AI Exercises

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This is the complete list of all the exercises of the Adonis Index workout program
with full photographs and descriptions. Follow the instructions for proper exercise
form and execution.

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Alternate Incline Dumbbell Press
Lying on an Incline Bench holding two dumbbells palms facing away from you
Start with your arms in the fully extended position
Lower one dumbbell while keeping the other arm in the fully extended position then switch

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Barbell Curls

Standing with feet shoulder width apart holding a barbell

Maintain an upright posture throughout the movement
Curl the bar up keeping your abs and back tight
Do not swing or use body momentum to move the weight

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Bent Dumbbell Row

Standing with feet shoulder width apart holding dumbbells

Knees slightly bent throughout the movement
Bend at the waist with your upper body at approximately a 45 degree angle
Keep your back and spine straight at all times throughout the movement
Row the dumbbell up to your lower ribs

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Bent Lateral Raise
Standing with feet shoulder width apart holding two dumbbells
Bend at waist keeping your spine and back straight
Raise the dumbbells laterally to your sides keeping your back straight

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Bench Squat & Press
Standing with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart standing about 6 inches in front of a bench
Holding dumbbells at your shoulders palms facing away from your body or facing each other
Maintain an upright posture throughout the movement
Never curl your back forward
Start the movement by flexing your hips and butt back as if you were sitting back into a chair
Sit down onto the bench
Keep the pressure on the heels of your feet as you sit down into the squat
From the bottom position drive your heels into the ground and stand up
As you rise press the dumbbells overhead in one motion with the squat

Bodyweight Squats
Standing with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart
Maintain an upright posture throughout the exercise
Start the movement with your butt and hips
Push your butt and hips back as if you were going to sit back into a chair
Begin bending at the knees, keeping most of your weight on your heels
Do not rock forward onto your toes
Keep your back and spine rigid and squat to the bottom position
Drive your heels into the ground and stand up to the starting position

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Bulgarian Squat

Standing approx 2 feet in front of a bench with feet shoulder width apart holding two dumbbells
Put one foot on the bench with your toe as the contact point
Maintain and upright posture throughout the movement
Start the movement bending at your hips and knee lowering your butt back and down
Keep your front knee above your ankle, do not bend the knee forward

Cable Cross Over High Finish

Use the high cables holding with arms extended step forward so you feel a stretch across your chest
With arms slightly bent bring your hands together in a high position directly in front of your face
Maintain an upright posture keeping your back straight and your chest out throughout the movement

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Cable Crossover Low finish

Use the high cables holding with arms extended step forward so you feel a stretch across your chest
With arms slightly bent bring your hands together in a low position at your waist
Maintain an upright posture keeping your back straight and your chest out throughout the movement

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Cable Crossover Mid finish

Use the high cables holding with arms extended step forward so you feel a stretch across your chest
With arms slightly bent bring your hands together in a Mid position in front of your chest
Maintain an upright posture keeping your back straight and your chest out throughout the movement

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Cable Curls

Standing feet shoulder width apart holding a low cable bar

Maintain an upright posture with a straight back and curl bar to the top position

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Cable Face Pulls
Standing with feet shoulder width apart holding high cable rope
Palms facing away from you
Start with arms extended pull rope towards your face flaring your elbows out to the side

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Curl & Press

Standing with feet shoulder width apart holding dumbbells at your sides
Curl the dumbbells up in a hammer curl style then press the dumbbell overhead
Maintain an upright posture throughout the movement

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Calf Press

Use a leg press machine

Position your feet where they are comfortable (shoulder width or closer)
Supporting the weight on the balls of your feet lower the weight so your calves are stretched
Press the weight back up flexing only at the ankle
Your legs can be completely straight or slightly bent during the movement
As you use heavier weight it is advisable to keep your legs slightly bent to take stress off of your knees

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Dumbbell Squat
Standing with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart
Holding two dumbbells resting them on your shoulders
Maintain an upright posture throughout the exercise
Begin the movement by flexing your hips and butt back as if you were sitting back into a chair
Begin bending at your knees and sit back into the bottom position
Keep your weight on the heels of your feet, there should be almost no pressure on your toes and very
little on the balls of your feet
Once you are in the bottom position drive your heels into the ground and stand up
Keep your back and spine rigid throughout the movement
Never curl your back forward during this exercise
(you will need to lean forward slight from the hips, this is ok, as long as you keep your spine and back
straight, there is a difference between leaning forward at the hips, and curling your spine)

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Front Raise Alternate Dumbbell
Standing with feet shoulder width apart
Holding dumbbell at your side neutral grip
Raise Dumbbell with a straight arm in front of your body
Finish with dumbbell over head

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Front Raise Two Hands Dumbbell
Standing with feet shoulder width apart
Holding dumbbell at your side neutral grip
Raise Dumbbell with a straight arm in front of your body
Finish with dumbbell over head

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Front Raise Plate
Standing feel shoulder width Apart
Holding a plate in your hands in front of you
Raise Plate with straight arms in front of you
Finish above your head

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Get Ups
Seated on a bench feet on the ground shoulder width apart
Pick one foot up off the ground and point it forward
Drive your heel into the ground and stand up
keep your back straight and look forward
Use your arms for balance
Complete one rep per leg and then alternate to the other leg

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Hammer Curl
Standing with feet shoulder width apart holding two dumbbells
Maintain and upright posture throughout the movement
Begin with arms in a relaxed position palms facing your body
Curl the weights as if you were swinging a hammer
Palms face each other throughout the movement (do not turn your palms up)

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
High Pull
Standing with feet shoulder width apart in an upright posture
Holding a bar with your palms facing your body
Slight bend at the hips and knees into a quarter squat
Start the movement with a slight body thrust pushing up with your legs and hips
Pull the bar up to your shoulders
Maintain a straight back throughout the movement

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Incline Dumbbell Curl
Lying on an incline bench with dumbbells in each hand
Let your arms hang relaxed in the start position
Curl one dumbbell at a time

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Incline Dumbbell Flye
Lying on an incline bench holding dumbbells in each hand
Begin with arms in the vertical position palms facing each other
Lower the waits to your sides with a slightly bent arm until you feel a good stretch

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Incline Dumbbell Press
On an incline bench holding two dumbbells palms neutral position
Press your shoulder blades back into the bench
Keep an arch in your back and your body rigid
Press the dumbbells up until your arms are fully extended
Bring dumbbells down touching the outer angle of your shoulders

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Incline Triceps Extension (Dumbbell)
Lying on an incline bench dumbbells in each hand
Palms in a neutral position facing each other
Start with arms extended vertically
Bending the elbows lower dumbbells down to your shoulders
Keep your elbows close to your body

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Incline Triceps Extension (Barbell)
Lying on an incline bench holding a barbell over head
Palms facing away from your body
Start with arms in the extended vertical position
Bending only at the elbows lower barbell down just above your forehead

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Inverted Row
In a smith machine set the bar at approximately 34 feet high
If you don’t have a smith machine set up a bar in a squat rack or power rack
Lying on the ground under the bar line up the bar at approximately mid chest
Hold the bar slightly wider than shoulder width with your legs slightly bent
Pull yourself up and touch your chest to the bar on each rep (if possible)
Keep your body rigid like a plank throughout the movement
Note: the more you bend your knees the easier the movement becomes

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Low Cable Cross Over
With the Cables in a low position start with your arms extended
Step forward from the machine so you feel a stretch across your chest
With your arms slightly bent bring your hands together in front of your chest in an upper cut style

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Low Pulley Row Close Grip
Seated at a low pulley row with a close grip palms facing each other
Sit upright with good posture and keep your back and spine straight
Pull handle towards your navel keep your shoulders back and chest out
Do not curl your back during this exercise

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Low Pulley Row Wide Grip
Seated at a low pulley row with a close grip palms facing each other
Sit upright with good posture and keep your back and spine straight
Pull handle towards your navel keep your shoulders back and chest out
Do not curl your back during this exercise

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
One Arm Dumbbell Row
Take a wide stance and support your upper body with one hand on a bench
Maintain a straight back start with your arm in an extended position
Row the dumbbell up towards your hip keeping your elbow close to your body (as if you were pulling a
rip cord to start a lawnmower)

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
One Arm Dumbbell Row Lateral
Take a wide stance and support your upper body with one hand on a bench
Maintain a straight back start with your arm in an extended position
Flare your elbow to the side so it is approximately at a 90 degree angle to your body
Row the dumbbell up towards your shoulder

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
One Arm Pull Up
In a smith machine set the bar at approximately 5 feet
If you don’t have a smith machine set up a bar in a squat rack or power rack
Stand with your feet wider than shoulder with apart (a wide stance helps)
With one hand behind your back hold the bar with the other hand
Pull yourself up similar to an inverted row bringing your chest as close to the bar as possible
Keep your body stiff like a plank throughout the movement

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
One Hand Push Up
Use a smith machine and adjust the bar to a level approximately 34 feet high
If you don’t have a smith machine find a sturdy support that is between 34 feet high
The lower you start the movement the harder it becomes
Feet shoulder width apart (you can take a wider stance for more support if necessary)
With one hand behind your back and one hand on your support lower yourself similar to a standard
push up
Keep your body as straight as possible throughout the movement

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
One Hand Push Up (close)
Use a smith machine and adjust the bar to a level approximately 34 feet high
If you don’t have a smith machine find a sturdy support that is between 34 feet high
The lower you start the movement the harder it becomes
Feet shoulder width apart (you can take a wider stance for more support if necessary)
With one hand behind your back and one hand on your support lower yourself similar to a close hand
push up keeping your elbow close to your body
Keep your body as straight as possible throughout the movement

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
One Arm Lateral Raise
Standing with a dumbbell in one hand
Hold on to a rack or anything sturdy to support your body
lean slightly towards the angle of hand with the dumbbell
With a straight arm raise the dumbbell out to your side

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
One leg Calf Raise (dumbbell)
Standing on a step on the ball of one foot
Holding a dumbbell on the same side of your body as the leg you are working (if you’re working your left
calf hold the dumbbell in your left hand)
use your opposite hand to support you holding onto something stable
Start with your calf in the fully stretched position
Press down on the ball of your foot raising your heel
Maintain an upright posture throughout the movement

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
One Leg Deadlift
Standing with feet shoulder width apart holding two dumbbells
With your knees slightly bent pick one foot up approximately an inch off the floor with your toe pointing
Begin the movement bending at the hips and knee
Drop your hips as if you were going to sit down on a chair
Bending forward with your back at approximately a 45 degree angle
Always keep your back and spine straight throughout the movement
Alternate legs complete one rep with your right leg then reset both feet and alternate to the left leg

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Power Shrug
Standing with feet shoulder width apart holding two dumbbells at your side
Bend at the knees and hips into a quarter squat position
Drive your heels into the floor and push back up into the start position explosively
Shrug your shoulders while you come back to the top position to complete the movement
You should be moving upwards with enough explosiveness and power to finish on your toes

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Prisoner Squat
Bend at the knees and hips into a quarter squat position
Standing with feet approximately shoulder width apart hands behind your head
Start the movement with your hips sitting back as if you were sitting into a chair
Keep your back and spine straight and your chest out
Squat down into a full squat position
Drive your heels into the ground and push back up into the starting position
Always keep your back straight and look forward

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Pulldown & Pressdown
This is a 2 part movement
part 1
Use a straight pulldown bar at a pulldown cable station
Hold the bar at approximately shoulder width apart
Bend your arms slightly and pull your arms down to your sides
Bend your elbows as you bring them towards your waist
From this position keep your elbows tight to your sides and press the bar down
Press the bar down extending your arms using your triceps
Maintain and upright posture throughout the movement

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Lying across a flat bench holding one dumbbell vertical in front of you
Start with arms extended vertical
Extend your arms until they are extended overhead

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Push Ups
Lying on the ground hands and feet as contact points
Hands wider than shoulder width apart
Keep your body rigid like a plank throughout the movement
Lower your yourself to the ground until your chest touches the ground

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Push Up (Close Hands)
Lying on the ground with feet and hands as contacts
Position your hand directly under your shoulders
Keep your body rigid like a plank throughout the movement
Lower yourself down until your chest touches the ground
Keep your elbows close to your body throughout the movement

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Push up (Decline)
In a standard push up position with your feet up on a bench or step
Hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart
Keep your body rigid like a plank throughout the movement
Lower yourself to the ground until your nose is approximately an inch off the ground

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Push up Decline (Close Hands)
In a standard push up position with your feet up on a bench or step
Hands directly under your shoulders
Keep your body rigid like a plank throughout the movement
Lower yourself to the ground until your chest is touching your hands

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Push Up Decline (Spiderman)
Starting in a standard push up position with your feet on a bench
Hands slightly wider than shoulder width position
Keep your back straight throughout the movement
Lower yourself until your nose is approximately 1 inch from the ground
As you lower yourself touch your right knee to your right elbow
Alternate legs touching your left leg to your left elbow
In the finish position you end up looking like spiderman climbing a wall

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Push Up (Offset)
Lying on the ground with feet and hands as contacts
Place your right hand slightly ahead of your right shoulder
Place your left hand close to your left hip
Keep your body rigid like a plank throughout the movement
Lower yourself to the ground until your chest touches the ground
Alternate hands on each push complete one rep with your right hand forward then switch to your left
hand forward until all required repetitions are complete

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Push Up & Row
In a standard push up position hands holding two dumbbells
Move your feet wider than shoulder with apart (as you will need more stability)
Keeping your body rigid like a plank throughout the movement
Hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart
Lower yourself towards the ground until your chest is level with your hands
Push yourself up to the starting position
Row one of the dumbbells up supporting your body on the other hand
Row the opposite dumbbell on the next rep, alternating each rep

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Push Up (Spiderman)
Starting in a standard push up position
Hands slightly wider than shoulder width position
Keep your back straight throughout the movement
Lower yourself until your chest touches the ground
As you lower yourself touch your right knee to your right elbow
Alternate legs touching your left leg to your left elbow
In the finish position you end up looking like spiderman climbing a wall

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Reverse Curls
Standing with your feet shoulder width apart and holding two dumbbells at your side
Starting with palms facing your body
Curl the weight up with your palms facing the floor all the way up
Maintain an upright posture throughout the movement

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Reverse Grip Pulldown
At a cable pulldown station hold the bar palms facing you hands shoulder width apart
Maintain an upright posture throughout the exercise
Pull the bar down towards your upper chest/collar bone finishing just below your chin
Keep your chest out throughout the movement

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Reverse Lunge
Standing with your feet shoulder width apart and holding two dumbbells
Start with your body in an upright posture
Step back with your right foot and sit back touching your right knee down to the ground
Drop your hips and butt down during the movement
Keep your front knee directly above your ankle
Do not flex your knee forward, instead sit your butt back

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Seated Calf Raise
Use a seated calf machine
(if you don’t have a seated calf machine sit at a bench with your feet on the legs of the bench
hold dumbbell on your thighs)
Start with your calves in the fully stretched position
Maintain an upright posture throughout the movement
Press down on the balls of your feet raising your heels

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Seated Dumbbell Curls
Seated on a bench holding two dumbbells
Curl one dumbbell palm facing up
Alternate dumbbell curls

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raises
Seated with dumbbells on each hand
Arms relaxed at your sides raise the dumbbells laterally to your sides
Keep your arms as straight as possible

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Seated Shoulder Press
Seated on a bench holding dumbbells at your shoulders palms facing away from you
Press dumbbells overhead until arms are extended
Maintain an upright posture with a straight back and spine

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Standing with arms relaxed at your side holding two dumbbells
Shrug your shoulders up as high as possible
Maintain an upright straight posture and keep your eyes and head looking forward

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Squat & Press
Standing with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart
Holding dumbbells at your shoulders palms facing away from your body or facing each other
Maintain an upright posture throughout the movement
Never curl your back forward
Start the movement by flexing your hips and butt back as if you were sitting back into a chair
Keep the pressure on the heels of your feet as you sit down into the squat
From the bottom position drive your heels into the ground and stand up
As you rise press the dumbbells overhead in one motion with the squat

Stability Ball Roll Outs
Kneeling on a mat start with your hands on a stability ball and your body in an upright posture
Roll the ball away from your body by extending your arms until you are in a “superman” like position
Keep your body rigid like a plank throughout the movement
Pull the ball back towards you and return to the starting position

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Stability Ball Curl Ups
Start in a push up position with your feet on a stability ball
Tuck your knees into your chest rolling the ball towards you
Extend your legs back to the start position
Focus on using your abs to initiate the movement
Keep your abs and back tight throughout the movement

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Standing Alternate Dumbbell Press
Standing feet shoulder width apart holding dumbbells at your shoulders palms facing away
Press both dumbbells to the top extended overhead position – this is your starting position
Lower one dumbbell to your shoulder while keeping the other in the extended position
Press the dumbbell back to the extended starting position and alternate to the other dumbbell
keep your back straight and keep your head forward

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Standing Dumbbell Press
Standing with your feet shoulder width apart
Holding two dumbbells at your shoulders palms facing each other
Press the dumbbell over head turning your palms away from you
Maintain an upright posture throughout the movement

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Standing Dumbbell Curl
Standing with your feet shoulder width apart holding two dumbbells arms at your sides
Curl one dumbbell up at a time then alternate arms
Maintain an upright posture throughout the movement

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Standing Calf Raise
Standing with your feet approximately shoulder width apart on the balls of your feet
Start with your calves in the fully stretched position
Press the balls of your feet down into the step raising your heels
Maintain an upright posture throughout the movement
Use your hands for support

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Standing Lateral Raise
Standing with feet shoulder width apart holding dumbbells
Start with arms relaxed at your sides
Maintain an upright posture throughout the exercise
Raise dumbbells to your sides keeping arms as straight as possible
Turn your hands so your palms face more towards the ground as your raise your arms
Bring the dumbbells down in front of your body with each rep

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Step Up
Using a bench or step
Standing with feet shoulder width apart step up onto the bench with one foot
Drive your heel into the bench stepping up
Keep your back and spine straight throughout the movement maintaining good posture
Step back down onto the ground and switch feet
Step up with your other foot
Continue alternating feet until all required repetitions are complete

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Tate Press
Lying on an incline bench with dumbbells in each hand
Palms facing away from you
Start with arms in a vertical extended position elbows flared to your sides
Lower dumbbells to your chest keeping them together
Keep elbows flared out to your sides throughout the movement
Keep the dumbbells together and touching throughout the movement

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Standing with feet shoulder width apart holding two dumbbells
Start with arms in a relaxed position at your sides
With your knees slightly bent throughout the movement start by bending at the waist
Bend forward until your upper body is between 4590 degree angle
Always keep your back and spine straight throughout the movement
Never curl your back

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Tricep Pushdown
Standing at a cable machine holding a straight bar or vbar, palms facing down
Maintain an upright posture throughout the exercise
Start with your elbows bent at approximately a 90 degree angle
Press the bar down until your arms are fully extended

Tricep Rope Pushdown Variation

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Triple Curl
Standing with feet shoulder width apart dumbbells in each hand
Complete the 3 following curls back to back to back
1st curl palm facing up
2nd –Hammer curl palms facing each other
3rd – Reverse Curl Palms facing down

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Triple Raise
This is a 3 part movement: Front RaiseLateral RaiseBent Lateral Raise

Standing with feet shoulder width apart holding two dumbbells

Complete one rep of each of the following exercises back to back to back
1) Dumbbell Front Raise, 2) Lateral Raise 3) Bent Lateral Raise
Each lift counts as 1 rep for example: if you are doing 21 reps of triple raises you will complete 7 front
raises, 7 lateral raises and 7 bent lateral raises in sets of 3
Example: Rep#1 front raise, rep#2 lateral raise, rep#3 bent lateral raise, rep# 4 front raise, rep#5 lateral
raise, rep#6 bent lateral raise…etc…

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Upright Row
Standing with feel shoulder width apart holding two dumbbells
Start with arms in front of your body and your palms facing you
Pull the dumbbells up with your palms facing in keeping the dumbbell close to your body
Maintain an upright posture during the entire movement

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Wide Grip Pulldowns
Using a cable pulldown machine hold bar slightly wider than shoulder width
Palms facing away from your body
Maintain an upright posture during the exercise
Pull the bar down to your upper chest/collar bone
Keep your chest out during the movement

Adonis Index Workout Exercises
Adonis Index Workout Exercises

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