Shape Changing Airfoil: NASA/CR-2005-213971

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Shape Changing Airfoil

Eric A. Ott
General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, Ohio

October 2005
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Shape Changing Airfoil

Eric A. Ott
General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, Ohio

Prepared under Contract NAS3–01135, Work element 3.2, Task order 23

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Glenn Research Center

October 2005
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I. Shape Change Airfoil Project Introduction ..............................................................................1

A. Program and Project Background ......................................................................................1
B. Project Objectives ..............................................................................................................2
C. Project Team and Plan .......................................................................................................2
D. Deliverables .......................................................................................................................3
II. Technical Summary of Aluminum Alloying Fundamentals Tasks ..........................................3
A. Subtask 3.2.1: Nano Phase Aluminum Alloying Concepts ...............................................4
Alloy and Alloying Technique Selection...........................................................................4
Phase 1 Rapid Solidification Processing.........................................................................11
B. Subtask 3.2.2: Nano Phase Aluminum Processing and Characterization ........................12
Consolidation processing to produce bulk nano-phase aluminum materials ..................13
Al Alloy Characterization ................................................................................................15
C. Subtask 3.2.3 Modeling ...................................................................................................18
III. Technical Summary of the Shape Change Concepts Subtask ................................................19
A. Component Level Concepts for Phase 1 Preliminary Down-Select ................................20
B. Fan Airfoil Camber Change Concepts.............................................................................21
Airfoil Geometry Change.................................................................................................21
Actuation Concepts ..........................................................................................................21
C. Analysis of Aero Benefits................................................................................................27
GE90 vs QAT ...................................................................................................................28
Active vs Passive Actuation .............................................................................................28
D. Structural Analysis...........................................................................................................29
Mechanical Analysis ........................................................................................................29
Thermal Analysis .............................................................................................................32
E. Refined Shape Change Airfoil Structure Concept ...........................................................32
Titanium blade .................................................................................................................32
Composite blade ..............................................................................................................34
Aluminum blade ...............................................................................................................36
F. Shape Change System Risk Assessment..........................................................................36
G. Implications to the Engine System ..................................................................................38
H. Summary..........................................................................................................................40
IV. Conclusions and Recommendations.......................................................................................41
A. Conclusions based on Phase 1 study................................................................................41
B. Recommendations based on Phase 1 study......................................................................41
V. Program Schedule...................................................................................................................42
VI. References ..............................................................................................................................42

NASA/CR—2005-213971 iii
I. Shape Change Airfoil Project Introduction
A. Program and Project Background

The National Aeronautics and Space Administrations (NASA) Ultra Efficient Engine
Technology (UEET) efforts have recently included the Intelligent Propulsion System
Foundation Technology (IPSFT) Program. As part of the IPSFT Phase I (2003-2004)
program, the Shape Changing Airfoil Project was established to investigate the utilization
of intelligent control of airfoil shapes in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions via
reductions in engine fuel burn. Additional IPSFT project thrust areas in the Phase I effort
included emissions, noise, and safety and reliability. Summaries of other projects focusing
on these four major thrust areas, including a system study of the overall benefits of each of
the IPSFT technologies are reported elsewhere.

The shape changing airfoil system was considered to be at technology readiness level
(TRL) 1 as of the initiation of this Phase I effort. As a result, the Phase I project plan was
structured to assess shape change concepts and form a technology foundation that could
then be further proven and developed during the later phases of the program. In parallel to
efforts to establish an intelligent control technology, the initial phases of the effort also were
structured to begin establishing fundamental materials technology for higher strength,
intermediate temperature aluminum alloys which were envisioned to be candidates for a
the backbone structure of a lightweight, affordable, shape changing airfoil system. The
advanced aluminum material was intended to be a future base metal for the airfoil upon
which the control system and related actuation materials and structures could be added.
Performance of the shape change concept study and advanced aluminum alloy technology
development efforts concurrently was intended to allow sufficient time for both technology
areas to reach TRL 6 by 2009. Fundamental material and process models were also being
addressed in this project in order to accelerate the insertion of new materials technology.
The GE Aircraft Engines engine system being considered as a baseline for assessment of
the intelligent engine technologies is the 2015 Quiet Aircraft Technology (QAT). The QAT
utilizes a commercial engine cycle with a number of advanced engine technologies studied
under other GE Aircraft Engines contract efforts.

This Shape Changing Airfoil project effort was designed around a General Electric (GE),
NASA and Ohio State University (OSU) collaboration arrangement. Separate contracts
were placed by NASA with GE and OSU, but efforts were performed in a collaborative
fashion in order to best utilize the personnel, experience, analysis, and testing strengths of
each of the collaborating organizations. The project areas covered in this final report relate
specifically to the GE portion of the Shape Changing Airfoil effort; however, appropriate
references to results achieved as part of the OSU investigation under this project focus
area are included. Additional details can be found in the OSU final report to be published
at the conclusion of the OSU Phase I efforts. The aluminum development efforts and the
shape change concepts development portions of this project will be summarized in
Sections II and III respectively.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 1
B. Project Objectives

The overall objective of this project was to develop materials and computational models to
enable the design and fabrication of lightweight, high-strength shape-changing airfoils.
The emissions improvement goal associated with this technology area was a 0.5%
specific fuel consumption reduction. Such reductions would result in significant carbon
dioxide emission reductions. Specific fuel consumption reductions were investigated
through the study of shape change concepts in airfoil-type components and through
development of lightweight airfoil materials fundamentals.

C. Project Team and Plan

Efforts performed in this project were organized into 4 separate subtasks. A summary of
the Phase I subtask objectives are given in Figure 1.3.1. Subtasks 1 through 3 were
performed as a collaboration between GE Aircraft Engines, GE Global Research, Transmet
Corporation, and Ohio State University, with NASA Glenn Research Center in an advisory
role. Subtask 4 was performed as a collaboration between GE Aircraft Engines, and GE
Global Research Center, again with NASA Glenn Research Center in an advisory role. A
more detailed project plan and schedule can be found in Section VI. A summary of the core
project team and team member affiliations is given in Table 1.3.1. Additional personnel
were also consulted during this effort for guidance during various technical activities.

Phase I Shape Changing Airfoil Project Structure

Subtask 3.2.1: Nano Phase Aluminum Alloying Concepts
• “Select most promising aluminum alloy compositions for evaluation as lightweight, high-
strength shape changing materials.”
• “Manufacture lab-scale dispersion-strengthened aluminum alloys by rapid solidification
Subtask 3.2.2: Nano Phase Aluminum Processing and Characterization
• “Identify lab-scale manufacturing techniques for nano-phase aluminum materials.”
Subtask 3.2.3: Nano Phase Aluminum Modeling
• “Nano Phase Aluminum Modeling”
Subtask 3.2.4: Shape Change Technology Scoping
• “Perform aerodynamic analyses to determine blade shape change requirements and
potential benefits.”
• “Assess shape changing materials technologies.”

Initial Phase 2 Shape Changing Airfoil Project Plans

• Develop, produce and test lab-scale nano-phase aluminum materials using candidate
manufacturing techniques selected in Phase 1.
• Conduct manufacturing scale-up studies.
• Develop and produce nano-phase aluminum for high-strength lightweight blades.

Figure 1.3.1: Outline of the Shape Changing Airfoil Project Effort Phases I and II.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 2
Table 1.3.1: Summary of Shape Changing Airfoil Project Team
Organization Team members Relevant Tasks
GE Aircraft Engines Eric Ott (Lead) 1,2,3,4
John Decker 4
GE Global Research Center Shyh-Chin Huang 1,2,3
Don Lipkin 4
Matthew Lear 4
NASA Glenn Research Robert Draper (Monitor) 1,2,3,4
Ronald Noebe 1,2,3,4
Ohio State University Michael Mills 1,2,3
Glenn Daehn 1,2,3
Mark Carroll 1,2,3
Transmet Corporation Doug Shull 1,2,3
Bruce Rademan 1,2,3

D. Deliverables

The project effort deliverables for Phase I are given below. The present report specifically
addresses interim report requirements in the first 3 deliverables. For the fourth deliverable,
material samples were produced and submitted to OSU for characterization as part of the
project plan and as such this deliverable was also completed.

1. Interim report on blade shape change requirements and benefits.

2. Interim report on shape changing materials technologies, including most promising aluminum alloy
3. Interim report on lab-scale manufacturing techniques for nano-phase aluminum materials.
4. Dispersion-strengthened aluminum alloy sample.

II. Technical Summary of Aluminum Alloying Fundamentals Tasks

Aluminum material development efforts included identification of approaches, production of
materials, processing and characterization of alloys, and modeling of strengthening. These
efforts were intended to provide a base of simple alloying concepts from which more
complicated alloy compositions and microstructures may be developed in later phases of
this effort. Tasks were performed by GE, Transmet Corporation (a subcontractor to GE),
and OSU. Material identification, generation, and consolidation efforts were led by GE
while characterization and modeling efforts were led by OSU.

The overall alloying approach chosen in this study was based on the use of rapid
solidification (RS) processing in order to develop high strength, highly stable alloys and
microstructures. Many of the material structures which develop out of RS processing have
microstructural features which are on the nanometer size scale and as such the alloys are
also referred to as “nano” aluminum in this study. The use of RS processing and the
resulting “nano” aluminum alloys was expected to provide the material strengthening

NASA/CR—2005-213971 3
mechanisms whereby significantly improved strength levels and temperature capability
could be achieved relative to conventionally processed aluminum alloys.

Application requirements driving the “nano” aluminum developments were established

based on large diameter commercial engine fan blade applications. Other airfoils, both
rotating and stationary, may also benefit from successful development of this technology,
although the specific property requirements may differ. Conventional fan blade materials
typically include polymer matrix composites, or titanium. The choice in materials is often
driven by diameters. Hollow titanium blades have also been used by some engine
manufacturers. Other rotor and stator airfoils are frequently composed of titanium,
aluminum, or polymer matrix composites. Operating conditions for large diameter
commercial fan blade applications require high strength, fatigue resistance, ductility,
erosion and impact tolerance, thermal stability, and environmental resistance. Such parts
are considered critical to the operation and safety of the engine. Relative to conventional
fan blade material choices, the aluminum material system being developed in this study
was intended to be lighter in weight compared to titanium and lower in complexity and cost
relative to a polymer matrix composite. Alloy development efforts were driven primarily by
the need for improvements in ambient and elevated temperature yield strength,
maintaining substantial ductility for impact tolerance, and ensuring microstructure stability
to intermediate temperatures. Specific property goals used to guide Phase I aluminum
alloy foundation development efforts were:
1) ambient temperature strength levels of 90ksi (610Mpa),
2) ambient temperature ductility of at least 5%,
3) strength at 280°F (140°C) of 60ksi (410Mpa), and
4) thermal stability to 300°F (150°C).
These requirements were established to guide selection of general strengthening
approaches and candidate alloy systems. Significantly more detailed property
requirements would need to be assessed in subsequent phases of the project when simple
alloying and strengthening concepts are to be combined into more complicated candidate
alloy systems.

A. Subtask 3.2.1: Nano Phase Aluminum Alloying Concepts

Efforts in this task involved the selection of basic aluminum alloy compositions for study of
alloying approaches, investigation of techniques to introduce dispersoids within a rapidly
solidified aluminum alloy matrix, as well as generation of rapidly solidified materials to be
consolidated and characterized in Task 3.2.2. Work was performed by GE Aircraft Engines
and GE Corporate Research and, through GE subcontract, by Transmet Corporation. Final
alloy composition selections were discussed and agreed upon by the project team
including NASA, GE, OSU, and Transmet Corporation.

Alloy and Alloying Technique Selection

There are two commercial alloy series specifically developed to achieve high strength, but
neither can maintain high strength in the temperature range from room temperature to

NASA/CR—2005-213971 4
300ºF, as required by the present application. One is the 7xxx-series of alloys which
derive their strength from fine GP-zone precipitation of a semi-coherent Zn2Cu phase. The
7xxx-series of “high strength” alloys approach the ambient temperature strength
requirements of the present application, but their strength falls off sharply with temperature
and is not unacceptable above 250ºF. Temperature capability limits are typically attributed
to precipitate coarsening and subsequent loss of strength with time at elevated
temperatures. The 2xxx-series of aluminum alloys have been developed to maintain
strength to temperatures above 450ºF. This series of “high temperature” alloys derive their
strength mainly from solid solution strengthening via Cu addition. Although GP-zone
precipitation can also be formed to provide additional strengthening, the strength of the
2xxx-series alloys is significantly lower than target requirements in this effort for both
ambient and 300ºF temperatures. These trends and the project tensile requirements are
shown in Figure 2.1.1

300ºF+ High-strength alloy

Yield Strength, MPa

High-strength alloy

High-temperature alloy

Figure 2.1.1: Aluminum alloy tensile property goals relative to conventional alloys.

New alloying and strengthening approached are necessary to achieve high strength over
the temperature range from room temperature to 300ºF. The conventional precipitation
strengthened alloying approaches utilized in alloys such as 7xxx- and 2xxx-type aluminums
will have to be abandoned or supplemented by new strengthening approaches, Figure
2.1.2. New alloy composition domains will also need to be explored to take advantage of
the benefits of novel processing routes such as RS processing.

Several new alloying concepts were formulated and led to the development of the Phase I
plan. The primary concept was based on dispersion strengthening with nano-scale
particles using rapid solidification processing techniques. Due to the thermal stability
requirement, it was necessary to pursue dispersion phases which were highly stable
including those which may be formed from liquid state during solidification. Rapid-
solidification processing was used to produce nano-scaled particle dispersions with
sufficient volume fractions and spacings to be effective strengtheners. In one approach, an
oxide dispersion was considered, due to the increased availability of nano-sized oxide
powder recently and the identification of a possible low-cost process that could incorporate

NASA/CR—2005-213971 5
the nano particles into aluminum. In a second approach, two classes of dispersion phases
formed by precipitation, icosahedral and L12, were pursued due to their desirable thermal
stability and ability to respond to rapid-solidification to produce fine dispersions of particles.
At a later stage in the evaluation effort, interesting aspects of the Al6Mn dispersion phase
were observed in this program, and the Al-Mn system was subsequently pursued in place
of the oxide dispersion approach. These concepts are described in additional detail in the
subsequent paragraphs as are a few candidate alloying approaches which were not
selected for pursuit in this project.

Commercial Domains
Al-7xxx Use
Alloys explore
chemistries Phases stable to
stable >280°F
Zn2Mg precipitates • Icosahedral phase
phase • Si
are unstable.
• L12 phase
• Oxides

Figure 2.1.2: Schematic showing several candidate aluminum alloying approaches.

Oxide dispersion in a 2219 matrix

Stable oxide dispersions are used in several conventional mechanically alloyed nickel- and
iron-based alloys in order to provide elevated temperature strengthening. Matrix
strengthening is provided by a combination of solid solution and/or precipitate
strengthening via alloying and dispersion strengthening by the introduction of fine ceramic
particles in such structures. Reliable introduction of a fine oxide dispersion is complicated
by several factors including density differences between the dispersoid compound and the
matrix, high interfacial energies, and complicated solidification processes. Many existing
oxide dispersion strengthened alloys are manufactured by powder metallurgy approaches
involving extensive ball milling to introduce a fine oxide throughout the metallic matrix.
Such processing is difficult and costly. In highly ductile alloy systems, low temperature
milling may be required to be effective.

An alternate approach was identified by GE whereby fine oxide powder could be

introduced into molten aluminum in a way that promoted formation of a uniform particle
distribution in solidified product. This technique utilized the spinning cup process practiced
by Transmet Corporation. Such dispersions were expected to provide excellent thermal
stability and improved strength. The commercial 2219 alloy was chosen as a base metal
matrix for convenience and Al2O3 was selected as selected as the dispersoid. The target
Al2O3 size range was 20nm or less to enable fine particle spacings while maintaining the

NASA/CR—2005-213971 6
ceramic volume fraction as low as possible to minimize any adverse impact to ductility. A
relationship between particle size, volume fraction, and anticipated Orowan-type [1]
strengthening increment is given in Figure 2.1.3.



Orowan Shear stress (ksi)




30 30nm


10 100nm

0 1000nm

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Volume Fraction Al2O3 (% )

Figure 2.1.3: Estimation showing the approximate Orowan [1] relationship between
dispersoid distribution and potential strengthening benefit assuming non-shearable

Icosahedral phase dispersion

The icosahedral phase was first discovered in aluminum alloys in the 1970’s. It is a
metastable phase formed by solidification due to the slow diffusivity of certain alloying
elements such Fe, Ni and Co [2]. It has a complex crystalline structure with 20 faces,
which can only grow to form “quasicrystals” with cavities, as shown in Figure 2.1.4. Due to
the loosely packed structure, quasicrystals are known to be effective strengthening
particles. Furthermore, a large volume fraction (>20%) of fine (<200µm) icosahedral phase
particles can be produced by rapid solidification processing. A first icosahedral-phase
strengthened aluminum alloy, nominally Al-7Fe-1.5V-1.5Si [3], was developed by Allied-
Signal in the 1980’s with good combination of strength, temperature capability, fatigue and
corrosion resistance.

Tohoku University of Japan has also investigated additional icosahedral phase alloys [4] in
the 1990’s. Several new icosahedral phase systems were identified with attractive
combinations of ductility and strength. One of the alloys studied extensively by the Tohoku
University group was Al93Fe3Cr2Ti2 [5]. Figure 2.1.5 shows the yield strength of this alloy
as a function of testing temperature (data labeled Al-Fe-Ti-Cr alloys). As seen, the
strength of this icosahedral alloy system is equivalent to that of the 7xxx-series alloy at
room temperature, but it strengths maintained over a much larger temperature range more
similar to that of high temperature 2xxx-series alloys. This icosohedral alloy system thus
shows the potential of meeting the program goals, and was selected for investigation here.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 7
GRC, 2002

“Quasicrystal” cell built Icosahedral nano dispersion

from icosahedral phase in melt-spun Al-V-Fe
Figure 2.1.4: Icosohedral phase structure schematic [2] and an example transmission
electron micrograph from previous GE studies.

Al-Fe-Ti-Cr alloys

High Temp. alloys

High Strength alloys

Figure 2.1.5: Al93Fe3Cr2Ti2 properties as reported by Inoue, et al. [5] compared to

conventional high temperature alloys and project strength requirements (red circles).

L12 phase dispersion

As in the case of Ni3Al strengthening in Ni-based superalloys, L12 phases have been
identified in aluminum alloys. Several of these phases and their potential strengthening
benefits have been reported in the literature, for example, Al3Li, Al3Zr and Al3Sc. The most
successful strengthening phase was Al3Sc [6]. By powder metallurgy processing
techniques, alloys containing as little as 0.3 wt.% Sc have been shown to exhibit strength

NASA/CR—2005-213971 8
levels greater than 500MPa. Unlike Al3Li, however, the Al3Sc phase can form by rapid
solidification or by high temperature annealing above about 575ºF (300ºC). The Al3Sc L12
phase, as well as the similar Al3Zr phase have the potential of providing high strength up to
temperatures in the 300ºF (150ºC) range. A drawback for the Al3Sc dispersion approach is
the cost impact to the alloy from the current Sc elemental cost. Sc costs in the range of 3
or more orders of magnitude greater than that of Al are prohibitive. Even with just a few
tenths of a percent addition, it can increase the material cost significantly. In this program,
an alloy composition was formulated based on 0.15 wt.% additions of Sc and Zr to the
icosahedral phase alloy Al93Fe3Cr2Ti2 identified above.

Al6Mn dispersion alloys

Based on characterization results obtained from the 2219+ Al2O3 dispersion alloy efforts in
this study, a fine dispersion of the Al6Mn phase was identified at low Mn levels. The project
team agreed to produce a several Al-Mn binary alloy with three Mn contents to enable
more detailed understanding of the strengthening effects of the Al6Mn dispersion. A phase
diagram [7] for the Al-Mn system showing the limited Mn solubility in pure aluminum and
the stability of the Al6Mn phase to temperatures above the melting point of pure aluminum
is given in Figure 2.1.6.

Figure 2.1.6: Al-Mn binary phase diagram [7] showing limited Mn solubility and high
thermal stability of the Al6Mn phase.

Final Phase I Alloy Selection

Technical assessment of candidate aluminum alloy compositions was performed and six
alloy compositions were selected for manufacturing by rapid solidification processing in this

NASA/CR—2005-213971 9
project. All alloys, with the exception of two additional conventional baseline alloy
compositions from alloys 7075 and 2219, were chosen such that fine dispersions of
strengthening particles could be produced within the matrix. Two primary dispersoid-
producing approaches were used – introduction of fine, stable Al2O3 into a molten
aluminum matrix followed by RS processing and formation of highly stable precipitates
from a super-saturated matrix during solidification, cooling, or subsequent aging after rapid
solidification processing. A summary of nominal alloy compositions targeted is given in
Table 2.1.1 below.

Table 2.1.1: Selected alloy nominal target compositions (wt.%) used for dispersoid alloys.
Alloy Al Ti Cr Fe Sc Zr other
Icosahedral Bal. 2 2 3 - - -
Icosahedral+Sc,Zr Bal. 2 2 3 0.1 0.2 -
2219-Al2O3 Bal. - - - - - Al-2219 matrix
Al-1Mn Bal. - - - - - 1%Mn
Al-1.5Mn Bal. - - - - - 1.5%Mn
Al-2Mn Bal. - - - - - 2%Mn

(a) (b)
Figure 2.1.7: Transmet rapid solidification processing showing (a) melt spinning of flake,
and (b) centrifugal atomization (Courtesy of Transmet Corporation).

NASA/CR—2005-213971 10
(a) (b)
Figure 2.1.8: Typical particulate materials resulting from (a) melt spinning of flake, and (b)
centrifugal atomization (Courtesy of Transmet Corporation).

Table 2.1.2: Nominal and measured alloy compositions (wt.%)

Alloy Chem. Al Ti Cr Fe Sc Zr Mn other
7075 Bar* 86.6 - 0.21 0.14 - 0.013 0.023 6.3Zn, 1.85Cu,
baseline 2.58Mg, 0.25Si
2219 Bar* 93 - - 0.046 - 0.12 0.27 6.43Cu, 0.046Si,
baseline 0.089V
Icosahedral Nom. Bal. 2 2 3 - - -
Casting** Bal. 1.92 1.70 3.05 - - - 0.03Cu, 0.09Si
Icosahedral Nom. Bal. 2 2 3 0.1 0.2 -
+Sc,Zr Casting** Bal. 1.82 1.80 2.82 0.1 0.13 - 0.05Cu, 0.08Si
Al-1Mn Nom. Bal. - - - - - 1 -
Casting*** 98.8 - - 0.038 - - 1.05 0.035Si
Al-1.5Mn Nom. Bal. - - - - - 1.5 -
Casting*** 98.4 - - 0.042 - - 1.50 0.035Si
Al-2Mn Nom. Bal. - - - - - 2 -
Casting*** 97.8 - - 0.042 - - 2.03 0.036Si
* Input bar stock subsequently melted for flake generation
** Pre-alloyed cast plates subsequently melted for flake generation
*** Cast sample taken from melt during flake generation process.

Phase I Rapid Solidification Processing

Two rapid solidification processing (RSP) methods – centrifugal atomization and melt
spinning were selected for generation of material in this study. Both RSP methods, shown
in Figure 2.1.7, have been previously scaled-up to production by Transmet, although sub-
scale equipment was used for this study. Typical particulate material morphologies
generated by these processes are given in Figure 2.1.8. The oxide dispersion alloy was
generated using a centrifugal atomization, spinning crucible technique. Solidified material

NASA/CR—2005-213971 11
was collected as particulate or was splat quenched on a substrate for characterization and
analysis. Flake materials from the remaining baseline and experimental alloys were
generated by melt spinning using pre-alloyed bar or cast plates of the target composition.
Materials for the 7075 baseline, icosahedral and Al-Mn alloys were provided to the
program by GE. For the Al-Mn binary alloys, a single master alloy with 2% Mn was
generated and was subsequently diluted with pure Al to generate lower Mn content
materials. The pure aluminum material was chosen to best match the Al-2%Mn master
alloy impurity levels to enable a direct comparison of Mn compositions. All flake materials
were generated in an ambient environment melt spinning apparatus at Transmet
Corporation. As-produced flake was shipped to OSU for analysis of the as-produced
structure and to GE Global Research for canning and extrusion consolidation. Additional
cast buttons of the Al-Mn alloys were also produced to enable comparison of phase
morphologies in the as-cast condition to that of rapid solidification processed material.
Actual measured chemistries are given in Table 2.1.2 along with nominal compositions for

Process development trials for introduction of a fine Al2O3 ceramic dispersoid into a rapidly
solidified aluminum were performed by Transmet Corp. where trial runs, 3-5 pounds each,
were converted to splat quenched and particulate material for subsequent evaluation. A
total of more than 20 development trials were performed. Characterization activities in
Subtask 3.2.2 concluded that the process used for introduction of Al2O3 ceramic particles
was not fully successful and a decision was made to abandon pursuit of the 2219-Al2O3
dispersoid alloy. Results did, however, suggest that an alternate approach could be used
to produce a dispersion of Al6Mn. The Team decided to replace the 2219-Al2O3 dispersoid
alloy with three experimental Al-Mn binary alloy compositions.

B. Subtask 3.2.2: Nano Phase Aluminum Processing and Characterization

This task is composed of several subtasks which were shared by GE and OSU. GE
assessed and performed consolidation of rapidly solidified material produced in Task 3.2.1
to generate bulk materials for characterization and evaluation by OSU. A schematic
summary of the process is given in Figure 2.2.1. The OSU characterization efforts included
defining characterization techniques, assessing as-produced material, and performance of
a heat treat and exposure study to understand microstructural evolution with time and
temperature. Additional alloy consolidation efforts were also undertaken by OSU in order to
generate additional material for analysis from flake. A more detailed summary of the OSU
characterization efforts can be found in the OSU final report to be published following
completion of the Phase I OSU effort.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 12

De-Gassing HIPing Extrusion

Direct Extrusion
Figure 2.2.1: Schematic of the aluminum alloy consolidation processing method.

Consolidation processing to produce bulk nano-phase aluminum materials

Two consolidation methods were used depending upon RSP type. For the 2219-Al2O3
alloy, a production-type system was modified so that molten droplets could be collected
prior to their solidification into powder, as well as collection of particular material. Molten
droplets were collected on a substrate material and built up to thicknesses on the order of
about 0.25 inches (0.5mm). So called, splat quenched material was investigated in the as-
produced form and to reduce inherent as-produced porosity, after direct rolling. Melt-spun
flake materials were consolidated by extrusion into bulk material. To preserve the nano-
phase structure in the bulk material, a low temperature processing was necessary.
Furthermore, flake materials display large flat surfaces and a thermomechanical process is
preferred to minimize prior-particle boundary defects in the consolidated material. Shear
deformation occurring during extrusion was expected to provide more consistent
consolidation of flake compared to simple hot isostatic press (HIP).

Oxide dispersion strengthened 2219 aluminum consolidation

Runs included in the centrifugal atomization DOE were generated in particulate and/or bulk
form for analysis. The bulk, splat quenched material form was considered to be the most
convenient for characterization efforts. A view of a typical splat quenched material run
output is given in Figure 2.2.2. Efforts were discontinued on this material system and
dispersion production method due to difficulties in producing a uniform distribution of
ceramic particles in the aluminum alloy matrix with the spinning conditions utilized.
Additional development effort would be required in order to improve the reliability of this
process and the uniformity of the dispersion type alloy produced.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 13
Figure 2.2.2: Typical view of a splat quenched 2219 + Al2O3 alloy.

Extrusion of baseline 7075 flake material

Consolidation of 7075 melt spun flake material was performed by containered extrusion at
elevated temperature with care exercised in removing absorbed H2O absorbed on the
surfaces of the flake material. The final dimensions of the extruded rod was about 7/8”
diameter by 110” long, as shown in Fig. 2.2.3. A section from the middle of the extruded
rod was cut and polished. It showed sound consolidation without any signs hydrogen
contamination, as also shown in Figure 2.2.3 (top right). The extruded material was then
sent to Ohio State University for further characterization. As a result of the success of the
first, and more difficult of the two baseline alloys in the extrusion process, the consolidation
design of experiments (DOE) was discontinued in favor of providing additional resources
for extrude consolidation of Subtask 3.2.1 RSP dispersoid alloy flakes.

Figure 2.2.3: Photograph of the 7075 baseline alloy extrusion and (top right) a cross
section indicating no gross porosity.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 14
Extrusion of 2219, icosahedral phase and Al-Mn alloys

The extrusion procedure used for the alloy 7075 baseline material was also used for
additional flake alloys, but the extrusion can was redesigned to accommodate processing
of smaller quantities of multiple flake alloy materials. The extrusion runs were focused on
consolidation of the 2219 baseline material, the two icosahedral alloys, and the three Al-Mn
alloys to small diameter bar for OSU characterization efforts and limited mechanical
testing. To obtain the small diameter, the extrusion can was redesigned to allow a group of
three alloys to be co-extruded.

Extrusion of both the icosohedral/2219 set and the Al-Mn set resulted in difficulties with
applying sufficient press ram force to effectively extrude the can and aluminum flake
materials through the extrusion die. A very limited amount of the Al-Mn alloy extrusion was
successfully extruded prior to reaching the maximum press capacity. Further extrusion
efforts were discontinued in lieu of alternate processing identified by OSU. A macro
photograph of the short extrusion section containing three Al-Mn alloys and the remainder
of the extrusion can that could not be successfully processed is given in Figure 2.2.4.

Figure 2.2.4: Photographs of the unsuccessful Al-Mn extrusion at the can side (left) and at
the extruded side (right) after removal from the extrusion die.

Al Alloy Characterization

Characterization efforts were performed by OSU and will be summarized in detail in the
OSU final report. Efforts are not yet complete as of the writing of this final report since the
end of the Phase I OSU effort extends beyond that of GE. The characterization performed
to date clearly indicates the value of using RS processing to convert eutectic-like
microstructure morphologies to more finely dispersed particles which are, in turn, expected
to provide significant matrix strengthening. Fine grain structures are apparent in as-
produced RSP materials and there is evidence that relatively fine structures are maintained
through subsequent thermal processing.

Analysis of the 2219+ Al2O3 alloy splat quenched samples, shown in Figure 2.2.5(a-c),
indicated that Al2O3 particles were not distributed uniformly at a fine (<1um) size scale by
the processing. More detailed analysis of the Al2O3 source powder confirmed that particle

NASA/CR—2005-213971 15
sizes were significantly larger than that originally targeted. Characterization results,
however, still suggest that the particle introduction technique parameters were not
sufficient to form a uniform particle distribution. Also, due to the relatively slow cooling rate
of molten material during splat quench, residual eutectic structures from the 2219 alloyl
constituents can also be seen. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) analysis,
however, did point out an unanticipated benefit. Even at relatively low Mn contents (0.3% in
this case) a fine dispersion of particles consistent with the Al6Mn phase can be formed
after RS processing and subsequent high temperature aging heat treatment.

(a) (b)
500 nm

(c) (d)
Figure 2.2.5: 2219+ Al2O3 produced by centrifugal atomization and splat quenching
showing (a) non-optimum distribution of ceramic (bright contrasting phase), (b) typical
eutectic structures in 2219 base metal, (c) presence of fine Al6Mn in splat quenched and
heat treated material, and (d) a microstructural comparison to a similar Al-Mn alloy
produced at slower cooling rates as a cast button.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 16

(a) (b)
Figure 2.2.6: Al-Mn binary alloy characterization analysis performed by OSU showing (a)
Al6Mn particles pinning grain boundaries and (b) ultra-fine grain structures.

In the Al-Mn binary alloys, it was found via characterization efforts that the Al6Mn particles
are present in the microstructure and appear to act in several beneficial capacities –
pinning grain boundaries to enable ultrafine, as-produced grain structures (Figure 2.2.6),
fine dispersoids which are stable to >750°F(400°C) and which show interaction with
dislocations as suggested by Orowan-type mechanisms. Examples are shown in Figure
2.2.7. Fine grain structures are also stable at temperatures as high at 750°F(400°C).

Characterization efforts being performed by Ohio State University (OSU) have indicated
that as-produced alloy flake materials display very fine grain sizes in the range of about
0.1-1 micrometer in size and selected thermal processing can be used to produce fine
precipitate dispersions in these materials. Comparison of the melt spun Al-Mn materials to
the cast Al-Mn buttons produced by Transmet as part of this project indicated that melt
spinning is beneficial in limiting the formation of coarse second phase eutectic structures in
highly alloy compositions. OSU characterization efforts continue on as-produced flake
materials, consolidated bulk materials, and similar materials after heat-treat processing.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 17
1 µm

1 µm

(a) % (b)

2 µm
1 µm

(c) (d)
Figure 2.2.7: Al-Mn binary alloy 750°F(400°C) exposure effects showing (a) a bimodal
Al6Mn distribution, (b) effective dislocation particle interaction, (c) a fine micron or sub
micron grain size, and (d) stability of the fine structure at 750°F(400°C) for 27 hrs.

C. Subtask 3.2.3 Modeling

This task is being performed by Ohio State University under contract directly from NASA.
GE participation in this task is primarily in providing material generated in other tasks,
consulting with OSU on technical scope and details, and reviewing results. The OSU
generated model and early analysis of several baseline and Al-Mn alloy compositions
suggest that significant strength improvements are attainable with an Al-Mn alloy having a
fine dispersion of precipitates. Results of material characterization efforts by OSU are
planned to be used as inputs to refine model parameters by OSU. The primary purpose for
development of the fundamental model is to provided a predictive tool which will assist in
more accurate and robust alloying and processing parameter establishment for subsequent
phases of the project. A schematic summary of the alloy and process development cycle
integrating modeling tools is given in Figure 2.3.1. A high level summary of the OSU model
architecture is shown in Figure 2.3.2. Modeling effort under the OSU contract are planned

NASA/CR—2005-213971 18
to continue later than the writing of this report. Additional details concerning the model and
results will be available in the OSU final report for this effort.

RSP process development Properties
Alloying Post- and
As-produced Modeling
Approaches RSP product Consolidation consolidation Service
processing Exposure

feedback Characterization Data

Figure 2.3.1: Schematic of the process for utilization of model results in alloy and process

General Method is to use scaling relations that contain the physics for a given
process, but are calibrated to data from given systems
Mechanism Algorithms
Recovery / Coarsening Strengthening mechanisms Dislocation Release/Flow
d(λ mc
)= K D(T ) dt Grain Size Strengthening
Simple: Thermally Activ.
Dislocation recovery and particle Athermal release
 −∆G *
coarsening are given a unified framework Pslip = exp 
by coarsening of length scales, λ.
Solute Strengthening sµb  kT 
(coupled to GS strengthening) τ=
Particles may inhibit dislocation λ   f  p q
∆G* = ∆F * 1 −  obs  
coarsening.   kˆ  

Example of traditional and RS Mn Al Alloys

Result: Flow Laws
Al-2Mn (RS)
Log[particle size(m)]

2219 T8 7075 T73

Al-1Mn (RS)

2219 T8
Al-2Mn (RS)

Blue: 10 min exposure, Black: 1 yr exposure

Service Temp (Kelvin)
Figure 2.3.1: Summary of the OSU model architecture and early results (bottom right).

III. Technical Summary of the Shape Change Concepts Subtask

This scoping task was performed to establish airfoil geometry shape change requirements
based on an aerodynamic assessment and to outline materials approaches and system
concepts to meet these shape change requirements. Aerodynamic requirements are
primarily establishment of the desired airfoil geometry changes required to maximize
specific fuel consumption benefit. Results were used to further define the Phase II plans.
Assessment of engine benefits and definition of configuration concepts was performed

NASA/CR—2005-213971 19
using the QAT and GE90 Block 4 engine mission cycles as a baseline. The QAT utilizes a
commercial engine cycle with a number of advanced engine technologies studied under
other GE Aircraft Engines contract efforts

A. Component Level Concepts for Phase 1 Preliminary Down-Select

Conceptually all compression component airfoils could benefit from shape change
capability in order to improve incidence angles and to set more optimum camber levels for
off-design conditions. These benefits may result in improved performance, enhanced
operability, reduced weight, or a combination of all three. Three application classes were
defined to help narrow the focus for concept studies in this effort and to highlight particular
differences in how shape changing concepts might be applied. The three classes were:

1) fan rotor blades

2) booster and compressor rotor blades
3) stator vanes and static flowpath surfaces

Fan blades are the most significant airfoil in size and overall impact to engine performance
and, therefore, presents the best opportunity to impact fuel burn. Since fan blades must
operate over a wide range of conditions, a single blade shape cannot typically represent an
optimum geometry for both high power (max climb) and part power (cruise) performance.
Rather, fan designs typically compromise performance at both ends of the spectrum to
achieve an acceptable single blade shape solution applicable to all cycle conditions. A
shape changing fan blade could potentially be tailored such that high power (low camber)
and part power (high camber) performance can be optimized. If the fan leading edge (LE)
is actuated open at high power, the increase in flow could be used to reduce fan diameter,
weight and drag. If the fan LE is actuated closed at cruise, the performance improvement
could be used to reduce mission fuel burn significantly.

Booster and compressor blades have a smaller impact on engine performance, but can
play a significant role for operability. The intended shape change for these blades would
include increased rotor camber at part speed and decreased camber at high speed.
Operability enhancements could be converted to lower wheel speeds, smaller diameters,
fewer stages, fewer airfoils, or a reduced dependence on variable geometry.

Stator vanes and static flowpath surfaces, such as splitters and bleed ports, define the final
class, which generally would have a smaller direct impact on component performance and
operability than rotors. Example concepts include actuating a stator LE open or closed to
better match incidence, actuating a stator trailing edge (TE) open or closed to control rotor
loading, and actuating a splitter to accept variable bypass ratios.

Of the three classes, the fan blade class was chosen for further concept development
because it provides a direct linkage to, and potentially the most significant reduction in
engine fuel burn. Additionally, the fan blade technical hurdles encountered were
envisioned to be somewhat similar to those for booster/compressor rotor components.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 20
B. Fan Airfoil Camber Change Concepts

Airfoil Geometry Change

Figure 3.2.1 illustrates the envisioned camber shape change for the fan airfoil. To increase
aerodynamic efficiency, the airfoil adopts its maximum camber for high speed operation at
peak power (at take-off through max climb shown in red). At cruise, the blade uncambers
for maximum part power performance (blue). A first estimate indicates that a camber
change of ~4° at the leading and trailing edges, respectively, provides a fan efficiency
cycle performance gain of ~1% over the cruise portion of the entire cycle for a conventional
commercial fan engine. The camber is defined as the average between the leading edge
and trailing edge metal angles, where the metal angles are measured relative to the rotor
axis. A linear increase in the total camber change from 0° at the blade root to 8° at the
blade tip was required.

The optimization from take-off to cruise was assumed through an equal (but opposite)
change in camber at the leading and trailing edges metal angles. Thus, in order to reduce
the total camber of the blade, the trailing edge camber angle would be increased and the
leading edge camber angle would be decreased.

Actuation Concepts

Morphing or actuating the blade between the cambered and uncambered states can, in
principle, be accomplished in a number of ways, as summarized in Table 3.2.1.
Mechanically actuated drives are expected to add unacceptable weight as well as
degrading the aerodynamic profile of the airfoils. Piezoelectric & magnetostrictive
actuators are limited to approximately 0.1% recoverable strain and require high fields to
actuate. In addition, piezoelectric ceramics are brittle and costly to manufacture in any but
the simplest shapes. Bimetallic couples, which rely on differences in coefficient of thermal
expansion (CTE) to actuate in response to temperature changes, are limited to
approximately 0.3% strain (assuming a peak CTE difference of 15x10-6/oC and a limit of
390oF (200oC) on the temperature change) and are subject to non-recoverable plastic
deformation (yielding) at strains exceeding this value.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 21
Figure 3.2.1: Leading and trailing edge angles for one blade cross-section.

Table 3.2.1: Comparison of airfoil actuation concepts.

Driving Max. Strain Max.
Actuator Field [%] Frequency
Mechanical Drive Mechanical N/A 0.001
Piezoelectric Electrical <0.1 100
Magnetostrictive Magnetic <0.1 10
Bimetallic Couple Thermal <0.3 0.005
Martensite ⇔ Austenite Thermal 5-10 0.005
Ferromagnetic SMA Magnetic 5-10 5

NASA/CR—2005-213971 22
To overcome the above-mentioned shortcomings of the actuation schemes, the airfoil
actuation concept examined in this study will utilize the thermally induced shape-memory
effect (SME). The mechanism of thermal SME is illustrated in Figure 3.2.2. At its root is a
crystallographic phase transformation upon heating or cooling the alloy through the its
transformation temperature. This transformation is accompanied by high-strain actuating
response. A schematic of the strain response of a shape memory alloy is given in Figure
3.2.3. A number of material systems have been identified and studied which exhibit shape
memory behavior over a wide variety of transition temperatures. A summary of some of
these systems [9-13] and their actuation temperature ranges are given in Figure 3.2.4.
The most common of the shape memory alloy systems is that of Ni-Ti system. Alloy
chemistry can be used in many of these systems to controllably affect transition
temperature [9,14-15] as shown in Figure 3.2.5.

The airfoil must be actuated between a elastically “relaxed” and “constrained”

configurations. The first concept considered was to apply an actuator directly to the airfoil
surface. To limit the length of time in the actuated configuration, a blade optimized for
cruise performance was chosen as the unactuated state and one optimized for take-off
was chosen as the actuated state. A schematic showing the effect of initial
“unconstrained” blade shape and placement of the shape memory alloy on the pressure or
suction side airfoil surfaces is summarized in Figure 3.2.6.

A number of design requirements and constraints have been identified for the fan airfoil
application. The following were used to guide the scoping study:
• Provide desired shape change
• Reversible (e.g., do not exceed recoverable strain limit ANYWHERE on airfoil or
• Cyclic capability >10,000 actuation events
• Actuation time ~1 minute
• Temperature capability ~50,000 hours at 160°F (71°C)
• Passive actuation (e.g., temperature-induced) or active actuation with a limited
instantaneous or average power requirement
• No adverse effects on system (e.g., airfoil fatigue debit, overloading fan disk, loss of
• Additional weight < 2 lbs/blade

NASA/CR—2005-213971 23
Figure 3.2.2: Mechanism of thermal shape memory effect (SME).

Figure 3.2.3: Schematic strain-temperature hysteresis loop for a shape-memory alloy

undergoing martensite-to-austenite transformation and subjected to constant load (stress).

NASA/CR—2005-213971 24

State-of-The-Art SMA’s
Zr2 Cu(Ni,Co)

-500 0 500 1000 1500 2000

Transformation Temperature Range [oF]
Figure 3.2.4: A summary of typical shape memory alloy transition temperature ranges for
various alloy systems [9-13].


212 ZrTi



32 AlTi


8 12
Ternary Addition [at.%]
Figure 3.2.5: Effect of alloy composition on Nitinol (Ni-Ti) shape memory alloy transition
temperatures [9,14-15]. Note that alloying additions typically substitute for either Ni or Ti in
the structure as indicated by the subscripts in the legend.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 25
Low Temp High Temp
SMA on
pressure side

SMA cool
SMA on
suction side
Figure 3.2.6: Schematic of the effect of “unconstrained” airfoil shape and shape memory
alloy actuator location on the resulting low and high temperature blade shapes.

Active Actuation Full High Power reqmts./delivery system weight

Fan Blade SMA actuation at T> Tmax necessary
Design Complexity

System Heating to T> Tmax to actuate
=> Best application to stators
• SMA actuation
•SMA/blade interface
• heat input controls
• power delivery system Passive & Reduced power reqmts./delivery system weight
• thermal/heat transfer Minimal SMA actuation at T< Tmax
Active Heating to lower T, partial cycle only
Cycle Complexity

(optimize for cruise only)

=> Potential, but complex power system req’d
Passive Actuation
Fan Blade
System No power reqmts/delivery system weight
passive SMA actuation at Ta to minimize cycle impact
• SMA actuation No thermal issues
•SMA/blade interface Likely performance impact, eval. Acceptability
• actuation on T only => Cold TO and max climb debits likely

Figure 3.2.7: Summary of potential passive and active shape memory actuation methods.

For a shape memory alloy actuation system, the actuation system design, in its simplest
form, would utilize ambient (component) temperature differences during the engine cycle
as the driver for actuation. This system would be passive in that no separate control
system would be required and no energy inputs would be needed. The use of such a
system assumes that the actuated and unactuated airfoil positions correlate directly to
distinct temperatures and temperature ranges, and that a shape memory alloy with a

NASA/CR—2005-213971 26
transition temperature lying between these two ranges can be used. Other system
configurations including a partially and fully active actuation system could also be
considered. These systems, however, would require heating of the shape memory
material and an associated power delivery system that would result in both increased
electrical power and additional engine weight impacts. A summary of various actuation
system concepts is given in Figure 3.2.7. Particularly for a rotating component, it is
desirable to utilize passive actuation concepts whenever possible.

During this first phase of the shape change concept study, the actuation concepts and
identified shape memory materials systems were considered in assessing the aerodynamic
benefit of a shape changing fan blade. Mechanical and thermal analysis was performed
based on several candidate configurations in order to assess the viability of overall shape
change and actuation configurations on engine performance and efficiency.

C. Analysis of Aero Benefits

The GE90-94B fan blade was used as the baseline geometry to evaluate the performance
effect of cambering/uncambering the airfoil. Performance was calculated using GEAE’s
standard 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Navier-Stokes code, Tacoma, at two
operating conditions: mid-cruise near 95% corrected fan speed, and at high power near
105% corrected fan speed. Both cases were run on the cruise operating line using
standard day inlet conditions.

Various camber changes were studied to maximize fan efficiency at each condition while
maintaining flow at speed. In the spanwise direction, camber changes were distributed
linearly tip to hub so that the maximum change occurred at the tip while no change
occurred at the hub. In the chordwise direction, the camber distribution was maintained
while the magnitude was increased or decreased.

At high-corrected speed, fan efficiency was improved by +1.25 pts by reducing both
leading and trailing edge camber by 2 deg (4 deg total) relative to the baseline. At cruise,
fan efficiency was improved by 0.72 pts by increasing the leading edge camber by 4
degrees, with no change to the trailing edge. Overall the blade tuned for high speed
requires approximately 8 deg less tip camber than the blade tuned for cruise. The linear
camber change from tip to hub is crude at best, providing only a rough estimate for the
desired camber change. Further inspection of the results suggests that neither “optimum”
blade shape had reached its entitlement performance level, and that a more uniform
camber change from midspan to the tip would offer further efficiency benefits.

In general, efficiency at high speed can be traded for efficiency at part speed during the
design process, and so these results imply that fan performance could be improved by >1
pt across the speed range through well-controlled camber modifications.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 27
GE90 vs QAT

The GE90 blade results were used as the basis to estimate the potential benefit of this
technology for a QAT engine cycle. The QAT features a 2-stage counter-rotating fan with
suction side bleed on the first stage rotor blade. It was assumed that the shape changing
airfoil technology would be applied to rotor 1 only since little benefit could be obtained on
rotor 2. Because suction side bleed acts to reduce the suction surface boundary layer loss
and shape changing acts primarily to optimize shock position and strength, the two
technologies have been assumed to be additive.

For the GE90-94B engine, +1 pt in fan efficiency corresponds to approximately a 13%

reduction in entropy generated by the fan blade. Assuming the same 13% entropy
reduction for the QAT rotor1 leads to an overall 6.1% entropy reduction for the QAT 2-
stage fan component. The resultant net efficiency change for QAT is +0.4 pts. The full
efficiency benefit would apply to a fully active actuation system.

Active vs Passive Actuation

Significant barriers such as weight, power requirements, and failure modes made a fully
active shape memory actuation system untenable. As a result, the possibility of using
passive actuation was studied. GE90-94B mission cycle data was used to determine if an
actuation temperature could be defined such that the fan blade would actuate to the high
camber position at low corrected speeds and to the low camber position at high-corrected
speeds. At corrected speeds below 100%, the fan would benefit from more camber, while
at corrected speeds above 100% the fan would benefit from less camber. Most of the
mission time is spent in the “cruise leg” region. It was concluded that virtually any
actuation temperature selected would result in the wrong blade shape at some operating

To minimize the power requirement during active actuation of the airfoil, the actuation
temperature should be set near 520 R (80°F), with a conventional level of camber as the
baseline (un-actuated) geometry. The airfoil would passively actuate and increase in
camber below 520 R (80°F) to achieve the cruise performance benefit. However, at climb
conditions (high speed at altitude) and on cold day take-offs (high speed at low ambient
temperature), the airfoils would require heating to avoid actuating to the high camber,
cruise optimized position. The blade surface temperature would need to be increased
sufficiently to avoid actuation, but only over a small segment of the mission. Once the fan
corrected speed decreased below 100%, the heating could be turned off, and the blade
could be allowed to actuate to the high camber position. A fully passive system could be
employed only if the penalties at climb and cold day take-off conditions associated with the
high camber blades were acceptable.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 28
D. Structural Analysis

Mechanical Analysis

In a first shape memory actuator design, the change in camber was achieved through the
contraction of a SMA skin applied over the entire suction surface of the blade. It was
assumed that the SMA induced a 0.5% compressive strain during actuation and that the
constituents had the properties listed in Table 3.4.1.

Table 3.4.1: Material properties for SMA and titanium blade.

E ν κ
(Msi) (BTU/hr-ft-°F)
Blade [17] 16.500 0.33 3.9
SMA [18] 12.375 0.33 10.4

These material properties are consistent with an austenite Nitinol SMA and a titanium fan
blade. Actuation was modeled as a free thermal effect in which εt = αSMAθ = -0.05 (θ is a
fictitious temperature change) and εt for the fan blade is zero. In order to estimate the
thickness of the SMA skin necessary to generate the desired camber change, a
generalized form of the bimetallic strip solution given in [16] is used. The basic steps in
this solution are provided below.

First, it is assumed that two metallic plates of equal length and depth are perfectly adhered
along their long axis. Because no external loads are applied each cross section must be in
axial and rotational equilibrium.

∑F x =Ps + Pb = 0
∴ Ps = − Pb = P
∑M z =M s + M b = 12 Ph

Here h is the total thickness (h=hb+hs ). Subscripts s and b represent the SMA and the fan
blade, respectively. Next, it is assumed that each layer must deflect with the same
curvature, κ.

M s = E s I sκ
M b = E b I bκ

From the rotational equilibrium equation,

(E s I s + Eb I b )κ = 12 Ph .

NASA/CR—2005-213971 29
Finally, a constraint is applied in order to enforce continuity of the deformations across the

Ps Pb
εt + + 12 hsκ = − 12 hbκ
E s bh s Eb bhb

Combining the last two equations,

ε t + heκ = 0

where he is an effective thickness and is a function of Es, Eb, hs, and hb. For a total camber
change of θ,

 L
he =  ε t
θ 

where L is the length. This is a nonlinear equation in terms of the unknown hs and must be
solved iteratively. For the given material properties and a mean blade thickness of 0.37”, it
was found that a SMA thickness of 0.004” (4 mils) was required. This value was used in a
2D plane strain ANSYS finite element (FE) analysis using 8 node serendipity elements. As
shown in Table 3.4.2, the results were in good agreement with the predicted analytical
solution. The 0.5° difference between the leading and trailing edge camber change is due
to the non-uniform thickness of the blade.

The deformed shaped of the blade is shown in Figures 3.4.1 and Figure 3.4.2. Contours
indicate the effective stresses (in psi) and indicate that stresses are well below the blade
yield stress.

Table 3.4.2: Predicted (analytical) results and actual (FE analysis) results.
Desired Actual
Leading edge camber change 4 3.25
Trailing edge camber change -4 -3.76
Total camber change 8 7.01

NASA/CR—2005-213971 30
Figure 3.4.1: Fan blade leading edge after actuation (color contours) and before actuation
(black outline).

Figure 3.4.2: Fan blade trailing edge after actuation (color contours) and before actuation
(black outline).

NASA/CR—2005-213971 31
Thermal Analysis

A one-dimensional thermal analysis was performed for this system with convective
boundary conditions on the suction and pressure surfaces. The temperature at the SMA-
fan blade interface was assumed to be 390°F (200°C), which is approximately the SMA
transition temperature. The heat equation was solved for each material and temperature
and heat flux continuity was enforced across the interface. The result is three equations in
terms of the suction and pressure surface temperatures (θ1 and θ2, respectively) and the
power required (to maintain the transition temperature in the SMA).

 hs  Q&   β s  β
   −  hs + 1θ 1 + hs s θ o + θ 12 = 0
 2κ s  bL   κ s  κs
 βb  β
 hb + 1θ 2 − hb b θ o − θ 12 = 0
 κb  κb
 Q& 
  − β sθ 1 − β bθ 2 + (β 1 + β 2 )θ 0 = 0
 bL 

These represent, respectively, the heat equation inside the SMA and inside the blade and
the continuity condition at the interface. θ12 is the interface temperature (390°F or 200°C)
and θo is the ambient temperature. The film coefficient (β) for the convective contribution is
a function of the apparent velocity (spanwise location) and temperature (altitude) and was
assumed to be the same for both surfaces. Two extreme cases were studied: take-off
conditions at the blade root (low temperature, low film coefficient) and maximum climb
conditions at the blade tip (high temperature, high film coefficient). The input parameters
and results are given in Table 3.4.3. The power required is the total for all 22 blades.
Results indicate that significant power is required to enable heating of the shape memory
material during active actuation periods.

Table 3.4.3. Results of the thermal analysis for take-off and maximum climb [19].
Configuration β θo Q&
(Btu/ft2-hr-°F) (°F) 10 Btu/hr kW
Take-off/blade tip 450 115 10.0 3000
Maximum climb/blade 35 40 1.7 500

E. Refined Shape Change Airfoil Structure Concept

Titanium blade

To reduce the required power, a second analysis was performed. In this case, thin strips
of SMA were placed on the suction surface of the blade at discrete locations along the
span. The power required was assumed a priori to be 100 kW and the total allowable SMA

NASA/CR—2005-213971 32
width (spanwise) was calculated by linearly scaling the results in Table 3.4.3. This
approach is only approximate since it neglects any spanwise heat conduction.

Because convective losses (∝ width) are the major cause of the large power requirement
and the camber changes are dependant upon the SMA flexural rigidity (∝ thickness3), it
was proposed that increasing the thickness to width ratio of the strips could substantially
reduce the power required. For this reason, two bands of equal width (½”) but unequal
thickness were used: one 0.005 inches (5 mils) thick placed at the tip and the other 0.0033
inches (3.3 mils) thick placed at the midspan. This provided the desired the blade tip
camber change without introducing additional surface area where the convective losses
are the greatest.

For the same materials listed in Table 3.4.1, a 3D ANSYS FE analysis using 20 node solid
elements was performed. The blade was idealized as a flat plate with a uniform thickness
of 0.37 inches. Contours of the vertical (z) displacement are shown in Figure 3.5.1 and the
leading/trailing edge camber change as a function of spanwise location is given in Figure

Figure 3.5.1: Contours of the vertical deflection for a two SMA band plate on Ti.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 33
Figure 3.5.2: Variation of the camber change along the span in Ti.

These figures clearly demonstrate that discrete SMA strips can approximate the desired
camber change (indicated by the dashed line); however, the result is a nonlinear
distribution along the span.

Composite blade

A similar analysis was conducted using the orthotropic properties of a typical composite
GE90 fan blade as given below.

In this analysis, four strips of equal width (0.25 inches) were placed at L/4, L/2, 3L/4, and L.
Thus, the total width of SMA material was the same as the previous case. The analytical
result predicted a required SMA thickness of 0.002 inches (2 mils) that was used for each
strip in the FE model.

Contours of the vertical (z) displacement are shown in Figure 3.5.3 and the leading/trailing
edge camber change as a function of spanwise location is given in Figure 3.5.4.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 34
Figure 3.5.3: Contours of the vertical deflection for a two SMA band plate in polymer

Figure 3.5.4: Variation of the camber change along the span in polymer composite.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 35
Figure 3.5.5: Comparison of camber changes between the aluminum and composite fan

Again, these figures clearly demonstrate that discrete SMA strips can approximate the
desired camber change (indicated by the dashed line). Using more, thinner strips creates
a blade shape that is closer to the desired shape over a large span. Because the
thickness of these strips is roughly half of that using in the titanium blade, it is likely that the
power required in order to maintain the SMA transition would be significantly lower for this

Aluminum Blade

The four-strip configuration was also studied with a blade comprised of a high strength
conventional aluminum alloy 7075 (E = 10.9 Msi, ν = 0.33 [20]). Since the elastic modulus
of Al 7075 is significantly larger than that of the composite blade, a thicker SMA layer was
needed. As predicted by the analytical tool discussed previously, a strip thickness of 0.005
inches (5 mils) was used. The results for the camber change as function of spanwise
location are compared to those from the composite blade in Figure 3.5.5.

Again, it is apparent that regardless of the blade material, the desired camber change
(indicated by the dashed line) can be achieved through adjustments in the SMA layer.

F. Shape Change System Risk Assessment

Aerodynamic analysis of some first order shape change concepts performed as part of this
study suggests that aerodynamic efficiency benefits may be significant if a shape changing

NASA/CR—2005-213971 36
fan blade can be implemented. Several actuation concepts have been considered.
Constraints related to consideration of failed mode impact on flight safety and overall
power requirements resulted in selection of two shape change airfoil operation methods. A
more detailed explanation of the constraints is given subsequently. For both operation
methods, the unactuated blade shape was considered to be the nominal baseline QAT
blade configuration that is neither optimized for take-off nor cruise. Also, for both methods,
the actuated blade shape is that for optimum cruise conditions and actuation would occur
when the temperature is below the shape memory alloy transition temperature. The
difference in the two methods is that in one, fully passive actuation is assumed whereby
the blade temperature is the sole determining factor driving when the blade is in the
actuated position and when it is not, whereas, in the other, operation is largely passive with
some specific cycle points having active actuation (i.e. heating) to inhibit transition to the
actuated optimum cruise blade shape at low temperatures. Specific cycle points which
would likely require such partial active actuation include cold day take-off and top of climb
cycle points.

From a failure mode perspective, toggling between the optimized for cruise and optimized
for high-speed shapes may be unacceptable. If the blade failed in the optimized for cruise
position (high camber), performance at high speed would be reduced through almost 2%
lower flow and ~3 pts lower efficiency at speed. Such a severe degradation of fan
performance would lead to unacceptable impacts on takeoff thrust, EGT, and climb rate.
Conversely, if the blade failed in the optimized for high-speed position (low camber), cruise
performance would be reduced by more than 1 pt., leading to a substantial fuel burn
penalty. Additionally, the low camber position would likely be more prone to aeroelastic
instability. A lower risk approach may be to specify the nominal blade shape as the
default/primary position, and actuate to the high camber position at cruise to realize the
specific fuel consumption (SFC) benefit. An alternate approach could be to specify the
nominal blade shape as the default position, and actuate to the low camber position at high
corrected speeds for improved temperature and speed margins. For the risk assessment,
the nominal, unactuated blade shape was defined as the default QAT baseline blade
shape and the actuated shape was defined as the high camber, cruise optimized blade

Assessment of actuation methods has indicated that in the anticipated QAT engine mission
cycle, fan blade temperature cannot be exclusively used to permit a passive SMA actuation
of the fan blade shape to improve efficiency during cruise. Cold day take-off and top-of-
climb mission cycle points present the most difficult issues due to overlap in the anticipated
fan blade temperature with that of the cruise condition. Under these two cycle point
conditions the take-off blade shape would still be required to meet performance and safety
requirements, but the blade temperature would tend to transition the blade shape to the
optimum cruise configuration. High level assessment of this and other risks related to
passive and active actuation systems have also highlighted concerns related to transients
during transition between take-off and cruise blade shapes, complexity and weight of an
electrical power delivery system for active SMA actuation, and SMA material transition
temperature accuracies anticipated for effective blade shape change.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 37
An assessment of risks associated with each of the two methods – fully active and passive
with partially active control - was performed in order to more fully characterize the
difficulties and constraints associated with implementation of such a system. A summary is
of the top risk items is given in Table 3.6.1. Several risks are common to both the fully
passive and the passive/partially active actuation methods. Such risks include uneven
actuation of blades when transitioning between actuation states leading to vibration, noise,
and loss of performance; overall system complexity and number of failure modes; and the
possibility of instantaneous thrust changes when blades are actuated. Risks specific to the
fully passive actuation include potential for max climb and cold day take off thrust debits
being unacceptable. For the passive/partially active actuation system, the primary risk is
that the complex, heavy, power delivery system would be required.

Assessment of the risks associated with the Shape Change Airfoil technology for QAT fan
blade applications suggest that there are significant design, performance, safety, and
material constraints which would have to be addressed in order to move forward with this
technology as it applies to QAT fan blades and the overall QAT mission cycle. It is critical
that these issues be assessed to determine the feasibility of implementing such a system.

Table 3.6.1: Summary risk assessment for two shape change fan blade configurations

G. Implications to the Engine System

The System Study assessment performed as part of the overall GE IPSFT Phase I
program examined the overall impact of various technologies to the engine. Inputs to this
analysis for this project are summarized in Table 3.7.1. Due to the early stage of
development of this technology and several unknowns that had not yet been explored,
several assumptions were made to enable an overall assessment. Assumptions are
detailed in the table. Resulting performance effects are summarized in Table 3.7.2.

In order to accomplish the shape change, a shape memory alloy strip configuration applied
to one surface of the blade was used for the System Study assessment. Only preliminary

NASA/CR—2005-213971 38
assessment of this configuration could be performed under the scope of the Shape
Changing Airfoil concept assessment effort and this configuration is not considered to be
optimum. Shape memory alloy shape actuation to change the blade shape was assessed
and the target configuration assumed that the shape change at cruise could be
accomplished in a passive actuation mode using ambient blade temperature transitions to
actuate the shape memory material into the cruise condition. However, due to variability in
ambient air temperature at take-off and temperatures reached at the top of climb, it was
determined that some selected active shape memory alloy actuation would be required to
delay blade transition to the cruise condition during a cold day takeoff and during typical
top of climb conditions. Several assumptions were used to permit input of data for the
system study.

Table 3.7.1: System impact study inputs from the Shape Change Airfoil project.
Parameter Value Assumptions
Fan efficiency 0.40 Baseline blade shape for unactuated condition, optimized
improvement pt. airfoil shape for cruise mission segment.
System Weight +5 lbs No consideration of power delivery system weight (if
required). Weight increase due to shape memory material
added in four bands at ¼ span points and also added
resulting impact to stator and disk resulting from increased
blade weight.
Electric power 12 hp Power required only during active actuation portions of
requirements engine cycle. Power requirement was spread over the
cruise portion of the cycle for simplicity of system modeling.

Table 3.7.2: System study results

Engine Parameter Estimated Benefit
% Specific fuel consumption -0.25%
% Fuel burn -0.25%
% Range +0.25%

Inputs to the Impact Matrix were made based on the assumptions above and included an
assessment of as many of the impacts as was possible from the scope of the Shape
Changing Airfoil concept study assessment. A fan efficiency improvement of 0.40 points
(∆ED12) was determined based on the ability to modify the baseline QAT blade camber by
4 degrees into the optimum mission cruise stage blade configuration while keeping the
standard baseline blade shape under take-off and climb conditions. For the shape memory
material configuration, the overall impact to the overall system was 5 pounds versus the
baseline QAT when considering additional weight increases in the rotor and
stator/containment system resulting from the additional blade weight. No weight impact
was taken for any electrical power delivery system required for the active actuation system
for cold day take-off and typical top of climb conditions. Assessment of the overall design
and corresponding added weight from components needed to route electrical power from

NASA/CR—2005-213971 39
the engine stator through the rotor to the blades was not within the scope of the Shape
Changing Airfoil Phase I effort and as a result was considered an unknown. An estimate of
the electrical power consumption was included based on power requirements for
resistance heating of the shape memory material. Electrical power would only be required
during the active actuation portion of the engine cycle, however, for simplicity of system
level analysis, the total power requirement was spread over the entire engine cycle yielding
a 12 horsepower impact throughout the cycle. Additionally, it was assumed that other
factors relating to blade design, power delivery system design, engine performance and
safety, formation of a robust mechanical bond between the blade and shape memory
material, and robust electrical and thermal isolation of the shape memory material could be
accomplished with additional development effort.

Results in Table 3.7.1 indicate that the 0.5% specific fuel consumption goal in this project
was not met. Instead a 0.25% benefit was assessed based on a number of significant

H. Summary

Scoping of shape changing airfoil concepts including both aerodynamic analysis and
materials-related technology assessment effort was performed. Three general categories
of potential components were considered – fan blades, booster and compressor blades,
and stator airfoils. Based on perceived contributions to improving engine efficiency, the fan
blade was chosen as the primary application for a more detailed assessment. A high-level
aerodynamic assessment using a GE90-90B Block 4 engine cycle and fan blade geometry
indicates that blade camber changes of approximately +/- 4 degrees would be sufficient to
result in fan efficiency improvements nearing 1%. Constraints related to flight safety and
failed mode operation suggest that use of the baseline blade shape with actuation to the
optimum cruise condition during a portion of the cycle would be likely required. Application
of these conditions to the QAT fan blade and engine cycle was estimated to result in an
overall fan efficiency gain of 0.4%.

High-level assessment of fan blade operation temperature ranges for critical mission cycle
points indicates that passive airfoil shape control using shape memory alloy materials is
not likely to be sufficient to trigger shape changes at all of the appropriate points in the
engine cycle. Active control mechanisms would likely be required in using shape memory
alloy materials in sub-sonic fan blade applications unless expected thrust debits during
cold day take-off and max climb portions of the cycle can be accommodated in a passive
actuation approach. Structural analysis suggested that actuation strains to achieve desired
camber changes could be accomplished with shape memory alloys. Tailoring of the
actuated blade shape is possible through variation in the location, shape (thickness, width,
length), and the number of discrete SMA patches. However, in order to maximize the
enhancement, a thorough mechanical and thermal optimization would still be required.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 40
Assessment of the risks associated with the Shape Change Airfoil technology for QAT fan
blade applications suggest that there are significant design, performance, safety, and
material constraints which would have to be addressed in order to move forward with this
technology as it applies to QAT fan blades and the overall QAT mission cycle. It is critical
that these issues be carefully considered if one is to determine the feasibility of
implementing such a system.

IV. Conclusions and Recommendations

A. Conclusions based on Phase I study

Based on the Phase I Shape Changing Airfoil project study, the following conclusions were
1. Melt spun aluminum flake material can be successfully consolidated to bar by
containered extrusion.
2. Rapid solidification techniques such as melt spinning have demonstrated the
capability of forming fine microstructures in several aluminum alloys which can be
heat treated to yield fine stable particle dispersions if the chemistry permits.
3. Difficulties in introducing aluminum oxide into molten aluminum led to
discontinuation of the ceramic dispersion strengthening approach, although
characterization did point to the benefits of the Al-Mn system which was pursued
4. Al alloy characterization efforts suggested that icosohedral and Al-Mn alloy
compositions may be processed to result in fine particle dispersions which are likely
to significantly improve strength and temperature capability over conventional high
strength 7xxx-series alloys.
5. A Modeling approach developed by OSU focused on linking Al microstructure
parameters, deformation conditions and tensile/creep strength. Characterization
results will be implemented in the finalized OSU Phase I model used to refine the
6. Aerodynamic assessment indicates 0.4% fan efficiency benefit for QAT using a
shape changing fan blade concept leading to about a 0.25% specific fuel
consumption and 0.25% fuel burn benefit.
7. Mechanical assessment suggests that shape memory alloy materials can be applied
to a commercial engine fan blade geometry with a relatively low blade set and
overall system weight impact of the order of 5 lbs. Noting that weight associated
with a power delivery system had not been assessed and is not included in this
8. Consideration of active vs. passive control and assessment of system risks
indicated significant constraints to both control methods in application to a shape
changing fan blade to QAT.

B. Recommendations based on Phase I Study

Based on the Phase I Shape Changing Airfoil effort the following recommendation are
being made.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 41
1. Continued aluminum development, heat treatment, characterization and modeling
efforts are recommended in order to enable exploitation of alloying concepts
established in this project. Validation of strengthening concepts via mechanical
testing is recommended prior to applying strengthening approaches and resulting
models to generate more complex alloys.
2. Other applications of this technology to stators and other engine cycles including
high Mach flight may be subject to fewer limiting constraints and thus have a more
likely path to implementation although the performance impact has not been
evaluated in this study. As a result other applications may be more amenable to
implementation of these shape change concepts to a stator component. Additional
assessment would be required for these other applications.

V. Program Schedule
The Phase I RASER Task Order 23 WE# 3.2 schedule is given in Table 5.1.1 below.

Table 5.1.1: Overall Phase I project schedule

VI. References
1. D. Hull and D.J. Bacon, Introduction to Dislocations, International Series on
Materials Science and Technology, vol. 37, Pergamon Press, New York, 1984.
2. K. Hiraga, T. Ohsuna, W. Sun and K. Sugiyama, Materials Transactions, vol. 42,
2001, pp.2354-2367.
3. D.J. Skinner, R. L. Rye, D. Raybould and A.M. Brown, Scripta Metallurgica, vol. 20,
1986, pp. 867-872.
4. A. Inoue and H. Kimura, in “Aerospace Materials,” edited by B. Cantor, H. Assender
and P. Grant, published by Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol, UK, pp. 150-169.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 42
5. A. Inoue and H. Kimura, Materials Science and Engineering, vol. A286, 2000, pp. 1-
6. K.L. Kendig and D. Miracle, Acta Materialia, vol. 50, 2002, pp. 4165-4175.
7. (insert reference for Al-Mn binary phase diagram)
8. T. Koike, H. Yamagata and N. Kanetake, Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals,
vol. 51, 2001, pp. 267-272.
9. Shape Memory Materials edited by K. Otsuka and C. M.Wayman, Cambridge
University Press, 1999.
10. R. Kainuma, H. Nakano, K. Oikawa, K. Ishida and T. Nishizawa, "High Temperature
Shape Memory Alloys of Ni-Al Base Systems", Materials Research Society
Symposia Proceedings, 1992, Vol. 246, pp 403-408.
11. P. L. Potapov, "Martensitic Transformations and High Temperature Shape Memory
Effect in the Intermetallic NiMn Alloyed with Ti", Metal Science and Heat Treatment,
1993, Vol. 35, No. 9, pp 520-525.
12. G. S. Firstov, J. Van Humbeeck, Yu. N. Koval , “Peculiarities of the martensitic
transformation in ZrCu intermetallic compound - potential high temperature SMA” ,
Journal de Physique IV, 2001, Vol. 11, pp 481-486.
13. R. W. Fonda, H. N. Jones and R. A. Vandermeer, "The Shape Memory Effect in
Equiatomic TaRu and NbRu Alloys", Scripta Materialia, 1998, Vol. 39, No. 8, pp
14. A.G.Hundzhua, M.I.Zaharova, A.V.Sorokin, "Martensitic Transformation in Alloyed
Nickel-Titanium", Metalphysics, in Russian, 1986, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp 38-42
15. US Patent 5,114,504 "High Transformation Temperature Shape Memory Alloy",
16. Timoshenko, S., “Analysis of Bi-Metal Thermostats,” Journal of Applied Mechanics,
v 11, pp. 657-660.
17. Ti-6Al-4V (Grade 5) Material Data Sheet, ASM (, 2004.
18. NiTi Material Data Sheet, Johnson Matthey Inc. (, 2004.
19. Finn S., Personal communication, GE Research Center, 2004.
20. Aluminum 7075 Material Data Sheet, eFunda (, 2004.

NASA/CR—2005-213971 43
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October 2005 Final Contractor Report—July 2, 2003–May 30, 2004

Shape Changing Airfoil

Eric A. Ott Work element 3.2, Task order 23


General Electric Aircraft Engines
One Neumann Way E–15289
Cincinnati, Ohio 45215–1915


National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Washington, DC 20546– 0001 NASA CR—2005–213971


Project Manager, Clayton L. Meyers, Aeronautics Division, NASA Glenn Research Center, organization code PRV,


Unclassified - Unlimited
Subject Category: 07
Available electronically at
This publication is available from the NASA Center for AeroSpace Information, 301–621–0390.
13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)

Scoping of shape changing airfoil concepts including both aerodynamic analysis and materials-related technology assess-
ment effort was performed. Three general categories of potential components were considered—fan blades, booster and
compressor blades, and stator airfoils. Based on perceived contributions to improving engine efficiency, the fan blade was
chosen as the primary application for a more detailed assessment. A high-level aerodynamic assessment using a GE90-90B
Block 4 engine cycle and fan blade geometry indicates that blade camber changes of approximately ±4° would be suffi-
cient to result in fan efficiency improvements nearing 1 percent. Constraints related to flight safety and failed mode
operation suggest that use of the baseline blade shape with actuation to the optimum cruise condition during a portion of
the cycle would be likely required. Application of these conditions to the QAT fan blade and engine cycle was estimated to
result in an overall fan efficiency gain of 0.4 percent.


Propulsion systems (aircraft) 16. PRICE CODE

Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified
NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18

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