Report On Compensation
Report On Compensation
Report On Compensation
Supervised By
Assistant Professor
Prepared By
Id: 163-14-703
MBA Program
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Assistant Professor,
School Of Business,
I have the pleasure to inform you that, I have accomplished my internship report on
Classic Shirts Ltd. I tried to know about the Implication of Compensation Management
Practices in Classic Shirts Ltd. I have tried to give my best to prepare the report and
concentration during preparing the report.
I would like to thank you for your support and guidance during my Internship and help to
preparing the report. I hope that you would be kind enough to see inconveniences or
mistakes that may have appeared beyond my knowledge.
Sincerely Yours,
ID: 163-14-703
Program: MBA
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Student Declaration
I am declaring this report titled “Compensation Management Practices of Classic Shirts Ltd”
submitted by me to Daffodil International University for the degree of Masters of Business
Administration is a unique work.
I also pronounce that the report has not been submitted previously either partly or whole to any
other Institution or university for any Degree, Diploma, Associate-ship, Fellowship, Internship
and other similar title.
ID: 163-14-703
Program: MBA
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Supervisor Certification
This is to endorse that this report titled with “Compensation Management Practices of Classic
Shirts Ltd” submitted to Daffodil International University in association with the institution’s
internship program is a authentic record of work done by “MD. Arif Raihan” under my
supervision at the “Classic Shirts Ltd, HR Division, KA-76, Joar Shahara Bazar, Badda,
Assistant Professor
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The completion of this report might never been possible in time without the help some person
whose inspiration and advise made it happen. First of all I would like to thank my supervisor
Gouranga Chandra Debnath for guiding me in my Internship program. Without his help this
report would not have been accomplished.
I would like to express my gratitude to all the faculty and staff members of Daffodil International
University and specifically, Daffodil International University School of Business. This report is a
culmination of the four years I have spent here and all that I have learnt.
I am especially grateful to Mr. Jashim Ahasan, Senior Executive of Classic Shirts Ltd and a
number of officers of Classic Shirts Ltd for considering it worthwhile to permit me.
I also thank my All teacher, Classmate and Colleagues who helped me by providing informative
instructions and information to prepare this report. I was closely attached with them is this
internship period. Without them this internship would have been very difficult to complete. I
thank my parents, and some of my friends who kept on this long process with me, always
offering support.
And finally I also thanks them who are helping me and my sincere gratitude to all those who are
participated to prepare the report.
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Executive Summary
This study is the result of my internship program ran for the past three months placed at the
Classic Shirts limited. Since my internship program was directed to understand compensation
management practices. I had to gain some practical area of responsibilities and accountabilities
of the employee. So that I could ask them and interact with them to assess their views and
relations with the organization. I tried to ask employees by the questionnaire to gather my
In the era of globalization, it is too much difficult for an organization to sustain in the
competitive market competing with others. So, to compete with other organizations, an
organization needs to use its human resources in an efficient & effective way. There is no way to
sustain in the completion without the proper utilization of human resources.
To get the high productivity or high performance from each employee an organization must do
better compensation management practices. On the other hand, Sound Compensation/Reward
System brings peace in the relationship of employer and employees. So in this report, I have tried
to explore compensation practice in Compensation Management Practices of Classic Shirts Ltd.
To fulfill that I have done internship program. To do internship analysis I have gathered
information about compensation of different job position. A market survey has been conducted
for designing compensation system in Classic Shirts Limited.
The studies on this issue empirically and practically learn that better compensation practices
largely depends on the number of interrelated components and things. Such as workplace
Knowledge, skill, training, neutral promotion policies, lack of gender discrimination. Despite
differences in opinions made by the employees and staff of the organization on what the study
was conducted, what the study finds is that the average level satisfied in compensation
management practices.
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Table of Contents
Particular Page
Cover Page 1
Letter of Transmittal 2
Student’s Declaration 3
Supervisor’ Certification 4
Acknowledgement 5
Executive Summary 6
Chapter-01: Introduction 9
1.1 Background of the study 9
1.2 Objective of the study 10
1.2.1 Broad Objective 10
1.2.2 Specific Objective 10
1.3 Company Profile 10
1.3.1 Brief profile of the Company 10
1.3.2 Company Structure 12
1.3.3 Mission of Classic Shirts Ltd 13
1.3.4 Vision of Classic Shirts Ltd 13
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2.3 Reward System 17
2.3.1 Compensation System 18
2.3.2 Non-compensation System 19
2.4 Compensation Study Framework 19
4.2.2 Incentives 24
4.2.3 Facilities 24
Chapter-05: Conclusion 35
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5.1 Explanation Of Findings 35
5.2 Recommendations 35
5.3 Conclusion 36
Reference 37
Appendix 38
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1.1 Background of the study
Compensation is a relation between their co-workers and industry standards. It is not always
possible to provide employees completely a satisfactory compensation. But important thing is to
consider it when hiring new employees or increasing wages or salary for existing employees.
Employees need to be adequately compensated for their time and effort, skills and knowledge.
Compensation is a key factor that attracting and keeping the best employees in the organization
and ensuring that the organization has a competitive edge in an increasingly competitive market.
Employee dissatisfaction regarding compensation can lead to absenteeism, turnover, job
dissatisfaction, low performance, strikes and grievances. Majority of labor-management disputes
are related to compensation.
Compensation is ranges from wages or salary to anything that has a positive effect on the health,
mind and general well-being of employees satisfaction. Non-monetary compensation means
without money compensation can come in different forms that could be tailored to the
preferences of the employee. Here is Some examples include: bonus, award, recognition,
involvement in decision making, discounts, training in other business areas, work/life balance
and benefits packages.
Many companies marge compensation directly to employee job performance through incentive
packages with the salary. Such as bonuses and profit-sharing plans. The helps employees align
their professional goals with those of the company while rewarding top performers and providing
incentives for them.
Determining of main wages by the rule of Govt. wages, salary or basic salary should be fixed.
The company should be paid the worker for their work on time. No more delay will allowed for
paying the salary. If employee work overtime organization pay the incentives on time. If
company rules that pay for wok then pay actual work what employee do. If paying system is time
related then count the time.
Compensation benefits and packages for themselves with the amount of money saves on
selection,recruitment and training of costs of acquiring new employees and staff. Compensation
also ensure companies are compliant with the labor laws such as labor act or Equal pay act.
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1.2 Objective of the study
Compensation is something a lot of people take for granted. It is a major tool of an organization.
Compensation plays a critical role in aligning Employee behavior with business objectives. Since
the industrial age four M of business management i.e. Man, Material, Machine and Money.
Among these man has been considered to be most important factor contributing to organizational
effectiveness and efficiency.
Classic Shirts Ltd. is a private limited company. It has a positive contribution To the economy of
Bangladesh. They are the largest export oriented garments Manufacturing company in
Bangladesh. They believe in quality and time and highly emphasized in maintaining a concerted
harmony in its working process and its environment.
Classic Shirts Ltd., with two garments factory in comparison with BGMEA rules and regulations
in Bangladesh. The report also focuses on the issue of compensation management practice in
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Human Resource Management, and their guidelines in prevention to solve the problem. On the
other hand the findings of the study will direct to think about appropriate actions and steps for
the betterment of the existing practice. Garments Industries are growing gradually in Bangladesh.
At present Classic Shirts Limited is one of the leading premium shirts manufacturers, employing
600 people. Classic Shirts Ltd always focus on quality improvement of product and value
addition, adoption of top of the line technology, commitment towards maintaining safe and
healthy workplace for the workers and strict adherence to customer’s compliance requirements.
This group has become one of the most popular suppliers of the leading global fashion houses.
There are many garments factories are operating their factories at many districts of Bangladesh. I
have been assigned in Classic Shirts Ltd. and it has given me the scope to be familiar with the
Garments Industries’ environment for the first time indeed. I worked with Classic Shirts Ltd.
Factories and main administration office. And I took interview of 50 workers, employees and
staff. Thus I had gathered experiences by working at different department and units of Classic
Shirts Ltd.
The area of concentration of this report is confined that in investigating different aspects of the
Compensation Management Practices of Classic Shirts Ltd. according to the BGMEA rules and
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regulation. In fact, this report is on Compensation Management, especially on Job analysis, HR
planning, Recruitment and Selection of the employees, Training and Development,
Compensation, and Promotion. Theory and application did become a reality.
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1.3.2 Company Structure
1.3.3 Missions:
Continue the business with profitability.
Create employment opportunities for workers.
Contribute to the development of the country.
Delighting our customers
Sustain performance
Achieving excellence in process and technology
Building culture of cost consciousness
Leveraging through competent people
Leadership through innovation
Trust in new product design
1.3.4 Vision:
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To be the leading garment industry of Bangladesh.
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Chapter-02: Topic Description
2.1 Compensation
Compensation is the remuneration which is given to the employees for the work they do into the
organization. In other words, an employee is entitled to both the financial and the non-financial
benefits in return for his contribution to the organization.
Compensation includes that, “The total remuneration which includes a host of benefits that
protect and expand the lifestyle and health of workers and their families”.
Compensation is the total cash and non-cash payments that organization give to an employee in
exchange for the work they do. Salary, Bonus and other benefits are included in compensation.
Compensation is more than an employee’s regular paid wages or salary. It also includes many
other types of wages and benefits.
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point of comparison used by employees and potential employees. Salary should be tied to
a person’s skills and experience.
II. Bonuses: Bonuses, which are usually paid in a single lump at the end of the year or paid
in half year, are way of providing performance incentives. Profit-sharing plans are a more
formal way of sharing or given bonuses, but they’re not as effective for rewarding
individual performance and compensating employees for meeting their goals.
A bonus is an extra amount of money that is added to someone's pay, usually because
they have worked very hard. Payment over and above salary given to an employee as an
incentive or reward.
III. Recognition or Reward: In this term of reward and recognition employee wants to get
rewarded. It’s one kind of motivation also. When people gets reward or recognized they
try their best to achieve it again and again. Company should have a good reward system,
So that everybody has a chance to get recognized and rewarded also.
An employer-sponsored plan saves employees money, and gives them peace of mind in
knowing that they won’t be denied coverage, even if they have existing health problems.
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2.2 Compensation Theory
2.2.1 Reinforcement and Expectancy Theory: This theory is based on the assumption that, the
reward-earning behavior is likely to be repeated, i.e. an employee would do the same thing again
for which he was acknowledged once.
Similarly, in the case of Expectancy Theory, given by Vroom, the employee is motivated to do a
particular thing for which he is sure or is expected that performance will be followed by a
definite reward or an outcome.
2.2.2 Equity Theory: According to this theory, there should be equity or the uniformity in the
pay structure of an employee’s remuneration. If the employee feels he is not being paid fairly for
the amount of work he does in a day will result in lower productivity, increased turnover and
high absenteeism. The remuneration system should comply with three types of equity:
A. Internal Equity: The employee perceives the fairness in different pay for different jobs
based on the nature of work involved, i.e. he must feel that pay differentials among the
jobs are fair.
B. External Equity: The employee should feel the fairness in what they are being paid is in
line with what other players in the same industry are paying to their employees for the
same kind of job.
C. Individual Equity: The employee perceives the pay differentials among the individuals
who are performing the same kind of a job and within the same organization. Usually, an
individual with more experience gets high remuneration as compared to the fresher
irrespective of the nature of a job.
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2.2.3 Agency Theory: This theory states that both the employer and the employee are the
stakeholders of the company, and the remuneration paid to the employee is the agency cost. The
employee will try to get an increased agency cost whereas the employer will try to minimize it.
Hence, the remuneration should be decided in such a way that the interest of both the parties can
be aligned.
Thus, these theories posit that the compensation in the form of salary or wages can be decided on
the basis of the outcome or the behavior of an employee.
An organization or company formed to accomplish a specific mission. For doing this it must
attract and hire people who have certain knowledge, skills, and aptitudes to achieve the goal. To
attract and retain or hire such people the organization provides rewards. An organization designs
and implements a reward system to focus worker attention on the specific behaviors the
organization considers necessary to achieve its desired objectives.
The reward system of an organization includes anything that an employee may value and desire
and that employer is able or willing to offer in exchange for employee contribution. A rather
broad classification scheme that facilitates the identification of the various kinds and qualities of
rewards provided by employers is to separate the compensation components and non-
compensation components.
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2.3.1 Compensation System
Spous Income Equivalent
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2.3.2 Non-Compensation System
Dignity and
Social Relationships
Satisfaction work
performance with co-workers
Offers Supportive
Allocate Suffciant Physiological,Health
Leadership and
Resources ,Intellectual growth
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Compensation mainly awarded for results and output of work done rather than for time worked.
Incentive pay which is also known as pay-for-performance. Because the prospect of financial
compensation is supposed to be an incentive for an employee to remain motivated, work hard
and going for the best possible results or outcome. Commission, where sales employee get paid a
proportion of each sales they make, is a common form of incentive pay.
Although incentive pay refers to money. Some companies do offer different incentives. But
particularly when part of a larger, more complex incentive scheme in many ways. Non-monetary
incentives or those where the employer has already borne the cost (such as dinners or gifts), are
often known as ‘casual incentives.’
Basic Pay/Salary/Wages
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Chapter-03: Data Collection and Methods
3.1 Data Description
Data was collected through previous magazine, annual report, documents, archival records and
dependent on observation. Main source of data is open ended interview and observation.
To find out the system problem and inefficiency I had to stay long hours with the factory and its
employees. Generally, research method means, to collect data used in research work. The study
was conducted at Classic Shirts Ltd.
Defining the scope of the study is a broad aspect to be described. Still the Human Resource
department helped me a lot to prepare the report. On the other hand due to some confidential
resolutions it was quite difficult to find out some information.
Primary data collected directly to provide the Classic Shirt Ltd. Companies employees &
benefits package through face to face interaction. It is the systematic collection of information
directly from respondents using survey.
Some secondary data some collected from many places. This information help to make this
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3.3 Information Processing Methods:
To make this report meaningful and presentable, I used primary and secondary research base. I
collected most of the data came from my observation and work experience. Primary data came
from my experience, observation, unstructured interview. On the other hand secondary data has
been collected through internet, different journals, and regular reporting.
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Chapter-04: Data Collection And Analysis
4.1 Data Collection
Now a days for data collection everyone use Questionnaire survey method. So here I also used
this method. In this data collection Compensation was measured by a scale α = .97 composed of
five items on five-point type scale where 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree.
It is a “subjective but systematic evaluation of how well the content of a scale represents the
measurement task at hand”. For this purpose, the contents of the questionnaire were prepared
with the help of literature, database, annual report, text, employee and staff, also from books and
4.2.2 Incentives:
Company pay attendance bonus 300 tk. for full attendance in the month & deduct 200
taka for 01 day absent in the month.
Transportation facility.
4.2.3 Facilities:
Two festival bonuses paid to every employee in a year. Equivalent to two basic of
wages/salary during two Eid festive.
Provided free Medical facilities. To face any emergency company provides free
ambulance services.
Leave encashment: after completion of year if any employee who does not enjoy portion
of earned leave or leave not granted as per rules, the amount of that leave paid in cash.
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4.2.4 Leaves & Holidays:
There are 5 types of leaves are provided to the employee in a year.
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Strongly disagree
15% Strongly Agree
Most of the employees are strongly satisfied with current salaries. 40% of employee
think that they are satisfied with the basic salary. 15% and 10% employee are disagree
and strongly with salary. Because they desire more from the job of their position. But
Company should take this seriously. Without the turnover rate will rise.
From the table, observe that 20% employees are happy, 15% are agree, 25% are neutral,
10% employee disagree and the rest of 30% are disagree.
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Strongly Agree
Strongly disagree 25%
Most of the employees are think that they did not get promotion regularly. 30% of
employee are not satisfied with promotion. They think that Company should give
promotion regularly or Company should give something that can satisfy employee not to
leave the job. But 25% of employees are neutral means that some employees have to stay
in the job because they didn’t have any alternative job.
From the table, it observe that 40% employees are strongly agree, 20% are agree, 5% are
neutral, 15% employee disagree and the rest of 20% are disagree.
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Strongly disagree
Strongly Agree
From the table, it clearly observe that 35% employees are strongly agree, 10% are agree,
20% are neutral, 25% employee disagree and the rest of 10% are disagree.
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Strongly disagree
Strongly Agree
Neutral 10%
From the table, it observe that 15% employees are strongly agree, 20% are agree, 30%
are neutral, 35% employee disagree and the rest of 10% are disagree.
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Strongly Agree
From the table, it observe that 25% employees are strongly agree, 10% are agree, 40%
are neutral, 15% employee disagree and the rest of 10% are disagree.
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Strongly disagree
10% Strongly Agree
From the table, it observe that 15% employees are strongly agree, 10% are agree, 40%
are neutral, 10% employee disagree and the rest of 25% are strongly disagree.
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Strongly Agree
Strongly disagree 15%
From the table, it observe that 25% employees are strongly agree, 15% are agree, 10%
are neutral, 20% employee disagree and the rest of 30% are disagree.
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Strongly Agree
Strongly disagree 25%
From the table, it observe that 10% employees are strongly agree, 30% are agree, 15%
are neutral, 25% employee disagree and the rest of 20% are disagree.
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Strongly Agree
Strongly disagree
From the table, it observe that 15% employees are strongly agree, 35% are agree, 25%
are neutral, 15% employee disagree and the rest of 10% are disagree.
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Strongly disagree Strongly Agree
10% 15%
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Chapter – 5: Conclusion
5.1 Findings
25% employees of Classic Shirts Ltd think that they are paid less. According to them,
they deserve more salary. Some of them blamed that someone who serves for any other
same position.
Almost 40% of the employee think that company should give promotion regularly. They
think that organization doesn’t give proper promotion what they deserve.
Working condition of the company is very good. 40% of employee think that working
environment of the company is better than other company.
In addition 20% staffs of Classic Shirts Ltd think that festival bonus is good. Rest10% of
staffs thinks that it is poor. That means most of the employees of Classic Shirts like their
festival bonus.
According to the result of gender based employee satisfaction it can be said that men’s
are satisfied than women. It is also found in research that the staff who gets more salary
are highly satisfied and dissatisfaction mainly comes from the lower paid staffs.
In addition, the outcome of this analysis shows that 10% staffs of Classic Shirts Ltd think
that overall compensation benefit of Classic Shirts Ltd is good. 15% of them think that it
is excellent. 40% of staffs were not interested to give their feedback about overall
compensation benefits of Classic Shirts Ltd and rest 25% of staffs think that overall
compensation benefit of Classic Shirts Ltd is bad.
Classic Shirts Ltd does not provide any life insurance policy which I have come to know
while working there. They have a fund for the employees. But they need to give
insurance to their employee.
5.2 Recommendations
Increase salary of staffs as 25% staffs are dissatisfied with their salary. Competitors
may take this opportunity and hire talent staffs of Classic Shirts Ltd by offering them
attractive salary.
Providing more facilities to increase job satisfaction. There are lots of area they have
to develop.
Employee safety should be more developed. Right now they have only a narrow fire
Overtime and Bonus must be provide on time. Payment should be not due any of
employee. Because it will cause a bad effect on employee performance.
Performance appraisal should be on 360 degree format. It will help the company to
find out the actual performance of employee.
Incentives system should be more developed. Some allowance should be paid. Like
mobile, transport.
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5.3 Conclusion
If a organization wants is development it has to every all any sector of an organization. There is
always a scope for development in the organization. Every organization must take the benefit of
this scope. Classic Shirts Ltd company has established itself as a garments manufacturer with a
high reputation and a customer profile that includes some of the best names in the business.
Classic Shirts Ltd. knows that in this competitive world of quota free access, winners would be
decided based on their international competitiveness and product quality. In the generally
prevailing uncertainties and impending liberalization of quota regimes the design team again
played a pivotal role in changing the perception of Classic Shirts Ltd as a typically Asian
supplier with increased customer contacts, collaborative working method.
This is an optimistic hint of future expansion of Human Resource Management and production
department of Classic Shirts garments. From the study it is also clear to us that which products,
what commodities are used by these customers. So, finally I will say that this internship at
Classic Shirts Ltd. Compensation Management Practices under the Human Resource Department
has enlarged my theoretical knowledge of Master of Business Administration in to some
practical knowledge and made my education more complete and practical.
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1. Dessler, G. (2012). Human Resource Management (13th ed.). Pearson.
2. Guirgis, H. E. (2007, February 8). Doc Slide. Retrieved August 15, 2015, from Doc
Slide Website:
3. Compensation Management in a Knowledge Based World (10th edition), Richard I.
6. Annual Report of Classic Shirts Ltd
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