Nomination Form (Mnams) : (For Diplomate of National Board (DNB) Examination Passed Candidates)

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National Academy of Medical Sciences (India)

NAMS House, Ansari Nagar,

Mahatma Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi – 110029


[for Diplomate of National Board (DNB) Examination passed candidates]
Under Regulation V

I, _____________________________________________________________ [Name of Fellow*]

Fellow of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India) propose herein-named candidate for
admission to the Membership of Academy – MNAMS

Name of Candidate ______________________________________________________________

Institution/Hospital of Candidate ____________________________________________________

Designation _____________________________________________________________________

Address of Candidate:
Residence: ______________________________________________________________________


Office: _________________________________________________________________________


Mobile ____________________________ Email ____________________________________

Details of DNB Examination conducted by NBE [batch passed NBE held in November, 1992 & onwards]

1. Year of Passing ____________________________________________________________

2. Roll No. __________________________________________________________________

3. Subject ___________________________________________________________________

This is to certify that I have known Dr. _______________________________________________

for the last ______ Years. To the best of my knowledge, he/she bears good character and is fit for
admission to the Membership of the National Academy of Medical Sciences – MNAMS.

Signature with date_________________________

Proposer _________________________________
(Name in block letters)
Address ________________________________
*Only Fellows of the Academy are entitled to sign the certificate
To be filled in the Office of the Academy

(a) Sl. No. of the Proposal___________________________________________

(b) Date of receipt of Proposal_______________________________________

(c) Proposal scrutinized by_________________________________________

(d) Date of approval by the Council___________________________________

(e) Date of Informing the candidate___________________________________

(f) Date of receipt of enrolment/fee and Life Subscription_________________

(g) Date of award of the Scroll_________________________________________

BIODATA of the Candidate applying for admission to the
“Membership of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India) -
MNAMS” (under Regulation V of the Memorandum of Association,
Rules and Regulations). Photo Attested
the Proposer
to be pasted here

1. (a) Name ___________________________________________________________________

Surname First Name Middle Name

(b) Sex_____________________________________________________________________

(c) Date of Birth_____________________________________________________________

(d) Nationality_______________________________________________________________

2. Institutional/Hospital Affiliation_________________________________________________


3. Mailing address:-_____________________________________________________________

(a) Office___________________________________________________________________

(b) Residence________________________________________________________________

(c) Phone No. with S.T.D. Code Res.____________________Office___________________

4. Name of State to which the candidate belongs______________________________________

5. Registration:

(i) M.C.I. Year__________________Number_______________

(ii) State Medical Council Year__________________Number_______________
(Please attach an attested/self-attested copy of the registration certificate)

6. Particulars of passing the DNB Examination conducted by the National Board of Examinations:

(a) Year of Passing the Examination_______________________________________________

(b) Roll No.__________________________________________________________________

(c) Subject___________________________________________________________________

(Please attach an attested/self-attested copy of the diploma certificate of NBE)

7. Professional Examination passed
Name of Examination Year University/College

(a) MBBS Final

(b) Postgraduate



* [Please attach all attested/self-attested copies of certificates incld. MBBS Degree / Registration
of MCI or State Medical Council and DNB Passing Certificate (Final/Provisional)]

Date_________________________ _____________________
(Candidate’s signature)

List of enclosures:


1. A Bank Demand Draft of Rs.7,000/- (Rs. Seven Thousand Only) in favour of the “The
Secretary, National Academy of Medical Sciences (India)”, payable at New Delhi may be

2. Candidates who have already applied for Membership (MNAMS) or admitted as Member
need not apply again.

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