Rocuronium Sugamadex

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Anesthesiology 2008; 109:816 –24 Copyright © 2008, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.

can Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Reversal of Profound Rocuronium-induced Blockade

with Sugammadex
A Randomized Comparison with Neostigmine
R. Kevin Jones, M.D.,* James E. Caldwell, M.B., Ch.B.,† Sorin J. Brull, M.D.,‡ Roy G. Soto, M.D.§

Background: Traditionally, reversal of nondepolarizing neu- REVERSAL of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking

romuscular blocking agents was achieved using acetylcholines- agents (NMBAs) such as rocuronium and vecuronium
terase inhibitors, but these are unable to adequately reverse
profound blockade. Sugammadex is a novel reversal agent, re-
traditionally has been achieved by using acetylcholines-
versing the effects of rocuronium by encapsulation. This study terase inhibitors.1 However, these agents cannot ade-
assessed the efficacy and safety of sugammadex versus neostig- quately reverse profound neuromuscular blockade.2,3
mine for reversal of profound rocuronium-induced neuromus- Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors suppress the enzymatic
cular blockade. breakdown of acetylcholine, allowing it to accumulate
Methods: This phase III, randomized study enrolled surgical
patients, aged 18 yr or older with American Society of Anesthe-
and displace the NMBA molecules from the binding sites
siologists physical status I–IV. Patients were randomized to re- on the nicotinic receptors. If the NMBA concentration is
ceive sugammadex (4.0 mg/kg) or neostigmine (70 ␮g/kg) plus very high, the increase in acetylcholine concentration is
glycopyrrolate (14 ␮g/kg). Anesthetized patients received an intu- insufficient to displace enough NMBA molecules to re-
bating dose of rocuronium (0.6 mg/kg), with maintenance doses verse neuromuscular blockade.4
(0.15 mg/kg) as required. Neuromuscular monitoring was per-
Rapid, complete, and reliable reversal of neuromuscu-
formed by acceleromyography. Sugammadex or neostigmine was
administered at reappearance of 1–2 posttetanic counts (profound lar blockade is desirable to improve patient comfort and
neuromuscular blockade). The primary efficacy parameter was safety. To achieve this goal, there is general agreement
the time from sugammadex or neostigmine– glycopyrrolate ad- that return to a train-of-four (TOF) ratio of 0.9 or greater
ministration to return of the train-of-four ratio to 0.9. should be achieved at the end of surgery before tracheal
Results: In the intent-to-treat population (n ⴝ 37 in each
extubation. Despite intraoperative use of nerve stimula-
group), geometric mean time to recovery to a train-of-four ratio
of 0.9 with sugammadex was 2.9 min versus 50.4 min with tion to gauge depth of blockade and adequacy of reversal
neostigmine– glycopyrrolate (P < 0.0001) (median, 2.7 min vs. with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, many patients do
49.0 min). Most sugammadex patients (97%) recovered to a not achieve adequate neuromuscular recovery before
train-of-four ratio of 0.9 within 5 min after administration. In tracheal extubation in the early postoperative period.5
contrast, most neostigmine patients (73%) recovered between
The occurrence of postoperative residual neuromuscular
30 and 60 min after administration, with 23% requiring more
than 60 min to recover to a train-of-four ratio of 0.9. blockade in the recovery room may result in airway
Conclusions: Recovery from profound rocuronium-induced obstruction, pulmonary complications,6 and other signif-
neuromuscular blockade was significantly faster with sugam- icant morbidity.5,7,8
madex versus with neostigmine, suggesting that sugammadex The administration of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
has a unique ability to rapidly reverse profound rocuronium
(e.g., neostigmine, edrophonium) can lead to cardiovas-
neuromuscular blockade.
cular, gastrointestinal, and respiratory adverse events
(AEs) through undesired stimulation of muscarinic re-
* Attending Anesthesiologist, Saddleback Memorial Medical Center, Laguna
Hills, California. † Professor and Vice Chair of Anesthesia and Perioperative
ceptors,9,10 resulting in the need for coadministration of
Care, Department of Anesthesia, University of California, San Francisco, Califor- muscarinic antagonists such as glycopyrrolate or atro-
nia. ‡ Professor of Anesthesiology, Mayo Clinic, College of Medicine, Jackson-
ville, Florida. § Director of Anesthesiology Education, The State University of
pine. These agents may themselves induce AEs such as
New York at Stony Brook, Health Sciences Center, Stony Brook, New York. tachycardia, blurred vision, and sedation.11
Current address: Beaumont Hospitals, Department of Anesthesiology, Michigan.
There is, therefore, a need for a reversal agent that can
Received from Accurate Clinical Trials/Saddleback Memorial Medical Center,
Laguna Hills, California. Submitted for publication March 31, 2008. Accepted for rapidly reverse neuromuscular blockade, regardless of
publication July 16, 2008. Supported by Schering-Plough, Roseland, New Jersey. the depth of block. Sugammadex, a modified ␥-cyclodex-
The statistical analysis of the study data was conducted by Jin-Yi Chen, M.S.
(Principal Statistician, Biometrics Department, Schering-Plough). The clinical trin, is a selective relaxant-binding agent. Sugammadex
research scientist for the study was Jovino Ben Morte, Jr., M.D. (Global Clinical achieves rapid reversal of muscle relaxation by forming
Development, Schering-Plough). Medical writing support was provided by
Valerie Moss, Ph.D. (Prime Medica Ltd., Knutsford, Cheshire, United Kingdom), a tight complex with unbound steroidal NMBA mole-
during the preparation of the manuscript, supported by Schering-Plough. Re- cules, thereby preventing their action at the neuromus-
sponsibility for opinions, conclusions, and interpretation of the data lies with the
authors. cular junction.12,13 Dose-finding studies have shown that
Mark A. Warner, M.D., served as Handling Editor for this article. Dr. Eisenach sugammadex rapidly and effectively reverses rocuro-
was not involved in the decision-making process. nium-induced neuromuscular blockade, including pro-
Address correspondence to Dr. Jones: Accurate Clinical Trials Inc., Saddle-
back Memorial Medical Center, Laguna Hills, California 92653. kevinjones@
found blockade.14 –21 Information on purchasing reprints may be found at The aim of this phase III study was to compare the or on the masthead page at the beginning of this issue.
ANESTHESIOLOGY’s articles are made freely accessible to all readers, for personal use
efficacy and safety of sugammadex versus neostigmine
only, 6 months from the cover date of the issue. plus glycopyrrolate for reversal of profound rocuronium-

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or vecuronium-induced blockade. This article focuses on adjusted to provide optimal patient care as determined
the rocuronium arms of the study. The findings of the by the anesthesiologist caring for the patient. Ventilatory
vecuronium study arms have been reported separately.22 support and anesthesia were appropriately maintained
until recovery of neuromuscular function to a TOF ratio
of 0.9 and until the patient was judged by the anesthe-
Materials and Methods siologist to be ready for tracheal extubation and transfer
to the postanesthesia care unit.
This phase III, multicenter, randomized, parallel-group,
safety assessor– blinded study, known as the Signal study Neuromuscular Monitoring
(NCT00473694), was conducted at eight sites in the Neuromuscular function was monitored using the
United States. The study protocol was approved by in- TOF-Watch® SX acceleromyograph (Schering-Plough,
stitutional review boards of each center, and the study Swords, Co., Dublin, Ireland) at the adductor pollicis
was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of muscle, starting after induction of anesthesia (before
Helsinki, the International Conference on Harmonisation rocuronium administration) and continuing at least until
Guideline for Good Clinical Practice, and current regu- recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.9. Stabilization and cali-
latory requirements. Patients were assigned a subject bration of the acceleromyograph were performed in the
allocation number in sequential order of their enroll- operating room. After induction of anesthesia but before
ment and were randomly assigned to a treatment group, administration of the intubating dose of rocuronium,
according to a randomization schedule card prepared in neuromuscular transmission monitoring was measured
advance by Schering-Plough (Roseland, New Jersey). continually with the TOF-Watch® SX version 1.6 and the
Patients were included if they were aged 18 yr or older TOF-Watch® SX monitoring program version 2.1. Repet-
with American Society of Anesthesiologists physical sta- itive TOF stimulation was applied every 15 s at the ulnar
tus I–IV and were scheduled to undergo elective surgery nerve. Neuromuscular data were collected via a trans-
during general anesthesia in the supine position, using ducer fixed to the thumb. TOF-Watch® SX calibration
rocuronium for tracheal intubation and maintenance of was performed 5 min after a 5-s, 50-Hz tetanic stimula-
neuromuscular blockade. Patients were excluded if they tion, and this was preceded by a 1-min repetitive TOF
were expected to have a difficult airway or were known stimulation. After calibration, a 3- to 4-min repetitive
or suspected to have neuromuscular disorders that TOF stimulation was required before administration of
might impair neuromuscular blockade; significant renal rocuronium. This tetanic preconditioning reduced the
dysfunction; a (family) history of malignant hyperther- evoked mechanical response of the muscle and thereby
mia; or allergy to narcotics, muscle relaxants, or other shortened the time required to achieve baseline stability.
medications used during anesthesia. Patients receiving Central body temperature was maintained at 35°C or
medication at a dose and/or time known to interfere greater. In addition, peripheral body temperature was
with NMBAs (e.g., antibiotics, anticonvulsants, magne- measured continuously by a thermistor at the thenar
sium salts); those in whom the use of neostigmine eminence of the palm and maintained at 32°C or greater
and/or glycopyrrolate was contraindicated; female pa- during neuromuscular transmission monitoring. To re-
tients who were pregnant, breast-feeding, or of child- duce variability between study centers, the study sponsor
bearing age and not using reliable birth control; and provided practical guidance on setup, operation, mainte-
patients who had already participated in another clinical nance, and troubleshooting of the TOF-Watch® SX.
trial within 30 days of entering this study were also Before surgical incision, patients received 0.6 mg/kg
excluded. All patients gave written informed consent rocuronium followed by tracheal intubation, with main-
before enrollment. tenance doses of 0.15 mg/kg rocuronium as required to
maintain surgical paralysis. After the T1 response had
Anesthesia disappeared on the TOF stimulation mode, posttetanic
An intravenous cannula was inserted into a forearm count (PTC) stimulation was started; the TOF-Watch® SX
vein for routine anesthetic and study drug administra- delivered a 5-s, 50-Hz tetanic stimulation. After a 3-s
tion. Another intravenous cannula was inserted into the pause, stimulations were performed at a frequency of 1
opposite arm for blood sampling for safety analysis. An- Hz for 15 s. The TOF-Watch® SX automatically pre-
esthesia was induced with an intravenous opioid and vented the use of the PTC button for 2 min after a
propofol and was maintained with an intravenous opioid previous successful operation of PTC. When judged clin-
and sevoflurane. The recommended sevoflurane concen- ically appropriate by the anesthesiologist caring for the
tration was less than 1.5 times the age-adjusted minimum patient, spontaneous recovery was allowed to progress
alveolar concentration at the time of sugammadex or until the reappearance of 1–2 PTCs. Then, a single dose
neostigmine administration. All other anesthetic prac- of 4.0 mg/kg sugammadex or 70 ␮g/kg neostigmine
tices were consistent with routine practices at the trial (total dose ⱕ 5.0 mg) plus 14 ␮g/kg glycopyrrolate (total
centers. The anesthetic agents and doses used were dose ⱕ 1.0 mg) was administered. All drugs (rocuro-

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nium, sugammadex, and neostigmine plus glycopyrro- surgery and at follow-up, 7 days after surgery. All AEs and
late) were administered over 10 s into a fast-running SAEs were coded using MedDRA® (International Feder-
intravenous cannula using a three-way stopcock. Pa- ation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations,
tients received only rocuronium for muscle relaxation Geneva, Switzerland) version 9.1. Serious trial procedure–
and only a single dose of either neostigmine or sugam- related events and medical-device reporting events also
madex for neuromuscular reversal. were recorded. AEs were defined as drug related if the
Starting before transfer to the recovery room (after investigator considered them to be definitely, probably,
tracheal extubation), patients were assessed every 15 or possibly related to the study drug.
min for clinical signs of neuromuscular recovery until
discharge from the recovery room. This included an Statistical Analysis
assessment of the patient’s level of consciousness The primary efficacy analysis was based on the intent-
(awake and oriented, arousable with minimal stimula- to-treat population, comprising all randomized subjects
tion, or responsive only to tactile stimulation). For pa- who had received sugammadex or neostigmine and had
tients considered cooperative, a 5-s head lift test and a at least one efficacy assessment. In case of missing data,
check for general muscle weakness (using a rating scale imputed data were used for the efficacy analysis. For
of 1 [extreme impairment] to 9 [close to no impair- imputation of missing times from the start of administra-
ment]) were performed. Patients were monitored for tion of sugammadex or neostigmine to recovery of the
clinical evidence of residual neuromuscular blockade or TOF ratio to 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9, a conservative approach
reoccurrence of neuromuscular blockade (respiratory for sugammadex was applied. (See appendix 1 for the
problems or, as measured only up to the point a patient method for imputation of missing recovery times.)
awakened, a significant decrease in the TOF ratio to A two-way analysis of variance model with treatment
⬍ 0.8) in the postoperative period until discharge. Re- group, center, and treatment-by-center interaction terms
spiratory rate and pulse oximetry were monitored for 60 was used to analyze time from sugammadex or neostig-
min or more after recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.9. mine administration to recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.7,
0.8, and 0.9. It was expected that the variance of recov-
Efficacy Endpoints ery times after administration of sugammadex and
The primary efficacy parameter was time from start of neostigmine would differ; therefore, the analysis of vari-
sugammadex or neostigmine administration until recov- ance was applied to logarithm-transformed values.23,24
ery of the TOF ratio to 0.9. Secondary efficacy variables A P value of 0.05 or less was considered statistically
included time from sugammadex or neostigmine admin- significant. When log-transformed data are statistically
istration to recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.7 and 0.8, and analyzed in this way, the P values derived from this
clinical signs of recovery. analysis are related to the comparison of the two geo-
metric means, i.e., is the ratio of the two geometric
Safety Assessments means different from one (alternative hypothesis) or not
A blinded safety assessor (who was not involved in (null hypothesis)?
randomization of the patients or in the preparation or The recovery times in both groups followed a skewed
administration of trial medication, or allowed in the distribution, and because large observations are known
operating room during surgery) performed a physical to have a major influence on the arithmetic mean, this
examination before surgery and during the postanes- summary measure is prone to sampling error.25 In con-
thetic visit (day after surgery and ⱖ 10 h after sugamma- trast, the geometric mean is robust against large obser-
dex or neostigmine administration). Vital signs (blood vations arising from data with a skewed distribution and
pressure and heart rate measured noninvasively in the is justified in the current study.25 The recovery times
supine position) were recorded at regular intervals dur- from administration of sugammadex or neostigmine to a
ing the study, including before surgery; at 2, 5, 10, and TOF ratio of 0.7, 0.8, or 0.9 were, therefore, summarized
30 min after sugammadex or neostigmine administra- using the geometric mean, with corresponding two-
tion; and at the postanesthetic visit. sided 95% confidence intervals, as well as the median
Blood samples were collected before administration of with interquartile and overall ranges. The geometric
rocuronium, 4 – 6 h after administration of sugammadex mean was calculated by first taking the logarithm of each
or neostigmine, and at the postanesthetic visit for assess- recovery time (to TOF 0.7, 0.8, or 0.9), then calculating
ments of blood counts and biochemistry. Urine samples, the arithmetic mean of the logarithm-transformed data,
collected up to 24 h preoperatively and at the postanes- and finally transforming the mean back to the original time
thetic visit, were assessed for standard urinalysis. All scale by taking the antilogarithm. For categorical variables,
laboratory testing was performed centrally by BARC USA frequency counts and percentages were presented.
(Lake Success, NY). An all-subjects-treated group was used for the safety
The blinded safety assessor also monitored all patients analysis, comprising all randomized subjects who re-
for AEs, including serious AEs (SAEs) on the day after ceived a dose of study medication.

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To achieve 95% power to detect a difference of 5 min ment arms. Enrollment continued into both groups dur-
or greater between treatment groups, and assuming an ing the data analysis and deliberations of the Data and
SD of 1.5 min in the sugammadex and 7.0 min in the Safety Monitoring Board.
neostigmine group, 30 patients were needed per group.
Assuming that 5% of patients might be excluded from
the intent-to-treat population, a sample size of 32 pa- Results
tients/group was required.
An interim analysis of the primary efficacy variable was The trial was conducted between November 2005 and
planned when 10 patients from each group had com- November 2006. Eighty-eight patients were randomized
pleted the study and provided data. Statistical evaluation in the rocuronium arm of the study, 48 to sugammadex
of the primary efficacy variable was conducted using and 40 to neostigmine (fig. 1). The number of patients
validated data for the intent-to-treat population, using randomized at each center is shown in appendix 2. After
imputed data in the case of missing values. The Hwang– interim analysis, and recommendation by the Data and
Shih– de Cani method was used; the interim analysis was Safety Monitoring Board, the neostigmine group was
conducted at a significance level of 0.0025 (one-sided).26 discontinued because of marked differences in efficacy
The results of the interim analysis were assessed by a between treatments, although by this time 40 patients had
Data and Safety Monitoring Board, who were to make a already been randomized into the neostigmine group.
recommendation to stop the neostigmine arm early if Fourteen patients (sugammadex, n ⫽ 11; neostigmine,
there were marked differences in efficacy between treat- n ⫽ 3) discontinued the study (fig. 1). Thirteen of these

Fig. 1. Patient disposition of those ran-

domized to the rocuronium arm of the
study (patients treated with vecuronium
are not described in this article). † Ac-
cording to the randomization schedule,
this patient should have received vecuro-
nium plus sugammadex. She was in-
cluded in the all-subjects-treated (AST)
population here as treated with rocuro-
nium plus neostigmine but not the in-
tent-to-treat (ITT) population. SAE ⴝ seri-
ous adverse event; TOF ⴝ train-of-four.

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Table 1. Baseline Characteristics (All-subjects-treated

Population, n ⴝ 75)

Sugammadex, Neostigmine,
n ⫽ 37 n ⫽ 38

Sex, n (%)
Male 16 (43) 17 (45)
Female 21 (57) 21 (55)
Age, mean (SD), yr 52 (14) 54 (11)
Weight, mean (SD), kg 90 (32) 85 (23)
Height, mean (SD), cm 170 (10) 169 (10)
Race, n (%)
Asian 0 3 (8)
Black (of African heritage) 3 (8) 1 (3)
White/Caucasian 32 (86) 34 (89)
Other 2 (5) 0
ASA physical status, n (%)
I 3 (8) 3 (8) Fig. 2. Time from start of administration of sugammadex or
II 25 (68) 30 (79) neostigmine to recovery of the train-of-four (TOF) ratio to 0.7,
III 9 (24) 5 (13) 0.8, and 0.9 (intent-to-treat population, imputed data, n ⴝ 74).
IV 0 0 * P < 0.0001 versus neostigmine. CI ⴝ confidence interval.

ASA ⫽ American Society of Anesthesiologists. neostigmine group) received study drug in the 3, 4, or 5
PTC range after the last dose of rocuronium.
discontinued before receiving rocuronium or study
drug, primarily for surgery-related reasons; one patient in Efficacy Results
the sugammadex group discontinued after receiving One sugammadex-treated patient and 15 neostigmine-
rocuronium prematurely. Patients who discontinued be- treated patients had missing times for recovery of the
fore receiving study drug were not included in the all- TOF ratio to 0.9, because a TOF ratio of 0.9 was not
subjects-treated or intent-to-treat populations of the reached during the observation period. In addition, the
study. One patient randomized to the vecuronium–sug- time to recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.9 was considered
ammadex arm received rocuronium–neostigmine and unreliable in six sugammadex patients (as determined by
was included in the rocuronium–neostigmine all-sub- the Central Independent Adjudication Committee due to
jects-treated group here; however, because treatment errors with the TOF-Watch® SX). Using imputed data
was not given according to randomization, this patient (both groups n ⫽ 37), geometric mean time from start of
was excluded from the intent-to-treat group. Therefore, administration of study drug to recovery of TOF ratio to
the all-subjects-treated group comprised 75 patients 0.9 was significantly (P ⬍ 0.0001) faster in the sugam-
(sugammadex, n ⫽ 37; neostigmine, n ⫽ 38) and the madex group than in the neostigmine group (fig. 2). The
intent-to-treat group comprised 74 patients (n ⫽ 37 in median (range [interquartile range]) time to recovery of
each group; fig. 1). the TOF ratio to 0.9 was 2.7 (1.2–16.1 [2.1– 4.1]) min in
Treatment groups were generally comparable with re- the sugammadex group versus 49.0 (13.3–145.7 [35.7–
spect to baseline characteristics (table 1). The median 65.6]) min in the neostigmine group.
(range) age was 51 (19 – 85) yr in the sugammadex group The faster time to recovery in the sugammadex group
and 54 (30 –73) yr in the neostigmine group. Most pa- is also represented in figure 3, which compares the
tients were American Society of Anesthesiologists phys- percentage of patients reaching a TOF ratio of 0.9 in
ical status II and none were American Society of Anes- each of the groups versus time after administration of
thesiologists physical status IV. sugammadex or neostigmine. Based on patients with
The median (range) intubating dose of rocuronium data available (sugammadex group, n ⫽ 30; neostigmine
was 0.6 (0.56 – 0.64) mg/kg in the sugammadex group group, n ⫽ 22), most sugammadex patients (70%) recov-
and 0.6 (0.57– 0.61) mg/kg in the neostigmine group. ered within 3 min of administration of study drug, and all
Two sugammadex patients and three neostigmine pa- except one recovered within 5 min. The remaining
tients did not receive maintenance doses of rocuronium. sugammadex patient had a time from sugammadex ad-
In those patients receiving maintenance doses of rocu- ministration to a TOF ratio of 0.9 of 16.1 min. In con-
ronium, a median of 4 (range, 1–12) maintenance doses trast, most neostigmine patients (73%) recovered 30 – 60
were given in the sugammadex group and a median of 2 min after administration, with 23% taking more than 60
(range, 1–7) were given in the neostigmine group. The min to achieve a TOF ratio of 0.9.
median maintenance dose of rocuronium was 0.15 Likewise, geometric mean times from start of adminis-
(0.12– 0.18) mg/kg in the sugammadex group and 0.15 tration of study drug to recovery of TOF ratio to 0.7 and
(0.07– 0.16) mg/kg in the neostigmine group. Some pa- 0.8 were significantly (P ⬍ 0.0001) faster in the sugam-
tients (n ⫽ 8 in the sugammadex group and n ⫽ 3 in the madex group than in the neostigmine group (fig. 2). The

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Table 2. Adverse Events Occurring in at Least 10% of Patients

in Either Treatment Group, Regardless of Relation to Study
Drug (All-subjects-treated Population, n ⴝ 75)

Adverse Event Sugammadex, n ⫽ 37 Neostigmine, n ⫽ 38

Procedural pain 26 (70.3) 29 (76.3)

Nausea 14 (37.8) 19 (50.0)
Incision site complication 9 (24.3) 8 (21.1)
Postprocedural nausea 7 (18.9) 5 (13.2)
Vomiting 5 (13.5) 7 (18.4)
Flatulence 6 (16.2) 2 (5.3)
Procedural complication 2 (5.4)* 6 (15.8)†
Insomnia 5 (13.5) 4 (10.5)
Dizziness 0 5 (13.2)
Muscular weakness 4 (10.8) 3 (7.9)
Headache 3 (8.1) 4 (10.5)
Pharyngolaryngeal pain 3 (8.1) 4 (10.5)
Pruritus 3 (8.1) 4 (10.5)

* Both cases of mild tachycardia. † Includes five cases of tachycardia (four

Fig. 3. Time to recovery of the train-of-four (TOF) ratio to 0.9 mild and one moderate) and one case of mild sinus bradycardia.
from profound rocuronium-induced neuromuscular blockade
after administration of sugammadex or neostigmine (intent-to-
treat population, imputed data, n ⴝ 74). two patients in the sugammadex group (postoperative
infection and postoperative ileus) and three patients in
median (range [interquartile range]) times to recovery of the neostigmine group (nausea/pain/dyspnea, gastric
the TOF ratio to 0.7 and 0.8 with sugammadex were 1.8 perforation/procedural complication, and postoperative
(1.0 –7.8 [1.4 –3.1]) and 2.3 (1.1–10.1 [1.6 –3.3]) min, ileus). No SAE was considered study drug related. Only
respectively, and those with neostigmine were 32.1 one patient (neostigmine group) discontinued from the
(9.3–123.2 [19.0 – 47.8]) and 40.9 (11.3–143.7 [26.3– study because of two SAEs (gastric perforation/proce-
56.1]) min, respectively. dural complication) and subsequently recovered. There
After tracheal extubation and before transfer to the were no deaths, serious trial procedure–related events,
recovery room, 26 (70%) of 37 sugammadex patients and or medical-device reporting events during the trial.
20 (59%) of 34 neostigmine patients who had assess- Ten sugammadex-treated patients (27.0%) and 12
ments were awake and oriented. Apart from 3 sugam- neostigmine-treated patients (31.6%) experienced AEs
madex patients and 5 neostigmine patients, all patients that were considered to be definitely, probably, or pos-
were cooperative, and most cooperative patients could sibly related to study drug. Drug-related AEs in the sug-
perform the 5-s head lift test (33 of 34 sugammadex ammadex group were muscle weakness (n ⫽ 3), nausea
patients; 28 of 30 neostigmine patients) and had no signs (n ⫽ 2), vomiting (n ⫽ 2), postprocedural nausea (n ⫽
of general muscle weakness (31 of 34 sugammadex pa- 2), and one case each of procedural hypertension, post-
tients; 25 of 30 neostigmine patients). procedural complication, increased blood creatine phos-
Before discharge from the recovery room, clinical phokinase, increased body temperature, headache, pru-
signs of recovery were similar in both groups. Apart ritus, and paresthesia. Drug-related AEs in the neostigmine
from one neostigmine patient, all were awake and ori- group were nausea (n ⫽ 5), muscle weakness (n ⫽ 3),
ented. All patients in both groups were cooperative and procedural complications (n ⫽ 3), vomiting (n ⫽ 2),
could perform the 5-s head lift. Two sugammadex and postprocedural nausea (n ⫽ 2), and one case each of
three neostigmine patients had signs of mild muscle chest discomfort, incision-site complication, procedural
weakness before discharge from the recovery room hypertension, dizziness, restlessness, decreased blood
(graded as recovery of strength to ⱖ 7 out of 10 on the total protein, hyperhidrosis, and pruritus. No patient
general muscle weakness scale). All of these patients had discontinued because of a drug-related AE. All patients
contributing factors that may increase the likelihood of with muscle weakness listed as an AE could perform the
postoperative weakness (concomitant medications, de- 5-s head-lift test during the initial assessment of clinical
crease in potassium levels, and/or postoperative pain). signs of recovery, and all but one patient, in whom the
TOF trace was considered to be unreliable, were able to
Safety Results reach a TOF ratio of 0.9. Moreover, in all patients, there
Adverse events were reported in 36 (97.3%) of 37 were other contributing factors: one sugammadex pa-
sugammadex patients and 37 (97.4%) of 38 neostigmine tient received furosemide postoperatively; one sugam-
patients. The most frequently reported AEs are summa- madex patient received furosemide and had a decrease
rized in table 2 and included procedural pain, nausea, in potassium levels despite receiving potassium chloride
and incision-site complications. SAEs were reported for preoperatively; and two sugammadex patients and all

Anesthesiology, V 109, No 5, Nov 2008

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three neostigmine patients had postoperative pain, useful during prolonged surgery in patients who require
which may result in a feeling of weakness. maintenance of deep neuromuscular blockade through-
There were few differences between the sugammadex out the procedure, and would also be beneficial when
and neostigmine groups with respect to urinalysis or surgery ends prematurely.27
changes in hematology and biochemistry parameters In this study, we addressed the issue of patients with
during the study. In both treatment groups, mean leuko- missing recovery times, either because a TOF ratio of 0.9
cyte and neutrophil counts were increased at the 4- to was not reached during the monitoring period or be-
6-h and postanesthetic assessments. There were no cause the TOF trace data were considered to be unreli-
other clinically meaningful changes in laboratory values. able, by using an imputation technique. This technique
There were no clinically relevant changes in physical provided a recovery time for the 7 patients in the sug-
examination findings or blood pressure in either group. ammadex group and 15 patients in the neostigmine
Mean heart rate was increased compared with baseline group with a missing time to a TOF ratio of 0.7, 0.8,
at 2, 5, and 10 min after administration of neostigmine– and/or 0.9 using a worst-case scenario for sugammadex-
glycopyrrolate, but not after sugammadex administra- treated patients and a best-case scenario for neostigmine-
tion. However, there was no clinically significant differ- treated patients. The geometric mean time to recovery of
ence between the two treatment groups with respect to the TOF ratio to 0.9 using only the collected data were
percentage of patients with abnormal heart rate values 2.6 min in the sugammadex group (n ⫽ 30) compared
(defined as heart rate ⱕ 50 or ⱖ 120 beats/min, and with 56.0 min in the neostigmine group (n ⫽ 22), similar
representing a decrease or an increase of at least 15 to the results of the more conservative imputed data
beats/min from baseline) at any assessment. No patient analysis (2.9 vs. 50.4 min, respectively).
showed any evidence of residual neuromuscular block- The dose of sugammadex used in our study (4 mg/kg)
ade or reoccurrence of neuromuscular blockade either was based on phase II dose-ranging studies,16 –18 and the
clinically (respiratory problems) or according to study doses of neostigmine and glycopyrrolate were the stan-
neuromuscular transmission guidelines (significant de- dard recommended doses. The findings of the current
crease in the TOF ratio to ⬍ 0.8) measured up to the study are consistent with those from previous phase II
point when the patient awakened. studies showing that sugammadex provides fast and
safe recovery from rocuronium-induced neuromuscular
blockade,14 –17,19,20 including profound blockade.18 The
Discussion geometric mean time to achieve a TOF ratio of 0.9 with
4.0 mg/kg sugammadex in the current study (2.9 min)
In this study, 4 mg/kg sugammadex produced a signif- was comparable with the recovery time reported previ-
icantly more rapid recovery from profound rocuronium- ously in a randomized, dose-finding study evaluating
induced neuromuscular blockade when administered at sugammadex for the reversal of profound rocuronium-
1–2 PTCs than neostigmine did. It is well known that induced blockade.18 In that study,18 mean recovery
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors provide only slow recov- times (TOF ratio of 0.9) of 3.3 and 1.9 min were reported
ery when given during profound blockade,2,3 and our after the administration of 4.0 mg/kg sugammadex at 1–2
study confirms the ineffectiveness of neostigmine in this PTCs in patients who had received rocuronium at 0.6 or
setting. Importantly, this is the first comparative study to 1.2 mg/kg, respectively.
demonstrate that rapid reversal of profound blockade is Our study also supports findings of a study by Sacan et
possible. Reversal of profound rocuronium-induced neu- al.28 in which sugammadex provided more rapid rever-
romuscular blockade (recovery of TOF ratio to 0.9) was sal of moderately profound rocuronium-induced block-
achieved within a geometric mean of 2.9 min in the ade compared with neostigmine and edrophonium. In
sugammadex group versus 50.4 min in the neostigmine that study, empirical reversal of rocuronium-induced
(70 ␮g/kg) plus glycopyrrolate (14 ␮g/kg) group. This blockade (to a TOF ratio of 0.9) at least 15 min after
equates to a reversal time with sugammadex that is approx- administration of the last dose of rocuronium was ap-
imately 47 min or 17-fold faster than that achieved with proximately 10-fold faster with 4 mg/kg sugammadex
neostigmine. compared with neostigmine plus glycopyrrolate (mean,
Importantly, 97% of sugammadex-treated patients had 1.8 vs. 17.4 min).28 As expected, dose-finding studies eval-
recovered to a TOF ratio of 0.9 within 5 min of admin- uating 4 mg/kg sugammadex for reversal of shallow rocu-
istration of the reversal agent. In contrast, 73% of ronium-induced blockade (administration at reappearance
neostigmine-treated patients did not recover until 30 – 60 of second twitch) have reported recovery times even faster
min, and a large proportion (23%) did not recover to a (1.1–1.4 min) than those reported here.16,17,20
TOF ratio of 0.9 until more than 60 min after neostig- Of the various techniques available for monitoring re-
mine administration. The ability of sugammadex to rap- covery, acceleromyography (together with clinical tests)
idly reverse profound rocuronium blockade is likely to was chosen in the current study as it provides an easy-
have important clinical implications, proving particularly to-use, objective assessment of the level of neuromuscu-

Anesthesiology, V 109, No 5, Nov 2008

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lar blockade.29 It had also been the method of monitor- The authors thank Hendrikus Lemmens, M.D., Ph.D. (Professor of Anesthesia,
Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, California), Gavin Martin, M.D.
ing used in other studies on sugammadex,14 –21 which (Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Duke University Medical Center,
allowed us to compare the results of the current study Durham, North Carolina), James Berry, M.D. (Professor, Department of Anesthe-
siology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee), Mohammad
with those of other published studies. It has been sug- El-Orbany, M.D. (Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, The Medi-
gested that the evidence for the clinical use of accelero- cal College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and formerly of Advocate
Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, where patients were re-
myography is good and that this technique is less cumber- cruited), and colleagues for their help in the enrollment of patients.
some than mechanomyography and electromyography.30
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23. Bland JM, Altman DG: Transforming data. BMJ 1996; 312:770 to recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.8 and 0.9 was calculated and
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means. BMJ 1996; 312:1153
25. Bland JM, Altman DG: Transformations, means, and confidence intervals. ● If, for a given subject, the times from the start of administration of
BMJ 1996; 312:1079
study drug to recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.8 and 0.9 were missing
26. Hwang IK, Shih WJ, de Cani JS: Group sequential designs using a family of
type I error probability spending functions. Stat Med 1990; 9:1439–45 but the time to the TOF ratio of 0.7 was available, imputation of the
27. Nicholson WT, Sprung J, Jankowski CJ: Sugammadex: A novel agent for time to a TOF ratio of 0.9 was performed as follows:
the reversal of neuromuscular blockade. Pharmacotherapy 2007; 27:1181–8
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rocuronium-induced neuromuscular blockade: A comparison with neostigmine- dex and with times to recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.7 and 0.9
glycopyrrolate and edrophonium-atropine. Anesth Analg 2007; 104:569–74 available, the difference in time between these two recovery
29. Hemmerling TM, Le N: Brief review: Neuromuscular monitoring: An up-
date for the clinician. Can J Anaesth 2007; 54:58–72 times was determined. The 95th percentile of these differences
30. Claudius C, Viby-Mogensen J: Acceleromyography for use in scientific and was calculated and added to the time to recovery of the TOF
clinical practice: A systematic review of the evidence. ANESTHESIOLOGY 2008; ratio to 0.7.
108:1117–40 - Neostigmine group: The same procedure was used as for sug-
31. Eriksson LI: The effects of residual neuromuscular blockade and volatile
anesthetics on the control of ventilation. Anesth Analg 1999; 89:243–51 ammadex, but only subjects randomized to receive neostigmine
32. Fuchs-Buder T, Claudius C, Skovgaard LT, Eriksson LI, Mirakhur RK, were used, and the 5th percentile of the differences in time to
Viby-Mogensen J: 8th International Neuromuscular Meeting. Good clinical re- recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.7 and 0.9 was calculated and
search practice in pharmacodynamic studies of neuromuscular blocking agents, added to the time to recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.7.
II: The Stockholm revision. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2007; 51:789–808
33. Capron F, Fortier LP, Racine S, Donati F: Tactile fade detection with hand ● For all subjects with missing times to recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.9,
or wrist stimulation using train-of-four, double-burst stimulation, 50-hertz tetanus,
100-hertz tetanus, and acceleromyography. Anesth Analg 2006; 102:1578–84
0.8, and 0.7 in the sugammadex group, the 95th percentile of the
34. Suzuki T, Fukano N, Kitajima O, Saeki S, Ogawa S: Normalization of time to recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.9 observed in all subjects
acceleromyographic train-of-four ratio by baseline value for detecting residual randomized to receive sugammadex was imputed to give the time for
neuromuscular block. Br J Anaesth 2006; 96:44–7 recovery to a TOF ratio of 0.9. Similarly, for all patients with missing
35. Murphy GS, Szokol JW, Marymont JH, Franklin M, Avram MJ, Vender JS:
Residual paralysis at the time of tracheal extubation. Anesth Analg 2005; 100:
times to recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.9, 0.8, and 0.7 in the
1840–5 neostigmine group, the 5th percentile of the time to recovery of the
36. Grayling M, Sweeney BP: Recovery from neuromuscular blockade: A TOF ratio to 0.9 observed in all subjects randomized to receive
survey of practice. Anaesthesia 2007; 62:806–9 neostigmine was imputed for the recovery time to a TOF ratio of 0.9.
A corresponding procedure was followed for imputation of missing
times from the start of administration of study drug to recovery of the
TOF ratio to 0.8. For imputation of missing times, the 95th percentile
Appendix 1: Method for Imputation of
(sugammadex) or 5th percentile (neostigmine) of the differences in
Missing Recovery Times time between recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.7 and 0.8 was used.
For imputation of missing times for the TOF ratio of 0.7, the 95th
For imputation of missing times from the start of administration of
percentile observed time for subjects randomized to sugammadex and
sugammadex or neostigmine to recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.7, 0.8,
5th percentile observed time for subjects randomized to neostigmine
and 0.9, a conservative approach toward sugammadex was applied.
were imputed.
This approach was considered to be conservative because relatively
long recovery times were imputed for sugammadex subjects with
missing recovery times and relatively short recovery times were im-
puted for neostigmine subjects. The method for imputation depended
Appendix 2: Number of Patients Randomized
on availability of previous times to TOF ratios of 0.8 and 0.7. at Each Center
● If, for a given subject, the time from the start of administration of Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, California—14 patients
study drug (sugammadex or neostigmine) to recovery of the TOF randomized to the rocuronium arm and received treatment with either
ratio to 0.9 was missing but the time to the TOF ratio of 0.8 was sugammadex or neostigmine; Saddleback Memorial Medical Center,
available, imputation of the time to a TOF ratio of 0.9 was performed Laguna Hills, California—15 patients randomized to the rocuronium
as follows: arm; The State University of New York at Stony Brook, Health Sciences
Center, Stony Brook, New York—5 patients randomized to the rocu-
- Sugammadex group: For all subjects randomized to receive ronium arm; Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina—9
sugammadex and with times to recovery of the TOF ratio to 0.8 patients randomized to the rocuronium arm; Mayo Clinic, St. Luke’s
and 0.9 available, the difference in time between these two Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida— 8 patients randomized to the rocuro-
recovery times was determined. The 95th percentile of these nium arm; University of California, San Francisco, Moffitt/Long Hospi-
differences was calculated and added to the time to recovery of tals and Mount Zion Hospital, San Francisco, California—13 patients
the TOF ratio to 0.8. randomized to the rocuronium arm; Vanderbilt University Medical
- Neostigmine group: The same procedure as for sugammadex Center, Nashville, Tennessee—14 patients randomized to the rocuro-
was performed, but only subjects randomized to receive neostig- nium arm; Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago, Illi-
mine were used, and the 5th percentile of the differences in time nois—10 patients randomized to the rocuronium arm.

Anesthesiology, V 109, No 5, Nov 2008

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