ROBA-stop - M: Electromagnetic Safety Brakes

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ROBA-stop -M ®

Electromagnetic safety brakes

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safe rakes
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● Fast and cost-effective installation

● High Protection IP54 / IP65
● Maintenance-free for the rotor lifetime

K.891.V09.GB your reliable partner

ROBA-stop®-M electromagnetic safety brakes

Your Reliable Brake

easy installation

insulation material class F;

100 % duty cycle

short switching times

different torque variants

due to variable equipment

completely enclosed
IP54 / IP65

minimum torsional backlash long service lifetime

due to accurate toothing low wear

Advantages for Your Applications Function

❑ Easy installation ROBA-stop®-M brakes are spring applied, electromagnetic safety
❑ Brake outer diameter completely enclosed
(higher protection can easily be realised) Spring applied:
❑ Magnetic coil is designed for a relative duty cycle of 100 % In a de-energised condition, helical springs (6)
press against the armature disk (5). The rotor
❑ Magnetic coil and casting compound correspond to insulation (3) is held between the armature disk (5) and 5
material class F the corresponding mounting surface of the
machine. The shaft is braked via the gear
❑ The nominal air gap is constructionally specified and 3
hub (1). 2
❑ Short switching times
When the power is switched on, a magnetic
❑ Maintenance-free for rotor lifetime field is built up. The armature disk (5) is 1

attracted to the coil carrier (2) against the

spring pressure. The brake is released and
Designs and Variants the shaft is able to rotate freely.

See Type key on page 3, Dimensions Figs., Technical Data and Safety brakes:
Dimensions Sheets on pages 4 and 5 and Further Options on The brake brakes reliably and safely in the
page 10. event of power switch-off, a power failure or
ROBA-stop®-M electromagnetic safety brakes

ROBA-stop®-M Page 4
Sizes 2 up to 1000 Type 891._11.0 Standard design

Braking torques
0,7 up to 1400 Nm Page 5
(Standard brake)
Type 891._12.0 Standard design with friction disk
4 up to 1600 Nm
(Holding brake) Type 891._14.1 IP65 design with flange plate

Permitted shaft diameters Type 891._14.2 Tacho attachment design with flange plate
8 up to 90

Short Description Installation Page 6

Brake Dimensioning, Friction-Power Diagrams Page 8

Further Options Page 10

Switching Times, Electrical Connection, Electrical Accessories Page 11

Guidelines Page 19

Order Number
Nominal torque holding brake 0 0 Without supplementary parts
Nominal torque standard 1 1 Hand release 1)
84 % nominal torque 6) 2 2 Friction disk 7)
68 % nominal torque 6) 3 3 Hand release/Friction disk 1) 7)
50 % nominal torque 6) 4 4 Flange plate 8)
34 % nominal torque 6) 5 5 Hand release/Flange plate 1) 8)
Nominal torque adjustable 2) 6) 6
112 % nominal torque 6) 7
125 % nominal torque 6) 8

__ / 8 9 1 . __ __ __ . __ / __ / __ / __

Sizes Standard brake metal rotor3) 0 Standard 11) 0 Coil voltage 9) Bore Keyway acc.
2 Holding brake metal rotor 1 Enclosed [VDC] Hub Ø d DIN 6885/1
up to Standard brake design IP65 5) 1 24 10) (please observe or
1000 Friction lining rotor 4) 2 Tacho design 5) 2 104 dimensions DIN 6885/3
Central torque 180 pages 4-5,
adjustment 2) 3 207 Table 2, page 7)

Example: 16 / 891.211.0 / 24 / 16 / 6885/1 For Further Options, see page 10.

1) Hand release not installed on sizes 2 – 500. 7) Sizes 2 – 60
Size 1000: hand release only available
as emergency hand release.
8) Standard tacho brake flange plate
9) Brake operation only with overexcitation
Please Observe:
Hand release for IP65 design only ex works. on size 500 from 700 Nm onwards According to German notation, decimal
2) On request and on size 1000. points in this document are represented
3) From size 60 10) Not possible on size 1000.
4) U
 p to size 32 (for brake operation in hoisting 11) Standard and tacho design are identical
with a comma (e.g. 0,5 instead of 0.5).
device drives, please contact the manufacturer) on size 1000. We reserve the right to make dimensional
5) Not in combination with friction disk and constructional alterations.
6) See Technical Explanations pages 6 – 7

ROBA-stop®-M brakes are also available in ATEX-design

according to the directive 94/9 EC (ATEX 95)
(Please contact the manufacturer separately for this). 
ROBA-stop®-M electromagnetic safety brakes
Type 891._11.0

Øf H
+ 0,1
90° (3x120°) a - 0,05 air gap
(+ 0,2 on size 500)


Ø D h9

Ø d H7
0° (2x180°) l


245° c
Cable approx. 400 mm long for sizes 2 – 60,
for sizes 100 – 500 approx. 600 mm long
for size 1000 approx. 2000 mm long

Technical Data 2 4 8 16 32 60 100 150 250 500 1000
Standard brake 1)
Mnom [Nm] 2 4 8 16 32 60 100 150 250 500 1.2) 1000 5)
Type 891.0
2 _ _._
Braking torque
Holding brake 1.2) Mnom [Nm] 4 8 16 32 64 100 180 250 450 800 3) 1600 5)
Type 891.1_ _._
Input power Pnom [W] 19 25 29 38 46 69 88 98 120 152 186
Maximum speed nmax. [rpm] 6000 5000 4000 3500 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 1500
Standard brake
Type 891.0 _ _._ m [kg] 0,76 1,1 1,8 3,4 4,5 7,4 13,6 19,2 33,3 38 79
Holding brake
m [kg] 0,76 1,1 1,8 3,4 4,5 7,4 13,6 19,2 33,3 38 79
Type 891.1_ _._

Bores 2 4 8 16 32 60 100 150 250 500 1000
Standard brake min. [mm] 8 10 11 14 19 22 24 30 40 1.1) 50 1.1) 75
Type 891.0 _ _._ 15 15 20 25 30 35 45 50 60 80 90
2 max. [mm]
Please observe Table 2, page 7
Bore Ø dH7 2)
min. [mm] 8 10 11 14 19 22 24 30 40 50 75
Holding brake
15 15 20 25 30 35 45 50 55 75 90
Type 891.1_ _._ max. [mm]
Please observe Table 2, page 7

Dimensions Size
[mm] 2 4 8 16 32 60 100 150 250 500 1000
a 0,15 0,15 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,3 0,35 0,4 0,5
b 30 30 36 42 52 60 78 84 96 130 180
b1 30 30 36 42 52 62 - - - - -
c 24 26,5 28,7 35,5 39,2 50,5 54 59 69 70 85
c1 25 27,5 29,7 36,8 40,5 51,8 - - - - -
c2 29 32,5 34,7 42,5 47,2 58,5 64 71 83 89 106
D 76 87 103 128 148 168 200 221 258 310 382
D1 81 92 108 130 148 168 200 221 258 310 382
D2 81 92 108 134 154 174 206 227 266 318 392
F 48,5 54 63,5 77 88 100,5 123 133 153 179 -
F1 102,5 108 117,5 131 169 228,5 267 347 494 521 -
 f 8 8 8 8 10 14 14 19 23 23 -
ROBA-stop®-M electromagnetic safety brakes
Type 891._12.0 Type 891._14.1 Type 891._14.2
Standard with friction disk Enclosed design (IP 65) Tacho attachment design
with flange plate with flange plate
L3 L4 L5
L L2
h h1 h1
K1 K2 K3

Ø s1
Ø D h9*


Ø G1 H7
Ø G2 H8

Ø Dg7
Ø b1

Ø M1
Ø D1

Ø D2



c1 c2 c2

* Outer diameter friction disk: free size; outer diameter flange plate: -0,2 Missing dimensions are identical with Type 891.011.0 see page 4.

Dimensions Size
[mm] 2 4 8 16 32 60 100 150 250 500 1000
G 16,5 18 22 33 36 38 48 55 65 85 100
G1 23,5 28,5 32,5 40,5 52,5 60 75,5 82,5 92 131 100
G2 H8 - - 22 22 28 32 42 48 52 62 100
g 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 7 7
H 16 14,5 17,5 26 27 26 34 41 46 54,5 -
h 1 1 1 1,25 1,25 1,25 - - - - -
h1 5 6 6 7 8 8 10 12 14 19 21
K 10 10,8 12,5 12,3 8,3 12 12 20 20 22 18,5
K1 9 9,8 11,5 11,1 7,1 10,8 - - - - -
K2 10 8,8 11,5 10,3 10,3 14 12 18 25,5 21,5 17,5
K3 10 9,8 11,5 10,3 10,3 14 12 18 26 23 19
L 39 41,5 45,2 55,7 61,7 72,5 84 97 116 114 135 6) 7)
L2 38 40,5 44,2 54,7 60,7 71,5 83 96 115 113 135 7)
L3 40 42,5 46,2 57 63 73,8 - - - - -
L4 44 47,5 51,2 62,7 69,7 80,5 94 109 130 133 170 6)
L5 43 46,5 50,2 61,7 68,7 79,5 93 108 129 132 156 7)
18 18 20 20 25 30 30 35 40 50 4) 70
supporting length of the key
M 66 72 90 112 132 145 170 196 230 278 325
M1 29 35 41 52 61 75 88 100 112 145 115,5
R 57 65 81 101 121 130,5 154 178 206 253 300
r 45 45 53 70 83 94 106 122 140 161 190
s 3 x M4 3 x M4 3 x M5 3 x M6 3 x M6 3 x M8 3 x M8 3 x M8 3 x M10 6 x M10 6 x M12 8)
s1 3 x M3 3 x M4 3 x M4 3 x M4 3 x M5 3 x M5 3 x M5 3 x M6 3 x M6 6 x M8 6 x M6
t 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 13 12
x 0 0 0 0 - 0,5 0 - 0,5 0-2 0-3 0-3 0-3 3-4 0 – 1,5
Z 36 45 55 65 75 90 100 115 130 175 -
z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -

Standard voltages 24; 104; 180; 207 V.  We reserve the right to make dimensional and constructional alterations.
Permitted voltage tolerance acc. DIN IEC 60038 (±10 %).

1) Braking torque tolerance = +30 %/-10 %, for other adjustments see 4) Hub facing side (both sides) 3 mm deep, Ø 97 recessed.
Table 3, page 7 and Type key page 3. 5) Brake operation only possible with overexcitation.
1.1) Minimum bore not permitted for braking torque adjustment = 125 %. 6) The IP65 design is equipped with a sealing cover on size 1000:
1.2) Braking torque tolerance = +40 %/-20 % (slight grinding necessary). L = 149 mm, L4 = 170 mm.
2) The respective maximum bores are to be seen in relation to the 7) Projection screw plugs (emergency hand release): 8,5 mm
corresponding keyways and their tolerances acc. Table 2 page 7. 8) For flange plate securement: additional 2 x M12 screws (dimensions
3) Brake operation from 700 Nm on only possible with overexcitation. available on request). 
ROBA-stop®-M – Short Description Installation

Installation Conditions Braking Torque Adjustment

❑ The eccentricity of the shaft end against the mounting pitch It is possible to achieve different torque settings or torque reductions
circle may not exceed 0,2 mm. by using different spring configurations (6) in the coil carrier (2) (see
❑ The position tolerance of the threaded holes for the cap screws Table 3, page 7).
(8, Fig. 2) may not exceed 0,2 mm. Design with continuous setting available on request.
❑ The axial run-out deviation of the screw-on surface to the shaft
may not exceed the permitted axial run-out tolerance according Hand Release Installation (Sizes 2 – 500)
to DIN 42955. Larger deviations can lead to a drop in torque, to
continuous slipping on the rotors and to overheating. On Type 891._ _ _.1 installation of the hand release is only possible
if a request for a hand release is stated on the brake order form
(completely enclosed coil carrier (2)).
F The brake must be dismantled and de-energised for the hand
α release installation.
Installation Procedure (Figs. 1 and 2):
1. Unscrew brake from the motor bearing shield or from the
machine wall.
12 2. Remove the sealing plugs from the hand release bores in the coil
12 13 5 8 carrier (2).
11 14 3. Put the thrust springs (10) onto the threaded bolts (11). The
7 threaded bolts (11) are manufacturer-side produced with a key
7 3 as a tension element and are secured with glue up to size M60.
2 This connection must not be loosened.
2 4. Push the threaded bolts (11) with thrust springs (10) from the
5 inside (facing the magnetic coil (7)) into the hand release bores in
the coil carrier (2).
1 5. Push the O-rings (only with sealed hand release, Type 891._ _ _.1)
“x” over the threaded bolts (11) and insert them into the recesses of
the coil carrier (2).
Fig. 1
6. Push intermediate plates (only with sealed hand release, Type
9 6 891._ _ _.1) over the threaded bolts (11).
7. Put the switch bracket (12) in place, put washers (13) onto it and
lightly screw on the self-locking hexagon nuts (14).
8. Tighten both hexagon nuts (14) until the armature disk (5) lies
Fig. 2
evenly on the coil carrier (2).
9. Loosen both hexagon nuts (14) by “Y” turns (see Table 1, page 7),
Installation thereby creating an air gap between the armature disk (5) and the
coil carrier (2) or the inspection dimension “x” (Fig. 1).
ROBA-stop®-M brakes are very easy to install:
1. Mount the hub (1) onto the shaft and secure it axially (e.g. using An unequal alignment dimension on the hand release can
a locking ring). cause the brake to malfunction.
– Recommended tolerance of hub-shaft connection = H7/k6. 10. After installing the release cover, screw the hand release bar (15)
– Avoid too tight hub-shaft connections (especially on max. into the switch bracket (12) and tighten it. The hand release
bores). They lead to the rotor (3) jamming on the hub (1) and bar (15) must be protected against loosening with a screw-
therefore to brake malfunctions. securing product, e.g. Loctite 243.
– Keep the friction surfaces free of oil and grease.
Please observe supporting length of the key
acc. Dimensions on page 5. ROBA-stop®-M brakes are mainly maintenance-free.
However, the rotor (3) is subject to functional wear. The friction
2. If necessary (dependent on Type), move the friction disk or the
linings are robust and wear-resistant. This ensures a particularly
flange plate over the shaft and attach it to the machine wall (or
long service lifetime.
screw on for size 1000).
However, if the rotor (3) does become worn due to high total friction
– If there are no suitable counter-friction surfaces made of grey work, the brake can be brought back into its original functional
cast or steel available, please use brake Types 891._ _2/3._ condition by replacing the rotor. For this, the brake must be cleaned
(with friction disk (9)) or 891._ _.4/5._ (with flange plate). thoroughly.
When using a brake with a friction disk (Type 891._ _2/3._), The wear condition of the rotor (3) is determined by measuring the
please observe the stamp “friction side” on the friction disk. release voltage (this must not exceed max. 90 % of the nominal
3. Push the rotor (3) onto the hub (1) by hand. voltage on a warm brake), or by measuring the rotor thickness on a
4. If necessary, install the hand release (only on sizes 2 - 500/the dismantled brake (“minimum rotor thickness” acc. Table in the cur-
emergency hand release is partly assembled on size 1000). rently valid Installation and Operational Instructions). On sizes 500
and 1000 there is an air gap inspection opening. This means that the
5. If necessary (dependent on Type, Type 891._ _ _.1), insert the
brake does not have to be dismantled.
O-ring into the axial recess of the coil carrier (2).
6. Push the rest of the brake over the hub (1) and the rotor collar (3).
The brake function cannot be guaranteed on brakes with a reduced
7. Attach the brake to the motor bearing shield or onto the machine braking torque and/or operation with a fast-acting rectifier if the
wall evenly all around by using the cap screws (8) incl. the friction linings are heavily worn.
manufacturer-side mounted flat sealing ring (dependent on Type, Unpermittedly high wear cannot be recognized via the switching
Type 891._ _ _.1), torque wrench and tightening torque (acc. behaviour of the brake, as in this constellation the magnetic coil (7)
Table 1, page 7). is able to manage a very high tension path of the armature disk (5).
Warning! Unpermittedly high wear causes the thrust springs (6) to relax, which
 Only use mayr® original screws (Table 1, page 7). results in a decrease in torque.
ROBA-stop®-M – Short Description Installation

Technical Data for Installation
2 4 8 16 32 60 100 150 250 500 1000
Inspection dimension x [mm] 0,9 +0,1
0,9 +0,1
1,1 +0,1
1,6 +0,1
1,8 +0,1
2,2 +0,1
2,2 +0,1
2,2 +0,1
2,4 +0,1
2,4 +0,1
Number of rotations Y [-] 1,7 1,7 1,5 2,0 2,0 2,0 1,6 1,6 1,5 1,5 -
Standard brake
Type 891.0 _ _._ F [N] 20 35 70 100 130 220 260 290 350 310 -
Release force
Holding brake F [N] 26 45 90 125 170 300 340 350 430 470 -
Type 891.10 _._

Release angle a [°] 6 7 7 7 8 10 12 13 10 10 -

3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 6x 6x
[-] M4 x M4 x M5 x M6 x M6 x M8 x M8 x M8 x M10 x M10 x M12 x
45 45 50 60 60 75 80 100 110 110 130
Type 891._ _0._
DIN 6912 6912 6912 6912 6912 6912
4762 4762 4762 4762 4762
screws (8) 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 6x 6x
[-] M4 x M4 x M5 x M6 x M6 x M8 x M8 x M8 x M10 x M10 x M12 x
50 50 55 65 70 85 90 110 130 130 150
Type 891._ _4._
DIN 6912 6912
4762 4762 4762 4762 4762 4762 4762 4762 4762

Tightening torque for screws (8) TA [Nm] 2,5 2,5 5,0 9,0 9,0 22 22 22 45 45 83
Rotor thickness “new condition“ [mm] 6,05 6,05 6,9 8 10,4 11,15 14 15,5 17 18,5 18,5

Table 1

Permitted Bores Ø dmax
2 4 8 16 32 60 100 150 250 500 1000

Keyway 6885/1 13 13 18 22 30 32 42 45 55 75 90

Type 891.0_ _._ JS9 6885/3 15 15 20 25 - 35 45 50 60 80 -

2 6885/1 13 13 18 20 28 32 42 45 50 75 90
P9 6885/3 15 15 20 22 30 - 45 50 55 80 -
Ø dmax
Keyway 6885/1 13 13 18 22 30 32 42 45 55 75 90
JS9 6885/3 15 15 20 25 - 35 45 50 - - -
Type 891.1_ _._
Keyway 6885/1 13 13 18 20 28 32 42 45 50 75 90
P9 6885/3 15 15 20 22 30 - 45 50 55 - -

Table 2

Braking Torque Adjustments
2 4 8 16 32 60 100 150 250 500 1000 3)
Holding brake [Nm] 4 8 16 32 64 100 180 250 450 800 2)
125 % [Nm] 2,5 5 10 20 40 75 125 185 312 700 1)
112 % [Nm] 2,2 4,5 9 18 36 68 110 165 280 560 1200
Braking torque 4)

100 % [Nm] 2 4 8 16 32 60 100 150 250 500 1000

in %

Standard brake 84 % [Nm] 1,7 3,4 6,8 13,5 27 51 85 125 215 400 800
68 % [Nm] 1,4 2,8 5,5 11 22 42 70 100 180 350 700
50 % [Nm] 1 2 4 8 16 30 50 75 125 250 500
34 % [Nm] 0,7 1,4 2,8 5,5 11 21 35 50 90 200 400

Table 3

1) Brake operation only as holding brake.

2) Brake operation from 700 Nm only possible with overexcitation.
3) Brake operation only possible with overexcitation.
4) The braking torque (switching torque) is the torque effective in the shaft train of a slipping brake with a sliding speed of 1 m/s in relation to the mean friction
radius (acc. VDE 0580/07.2000). 
ROBA-stop®-M – Brake Dimensioning

Brake Dimensioning
Brake Size Selection

1. Brake selection Key:

9550 x P J [kgm²] Mass moment of inertia
Mreq. = x K ≤ M2 [Nm]
n K [-] Safety factor
(1 – 3 x acc. to conditions)
tv = [sec]
9,55 x Mv Mreq. [Nm] Required braking torque
t4 = tv + t1 [sec] Mv [Nm] Delaying torque
Mv = M2 + (-)* ML [Nm] ML [Nm] Load torque * sign in brackets is valid if load
is braked during downward movement

2. Inspection of thermic load M2 [Nm] Nominal torque (Technical Data page 4)

J x n² M2 n [rpm] Speed
Qr = x [J/braking]
182,4 Mv P [kW] Input power
tv [s] Braking action
t1 [s] Connection time (Table 6 page 10)
The permitted friction work (switching work) Qr perm. per braking for
the specified switching frequency can be taken from the friction- t4 [s] Total switch-on time
power diagrams (page 9). Qr [J/braking] Friction work present per braking
If the friction work (switching work) per braking is known, the max. Qr 0,1 [J/0,1] Friction work per 0,1 wear (Table 4)
switching frequency can also be taken from the friction-power
Qr tot. [J] Friction work up to rotor replacement (Table 4)
diagrams (page 9).

Please Observe!
Due to operating parameters such as slipping speed, pressing or temperature, the wear values can only be considered guideline values.
When using a brake with a friction disk (Type 891._ _2._), the max. friction work and friction power must be reduced by 30 % for sizes 2 to
16 and by 50 % for sizes 32 – 60.
The wear values Qr 0,1 and Qr tot. are therefore not valid.

Friction Work
2 4 8 16 32 60 100 150 250 500 1000
Standard brake
Qr 0,1 [106 J/0,1] 35 40 65 100 130 130 140 150 160 170 180
Type 891.0 _ _._
Per 0,1 mm 2
Holding brake Qr 0,1 [106 J/0,1] 7 8 13 20 30 65 70 75 80 85 90
Type 891.1_ _._

Standard brake
Qr tot. [106 J] 95 100 162 500 600 700 840 950 1000 1700 2000
Type 891.0 _ _._
Up to rotor 2
Holding brake Qr tot. [106 J] 7 8 13 20 45 130 170 300 350 425 540
Type 891.1_ _._

Table 4

Mass Moment of Inertia Size

Rotor + hub at dmax 2 4 8 16 32 60 100 150 250 500 1000

Type 891.0 _ _._

1 JR+H [10-4 kgm²] 0,12 0,21 0,67 1,74 4,48 6,74 16,54 31,68 61,82 222,6 424
(Metal rotor)

Type 891.2_ _._

JR+H [10-4 kgm²] 0,1 0,17 0,58 1,53 4,1 - - - - - -
(Friction lining rotor)

Table 5

ROBA-stop®-M – Friction-Power Diagrams

Friction-Power Diagrams

1 000 000

Permitted switching work Qr perm. [J/braking]

Size 1000
100 000 Size 500
Type 891.01_._ Size 250
and Size 150
10 000
Type 891.21_._ Size 100
Size 60
(Standard brake)
1 000 Size 32
for 50 %
of the maximum speed nmax Size 16
Size 8
Size 4
Size 2
1 10 100 1 000
Switching frequency [1/h] Diagram 1

1 000 000
Permitted switching work Qr perm. [J/braking]

100 000 Size 1000

Type 891.01_._
Size 500
Size 250
Type 891.21_._ 10 000
Size 150
(Standard brake)
Size 100
for the
1 000 Size 60
maximum speed nmax
Size 32
Size 16
100 Size 8
Size 4
Size 2
1 10 100 1 000
Switching frequency [1/h] Diagram 2

Type 891.10_._ (Holding brake) Type 891.10_._ (Holding brake)

for 50 % of the maximum speed nmax for the maximum speed nmax

1 000 000 100 000

Permitted switching work Qr perm. [J/braking]

Permitted switching work Qr perm. [J/braking]

Size 1000
100 000 Size 500
10 000
Size 250
Size 150
10 000
Size 100
Size 60 1 000

1 000 Size 32
Size 16
Size 8 100
Size 4
Size 2
10 10
1 10 50 1 10 50
Switching frequency [1/h] Switching frequency [1/h]
Diagram 3 Diagram 4 
ROBA-stop®-M – Further Options

Further Options
In addition to the standard brakes, mayr® power transmission Continuous shaft with IP65
provides a multitude of further designs, which cannot be described
The enclosed design (IP65) is
in detail in this catalogue.
equipped with a screw plug (sizes 8
Some of the most frequently requested options are: to 500) or with a sealing cover (size
1000) (see Type 891._14.1, page 5)
• Microswitch for switching condition indication (release
as part of the standard delivery.
• Microswitch for wear indication (wear inspection) A radial shaft sealing ring (Item 1)
is installed in the coil carrier (Item 2)
• Special coil voltages 1
on continuous shafts.
• Lockable hand release
• IP65 design for continuous shafts 2
• Noise damping (O-ring damping between the gear hub
and the rotor)
• Anti-condensation heating Fig. 4
• Customer-specific flange plate
• Special lubricating material Damping rotor/gear hub
• ATEX design
If vibrations in the drive line cannot
Please contact mayr® for further information. be avoided, an O-ring (Item 1)
is used to damp backlash between
Release inspection the gear hub (Item 6) and the rotor
(Item 5).
When the magnetic coil in the coil 3
carrier (Item 2) is energised, the 1
armature disk (Item 3) is pulled
towards the coil carrier (Item 2). 6
The microswitch (Item 1) emits a 2
signal and the brake is released. Fig. 5

Air gap “a“

Fig. 1 Anti-condensation heating
Wear inspection
The anti-condensation heating
Due to wear on the rotor (Item 5), (Item 1) is used to prevent
the nominal air gap “a” between 3 1
condensation formation
the coil carrier (Item 2) and the inside the brake.
armature disk (Item 3) increases.
If the limit air gap (see Table in This product is particularly
the Installation and Operational useful at temperatures of under
Instructions) is reached, the zero degrees Celsius or in high
microswitch contact (Item 1) humidity. 1
switches over and emits a signal.
The rotor (Item 5) must
be replaced. Air gap “a“
Fig. 2

Lockable hand release

In de-energised
condition, the brake
with lockable hand 1 Fig. 6
release can be
released manually.
By moving the hand
Special flange plate
release rod (Item 1),
the armature disk We offer a range of flange plates
(Item 3) is pushed for customer-specific solutions,
against the thrust such as for example the special
springs (Item 4) onto flange plate shown in Fig. 7
the coil carrier (Item 7
(Item 1) with customer-tailored
2) and the braking centring (Item 8) and sealing
torque is removed. (Item 7).
3 8

Fig. 3
Hand release in Hand release in
starting position engaged position
energised Shaft braked Shaft runs free
10 de-energised Shaft runs free Shaft runs free
Fig. 7
ROBA-stop®-M – Switching Times / Electrical Connection

Switching Times
The values are mean values which refer to the nominal air gap and the nominal torque (100 %) for a warm brake.
For other braking torque adjustments, see Diagram: “Brake separation time t2 dependent on spring configuration“ on page 12.

Switching Times 2 4 8 16 32 60 100 150 250 500 1000
Nominal torque (100 %) M2 [Nm] 2 4 8 16 32 60 100 150 250 500 1000
Connection DC-side switching t1 [ms] 10 18 20 30 50 55 68 80 100 100 180
time AC-side switching t1 [ms] 100 160 220 320 400 500 640 730 1100 1100 1200
Response delay DC-side switching t11 [ms] 6 12 16 25 35 35 38 40 50 30 70
on connection AC-side switching t11 [ms] 80 130 175 240 300 350 400 450 700 700 750
Separation time t2 [ms] 28 30 45 70 100 150 180 220 290 400 270 *

Table 6 * Value in operation with overexcitation

M4 M1 = Switching torque
M2 M2 = Nominal torque (characteristic torque)
M1 M4 = Transmittable torque
M6 M6 = Load torque
0,1 M2
P = Input power
t1 = Connection time
t11 t21
t11 = Response delay on connection
t1 t2
P t2 = Separation time
ON t4 t21 = Response delay on separation
OFF t4 = Total switch-on time + t11
Diagram 5: Torque-Time

Electrical Connection and Wiring

DC current is necessary for the operation of the brake. The coil Magnetic Field Build-up
voltage is indicated on the Type tag as well as on the brake body
When the voltage is switched on, a magnetic field is built up in the
and is designed according to the DIN IEC 60038 (± 10 % tolerance).
brake coil, which attracts the armature disk to the coil carrier and
Operation is possible both via alternating voltage in connection
releases the brake.
with a rectifier or with another suitable DC supply. Dependent on
the brake equipment, the connection possibilities can vary. Please • Field Build-up with Normal Excitation
follow the exact connections according to the Wiring Diagram. The If we energise the magnetic coil with nominal voltage, the coil
manufacturer and the user must observe the applicable directives voltage does not immediately reach its nominal value. The coil
and standards (e.g. DIN EN 60204-1 and DIN VDE 0580). Their inductivity causes the current to rise slowly as an exponential
observance must be guaranteed and double-checked. function. Accordingly, the build-up of the magnetic field happens
more slowly and the braking torque drop (curve 1, below) is also
Earthing Connection
• Field Build-up with Overexcitation
The brake is designed for Protection Class I. This protection A quicker and safer drop in braking torque is achieved if the coil
covers not only the basic insulation but also the connection of all is temporarily placed under a higher voltage than the nominal
conductive parts to the PE conductor on the fixed installation. If the voltage, as the current then increases more quickly. Once the brake
basic insulation fails, no contact voltage will remain. Please carry is released, it is possible to switch to the nominal voltage (curve
out a standardized inspection of the PE conductor connections to all 2, below). The relationship between the overexcitation and the
contactable metal parts. separation time t2 is roughly proportional indirectly; this means that
at doubled nominal voltage, the separation time t2 for brake release
Device Fuses is halved. The ROBA®-switch fast-acting rectifier works on this
To protect against damage from short circuits, please add suitable
device fuses to the mains cable. Current path Braking torque path
Switching Behaviour
The operational behaviour of a brake is to a large extent dependent 1 2 1
on the switching mode used. Furthermore, the switching times are
influenced by the temperature and the air gap between the armature t t
disk and the coil carrier (dependent on the wear condition of the
linings). Operation with overexcitation requires testing of:
- the necessary overexcitation time * (page 12)
- as well as of the RMS coil capacity ** for a cycle frequency higher
than 1 cycle per minute (page 12). 11
Electrical Connection
* Overexcitation time tover Diagram: Brake separation time t2 dependent on spring configuration
Increased wear and therefore an enlarged air gap as well as coil Separation time t2
heat lengthen the separation time t2 of the brake. Therefore, as (in %)
overexcitation time tover, please select at least double the separation 140 %
time t2 with nominal power on each brake size.
The spring forces also influence the brake separation time t2: Higher 120 %
spring forces increase the separation time t2 and lower spring forces
100 %
reduce the separation time t2. The separation time t2 alterations due
to the spring configuration can be seen in the adjoining diagram. 80 %
• Spring force (braking torque adjustment) < 100 %: Holding brake
60 % Holding brake equals 160 %
The overexcitation time tover is less than double the separation time 50 %
equals 125 % spring force
t2 on each brake size. 40 % spring force for Size 1000
Example: braking torque adjustment = 34 % for Sizes 2 – 500
20 %
--> separation time t2 = 50 %
--> overexcitation time tover = 200 % x 50 % = 100 % t2 0%
34 % 125 % 160 %

0% 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 % 100 % 120 % 140 % 160 %

• Spring force (braking torque adjustment) = 100 %:
Spring force (braking torque adjustment in %)
The overexcitation time tover is double the separation time t2 on each
brake size.
Magnetic Field Removal
• Spring force (braking torque adjustment) > 100 %:
• AC-side switching
The overexcitation time tover is higher than double the separation
time t2 on each brake size. R
The power circuit is interrupted
ROBA -switch

Example: braking torque adjustment = 125 % 20/017.000.2 before the rectifier. The magnetic
U– = 0,45×U~ Imax = 1,8A –
--> separation time t2 = 120 % 200 - 500V~ t: 0,05-2sec
field slowly reduces. This delays
--> overexcitation time tover = 200 % x 120 % = 240 % t2
200 - 300V~

R: 0Ω-10MΩ
the rise in braking torque.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
** RMS coil capacity PRMS When switching times are not
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 important, please switch AC-side,
PRMS ≤ Pnom as no protective measures are
The coil capacity PRMS must not be larger than Pnom. S1 necessary for coil and switching
Otherwise, the coil may fail due to thermic overload. Coil contacts.
Calculations: F1

PRMS [W] RMS coil capacity, dependent on switching F1: external fuse
frequency, overexcitation, power reduction and
switch-on time duration AC-side switching means low-noise switching; however, the brake
Pover x tover + Phold x thold engagement time is longer (c. 6 – 10 times longer than with DC-side
PRMS = switch-off). Use for non-critical braking times.
Pnom [W] Coil nominal capacity (Catalogue values or Type tag)
Pover [W] Coil capacity on overexcitation • DC-side switching
The power circuit is interrupted
Pover = ( )² x Pnom
ROBA -switch

Unom 20/017.000.2
U– = 0,45×U~ Imax = 1,8A –
between the rectifier and the coil as
Phold [W] Coil capacity on power reduction
200 - 500V~
200 - 300V~
t: 0,05-2sec
R: 0Ω-10MΩ
well as mains-side. The magnetic
field is removed very quickly,
– +

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 resulting in a rapid rise in braking

Phold = ( )² x Pnom
Unom torque.
tover [s] Overexcitation time
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

thold [s] Time of operation with power reduction When switching DC-side, high
voltage peaks are produced in
toff [s] Time without voltage Coil
the coil, which lead to wear on
ttot [s] Total time (tover + thold + toff) the contacts from sparks and to
Uover [V] Overexcitation voltage (bridge voltage) destruction of the insulation.
F1: external fuse
Uhold [V] Holding voltage (half-wave voltage) N L

Unom [V] Coil nominal voltage

DC-side switching means short brake engagement times (e.g. for
EMERGENCY STOP operation). However, this produces louder
switching noises.
Time Diagram:
ttot • Protective Circuit
ton toff When using DC-side switching, the coil must be protected by

a suitable protective circuit according to VDE 0580, which is
thold integrated in mayr® rectifiers. To protect the switching contact from
Uover consumption when using DC-side switching, additional protective
measures may be necessary (e.g. series connection of switching
contacts). The switching contacts used should have a minimum
contact opening of 3 mm and should be suitable for inductive load
Unom switching. Please make sure on selection that the rated voltage
Uhold and the rated operation current are sufficient. Depending on the
application, the switching contact can also be protected by other
0 protective circuits (e.g. mayr® spark quenching units), although this
12 may of course then alter the switching times.
Overview/Assortment Electrical Accessories

Supply module

no overexcitation overexcitation (short separation time)

and and / or
no power reduction power reduction (reduction in coil capacity and temperature)

variable fixed
output output
voltage voltage

without integrated
DC-side DC-side
disconnection disconnection

Type Type Type Type Type Type Type

024.000.6 025.000.6 017._00.2 017.110.2 018.100.2 019.100.2 070.000.6
Half-wave Bridge ROBA®-switch ROBA®-switch ROBA®-switch ROBA®- Spark
Rectifier Rectifier 24V multiswitch Quenching Unit

Standard Standard Allows short separation time Reductions
application application, or reduction in coil capacity and temperature in switch-off
preferred for + + + voltage and
noise-damped short short consistently wear on
brakes connection time connection time controlled contacts
(for voltage
input with variable
voltage input
24 VDC) voltage
compact compact no wear on no wear on
design design contacts contacts

Example 1 Example 2
Available: network voltage 230 VAC Available: network voltage 400 VAC
Wanted: short separation time (overexcitation) Wanted: short separation time (overexcitation) and
Required: supply module / coil nominal voltage and low coil temperature (power reduction)
Solution: Required: supply module / coil nominal voltage
• Supply modules available for selection: Type 017._00.2 Solution:
(in Example below), Type 017.110.2 or Type 019.100.2 • Supply modules available for selection: Type 017._00.2 (in
• Coil nominal voltage: 104 VDC Example below), Type 017.110.2 or Type 019.100.2
• Coil nominal voltage: 207 VDC

207 VDC (Overexcitation voltage) 360 VDC (Overexcitation voltage)

U over U over

Type Type
017._00.2 017._00.2
ROBA®-switch ROBA®-switch

104 VDC (Coil nominal voltage) U nom 207 VDC (Coil nominal voltage)
U nom

U hold 180 VDC (Holding voltage)

0 0
t t 13
Half-wave Rectifiers and Bridge Rectifiers Type 02_.000.6

Rectifiers are used to connect DC units to alternating voltage
supplies, for example electromagnetic brakes and clutches
(ROBA-stop ® , ROBA-quick ® , ROBATIC ® ), electromagnets,
electrovalves, contactors, switch-on safe DC motors, etc.

The AC input voltage (VAC) is rectified (VDC) in order to operate DC
voltage units. Also, voltage peaks, which occur when switching off
inductive loads and which may cause damage to insulation and
contacts, are limited and the contact load reduced.

Electrical Connection (Terminals)

1 + 2 Input voltage Dimensions (mm)
3 + 4 Connection for an external switch for DC-side switching
5 + 6 Coil A 19
7 - 10 Free nc terminals (only for size 2) C 5


Order Number

__ / 0 2 __ . 0 0 0 . 6
Size A B C ØD E
1 34 30 25 3,5 4,5
Size 4 Half-wave rectifier 2 54 30 44 4,5 5,0
1 5 Bridge rectifier 3/4 64 30 54 4,5 5,0
up to
4 Accessories: Mounting bracket set for 35 mm rail acc. to
EN 50022: Article-No. 1803201

Technical Data Bridge rectifier Half-wave rectifier

Calculation output voltage VDC = VAC x 0,9 VDC = VAC x 0,45
Type 1/025 2/025 1/024 2/024 3/024 4/024
Max. input voltage 230 VAC 230 VAC 400 VAC 400 VAC 500 VAC 600 VAC
Max. output voltage 207 VDC 207 VDC 180 VDC 180 VDC 225 VDC 270 VDC
Output current at ≤ 50°C 2,5 A 2,5 A 3,0 A 4,0 A 4,0 A 4,0 A
Output current at max. 85 °C 1,7 A 1,7 A 1,8 A 2,4 A 2,4 A 2,4 A
Max. coil capacity at 115 VAC ≤ 50 °C 260 W 260 W - - - -
Max. coil capacity at 115 VAC up to 85 °C 177 W 177 W - - - -
Max. coil capacity at 230 VAC ≤ 50 °C 517 W 517 W 312 W 416 W 416 W 416 W
Max. coil capacity at 230 VAC up to 85 °C 352 W 352 W 187 W 250 W 250 W 250 W
Max. coil capacity at 400 VAC ≤ 50 °C - - 540 W 720 W 720 W 720 W
Max. coil capacity at 400 VAC up to 85 °C - - 324 W 432 W 432 W 432 W
Max. coil capacity at 500 VAC ≤ 50 °C - - - - 900 W 900 W
Max. coil capacity at 500 VAC up to 85 °C - - - - 540 W 540 W
Max. coil capacity at 600 VAC ≤ 50 °C - - - - - 1080 W
Max. coil capacity at 600 VAC up to 85 °C - - - - - 648 W
Peak reverse voltage 1600 V 1600 V 2000 V 1600 V 2000 V 2000 V
Rated insulation voltage 250 VRMS 320 VRMS 500 VRMS 500 VRMS 630 VRMS 630 VRMS
Pollution degree (insulation coordination) 2 2 2 1 2 2
Protection fuse To be included in the input voltage line.
Recommended microfuse switching capacity H
The microfuse corresponds to the max. possible connection FF 3,15A FF 3,15A FF 4A FF 5A FF 5A FF 5A
capacity. If fuses are used according to the actual capacities,
please observe the permitted limit integral I²t on selection.

Permitted limit integral l2t 40 A2s 40 A2s 50 A2s 100 A2s 50 A2s 50 A2s
Protection IP65 components, encapsulated / IP20 terminals
Terminals Cross-section 0,14 - 1,5 mm2 (AWG 26-14)
Ambient temperature - 25 °C up to + 85 °C
Storage temperature - 25 °C up to + 105 °C
Conformity markings UL, CE UL, CE UL, CE UL, CE UL, CE CE
The installation position can be user-defined. Please ensure sufficient heat dissipation
14 Installation conditions
and air convection! Do not install near to sources of intense heat!
ROBA®-switch Type 017._00.2

ROBA®-switch fast acting rectifiers are used to connect DC con-
sumers to alternating voltage supplies, for example electromagnetic
brakes and couplings (ROBA-stop®, ROBA®-quick, ROBATIC®) as
well as electromagnets and electrovalves etc.

Fast acting rectifier ROBA®-switch 017._00.2

• Consumer operation with overexcitation or power reduction
• Input voltage: 100 - 500 VAC
• Maximum output current IRMS: 3 A at 250 VAC
• UL-approved

The ROBA ®-switch units are used for operation at an input
voltage of between 100 and 500 VAC, dependent on size. They can
switch internally from bridge rectification output voltage to half-
wave rectification output voltage. The bridge rectification time can
be modified from 0,05 to 2 seconds by exchanging the external
resistor (Rext).
Dimensions (mm)

Electrical Connection (Terminals) Type 017.000.2

1 + 2 Input voltage (fitted protective varistor) 54
3 + 4 Connection for external contact for DC-side switch-off
5 + 6 Output voltage (fitted protective varistor)


7 + 8 Rext for bridge rectifier timing adjustment


Technical Data
Input voltage see Table 1 Accessories:
54 Mounting bracket set for
Output voltage see Table 1 35 mm rail acc. to EN 50022:

Protection IP65 components, IP20 terminals, Article-No. 1802911

IP10 Rext

Terminal nom. cross-section 1,5 mm2, (AWG 22-14)

Ambient temperature -25 °C up to +70 °C

Storage temperature -40 °C up to +105 °C


ROBA®-switch Sizes, Table 1

Type 017.000.2 Type 017.100.2
10 20 10 20 Type 017.100.2
Input voltage
100 - 250 200 - 500 100 - 250 200 - 500
VAC ± 10 % 54
Output voltage Ø4,5
90 - 225 180 - 450 90 - 225 180 - 450

VDC, Ubridge

Output voltage
45 - 113 90 - 225 45 - 113 90 - 225

VDC, Uhalf-wave

Output current IRMS

at ≤ 45 °C, (A) 2,0 1,8 3,0 2,0
Output current IRMS
1,0 0,9 1,5 1,0 64 Accessories:
at max. 70 °C, (A)
54 Mounting bracket set for
35 mm rail acc. to EN 50022:
Comformity 4,5

up 300VV Article-No. 1802911

Order Number

__ / 0 1 7 . __ 0 0 . 2

Size UL-approved
10 0 to 300 V
20 1 to 500 V 15
ROBA®-switch Type 017.110.2

ROBA®-switch fast acting rectifier units are used to connect DC
units to alternating voltage supplies, for example electromagnetic
brakes and clutches (ROBA-stop ®, ROBA ®-quick, ROBATIC ®),
electromagnets, electrovalves, etc.

Fast acting rectifier ROBA®-switch 017.110.2

• Consumer operation with overexcitation or power reduction
• Integrated automatic DC-side disconnection
(shorter connection time)
• Input voltage: 100 - 500 VAC
• Max. output current IRMS: 1,5 A
• UL-approved

The ROBA ®-switch units with integrated automatic

DC-side disconnection are not suitable for use as safety

Function Dimensions (mm)

The ROBA ®-switch units are used for operation at an input
voltage of between 100 and 500 VAC, depending on the size. They 54
can switch automatically internally from bridge rectification out- Ø4,5
put voltage to half-wave rectification output voltage. The bridge


rectification time can be modified from 0,05 to 2 seconds by

exchanging the external resistor (Rext).


The ROBA®-switch units also have an integrated automatic DC-
side disconnection. In contrast to the conventional DC-side
disconnection, no further protective measures or external
components are necessary. The DC-side disconnection is stand- 64 Accessories:
ard-activated (terminals 3 and 4 are not wired), resulting in short 54 Mounting bracket set for
35 mm rail acc. to EN 50022:
electromagnetic consumer switching times. 4,5

Article-No. 1802911
The integrated automatic DC-side disconnection is deactivated
by fitting a bridge between the terminals 3 and 4. The coil is

deenergised via the free wheeling diode. This has the advantages of
softer braking and a lower switching noise. However, the switching

times increase (taking approx. 6 - 10 times longer).


Electrical Connection (Terminals)

1 + 2 Input voltage (fitted protective varistor) 69
3 + 4 Switching between DC- and AC-side disconnection
5 + 6 Output voltage (fitted protective varistor)
7 + 8 Rext for bridge rectifier timing adjustment

Technical Data ROBA®-switch Sizes, Table 1

Input voltage see Table 1 Size
Output voltage see Table 1
10 20
Protection IP65 components, IP20 terminals
IP10 Rext Input voltage 100.. 200..
VAC ± 10 % ..250 ..500
Terminal nom. cross-section 1,5 mm2, (AWG 22-14)
Ambient temperature -25 °C up to +70 °C Output voltage 90.. 180..
Storage temperature -40 °C up to +105 °C VDC, Ubridge ..225 ..450
Output voltage 45.. 90..
VDC, Uhalf-wave ..113 ..225
Order Number Output current IRMS
1,5 1,5
at ≤ 45 °C, (A)

__ / 0 1 7 . 1 1 0 . 2 Output current IRMS

at max. 70 °C, (A) 0,75 0,75

Size markings
16 20
ROBA®-multiswitch Type 019.100.2

ROBA®-multiswitch fast acting rectifiers are used to connect DC
units to alternating voltage supplies, for example electromagnetic
brakes and clutches (ROBA-stop®, ROBA®-quick, ROBATIC®),
electromagnets, electrovalves etc.

Fast acting rectifier ROBA®-multiswitch 019.100.2

• Consistently controlled output voltage in the entire input voltage
•C onsumer operation with overexcitation or power reduction
• Input voltage: 100 - 500 VAC
• Max. output current: 2 A

ROBA ®-multiswitch units are not suitable for all

applications, e.g. use of the ROBA®-multiswitch when
operating noise-damped brakes is not possible without
taking additional measures. The product’s suitability
should be checked before use.

Function Dimensions (mm)

The ROBA -multiswitch units are (dependent on size) used for an

input voltage of between 100 and 500. After switch-on, they emit 54
the rectified bridge voltage for 50 ms and then control the 90 or Ø4,5
180 VDC overexcitation voltages. After the overexcitation period,


they control the 52 or 104 VDC holding voltages. The overexcitation

period can be adjusted via a DIP-switch to 150 ms, 450 ms, 1 s,


1,5 s and 2 s.

Electrical Connection (Terminals) 64 Accessories:

Mounting bracket set for
54 35 mm rail acc. to EN 50022:
1 + 2 Input voltage (fitted protective varistor)
4,5 Article-No. 1802911

3 + 4 Connection for external contact for DC-side switch-off

5 + 6 Output voltage (fitted protective varistor)

Technical Data
Input voltage see Table 1 ON

Output voltage see Table 1 1 2 3 4

Protection IP65 components, IP20 terminals

Terminal nom. cross-section 1,5 mm2, (AWG 22-14) 69
Ambient temperature -25 °C up to +70 °C
Storage temperature -40 °C up to +105 °C

ROBA®-multiswitch Sizes, Table 1

10 20
Input voltage
100 - 275 200 - 500
VAC ± 10 % acc. to EN 50160
Frequency input voltage
50 - 60 50 - 60
Output voltage Uover
90 180
VDC ± 10 %
Output voltage Uhold
52 104
VDC ± 10 %
Order Number
Output current IRMS at ≤ 45 °C
2,0 2,0
__ / 0 1 9 . 1 0 0 . 2 Output current IRMS at max. 70 °C
1,0 1,0

Size Conformity
10 markings
20 17
Spark Quenching Unit Type 070.000.6

Reduces spark production on the switching contacts occurring
during VDC inductive load switching.

• Voltage limitation according to VDE0580 2000-07, Item 4.6.

• R eduction of EMC-disturbance by voltage rise limitation,
suppression of switching sparks.
• R eduction of brake engagement times by a factor of 2-4
compared to free-wheeling diodes.

The spark quenching unit will absorb voltage peaks resulting from
inductive load switching, which can cause damage to insulation
and contacts. It limits these to 70V and reduces the contact load.
Switching products with a contact opening distance of > 3 mm are
suitable for this purpose.

Electrical Connection (Terminals) Dimensions (mm)

1 (+) Input voltage
2 (–) Input voltage 34 19
3 (–) Coil 25 5

4 (+) Coil

5 Free nc terminal
6 Free nc terminal

Technical Data
Input voltage max. 300 VDC, max. 615 Vpeak
(rectified voltage 400 VAC,
50/60 Hz)
Switch-off energy max. 9J/2 ms
Power dissipation max. 0,1 Watt
Max. voltage nc terminals 250 V
Protection IP65 / IP20 terminals
Ambient temperature -25 °C up to +85 °C
Storage temperature -25 °C up to +105 °C
Max. conductor connection
diameter 2,5 mm2 / AWG 26-12
Max. terminal tightening torque 0,5 Nm

Mounting bracket set for 35 mm rail acc. to EN50022 ­
Article-No. 1803201

Order Number

__ / 0 7 0 . 0 0 0 . 6


Declaration of Conformity
A conformity evaluation for the applicable EU directives has been carried out for this product. The conformity evaluation is set out in writing
in a separate document and can be requested if required. It is forbidden to start use of the product until the machine or system into which
it should be built is operating in accordance with all applicable EU directives.
Without a conformity evaluation, this product is not suitable for use in areas where there is a high danger of explosion. This statement is
based on the ATEX directive.

Guidelines for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Protection Class I

In accordance with the EMC directives 89/336/EEC, the This protection can only be guaranteed if the basic insulation
individual components produce no emissions. However, is intact and if all conductive parts are connected to the PE
functional components e.g. rectifiers, phase demodulators, conductor. Should the basic insulation fail, the contact voltage
ROBA®-switch devices or similar controls for mains-side cannot function (VDE 0580).
energisation of the brakes can produce disturbance which lies
above the allowed limit values. For this reason it is important to
read the Installation and Operational Instructions very carefully Protection (mechanical) IP54
and to keep to the EMC directives.
When installed, protected against dust, contact and splashing
water from all directions (dependent on customer-side
mounting arrangements).
Device Conditions
The catalogue values are standards which can, in certain cases,
vary. When dimensioning the brakes, please remember that Protection (electrical) IP54
installation situations, braking torque fluctuations, permitted
Dust-proof and protected against contact as well as against
friction work, run-in behaviour and wear as well as general
splashing water from all directions.
ambient conditions can all affect the given values. These factors
should therefore be carefully assessed, and alignments made
Protection IP65 (Type 891._ _ _.1)
Dust-proof and protected against contact as well as against jet
Please Observe! water from all directions.
• Mounting dimensions and connecting dimensions must be
adjusted according to the size of the brake at the place of
Ambient Temperature -20 °C up to +40 °C
At temperatures of around or under freezing point, condensation
• The brakes are designed for a relative duty cycle of 100 %.
can strongly reduce the torque, or the rotors can freeze up. The
• The brakes are only designed for dry running. The braking user is responsible for taking appropriate countermeasures.
torque is lost if the friction surfaces come into contact with oil,
grease, water or similar substances.
Insulation Material Class F (+155 °C)
• The braking torque is dependent on the present run-in
condition of the brakes. The magnetic coil and the casting compound are suitable for
use up to a max. operating temperature of +155 °C.
• Manufacturer-side corrosion protection of the metallic
surface is provided.
• Without a conformity inspection, this product is not suitable
for use in areas where there is a high danger of explosion.
This statement is based on the directive 94/9/EC (ATEX
directive). Please contact the manufacturer separately for
brakes in ATEX-design!

Chr. Mayr GmbH + Co. KG
Eichenstrasse 1, D-87665 Mauerstetten
Tel.: 0 83 41/8 04-241, Fax: 0 83 41/80 44 22, eMail:

Service Germany

Baden-Württemberg Bavaria Franken Hagen

Jochen Maurer Manfred Schwarz Jochen Held Detlef Bracht
Mittlere Holdergasse 5 Eichenstrasse 1 Unterer Markt 9 Im Langenstück 6
71672 Marbach 87665 Mauerstetten 91217 Hersbruck 58093 Hagen
Tel.: 0 71 44/1 80 34+35 Tel.: 0 83 41/80 41 04 Tel.: 0 91 51/81 48 64 Tel.: 0 23 31/78 03 0
Fax: 0 71 44/1 53 20 Fax: 0 83 41/80 44 23 Fax: 0 91 51/81 62 45 Fax: 0 23 31/78 03 25

Kamen North Rhine-Main

Thomas Kant Bernd Massmann Wolfgang Rattay
Lünener Strasse 211 Schiefer Brink 8 Jägerstrasse 4
59174 Kamen 32699 Extertal 64739 Höchst
Tel.: 0 23 07/23 63 85 Tel.: 0 57 54/9 20 77 Tel.: 0 61 63/48 88
Fax: 0 23 07/24 26 74 Fax: 0 57 54/9 20 78 Fax: 0 61 63/46 47

Branch office

China Great Britain France Italy

Mayr Zhangjiagang Mayr Transmissions Ltd. Mayr France S.A. Mayr Italia S.r.l.
Power Transmission Co., Ltd. Valley Road, Business Park Z.A.L. du Minopole Viale Veneto, 3
Changxing Road No. 16, Keighley, BD21 4LZ BP 16 35020 Saonara (PD)
215600 Zhangjiagang West Yorkshire 62160 Bully-Les-Mines Tel.: 0 49/8 79 10 20
Tel.: 05 12/58 91-75 62 Tel.: 0 15 35/66 39 00 Tel.: Fax: 0 49/8 79 10 22
Fax: 05 12/58 91-75 66 Fax: 0 15 35/66 32 61 Fax:

Singapore Switzerland USA

Mayr Transmission (S) PTE Ltd. Mayr Kupplungen AG Mayr Corporation
No. 8 Boon Lay Way Unit 03-06, Tobeläckerstrasse 11 4 North Street
TradeHub 21 8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall Waldwick
Singapore 609964 Tel.: 0 52/6 74 08 70 NJ 07463
Tel.: 00 65/65 60 12 30 Fax: 0 52/6 74 08 75 Tel.: 2 01/4 45-72 10
Fax: 00 65/65 60 10 00 Fax: 2 01/4 45-80 19


Australia China India Japan

Transmission Australia Pty. Ltd. Mayr Shanghai National Engineering Sumitomo Heavy Industries
22 Corporate Ave, Representative Office Company (NENCO) PTC Sales Co., Ltd. (SJS)
3178 Rowville, Victoria Room 506, No. 1007, J-225, M.I.D.C. Think Park Tower 2-1-1 Ohsaki
Australien Zhongshan South No. 2 Road Bhosari Pune 411026 Shinagawa-ku
Tel.: 0 39/7 55 44 44 200030 Shanghai, VR China Tel.: 0 20/27 47 45 29 Tokyo 141-6025
Fax: 0 39/7 55 44 11 Tel.: 0 21/64 57 39 52 Fax: 0 20/27 47 02 29 Tel.: 03/67 37 25 21 Fax: 0 21/64 57 56 21 Fax: 03/68 66 51 71
South Africa South Korea Taiwan Machine tools
Torque Transfer Mayr Korea Co. Ltd. German Tech Auto Co., Ltd. Applications in China
Private Bag 9 no. 302, 3rd floor, Kyoungnam No. 162, Hsin sheng Road, DTC. Co.Ltd.,
Elandsfonstein 1406 Taxi Mutual Aid Association Hall, Taishan Hsiang, Block 5th, No. 1699,
27/10/2008 SC

Tel.: 0 11/3 45 80 00 209-3, Myoung-Seo Dong, Taipei County 243, Taiwan R.O.C. East Zhulu Road,
Fax: 0 11/9 74 05 24 Changwon, Korea Tel.: 02/29 03 09 39 201700 Shanghai, China Tel.: 0 55/2 62-40 24 Fax: 02/29 03 06 36 Tel.: 021/59883978
Fax: 0 55/2 62-40 25 Fax: 021/59883979

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