Rubrics For Group Presentation

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Message and Content Students demonstrated full Students demonstrated good Students demonstrated a broad Students did not seem to
(x1) grasp of the topic and provided comprehension of the topic and comprehension of the topic and understand the topic very well
sufficient and relevant provided information that provided incomplete and provided little or no
information that was beneficial benefited the class. The information. The presentation relevant information. The
to the class. The presentation presentation relayed intended a relayed a message and advocacy presentation did not relay
clearly relayed intended message and advocacy about the about the topic but not clearly. intended message and advocacy
message and advocacy about topic. about the topic.
the topic.

Group participation (x1) All group members played an All group members played a role Some group members played a Only one or two members
important role and participated and participated. role and participated. played a role and participated.
Organization and The group was completely The group seemed prepared. The group showed minimal The group showed very little
Preparedness prepared. Presentation was Presentation was organized but evidence of preparation. Some evidence of preparation and
(x1) thoroughly organized and easy might have needed a few more parts of the presentation were organization all throughout the
to follow and understand. rehearsals. disorganized and clearly showed presentation.
lack of rehearsal

Communication Skills All group members spoke Most of the group members Many of the group members Group members often mumbled
(x1) clearly and audibly to the entire spoke clearly and audibly to the spoke clearly but had some or could not be understood and
class throughout the audience on most parts of the difficulty communicating the had obvious difficulty
presentation and communicated presentation and were able to content. communicating the content.
the content very well. communicate the content
Required Elements All required elements were Required elements were Required elements were Five or more required elements
(x1) included in the presentation. included in the presentation with included in the presentation were missing in the
only one or two missing except for three or four missing presentation.
elements. elements.
TOTAL SCORE (Highest possible score = 20)

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