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36-401/607 Section B (Wasserman), Fall 2017, HOMEWORK 1

Due Friday, September 8 at 3:00

To receive full credit, you must show all steps in your work.

1. Suppose that X1 , X2 , . . . , Xm are discrete random variables with probability function p(x1 , . . . , xm ).
Let a1 , . . . , am be constants. Show that
X  Xm
E aj Xj = aj E[Xj ].
j=1 j=1

2. Let X be a discrete random variable such that X ∈ {1, 2, . . .}. Show that E[X] = j P (X ≥ j).
3. A random variable X is degenerate if there exists a number a such that P (X = a) = 1.
(a) Show that, if X is degenerate, then Var(X) = 0.
(b) Let X be discrete. Suppose that Var(X) = 0. Show that X is degenerate.

4. Let X and Y be random variables. Show that

Cov(a + bX, c + dY ) = bdCov(X, Y ).

5. Let
Y = 5X + 
where  ∼ N (0, 1) and X ∼ Unif(−1, 1). Assume that X and  are independent.
(a) Find the mean and variance of Y .
(b) Find E[Y 2 ].
(c) Find E[Y |X = x].
(d) Find E[Y 3 ].
(e) Find Cov(, 2 ). Are  and 2 independent?

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