PL EV 01 Environmental Management Plan Rev.6 PDF
PL EV 01 Environmental Management Plan Rev.6 PDF
PL EV 01 Environmental Management Plan Rev.6 PDF
Management Plan
Doc ID: PL-EV-01
Rev No.: 6
Prepared By:
Reviewed by:
David Glossop
Approved By:
Tony Wood
Snr Environment and
Marie Chuet
Sustainability Site Superintendent /
Coordinator OHS Manager Project Director
NEOEN Solar Farm Project
Id no.:PL-EV-01
Environmental Management Plan
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Environmental Management System ............................................................................. 5
1.2.1 Environmental Management Plan (EMP) ..................................................................... 5
1.2.2 Management Sub-Plans ................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Document Responsibilities ............................................................................................ 6
1.4 Document Amendment and Distribution ........................................................................ 6
1.4.1 Revision Status .............................................................................................................. 6
2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION......................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Project Overview .......................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1 Working hours............................................................................................................... 7
3 DEFINITIONS........................................................................................................................ 7
4 ORGANISATION ................................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Project Organisational Chart ......................................................................................... 9
4.2 Responsibilities and Authorities................................................................................... 10
5 POLICIES............................................................................................................................ 10
6 BYCA OBJECTIVES, KPIS AND TARGETS ............................................................................... 10
6.1 Performance Measurement and Monitoring ................................................................ 13
6.1 Project Management Review ...................................................................................... 13
7 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................. 14
7.1 Legal Requirements .................................................................................................... 14
7.2 Contractual Requirements ........................................................................................... 15
8 COMMUNICATION & CONSULTATION ................................................................................ 15
8.1 Internal Communications ............................................................................................ 15
8.1.1 Project Site Induction.................................................................................................. 16
8.1.2 Pre-Start Meetings ...................................................................................................... 16
8.1.3 Environmental Toolbox Meetings ............................................................................... 16
8.1.4 Project Notice Board ................................................................................................... 16
8.1.5 Environmental Alerts .................................................................................................. 17
8.1.6 Minimum Project Rules............................................................................................... 17
8.1.7 Works Coordination Meetings .................................................................................... 17
8.1.8 Unplanned Engagement ............................................................................................. 17
8.2 External Communication ............................................................................................. 18
8.2.1 Public Complaints........................................................................................................ 18
8.2.2 Liaison with Authorities and Emergency Services ...................................................... 18
8.2.3 Community.................................................................................................................. 18
9 COMPETENCE, TRAINING AND AWARENESS ....................................................................... 19
10 PROCESS CONTROL ............................................................................................................ 19
10.1 Risk Management ....................................................................................................... 19
10.1.1 Project Environmental Risk Assessment ..................................................................... 19 Review Frequencies .............................................................................................................. 20
Table 1 - BYCA Project Objectives, KPIs and Targets ............................................................................. 10
Table 2 - Plant and Equipment Control ................................................................................................. 36
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is:
To reduce the impact on the immediate and surrounding environment by minimising environmental
harm and preventing environmental incidents
Systematically manage environmental risk
Where practicable eliminate environmental risk, or if not practicable adequately control via
application of a hierarchy of risk control
To comply with requirements of:
- the contract specifications
- Legislation prescribed by the relevant Regulatory Authorities
- BYCA Policy
Supporting Documentation
As such, this EMP is aligned to, and mapped with relevant sections of the Environmental Manual and Core
The Environmental sub-plans document environmental aspects, impacts, objectives and targets, specific
management guidelines, mitigation measures, safeguards, controls and roles responsible for implementing
these specific measures and controls. The following management sub-plans and procedures addressing the
key areas of environmental management for the Project are listed below:
Flora and Fauna Management Plan;
Weed Management Plan;
Soil and Water Management Plan;
Cultural Heritage Management Plan;
Waste and Energy Management Plan;
Fire Management Plan
6 09/03/2017
2.1 Project Overview
Site specific information including project overview and environmental constraints are provided in the
Appendix 1 – Parkes
Appendix 2 – Griffith
Appendix 3 – South Keswick
Appendix 4 – Narromine
The scope of works includes site preparation and early works, piling, system installation, grid connection,
and testing and commissioning of the solar farms. They are broken down to 4 key stages as follows:
Stage 1 – Early works consisting of piling tests, road construction and upgrades for site access, including
road widening and paving, and a basic right turn and basic left turn for truck entry and exit to each site.
Basic Right Turn of intersection of Henry Parkes Way and Pat Meredith Drive
Basic Left Turn of intersection of Henry Parkes Way and Pat Meredith Drive
Upgrade of Pat Meredith Drive to site entry
Stage 2 – Civil works consisting of land clearing, levelling and earthworks, internal road construction,
drainage installation, laydown area preparation, fencing installation, site establishment, preparation of
delivery station and inverter station, and vegetation screening/landscaping.
Stage 3 – Mechanical works consisting of foundation piling (ramming and auguring), tracker installation,
module installation and delivery.
Stage 4 – Electrical works consisting of solar cabling of aerials and conduits, DC main cabling via direct burial,
MV cabling from inverter station to delivery station through direct buried, module connection, connection of
junction boxes-inverters-delivery station, connection to grid and finally testing and commissioning.
Actitudes BYCA initiative that aligns BYCA commitments to the environment and sustainable works, the
community, our customers and the health and safety of our employees
ALARP As Low as Reasonable Practicable (risk management objective)
4.1 Project Organisational Chart
Reference documents:
PO-EV-01 Environmental and Sustainability Policy
PO-CO-02 Risk Management Policy
PO-QA-01 Quality Policy
PO-HS-01 OHS Policy
PO-HR-23 Training and Development Policy
communication of
matters that have Number of Manager,
potential to impact the documented Tool Box % 80% Monthly
environment and the Meetings (TBM) HSE
community Coordinator
Ensure risk
management is Workshops held to Project
aligned to planning of review Project manager,
% 80% Quarterly
high risk activities Environmental Risk HSE
Assessment Coordinator
80% NCs
Ensure Non
Conformances and
Time to Close Non within
Complaints are closed % Project Team N/A
Conformances specified
within the specified
Ensure Non
Conformances and
Complaints are closed
within the specified 100% of
timeframe Close out of Public No. of complaints Project Team _
Ensure critical QSE Complaints Complains closed ≤ 2
requirements are Weeks
communicated to
Service Providers
Percentage of
"Significant" or high Project
risks Subcontracts/ manager,
Supply Agreements Procurement
% 90% N/A
procured including a Manager,
HSE Specification (FS- HSE
Ensure critical QSE PC-08 HSE Contract Coordinator.
requirements are Specifications)
communicated to
Percentage of
Service Providers Project
Subcontracts/ Supply
Agreements conducted % 90% N/A
with a Pre Contract
Meeting (FS-PC-09 Pre
Contract Interview)
Objective Key indicator Unit Target By
7.1 Legal Requirements
This EMP has been developed to comply with the relevant legislative and regulatory requirements,
Codes of Practice, Australian/Industry Standards, BYCA Manuals and Procedures and contract
BYCA will ensure that relevant legislations, Codes of Practice and Standards relating to the project
are accessible to all persons via the BYCA file directory located at: P:\01 Corporate\73 00 QSE
The following environmental Acts, Regulations and Standards are applicable to this project:
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000
State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007
State Environmental Planning Policy (State and Regional Development) 2011
State Environmental Planning Policy No. 55 ‐ Remediation of Land
State Environmental Planning Policy No. 33 – Hazardous and Offensive
State Environmental Planning Policy No. 44 – Koala Habitat Protection
Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997
Roads Act 1993
Native Vegetation Act 2003
Water Management Act 2000
Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974
Heritage Act 1977
Local Government
Parkes Local Environmental Plan 2012
Parkes Shire Council Development Control Plan 2013
Griffith Local Environmental Plan 2014
Narromine Local Environmental Plan 2011
Narromine Development Control Plan 2012
Orana Regional Environmental Plan No. 1 - Siding Springs (Deemed State Environmental
Planning Policy)
Dubbo Local Environmental Plan 2011
Dubbo Development Control Plan 2013
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
Native Title Act 1993
Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000
8.2.3 Community
The local community and relevant agencies will be informed and kept up to date with the operation
and environmental performance of the development through plannined community engagement
meetings as well as through websites set up to provide an overview of each project, FAQ’s, and a
community feedback form where queries or issues can be registered. (South Keswick and Narromine)
10.1 Risk Management
BYCA is committed to managing risks by eliminating risk so far as is reasonably practicable, and if it is
not reasonably practicable to eliminate, controlling risks to a level which is As Low as Reasonable
Practicable (ALARP).
BYCA will manage environmental risk in accordance with the PR-CO-03 Risk Management Procedure.
Please refer to the Risk Management Procedure and the FS-CO-RM-01 Risk Level Matrix, for risk
acceptance criteria and hierarchy of controls.
Risks will be assessed at tender stage as well as on the design phase and recorded on the tender risk
register and design risk register accordingly. The Project manager will assign a risk owner for all
residual risk classified as “High” or “Extreme”, and ensure that any open “High” or “Extreme”
environmental risks are transferred onto the Project Environmental Risk Assessment and monitored
in accordance with this EMP and the PR-CO-03 Risk Management Procedure.
Please refer to the PL-CO-01 Project Management Plan for further information.
The Project/site Engineer is responsible for communicating environmental updates to the Project
Environmental Risk Assessment to all stakeholders including subcontractors, commercial managers
and workers.
The Project/site Engineer or delegate, when required, will attend the Design Risk Register
workshops, to ensure that environmental constraints and protocols have been addressed.
BYCA will ensure that environmental requirements are incorporated into systems used to procure
goods and services. Subcontractors must satisfy all the conditions detailed in this plan and its
associated sub plans and procedures.
Environmental responsibilities will form part of the Site Induction for all personnel working on-site.
Regular Tool Box Talks will be used to communicate detailed task specific responsibilities to
applicable personnel, including all subcontractors.
The performance of subcontractors in relation to their contractual requirements will be monitored
to ensure effective implementation and compliance of all requirements.
Please refer to the PL-CO-01 Project Management Plan for further information.
Subcontractors working in environmental sensitive areas of the project are required to submit a Site
Environmental Risk Assessment (refer to the Project Environmental Risk Assessment section of this
plan), and where required a Site EMP.
Emergency Drills will be conducted to test the effectiveness of the emergency response systems.
Results of all emergency evacuation drills shall be recorded inclusive of any ongoing corrective
Following an emergency situation, a report will be completed by the Project/site Engineer
documenting the event (FS-EV-IM-01 Environmental Incident Report) and lessons learnt. Emergency
plans will then be modified to incorporate lessons learnt and staff will be trained on any changes to
the planned arrangements.
Objectives: outlines the objectives of environmental management that BYCA will achieve
during construction
Potential Environmental Impact: outlines the potential environmental impact of the
proposed construction activities
Management and contingency mitigation measures: BYCA will achieve its environmental
objectives through the identified management and mitigation measures. These measures
are defined on each Environmental Management sub plans to provide clear direction to
staff and contractors on how construction activities will be undertaken to limit
environmental disturbance and to manage and mitigate where avoidance is not practicable
Monitoring: construction activities will have impacts on the environmental and BYCA will
monitor these impacts to ensure they are minimised and managed in accordance with both
the environmental commitments and relevant legislation. The Environmental Management
sub plans define the monitoring measures for the relevant impacts.
The Environmental Factors associated with this project are:
Terrestrial flora and fauna
Weed management
Surface water
Noise and vibration
Visual amenity
Indigenous heritage
Waste and Energy management
Chemical storage and spill response management
Environmental constraints associated with each of the four sites are outlined in Appendix 1-4.
Indirect impacts to flora due to alteration in hydrology and water quality of shallow
groundwater during project dewatering activities
Direct impacts to vegetation and fauna habitat due to contamination risk associated with the
use of chemicals, and fuel spills from machine operations
Noise disturbances to terrestrial fauna from project tools and machinery and vibration
impacts as a result of machinery operation and construction related to operational noise
Direct impacts associated with excessive light (if night works are proposed)
Smothering of vegetation foliage from dust mobilised through excavation and other soil
Introduction of plant and animal pests
Introduction of soil pathogens
Refer to Environmental Sub-Plan PL-EV-02 for Management Measures
Control and minimise the volume of sediment, nutrients and pollutants being released off
13.1.4 Soil Environmental Management Objectives
The soil and erosion management objectives are:
To reduce the potential for erosion and subsequent sedimentation
Minimise sediment release to land and water
Avoid unacceptable damage to native vegetation or wildlife habitats
Aesthetics and visual amenity issues associated with the construction that could cause concern
to local residents in the area
Some local residents and users of the public space and surrounding entertainment venues may
be concerned about clearing of flora and increased traffic volumes within the project area as
well as surrounding roads
Transportation of mud from the site onto public roads
13.1.11 Fire Environmental Management Objectives
The environmental objectives with regard to the fire management during construction are:
Minimise the risk of a fire originated on the project and the project vicinity
Ensure measures are in place to appropriately response in the event of a fire
Protect public and project personnel
Minimise damage to, or loss of, private or public property or infrastructure
Minimise damage to, or loss of, flora, fauna and ecosystem habitats
responsible to maintain the Environmental Corrective and Prevention Actions Register and ensure
the appropriate close out of any corrective/preventive action on a timely manner.
Dust generating activities will be assessed during periods of windy conditions and ceased and
rescheduled where adequate control of dust generation cannot be achieved.
Visual observation of machinery conditions shall also be undertaken during site inspections in
addition to Daily Pre-Start Checks. Daily Pre-Start Checks are required to be undertaken by all plant
operators on construction plant, equipment, vehicles and machinery to ensure all equipment have
appropriate emission control devices, are in good working order and are being maintained correctly.
BYCA will conduct audits to ensure compliance with the BYCA Management System, legislative
requirements and Australian Standards.
Such audits will be conducted:
Within the first 4 weeks of work, once the site has been established
At intervals though out the life of the project consistent with the nature of the project, and
the level of risk
At intervals no greater than 4 months
The Quality Manager will be responsible to develop and maintain the Project Audit Schedule (FS-QA-
RG-01 Audit Schedule Register) aligned with the BYCA Master Audit Schedule. The OHS Manager and
the Project/site Engineer will participate in the audit program and will be responsible for the
recoding and close out of any audit findings on their respective Non Conformances, Observation and
Improvement Opportunities Register.
Project Audit Schedule will be developed and reviewed to ensure coverage over the project scope
and high risks activities.
Please refer to the PL-CO-01 Project Management Plan for further information.
Opportunity Improvement (OI) Register) and an Environmental Corrective and Preventive Action
Register (FS-QA-RG-02 Corrective & Preventative Actions Register).
At the project level, records of environmental compliance will be managed according to the PL-QA-
02 Records Management Plan.
A Record Filing Matrix will be established in accordance with the BYCA procedure PR-QA-01
Document Control and Record Management Procedure, taking into account local legislative
requirements. Records to be managed include:
Training records
Emergency evacuation records
Project environmental risk assessment
Incident reports and investigations
Plant and equipment records
Safety data sheets
Hazardous substances register
Monitoring records of hazardous substances use and storage
Inspection, monitoring and testing records
Details of personnel qualifications
Internal review reports
Minutes of Environmental meetings
Design risk register
Corrective action and preventive action reports
Audit reports
Non Conformance, Observation and Opportunity for Improvement Records
Environmental Management System Review
Induction records
Monthly Environmental reports
Unless otherwise specified, Environmental records must be maintained for a minimum period of 7
years after completion of the project.
18.1 Establishment/Commencement
Prior to commencement of the project the Project/site Engineer shall establish a program or
schedule to address the systematic implementation of the following environmental management
Finalise the EMP and associated sub plans, forms and checklists
Acquire licences, permits and approvals
Develop Work Instructions
Complete the Environmental Risk Assessment workshop at the beginning of the project and
progressive workshops throughout the project as required
Establish a filing system for environmental records
The status of plant and equipment will be verified during site inspections and safety and
environmental audits.
All plant and equipment will be cleaned or brushed down prior to departure.
This document shall be reviewed as follows:
As requested by Management Review
When there is a change of method and/or technology that may affect the accuracy of this
document; or
When there has been a significant event to which this document was relevant; or
As a result of a non-conformance resulting from an audit