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Submission To Fulfill Landscape Clause Under Lease

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PN No. 1/2020
Figure 1: Procedure Flow Chart of Landscape Submission for Compliance of Landscape Clause under Lease (Submission Stage)

Submission to fulfill Landscape Clause

under lease

For areas to be handed back to Government

Simple Landscape Clause LMP/ LP Clause or areas outside lot or Coloured Areas LMP/ LP Clause
(No landscape submission and compliance checking
of landscape works is required)
imposed by PlanD under new/modified lease under existing lease

With planning condition/ Without planning

in support of planning application condition

Lot owner(s) or his RLA to seek LMP/LP submission /

Compliance checking administered by PlanD,
comment/ approval from relevant amendment submission
LMP/LP submission/ amendment submission
government departments on the to LandsD for
to PlanD for approval
Submission approval(Notes 2 & 4)
If the lot boundary under lease is the same as

8 weeks
the boundary of planning application site

DLO to process and

Lot owner(s) or his RLA to submit Form 1 (with approve LMP/LP
certified copy of LMP/LP approved by PlanD) for
deemed approval by LandsD to fulfill LMP/LP
clauses under lease without amendment (Notes 1, 3 & 4)
10 working days

DLO to send a letter to lot owner(s)

or his RLA to acknowledge receipt and signify a
deemed approval of the submission requirement of
the Landscape Clause under lease (Note 1)

Abbreviations Notes:
BD Buildings Department
DLO District Lands Office includes Railway Development Section 1. For sites with tree preservation clause under lease, submission of the TPRP as part and parcel of the LMP/ LP approved by PlanD to
and other specialized sections of LandsD where appropriate DLO for deemed approval should be in accordance with the procedures in accordance with LAO PN No. 2/2020.
JPN 3 Joint Practice Note No. 3 issued in April 2019 by BD, LandsD 2. Resubmission of LMP/LP may be addressed to Landscape Advisory Team (LAT) of Building Plan Unit for direct attention/reply with
& PlanD jointly copy to DLO if the resubmission involves the lot owner(s) or his RLA ’s response to LAT’s previous landscape technical advice only.
LandsD Lands Department For new submission and amendment submission of LMP/ LP or LMP/ LP that is not the aforementioned case, the lot owner(s) or his
LAO PN Lands Administration Office Practice Note RLA is required to submit a fresh submission to DLO for consideration. LAT will provide advice to DLO upon referral.
LMP Landscape Master Plan 3. Changes confined to Class A amendments as detailed in the TPB PG No. 36B – Town Planning Board Guidelines for Class A and
LP Landscape Proposal Class B Amendments To Approved Development Proposals. Approval procedures in accordance with paragraph 10 of PlanD’s PNPP
No. 1/2019 shall be followed for Class B amendments to the approved LMP/ LP.
PlanD Planning Department
4. Approval on the submissions of SCG to fulfill the requirement of relevant conditions under lease shall follow the procedure in
TPRP Tree Preservation and Removal Proposal
accordance with paragraphs 9 to 11 of JPN 3.
RLA Registered Landscape Architect
SCG Site Coverage of Greenery
(Rev. 1/2020)
PN No. 1/2020
Figure 2 : Procedure Flow Chart for Completed Landscape Works for Compliance of Landscape Clause under Lease (Completion Stage)

Completion of approved landscape works

For areas to be handed back to

LMP/ LP clause For areas to be handed back to
Government or areas outside lot
LMP/ LP clause Government or areas outside lot
imposed by PlanD under or Coloured Areas under existing lease or Coloured Areas
new/ modified lease Without planning condition

With planning condition / in support

of planning application
Compliance checking Mandatory SCC Lot owner Lot owner does
opts for SCC not opt for SCC
administered by PlanD RLA to submit to DLO (Note C):
(a) a full report (Form 3), Lot owner(s) to submit to Lot owner(s) or his RLA to
(b) the SCC (Form 4), DLO a full report seek comment/ approval from
(c) lot owner’s statement (Form 5) (Form 3) (Note C)
PlanD’s approval letter of relevant government
satisfactory completion/ departments on the completed
acceptance of the completed Submission receipt by DLO landscape works
Submission receipt by DLO
landscape works

selected Random
selection by
14 working


The lot owner(s) or his RLA to not selected

submit Form 2 for completed Abbreviations
The completed landscape works
landscape works (with copy of BD Buildings Department
within lot is considered complied
LandsD to notify the RLA DLO District Lands Office includes Railway Development Section
written approval of compliance with landscape clause under lease
and other specialized sections of LandsD where appropriate
the selection result if no response is received from
of planning condition by PlanD LandsD Lands Department
to fulfill LMP/LP clauses under LandsD within 14 working days
PlanD Planning Department
14 working

lease.) (Notes A, B & C) JPN 3 Joint Practice Note No. 3 issued in April 2019 by BD,

LandsD to notify RLA the LandsD & PlanD jointly

LAO PN Lands Administration Office Practice Note
date of site inspection
LMP Landscape Master Plan
10 working days

LP Landscape Proposal
LandsD to carry out full TPRP Tree Preservation and Removal Proposal
DLO to send a letter to the lot RLA Registered Landscape Architect
owner(s) or his RLA to compliance checking on
SCC Self-certification of Compliance
acknowledge receipt signifying site SCG Site Coverage of Greenery
6 weeks

compliance of the landscape

LandsD to carry out Notes:
clause under lease Notification of result
further checking A. The completion of TPRP as part and parcel of the LMP/LP approved by
PlanD will be considered as compliance with the tree preservation clause
under lease in accordance with LAO PN No. 2/2020.
Rectification work NOT required Rectification work required B. Changes confined to Class A amendments as detailed in the TPB PG No.
36B – Town Planning Board Guidelines for Class A and Class B
Amendments To Approved Development Proposals. Approval procedures
Lot owner(s) or his RLA will submit a fresh as stipulated in paragraph 10 of PlanD’s PNPP No. 1/2019 shall be
DLO will issue a letter to the lot owners or his RLA &
SCC with completion report (Forms 3, 4 and followed for Class B amendments to the approved LMP/LP.
confirm compliance of the landscape clause under C. Approval on the compliance checking and implementation of SCG to
5 above) to DLO upon completion of all
lease fulfill the requirement of relevant conditions under lease shall follow the
rectification works
procedure in accordance with paragraphs 9 to 11 of JPN 3.

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