occult sciences. That spirit will then minister to the
person and build a demonic stronghold in that individual for the purpose of that individual’s eventual destruction.
“Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, I repent of all present or past involvement in the Martial Arts and any of their
associated disciplines or any other occult sciences. I renounce my involvement in them. I repent of my interest and
involvement in these and other occult sciences and I ask for your forgiveness, Lord Jesus Christ, in Your Name. I
break all ties, bonds, cords, and soul-ties with the Martial Arts, and all occult sciences or activities and break them and
all curses inherited as a consequence of them this day and every day to come... all in Christ Jesus’ Name, Father. I
break the curse off of all of my generations to come as well, all in Christ Jesus’ Name.
The spiritual Jericho march is an effective way of tearing down demonic strongholds. Although it is originated from
the Old Testament, experience has shown that God honor s faith and that because He never changes, His Word never changes
and, indeed, “endures forever”. It is this principle which allows us to appropriate spiritual teachings from the Old Testament
which are outside from keeping the Law. It works because God performs His Word (Jeremiah 1: 12), confirms the word of His
servant and performs the purpose of His messengers (Isaiah 44:26), and tells us that His Word shall not return to Him
empty (Isaiah 55:11). These same principles apply to the keeping of vows.
The number seven is the number of God and nowhere is it more apparent in the scriptures than in Joshua chapter six
where the Jericho march proceeds with the men of war circling the stronghold of the city once each day for six days and seven
times on the seventh day. Seven priests, carrying seven trumpets of ram’s horns before the Ark lead them. Because the things of
the Old Testament are a type or shadow of things to come, it is evident that the seven priests mentioned in Joshua chapter six
are a type of the seven-fold Spirit of God (Revelation 1:4). The Lord reminded Joshua that it was He who was the one present
and that the presence of the Holy Spirit guaranteed victory (Joshua 1:2).
When we perform a spiritual Jericho march, therefore, we ask the Holy Spirit and warrior angels to go forth spiritually
ahead of us with the Ark (Joshua 6:7). We ask Jesus to walk before us and then we follow as the rearguard. Do not speak during
the marching but pray silently (Joshua 6: 10). Remember that the Lord leads (Joshua 6:8). After praying for the Holy Spirit of
Jesus to go before you, follow these steps before marching around the location of the stronghold once daily for six days, and
then seven times on the seventh day:
• Ask the Lord (the Ark) and the Lord’s angels to go before you in procession.
• Decree: “The Lord has delivered (name) along with it’s king and fighting men (ruler spirit and all spirits not
of the Holy Spirit under him), in Jesus’ Name.
• March around the location of the demonic stronghold once daily for six days and do so silently (Joshua 6:3)
• On the seventh day, ask the Lord to spiritually have the seven spirits of God go before you, as the seven
priests did with trumpets, to blow the trumpets “in the Spirit” and then walk around the location seven times on
the seventh day (Joshua 6:4) at daybreak (Joshua 6:15).
• Upon completion of marching seven times around the location on the seventh day, listen in the Spirit for a
sound of a long trumpet blast, that is, discern that it has happened by word of knowledge, and give a loud shout
of praise to the Lord (Joshua 6:5; Joshua 6:20).
• Watch the stronghold fall immediately or over time (Joshua 6:5, Joshua 6:16). Keep in mind that the Jericho
march must be performed with trusting faith and expectation that God will perform His Word and believe that
you receive what you intend to accomplish.
Curses exist and are very real even in this day and age. They are present in both the Old and the New Testament. They
are the invisible block to healing, deliverance, or salvation. Remember that God never changes and His Word never changes.
In Deuteronomy 28 He sets before us the blessings and the curses, and tells us to choose which we will. We are told that if we
obey all His commandments (teachings of scripture) that we will be blessed to 1,000 generations and that if we are disobedient
we would be cursed to the fourth generation. Before proceeding further, please read Deuteronomy 28:3-13; Deuteronomy
28:16-68; Proverbs 26:2; and Deuteronomy 30:19.
2. Those spoken over, formed against, or directed at oneself or no other person by others.
3. Generations curses.
Self-inflicted curses and curses spoken upon someone by others must be bound, loosed, and broken in the Name of
Christ Jesus, binding Satan first. A prerequisite for the breaking of all curses is repentance on behalf of others, or oneself, for
what was said intentionally or not intentionally. You will find that in general, prayer does not break curses. Repentance and
declaration of a break of the curse is what is required. Generations curses cannot be broken at all, until all sins of all
ancestors and predecessors on all sides of all of ones’ families (and that of their spouses) are confessed back to the families’
origins (God will know what those sins are even though we do not), asking, with repentance, for forgiveness for all of their sins
and in particular, for the specific sin or sins which brought the generations curse into the family line. Then we speak repentance
for any people whom these ancestors may have hurt and ask the Lord’s forgiveness. Suspect the presence of a curse when
circumstances are unchanged by prayer. Again, prayer does not break a curse, only repentance, followed by oral proclamation of
breaking the curse in Christ Jesus’ Name. Follow this by speaking a blessing upon the person. Only this is effective and
scriptural. Suspect a generations curse when you see:
1. Multiple cases of the same problem occur in the family line, such as multiple premature deaths,
multiple cases of a particular disease such as diabetes, multiple cases of alcoholism, multiple cases of
divorce, stroke, heart disease, accidents, multiple family members practicing fornication or other
repetitive sins (If the parents or grandparents were fornicators, the children and grandchildren will be
fornicators; according to the spiritual laws which govern curses).
4. Personal performance at work or at home is continually impaired or hampered despite one’s best
efforts, or is continually frustrated so that nothing seems to help or to be able to change or improve it.
5. You, your work, or efforts are continually or repeatedly opposed or destroyed by people.
There are many other manifestations of curses but I have described the more common and more general
manifestations. The presence of a curse is always discerned through the Spirit. The appropriate remedy is the repentance and
breaking the curse in the Name of Christ Jesus.
Curses and blessings cross over from the Old Testament to the New Testament unchanged. We see this in the New
Testament on several occasions where the apostles cursed evil acts (Mark 11:2 1, Galatians 1: 8, 9).
Saint Paul speaks a curse upon all those who preach “another gospel” or “another Jesus”: And again, in the New
Testament, we see Jesus cursing the fig tree that bore no fruit. Here the fig tree symbolizes sin, the fruit of sin, or an evil work
since God’s way is always increase by the bearing of good fruit.
Noteworthy is the fact that only born-again, Spirit-filled believers can be five from curses. The reason for this is that
freedom from curses along with all the other benefits of the Kingdom are the right of inheritance of those who inherit the
Kingdom of God; the Bible tells us that one cannot enter the Kingdom unless one is “born-again” first. The Bible is quite clear
that the blessings of the Kingdom are for the people of the Kingdom.
• Involvement in the occult sciences such as witchcraft or Satanism, or organizations using the occult
sciences in an open or disguised manner such as: Yoga, transcendental meditation, white witchcraft, black
witchcraft, Zen, Buddhism, Hinduism, all forms of physical Yoga and mental Yoga practices (the physical
and mental disciplines of demonic religions), Freemasonry and other fraternal organizations having secret
rituals found in witchcraft or preaching a method of salvation of their own, magic, sorcery, astrology,
palmistry, numerology, divination (telling the future) through psychic channeling, New Age movement and
practices, pagan religions, telepathy, clairvoyance, seances, OuiJa board, tattoos, etc.
• Involvement in idolatry.
• Disobedience to God’s Word.
• Rebellion against God.
• Pursuing sexual sins or perversions, or all sin for that matter.
• Self-inflicted negative words or those inflicted by others.
• Ancestral sins.
• Suicide.
• Dishonoring parents or those in authority.
• Unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, anger.
• Manipulation and intimidation for the purpose of domination of others (witchcraft in the church
(Galatians 3)).
• Cursing God.
• Compromising the doctrines of Christ.
• Manipulation or defrauding of others. Willful cursing of others. Tattoos. Coveting cursed objects.
Defilement of self or others. Desecration of the Body of Christ (the Church). Anti-Semitism. Divorce for
reasons other than adultery (or perhaps, abandonment). Touching the anointing or the anointed of God.
Failure to tithe.
To break a self-inflicted curse through ones own negative words spoken over oneself, or those inflicted by others, pray
something like this:
“Father, I take authority over all negative words and the curse spoken by (me, or [name]) binding Satan first.
I bind, loose , and break that curse, repenting for what I said (or for the other party) and asking your forgiveness. And
I decree the curse now broken in Christ Jesus’ Name. I speak blessing upon (name of person cursed) in the Name
of Christ Jesus.” (The blessing spoken upon the person should be the opposite of whatever the curse was). Then tell
the Lord that you do this for His glory.”
Generations curses can be broken off of oneself or others by praying something Re this:
“Lord Jesus Christ, I confess to you all of the sins of my ancestors and predecessors on all sides of all of my
families that and my spouses families back to our families origins, repenting of all of their sins, and in particular, of all
of their sins that brought the curse of (name that problem) into our family line. I repent of all of those ancestral sins
and ask for Your forgiveness for what they did, also repenting of all their witchcraft or any other acts of evil. I ask for
forgiveness for whomever they may have hurt as a consequence of these sins.”
“I now bind, loose, and break this generation curse off of my spouse and me (and any other saved family members),
breaking all ties, bonds, cords and soul-ties with all of those past ancestral sins and any other of their acts of evil. I
decree that we are free and this curse is broken, for it is written that in that day you shall decree a thing and it shall
come to pass. Your Word says that where there is Christ, there is liberty. Your Word says that He who the Son sets
free is indeed free.”
“I stand on Your Word, Lord Jesus Christ, decreeing this generations curse broken once and for all time and
I release the blessing upon (name of person or self), all In Christ Jesus’ Name.”
Finally, the following are things which you should speak a curse “at it’s roots” upon, in Christ Jesus’ Name: All the
seedings, works, plans and activities of Satan. All seedings, works, plans, and activities of each and every evil spirit manifesting
against you, to or through any individual, organization, adversary, or would-be adversary, this day, from any day past, or any day
to come; all occult businesses or enterprises or organizations that come across your path; all disease at it’s roots including all
cancers and cancer cells in a person’s body, commanding them to die, cursing them at their roots in the Name of Christ Jesus;
all dens of iniquity including bars, adult books stores, masonic temples and organizations, false churches and false religions,
gambling establishments, etc.; the fruits of all demonic strongholds in a person, community, nation, etc.; the fruits of all acts of
witchcraft that they not prosper; the sin and fruits of sin in a person’s life, that it not prosper; all opposition, hindrance,
interference, or obstructions (at their roots), to the hearing or propagation of the Gospel of Christ.
“Father, I consecrate this oil as the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit, and speak and decree that it is imparted with the
power of the Holy Spirit for healing and deliverance, for your Word says that in that day you will decree a thing and IT WILL
come to pass.” (Job 22:28). “So -1 decree it and ask you to EMPOWER it now, by FAITH... in Christ Jesus’ Name.” “I
thank you, father, for already having heard and granted this prayer, in Christ Jesus’ Name.”
“I call this object CLEANSED of all of its histories and defilement by the Blood of Christ Jesus (APPLY OIL NOW,
then continue) and I break ALL SOUL TIES with it, binding Satan, all principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness and wicked
spirits in high places, all disembodied spirits of unsaved ancestors, family members, or persons who occupied these premises,
and all spirits not of the HOLY SPIRIT; I Loose them all from this object and from this place and cast them out to the feet of
the Lord Jesus Christ not to return upon my spouse, children, me, descendants to come, nor to this object as a point of contact,
or anyone who possesses it from this time on, nor to this place... ALL by FAITH in CHRIST JESUS, NAME.”
“Father, I call this house cleansed of all of its histories, defilement, and psychic residues incurred by any and all
previous owners, acknowledging any and all of their sins which they committed here, as well as my own, and those of my family
members. I ask your forgiveness and renounce all sin which defiled these premises and its grounds. I now anoint this house and
consecrate it to YOU for your GLORY, and, by faith, speak it cleansed throughout by the Blood of Christ Jesus of ALL that
is unholy in it and on its grounds.... ALL by FAITH in CHRIST JESUS, NAME. I decree it CLEANSED, KINGDOM
TERRITORY and HOLY GROUND, all in CHRIST JESUS NAME. I BIND Satan, all principalities, powers, ruler spirits, and
wicked spirits in high places, and ALL SPIRITS NOT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, loose this place from them all, from my family
members, loved ones, and me, and CAST THEM OUT, not to ever return to any of us or this place, “ALL IN CHRIST JESUS
NAME and for YOUR GLORY, father, AMEN.” (Now, ANOINT each room, each wall, middle of floor, around each door
and window frame, inside walls and inside doors of each closet, and decree them holy ground, kingdom territory.)
“Father, I take authority over this cursed object and bind Satan, all principalities, power, rulers, wicked spirits in
high places, and ALL spirits NOT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT attached to it by assignment or soul-tie, I bind them ALL up and
off from all of my loved ones, and me, and from all that we are, have and possess, loose us all from them, and break their
soul-ties and assignments against us, command that they cannot retaliate, and CAST them out directly to the feet of Christ
Jesus, to do what The Lord Jesus Christ tells them... all by trusting faith in Christ Jesus Name. Go now, spirits, and leave this
place and us permanently, in Christ Jesus’ Name.”‘
NEVER GIVE a cursed object away to anyone and NEVER put them in the garbage or in the dump, whole or unbroken.
Satan WILL SEE to it that it gets into the hands of an unsuspecting person against whom his demonic spirits, assigned to
the object will begin a ministry and carry out an assignment. See Joshua 7:13 .
Before ever coming against Satan or his demonic spirits. whenever doing a work of the Kingdom for others or
yourself, ALWAYS BIND SATAN, and his kingdom member FIRST, and ALWAYS forbid RETALIATION.
“Satan, I bind you first, then I bind every principality, power, ruler, of the darkness, wicked spirit in
high places and ALL spirits not of Holy Spirit up and off from my spouse, each of my children, from all
family members, relatives, friends and acquaintances, from our church and all of its members, from all true
Christian believers, from me, from all that we are, have and possess, from our income, finances, possessions,
health, safety, welfare, bodies, from our body parts, systems, organs, functions, members. and senses, from
our travels by car, boat, and plane, from our motor vehicles, lives and limbs, from our jobs and employment,
covering us and all of these things CONTINUALLY with the BLOOD OF CHRIST JESUS and
DECREEING them and us OFF LIMITS to you, Satan, and ALL of your evil spirits: I LOOSE us ALL,
along with all that has been spoken, from you, Satan and your kindred spirits. I DECREE that you
CANNOT RETALIATE, TAKE REVENGE, or GET EVEN in any way manner, or form, to or through
any individual, organization, adversary or would-be adversary from this day, any day past, or any day to
come... and I DECREE such retaliation revenge, or getting even FORBIDDEN, ALL, by FAITH in the
NOTE: You can also name individual demonic spirits KNOWN, OR suspected to be present. Bind, loose, and cast them out
BY NAME and include them in the prayer.
“Father, in the Name of Christ Jesus, I cover with the Blood of Christ Jesus all, family members, relatives,
friends, acquaintances, church and Bible study peoples, all friends and relatives, all that I am, have, and possess and
(specific name of person, if applicable) and myself- all with the Blood of Christ Jesus, this day, and every day to come,
all in Christ Jesus’ Name. I bind Satan, the ruler spirit, all spirits not of the Holy Spirit above, around and below the
ruler spirit, all spirits of fornication, lust, perversion, adultery, sodomy, lust of the flesh, lust of the eye, pride of life,
perversion, and the spirits of (name specific known spirits, here), break their powers and their communication lines,
and break their supply lines. Bind up and off all reinforcements, all in Christ Jesus’ Name.’’
”I bind and break their powers, Father, binding Satan off from the ruler and all below the ruler, the ruler off
from Satan and all above, around, and below Him, and those below Him up and off from the ruler and Satan, and all
of them off from each other, all in Christ Jesus’ Name. I speak confoundment upon them in Christ Jesus’ Name. I
loose (name of person) from each and every one of them, and take into captivity all of the seedings, works, plans,
activities, traps, wiles, snares, and all assignments, which I bind, break, curse at the roots, call cancelled, made null and
void, rendered of no effect, cast down as vain thoughts and imaginations, never seeded, judged, spoiled, and never
come to pass, all in the Mighty Name of Christ Jesus. I bind them all from retaliating, taking revenge, or getting even,
in any way manner or form, to or through any individual, organization, adversary or would-be adversary, and decree
such retaliation, revenge or getting even, immediately completely, permanently and totally forbidden from this day,
from any day past, or any day to come, all by trusting and expectant faith in the Mighty Name of Christ Jesus. I
loose (name of person) (or self) from the spirit of (name), and bind it off all permanently, immediately, completely and
continually. I cast it out to go wandering in dry places, not to return to (name of person or “me”), all in Christ Jesus’
Name. I break its powers, communication lines, supply lines and bind up and off all reinforcements, all in Christ Jesus’
“Father, I cover our church, its pastors, people’s, ministries, facilities, all that we are, have, and possess, including our
families and children, our jobs, incomes, finances, possessions, health, safety, welfare, travels by car-boat-plane, our bodies and
all of our body parts, systems, organs, structures and functions, all with the precious Blood of Christ Jesus; all permanently,
immediately, completely, and continually, by trusting and expectant faith, in Christ Jesus Name.
I BIND Satan, the princes of the north, south, east, and west; the princes over (Continent), (Country), (State) or
(Province), (County), (Community), all territorial spirits everywhere, and all principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness, wicked
spirits in high places, and all spirits not of the Holy Spirit; I bind the ruler spirit over our church and all ruler spirits assigned to
all church members, our loved ones, children, me, and all spirits above, around, and below them; I bind and break all of their
assignments; I bind all “watcher” spirits, “scanner” spirits, “eavesdropper” spirits. All spirits of divination, witchcraft Jezebel,
Python, Ahab, guile, antichrist, faultfinding, death, slander, scandal, rumor, defamation, ill-will, detraction, accusations,
false-accusations, persecution, litigation, assassination, character assassination, opposition, hindrance, interference, obstruction,
ruin, destruction, theft, murder, discontent, confusion, all warring spirits, the spirits of Cain, Baalam, and Korah, all familiar
spirits assigned to all members of all families, and me, all spirits of confusion, lies, deception, division, discord, argument,
discontent, seduction, lust, perversion, spiritual or temporal adultery or fornication, pride, presumption, arrogance, unbelief,
doubt, fear, all nature spirits, all spirits of indigenous peoples and, the religious spirit, the spirits of unforgiveness, bitterness,
anger, resentment, hate, spite, malice, and all of their kindred spirits; I bind all spirits not of the Holy Spirit. I bind all of their
physical-psychic-spiritual attacks, assignments, and operations, all of their seedings, works, plans, activities, blueprints, plots,
plans, designs, traps, wiles, snares, assignments, all curses, hexes, vexes, bewitchments, enchantments, cantrips, ligatures, and
judgements of witches and warlocks, all acts of evil, sorcery, witchcraft, magic, candle magic, potion magic, white magic, black
magic, voodoo, all blood pacts, blood sacrifices, and blood covenants of witchcraft; all national and continental witchcraft
workings and curses; all demonic thoughts, threats, mental locutions, statements and ideations, all self-inflicted curses through
negative confession; all curses spoken over the church, its pastors, elders, or peoples, any of our family members Or children, or
me; any such curses spoken over, formed against, or directed at any of our pastors, or our, marriages, families, possessions,
health, safety, welfare, jobs, income, our physical bodies or lives, all that they or we are, have, or possess. I take all of these
things into captivity to Christ, and by faith, call them all cancelled, made null and void, never manifested, never come to pass,
cursed and destroyed at their roots and rendered of no effect, judged, spoiled, never seeded, cast down as vain thoughts and
imaginations, and broken off of our pastors, church peoples, families, ministries, and each and every one of us ... ALL
immediately, completely, permanently, and continually; I cut and sever all ties, bonds, cords, and soul ties with corporate or
personal sin, repenting, Father, for our people and myself, and renouncing our sin ... all by wasting and expectant faith, in Christ
Jesus’ Name and for Your Glory, Father. Having bound all of these spirits and all spirits not of the Holy Spirit, Father, I now
break their communications and supply lines and bind up and off all reinforcements. I speak and decree upon them spiritual:
confusion, deafness, dumbness, blindness, incapacitation, paralysis; I throw all of their plans into continual confusion and
disarray, and decree all of these things accomplished immediately, completely, permanently, and continually....ALL by trusting
and expectant faith, in Christ Jesus’ Name and for your Glory, Father.
I LOOSE the pastors, our peoples, ministries, facilities, our children and families, and all of us from all spirits
mentioned and unmentioned, known and unknown (whom we also bind), and bind them all up and off permanently; We come
together in agreement for ministering angels of the Lord Jesus Christ to be dispatched immediately to all members of the
church, their families and friends, as well as mine, to all peoples of the community, saved or unsaved, to minister to them and
bring them in for the harvest (or for our upcoming event of (name it) to be held at our church), for your Glory, Lord. Woo
them by your Holy Spirit, Lord. Holy Spirit, direct them in! (Place it upon their hearts to attend, Lord, for Your Glory!)
I BIND Satan, all territorial spirits and all spirits mentioned and unmentioned, known and unknown, up and off from
retaliating, taking revenge, or getting even against any of us or against anything that we are, have, or possess, in any way,
manner, or form ... to or through any individual, organization, adversary, or would-be adversary, from this day, any day past, or
any day to come, and decree such FORBIDDEN ... all immediately, completely, permanently, and continually, ALL by trusting
and expectant faith, in Christ Jesus’ Name.
Warrior angels of the Lord Christ Jesus. Go forth, dear friends and cause these prayers to be ... ALL by faith and
expectation, in Christ Jesus’ Name.’’
PRAISE. Remember that Scripture tells us that praise RELEASES angels to go forth and minister on our behalf.)
The scriptural basis for warfare prayer such as this is based upon:
1. the BELIEVER’S AUTHORITY (Lk. 10: 17,19; Jn. 14: 13, 14)
2. the PRAYER OF BINDING AND LOOSING (Mt. 16:19) (Note: WHATEVER you bind IS bound! WHATEVER
you LOOSE, IS loosed! You bind SPIRITS. You loose PEOPLE, CHURCHES, FINANCES, etc.)
3. Job 22:28- you WILL DECREE a thing and it WILL come to pass!
5. Ephesians 6:16- FAITH (in Christ, not faith), which stops EVERY fiery dart of the enemy!
“Lord God, this day and each and every day, I bind Satan, all territorial spirits, the ruler spirits on assignment against
my family members (spouse, children, relatives), friends, and acquaintances, all territorial spirits, all “eavesdropper”, “watcher”,
“scanner”, “tracker”, and divination spirits, all unholy spirits above, around, and below them and their assignments, blueprints,
plots, plans and designs against any of us; I loose us from them and bind them from retaliating; I curse at the roots all of their
seedings, works, plans and activities. I call them all cancelled, made null and void, never manifested or come to pass, cast down
as vain thoughts and imaginations, never seeded, and don’t receive them, all in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
“Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, I consecrate my body and my mi embers to you this day as instruments of
righteousness, for Your Glory. Empower me to walk in this consecration by Your Holy Spirit; I yield both my members and
body to Your Spirit, and empty myself, a vessel for Your use. I bring to the cross this day my “flesh”, the “old man”, the
soul-life that agrees with the “flesh”, and reckon them as dead and crucified with You, and in You, Lord Jesus Christ; I reckon
myself as dead to sin and alive to You, Lord; I die daily, as Paul did. I take possession, by faith, of Your death work of the cross
and call it applied, by faith, to my soul life. Keep my “old self’, Holy Spirit, by Your keeping power, in Christ’s death work of
the cross, and apply the resurrection power of His work of the cross to my soul life and spirit, continually. I submit and
surrender to Your Will, O Lord, and, take Grace for obedience, continued surrender and submission, steadfastness,
single-mindedness, faithfulness, temperance, countenance, and self-control in all things, Your righteousness and holiness, and
call all of these things forth into my life and applied by Your Holy Spirit to me, by faith, in Your Name, Lord Jesus Christ, This
is my faith confession. I believe it and receive it, and expect it by faith in Your Name, Lord Jesus Christ; for your Word says
that You will perfect ALL things concerning me. (Ps. 138:8). I thank You for it ahead of time and give you praise and glory,
“Father, show me my heart the way You see it. Reveal to me all that is unholy in me, all unholy actions, behaviors,
habits, thoughts, and beliefs; all that keeps me from drawing closer to You and from knowing You to the fullest of intimacy. I
desire that our intimacy with each other grow daily and rapidly, moment by moment. I want to know You more and more,
Father, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Do not hide Yourself from me. I yearn for you and my desire is for You to possess me.
Holy Spirit, by the scalpel of Your Word and the Blood of Jesus, do Your operation on me through my faith in Jesus. (Col.2:12)
Apply your knife of the work of the cross to my “flesh’ and the soul-life that agrees with it, in a steady and persistent manner.
Be relentless, Holy Spirit. Cut out all pride, stubbornness, secret pride, secret sin, presumption, ambition, and all that is of self.
self-will, self-promotion, self-indulgence, all desires for self-gratification or self-aggrandizement, all ministry rooted in “self” and
“self-promotion!’, all unholy habits and appetites, all sins of the tongue, sins of the heart, sins of the flesh; the lust of the eye,
lust of the “flesh”, and pride of life. Get me out of the world, Lord, and get the world out of me. Search my heart where I
cannot see or realize. Show me what I do not know I am in the natural. Cut out of me all that is unholy and unrighteous in
Your eyes. Make me to be able to stand before You, O Lord, and not to be appointed to the day of wrath. I cry unto You, Lord
Jesus Christ. I abide on You; I depend and rely on You for all of these things as I take possession of them by Your Grace, and
by trusting and expectant faith, calling them applied to my life. ALL in Your Name and for Your Glory, Lord Jesus Christ,
There comes a time in every Christian’s faithwalk when he or she must face the attacks, accusations, and
condemnations of the enemy. You must be knowledgeable in your response. Hosea 4:6 tells us that the people perish for lack of
knowledge. We must KNOW what to do, how to react and respond in a scriptural manner. As He did with Joshua, Jesus, the
Captain of the Host, goes on before us and has already given us the victory. We must live it out in our faithwalk and take
possession of what is already ours, promised by God, and we will do it by FAITH, which quenches EVERY fiery dart of the
enemy. (Eph.6:16)
Here are some of the important Biblical strategies which every Spirit-filled Christian must know and follow to see the victory
which Jesus has already obtained for them:
1. DO NOT PRAY FOR VICTORY. This is not scriptural. Jesus ALREADY obtained the victory for you and me
through His work of the cross nearly 2000 years ago. You entered into Christ’s death and burial at Calvary at that time,
through which Christ defeated Satan and took his power from him. You ALREADY HAVE the victory IN CHRIST.
It is an article of faith. Therefore, take possession of your victory through your faith confession, and AFFIRM YOUR
POSITION IN CHRIST. Pray from the right position of faith ... not for the victory. Again, you have the victory
determined for you! Now, pray your position of faith and hold it! You already possess it, by faith. therefore you cannot
pray for something that is already yours! To see the victory manifest in your life, confess it to possess it!
‘’Lord, I confess by faith that through your shed Blood and work of the cross, I have died and been buried with You
and in You. I confess that my “old self” and its body of sin is dead and buried in the waters of immersion baptism, never to be
exhumed or looked at again. Sin can no longer have dominion over me. By Your stripes I am healed and delivered. You have
put my sins far from me, as far as the east is from the west, never to remember them against me any more. You have placed
them in your sea of forgetfulness. You have erased them from Your Book of Life. You are not re-examining them or dwelling
upon them over and over again. If you have erased them from Your Book, then, by faith, I now erase them from my book. I
will to let go of them and keep them buried in the waters of immersion baptism, and erase them from my book, too.
Lord, Satan is trying to put blame, shame, guilt and condemnation upon me. Your Word says in Romans 8:1 that for
those who are in Christ, there is no condemnation ... no blame, shame, guilt, or accusation. I take possession of my freedom
from all of my past sins and from present sin(s) of (name it or them), taking my stance or position on Roman Chapter 6 .... my
death and burial with You and in You. and my resurrection with You and in You as a New Creation. It is true because Your
Word says it is true, and Your Word says that “....God is not a man that He should lie...”. (Num.23:19) I take my position and
my possession of freedom according to Your Word which makes me perfect in You. I trust You for it, I believe it and I receive
it, and take the Grace for it, ALL by trusting and expecting faith, in Your Name and for Your Glory, Lord Jesus Christ Amen.”
2. CONFESS TO POSSESS. Our words are spiritual power packets or faith-stuff seeds. When spoken aloud and
released into the physical realm (the “seen” of Hebrews 11:1), the Holy Spirit “waters” as they take root in our hearts
through faith which is the “evidence” or guarantee, of things “unseen “ (things from the realm of the Spirit) (Heb. 11:
1). Faith is the “bridge” from the Spirit-realm to the earthly realm. Faith, which is TRUST in Jesus, is what makes
things happen. You must “plant” seed before you see a harvest. This is the Biblical law of seed-time and harvest-time.
Using the principle above, you must KEEP confessing, like Joshua, that God HAS delivered the enemy into your
hands. Joshua persistently and repeatedly made this faith confession over and over again. You do the same! The Bible says that
God is not a respecter of persons. He has no favorites. If He did it for Joshua, He will do it for you! Joshua hadn’t even crossed
the Jordan, yet, or arrived at Jericho. When he did, whom did he and his men see, standing on a rock with His sword drawn,
and facing Jericho? The Captain of the Host! Jesus! He had gone on ahead of them to give them the victory! If Jesus did it for
Joshua, He will go on ahead of you in your circumstance, and help you to take possession of that same victory which He already
had obtained for Joshua. He has already obtained it for YOU!
3. PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS. When the enemy attacks, repeatedly plead the Blood of Jesus against them.
Remind them of the Blood, that it was their defeat at the cross and caused them to be paraded in Hell and made a
spectacle of. Do it “...in Jesus’ Name.”
enemy accuses you through others, including other Christians, through whom they may sometimes speak, then bind
them and forbid them to speak or accuse, and plead the Blood against them ... ALL in Christ Jesus’ Name.
5. PRAY THE HOLY SPIRIT: “Lord, show me what is right and wrong for me, and what is right and wrong in me,
and strengthen me to embrace the right, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
WHAT you DECREE WILL come to pass. Tell the enemy, by decree, what he cannot do to you, your loved ones, or
to anything that you are, have, or possess. Tell him and decree against him, all in Christ Jesus’ Name. When he accuses
and tries to put guilt and shame upon you, repeatedly decree “ I have died with Christ.” This faith confession speaks
the abyss of death, entered into at the cross when you died with Christ, between you and your sins. Decree your sins
purged and consumed by the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit ... in Christ Jesus’ Name.
“I take the offensive in Your Name, Lord Jesus Christ, against all the blueprints, plots, plans, designs, traps, wiles,
snares, and assignments of the enemy against (me, our people, our work for you, our ministry, etc.), and join in agreement with
all other brothers and sisters in Christ who are praying the same by Your Spirit; I stand with them in agreement, in Your Name,
Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”
“I stand in the supernatural death position of Romans 6, and decree and confess my death to the desires and lusts of
this world, my death to the desires and lusts of the flesh, death to the works and powers of darkness, decreeing that they have
no power or claim over my loved ones (name them), my family members, relatives, friends, acquaintances, our church, our
ministries, or me ... in Christ Jesus Name.”
Now you may feel that you do not understand all of that “dying” stuff with Christ and being buried with Him in water
baptism. You may think that you have no way to experience the reality of it, even though the Word says that it happened. The
point is that you cannot have a realization or experience of something that is already accomplished for you by Christ. You must
simply take possession of it by faith. Maintain your position. It is so because the Holy Spirit says that it is so. Therefore, take it
by faith, stand on it, and the Holy Spirit will apply the reality of it to your life.
You do not actually have to experience the death work of Christ You receive by faith the fact that accomplished it for
you and you confess it by mouth and stand on it. He then applies the finished work of the cross to your soul-life (mind, will,
and emotions) and in His time, He brings forth and manifests the change in you which frees you from sin and spiritual attack..
Thus, you do not actually experience the death work of Christ mentioned in Romans 6, but confess it and appropriate it by your
faith confession. You then experience the FRUITS of it, as it becomes a reality in your life. Confession brings possession!
Thus, what Christ ends up doing in you and me becomes the manifestation of what He has already done for us at the
“I decree death between me and Satan, his works, and all of his manifestations against my loved ones, me, and all that we
are have and possess; I decree that neither he nor any of his foul spirits are able to cross that abyss to me, in Christ Jesus’
Name. I pray a blood line around us with the Precious Blood of Christ Jesus, Satan, permanently, immediately, completely, and
continually, and I decree that you cannot cross the Blood ... don’t even try ... in Christ Jesus’ Name and for His Glory.”
Christians do not always discern well, on a consistent basis, whether their experiences are from God or not. Paul says,
in the New Testament, that we see through a glass, dimly. He was saying that things are not always clear to us. That is because
the “flesh” and distractions of every day life sometimes interfere with our ability to pay attention to what the Holy Spirit is
trying to say to us when He speaks to us or witnesses to us.
Test your experience and leadings to see if they are of God, if you do not have a clear witness or discernment. Here
are a variety of Spirit-filled prayers that can be used:
“I bind Satan and all of his principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness and wicked spirits in high places, and break all
oppositions, hindrances, interferences, and obstructions to clear discernment and possession of my victory, Lord Jesus Christ,
all by trusting and expectant faith, in Your Name and for Your Glory. I take possession of what is already mine in-the-Spirit, by
faith in Your Name, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”
“I resist all the powers of darkness and their assignments against this house (church, etc.) this day, and I bind them,
break their power, and curse their works at the roots, all in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
“Lord Jesus Christ, if this, which I am experiencing is of You, I receive it. If it is not of You, I reject it and curse it at
its roots. If it is of You. Lord, open all the doors to it for Your purpose and Glory, and if it is not of You, close all the doors to
it. I ask these things in Your Name and for Your Glory, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”
If you are uncertain about a spiritual circumstance, wait for the Lord to lead you. DO NOT ACT on it. And
remember the acronym “H.A.L.T.”. It stands for HUNGRY, ANGRY, LONELY, TIRED. If you are experiencing any or all
of these things in a spiritual circumstance, do not act on it. Pray for revelation.
Discern who you are in Christ and remind yourself of it frequently. Satan will try to get you off track and get your eyes
on your past, your circumstances, your weaknesses, or your past failures. Ask the Holy Spirit to make you ever alert to Satan’s
Confess aloud:
“ I have died with Christ and have been buried with Him; my “old self’ is dead and buried in the waters of immersion
baptism, never to be exhumed, examined, or looked at, again ... in Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
If, out of human frailty and weakness, you fall into sin, RE-TAKE YOUR POSITION in the supernatural and
CONFESS AGAIN and AGAIN that you have been crucified and buried with Christ! Remember that confession brings
possession, and the Holy Spirit WILL make it a reality in your life and transform your attitudes and desires toward sin. Hold on
to the revelation of your death and burial in Christ and with Christ. Cling to it! Cling to it! Cling to it! Confess it! The Holy
Spirit honors your faith and will bring you into clear thinking, clear vision, total freedom and full deliverance from your sin.
“ I decree death between my loved ones, me, and all cursed objects, creations of Satan, and works of the powers of
darkness, in or around this house ( or other place), and in all that they do, say, or minister, in using those objects as a point of
contact. Holy Spirit, if there are any cursed objects on these premises that I do not discern, bring revelation of them to me, all in
Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
“ Silence, in Christ Jesus’ Name! I bind you, Satan, and I bind the spirit-lips shut of every spirit manifesting and
exalting itself against the knowledge of God, and me. I command all demonic spirits to heed, listen, and cease all activities and
ministry through the mouth(s) of (name(s)); I decree it forbidden to manifest, take every word spoken captive to Christ, curse
them at their roots, and decree them fallen on “deaf ears”, all in the Mighty Name of Christ Jesus, Amen.”
The scripture tells us that we are to resist the devil and that he will flee from us. It says that we are to resist IN FAITH, not in
self-effort. We ABIDE (depend on, rely on, dwell) in Christ and His power to manifest IN us and THROUGH us.
“I stand on Romans 6 and the enemy is driven out from before me, above me, around me, below me, from my home,
from my workplace, from my church and its ministries, from my children and loved ones, from my works and labors, from my
land, and from my presence; I decree that they are not able to stand against me, their works are taken captive and destroyed. No
weapon formed against me shall prosper; for the Spirit of the Lord shall raise a standard against them. I decree all of these
things accomplished in Christ Jesus’ Name and for Your Glory, Father, in Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.”
“ I stand fast against Satan and his kingdom, and they must flee from me in 7 directions, according to the Word of
God which is their defeat. I decree every demonic foe driven out from this place and from our lives, our home, our presence,
our children, our church and its ministries, and from my presence, all in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
“Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you with a humble and contrite heart. Your Word says is John 15:5 that without You I
can do nothing. I know that, Lord. I come to you to ask you to circumcise my heart and cut out all that is of the “flesh”, all that
is of “self’, all that is unholy in my attitudes, beliefs, conduct, behaviors, habits, and actions. I give You my will. Conquer it,
Lord. I submit it to You. I surrender to You and Your Will for my life. By faith in You, I take possession of Your purpose and
Will for my life. I declare myself helpless to change myself. Only You can change me. Cut out from my heart all that is unholy
in thoughts, word, deed, beliefs, actions, habits, behaviors and desires that are not pleasing to You or to Father. Give me a hate
for them and for all sin. Cut them out of my heart of the “flesh” and the soul-life (mental life) that agrees with it. Be persistent,
Lord. Be complete. Leave nothing untouched. I give you permission, Lord, to do Your work in my life through the power of
Your Holy Spirit. I will to no longer resist You but to submit to You. I know that You will not harm me and I trust You for all
that You have to do. Create in me a clean heart and right spirit, Lord. Cut out all that is unclean and unholy. In particular, Lord,
cut out of my “flesh” and soul-life, the behavior(s) of (name them); I yield myself and these behaviors and sins to Your Holy
Spirit for circumcision. I take possession of Your operation of God through FAITH in You (Col. 2:12). I know and trust that
You are able, and that You WILL deliver me from my “self’. Take from me all that You cannot use, all that is of sin, all that is
unholy and unbecoming, all that is “self’ motivated or promoting. I desire to commune with You, Father, with You, Lord Jesus
Christ, with You, Holy Spirit. I desire to walk in total obedience and submission and surrender to You, Lord Jesus Christ. Make
all of these things happen, Lord. I trust You for them. I confess by my mouth that You do it. I believe that I receive all that I
have confessed, and take possession by my trust and expectation on You; I yield myself continually, by my will, to Your Holy
Spirit, and I invite You into all of my circumstances to take over all aspects of my life, Lord. Hear and answer me, 0 God, and
do not withhold from me any good thing, for Your Glory, Lord. I cry to You in my times of trouble and anguish over what I
am in the natural, O Lord. Your Word says that You hear and respond. I trust Your Word, Lord, because Your Word is
TRUTH; and YOU ARE THE TRUTH, Lord Jesus Christ and the Truth dispels the darkness and the Truth shall set you free,
Your Word says, Lord. I take possession of Your Truth, Your Spirit, Your Love, Your Word which is LIFE AND LIGHT, by
FAITH, I call it applied to my life and circumstances and confess my heart continually circumcised by the power of Your Spirit
and Your Word, this day, and every day to come .... in Your Name, I take possession of all of these things, and in Your Name, I
pray, Amen. “
When you are suffering from a damaged relationship such as that which has occurred from a divorce, a cheating
spouse, a rebellious son or daughter, an uncaring parent, friend, or relative, pray something like this:
“Lord Jesus Christ, when my relationship with You was damaged by my sinful life, and I was not saved, Your Precious
Blood was able to reconcile my relationship to you. Now, Lord, I present to you, this damaged relationship that I have with (
name the person). I ask that You apply Your Precious Blood to their relationship with me, and reconcile us by Your Blood. I
confess that You are able, and that it WILL happen, by trusting and expectant faith in Your Name, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”
“ Lord Jesus Christ, I stand in the gap for (name), and counter-petition for their soul and spirit in Your Name, Lord. I
plead the Blood between them and Satan and every evil spirit and work of darkness. I pray a hedge of protection around them
to keep them from the wiles of the enemy. I pray a hedge of thorns around them to obstruct every path that they would take
that is not of you and that would lead them away from you, in order to direct them back in order to know and find You. I bind
Satan, all territorial spirits, every principality, power, ruler of the darkness, wicked spirit in high places, the ruler spirit(s) on
assignment against them, all familiar spirits, all curses, hexes, vexes, bewitchments, enchantments, spells, cantrups, ligatures,
judgments of witches or warlocks, all assignments, blueprints, plots and designs of Satan, all of his seedings, works, plans and
activities against him/her, and all demonic ministrations to his/her thought-life; I take them all captive to Christ and cast them
down as vain thoughts and imaginations. By faith in You, Lord Jesus Christ, I call him/her born-again, sealed by the Holy
Spirit, Spirit-filled, healed and delivered from all oppression of the enemy. Through the ministry of impartation by the spoken
word and prayer, I speak into his/her life, strength in the inner man, and I call a clear, unobstructed path cut to his/her heart,
mind, soul and spirit; I bind each and every spirit of (name it) ministering to his/her thoughts and command that they stop
ministry now and decree that they must do so for Your Glory, Lord; I break their powers, communication lines, supply lines,
and bind up and off all reinforcements. I take into captivity all of their seedings, works, plans and activities, and call them all
canceled, mad null and void, never seeded, never come to pass, cursed and destroyed at their roots and rendered of no effect in
his/her life. I bind all spirits not of the Holy Spirit, all spirits mentioned or unmentioned, known or unknown, and all of their
assignments against him/her and break their powers, also, off of his/her life. I plead the Blood against all of them. I loose
(name) from Satan, and bind Satan off from the ruler spirit and those above, around and below him, the ruler spirit off from
Satan and all above, around and below him, and all below the ruler spirit up and off from Satan and from each other. I break
their powers, plots, and designs. I take captive to Christ, bind, break, destroy, and loose (name) from all works of evil and
witchcraft, and from all workings through blood pacts, blood covenants, or blood sacrifices or curses spoken over, formed
against, or directed at him/ her. I take all of these things into captivity, break them off of their body, mind and spirit, and curse
them at the roots, call them cancelled, made null and void, never seeded or completed, never come to pass, cursed and
destroyed at their roots and rendered of no effect.
By faith in Jesus’ Name, Father, I dispatch warrior angels and ministering angels to go forth immediately to minister to
(name), to protect him/her, to turn the enemy back and drive the enemy out of their life, to retrieve soul-fragments by force,
which I call restored to (name) and re-integrated into their soul-life by Your Spirit of power and might of the Holy Spirit.
Father, Jesus said that no man can come to Him unless called by the Father. Please, Father, have compassion upon
(name). Call them to Jesus. Give them the desire and the Grace to respond and to reach out, that they may have a revelation of
Jesus and who He is. Where there is a heart of stone, Father, give him/her a heart of flesh; soften his/her heart to me, Lord.
Show them Your mercy and compassion and make a way out for them, Father. Make them to see with the eyes of Your Spirit
and to hear with the ears of Your Spirit. Do not withhold any good thing, Father.
Lord Jesus Christ, Your promise to me in Your Word is that my household and I will be saved. Your Word is true. You ere not
a man that You should lie. Perform Your Word, Lord, for his/her life and my life, for Your Glory, Lord. You are able to deliver
and I know that You will, Lord. Holy Spirit, fall on him/her in a mighty and powerful way.
Lord, I don’t care what I see going on in his/her life. You are bigger and You are greater. I know that I do not need
great faith in God. I need only to have faith in a Great God, and that God is You, Lord Jesus Christ, One with the Father and
the Holy Spirit. Lord, I walk by faith and not by sight. I confess and decree ALL of these things that I have prayed, fully
accomplished already in the Spirit, Lord, in Your Name and for Your Glory. I decree that the enemy is already defeated in the
life of (name).
I speak to you, Satan and all of your spirits, and I command you and demand that you take your hands off of (name)
right now, in Christ Jesus Name. (Name) is loosed from you in the Name of Jesus. He is now cordoned off with warrior angels
of the Lord Christ Jesus and I decree to you that you cannot and you will not have him/her. Get your hands off of him/her and
do it now. I curse at the roots every legal ground upon which you try to stand, Satan, and I call them null and void by faith in
Jesus’ Name. I plead and speak the Blood of Jesus which was your defeat at the cross, against every demonic stronghold and
call all strongholds in the life of (name), DOWN in Christ Jesus’ Name. I break all of your control off of the thought-life of
(name) and all confusion and witchcraft as well. By faith, in Jesus’ Name, I decree him/her FREE, BORN-AGAIN,
SPIRIT-FILLED, HEALED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED, ALL in Christ Jesus’ Name. Loose him/her, Satan. Let go. Back
off, and get out ... I decree that you MUST, all in Christ Jesus’ Name.
Father, I thank You that You have already heard and answered these prayers in the Spirit and I give You ALL of the
Glory, praise, and thanksgiving, for Your Word is already settled in heaven, Praise to Your Name, Lord Jesus Christ, by which I
decree ALL of these prayers already answered in the Spirit, and by trusting faith in You, now call them forth in the natural
realm for Your Glory and in Your Holy Name, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.’’
(Now, pray a prayer forbidding retaliation, in Jesus’ Name.)
Next to the Gospel, the most important weapon against the enemy is PRAISE. The Psalms tell us that praise releases
angels to go forth on our behalf and to perform the Word for our lives. The Old Testament scripture tells us also that the Lord
INHABITS our praise. The importance of praise and thanksgiving in daily prayer cannot be emphasized enough. Psalm 100
tells us that we enter His gates with thanksgiving and we enter His courts with praise. Praise gets us into the throne room and
brings us to His Presence, because, the scripture says, He INHABITS His praise. Hebrews 4:16 tells us that we are to come
boldly to the THRONE of Grace to receive mercy and compassion in our time of need. How? First, with PRAISE. Praise is a
weapon of warfare which drives Satan and his demonic forces from your presence. Deliverance sessions preceded by PRAISE
bring such power of holiness upon the scene that demons cannot be in the presence of the Holy Spirit manifesting through the
believer, and they flee with little resistance.
Praise, to be effective, must not be mechanical or liturgical. It must not become a repetitive litany of the same words.
Every moment and spoken line of PRAISE must be a love offering to the Lord. It brings intimacy. According to the Tabernacle
pattern for the faithwak it brings us into the Holy-of-Holies, where there is no spiritual warfare, only the intimacy of the Lord
and you. Every purpose of praise should be different, and it does not have to be lengthy. Let it be from your heart to the heart
of God, that you might touch Him with your love. Each reason for praise should be unique and different. Tell the Lord what
you want to do. Tell Him what it is about Him that you want to praise him for. Pour your heart out to Him Let’s look, at some
“ Lord Jesus Christ, I give You thanksgiving and praise, honor, glory, and worship, for dying for me on the cross.”
“Lord, I give you thanksgiving, praise, glory, honor, worship and majesty, because You are worthy, worthy, worthy.”
“Lord Jesus, I give you thanksgiving, praise, glory, honor and worship, for Your Precious Blood, Your Blood
Covenant, Your Blood Sacrifice on my behalf, and Your Blood Atonement.”
“ Precious Jesus, I give you thanksgiving and praise, glory and honor and power, majesty and worship, for Your
creation, for creating me, and for making me to know You.”
“Jesus, My Lord, I give you thanksgiving, praise, glory, honor and worship for Your righteousness and holiness,
imputed to my life by Your work of the cross on my behalf-, praise Your Name, Lord.”
“Jesus, Precious Savior, I give you thanksgiving, praise, glory, honor, worship and majesty for salvation, healing and
“ Lord Jesus Christ, I give you thanksgiving and praise, glory and honor, worship and majesty, for your compassion
and favor, mercy and kindness toward me, all of which are renewed to me daily by Your Grace.”
“Lord God, I give You thanksgiving and praise, glory, honor and worship for all blessings, known and unknown, past
and present.”
“Jesus, I declare You before men as my Lord and Savior. Precious in my sight. I give You thanksgiving and praise,
glory, honor, worship, and majesty for all that you are and do for me, and for all that I am and have.”
“I offer all of these praises to You, Lord Jesus Christ, in adoration, Lord, because of who You are, and because You
are worthy, Lord, and I love You. Draw me nearer, Lord. More of You, Lord. Don’t hold back, Lord. Come, Lord. I praise You
for who You are, Lord. I praise You because I care, Lord, from the bottom of my heart. I praise You, Lord because I cannot
get enough of You, Lord. I MUST have more of You, Lord. Reveal Yourself to me, Lord, increase Your revelation to me, Lord
as I praise You with ALL of my heart, mind, soul, and spirit, all of my being, from the depths of my inner man ... I cry out to
You in PRAISE! All in Your Name, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”
All forms of prayer, to be effective. Must be Spirit-led, Spirit-directed. We must first pray for discernment from the
Holy Spirit as to what to pray, who to pray for, what the points of prayer and ministry are, for the person or thing being prayed
for, and how to pray it We must then “pray through”, that is, pray with consistency, and as often as necessary, as led by the
Holy Spirit, until we perceive that we have a release from the Holy Spirit not to pray it out anymore. This is the usual sip that
the prayer of intercession or supplication has been answered in the Spirit-realm. It will only be a matter of time before the result
manifests in the natural realm. Pray spontaneously from the heart, yielded to the Holy Spirit. Pray, asking, binding, loosing, and
decreeing or agreeing, in Jesus’ Name. Include faith confessions in this type of prayer when led to do so by the Holy Spirit.
In addition, we are to pray for our nation, its peoples and leaders, for our community, county and state governments,
our President, Vice-President, Federal and State legislators, Governors, and municipal officials, and the people of the nation,
repenting of all of our national sin as members of the family of this nation, and for all of our world sin, as members of the
family of man.
Spiritual warfare may be performed for the local, county, state, and national communities. It is mandatory, in most
instances. The ancestral sins of settlers, immigrants, and the indigenous peoples of a nation, state, province, or local community
can determine the type of spiritual warfare going on at those levels. Some people “map” the histories at each level, determining
the motivations for the settlements, the overt or covert sins upon which the communities or colonizations were rooted, and the
curses incurred, along with whatever else defiled the lands, in order to intercede and break the national and cultural generations
curses. The types of predominant principalities attempting to dominate, control, manifest, or prevail, are determined, and
warfare prayer is then raised up in intercession and agreement. Principalities and powers, rulers of the darkness, wicked spirits in
high places, territorial spirits, and rulers over the nation, state or province, county, region, and local community are bound, the
land reclaimed, and the geographies loosed and claimed for the kingdom and Glory of the Lord, all in the Name of Jesus. In
most communities, networking among churches and prayer groups is mandatory to take back geographical regions. Some
Christians take back sections of their city, section-by-section, street-by-street, block-by-block. I would refer interested readers to
the writings of C. Peter Wagner for more information on national and community warfare. The subject is exhaustive and
beyond the scope of this book. The general principles are covered above. Be aware that Satan, the princes of the north, south,
east and west, all territorial spirits of the continent, country, state or province, country, and ruler and power spirits over the local
community must be bound, in that hierarchical order, for warfare to be effective. This includes warfare for churches or other
institutions which are considered to function for public purposes, which puts them under the control of principalities and
power spirits on assignments. National, state, local, and cultural ancestral sins must be repented of first, before doing the
warfare, and generations curses broken at each level, if known or presumed. The land should be cleansed from defilement and
reclaimed for the kingdom of God, re-consecrated to the Lord, and decreed as such, following the examples of the Old
Testament prophets.
Finally, here are some particular circumstances and people to pray for in intercession and supplication before the Lord.
Lift up:
• The Jews of Jerusalem, the Jews of Israel, the Jews, worldwide, for their salvation, healing, and deliverance.
• The peace and protection of Jerusalem, Israel, and the Golan Heights.
• All Christians, worldwide, and all ministers of the Gospel, regardless of their denomination; and if they are
married, for their spouses and their marriages, their children and their families, their provision and protection,
their churches and their peoples, their missions, ministries, and their missionaries.
• The persecuted church and Christians worldwide, particularly in Russia, Red China, the Sudan, the Maldives,
Cuba, Haiti, and in all nations; for provision, protection, respite, refreshment, rescue. Bibles, pastors, funds, and
• For our nation, its people, and leaders; our President, Vice-President,- state and federal legislators, governors,
and municipal officials, and those in authority, worldwide; repent of our national and world sins, as members of
the family of this nation, and as members of the family of man.
• For the sick and the dying, the maimed and the disabled and the diseased; those with AIDS, Ebola virus,
Tuberculosis, and Leprosy, and all diseases, counter-petitioning for their souls and spirits.
• Those on the back wards of nursing homes, hospitals, extended care facilities, and mental institutions.
• For all infants, little children, adolescents, and young adults who do not know Jesus, as well as those who do.
• For our parents, grandparents and loved ones, family members, relatives, friends and acquaintances on all
sides of our families and our spouses’ families.
• For those who have no one to pray for them, each and every one, worldwide.
• For those who pray for us on a daily or regular basis, that each and every spiritual and temporal need of
theirs would be met, and that the Lord would outpour upon them special blessings and a hundred-fold return.
• For those who consider themselves our enemies or adversaries, that the Lord would give them the same
salvation, healing and deliverance that He extended to us, by Grace, unworthy though we are.
• For our children, that each and every one will be born-again, Spirit-filled, sealed by the Holy Spirit, healed
and delivered; that each and every spiritual and temporal need would be met.
• For that person in the world who is the most spiritually and temporally the worst off, and each and every one
like him or her.
• For the lonely, depressed, rejected, and oppressed, worldwide, regardless of their cause.
• For those, worldwide, who are caught up in lust, perversion, fornication, homosexuality, hate crimes, abuse
or substance abuse crimes, adultery, unfaithfulness to their spouse, addictions, abortion, domestic abuse, cheating,
lying, stealing, murder, slaver, political oppression of others, genocide, and their victims.
• For those who are the victims of murder, kidnapping, drug pushers, violence, or natural disasters; for their
parents, siblings, families, relatives and friends, for their health and safety.
• For all grade school, high school, and college students, for their health and safety.
• For the local church, its pastors, their marriages, their safety and provision and that of their families, and for
those of the elders and members of the church.; for all church ministries and ministers of the Gospel, that the
purpose and vision of the church will be fulfilled for the Lord’s Glory.
• That we will be made, by the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, to be able to stand before Him, along with all
for whom we pray, and that we will not be appointed to the day of wrath.
• For all people, worldwide, who are the victims of the cruelty of religion; that they may come to a saving
knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ through relationship and covenant, by the born-again experience.
• For all pastors, prophets, apostles, teachers, and evangelists of the Lord Jesus Christ, worldwide, and for all
of their needs to be met; for protection and provision; for their health, safety, and welfare, and for that of all
• For those who persecute us, worldwide, that they will come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ
and be healed and delivered.
• For each and every man, woman, and child, worldwide, who is the victim of negative emotions: rejection,
unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, anger, hate, spite, sexual abuse, physical abuse, or emotional abuse, physical
or psychic trauma.
• For the TRUTH to prevail in the heart of every man, woman, and child, worldwide, regardless of who they
are, where they are, or what they are ... in Jesus’ Mighty Name.
• For the creation and its protection, for the Glory of God.
• For the Lord to walk before us, beside us, and to make up the rear guard in all that we do for the Kingdom;
for divine protection of all Christians.
• For every living person on the earth, regardless of their nationality, faith, or circumstance, that they will, each
and every one, come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that the Father will call them and give
them the Grace and desire to respond.
Praying in “tongues” comes from the Holy Spirit through the Baptism-in-the Holy Spirit., It must be asked for. (Lk.
11: 10- 13). A Christian believer must first be born-again and seek to obtain the Holy Spirit baptism, believing, without doubt,
that the Holy Spirit will give the real thing, and that he/she will not receive a counterfeit. The believer must EXPECT to receive
it, by ASKING and by FAITH, in Jesus’ Name. According to the Book of Acts, the Holy Spirit Baptism was IMPARTED to
believers by those who already had it, through the laying-on-of-hands. The nine-gifts of the Holy Spirit are received (I Cor. 12),
one of which is a heavenly language called “tongues”.
There are two types of “tongues”. “Gift of tongues” manifests only in the congregation or assembly of the brethren,
and, usually, when it manifests, the interpretation of what is being said will be placed on the heart of another believer who is
present, or the person speaking will interpret. Another type, called praying-in-the-Spirit, or “personal tongues”, is for private use
and personal prayer. The language of “tongues” is fluent, not repetitive. It is different for every person, and frequently varies in
the same person. The scripture says that you will speak in “divers” (various) tongues.
In spiritual warfare, the importance of tongues cannot be emphasized enough. In battling the enemy, as in deliverance,
if you do not know how to proceed further in the circumstance or situation, go immediately into “tongues’. “TONGUES”
ALWAYS BRINGS REVELATION FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT. Yield to the Holy Spirit and pray it out in “tongues”. If you
do not speak in “tongues”, use PRAISE, which also brings revelation. Jesus inhabits the praise, the scripture says. When we
pray in “tongues”, we do the speaking, that is, we make the sounds, and by a yielding trust (faith), the Holy Spirit gives the
meaning. (Ro.8:26, 27) The Holy Spirit prays in you and through you. That is important to realize. You are a yielded, empty,
vessel. You mind is active. You are submitted to Him and trusting. “Tongues” then manifests.
Why are “tongues” so important as a form of prayer? Here are five reasons that every believer should know:
• Through “tongues” the Holy Spirit prays in you and through you, and prays a PERFECT prayer.
• By letting the Holy Spirit pray “tongues” through you, the Holy Spirit can get God’s perfect Will for
your situation or circumstance.
• The Holy Spirit uses “tongues” to get the “answer” from the Lord quicker than you can.
Experience has also shown that the use of “tongues” hastens deliverance. Indeed. we have yielded to the Holy Spirit to perform
complete deliverance in children solely through the use of “tongues”. It is less frightening to them than to address demonic
spirits in our natural language. Infants with “sleep” disturbance or other behavioral problems for which there is no natural or
medical explanation, can be delivered from demonic oppression or harassment through the laying-ion-of-hands and praying
simultaneously in “tongues” while they are sleeping.
“What?”, you say, “ You mean that I have the power to confound the enemy?” Did not Jesus say that the things that
He did, we would do, because He was going to the Father? Is not the Old Testament scripture replete with examples of the
Lord bringing confusion upon the enemy, blinding them spiritually, causing them to set ambushments against themselves, and
throwing their plans into confusion and disarray? In Luke 10: 17, 19, does not the Lord delegate His power to us to trample
the enemy? The word used here, by the Holy Spirit is the Greek word “dunamis” which means delegated power and
authority. Do you have the God-kind of faith to believe that prayers such as this will work and be honored by God? Having
the faith of God means that you believe first, and then you see the result. ( Mk. 11: 22-24) Unless you step out in faith and begin
applying the power delegated to you by the Holy Spirit for His Glory, and start using it by faith to see it work in your life, you
will never know who you truly are, in Christ.
“Father, this day and each and every day, I bind Satan, all territorial spirits, every principality, power spirit, ruler of the
darkness, wicked spirit in high places, all familiar spirits, and all spirits above, around, and below them, mentioned and
unmentioned, known or unknown; I bind all spirits on assignment against my spouse. each of my children, family members,
relatives, friends, acquaintances, pastors, ministers, church or Bible study members; all on assignment against all that we are
have and possess; I bind all “watcher”, “ scanner’’, “tracker”, “eavesdropper” and “divinatory” spirits and all on assignment up
their chain of command; I bind them all up and off from each other, and from all mentioned, my loved ones and me. I loose us
all from them, along with all that we are, have, and possess. I break their power and communication lines. I break their supply
lines. I curse all of their works and assignments at their roots. I speak spiritual deafness, dumbness, blindness, confusion,
paralysis, and incapacitation upon each and every one of them, and throw all of their plans and activities into continual
confusion and disarray through the spirit of power and might of the Holy Spirit (See Isa. 44:26. Isa.64:4). Your Word says,
Lord, that I will decree a thing and it will come to pass Job.22:28). Your Word says, Lord, that You are watching over it to
perform it (Jer. 1: 12). Well, Lord, I ask You to perform Your Word, and I now decree that all that I have spoken and do speak,
has already come to pass in the realm of the Spirit; I decree that the enemy is unable to see, hear, or understand my moves or
speech; that they are unable to track me or watch my activities; that they are turned against themselves and cannot carry out
their assignments. I curse at the roots all that they attempt, all assignments, blueprints, plots, plans, designs, seedings, works,
plans, and activities, all wiles, traps and snares; I take them all captive to Christ and cast them down as vain thoughts and
imaginations. along with all demonic ministry to my thought life (or the thought-life of (name)). I break off of us all curses,
hexes, vexes, bewitchments, enchantments, spells, cantrups, ligatures, judgements of witches or warlocks, all acts of evil, magic,
or witchcraft, all black magic, white magic, candle magic, potion magic, soul-ties, bindings, workings, voodoo, sorcery, blood
pacts, blood sacrifices, blood covenants, animal sacrifices, and all occult practices of any kind. I bind them. I loose us from
them.. I break them off of us. I curse them all at the roots. I decree them all made null and void. cancelled. never manifested,
never come to pass, cursed and destroyed at their roots, rendered of no effect- cast down as vain thoughts and imaginations and
never seeded, judged, and spoiled, all in Christ Jesus’ Name. I decree all of these prayers accomplished already in the realm of
the Holy Spirit, Father, ALL in Christ Jesus’ Name. I thank you, Father, ahead of time, for already having heard and answered
these prayers ... in Christ Jesus’ Name and for Your Glory. I give you the greatest of thanks and praise, Father, that You
perform Your Work on my behalf (Jer. 1:12; Job 22:28), that Your Word is absolutely true (John 17:17), and that You are not a
man that You should lie (Num.23:19). Glory to You, Father, Lord Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit! Amen.
There are times when our spouse, son, daughter, or other family member or relative, refuse to walk in Christ. They
resist ministry and they resist the call of the Holy Spirit upon their life. They do want to hear from us. They do not want to
know anything about the Christian faith of faithwalk. They believe that we are all “fanatics” or too religious. They are caught up
in the world, in bondage to sinful habits, and they want their sin. They don’t want to know about Jesus. Christ is not a reality to
them. You have talked and talked to them, until you are “blue in the face”. Nothing seems to work. You have now come to a
point in your life where you are being shown by the Holy Spirit that persuasion does not work. You are desperate and don’t
know what to.. do. You are worried, like most parents, for their safety, health, and especially for their salvation. What about the
husband or wife who doesn’t want to know anything about God? What to do?
The first thing you need to do is to realize that Jesus says that the things of the spirit are Spirit (John 3:6). That
means that transformation cannot come from persuasion. Transformation comes only through REVELATION. They need a
revelation from God. Secondly, the scripture says that no man can come to Jesus unless he/she be called by the Father
(John 6:44). Thirdly, you must remind yourself that the Jesus promises to save you and your household (Acts 16:31), because
He is not a respecter of persons, that is, He has no favorites (Acts 10:34). Fourthly, JESUS IF FAITHFUL and will not fail
you (I Cor.1:9) Fifthly, the Christian must walk by FAITH, not by SIGHT (2 Cor.5:7). Faith calls that which is not yet
manifested in the realm of the natural, as if it already has (Ro.4:17). Faith involves a FAITHCONFESSION (Mk.1 1: 22-24;
Prov.18:21). The sixth point is that the scripture further promises that none that hope on the Lord will be disappointed (I
Pet.2:6). The scripture says that we must walk by TRUST on the Lord (Ps.4:5; Ps.22: 4, 5) because God has a covenant with
you which He will keep. He will not fail you. (Isa.43:2-13)
We are not to put an unbelieving spouse away, for the unbelieving spouse is sanctified through the believing spouse (I
Cor. 7:10-14). We are not to give up on our children or relatives. There are many scriptures where God promises that He will
save them (Isa.49:25; Isa.44:3; Isa. 59:21; Jer.31:16, 17; Isa. 65:23; Ps.1 12:1, 2; Ps.127:3-5). Confess these scriptures over your
loved ones as a faith confession.
Trust on the Lord to change their hearts. They have “heart” trouble. In Jeremiah 17: 9, 10, 14, the Lord says that the
heart of man is desperately ill and only He can know it, and heal it. The seventh principle, then, is that we must ask God to
search their heart and show them their heart the way He sees it, and ask Him to do His work on their heart, and to transform
their attitude towards Him; to give them desire and Grace to reach out to Him, by which they will get a revelation of Him.
Revelation brings transformation.
The eighth point is that we must believe that we receive when we ASK in the Name of Jesus. We must ask to receive,
and the scripture says that by our faith, we know that we have what we ask ( Mt.7:7; John 14:13.14; 1 John 5:14.15)
These are 8 principles to stand upon for our loved ones’ salvations, healings, deliverances, and transformations. The
number 8 is the Biblical number of Jesus and it represents “new beginnings”.
What to do? That was our original question. Do not be discouraged. Instead, recognize that the enemy is the world,
the flesh, and the devil.. Pray them down. Apply your faith and faith confession to the circumstances. Ask the Holy Spirit
to give you revelation of what to pray for, and how to “pray through” until you take possession of the victory that is already
Do not just pray in your natural language. Pray much of it in “tongues. Let the Holy Spirit intercede and get God’s
Will for them and their circumstance, for you, and quicker than you can get it for yourself. Pray the prayer of binding and
loosing and appropriate warfare prayers that apply to your circumstance. Confess aloud the scriptures which apply to the
circumstance of your loved one. ASK the Lord to circumcise their heart of all unholy beliefs, actions, behaviors, inclinations,
habits, emotions, desires, and affections ... of ALL that is unholy. Most of all, persist, persist, persist ... walk by faith, not
by sight.
“Lord Jesus Christ, I bring before You (name). He/she doesn’t know You, Lord. When I speak to them about You,
he/she does not want to hear anything. There is total resistance to me. (Name) is not receiving my witness, and persuasion does
not work. Lord, he/she needs a revelation of YOU. I ask for that revelation. Jesus, I ask You to search their heart and show
them their heart the way You see it. Give them desire and Grace to know You and our Father. Make a way for him/her, where
there presently does not appear to be a way out for them. You are the God of the impossible. Nothing is too difficult for you.”
“Circumcise his/her heart, Lord. Cut out all unholy interests and desires, inclinations and affections, habits, and sinful
behaviors that do not glorify You. Make his/her life something pleasing to You, Father, and the Holy Spirit.”
“ Father, Your Word says that no one can go to the Lord Jesus Christ unless You call them. In Jesus’ Name, Father, I
ask You to call them, Father. Give him/her an irresistible desire to seek Him. and the Grace to follow through. Strengthen
him/her in the inner man.”
“Father, I bind Satan, the ruler spirit, and the entire demonic stronghold including those above, around, and below the
ruler spirit, their kindred spirits, all reinforcements, and their assignments, in all of their works and manifestations against
(name). I call (name) loosed from them by faith. I curse those works at the roots. By faith. I cast those spirits out. to go
wandering in dry places, not to return to him/her or any other living being. By faith I confess that he/she is free, born-again,
Spirit-filled, scaled by the Holy Spirit, healed and delivered, all in Christ Jesus’ Name.
“Lord Jesus Christ, Your Word says “ (quote the scripture(s)). I stand on this Word for the salvation, healing and
deliverance of (name) and call it done by faith in Your Name. Devil, I speak to you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I tell
you that you cannot and you win not have (name). He/she is claimed for the Lord’s kingdom and there is nothing that you can
do about it because Jesus Christ is faithful. You get your hands off, back off and back down, and do it now! You can’t have
him/her. I decree it forbidden in Christ Jesus’ Name. I bind your stronghold up and off from hi&/her mind, break it, call it
down, curse it at the roots, and apply the Blood of Jesus to their thought-life continually. By faith I call you cast out and down!”
“Lord God, by FAITH I call a clear, unobstructed path cut to the heart, mind, soul and spirit of (name) and Your
Light shining in. Break through, Lord, in a way that only you know how. Reveal yourself to him/her. Soften his/her heart
through your mercy and compassion, and favor. I ask all of these things in Your Name.”
“Father, I pray a hedge of thorns (Hosea 2:6,7) around (name) and decree that any path that they take in pursuit of the
world, the flesh, or the devil, is obstructed by those “thorns”, and that those “thorns” will be used by Your Holy Spirit to turn
them back, to turn them around, and onto the straight highway of righteousness.”
“I bind Satan and all spirits not of the Holy Spirit, break their powers and communications lines in all things regarding
(name), and bind up and off all reinforcements. I cut their supply lines and decree that they can no longer supply (name) with (
drugs, alcohol, women, men, etc.), and I call those supply lines permanently cut off.”
“Lord Jesus Christ, I call forth warrior angels and ministering angels to come forth to do battle for (name). I bind to
(name) Your ministering angels of love, power, a sound mind, grace, supplication, favor, adoption, wisdom, revelation,
understanding, knowledge, good counsel and good judgment, to minister those things to him/her.”
“Now, Lord Jesus, I pray for these specific and special needs of (name). (At this point in the prayer, name the needs
and pour your heart and concerns out to the Lord.)”
“Lord God, in praying for (name) I choose to walk by faith and not by sight. I know that You are faithful and that
You keep Your covenant with me. This is my faith confession. I rely on You. I depend on You. I abide on You. I hope on You.
I know that You will come through for me, and that You will not disappoint me, not because of who I am but because of who
You are. Your Word says that I will be saved and also my household. I stand on Your Word. I stand on Your promises. I stand
on Your Bible truths and scriptures and I know that in the Spirit-realm, I already have what I say.”
“Your Word, Lord Jesus Christ says to “speak to the mountain” (Mk. 11: 23, 24), The mountain is the problem. I now
speak to the “mountain in the life of (name). I say to you, “mountain”, be uprooted and cast out of his/her life now; be cast
into the sea. I believe without doubt that I have whatsoever I say in line with God’s Word. I call you destroyed and gone, by
faith in Christ Jesus’ Name. I call you out of his/her life permanently and completely, in Christ Jesus’ Name. I decree that you
cannot obstruct his/her path to the Lord Jesus Christ any longer. You am uprooted by the Blood of Jesus which I continually
plead against you. The Blood which was your defeat at the cross. The Blood which caused you to be paraded and made a
spectacle of. And you can no longer prevail in the life of (name), I decree it in Christ Jesus’ Name.”
“Lord Jesus Christ, Revelations 12:11 says that Satan is defeated by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our
testimony. Our testimony is not just our witness of how we have been saved by You, Lord, but it is also our
FAITH-CONFESSION. And Your Word, in Ephesians 6:16 says that our FAITH quenches every fiery dart of the enemy. Well
then, Lord, I stand-in-the-gap for (name) with these words and faith confessions, and I decree them accomplished fully, in Your
Name and for Your Glory, Lord Jesus Christ. Satan, all that I have spoken in the gap for (name) is my faith-confession, my
shield of faith, including my shield of faith for them and over them. The Word says that my faith stops every one of your fiery
darts. I stand on my faith confession, my shield of faith, Satan, and I tell you and every one of your demonic spirits that you
cannot get by my faith confession. You cannot pass the shield. I decree that it obstructs you, along with the Blood of Jesus,
from reaching the mind and heart of (name) or from controlling them. It’s over. I decree ALL of these prayers accomplished,
Lord Jesus Christ, in Your Holy Name and for Your Glory, One with the Father and, the Holy Spirit, and I thank you ahead of
time for already having heard and answered these prayers. Praise You, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!”