Mt. Olive National High School

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Mt. Olive, Bayugan City
Second Quarter Exam in DRRR 11
S.Y. 2018-2019
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TEST I. Multiple Choice.

Direction: Encircle the best letter that correspond the correct answer.

1. It involves both soil and rocks, travel short distances and vary from slow to very rapid.
a. debris flow b. slumps c. creep d. landslides
2. Generally involve saturated soils moving at very to extremely rapid velocities and travel great distances.
a. creep b. falls c. debris flow d. mudslides
3. Occur when the sum of downward driving forces (gravity, seepage, earthquake forces, etc) is greater than
the sum of the resisting forces (strength of the material, lateral confining forces due to a retaining wall).
a. landslides b. falls c. creep d. slumps
4. Occur where there is little soil or vegetation over the soluble rock.
a. cover-subsidence b. sinkhole c. dissolution d. aggressive dissolution
5. Generally slow, involve soil, and travel short distances.
a. slumps b. creep c. falls d. mudslides
6. It generally formed as the result of a collapse in the ceiling of an underground cavity or cavern.
a. karst terrain b. cover-subsidence c. cover-collapse d. sinkhole
7. Sinkholes tend to develop gradually where the covering sediments are permeable and contain sand.
a. sinkhole b. cover-subsidence c. karst terrain d. dissolution
8. Involve rock and very to extremely rapid and can travel great distances.
a. rockfall topples b. creep c. slumps d. mudslides
9. Form of rapid mass movement in which a combination of loose soil, rock, organic matter, air and water
mobilize as a slurry that flows downslope.
a. slumps b. debris flow c. mudflow d. creep
10. What slope material if it is difficult to dig into the slope with a shovel, spade or trowel?
a. hard soil 4 b. soft rock 1 c. hard soil 1 d. hard soil 5
11. Abrupt movements of masses of geologic materials, such as rocks and boulders, that become detached from
steep slopes or cliffs.
a. slumps b. falls c. sinkhole d. falls
12. Its distinctive and usually occur on very gentle slopes or flat terrain.
a. rock fall b. lateral spades c. debris flow d. creep
13. Occurs where flow is focused in pre-existing openings in the rock, such as along joints, fractures, and bedding
planes,or in the zone of water – table fluctuations where the ground water is in contact with the atmosphere.
a. aggressive dissolution b. cover-subsidence c. cover-collapse d. sinkhole
14. Tend to develop abruptly and cause catastrophic damages. They occur where the coverning sediments
contain significant amounts of clay.
a. dissolution b. aggressive dissolution c. cover-collapse d. creep
15. What category of rocks if a nail cannot be driven into the slope material?
a. soft rock 3 b. hard rock4 c. hard rock 2 d. hard rock 7
16. Type of topography that is formed by dissolution of bedrock in areas underlain by limestone, dolostone or, as
in some western states, gypsum.
a. landslides b. sinkhole c. karst terrain d. run-off
17. If a nail can be driven into the slope material, what category of use rock it is?
a. soft rock 1 b. soft rock 2 c. soft rock3 d. hard soil 3
18. This is a slide in which the surface of rupture is curved concavely upward and the slide movement is roughly
rotational about an axis that is parallel to the ground surface and transverse across the slide.
a. mudslides b. debris flow c. creep d. rotational slide
19. . If the soil is loose and predominantly made up of hard rounded stones, the material should be considered
as gravelly soil and falls under category of?
a. soft soil1 b. soft soil 2 c. hard soil 3 d. hard rock 3
20. Is an earthflow consisting of material that is wet enough to flow rapidly and that contains at least 50 percent
sand-, silt-, and clay-sized particles.
a. creep b. slumps c. mudflow d. falls
21. If it is possible to dig into the slope with a shovel, spade or trowel, the slope material is fall under the
category of?
a. soft soil1 b. soft soil c. hard soil1 d. hard rock 2
22. Is a basin-like landform defined by highpoints and ridgelines that descend into lower elevations and stream
a. surface-runoff b. watershed c. infiltration d. nimbus
23. The thunderstorm cloud.
a. cirrus b. stratus c. cumulonimbus d. nimbus
24. Is the flow of water over land surfaces.
a. infiltration b. surface-runoff c. watershed d. typography
25. A tropical cyclone with maximum wind speed of 62 to 88 kph.
a. typhoon b. flood c. tsunami d. tropical storm
26. Is the flow of water through the soil surface. The rate of infiltration depends on certain soil properties like
texture, structure and moisture content.
a. typography b. infiltration c. surface-runoff d. watershed
27. Are generally local storms produced by cumulonimbus clouds and are always accompanied by lightning and
thunder, usually with strong wind gusts, heavy rain and sometimes with hail and/or tornado.
a. storm surge b. tsunami c. thunderstorms d. typhoon
28. Refers to rain producing clouds, hence the two general type of rain producing clouds have the word nimbus in
a. nimbus b. cirrus c. nimbostratus d. cirrostratus
29. Is a rotating, organized system of clouds and thunderstorms that originates over the tropical waters.
a. flash flood b. super typhoon c. tropical cyclone d. storm surge
30. What public storm warning system with lead time of 12hrs., with wind speed of 171-220 and its impact is
heavy damage to very heavy damage?
a. PSWS#4 b. PSWS#1 c. PSWS#5 d. PSWS#3
31. A dark gray cloud layer covering the sky with continuous falling rain.
a. cirrus b. cumulus c. stratus d. nimbostratus
32. A tropical cyclone with maximum wind speed exceeding 220 kph.
a. typhoon b. super typhoon c. storm surge d. landslides
33. Is the overflowing of the normal confines of a stream or bodies of water, or the accumulation of water over
areas that are not normally submerged.
a. flash flood b. surface-runoff c. tsunami d. flood
34. Use to track the movement of tropical cyclones and it sends out electromagnetic waves to the atmosphere
that is then reflected by hydrometeors.
a. satellite b. radar c. x-ray d. transmission
35. Which of the following is not an element of fire triangle?
a. love b. fuel c. heat d. oxygen
36. All fuels have been ignited and burning.
a. fully developed b. ignition c. decay d. growth
37. First stage: heat, oxygen, and fuel source combine and have a chemical reaction (fire triangle is complete).
a. decay b. growth c. ignition d. pyrotechnics
38. What class of fire that fuels are flammable or combustible liquids like petroleum oil, gasoline, paint, and
flammable gasses such as propane and butane.
a. class A b. class B c. class C d. class D
39. The expansion of fire, depletion of oxygen supply, and increase in temperature.
a. backdraft b. flashover c. growth d. radiation
40. The art of making or displaying fireworks.
a. conduction b. full load c. backdraft d. pyrotechnics
41. Fire starts to diminish as fuel and/or oxygen is consumed.
a. growth b. decay c. fire out d. full load
42. Class of fire that fuels are energized electrical fires like motors, transformers, and appliances. Once the power
or source of electricity is removed, the fire becomes one of the other classes of fire.
a. class A b. class B c. class C d. class K
43. Phenomenon in which fire that has consumed all available oxygen suddenly explodes when more oxygen is
made available, usually because a door or window is opened.
a. backdraft b. fully load c. decay d. convection
44. Ignition of organic matter without apparent cause, typically through heat generated internally by rapid
a. fully load b. decay c. growth d. spontaneous combustion
45. Fuels are ordinary combustibles such as wood, paper, plastic, or anything that leaves ash.
a. Class A b. class B c. class C d. class E
46. What you should do after after hydrometeorological hazard?
a. Ensure that electrical appliances are checked by a competent electrician before switching them on.
b. Do not to attempt to cross flowing streams unless they are assured that the water is below knee level.
c. Make sure you only drink clean water.
d. Know the flood hazard map in your community.
47. What does color read mean regarding the susceptibility of an area for a specific hazard?
a. low susceptibility b. highly susceptibility c. moderately susceptibility d. susceptibility
48. In what type of geologic conditions do sinkholes occur?
a. areas underlain by talc sandy soil c. areas underlain by soluable carbonate or evaporite rocks
d. in soft soil areas
49. Essential in the hydrologic cycle of Earth because their formation and movement initiates the transport of
a. rain b. sun c. wind d. clouds
50. Is there a way to light the candle without using the matchstick? What is the purpose of the wick? Is it possible
to light the candle without it?
a. heat b. fuel c. oxygen d. conduction

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