zEN tAROT Meditation
zEN tAROT Meditation
zEN tAROT Meditation
Major Arcana
0: The Fool 8: Courage 16: Thunderbolt
1: Existence 9: Aloneness 17: Silence
2: Inner Voice 10: Change 18: Past Lives
3: Creativity 11: Breakthrough 19: Innocence
4: The Rebel 12: New Vision 20: Beyond Illusion
5: No-Thingness 13: Transformation 21: Completion
6: The Lovers 14: Integration The Master
7: Awareness 15: Conditioning
3 - Creativity
Creativity is the
quality that you
From the alchemy of fire
bring to the
and water below to the
activity that you
divine light entering
are doing. It is an
from above, the figure
attitude, an inner
in this card is literally
'possessed by' the
you look at
creative force. Really,
the experience of
Not everybody
creativity is an entry
can be a
into the mysterious.
Technique, expertise
there is no need
and knowledge are just
also. If
tools; the key is to
everybody is a
abandon oneself to the
painter the world
energy that fuels the
will be very ugly;
birth of all things.
it will be difficult
This energy has no form
to live. And not
or structure, yet all the
everybody can be
forms and structures
a dancer, and
come out of it. It makes
there is no need.
no difference what
particular form your But everybody
creativity takes--it can can be creative.
be painting or singing, Whatsoever you
planting a garden or do, if you do it
making a meal. The joyfully, if you do
important thing is to be it lovingly, if your
open to what wants to act of doing is not
be expressed through purely
you. economical, then
Remember that we it is creative. If
don't possess our you have
creations; they do not something
belong to us. True growing out of it
creativity arises from a within you, if it
union with the divine, gives you growth,
with the mystical and it is spiritual, it is
the unknowable. Then it creative, it is
is both a joy for the divine. You
creator and a blessing become more
to others. divine as you
become more
All the religions
of the world have
said God is the
creator. I don't
know whether he
is the creator or
not, but one
thing I know: the
more creative
you become, the
more godly you
When your
creativity comes
to a climax, when
your whole life
creative, you live
in God. So he
must be the
creator because
people who have
been creative
have been closest
to him. Love
what you do. Be
meditative while
you are doing it--
whatsoever it is!
Osho A Sudden
Clash of Thunder,
Chapter 4
4 - The Rebel
People are afraid,
very much afraid
The powerful and
of those who
authoritative figure in
know themselves.
this card is clearly the
They have a
master of his own
certain power, a
destiny. On his shoulder
certain aura and
is an emblem of the
a certain
sun, and the torch he
magnetism, a
holds in his right hand
charisma that can
symbolizes the light of
take out alive,
his own hard-won truth.
young people
Whether he is wealthy
from the
or poor, the Rebel is
really an emperor
because he has broken
The enlightened
the chains of society's
man cannot be
repressive conditioning
enslaved--that is
and opinions. He has
the difficulty--and
formed himself by
he cannot be
embracing all the colors
of the rainbow,
Every genius who
emerging from the dark
has known
and formless roots of
something of the
his unconscious past
inner is bound to
and growing wings to fly
be a little difficult
into the sky. His very
to be absorbed;
way of being is
he is going to be
rebellious--not because
an upsetting
he is fighting against
force. The
anybody or anything,
masses don't
but because he has
want to be
discovered his own true
disturbed, even
nature and is
though they may
determined to live in
be in misery;
accordance with it. The
they are in
eagle is his spirit
misery, but they
animal, a messenger
are accustomed
between earth and sky.
to the misery.
The Rebel challenges us
And anybody who
to be courageous
is not miserable
enough to take
looks like a
responsibility for who
we are and to live our
The enlightened
man is the
greatest stranger
in the world; he
does not seem to
belong to
anybody. No
confines him, no
community, no
society, no
Buddha has
chosen one of the
really very
5 - No- potential words--
Thingness shunyata. The
English word, the
Being "in the gap" can English
be disorienting and even equivalent,
scary. Nothing to hold "nothingness", is
on to, no sense of not such a
direction, not even a beautiful word.
hint of what choices and That's why I
possibilities might lie would like to
ahead. But it was just make it "no-
this state of pure thingness"--
potential that existed because the
before the universe was nothing is not
created. All you can do just nothing, it is
now is to relax into this all. It is vibrant
no-thingness...fall into with all
this silence between the possibilities. It is
words...watch this gap potential,
between the outgoing absolute
and incoming breath. potential. It is
And treasure each unmanifest yet,
empty moment of the but it contains all.
experience. Something In the beginning
sacred is about to be is nature, in the
born. end is nature, so
why in the middle
do you make so
much fuss? Why,
in the middle,
becoming so
worried, so
anxious, so
create such
Nothingness to
nothingness is
the whole
Osho Take it
Easy, Volume 1,
Chapter 5
6 - The Lovers
These three
things are to be
What we call love is
taken note of:
really a whole spectrum
the lowest love is
of relating, reaching
sex--it is
from the earth to the
physical--and the
sky. At the most earthy
level, love is sexual
refinement of
attraction. Many of us
love is
remain stuck there,
compassion. Sex
because our
is below love,
conditioning has
compassion is
burdened our sexuality
above love; love
with all kinds of
is exactly in the
expectations and
repressions. Actually the
Very few people
biggest "problem" with
know what love
sexual love is that it
is. Ninety-nine
never lasts. Only if we
percent of
accept this fact can we
then really celebrate it
for what it is--welcome
think sexuality is
its happening, and say
love--it is not.
good-bye with gratitude
Sexuality is very
when it's not.
animal; it
Then as we mature, we
certainly has the
can begin to experience
potential of
the love that exists
growing into love,
beyond sexuality and
but it is not
honors the unique
actual love, only
individuality of the
a potential....
other. We begin to
If you become
understand that our
aware and alert,
partner often functions
meditative, then
as a mirror, reflecting
sex can be
unseen aspects of our
transformed into
deeper self and
love. And if your
supporting us to
become whole. This love
becomes total,
is based in freedom, not
expectation or need. Its absolute, love
wings take us higher can be
and higher towards the transformed into
universal love that compassion. Sex
experiences all as one. is the seed, love
is the flower,
compassion is the
Buddha has
compassion as
'love plus
When your love is
not just a desire
for the other,
when your love is
not only a need,
when your love is
a sharing, when
your love is not
that of a beggar
but an emperor,
when your love is
not asking for
something in
return but is
ready only to
give--to give for
the sheer joy of
giving--then add
meditation to it
and the pure
fragrance is
That is
compassion is the
9 - Aloneness
When you are
alone you are not
When there is no
alone, you are
"significant other" in our
simply lonely--
lives we can either be
and there is a
lonely, or enjoy the
freedom that solitude
brings. When we find no
support among others
loneliness and
for our deeply felt
aloneness. When
truths, we can either
you are lonely
feel isolated and bitter,
you are thinking
or celebrate the fact
of the other, you
that our vision is strong
are missing the
enough even to survive
other. Loneliness
the powerful human
is a negative
need for the approval of
state. You are
family, friends or
feeling that it
would have been
better if the other
If you are facing such a
was there--your
situation now, be aware
of how you are choosing friend, your wife,
to view your your mother,
"aloneness" and take your beloved,
responsibility for the your husband. It
choice you have made. would have been
The humble figure in good if the other
this card glows with a was there, but
light that emanates the other is not.
from within. One of Loneliness is
Gautam Buddha's most absence of the
significant contributions other.
to the spiritual life of Aloneness is the
humankind was to insist presence of
to his disciples, "Be a oneself.
light unto yourself." Aloneness is very
Ultimately, each of us positive. It is a
must develop within presence,
ourselves the capacity overflowing
to make our way presence. You are
through the darkness so full of
without any presence that you
companions, maps or can fill the whole
guide. universe with
your presence
and there is no
need for
Osho The
Discipline of
Volume 1,
Chapter 2
10 - Change
Life repeats itself
The symbol in this card
unless you
is an enormous wheel
become mindful,
representing time, fate,
it will go on
karma. Galaxies spin
repeating like a
around this constantly
wheel. That's why
moving circle, and the
Buddhists call it
twelve signs of the
the wheel of life
zodiac appear on its
and death--the
circumference. Just
wheel of time. It
inside the circumference
moves like a
are the eight trigrams of
wheel: birth is
the I Ching, and even
followed by
closer to the center are
death, death is
the four directions, each
followed by birth;
illuminated by the
love is followed
energy of lightning. The
by hate, hate is
spinning triangle is at
followed by love;
this moment pointed
success is
upward, toward the
followed by
divine, and the Chinese
failure, failure is
symbol of yin and yang,
followed by
male and female,
success. Just see!
creative and receptive,
If you can watch
lies at the center.
just for a few
It has often been said
days, you will see
that the only
a pattern
unchanging thing in the
emerging, a
world is change itself.
wheel pattern.
Life is continuously
One day, a fine
changing, evolving,
morning, you are
dying and being reborn.
feeling so good
All opposites play a part
and so happy,
in this vast circular
and another day
you are so dull,
so dead that you
If you cling to the edge
start thinking of
of the wheel you can
get dizzy! Move toward
suicide. And just
the center of the
the other day you
cyclone and relax,
were so full of
knowing that this too
life, so blissful
will pass.
that you were
feeling thankful
to God that you
were in a mood
of deep
gratefulness, and
today there is
great complaint
and you don't see
the point why
one should go on
And it goes on
and on, but you
don't see the
pattern. Once
you see the
pattern, you can
get out of it.
Osho Take it
Easy, Volume 1,
Chapter 7
11 -
To transform
Breakthrough breakdowns into
breakthroughs is
The predominance of the whole
red in this card indicates function of a
at a glance that its master. The
subject is energy, power psychotherapist
and strength. The simply patches
brilliant glow emanates you up. That is
from the solar plexus, his function. He is
or center of power on not there to
the figure, and the transform you.
posture is one of You need a meta-
exuberance and psychology, the
determination. All of us psychology of the
occasionally reach a buddhas.
point when "enough is It is the greatest
enough." adventure in life
At such times it seems to go through a
we must do something, breakdown
anything, even if it later consciously. It is
turns out to be a the greatest risk
mistake, to throw off because there is
the burdens and no guarantee that
restrictions that are the breakdown
limiting us. If we don't, will become a
they threaten to breakthrough. It
suffocate and cripple does become, but
our very life energy these things
itself. cannot be
guaranteed. Your
If you are now feeling chaos is very
that "enough is ancient--for
enough," allow yourself many, many lives
to take the risk of you have been in
shattering the old
patterns and limitations chaos. It is thick
that have kept your and dense. It is
energy from flowing. In almost a universe
doing so you will be in itself.
amazed at the vitality So when you
and empowerment this enter into it with
Breakthrough can bring your small
to your life. capacity, of
course there is
danger. But
without facing
this danger
nobody has ever
nobody has ever
become an
Zen, or
meditation, is the
method which will
help you to go
through the
chaos, through
the dark night of
the soul,
disciplined, alert.
The dawn is not
far away, but
before you can
reach the dawn,
the dark night
has to be passed
through. And as
the dawn comes
closer, the night
will become
Osho Walking in
Zen, Sitting in
Zen, Chapter 1
12 - New Vision
When you open
up to the
The figure on this card
is being born anew,
immediately it
emerging from his
pours into you.
earthbound roots and
You are no longer
growing wings to fly into
an ordinary
the unbounded. The
human being--
geometric shapes
you have
around the body of the
figure show the many
Your insight has
dimensions of life
become the
simultaneously available
insight of the
to him. The square
whole existence.
represents the physical,
Now you are no
the manifest, the
longer separate--
known. The circle
you have found
represents the
your roots.
unmanifest, the spirit,
pure space. And the
triangle symbolizes the
everybody is
threefold nature of the
moving without
universe: manifest,
roots, not
unmanifest, and the
knowing from
human being who
where their heart
contains both.
goes on receiving
energy, not
Now you are presented
knowing who
with an opportunity to
goes on
see life in all its
breathing in
dimensions, from the
them, not
depths to the heights.
knowing the life
They exist together, and
juice that is
when we come to know
running inside
from experience that
them. It is not
the dark and the
the body, it is not
difficult are needed as
the mind--it is
much as the light and
easy, then we begin to
transcendental to
have a very different
all duality, that is
perspective on the
called bhagavat--
world. By allowing all of
the bhagavat in
life's colors to penetrate
the ten directions
us, we become more
Your inner being,
when it opens,
first experiences
two directions:
the height, the
depth. And then
slowly, slowly, as
this becomes
your established
situation, you
start looking
spreading into all
other eight
And once you
have attained to
the point where
your height and
your depth meet,
then you can look
around to the
circumference of
the universe.
Then your
starts unfolding
in all ten
directions, but
the road has
been one.
13 -
A master in Zen
Transformation is not simply a
teacher. In all the
The central figure in this religions there
card sits atop the vast are only
flower of the void, and teachers. They
holds the symbols of teach you about
transformation--the subjects which
sword that cuts through you don't know,
illusion, the snake that and they ask you
rejuvenates itself by to believe,
shedding its skin, the because there is
broken chain of no way to bring
limitations, and the those
yin/yang symbol of experiences into
transcending duality. objective reality.
One of its hands rests Neither has the
on its lap, open and teacher known
receptive. The other them--he has
reaches down to touch believed them;
the mouth of a sleeping
face, symbolizing the he transfers his
silence that comes when belief to
we are at rest. somebody else.
Zen is not a
This is a time for a deep believer's world.
let-go. Allow any pain, It is not for the
sorrow, or difficulty just faithful ones; it is
to be there, accepting for those daring
its "facticity". It is very souls who can
much like the drop all belief,
experience of Gautam unbelief, doubt,
Buddha when, after reason, mind,
years of seeking, he and simply enter
finally gave up knowing into their pure
there was nothing more existence without
that he could do. That boundaries. But it
very night, he became brings a
enlightened. tremendous
Transformation comes, transformation.
like death, in its own Hence, let me say
time. And, like death, it that while others
takes you from one are involved in
dimension into another. philosophies, Zen
is involved in
in a
transformation. It
is authentic
alchemy: it
changes you from
base metal into
But its language
has to be
understood, not
with your
reasoning and
intellectual mind
but with your
loving heart. Or
even just
listening, not
whether it is true
or not. And a
moment comes
suddenly that you
see it, which has
been eluding you
your whole life.
Suddenly, what
Gautam Buddha
called 'eighty-
four thousand
doors' open.
14 - Integration
The conflict is in
man. Unless it is
The image of integration
resolved there, it
is the union mystica,
cannot be
the fusion of opposites.
This is a time of
anywhere else.
communication between
The politics is
the previously
within you; it is
experienced dualities of
between the two
life. Rather than night
parts of the mind.
opposing day, dark
A very small
suppressing light, they
bridge exists. If
work together to create
that bridge is
a unified whole, turning
broken through
endlessly one into the
some accident,
other, each containing
through some
in its deepest core the
seed of the opposite.
defect or
The eagle and the swan
something else,
are both beings of flight
the person
and majesty. The eagle
becomes split,
is the embodiment of
the person
power and aloneness.
becomes two
The swan is the
persons--and the
embodiment of space
phenomenon of
and purity, gently
schizophrenia or
floating and diving upon
split personality
and within the element
of the emotions, entirely
If the bridge is
content and complete
broken--and the
within her perfection
bridge is very
and beauty. We are the
fragile--then you
union of eagle and
become two, you
swan: male and female,
behave like two
fire and water, life and
persons. In the
morning you are
very loving, very
The card of integration
beautiful; in the
is the symbol of self-
evening you are
creation, new life, and
very angry,
mystical union;
otherwise known as
different. You
don't remember
can you
Another mind
was functioning--
and the person
becomes two
persons. If this
bridge is
strengthened so
much that the
two minds
disappear as two
and become one,
then integration,
What George
Gurdjieff used to
call the
crystallization of
being is nothing
but these two
minds becoming
one, the meeting
of the male and
the female
within, the
meeting of yin
and yang, the
meeting of the
left and right, the
meeting of logic
and illogic, the
meeting of Plato
and Aristotle.
Osho Ancient
Music in the
Pines, Chapter 1
15 -
Unless you drop
Conditioning your personality
you will not be
able to find your
This card recalls an old individuality.
Zen story, about a lion Individuality is
who was brought up by given by
sheep and who thought existence;
he was a sheep until an personality is
old lion captured him imposed by the
and took him to a pond, society.
where he showed him Personality is
his own reflection. Many social
of us are like this lion-- convenience.
the image we have of Society cannot
ourselves comes not tolerate
from our own direct individuality,
experience but from the because
opinions of others. A individuality will
"personality" imposed not follow like a
from the outside sheep.
replaces the Individuality has
individuality that could the quality of the
have grown from within. lion; the lion
We become just another moves alone. The
sheep in the herd, sheep are always
unable to move freely, in the crowd,
and unconscious of our hoping that being
own true identity. in the crowd will
feel cozy. Being
It's time to take a look in the crowd one
at your own reflection in feels more
the pond, and make a protected,
move to break out of secure. If
whatever you have been somebody
conditioned by others to attacks, there is
believe about yourself. every possibility
Dance, run, jog, do in a crowd to
gibberish--whatever is save yourself.
needed to wake up the But alone?--only
sleeping lion within. the lions move
And every one of
you is born a
lion, but the
society goes on
conditioning you,
your mind as a
sheep. It gives
you a personality,
a cozy
personality, nice,
very convenient,
very obedient.
Society wants
slaves, not
people who are
dedicated to
freedom. Society
wants slaves
because all the
vested interests
want obedience.
16 -
What meditation
Thunderbolt does slowly,
slowly, a good
The card shows a tower shout of the
being burned, master,
destroyed, blown apart. unexpectedly, in
A man and a woman are the situation
leaping from it not where the
because they want to, disciple was
but because they have asking some
no choice. In the question, and the
background is a master jumps
transparent, meditating and shouts, or
figure representing the hits him, or
witnessing throws him out of
consciousness. You the door, or
might be feeling pretty jumps over
shaky right now, as if him....
the earth is rocking These methods
beneath your feet. Your were never
sense of security is known. It was
being challenged, and purely the very
the natural tendency is creative genius of
to try to hold on to Ma Tzu, and he
whatever you can. made many
But this inner enlightened.
earthquake is both Sometimes it
necessary and looks so
tremendously hilarious: he
important--if you allow threw a man
it, you will emerge from
the wreckage stronger from the window,
and more available for from a two-
new experiences. After storey house, and
the fire, the earth is the man had
replenished; after the come to ask on
storm the air is clear. what to meditate.
Try to watch the And Ma Tzu not
destruction with only threw him,
detachment, almost as he jumped after
if it were happening to him, fell on him,
somebody else. Say yes sat on his chest,
to the process by and he said, "Got
meeting it halfway. it?!" And the poor
fellow said,
"Yes"--because if
you say "No," he
may beat you or
do something
else. It is
enough--his body
is fractured, and
Ma Tzu, sitting on
his chest, says,
"Got it?!"
And in fact he got
it, because it was
so sudden, out of
the blue--he
could never have
conceived it.
Osho Isan: No
Footprints in the
Blue Sky,
Chapter 4
17 - Silence
The energy of the
whole has taken
The silent mirrorlike
possession of
receptiveness of a star-
you. You are
filled night with a full
possessed, you
moon is reflected in the
are no more, the
misty lake below. The
whole is. This
face in the sky is deep
moment, as the
in meditation, a goddess
of the night who brings
penetrates in
depth, peace and
you, you can
understanding. Now is a
understand the
very precious time. It
significance of it,
will be easy for you to
because it is the
rest inside, to plumb the
same silence that
depths of your own
Gautam Buddha
inner silence to the
experienced. It is
point where it meets the
the same silence
silence of the universe.
that Chuang Tzu
There's nothing to do,
or Bodhidharma
nowhere to go, and the
or Nansen.... The
quality of your inner
taste of the
silence permeates
silence is the
everything you do. It
might make some
Time changes,
people uncomfortable,
the world goes on
accustomed as they are
changing, but the
to all the noise and
experience of
activity of the world.
silence, the joy of
Never mind; seek out
it, remains the
those who can resonate
same. That is the
with your silence, or
only thing you
enjoy your aloneness.
can rely upon,
the only thing
Now is the time to come
that never dies.
home to yourself. The
It is the only
understanding and
thing that you
insights that come to
can call your very
you in these moments
will be manifested later
on, in a more outgoing
Osho Zen: The
phase of your life.
Chapter 1
18 - Past Lives
The child can
The hands of existence
conscious only if
form the shape of the
in his past life he
female genitals, the
has meditated
opening of the cosmic
enough, has
mother. Revealed within
created enough
are many images, faces
from other times. While
energy to fight
it might be entertaining
with the darkness
to fantasize about
that death brings.
famous past lives, it is
One simply is lost
just a distraction. The
in an oblivion and
real point is to see and
then suddenly
understand the karmic
finds a new
patterns of our lives,
womb and
and their roots in an
endless repetitive cycle
completely about
that traps us in
the old body.
unconscious behavior.
There is a
The two rainbow lizards
on either side represent
This darkness,
knowing and not-
knowing. They are the
guardians of the
creates the
unconscious, making
discontinuity. The
sure that we are
East has been
prepared for a vision
working hard to
that might otherwise be
penetrate these
barriers. And ten
A glimpse into the
thousand years'
eternity of our existence
work has not
is a gift, and
been in vain.
understanding the
Everybody can
function of karma in our
penetrate to the
lives is not something
past life or many
that can be grasped at
past lives. But for
that you have to
go deeper into
This is a wake-up call;
your meditation,
the events in your life
for two reasons:
are trying to show you a
unless you go
pattern as ancient as
deeper, you
the journey of your own
cannot find the
door to another
life; secondly,
you have to be
deeper in
because, if you
find the door of
another life, a
flood of events
will come into the
mind. It is hard
enough even to
carry one life....
Osho Hyakujo:
The Everest of
Zen, Chapter 7
19 - Innocence
Zen says that if
you drop
The old man in this card
radiates a childlike
within knowledge
delight in the world.
everything is
There is a sense of
included, your
grace surrounding him,
name, your
as if he is at home with
himself and with what
life has brought. He
because this has
seems to be having a
been given to you
playful communication
by others--if you
with the praying mantis
drop all that has
on his finger, as if the
been given by
two of them are the
others, you will
greatest friends. The
have a totally
pink flowers cascading
different quality
around him represent a
to your being--
time of letting go,
innocence. This
relaxation and
will be a
sweetness. They are a
crucifixion of the
response to his
persona, the
presence, a reflection of
personality, and
his own qualities.
there will be a
The innocence that
resurrection of
comes from a deep
your innocence;
experience of life is
you will become a
childlike, but not
child again,
childish. The innocence
of children is beautiful,
but ignorant. It will be
Osho Dang Dang
replaced by mistrust
Doko Dang,
and doubt as the child
Chapter 7
grows and learns that
the world can be a
dangerous and
threatening place. But
the innocence of a life
lived fully has a quality
of wisdom and
acceptance of the ever-
changing wonder of life.
20 - Beyond
This is the only
Illusion distinction
between the
The butterfly in this card dream and the
represents the outer, real: reality
that which is constantly allows you to
moving and that which doubt, and the
is not real but an dream does not
illusion. Behind the allow you to
butterfly is the face of doubt....
consciousness, looking To me, the
inward to that which is capacity to doubt
eternal. The space is one of the
between the two eyes greatest
has opened, revealing blessings to
the lotus of spiritual humanity. The
unfoldment and the religions have
rising sun of awareness. been enemies
Through the rising of because they
the inner sun, have been cutting
meditation is born. the very roots of
doubt, and there
The card reminds us not is a reason why
to look outside for what they have been
is real, but to look doing that:
within. When we focus because they
on externals, we too want people to
often get caught up in believe in certain
judgments--this is good, illusions that they
this is bad, I want this, I have been
don't want that. These preaching....
judgments keep us Why have the
trapped in our illusions, people like
our sleepiness, our old Gautam Buddha
habits and patterns. been so insistent
Drop your opinionated that the whole
mind, and move inside. existence--except
There, you can relax your witnessing
into your own deepest self, except your
truth, where the awareness--is
difference between just ephemeral,
dreams and reality is made of the
already known. same stuff as
dreams are made
of. They are not
saying that these
trees are not
there. They are
not saying that
these pillars are
not there.
because of the
word "illusion"....
It has been
translated as
illusion, but
illusion is not the
right word.
Illusion does not
exist. Reality
exists. Maya is
just in between--
it almost exists.
As far as day-to-
day activities are
concerned, it can
be taken as
reality. Only in
the ultimate
sense, from the
peak of your
illumination, it
becomes unreal,
21 - Completion
This is the way of
Zen, not to say
Here the last piece of a
things to their
jigsaw puzzle is being
completion. This
put into its place, the
has to be
position of the third eye,
understood; it is
the place of inner
a very important
perception. Even in the
methodology. Not
ever-changing flow of
to say everything
life there are moments
means to give an
in which we come to a
opportunity to
point of completion. In
the listener to
these moments we are
complete it. All
able to perceive the
answers are
whole picture, the
incomplete. The
composite of all the
master has only
small pieces that have
given you a
occupied our attention
direction... By the
for so long. In the
time you reach
finishing, we can either
be in despair because the limit, you will
we don't want the know what is
situation to come to an going to remain.
end, or we can be This way, if
grateful and accepting somebody is
of the fact that life is full trying to
of endings and new understand Zen
beginnings. intellectually he
Whatever has been will fail. It is not
absorbing your time and an answer to the
energy is now coming to question but
an end. In completing something more
it, you will be clearing than the answer.
the space for something It is indicating
new to begin. Use this the very
interval to celebrate reality....
both--the end of the old The buddha
and the coming of the nature is not
new. something far
away--your very
consciousness is
buddha nature.
And your
can witness these
things which
constitute the
world. The world
will end but the
mirror will
remain, mirroring