Velocity of Money 2018.06.02
Velocity of Money 2018.06.02
Velocity of Money 2018.06.02
Here you will learn how Jim Bottrell turned $12,500 into $892,000, WITHOUT EVEN WORKING FOR IT!
We can show you how YOU CAN DO IT TOO!
1999 2001 2002 2008 2011 2015 2018
Market Cycle
December 2001 March 2015 TODAYS VALUE/GAIN
Converted to rental property
Purchased: Sundance SUNDANCE
Rental Income:
Purchase Price: Purchase Price:$399,000
$3,395 per month Now Valued at $850,000
Mortgage Payment: Equity Profit to date: $451,000
5% Down Payment:
$2,541 per month Rental Income: $3,595
Monthly Rental Profit: Mortgage Payment: $2,541 per month
December 1999 $1,044 PER MONTH
The Bottrell Team To See How You Can Earn Wealth Like This,
*Some reasonable conditions apply. CAL BRE# 01154905 Top 1% of Homes Sold in California! Call:760-390-2835
Key Points to Know About the Velocity of Money
And How You Can Do it Too!
2 Jim Bottrell’s first home was a very mediocre home. It was not his dream home by any stretch of the imagination. He knew when he bought it that first home was just a “First
Home” and not his dream home. A "First Home” is simply a necessary stepping stone to a dream home.
3 He originally invested $12,500 (half of it borrowed) and that initial investment is now worth $892,000. If he had put down MORE money than the $12,500 in his first home, his
investment would still be worth $892,000. Therefore, if he had decided to save up and make a larger down payment, that would have made NO DIFFERENCE in his gain.
However, any delay caused by saving money for a larger down payment would have actually worked against him and DECREASED his profit. (Read #4 to see why.)
4 TIME is the key element in this success. If Jim had waited to buy, the $892,000 profit would be worth substantially LESS today because each subsequent home that he purchased
would have appreciated while he waited on the sidelines and would have cost him substantially more to buy. Therefore, waiting would have reduced his profit by literally
hundreds of thousands of dollars. TIME is the key element to success in real estate.
5 Jim's actual profit is substantially higher than $892,000 because two of those properties are rental properties. Because rental income rises over time but mortgage payments are
stable, the rent that Jim receives each month is actually substantially MORE than the mortgage payment each month. So, in summary, the renters are buying Jim's homes for him,
giving Jim all of the tax benefits (while the renter gets none), AND the renters are paying him more than the mortgage payments each month thereby creating PASSIVE INCOME
in addition to the Equity Gain of $892,000....all Jim does for all of this is walk to his mailbox to get his checks each month.
6 This real life example has been through a market crash… and he is still way up.
7 Jim made a HUGE MISTAKE! Note that of the $80,000 profit from the sale of his property on Cannon, he invested $44,400 (just over half of it) into the stock market. Over the
next 15 years, that $44,400 increased to $89,500 which is a gain of 115 % or 8.2 % per year (which is a good return in the stock market). On the other hand, the $35,600 that he
invested into real estate increased to $719,000 which is a gain of 2,019 % or 77.6 % per year. So Jim’s mistake is that he should have purchased
two more properties instead of putting half of the money into the stock market. Jim missed out on the Velocity of Money and only made
half of what he should have made with his $80,000 profit from the sale of Cannon.
8 TIME is the key element to success in Real Estate but your profit can be maximized by investing in the RIGHT homes vs. any home.
There are guidelines that The Bottrell Team follows to help people maximize the investment potential of their homes.
Let us show you!
In Summary: This is a RACE. It is a race against TIME. Every single day you rent instead of own, every single day you
are not utilizing the Velocity of Money; you are costing yourself, your family, and your children the advantages of Jim Bottrell
passive income and Generational Wealth. For more details please call: 760-390-2835 and Start Packing! “Once a Marine,
Always a Marine.”
To See How You Can Earn Wealth Like This, The Bottrell Team
Call:760-390-2835 Top 1% of Homes Sold in California! *Some reasonable conditions apply. CAL BRE# 01154905