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Supermicro Update Manager

User’s Guide

Revision 2.2
The information in this USER’S GUIDE has been carefully reviewed and is believed to be accurate. The
vendor assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies that may be contained in this document, makes no
commitment to update or to keep current the information in this manual, or to notify any person
organization of the updates. Please Note: For the most up-to-date version of this manual, please see our
web site at www.supermicro.com.

Super Micro Computer, Inc. (“Supermicro”) reserves the right to make changes to the product described in
this manual at any time and without notice. This product, including software, if any, and documentation
may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any medium or
machine without prior written consent.

DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY ON SOFTWARE AND MATERIALS. You expressly acknowledge and agree that
use of the Software and Materials is at your sole risk. FURTHERMORE, SUPER MICRO COMPUTER INC. DOES



Any disputes arising between manufacturer and customer shall be governed by the laws of Santa Clara
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price paid for the hardware product.

Manual Revision 2.2

Release Date: February 20, 2019

Unless you request and receive written permission from Super Micro Computer, Inc., you may not copy any part of
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Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Other products and companies referred to herein
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Copyright © 2019 by Super Micro Computer, Inc.

All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 2

Version History
Date Rev Description

July-02-2013 1.0 1. Created this document.

1. Revised the software description of SUM and SMCIPMITool.jar in 1.2.1

July-30-2013 1.0a
OOB Usage Requirements (Remote Management Server).

1. Added in-band Usage related sections.

September-12-2013 1.1
2. Changed the command LoadFactoryDefault to LoadDefaultBiosCfg.

1. Added Get/Change DMI information capability.

2. Added multi-system usage for OOB channel.

October-02-2013 1.2
3. Eliminated –me_type option for the in-band UpdateBios command.

4. In-band UpdateBios command supports X10 MB.

1. Required BMC firmware image and IPMI driver to be installed for all in-
band commands except the UpdateBios command.

2. Required product key to be activated for all in-band commands except the
January-06-2014 1.2a UpdateBios command.

3. Added the summary of running multiple systems.

4. Added exit code 80. Description: Product key is not activated.

Major revision with new management command groups.

1. Added BMC Management commands: GetBmcInfo, UpdateBmc,

GetBmcCfg and ChangeBmcCfg.

2. Added System Check commands: CheckAssetInfo, CheckSensorData and

June-09-2014 1.3 CheckSystemUtilization.

3. Added System Event Log commands: GetEventLog and ClearEventLog.

4. Added in-band-usage for ActivateProductKey command.

5. Added exit code 68. Description: Invalid BMC configuration text file.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 3

6. Added exit code 69. Description: Invalid asset information.

1. Added Application commands: TpmProvision, MountIsoImage and


2. For X10 Grantley platform, in-band update bios requires –reboot option.

3. Revised CheckSystemUtilization output message for HDD/Network.

4. Revise output message for CheckAssetInfo: Units format matches

July-31-2014 1.4
dmidecode outoput.

5. Added exit code 36. Required device does not exist.

6. Added exit code 37. Required device does not work.

7. Added notices for exit code when using in-band command with –reboot
option through SSH connection.

1. Added a notice for in-band UpdateBios command for jumper-less solution:

You should use default OS when multi-boot is installed.

2. Changed the TpmProvision command: cleartpm option should be used

with –image_url option.

3. Added support for checking SFT-SUM and SFT-DCMS-Single node product


4. Added a notice for In-band UpdateBios command: The command will

disable some functions in OS, but they will be recovered after OS reboot.

February -06-2015 1.4a 5. Added a notice for in-band UpdateBios using SSH connection: Change the
timeout length for both SSH client and server site to be two times longer
than the typical time length of execution.

6. Changed the name “Product Key” to “Node Product Key”.

7. Added exit code 11. Invalid command line data.

8. Added the notice of using the CheckSensorData command output.

9. Updated the CheckAssetInfo command output: adding the CPU version

field and changing the name “Network Interface” to “Add-on Network

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 4

10. Added Appendix C: Platform Feature Support Matrix.

11. Added the OS architecture information in the CheckSystemUtilization

command output message.

12. Added a reminder for In-band Windows driver setup.

1. Added in-band support for BMC management commands: GetBmcInfo,

UpdateBmc, GetBmcCfg, and ChangeBmcCfg.

2. Added in-band support for EventLog management commands:

GetEventLog and ClearEventLog.

3. Added in-band support for CheckOOBSupport command.

4. Removed requirement of actool.

5. Removed JAVA environment requirement for all commands, except OOB

UpdateBios and UpdateBmc commands.
July-23-2015 1.5
6. Changed the ActivateProductKey command: supports 344 bytes node
product key format.

7. Added Key management commands: QueryProductKey, ClearProdcutKey.

8. Added a BIOS management command: EditDmiInfo.

9. Added Appendix D Third-Party Software.

10. Added the log support when rare exceptions occurred.

11. Added exit code 12: Function access denied.

1. Supported X11 platform.

2. Removed JAVA requirement.

3. Supported FreeBSD OS for FreeBSD 7.1 x86_64 or later.

January-28-2016 1.6 4. Supported RHEL4 OS for RHEL4u3 x86_64 or later

5. Added auto-activation feature using credential files

6. Added –overwrite_cfg and –overwrite_sdr option for UpdateBmc


7. In-Band UpdateBios supported MEDisabling feature which has similar

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 5

procedure as original jumperless procedure that requires twice reboot.

8. Added HTTP image server support for MountIsoImage and TpmProvision


9. Added exit code 38: Function is not supported.

10. Added Feature Toggled On information in CheckOOBSupport command


11. Third-Party Software: Removed ipmitool/Jline. Added openssl/libcurl.

12. In-Band jumperless procedure show full log path when twice reboot is

13. Removed TAS from package. Added TAS requirement note.

1. Renamed the TPM ISO image file to 20151217.

2. Added troubleshooting for BMC FW web server being unreachable after

BMC FW was updated.

3. Added the description of failure to install Client ME Windows driver on

August-03-2016 1.6a
Server ME system.

4. Added the recommended usage of running the OOB UpdateBios


5. Added the requirements for using an OOB network.

1. Renamed the TPM ISO image file to 20161013.

2. Added two options: --no_banner to suppress output banner messages and

--no_progress UI option to suppress output progress messages.

3. Renamed the command names GetDefaultBiosCfg and GetCurrentBiosCfg

and deprecated the old commands GetDefaultBiosCfgTextFile and
January-06-2017 1.6b
GetCurrentBiosCfgTextFile, respectively.

4. Added OOB support for the CMM management commands: GetCmmInfo,

UpdateCmm, GetCmmCfg, and ChangeCmmCfg.

5. Modified the command In-band UpdateBios to not to require the --reboot

option and removed the --manual_reboot option.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 6

1. Renamed the TPM ISO image file to TPM_1.2_20170410.

2. Added the Storage Management commands: GetRaidControllerInfo,

UpdateRaidController, GetRaidCfg, ChangeRaidCfg, GetSataInfo and

3. Added support for IPV6.

4. Added the option --lock to the command TpmProvision.

5. Revised the command format –image_url to TpmProvision.

6. Added support for TAS for FreeBSD.

7. Added support for B2 and K1 platforms.

July-21-2017 1.7
8. Changed exit code 8 from "File does not exist” to “Cannot open file.”

9. No support has been provided for B9 Romley platform since SUM 1.7.0.

10. RAID related commands are only licensed to SFT-DCMS-Single key.

11. Supported Denverton platform.

12. Added the BBS boot priority function in a BIOS configuration file.

13. Added information about where the logs are stored

14. Supported Apollo platform.

15. Added Appendix F. Using the Command Line Tool (XMLStarlet) to Edit
XML Files.

1. Added HII support for the Purley and the platforms of later versions.

2. Renamed the command GetCurrentBiosCfgTextFile to be


3. Renamed the command GetDefaultBiosCfgTextFile to be

October-27-2017 2.0 GetDefaultBiosCfg.

4. Modified the command CheckAssetInfo to support for Add-on Network

Interface and Onboard/Add-on PCI Devices.

5. Added “Appendix E. How to Change BIOS Configurations in XML Files”.

6. Added the option --preserve_setting for the command UpdateBios.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 7

7. Added the TPM command options to support Purley platform.

8. Added support for AMD Naples platform.

9. Renamed the TPM ISO image file to TPM_1.3_20170802.

10. Add the option --skip_unknown for the command UpdateBios.

11. Added support for checking SFT-DCMS-SVC-KEY node product key.

12. Supported Debian OS for Debian 7 x86_64 or later.

13. Added exit code 155 description: IPMI received invalid data.

1. Added the option --skip_bbs for the command ChangeBiosCfg.

February-02-2018 2.0a
2. The CMM related commands do not require any license.

1. Added the commands GetPsuInfo and UpdatePsu to manage the PSU

firmware image.

2. Added the commandsGet TpmInfo and TpmManage to manage TPM.

3. Added exit code 76 - Invalid TPM provision table file.

4. Added the OEM FID feature.

5. Modified gsetting note.

August-17-2018 2.1
6. Added 7u superblade note.

7. Remove limitation: For ATEN BMC FW, --overwrite_sdr and --

overwrite_cfg have to coexist.

8. Add command SetBiosPassword.

9. Add exit code 13 - Invalid argument.

10. Add the option --rc_path

1. Added thread_count usage in customizing SUM configurations section for

multiple systems management.

February-20-2019 2.2 2. Added the --tui option and introduction to TUI features.

3. Modified the “CheckAssetInfo” command console output.

4. Added BMC extension version in BMC information.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 8

5. Added an instruction on installing a certification file to BMC FW using
ChangeBmcCfg command.

6. Updated instruction of applying credential files for auto-activation.

7. Added exit code 77 - Invalid SUMRC file.

8. Added exit code 109 - This operation is prohibited.

9. Added exit code 120 - Invalid Redfish response.

10. Added the option -f, to load file content as password.

11. Updated Platform Feature Support Matrix.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 9

Version History................................................................................................................................................... 3

1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................................17

1.1 Features .................................................................................................................................................17

1.2 Operations Requirements ......................................................................................................................19

1.2.1 OOB Usage Requirements (Remote Management Server) ............................................................19

1.2.2 OOB Usage Requirements (Network) .............................................................................................19

1.2.3 OOB Usage Requirements (Managed Systems) ..............................................................................20

1.2.4 In-Band Usage Requirements .........................................................................................................22

1.2.5 Additional In-Band Usage Requirements ........................................................................................23

1.3 Typographical Conventions ....................................................................................................................26

2 Installation and Setup ...................................................................................................................................27

2.1 Installing SUM ........................................................................................................................................27

2.2 Setting Up OOB Managed Systems ........................................................................................................27

2.2.1 Installing the TAS Package ..............................................................................................................28

2.3 Setting Up In-Band Managed Systems ...................................................................................................29

3 Licensing Managed Systems .........................................................................................................................30

3.1 Receiving Node Product Keys from Supermicro ....................................................................................30

3.2 Activating Managed Systems .................................................................................................................31

3.3 Auto-Activating Managed Systems ........................................................................................................31

4 Basic User Interface ......................................................................................................................................32

4.1 Customizing SUM Configurations ..........................................................................................................42

4.2 SUM Log Design .....................................................................................................................................44

4.3 Format of BIOS Settings Text File ...........................................................................................................46

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 10

4.3.1 An Example of BBS Boot Priority.....................................................................................................47

4.4 Format of BIOS Settings XML File...........................................................................................................49

4.5 Format of DMI Information Text File .....................................................................................................52

4.6 Format of BMC Configuration XML File .................................................................................................54

4.7 Format of RAID Configuration XML File .................................................................................................56

4.8 Format of CMM Configuration Text File ................................................................................................65

4.9 TUI ..........................................................................................................................................................67

4.9.1 TUI General Reminders ...................................................................................................................68

4.9.2 BIOS TUI Configuration ...................................................................................................................69

5 Managing a Single System.............................................................................................................................77

5.1 Key Management for a Single System....................................................................................................78

5.1.1 Activating a Single Managed System ..............................................................................................78

5.1.2 Querying the Node Product Keys....................................................................................................78

5.1.3 Clearing Node Product Key .............................................................................................................79

5.2 System Checks for a Single System ........................................................................................................81

5.2.1 Checking OOB Support....................................................................................................................81

5.2.2 Checking Asset Information (OOB Only) .........................................................................................82

5.2.3 Checking Sensor Data (OOB Only) ..................................................................................................93

5.2.4 Checking System Utilization (OOB Only).........................................................................................94

5.3 BIOS Management for a Single System ..................................................................................................97

5.3.1 Getting BIOS Firmware Image Information ....................................................................................97

5.3.2 Updating the BIOS Firmware Image ...............................................................................................99

5.3.3 Receiving Current BIOS Settings ...................................................................................................102

5.3.4 Updating BIOS Settings Based on the Current BIOS Settings .......................................................102

5.3.5 Receiving Factory BIOS Settings....................................................................................................105

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 11

5.3.6 Updating BIOS Settings Based on the Factory Settings ................................................................105

5.3.7 Loading Factory BIOS Settings ......................................................................................................105

5.3.8 Receiving DMI Information ...........................................................................................................106

5.3.9 Editing DMI Information ...............................................................................................................107

5.3.10 Updating DMI Information .........................................................................................................108

5.3.11 Setting Up BIOS Action................................................................................................................109

5.3.12 Setting Up a BIOS Administrator Password ................................................................................109

5.4 BMC Management for a Single System ................................................................................................111

5.4.1 Getting BMC Firmware Image Information ..................................................................................111

5.4.2 Updating the BMC Firmware Image .............................................................................................112

5.4.3 Receiving BMC Settings.................................................................................................................113

5.4.4 Updating BMC Settings .................................................................................................................114

5.4.5 Installing BMC Certification ..........................................................................................................115

5.5 Event Log Management for a Single System ........................................................................................116

5.5.1 Getting System Event Log .............................................................................................................116

5.5.2 Clearing System Event Log ............................................................................................................117

5.6 CMM Management for a Single System (OOB Only) ...........................................................................118

5.6.1 Receiving CMM Firmware Image Information ..............................................................................118

5.6.2 Updating the CMM Firmware Image ............................................................................................119

5.6.3 Receiving CMM Settings ...............................................................................................................120

5.6.4 Updating CMM Settings ................................................................................................................121

5.7 Applications for a Single System (OOB Only) .......................................................................................122

5.7.1 Providing an ISO Image as a Virtual Media through BMC and File Server....................................122

5.7.2 Removing ISO Image as a Virtual Media .......................................................................................123

5.8 Storage Management for a Single System ...........................................................................................124

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 12

5.8.1 Getting RAID Firmware Image Information ..................................................................................124

5.8.2 Updating the RAID Firmware Image (OOB Only) ..........................................................................125

5.8.3 Receiving RAID Settings ................................................................................................................126

5.8.4 Updating RAID Settings .................................................................................................................127

5.8.5 Getting SATA HDD Information (OOB Only) .................................................................................128

5.8.6 Getting NVMe Information ...........................................................................................................129

5.9 PSU Management for a Single System .................................................................................................130

5.9.1 Getting PSU Information ...............................................................................................................130

5.9.2 Updating the PSU Firmware Image...............................................................................................131

5.10 TPM Management for a Single System ..............................................................................................132

5.10.1 Getting TPM Information ............................................................................................................133

5.10.2 Provisioning TPM Module ...........................................................................................................147

5.10.3 Enabling and Clearing TPM Module Capabilities ........................................................................150

6 Managing Multiple Systems (OOB Only).....................................................................................................153

6.1 Input Output Controls for Multiple Systems........................................................................................155

6.1.1 File Input .......................................................................................................................................155

6.1.2 File Output ....................................................................................................................................155

6.1.3 Screen Output ...............................................................................................................................156

6.1.4 Log Output ....................................................................................................................................158

6.2 Key Management for Multiple Systems ...............................................................................................160

6.2.1 Activating Multiple Managed Systems .........................................................................................160

6.2.2 Querying Node Product Key .........................................................................................................161

6.2.3 Clearing Node Product Keys..........................................................................................................161

6.3 System Checks for Multiple System .....................................................................................................163

6.3.1 Checking OOB Support..................................................................................................................163

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 13

6.3.2 Checking Asset Information ..........................................................................................................163

6.3.3 Checking Sensor Data ...................................................................................................................164

6.3.4 Checking System Utilization ..........................................................................................................164

6.4 BIOS Management for Multiple Systems .............................................................................................166

6.4.1 Getting BIOS Firmware Image Information ..................................................................................166

6.4.2 Updating the BIOS Firmware Image .............................................................................................166

6.4.3 Receiving Current BIOS Settings ...................................................................................................167

6.4.4 Updating BIOS Settings Based on a Current Sample Settings .......................................................168

6.4.5 Receiving Factory BIOS Settings....................................................................................................169

6.4.6 Updating BIOS Settings Based on Factory Sample Settings ..........................................................170

6.4.7 Loading Factory BIOS Settings ......................................................................................................170

6.4.8 Receiving DMI Information ...........................................................................................................170

6.4.9 Editing DMI Information ...............................................................................................................171

6.4.10 Updating DMI Information Based on a Sample DMI Information ..............................................172

6.4.11 Setting BIOS Action .....................................................................................................................173

6.4.12 Setting BIOS Administrator Password.........................................................................................174

6.5 BMC Management for Multiple Systems .............................................................................................175

6.5.1 Getting BMC Firmware Image Information ..................................................................................175

6.5.2 Updating the BMC Firmware Image .............................................................................................175

6.5.3 Receiving BMC Settings.................................................................................................................176

6.5.4 Updating BMC Settings .................................................................................................................177

6.6 Event Log Management for Multiple Systems .....................................................................................178

6.6.1 Getting System Event Log .............................................................................................................178

6.6.2 Clearing System Event Log ............................................................................................................178

6.7 CMM Management for Multiple Systems............................................................................................180

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 14

6.7.1 Receiving CMM Image Information ..............................................................................................180

6.7.2 Updating the CMM Firmware Image ............................................................................................181

6.7.3 Receiving CMM Settings ...............................................................................................................181

6.7.4 Updating CMM Settings ................................................................................................................182

6.8 Applications for Multiple Systems .......................................................................................................184

6.8.1 Providing an ISO Image as a Virtual Media through BMC and File Server....................................184

6.8.2 Removing ISO Image as a Virtual Media .......................................................................................185

6.9 Storage Management for Multiple Systems ........................................................................................186

6.9.1 Getting RAID Firmware Image Information ..................................................................................186

6.9.2 Updating the RAID Firmware Image .............................................................................................186

6.9.3 Receiving RAID Settings ................................................................................................................187

6.9.4 Updating RAID Settings .................................................................................................................188

6.9.5 Getting SATA HDD Information ....................................................................................................189

6.9.6 Getting NVMe Information ...........................................................................................................189

6.10 PSU Management for Multiple Systems ............................................................................................191

6.10.1 Getting PSU Information .............................................................................................................191

6.10.2 Updating the PSU Firmware Image.............................................................................................192

6.11 TPM Management for Multiple Systems ...........................................................................................193

6.11.1 Getting TPM Information ............................................................................................................193

6.11.2 Provisioning TPM Module ...........................................................................................................194

6.11.3 Enabling and Clearing TPM Module Capabilities ........................................................................196

Appendix A. SUM Exit Codes..........................................................................................................................198

Appendix B. Management Interface and License Requirements ..................................................................202

Appendix C. Platform Feature Support Matrix ..............................................................................................204

Appendix D. Third-Party Software .................................................................................................................208

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 15

Appendix E. How to Change BIOS Configurations in XML Files .....................................................................209

E.1 Numeric ..............................................................................................................................................209

E.2 CheckBox ............................................................................................................................................210

E.3 Option .................................................................................................................................................210

E.4 Password ............................................................................................................................................212

E.5 String ..................................................................................................................................................213

Appendix F. Using the Command Line Tool (XMLStarlet) to Edit XML Files ..................................................214

F.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................214

F.2 Getting/Setting an XML Value (XML Element) ...................................................................................214

F.3 Getting/Setting an XML Value (XML Attribute) ..................................................................................215

Appendix G. Removing Unchanged BIOS Settings in an XML File..................................................................216

Contacting Supermicro ..................................................................................................................................218

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 16

1 Overview
The Supermicro Update Manager (SUM) can be used to manage the BIOS, BMC/CMM and Broadcom 3108
RAID firmware image update and configuration update for select Supermicro systems. In addition, system
checks as well as event log management are also supported. Moreover, special applications are also
provided to facilitate system management. To update configurations, you can edit system BIOS settings,
DMI information, BMC/CMM configurations and RAID configurations from readable text files, as well as use
this update manager to apply these configurations.

Two channels are possible for management: the OOB (Out-Of-Band) channel, i.e. communication through
the IPMI interface, and the in-band channel, i.e. communication through the local system interfaces. By the
OOB channel, most management commands (except the command “CheckSystemUtilization”) can be
executed independently of the OS on the managed system and even before the system OS is installed.

1.1 Features
 Command-line interfaced (CLI) and scriptable
 Independent from OS on managed systems (for OOB usage)
 Operates through OOB (Out-Of-Band) and in-band methods
 Supports concurrent execution of OOB commands on multiple systems through a system list file
 System Check
o Checks asset device information/health remotely
o Checks system utilization remotely
 BIOS Management
o Pre-checks system board ID to prevent flashing the wrong BIOS firmware image
o Supports readable text files of BIOS configuration in plain text or XML format
o Supports readable DMI information text file to be edited
o Updates basic input/output system (BIOS) ROM
o Jumperless update of ME Flash Descriptor (FDT) region when locally update BIOS ROM
o Updates BIOS configurations (settings)
o Updates BIOS Administrator password

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 17

o Updates DMI information
 BMC Management
o Supports readable text files of BMC configuration in XML format
o Updates BMC firmware image
o Updates BMC configuration
 System Event Log
o Retrieves and clears BMC and BIOS event logs
 CMM Management
o Supports readable text file of CMM configuration in XML format
o Updates CMM firmware image remotely only
o Updates CMM configuration remotely only
 Applications
o Provision/clear trusted platform module (TPM) remotely only
o Mount/Unmount ISO image file from SAMBA/HTTP-shared folder remotely only
 Storage Management
o Retrieves RAID image information from local firmware image or remote RAID controller
o Updates RAID controller firmware image remotely
o Supports the readable text files of RAID configuration in XML format
o Updates RAID configuration remotely only
o Retrieves SATA HDD information remotely only
o Retrieves NVMe information remotely only

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 18

1.2 Operations Requirements
1.2.1 OOB Usage Requirements (Remote Management Server)

To run remote update operations, you must meet the following requirements:
System Requirements:
Environment Requirements

50 MB free disk space

Hardware 128 MB available RAM

Ethernet network interface card

Linux: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 4 Update 3 (x86_64) or later

Linux: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (x86_64) or later

Operating System Linux: Debian 7 (x86_64) or later

Windows: Windows Server 2008 (x64) or later

FreeBSD: FreeBSD 7.1 (x86_64) or later

The software you should have in advance:

Program/Script Description

SUM The main program for SUM

1.2.2 OOB Usage Requirements (Network)

Below network communication protocol and ports are required for running OOB commands.
Command Network Requirements

All OOB commands RMCP+ protocol through IPV4/IPV6 UDP with port 623.

In addition to RMCP+ protocol through IPV4/IPV6 UDP with

OOB commands UpdateBios, port 623, HTTP or HTTPS protocol through IPV4/IPV6 with
UpdateBmc, UpdateCmm and the port defined in BMC/CMM configuration is required. The
UpdateRaidController default HTTP and HTTPS ports are defined as ports 80 and
443, respectively.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 19

1.2.3 OOB Usage Requirements (Managed Systems)

SUM can remotely manage the selected Supermicro motherboards/systems. Before use, you must activate
the node product key for the managed systems. For details, see 3 Licensing Managed Systems.
In addition, both the BMC and BIOS firmware images must meet the following requirements.

Firmware image Requirements

X9 ATEN platform (SMT_X9): 3.14 or later

X10 ATEN platform (SMT_X10): 1.52 or later

BMC Version
X11 ATEN platform (SMT_X11): 1.00 or later

X9 AMI platform (SMM_X9): 2.32 or later

CMM Version ATEN platform (SMT_MBIPMI): 2.45 or later

Version 2.0 or later for select X9 Romley and X10 Denlow systems
BIOS Version
Version 1.0 or later for select X10 Grantley/X11 systems

The TpmProvision command requires TPM ISO files.

Program/Script Description

TPM_1.3_20170802.zip EFI/TPM_LOCK.ISO
Image for TPM provision.
Release note for TPM ISO images usage.
Image for detecting platform and TPM version.

The CheckSystemUtilization command requires additional packages to be installed on the managed system.
Program/Script Description Privilege Requirement

TAS_1.5.1_build.180202.zip A Thin Agent Service (TAS) program to To install and execute, TAS needs
be installed on the managed systems the root privilege of the
operating system running on the
Collect utilization information on managed system.
managed system and update
information to BMC

Below OS and tools are pre-requisite for TAS to be installed successfully on the managed system.
Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 20
OS Supported OS list Program/Script

Windows Windows 2008 R2 SP1  .NET framework 3.5

Windows 2012 R2  smartmontools 6.5-1
 NVMe vendor specific driver (only required for
using the nvme function)
 Windows patch “KB3033929”(only required
for Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1)
 Intel RST CLI tool and 13.2.x.xxxx
RSTe driver (specify tool version to specify
RSTe driver version)
Linux RHEL 6.5, 6.6  ethtool package 2.6.33
RHEL 7.0, 7.1  openIpmi driver
SLES 11 SP3  smartmontools 6.5
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS  glibc 2.12
CentOS 6.5  storcli 1.20.15 (for Linux LSI)
 mdadm 3.2.5 (for RAID)
 nmcli 0.8.1
 net-tools 1.60-110.el6-2
 lsscsi 0.23-2.el6
 lsblk 2.17.2
FreeBSD 10.1 release  smartmontools 6.5
 libc 7
 storcli 1.20.15 (for LSI 3108)
 graid (starting with FreeBSD 9.1 for RAID) and
 pciutils 3.5.2
 mfip.ko(for LSI MegaRAID SMART)
The firmware image below is pre-requisite for TAS to run successfully on the managed system.
Firmware image Requirements

X10 ATEN platform (SMT_X10): 1.58 or later

BMC Version
X11 ATEN platform (SMT_X11): 1.00 or later

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 21

1.2.4 In-Band Usage Requirements

With the use of in-band, SUM can perform BIOS/BMC/EventLog Management functions for selected
Supermicro motherboards/systems. The managed system must meet the following requirements.
System Requirements:

Environment Requirements

Hardware 50 MB free disk space

128 MB available RAM

Firmware image BIOS Version 3.0 or later for X9 Romley and X10 Denlow select

BIOS Version 1.0 or later for X10 Grantley/X11 select systems.

Operating System Linux: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 4 updates 3 (x86_64) or later.

Linux: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (x86_64) or later

Linux: Debian 7 (x86_64) or later

Windows: Windows Server 2008 (x64) or later

FreeBSD: FreeBSD 7.1 (x86_64) or later

Note: Though SUM can be run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 4 updates 3 or later,
several OS might not be supported by hardware. For the list of supported operating systems,
please check the OS compatibility support list.

Execution Privilege Requirements:

Privilege Description

SUM Execution Privilege To execute in-band functions, SUM needs the root/Administrator
privilege of the operating system running on the managed system.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 22

The software you should get in advance:

OS Program/Script Description

Linux/Windows/FreeBSD SUM The main program for SUM

Windows driver/phymem64.sys Access physical memory and IO ports


Please contact Supermicro for any necessary drivers.

Note: For Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7, Windows driver requires Windows
patch #3033929.
Click the link below to download the patch

1.2.5 Additional In-Band Usage Requirements

For in-band commands (except for commands “GetBiosInfo” and “UpdateBios”), the managed system must
have BMC firmware image and IPMI driver installed. The BMC firmware image should meet the following
Firmware image Requirement

X9 ATEN platform (SMT_X9): 3.14 or later

X10 ATEN platform (SMT_X10): 1.19 or later

BMC Version
X11 ATEN platform (SMT_X11): 1.00 or later

X9 AMI platform (SMM_X9): 2.32 or later

The drivers you should get in advance:

OS Program/Script Description

Red Hat. Enterprise Linux built-in IPMI driver Sends/Receives data to/from BMC
Server 4u3 or later
(x86_64)/Ubuntu 12.04 or
later (x86_64)/

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 23

FreeBSD 7.1 or later (x86_64)

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 24

If the Linux/FreeBSD OS does not have the built-in IPMI driver, you should install the following software:
Program/Script Description

OpenIPMI.x86_64 IPMI driver for accessing BMC through its KCS interface

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 25

1.3 Typographical Conventions
This manual uses the following typographical conventions.

Courier-New font size 10 represents Command Line Interface (CLI) instructions in Linux terminal

Bold is used for keywords needing attention.

Italics is used for variables and section names.

<> encloses the parameters in the syntax description.[shell]# represents the input prompt in Linux
terminal mode.

[SUM_HOME]# represents the SUM home directory prompt in Linux terminal mode.

| A vertical bar separates the items in a list.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 26

2 Installation and Setup

2.1 Installing SUM

To install SUM in Linux/FreeBSD OS, follow these steps. Windows installation and usage is similar.

1. Extract the sum_x.x.x_Linux_x86_64_YYYYMMDD.tar.gz archive file.

2. Go to the extracted sum_x.x.x_Linux_x86_64 directory. Name this directory as “SUM_HOME”.
3. Run SUM in the SUM_HOME directory.

Linux Example:

[shell]# tar xzf sum_x.x.x_Linux_x64_YYYYMMDD.tar.gz

[shell]# cd sum_x.x.x_Linux_x86_64

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum

2.2 Setting Up OOB Managed Systems

To setup OOB managed systems, follow these steps:

1. Connect the BMC/CMM to the LAN.

2. Update the BMC/CMM firmware image in the managed systems to support OOB functions (if the
current version does not support it). Note that you can use the SUM UpdateBmc/UpdateCmm
command to flash BMC/CMM firmware image even when BMC/CMM does not support OOB functions.
3. Flash the BIOS ROM to the managed systems to support OOB functions (if the current version does
not support it). Note that you can use the SUM “UpdateBios” command (either in-band or OOB) to
flash BIOS even when BIOS does not support OOB functions. However, when using an OOB channel, if
the onboard BIOS or the BIOS firmware image does not support OOB functions, the DMI information
(such as the MB serial number) might be lost after system reboot.
4. Install the TAS package on the OS of the managed system (for “CheckSystemUtilization” command

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 27

2.2.1 Installing the TAS Package

The TAS package (TAS_version_build.date.zip) can be acquired from Supermicro. Only Windows, Linux and
FreeBSD platforms are supported. To install TAS, follow below steps.

1. Copy the TAS_version_build.YYMMDD.zip package to the operation system (OS) of managed system.
2. Extract the TAS_version_build.YYMMDD.zip archive file. Three archive files will be created, e.g.,
TAS_version_build.YYMMDD_Windows.zip/Linux.tar.gz/Freebsd.tar.gz, for Windows/Linux/FreeBSD
systems. One additional readme file will be created. You can check the INSTALLATION section in the
readme file or follow the steps below.
3. Install TAS pre-requisite tools listed in 1.2.3 OOB Usage Requirements (Managed Systems).
4. For Windows systems,
a. Extract the file TAS_version_build.YYMMDD_Windows.zip
b. Select the correct system architecture. For x64 system, select folder 64.
c. Run setup.bat
5. For Linux systems,
a. Extract the file TAS_version_build.YYMMDD_Linux.tar.gz
b. Select the correct system architecture.
c. Run install.sh

Example: for x86_64 Linux system

[shell]# tar xzf TAS_1.5.1_build.180202_Linux.tar.gz

[shell]# cd 64bit

[shell]# ./install.sh

6. For FreeBSD systems,

a. Extract the file TAS_version_build.YYMMDD_Freebsd.tar.gz
b. Run install

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 28

2.3 Setting Up In-Band Managed Systems
For Windows OS, no action is required. As a reminder, if the version of the currently installed Windows
driver is old, SUM would stop TAS/SD5, load a new driver and restart TAS/SD5. For Linux OS, the following
actions are required unless “InBand SMI E7h” support is noted in BIOS release note. If E7h is not supported
by BIOS, to set up the Linux in-band managed systems, simply copy and paste the OS specific driver file
"sum_bios.ko", under the SUM_HOME/driver directory, to the SUM_HOME directory.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 29

3 Licensing Managed Systems
Each node is licensed by a product key. To access most SUM functions, it is required that a managed system
activates the node product keys. To view a complete list of these functions, please refer to Appendix B.
Management Interface and License Requirements. Product key activation is not required on the
management server running SUM. The node product key is binding in the MAC address of the BMC LAN
port. Two license key formats are supported: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx for SFT-OOB-LIC and a 344-byte
ASCII string for the other node product keys.

The following sections describe the steps for activation. First, you can receive the node product keys from
Supermicro as in 3.1 Receiving Node Product Keys from Supermicro. With these node product keys, you
can then activate these systems as described in 3.2 Activating Managed Systems. SUM also provided auto-
activation methods for customer usage. For this usage please refer to 3.3 Auto-Activating Managed

3.1 Receiving Node Product Keys from Supermicro

To receive node product keys from Supermicro, follow these steps:

1. Collect BMC MAC address and list them in one file, e.g., mymacs.txt.





2. Send this file (mymacs.txt) to Supermicro to obtain a node product key file (mymacs.txt.key). The
node product key file includes the MAC address and node product key.





Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 30

3.2 Activating Managed Systems
To activate a single system, see 5.1.1 Activating a Single Managed System. To simultaneously activate
multiple systems see 6.2.1 Activating Multiple Managed Systems.

3.3 Auto-Activating Managed Systems

For a new completely assembled system, its node product key can be activated while it is in production. It
is strongly recommended that node product keys should be activated in this way. Please contact your sales
representative for details.

However, in some cases, it is also possible to activate node product keys without running the command
"ActivateProductKey.” Follow these steps:

1. Collect the BMC MAC addresses of managed systems and list them in a text file, e.g., "mymacs.txt".
2. Send this file ("mymacs.txt") to Supermicro through your sales representative to obtain a credential
file ("cred.bin").
3. Put the credential file in the "SUM_HOME/credential" directory on the system where the required
SUM command is run.
4. SUM will auto-activate product keys from cred.bin after license-required commands are run on the
managed systems.

Note: Auto-activation is not a site license.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 31

4 Basic User Interface
SUM is a binary executable file written in the C++ language. Running this file on either Windows or
Linux/FreeBSD is similar. In this document, only the examples of running on Linux are provided. To display
the usage information, use this command:

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum

To display the usage information for each SUM command, use this syntax:

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -h -c <command name>


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -h -c UpdateBios

Usage Information
Options Description or usage

-h Shows help information.

-v Displays the verbose output on the screen.

-i <BMC/CMM IP address or host name> (case sensitive)

-l <BMC/CMM system list file name>

-u <BMC/CMM user ID>

-p <BMC/CMM user password>

<BMC/CMM user password file>

Reads the first line of password file as password.

-c <command name>

--no_banner Hides the version and copyright banner.

--no_progress Hides the progress message.

<set SUM journal level>

(0: silent, 1: fatal, 2: error, 3: warning, 4: information, 5: debug, 6:

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 32


--journal_path <set SUM journal path>

--rc_path <set .sumrc file path>

System Check

Commands Long options

CheckOOBSupport None

CheckAssetInfo (OOB only) None

CheckSensorData (OOB only) None

CheckSystemUtilization (OOB only) None

(TAS thin agent required)

Key Management

Commands Long options

ActivateProductKey --key <node product key value>

Uses the node product key to activate the managed system.

QueryProductKey None

ClearProductKey --key_index <node product key index>

The index of the key to be cleared.

--key_name <node product key name>

The name of the key to be cleared.

Valid key name: OOB, SSM, SD5, SUM, SPM, SCM, SFT-DCMS-Single,


(Either --key_index or --key_name is required.)

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 33

BIOS Management

Commands Long options

UpdateBios --file <file name>

Updates the BIOS with the given BIOS file.
--reboot (Optional)
Forces the managed system to reboot or power up after operation.
This feature is supported since X10 Grantley platform.
--flash_smbios (Optional)
Overwrites and resets the SMBIOS data. This option is used only for
specific purposes. Unless you are familiar with SMBIOS data, do not
use this option.
--preserve_mer (Optional)
Preserves the ME firmware region. This option is used only for
specific purposes. Unless you are familiar with ME firmware image,
do not use this option.
--preserve_nv (Optional)
Preserves the NVRAM. This option is used only for specific purposes.
Unless you are familiar with BIOS NVRAM, do not use this option.
--preserve_setting (Optional)
Preserves BIOS configurations. This option is used only for specific
purposes. Unless you are familiar with BIOS configurations, do not
use this option.
GetBiosInfo --file <file name> (Optional)
Reads BIOS information from an input BIOS file.
--showall (Optional)
Prints the BIOS OEM FID information.
GetDefaultBiosCfg --file <file name> (Optional)
Saves the configuration to a file.
Prints the default factory BIOS configuration on the screen if the file-
saving function is not available.
--overwrite (Optional)
Overwrites the output file.
GetCurrentBiosCfg --file <file name> (Optional)
Saves the BIOS configuration to a file.
Prints the current BIOS configuration on the screen if the file-saving
function is not available.
--overwrite (Optional)

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 34

Overwrites the output file.
--tui (Optional)
Edits BIOS configuration with text-based user interface.
ChangeBiosCfg --file <file name>
Updates the BIOS with the given configuration file.
--reboot (Optional)
Forces the managed system to reboot or power up after operation.
--skip_unknown (Optional)
Skips the unknown settings or menus in the BIOS configuration file.
--skip_bbs (Optional)
Skips the BBS-related menus in the BIOS configuration file.
LoadDefaultBiosCfg --reboot (Optional)
Forces the managed system to reboot or power up after operation.
GetDmiInfo --file <file name> (Optional)
Saves the DMI information to a file.
Prints the DMI information on the screen if the file-saving function is
not available.
--overwrite (Optional)
Overwrites the output file.
EditDmiInfo --file <file name>
The DMI information file to be edited (or created if it does not exist).
--item_type <item type>
Specifies the item type.
--item_name <item name>
Specifies the item name.
--shn <short name>
Specifies the item in short name format.
--value <assignment value>
Assigns the value to the item.
Assigns the default value to the item.
 Either [--item_type, --item_name] or [--shn] is required.
 Either [--value] or [--default] is required.
ChangeDmiInfo --file <file name>
Updates the DMI information with the given text file.
--reboot (Optional)
Forces the managed system to reboot or power up after operation.
SetBiosAction --BBS <yes/no>
Shows/hides the settings related to BBS priority. Selecting yes will
show the settings related to BBS priority and selecting no will hide
--reboot (Optional)
Forces the managed system to reboot or power up after operation.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 35

SetBiosPassword --new_password <new password>
Sets the new BIOS Administrator password.
--confirm_password <confirm password>
Confirms the new BIOS Administrator password.
--reboot (Optional)
Forces the managed system to reboot or power up after operation.

BMC Management

Commands Long options

UpdateBmc --file <file name>

Updates the BMC with the given BMC file.
--overwrite_cfg (Optional)

Overwrites the current BMC configuration using the factory default

values in the given BMC image file.
--overwrite_sdr (Optional)
Overwrites current BMC SDR data.

For AMI BMC FW, it is also required to use the --overwrite_cfg option.

GetBmcInfo --file <file name> (Optional)

Reads the BMC information from an input BMC file.

GetBmcCfg --file <file name> (Optional)

Saves the configuration to a file.
Prints the BMC configuration on the screen if the file-saving function
is not available.

--overwrite (Optional)
Overwrites the output file.

ChangeBmcCfg --file <file name>

Updates the BMC with the given configuration file.

System Event Log

Commands Long options

GetEventLog --file <file name> (optional)

Saves the event log to a file.
Prints the event log on the screen if the file-saving function is not

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 36


Overwrites the output file.

ClearEventLog --reboot (Optional)

Forces the managed system to reboot or power up after operation.

CMM Management (OOB Only)

Commands Long options

UpdateCmm --file <file name>

Updates the CMM with the given image file.

--overwrite_cfg (Optional)
Overwrites the current CMM configurations, including network
settings using the factory default values in the given CMM image file.
This might cause the IPMI connection to be lost.

GetCmmInfo --file <file name> (Optional)

Reads the CMM information from an input CMM file.

GetCmmCfg --file <file name> (Optional)

Saves the configuration to a file.
Prints the CMM configuration on the screen if the file-saving function
is not available.
--overwrite (Optional)
Overwrites the output file.

ChangeCmmCfg --file <file name>

Updates from the given CMM configuration file.

Applications (OOB Only)

Commands Long options

MountIsoImage --image_url <URL>

The URLs to access the shared ISO image
SAMBA URL: 'smb://<host name or ip>/<shared point>/<file path>'
SAMBA UNC: '\\<host name or ip>\<shared point>\<file path>'
HTTP URL: 'http://<host name or ip>/<shared point>/<file path>'

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 37

--id <ID> (optional)
The specified ID to access the shared file.
--pw <Password> (optional)
The specified password to access the shared file.
UnmountIsoImage None
Storage Management

Commands Long options

GetRaidControllerInfo --file <file name> (Optional)

Reads the RAID controller firmware information in an input RAID file.

--dev_id <DEVICE_ID> (optional)

RAID controller device ID.

UpdateRaidController (OOB --file <file name>

Updates the RAID controller with the given RAID file.

--dev_id <DEVICE_ID>

RAID controller device ID.

--reboot (Optional)

Forces the managed system to reboot or power up after operation.

GetRaidCfg --file <file name> (Optional)

Saves the configuration to a file.

Prints the RAID configuration on the screen if the file-saving function

is not available.

--overwrite (Optional)

Overwrites the output file.

ChangeRaidCfg --file <file name>

Updates the RAID with the given configuration file.

GetSataInfo (OOB only) None

GetNvmeInfo (OOB only) --dev_id <DEVICE_ID> (optional)

NVMe device controller ID.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 38

Prints all NVMe information on the screen if the file-saving function is
not available.

TPM Management

Commands Long options

TpmProvision (OOB only) --reboot

Forces the managed system to reboot or power up after operation.

--image_url <URL>

The URLs to access the shared image file.

SAMBA URL: 'smb://<host name or ip>/<shared point>/<file path>'

SAMBA UNC: '\\<host name or ip>\<shared point>\<file path>'

HTTP URL: 'http://<host name or ip>/<shared point>/<file path>'

--lock <yes>

Locks the TPM module.

--id <ID> (optional)

The specified ID to access the shared file.

--pw <Password> (optional)

The specified password to access the shared file.

--cleartpm (optional)

Clears the ownership of the TPM module and restores the relevant
TPM BIOS settings.

GetTpmInfo --showall (Optional)

Prints the NV data and the capability flags (if applicable) of the
trusted platform module.

TpmManage --reboot

Forces the managed system to reboot or power up after operation.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 39


Clears dTPM ownership and activates dTPM/TXT.


Clears dTPM ownership and disables dTPM.


Enables TXT and dTPM.


Clears dTPM ownership, disables dTPM and activates dTPM.


Disables dTPM.


Disables TXT.


Launches the trusted platform module provision procedure.


Uses the default TPM provision table.

--table <table name>

Uses the given customized TPM provision table file.


• During execution, DO NOT remove the AC power on the managed system.

• DO NOT flash BMC and BIOS firmware images at the same time.
• To execute SUM, use either the relative path method, e.g. ./sum or absolute path
method, e.g. /opt/sum_x.x.x_Linux_x64/sum in script file or shell command line.
• In Windows, use “double quotes” to enclose a parameter when needed.
• DO NOT update firmware image and configuration at the same managed system
concurrently by in-band and OOB method.
• Before running the OOB UpdateBios command, it is recommended that the managed
system is shut down first.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 40

• By default, the command options are case insensitive. For in-band usage, simply ignore
the -l, -i, -u, –p and -f options.
• Use -p option or -f option for assigning a password, cannot use them together.
• For concurrent execution of OOB commands for managing multiple systems, use the -l
option. For details on how to manage multiple systems, refer to 6 Managing Multiple
Systems (OOB Only).
• When a command is executed, it will be recorded in sum.log. In addition, when rare
exceptions occur in BMC/CMM/RAID configurations get/set commands, timestamp logs
will be created. If the folder “/var/log/supermicro/SUM” exists, the logs will be stored
there. Otherwise, they are stored in the same folder as $PWD in Unix-like OS or %cd% in
• For --reboot option in OOB usage, if target OS does support software shutdown and
install X-window on RedHat 7.4 OS, system will be forced to be powered off and then
powered up. Please make sure that data is saved before the sum command is run. The
Red Hat version decides if the software shutdown support can be enabled in console
If the system is configured to hibernate or sleep, the system may hang up when a server
is rebooted. To avoid such a situation, run the following command in the target
OS/system before you start to update BIOS:
gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power power-button-action nothing

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 41

4.1 Customizing SUM Configurations
Starting from SUM 2.1.0, two methods allow users to customize execution configurations, command
options and .sumrc file. A command option is prior to a .sumrc file. In other words, a parameter in .sumrc
file will be overwritten by a parameter in a command option. The default configuration will be applied only
when nothing is assigned or valid in command option and .sumrc. The following table summarizes the
configurable parameters:

Setting name Setting value sample Description Customized methods

journal_level 0*: silent, 1: fatal, 2: error, Sets the journal level. Both command option
3: warning, 4: information, and .sumrc file
5: debug, 6: verbose
journal_path Linux: Sets the journal output Both command option
~/journal/supermicro/sum/* path. When the journal and .sumrc file
Windows: level is set to 0 (silent),
%HomePath%\journal\superm this parameter will be
icro\sum\* invalid.

[1] [2]
confirm_timeout 300 Sets the confirm flag .sumrc file only
polling timeout. The unit
is second.
[1] [3]
thread_count 50 Set the thread count .sumrc file only
Default configuration value

When a file is uploaded to BIOS relayed by BMC, after reboot SUM will keep polling if the file is updated to BIOS
successfully. If SUM can’t receive “success” within the confirmed_timeout seconds, SUM will stop polling and show a
message indicating that the file is “being updated”. In this case, it denotes that the system requires more time to boot
up. The confirm_timeout can be increased to make sure SUM receives a “success” message before timeout.

SUM can limit its maximum concurrent executing count to avoid system overloading. The thread count in the .sumrc

file can be adjusted to protect the system from overloading when SUM multiple node mode is executed. For example,

if the thread count is set to 50, SUM will execute 50 working threads simultaneously.

There are three ways to specify the .sumrc file: command option --rc_path (highest priority), .sumrc file in
the current directory (intermediate priority) and .sumrc in the user home directory (lowest priority). A user
can rename sumrc.sample file to “.sumrc” in the current directory or move the file to the user home
directory and rename to .sumrc based on user’s requirements. Currently, there are four configurable

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 42

parameters, journal_level, journal_path, confirm_timeout and thread_count. The first two can be assigned
by both command option and .sumrc file. In contrast, confirm_timeout and thread_count only can be
assigned by .sumrc file. Note that a .sumrc sample configuration file is bundled with SUM release package.
An example is provided below.

# Please copy this file to the SUM execution directory or user home directory and rename to .sumrc
# The SUM execution directory will be read first and the user home directory have second priority.
# Please remove “#” to activate a customized configuration

# set SUM journal level

# 0: silent, 1: fatal, 2: error, 3: warning, 4: information, 5: debug, 6: verbose
#journal_level = 0

# set SUM journal path

# the following is an example path
#journal_path = /home/administrator/journal/supermicro/test

# set confirm flag polling timeout

# the unit is second
#confirm_timeout = 300

# set thread count

# thread_count = 50
In this .sumrc file, four parameters journal_level, journal_path, confirm_timout and thread_count can be
configured. The syntax is “name=value”. name is the parameter name defined by SUM and value is the
parameter value that can be configured. If a parameter value is illegal, SUM will ignore it. By default, all the
parameters in .sumrc are inactivated and “#” in front of the line may be removed to activate a parameter

Note: In Windows, please copy the SUM configuration file and rename it to .sumrc by
Command Prompt.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 43

4.2 SUM Log Design
While SUM commands are executed, log messages can be recorded for issue tracking and replication.
Types of logs are detailed in this section.

 Command usage history

When executing a SUM command, the executed command with options from console will be logged
to a sum.log file automatically. The root cause of an issue may result from the previously executed
command(s). History of command usages correlates combinations of executed commands, which also
makes issue investigation easier.
 Critical error log
When SUM encounters a critical error, the critical error message will be logged automatically. Just like
system error logs, the critical error messages are always notable and require further actions.
 Multiple-system log
When executing SUM command with multiple system modes (with –l option), a multiple system log
will be generated automatically. The log summarizes all the running results for multiple systems.
Running status (FAILED or SUCCESS), executing time and exit codes can be reviewed in this log.
 Command execution journal
The journal is to record the footprint messages during the process of command execution. The
severity levels rank from zero to six. The lowest level 0 (silent) generates no messages while the
highest level 6 (verbose) generates the most messages. In addition to severity level, this journal is
tagged with functional categories, for example, GENERIC, CURL and so on. Category GENERIC means
messages do not fit to any particular category while category CURL includes message related curl
library. With a functional category tag, journal can be filtered quickly and issue can be identified
By default, this journal is disabled (severity level 0) and it can be enabled by --journal_level option
(higher priority) or .sumrc configuration (lower priority). Similarly, this journal will be created at the
user home directory by default. Besides, if the output path is assigned in --journal_path option (higher
priority) or .sumrc configuration (lower priority), the output path will be replaced.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 44

The following table summarizes the properties of four sorts of logs.

Types of logs/ properties Activation Output path priorities

1. “/var/log/supermicro/SUM”
Command usage history Always activated
2. $PWD in Linux or %cd% in Windows
1. /var/log/supermicro/SUM
Critical error log Always activated
2. $PWD in Linux or %cd% in Windows
1. /var/log/supermicro/SUM
Multiple system log Always activated
2. The same directory as multiple list file
1. Defined by --journal_path option
2. Defined by .sumrc in home directory
Command execution Activated by
3. ~/journal/supermicro/sum/ in Linux or
journal configuration
%HomePath%\journal\supermicro\sum\ in

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 45

4.3 Format of BIOS Settings Text File
The BIOS settings file is designed to display the BIOS setup menu in text format for easier configurations.
Each setup item consists of a variable, a value, options and dependency (if available). The example below
shows how BIOS settings are displayed.

[Advanced|CPU Configuration|CPU Power Management Configuration]

Power Technology=01 // 00 (Disabled), *01 (Energy Efficient), 02 (Custom)

EIST=01 // 00 (Disabled), *01 (Enabled) Power Technology =


Turbo Mode=01 // 00 (Disabled), *01 (Enabled) Power Technology =

"Custom" and EIST = "Enabled"

C1E Support=01 // 00 (Disabled), *01 (Enabled) Power Technology =


 A setup submenu is quoted by brackets. Setup items are next to the setup submenu.
 A variable (of one setup item) always stays on the left side of the "=" character.
 A value (of one variable) always stays on the right side of the "=" character.
 Annotated options (of one variable) are shown after "//" and "*" indicates the default option.
 A dependency (if available) will be separated from an option command by eight spaces. It indicates
that the variable is visible and configurable when other variable(s) are set to a designated value.

In this example, the “Power Technology” item in the “CPU Power Management configuration” submenu is
currently set to 01 for Energy Efficient (the default setting) and can be set to 00 for Disabled or 02 for
Customer. The “EIST” variable is equal to 01 for Enabled (the default setting) and can be set to 00 when the
“Power Technology” variable is set to 02 for Custom.

If the desired changes are limited to the “Power Technology” configuration, delete all except the two lines:

[Advanced|CPU Configuration|CPU Power Management Configuration]

Power Technology=01 // 00 (Disable), *01 (Energy Efficient), 02 (Custom)

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 46


 You can remove unnecessary menu items (or variables) and their values still remain the
same after an update.
 If all menu items are removed (or the file becomes empty), no configurations are
 The Setup submenu is required for setting up the items.

4.3.1 An Example of BBS Boot Priority

On pre-Purley platforms, the command “SetBiosAction” is required to execute with the --BBS option set to
yes, to activate the BIOS settings related to BBS Boot Priority.

This is an example of the boot order:

[Boot|Hard Disk Drive BBS Priorities]

HDD Boot Order #1=0000 // *0000 (INTEL SSDSC2BB120G6), 0001

(SEAGATE ST3500418AS), 0002 (Disabled)

HDD Boot Order #2=0001 // 0000 (INTEL SSDSC2BB120G6), *0001

(SEAGATE ST3500418AS), 0002 (Disabled)

In this example, “HDD Boot Order #1” is currently set to 0000 for INTEL SSDSC2BB120G6 and “HDD Boot
Order #2” is set to 0001 for SEAGATE ST3500418AS. Boot orders could be swapped after changing BIOS
configuration with the setting modified as below.

[Boot|Hard Disk Drive BBS Priorities]

HDD Boot Order #1=0001 // *0000 (INTEL SSDSC2BB120G6), 0001

(SEAGATE ST3500418AS), 0002 (Disabled)

HDD Boot Order #2=0000 // 0000 (INTEL SSDSC2BB120G6), *0001

(SEAGATE ST3500418AS), 0002 (Disabled)

The device is mapped with the boot order. Please note that after BIOS configurations are changed, the
boot order indices (0000 and 0001 are boot order indices in the example above) and the mapped devices

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 47

may be different. In this example, after ChangeBiosCfg took effect, GetCurrentBiosCfg will have the
configuration as below:

[Boot|Hard Disk Drive BBS Priorities]

HDD Boot Order #1=0000 // *0000 (SEAGATE ST3500418AS), 0001

(INTEL SSDSC2BB120G6), 0002 (Disabled)

HDD Boot Order #2=0001 // 0000 (SEAGATE ST3500418AS), *0001

(INTEL SSDSC2BB120G6), 0002 (Disabled)


 The settings of boot orders should not be the same except Disabled.
 GetDefaultBiosCfg command does not support these BBS settings for pre-Purley

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 48

4.4 Format of BIOS Settings XML File
For easier configurations, the BiosCfg.xml file is designed to display the BIOS setup menu in XML format. An
example below shows how this file demonstrates BIOS setup settings. Each setting consists of a default
value and a current value.

<Menu name="IPMI">
<Menu name="System Event Log">
<Help><![CDATA[Press <Enter> to change the SEL event log
<Subtitle>Enabling/Disabling Options</Subtitle>
<Setting name="SEL Components" selectedOption="Enabled" type="Option">
<Option value="0">Disabled</Option>
<Option value="1">Enabled</Option>
<Help><![CDATA[Change this to enable or disable all features of System
Event Logging during boot.]]></Help>
<Subtitle>Erasing Settings</Subtitle>
<Setting name="Erase SEL" selectedOption="No" type="Option">
<Option value="0">No</Option>
<Option value="1">Yes, On next reset</Option>
<Option value="2">Yes, On every reset</Option>
<Help><![CDATA[Choose options for erasing SEL.]]></Help>

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 49

<WorkIf><![CDATA[ 0 != SEL Components ]]></WorkIf>

 The XML version is shown in the first line.

 The root table name is “BiosCfg”. Its name tag pairs are <BiosCfg> and </BiosCfg>. All configurations
of the root table are enclosed in between this name tag pair.
 The name tag pair <BiosCfg> is the root of all configurations and <Menu> is the only type of name tag
pairs extending from <BiosCfg>.
 Each name tag pair <Menu> encloses name tag pairs <Menu>, <Information>, <Setting>, <Subtitle>
and <Text>.
 <Information> is designed to display the name tag pairs <Help> and <WorkIf>. In addition, the setting-
specific information is listed. For example, <Setting> with attribute ‘name’ as ‘Option’ has
<AvailableOptions> and <DefaultOption> to indicate the selectable and default options, respectively.
Any modification in the <Information> enclosure is unnecessary and NEVER takes effect.
 <Setting> is the only configurable part in the XML configuration. There are five supported setting
types: ‘Option’, ‘CheckBox’, ‘Numeric’, ‘String’ and ‘Password’. There are various <Setting> enclosures
depending on the setting type. For instance, the accepted values for the setting ‘Option’ in
<SelectedOption> enclosure are listed in <AvailableOptions> enclosure and any other setting values
will cause exception thrown.
 <Subtitle> and <Text> are designed to indicate what is coming up next in the configuration.
 <Help> is designed to provide more explanations for menus and settings.
 <WorkIf> is designed to determine if the setting modification will take effect or not. If <WorkIf>
enclosure is not shown, it implies the modified setting value will always take effect.

In this example XML file, the setting ‘SEL Components’ is enclosed in menu ‘System Event Log’. The setting
configuration will take effect only when <WorkIf> enclosure is evaluated as true (in this case, the setting
‘BMC Support’ is not equal to 0). If the setting value is modified in XML file and <WorkIf> enclosure is

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 50

evaluated as false, the warning messages will indicate that the changes will not take effect. Besides, if the
setting value in <SelectedOption> enclosure is neither ‘Enabled’ nor ‘Disabled’, an exception will be thrown.

Moreover, two or more settings in the XML file might refer to the same variable in the BIN file. In this
scenario, those setting values are expected to be consistent. For example, the setting ‘Quiet Boot’ in the
menu ‘Setup’->’Advanced’->’Boot Feature’ and the setting ‘Quiet Boot’ in the menu ‘Setup’->’Boot’ are
actually two different settings (different settings can have the same name). Indeed, they even refer to the
same variable in the BIN file. If the setting values in these two questions are conflicted in the XML file, SUM
will then throw an exception. For more details on usages, see Appendix E. How to Change BIOS
Configurations in XML Files.


 Unchanged settings can be deleted to skip the update.

 The XML version line and the root <BiosCfg> should not be deleted.
 The XML configuration contains extended ASCII characters, i.e. © , ® and µ . It is
REQUIRED to use a text editor that supports extended ASCII characters (ISO-8859-1
encoding). Otherwise, the extended ASCII characters might be lost after they are
saved. It is suggested that Notepad++ in Windows and Vim in Linux could be used to
view and edit the XML configuration.
 For using tools to edit XML files, please refer to Appendix F. Using the Command Line
Tool (XMLStarlet) to Edit XML Files.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 51

4.5 Format of DMI Information Text File
DMI.txt is designed to display the supported editable DMI items in text format for easier update. An
example below shows how this file demonstrates the DMI information items. Each item consists of an item
name, a short name, a value, and comments.


Version {SYVS} = "A Version" // string value

Serial Number {SYSN} = $DEFAULT$ // string value

UUID {SYUU} = 00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF // 4-2-

2-2-6 formatted 16-byte hex values

// Bytes[ 0-3 ]: The low field of the timestamp

// Bytes[ 4-5 ]: The middle field of the timestamp

// Bytes[ 6-7 ]: The high field of the timestamp (multiplexed with

// the version number)

// Bytes[ 8-9 ]: The clock sequence (multiplexed with the variant)

// Bytes[10-15]: The spatially unique node identifier

// Byte Order :

// UUID {00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF} is stored as

// 33 22 11 00 55 44 77 66 88 99 AA BB CC DD EE FF

 A DMI type is quoted by brackets. DMI information items are next to the DMI type.
 The name of a DMI information item is always followed by its short name.
 The item name and its short name stays at the left side of the "=" character.
 A short name is always enclosed by brackets.
 A value (of one information item) always stays at the right side of the "=" character.
 String values are enclosed by double quotation marks.
 $DEFAULT$ signature without double quotation marks is used to load default value for a string-valued
 There is no default value for non-string-value items.
 Do not use quotation marks for non-string-value items.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 52

 The value type is always shown after a value and begins with "//".
 The value meanings for a non-string-value item are listed next to the item.

In this example, the “Version” DMI item belongs to the “System” DMI type with short name SYVS. It is
string-value by “A Version” and can be changed to any other string value. For the “Serial Number” item, its
value is set as $DEFAULT$. After updating the DMI information, the item value of the “Serial Number” will
be reset to factory default. The UUID item is a specially formatted hex-value item. Its value meanings are
explained next to it.


 You can remove unnecessary DMI items so that its value will not be changed after an
 The DMI type is required for DMI items.
 Each item can be identified either by its short name or by the combination of its item
type and item name.
 Any line begins with "//" will be ignored.
 A version number is included at the beginning of every DMI.txt file. This version
number should not be modified because it is generated by SUM according to the BIOS
of the managed system for DMI version control.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 53

4.6 Format of BMC Configuration XML File
The BMC configuration file is designed to display the supported and editable BMC configuration elements
in XML format for an easier update process. An example below shows how this file demonstrates the BMC
configurable elements.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!--You can remove unnecessary elements so that-->
<!--their values will not be changed after update-->
<StdCfg Action="None">
<!--Supported Action:None/Change-->
<!--Standard BMC configuration tables-->
<FRU Action="Change">
<!--Supported Action:None/Change-->
<!--Configuration for FRU data-->
<!--string value, 0~16 characters-->
<OemCfg Action="Change">
<!--Supported Action:None/Change-->
<!--OEM BMC configuration tables-->
<ServiceEnabling Action="Change">
<!--Supported Action:None/Change-->
<!--Configuration for ServiceEnabling-->

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 54

 The XML version is shown in the first line.
 The root table name is “BmcCfg”. Its name tag pair is <BmcCfg> and </BmcCfg>. All information
belonging to the root table is enclosed between this name tag pair.
 There could be two direct children for the root table: “StdCfg” and “OemCfg”.
 “StdCfg” and “OemCfg” could have child tables.
 Configurable elements are listed in the “Configuration” field of each child table.
 Each configurable element has a name tag pair. The element value is enclosed by its name tag pair.
 Comments could be given following any element or table name tag. Each comment is enclosed by “<!-
-“ and “-->” tags. The supported usage of each element and table are shown in its following
 Configuration tables could have an “Action” attribute. Supported actions are shown in the comments.
If the action is “None”, all the configurations and children of this table will be skipped.
 Configuration tables could contain more table specific attributes in case needed.

In this example, the Action is None for the StdCfg table. As such, SUM will skip updating the element
BoardMfgName of the table FRU. On the other hand, SUM will try to update the value as Enable for the
HTTP element of the ServiceEnabling table in the OemCfg table.


 Child tables or configurable elements can be deleted to skip updates for these tables or
configuration elements.
 Child tables or configurable elements cannot be without parents.
 The XML version line and the root table should not be deleted.
 For using tools to edit XML files, please refer to Appendix F. Using the Command Line
Tool (XMLStarlet) to Edit XML Files.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 55

4.7 Format of RAID Configuration XML File
The RAID configuration file displays editable RAID configuration elements in XML format for easier update.
The example below shows how the RAID configurable elements are demonstrated in this file.

 The XML version is shown in the first line.

 The root table name is “RAIDCfg”. <RAIDCfg> and </RAIDCfg> are its tag pair. All information in the
root table is enclosed between this tag pair.
 There could be two child tags for the root table: “Information” and “RAIDController”.
 “Information” and “RAIDController” could have child tables.
 Configurable elements are listed in the “Configuration” field of each child table.
 Each configurable element has a tag pair. The element value is enclosed by its tag pair.
 Comments may be given following any element or table tag. Each comment is enclosed by the “<!-
“ and “-->” tags. The supported usage of each element and table are shown in the comments that
 Configuration tables may have “Action” attributes. Supported actions are shown in the comments. If
the action is “None”, all configuration and child tables of this table will be skipped.
 Configuration tables may contain more table specific attributes when needed.
 To create a logical volume, the RAIDInfo action should be “Change” and the RAID action should be
“Create”. The “PhysicalDriveList” field must contain all drive IDs for RAID creation and the “ArrayID”
field should be set to “-1”.
 To delete a logical volume, the RAIDinfo action should be “Change”, the RAID action should be
“Delete” and assigned the corresponding logical drive ID or “ALL” to the “DeletingLogicalDriveList”
 To delete all arrays built in the RAID controller, the RAIDinfo action should be “ClearAll”.
 To change RAID configuration, you have to delete the original RAID and create a new RAID with the
“Level”, “Span” and “PhysicalDriveList” fields properly modified.
 To enable the HDD LED in a RAID controller, add the drive ID to the “LocatingPhysicalDriveIDList” field
and set the RAID action to “Locate”.
 To disable the HDD LED in a RAID controller, add the drive ID to the “UnlocatePhysicalDriveIDList”
field and set the RAID action to “Unlocate”.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 56


 Child tables or configurable elements can be deleted to skip the updates for these
tables or configuration elements.
 Child tables or configurable elements must stick to the parent tables.
 The XML version line and the root table should not be deleted.
 Supported RAID level : 0/1/5/6/10/50/60
 Supported span value:
RAID level Span value Minimum number of physical HDD
0 1 1
1 1 2
5 1 3
6 1 3
10 2 or 4 4
50/60 3 or 4 6
 The number of physical hard drives must be a multiple of the "Span" value.
 For using tools to edit XML files, please refer to Appendix F. Using the Command Line
Tool (XMLStarlet) to Edit XML Files.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 57


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<RAIDController Action="Change" DeviceID="0">
<!--Supported Action:None/Change-->
<ControllerProperties Action="None">
<!--Supported Action:None/Change-->
<BiosBootMode>Stop on Error</BiosBootMode>
<!--RAID controller BIOS boot mode, enumerated string value-->
<!--Supported values: Stop on Error/Pause on Error/Ignore Errors/Safe Mode on Error-->
<RAIDInfo Action="Change">
<!--Supported Action:None/Change/ClearAll-->
<RAID Action="None" ArrayID="-1">
<!--Supported Action:None/Add/Delete/Create/Locate/Unlocate-->
<!--Total number of physical drives in this RAID-->
<!--Total number of logical drives in this RAID-->
<!--located physical drives-->
<!--Free size of RAID, unit: MB-->

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 58

<!--For each field, default support Create/Add actions if not specially commented-->
<!--RAID level, enumerated string value-->
<!--Supported values: RAID0/RAID1/RAID5/RAID6/RAID10/RAID50/RAID60-->
<!--Only used for "Create" action-->
<!--PD span value, integer value-->
<!--For RAID 0/1/5/6, valid value is 1-->
<!--For RAID 10, valid value is 2 or 4-->
<!--For RAID 50/60, valid value is 3 or 4-->
<!--Only used for "Create" action-->
<!--Number of physical hard drive must be multiple of "Span" value-->
<!--Physical drive ID list of this RAID, integer values separated by comma.-->
<!--Can not use physical hard drive which present in other RAID.-->
<!--Can not use "Error" status physical HDD.-->
<!--Can not use repeated physical hard drive ID in same RAID.-->
<!--Physical hard drive ID can not use negative number.-->
<!--Physical hard drive count can't be more than 32.-->
<!--For RAID0, minimum number of physical HDD is 1.-->
<!--For RAID1, minimum number of physical HDD is 2.-->
<!--For RAID5, minimum number of physical HDD is 3.-->
<!--For RAID6, minimum number of physical HDD is 3.-->
<!--For RAID10, minimum number of physical HDD is 4.-->
<!--For RAID50, minimum number of physical HDD is 6.-->
<!--For RAID60, minimum number of physical HDD is 6.-->
<!--Only used for "Create" action.-->
<!--Number of new Logical drive to be created/added-->
<!--Integer value, valid value from 1 to 16-->
<!--Can not run "Add" action when RAID has no any physical hard drive.-->

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 59

<!--Only used for "Create" and "Add" action-->
<!--Percentage to use, integer value between 1 and 100.-->
<!--Only used for "Create" and "Add" action-->
<!--Strip size of each logical drive-->
<!--Enumerated integer value, unit is Byte-->
<!--Valid value: 64KB/128KB/256KB/512KB/1MB-->
<!--Default value: 256KB-->
<!--Only used for "Create" and "Add" action-->
<!--Name of logical drive, string value-->
<!--Maximum length: 15, empty string is accepted-->
<!--Only used for "Create" and "Add" action-->
<LogicalDriveReadPolicy>No Read Ahead</LogicalDriveReadPolicy>
<!--Read policy of logical drive, enumerated string value-->
<!--Possible values: No Read Ahead/Always Read Ahead-->
<!--Default value: No Read Ahead-->
<!--The value in this field does not indicate current setting, it is the reference value for configuring
purpose only-->
<!--Only used for "Create" and "Add" action-->
<LogicalDriveWritePolicy>Write Back</LogicalDriveWritePolicy>
<!--Write policy of logical drive, enumerated string value-->
<!--Possible values: Write Through/Write Back/Write Back With BBU-->
<!--Default value: Write Back-->
<!--The value in this field does not indicate current setting, it is the reference value for configuring
purpose only-->
<!--Only used for "Create" and "Add" action-->
<LogicalDriveIoPolicy>Direct IO</LogicalDriveIoPolicy>
<!--IO policy of logical drive, enumerated string value-->
<!--Possible values: Direct IO/Cached IO-->
<!--Default value: Direct IO-->

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 60

<!--The value in this field does not indicate current setting, it is the reference value for configuring
purpose only-->
<!--Only used for "Create" and "Add" action-->
<AccessPolicy>Read Write</AccessPolicy>
<!--Access policy of logical drive, enumerated string value-->
<!--Possible values: Read Write/Read Only/Blocked-->
<!--Default value: Read Write-->
<!--The value in this field does not indicate current setting, it is the reference value for configuring
purpose only-->
<!--Only used for "Create" and "Add" action-->
<!--Cache policy of logical drive, enumerated string value-->
<!--Possible values: UnChanged/Enable/Disable-->
<!--Default value: UnChanged-->
<!--The value in this field does not indicate current setting, it is the reference value for configuring
purpose only-->
<!--Only used for "Create" and "Add" action-->
<InitState>No Init</InitState>
<!--Initial state of logical drive, enumerated string value-->
<!--Possible values: No Init/Quick Init/Full Init-->
<!--Default value: No Init-->
<!--The value in this field does not indicate current setting, it is the reference value for configuring
purpose only-->
<!--Only used for "Create" and "Add" action-->
<!--Logical drive ID list for deleting, integer values separated by comma-->
<!--Logical drive for deleting can not use negative number-->
<!--Logical drive for deleting should be physical hard drive of this RAID-->
<!--Can not use repeated physical hard drive ID in same RAID.-->
<!--All logical physical hard drives of RAID will be deleted when fill "ALL"-->
<!--Can not run "Delete" action when RAID has no any physical hard drive.-->
<!--Only used for "Delete" action.-->
<!--Physical drive ID list for locating: integer values separated by comma-->

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 61

<!--Physical drive for locating can not use negative number-->
<!--Physical drive for locating should be physical hard drive of this RAID-->
<!--All physical hard drives of RAID will be located when fill "ALL"-->
<!--Can not use repeated physical hard drive ID in same RAID.-->
<!--Can not run "Locate" action when RAID has no any physical hard drive.-->
<!--Only used for "Locate" action-->
<!--Physical drive ID list for unlocating: integer values separated by comma-->
<!--Physical drive for unlocating can not use negative number-->
<!--Physical drive for unlocating should be physical hard drive of this RAID-->
<!--All physical hard drives of RAID will be unlocated when fill "ALL"-->
<!--Can not use repeated physical hard drive ID in same RAID.-->
<!--Can not run "Unlocate" action when RAID has no any physical hard drive.-->
<!--Only used for "Unlocate" action-->

 To create an array:
Create a RAID 10 array with Span 2 and 4 HDDs and “ArrayID” field can be set to “-1”:
For array ID “-1”, it will be used when no array exists. The setting enables a dummy array table for you
to create the first array. Note that for the creation action, “ArrayID” is meaningless and array ID will
be generated after the array is created.
<RAIDInfo Action="Change">
<RAID Action="Create" ArrayID="-1">

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 62

 To create two or more arrays:
<RAIDInfo Action="Change">
Array 1
<RAID Action="Create" ArrayID="-1">
Array 2
<RAID Action="Create" ArrayID="-1">
 To delete logical drives:
Delete logical drive 0 and 1 from “Array0”.
<RAIDInfo Action="Change">
<RAID Action="Delete" ArrayID="0">
 To delete an Array:
Use “ALL” to delete every logical drive from “Array0”. After this, “Array0” will be:
<RAIDInfo Action="Change">
<RAID Action="Delete" ArrayID="0">
 To delete all arrays:
Use “ClearAll” to delete every array. After this, every array will disappear.
<RAIDInfo Action="ClearAll">

 Locate HDDs:
Locate HDD1/HDD2/HDD3 in “Array0”. LEDs of HDD1/HDD2/HDD3 will be lighted.
<RAIDInfo Action="Change">
<RAID Action="Locate" ArrayID="0">

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 63

 Unlocate HDDs:
Unlocate HDD1/HDD4 in “Array0”. LEDe of HDD1/HDD4 will be dimmed.
<RAIDInfo Action="Change">
<RAID Action="Unlocate" ArrayID="0">

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 64

4.8 Format of CMM Configuration Text File
The CMM configuration file contains CMM configuration elements in XML format for an easier update
process. An example below shows how this file demonstrates the CMM configurable elements.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!--You can remove unnecessary elements so that-->
<!--their values will not be changed after update-->
<StdCfg Action="None">
<!--Supported Action:None/Change-->
<!--Standard Cmm configuration tables-->
<SOL Action="Change">
<!--Supported Action:None/Change-->
<!--Configuration for SOL properties-->
<OemCfg Action="Change">
<!--Supported Action:None/Change-->
<!--OEM Cmm configuration tables-->
<ServiceEnabling Action="Change">
<!--Supported Action:None/Change-->
<!--Configuration for ServiceEnabling-->

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 65

 The version of the xml file is shown in the first line.
 The root table name is “CmmCfg”. Its name tag pairs are <CmmCfg> and </CmmCfg>. All information
of the root table is enclosed in this name tag pair.
 “StdCfg” and “OemCfg” could be two child tables for the root table.
 “StdCfg” and “OemCfg” could have child tables.
 Configurable elements are listed in the “Configuration” field in each child table.
 Each configurable element has a name tag pair. The element value is enclosed in its name tag pair.
 Comments could be given following any element or table name tag. Each comment is enclosed in the
tags “<!--“ and “-->”. The use of each element and table is shown in its following comments.
 Configuration tables could have “Action” attribute. Supported actions are shown in the comments. If
action is “None”, all the configurations and children of this table will be skipped.
 Configuration tables could contain more specific table attributes in case they are needed.
In this example, the Action is None for the StdCfg table. As such, SUM will skip updating the element Access
of the table SOL. On the other hand, SUM will try to update the value as Enable for the HTTP element of the
ServiceEnabling table in the OemCfg table.


 Child tables or configurable elements can be deleted to skip updates for these tables or
configuration elements.
 Child tables or configurable elements cannot be without parents.
 The XML version line and the root table should not be deleted.
 For using tools to edit XML files, please refer to Appendix F. Using the Command Line
Tool (XMLStarlet) to Edit XML Files.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 66

4.9 TUI
SUM 2.2.0 or later supports the text-based user interface (TUI) to make the edits of the settings more user-
friendly, providing nice visibility, intuitive and lower learning curve. System configurations can be easily
rendered with TUI like BIOS configurations. It supports the operating systems Linux, Windows and FreeBSD.
Some of the features are:

 Easy Operation

With the visual menu, information display is more intuitive than an XML file. A user can make changes
without learning rules. For example, when a function is disabled, all the dependent settings become invalid
or meaningless. TUI will then hide the settings accordingly.

 Real-Time Feedback

SUM with TUI allows a user to check input format settings in real time and get feedback immediately. For
example, when a data constraint violation occurs, an error message pops up in TUI. The user can find out
about errors without waiting for the execution to be completed.

 GUI-Free Environment

In practice, GUI packages are usually not installed on most Unix-like servers. TUI provides an interactive
interface on text-based system without GUI packages.

 Automatic Configuration of Terminal Settings

Terminal settings are automatically configured to ensure display quality.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 67

4.9.1 TUI General Reminders

Note the following information before using TUI.

 The TUI feature is not supported by any terminal multiplexer.

 Do not resize the terminal display while executing a command with the --TUI option.
 For optimized display, SUM automatically configures your terminal settings. Refer to the table below
to see if the related environment variables are changed accordingly.

Operating System Environment Variables Variable Values

Windows code page 437 (US English)

Linux TERM linux

FreeBSD TERM linux

 After you finish using TUI, your original terminal settings will be automatically restored. If restoration
fails, locate and run the shell script "restore_terminal_config.sh" under the current working directory.
The execution command as below:

Linux and FreeBSD:

[shell]# source restore_terminal_config.sh


X:\working directory> restore_terminal_config.bat

 On Windows, please adjust font size by yourself if the font size is too small to operate.

 TUI does not support mouse operation.

 On FreeBSD, when running on local terminal with vt driver (default driver after FreeBSD 11), SUM
changes the font to tui.fnt when entering TUI, and changes the font to default font when exiting TUI.
Users can rename/remove the file ExternalData/tui.fnt to disable this behavior.
 External/tui.fnt is converted from terminus-u12n.bdf by vtfontcvt, check Appendix D for the license.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 68

4.9.2 BIOS TUI Configuration TUI Display

SUM with TUI simulates a BIOS setup design and its display dimension is set to 30 rows by 100 columns. If
SUM fails to resize the terminal with the current terminal settings, it will try to change font type and font
size for optimized display. The commands to change terminal dimensions on different operating systems
are listed in the table below.

Operating System OS Command to Change Terminal Dimensions

Windows mode con lines=30 cols=100

Linux stty cols 100 rows 30

FreeBSD (sc driver) Local host: Change console video mode by vidcontrol command

(vt driver) Local host: Change console font by vidcontrol –f command.

Remote console: stty cols 100 rows 30

Terminal dimensions are automatically changed so that some settings are changed as well.


 The command “GetCurrentBiosCfg” is supported. For details on running the command

GetCurrentBiosCfg, please refer to 5.3.3 Receiving Current BIOS Settings.
 Some settings and requirements may vary on different BIOS systems where TUI is run.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 69 How to Use

 Using Arrow Keys

When you first enter the SUM BIOS Setup Utility, the “Main” root menu setup appears on screen. Press the
arrow keys <RIGHT> and <LEFT> to navigate between menu tabs.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 70

 Setting Values

A “+” symbol before an option on a menu indicates that a sub-menu can be expanded for further
configuration. To change a setting value, you can press the keys <+> and <->. Or you can press the key
<Enter> to call up a dialog box for configuration.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 71

 Using a Check Box to Enable/Disable a Function

Some functions are allowed to be enabled or disabled. To change the setting, press the <Enter> key to call
up a dialog box. Press the <UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys to make a selection. To disable a function, select
Unchecked. To enable a function, select Checked.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 72

 Setting Numeric Values

A value may be limited due to the BIOS. You can press the number keys to enter the desired value, or press
the keys <+> and <-> to adjust your value within the range. If an input value is incorrect, a warning message
appears on screen.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 73 Getting General Help

For general help information, press the <F1> key. A message box appears. Loading Previous Values

To load the previous values to all configurations, press the <F2> key. A message appears for confirmation. Loading Optimized Values

To return all configurations to the default values, press the <F3> key. A message appears for confirmation.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 74 Setting a Password

Go to Security, select Administrator Password and press the <Enter> key to set a password. Note the
following when you set a password:

 If you have already set passwords in your BIOS, a series of three asterisks on the Security page
indicates that a password is created (see the figure below).
 The password length may vary depending on the BIOS you use. For example, the length of the
password can be from 3 to 20 characters long (see the figure below).

A series of three asterisks indicates that a password already exists.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 75 Exiting the Utility

Two methods are available to exit the SUM BIOS Setup Utility.

 To exit the Utility without saving any configurations, press the <ESC> key. A message appears on the
screen for confirmation. Note that this only works on the root menu. You will be returned to the
previous menu when you press the <ESC> key in submenus.

 To save the configurations and exit the Utility, press the <F4> key. A message appears on the screen
for confirmation.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 76

5 Managing a Single System
In this chapter, we describe basic user operations for managing a single system, either through the OOB
channel or, if applicable, through the in-band channel. In-band channel usage is similar to OOB usage
except for several differences:

1. For in-band usage, do not use the -l, -i, -u, -p and -f options.
2. For in-band usage, supported commands and their node product key requirement might be different
(see Appendix B. Management Interface and License Requirements).
3. A Linux driver might be required for in-band usage. For details, please see 2.3 Setting Up In-Band
Managed Systems. If a Linux driver is required and you are executing SUM in this server for the first
time, you have to copy and paste the OS specific driver file "sum_bios.ko" under the
SUM_HOME/driver directory to the SUM_HOME directory. For example, if the OS is RHEL 5.x. execute

[SUM_HOME]# cp ./driver/RHL5_x86_64/sum_bios.ko ./

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 77

5.1 Key Management for a Single System
5.1.1 Activating a Single Managed System

To activate systems individually, follow these steps by using the command “ActivateProductKey”.

1. Obtain a node product key from Supermicro. See 3.1 Receiving Product Keys from Supermicro.
2. Use the following SUM command.

sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c ActivateProductKey --

key <nodeproductkey>



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX –c ActivateProductKey –-

key 1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum –c ActivateProductKey –-key 1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111

5.1.2 Querying the Node Product Keys

To query the node product keys activated in the managed system, use the command “QueryProductKey.”

sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c QueryProductKey



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX –c QueryProductKey


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum –c QueryProductKey

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 78

The console output contains the information below. Each line is a node product key that has been activated
in the managed system. In each line, the first field is the key index while the second field is the key name.
Except for the OOB key, all keys have extra fields describing detailed attributes.

[0] OOB

[1] SFT-DCMS-Single, version: none, invoice: none, creation date: 2017/09/13

05:32:55(Key is good.)

[2] SUM, version: none, invoice: none, creation date: 2014/09/10 09:51:38(Key is


[3] SFT-DCMS-SVC-KEY, version: none, invoice: none, creation date: 2017/09/13

09:52:25(Key is good.)

Number of product keys: 3

5.1.3 Clearing Node Product Key

To clear the activated node product keys in the managed system, use the command “ClearProductKey”.
Before executing the “ClearProductKey command,” query the existing NodeProductKeyName and
NodeProductKeyIndex values from the output of the command “QueryProductKey” (see 5.1.2 Querying
the Node Product Key).

sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c ClearProductKey --

key_name <NodeProductKeyName>

sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c ClearProductKey --

key_index <NodeProductKeyIndex>



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX –c ClearProductKey --

key_name SUM

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 79


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum –c ClearProductKey --key_index 1

In the OOB example, the SUM key will be cleared. In contrast, in the In-band example, the key with index 1
will be cleared.

Note: There is no one-to-one mapping between key name and key index.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 80

5.2 System Checks for a Single System
5.2.1 Checking OOB Support

Use the command “CheckOOBSupport” to check if both BIOS and BMC firmware images support OOB

 If your BMC does not support OOB functions, you can update the BMC firmware image
using the SUM “UpdateBmc” command.
 To update the BIOS in the managed system to support OOB functions, you can use the
SUM “UpdateBios” command (either in-band or OOB) to flash BIOS even when BIOS
does not support OOB functions. For details, see 5.3.2 Updating the BIOS Firmware
Image. However, when using OOB channel, if the onboard BIOS or the BIOS firmware
image does not support OOB functions, the DMI information, such as MB serial
number, might get lost after system reboot.
 If Feature Toggled On is No, all licensed features will be turned OFF and Node Product
Key Activated will be N/A.

Known Limitations:

 If we roll back BIOS from OOB-supported version to non-supported version, the information for “BIOS
build date” and “OOB support in BIOS” fields will not be changed accordingly.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c CheckOOBSupport



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX –c CheckOOBSupport


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum –c CheckOOBSupport

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 81

The console output contains the following information.


Node Product Key Activated.......OOB

Feature Toggled On...............YES


BMC FW Version...................02.41

BMC Supports OOB BIOS Config.....Yes

BMC Supports OOB DMI Edit........Yes


BIOS Board ID....................0660

BIOS Build Date..................2013/9/18

BIOS Supports OOB BIOS Config....Yes

BIOS Supports OOB DMI Edit.......Yes

5.2.2 Checking Asset Information (OOB Only)

Use the command “CheckAssetInfo” to check the asset information for the managed system. On Purley and
later platforms, the add-on devices are displayed by the riser cards to which they are connected.


sum -i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password> -c CheckAssetInfo


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX –c CheckAssetInfo

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 82

The console output is different on different platforms. Examples are provided below.

On platforms before Purley

Supermicro Update Manager (for UEFI BIOS) 2.2.0 (2018/12/27) (x86_64)

Copyright(C)2018 Super Micro Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.



Product Name: SuperPN

Product PartModel Number: SYS-1028U-E1CR4+-1-WM001

Version: 0123456789

Serial Number: SuperSN

UUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-0CC47A3A4094



Product Name: SuperBPN

Version: 1.00

Serial Number: CM144S013179




Family: Intel® Xeon® processor

Manufacturer: Intel(R) Corporation

Version: Intel(R) Genuine processor

Current Speed: 1800 MHz

Enabled Cores: 12

Total Cores: 12

CPU ID: 52 06 05 00 ff fb eb bf

[CPU(2)] N/A

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 83



[MEM(1)] N/A

[MEM(2)] N/A

[MEM(3)] N/A

[MEM(4)] N/A

[MEM(5)] N/A

[MEM(6)] N/A

[MEM(7)] N/A

[MEM(8)] N/A

[MEM(9)] N/A

[MEM(10)] N/A


Locator: P1-DIMMF1

Manufacturer: SK Hynix

Manufacturing Date (YY/WW): 14/05

Part Number: HMA41GR7MFR4N-TFT1

Serial Number: 101E19A4

Size: 8192 MB

Current Speed: 2133 MHz

[MEM(12)] N/A

[MEM(13)] N/A

[MEM(14)] N/A

[MEM(15)] N/A

[MEM(16)] N/A

[MEM(17)] N/A

[MEM(18)] N/A

[MEM(19)] N/A

[MEM(20)] N/A

[MEM(21)] N/A
Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 84
[MEM(22)] N/A

[MEM(23)] N/A

[MEM(24)] N/A

Add-on Network Interface



Device Class: Network controller

Device Subclass: Ethernet controller

Vendor: Intel Corporation (ID:8086)

Subvendor: Super Micro Computer, Inc. (ID:15D9)

Device Name: (ID:1583)

Subsystem Name: (ID:0000)

Serial Number: VA168S018887

Part Number: AOC-S40G-i2Q

MAC Address1: 0CC47A1971AA

Current Speed: 1000Mb/s

MAC Address2: 0CC47A1971AB

Current Speed: 1000Mb/s

Slot Location: 1

Slot Type: SBX3 (Riser)

Add-on PCI Device


Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 85
Device Class: Network controller

Device Subclass: Ethernet controller

Vendor: Intel Corporation (ID:8086)

Subvendor: Super Micro Computer, Inc. (ID:15D9)

Device Name: (ID:1583)

Subsystem Name: (ID:0000)

Slot Location: 1

Slot Type: SBX3 (Riser)

Onboard Network Interface



Device Class: Network controller

Device Subclass: Ethernet controller

Vendor: Intel Corporation (ID:8086)

Subvendor: Super Micro Computer, Inc. (ID:15D9)

Device Name: (ID:1528)

Subsystem Name: AOC-UR-i2XT (ID:085D)

Serial Number: N/A

Part Number: N/A

MAC Address: N/A

Device Status of LAN1: Enabled

Device Type of LAN1: Ethernet

Reference Designation of LAN1: Intel Ethernet X540 #1

Device Status of LAN2: Enabled

Device Type of LAN2: Ethernet

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 86
Reference Designation of LAN2: Intel Ethernet X540 #2

Onboard PCI Device



Device Class: Display controller

Device Subclass: VGA controller (VGA compatible controller)

Vendor: ASPEED Technology Inc. (ID:1A03)

Subvendor: Super Micro Computer, Inc. (ID:15D9)

Device Name: (ID:2000)

Subsystem Name: (ID:091C)

Device Status of Video1: Enabled

Device Type: Video

Reference Designation of Video1: ASPEED Video AST2500


Device Class: Network controller

Device Subclass: Ethernet controller

Vendor: Intel Corporation (ID:8086)

Subvendor: Super Micro Computer, Inc. (ID:15D9)

Device Name: (ID:1528)

Subsystem Name: AOC-UR-i2XT (ID:085D)

Device Status of LAN1: Enabled

Device Type of LAN1: Ethernet

Reference Designation of LAN1: Intel Ethernet X540 #1

Device Status of LAN2: Enabled

Device Type of LAN2: Ethernet

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 87
Reference Designation of LAN2: Intel Ethernet X540 #2

System Network Interface



MAC Address: 0CC47A3A4094

Current Speed: 1000Mb/s


MAC Address: 0CC47A3A4095

Current Speed: 1000Mb/s

IPMI Network Interface



MAC Address: 0CC47A685A67

On Purley and later platforms, output of add-on sections is different from previous example. The new
example is shown below.

Add-on Network Interface


[[[SXB3 (Riser)]]]



Device Class: Network controller

Device Subclass: Ethernet controller

Vendor: (ID:1528)

Subvendor: AOC-UR-i4XT (ID:0847)

Device Name: Intel Corporation (ID:8086)

Subsystem Name: Super Micro Computer, Inc. (ID:15D9)

Serial Number: OA182S021066

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 88

Part Number: AOC-UR-i4XT

MAC Address1: AC1F6B0FEA62

Current Speed1: 0Mb/s

MAC Address1: AC1F6B0FEA63

Current Speed1: 0Mb/s

Slot Number: Onboard

Slot Designation: SXB3


Device Class: Network controller

Device Subclass: Ethernet controller

Vendor: (ID:1528)

Subvendor: AOC-UR-i4XT (ID:0847)

Device Name: Intel Corporation (ID:8086)

Subsystem Name: Super Micro Computer, Inc. (ID:15D9)

Serial Number: OA182S021066

Part Number: AOC-UR-i4XT

MAC Address2: AC1F6B0FEA64

Current Speed2: 1000Mb/s

MAC Address2: AC1F6B0FEA65

Current Speed2: 0Mb/s

Slot Number: Onboard

Slot Designation: SXB3

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 89



Device Class: Network controller

Device Subclass: Ethernet controller

Vendor: (ID:1583)

Subvendor: (ID:0000)

Device Name: Intel Corporation (ID:8086)

Subsystem Name: Super Micro Computer, Inc. (ID:15D9)

Serial Number: VA168S018887

Part Number: AOC-S40G-i2Q

MAC Address1: 0CC47A1971AA

Current Speed1: 0Mb/s

MAC Address1: 0CC47A1971AB

Current Speed1: 0Mb/s

Slot Number: 1

Slot Designation: AOC-UR-i4XT SLOT1 PCI-E 3.0 X8

Add-on PCI Device


[[[SXB3 (Riser)]]]



Device Class: Network controller

Device Subclass: Ethernet controller

Vendor: (ID:1528)
Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 90
Subvendor: AOC-UR-i4XT (ID:0847)

Device Name: Intel Corporation (ID:8086)

Subsystem Name: Super Micro Computer, Inc. (ID:15D9)

Slot Number: Onboard

Slot Designation: SXB3


Device Class: Network controller

Device Subclass: Ethernet controller

Vendor: (ID:1528)

Subvendor: AOC-UR-i4XT (ID:0847)

Device Name: Intel Corporation (ID:8086)

Subsystem Name: Super Micro Computer, Inc. (ID:15D9)

Slot Number: Onboard

Slot Designation: SXB3



Device Class: Network controller

Device Subclass: Ethernet controller

Vendor: (ID:1583)

Subvendor: (ID:0000)

Device Name: Intel Corporation (ID:8086)

Subsystem Name: Super Micro Computer, Inc. (ID:15D9)

Slot Number: 1

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 91

Slot Designation: AOC-UR-i4XT SLOT1 PCI-E 3.0 X8

 Items supported only since X10 Grantley platform and selected systems are: System:
Version, UUID, CPU, BaseBoard, Memory, and Add-on Network Interface.
 Items supported only since X11 Purley platform and selected systems: Onboard
Network Interface, Add-on PCI Device, and Onboard PCI Device.
 Items generally supported are: System: Product Name, Serial Number, System Network
Interface, and IPMI Network Interface.
 Current Speed in Network Interface requires TAS installation in the managed system.
 For riser card chips, its device information will be listed in the add-on card section and
under the label “Onboard”.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 92

5.2.3 Checking Sensor Data (OOB Only)

Use the command “CheckSensorData” to check the sensor data for the managed system.

 Supported sensors vary from different motherboards and firmware images.
 Network add-on card temperature can be retrieved from some X10 or later systems.
 For PS and Chassis Intrusion sensors, the “Reading” field is only used to debug. You
only need to check if the “Status” field shows “OK”.


sum -i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password> -c CheckSensorData


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX –c CheckSensorData

For CPU temperature sensor, the console output contains the following information.

Status | (#)Sensor | Reading | Low Limit | High Limit |

------ | --------- | ------- | --------- | ---------- |

OK | (4) CPU Temp | 48C/118F | N/A | 97C/207F |

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 93

5.2.4 Checking System Utilization (OOB Only)

Use the command “CheckSystemUtilization” to check the device utilization status for the managed system.

 This command requires a TAS agent to collect the system statuses. If a TAS agent is not
installed on the managed system, the system statuses will be shown as N/A.
 The OS of the managed system must be booted for the TAS agent to collect the real-
time device utilization.
 This command is supported since X10 platforms and select systems.


sum -i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password> -c CheckSystemUtilization


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX –c CheckSystemUtilization

The console output contains the following information.

Last Sample Time: 2014-05-16_17:16:02

OS Name: RedHatEnterpriseServer
OS Version: 6.4 x86_64

CPU Utilization: 2.74 %

Memory Utilization: 8 %

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 94

HDD Name: /dev/sdb
Slot number: 1
SMART Status: Ok

HDD name: /dev/sda
SMART Status: Ok
Serial number: Z2AABXL3
Total Partitions: 2
Partition Name: /dev/sda1
Utilization: N/A
Used Space: N/A
Total Space: 17.58 GB
Partition Name: /dev/sda2
Utilization: 22.01 %
Used Space: 3.62 GB
Total Space: 17.30 GB

Volume name: /dev/md126
Controller name: Intel RSTe
Numbers of Drives: 2
HDD name: /dev/sdc
SMART Status: Ok
HDD name: /dev/sdd
SMART Status: Ok

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 95

Total Devices: 2
Device Name: eth0
Utilization: <1 %
Status: up
Device Name: eth1
Utilization: 0 %
Status: down

 RAID Device type LSI, RSTe and NVMe shows only if they have been installed on the host
 When RSTe Device is installed on the host machine, normal Hard Disk type (HDD)
information will not display.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 96

5.3 BIOS Management for a Single System
5.3.1 Getting BIOS Firmware Image Information

Use the command “GetBiosInfo” to receive the BIOS firmware image information from the managed
system as well as the local BIOS firmware image (with option --file).


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c GetBiosInfo [--file

<filename>] [--showall]



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX –c GetBiosInfo --file


The console output contains the following information.

Managed system...........

Board ID.............0660

BIOS build date......2012/10/17

Local BIOS image file.... SMCI_BIOS.rom

Board ID.............0988

BIOS build date......2018/5/7


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum –c GetBiosInfo --file SMCI_BIOS.rom --showall

The console output contains the following information.

Managed system...........

Board ID.............0660

BIOS build date......2012/10/17

Local BIOS image file.... SMCI_BIOS.rom

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 97
Board ID.............0988

BIOS build date......2018/5/7

BIOS version......N/A

RC version: 147.R15

SPS version: v04.

CPU signature: 00 05 06 50

Description: Skylake Server Processor A0

Version: M1350650_8000002B

CPU signature: 00 05 06 51

Description: Skylake Server Processor A2

Version: M1350651_8000002B

CPU signature: 00 05 06 52

Description: Skylake Server Processor B0

Version: M9750652_80000034

CPU signature: 00 05 06 54

Description: Skylake Server Processor H0/H0-QS

Version: M9750654_02000030

BIOS ACM version: v1.3.4

SINIT ACM version: v1.3.2

Device type: RSTe

Device ID: 0

Vendor ID: 0

Device description: RSTe PreOS Components

Version v5.3.0.1052 support: LEGACY|UEFI|SATA|SSATA|VMD|VMDHII

Device type: Apache pass

Device ID: 0

Vendor ID: 0

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 98

Device description: NVM DIMM UEFI and HII Driver

Version v01.00.01.1011 support: UEFI

Device type: PCH XGBE

Device ID: 0

Vendor ID: 0

Device description: FPK 10 GbE

Version v3.49_80000C92 support: LEGACY|UEFI|PXE

Device type: VGA

Device ID: 0

Vendor ID: 0

Device description: Aspeed VGA

Version v1.03.01 support: LEGACY|UEFI

Device type: Generic LAN

Device ID: 0

Vendor ID: 0

Device description: Intel X540

Version v4.9.10 support: UEFI

Version v2.2.05 support: LEGACY|PXE

5.3.2 Updating the BIOS Firmware Image

Use the command “UpdateBios” with BIOS firmware image SMCI_BIOS.rom to run SUM to update the
managed system.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c UpdateBios --file

<filename> [options…]

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 99

Option Commands Descriptions

--reboot Forces the managed system to reboot.

--flash_smbios Overwrites SMBIOS data.

--preserve_mer Preserves ME firmware region.

--preserve_nv Preserves NVRAM.

--preserve_setting Preserves setting configurations.


 Before performing the OOB UpdateBios command, it is recommended to shut down

the managed system first.
 When doing in-band UpdateBios command, SUM will disable watchdog and unload
me/mei driver from the OS if it exists.
 With the Server ME embedded on the Supermicro system, you may encounter a
problem executing the in-band SUM command “UpdateBios” when the Client ME
driver (MEIx64) is installed on the Windows platform. To prevent the system from
hanging, you need to remove the driver before updating BIOS. The steps are displayed
upon detection.
 When using SSH connection to do in-band UpdateBios command, SSH timeout on both
client and server side should be adjusted to avoid broken pipe during command
execution. Typical execution time is within 30 minutes. Timeout value should be longer
than 30 minutes.
 If the updated BIOS FDT (Flash Descriptor Table) is different from the current BIOS FDT
or if ME protection needs to be disabled when the in-band UpdateBios command is
executed, a warning message stating necessary actions is displayed.
 When multiple boot is installed, we should use default boot OS to run this command so
that when FDT is different, the jumper-less solution can continue updating BIOS after
the first reboot.
 OOB UpdateBios command has not been supported for MBs that implemented client
ME such as X11SAE-F, X11SAT-F, X11SSZ-(Q)F/LN4F, X11SBA-(LN4)F and C7-series.
 X9DRL-3F/-iF MB does not support OOB update BIOS and OOB/In-band DMI
information related commands.
 Signed BIOS update is supported.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 100



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c UpdateBios --file

SMCI_BIOS.rom --reboot


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c UpdateBios --file SMCI_BIOS.rom --reboot


 The OOB usage of this function is available when the BMC node product key is
 The in-band usage of this function does not require node product key activation.
 The firmware image can be successfully updated only when the board ID of the
firmware image and the managed system are the same.
 You have to reboot or power up the managed system for the changes to take effect.
 When using an OOB channel, if the onboard BIOS or the BIOS firmware image does not
support OOB functions, the DMI information, such as the motherboard serial number,
might be lost after system reboot.
 DO NOT flash BIOS and BMC firmware images at the same time.
 --preserve_nv and --flash_smbios options cannot be used at the same time.
 --flash_smbios option is used to erase and restore SMBIOS information as factory
default values. Unless you are familiar with SMBIOS data, do not use this option.
 --preserve_nv option is used to preserve BIOS NVRAM data. Unless you are familiar
with BIOS NVRAM, do not use this option.
 --preserve_mer option is used to preserve ME firmware region. Unless you are familiar
with ME firmware region, do not use this option.
 --preserve_setting option requires SFT-OOB-LIC key (both OOB and In-Band) and it is
only supported on Purley and later platforms. The preserved setting configurations will
be listed in a preserved_settings.log. Another way to know which BIOS setting is
preserved is to run the commands GetCurrentBioscfg and GetDefaultBioscfg after BIOS
updated. Compare the two files and the different values between these two files are
the preserved settings.
 The firmware verification to update the BMC is supported. SUM prevents the BMC
from being updated with unauthorized firmware.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 101

5.3.3 Receiving Current BIOS Settings

Use the command “GetCurrentBiosCfg” to execute SUM to get the current BIOS settings from the managed
system and save it in USER_SETUP.file.


 This BIOS configuration file is synchronized to the BMC from the BIOS when the system
reboots or powers up.
 If the customer has flashed BMC firmware image, this function will not work until the
managed system is first rebooted or powered up.
 Purley and newer platforms support HII. The current BIOS settings will be generated as
XML and plain text formats for HII and DAT respectively.
 The XML file of BIOS configuration contains extended ASCII characters. Please use ISO
8859-1 encoding to view BIOS configuration XML file.
 SUM 2.2.0 or later supports text-based user interface. For details, refer to 4.9 TUI.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c GetCurrentBiosCfg --

file <USER_SETUP.file> [--overwrite] [--tui]



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c GetCurrentBiosCfg --

file USER_SETUP.file --overwrite


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c GetCurrentBiosCfg --file USER_SETUP.file –overwrite

5.3.4 Updating BIOS Settings Based on the Current BIOS Settings

1. Follow the steps in 5.3.3 Receiving Current BIOS Settings.

2. Edit the item/variable values in the user setup text file USER_SETUP.file to the desired values as
illustrated in 4.3 Format of BIOS Settings Text File (for DAT) or 4.4 Format of BIOS Settings XML File
(for HII).

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 102

3. Remove unchanged settings/menus in the BIOS configuration file. Note that this step is optional. For
details, see Appendix G. Removing Unchanged BIOS Settings in an XML File.
4. Use the command “ChangeBiosCfg” with the updated file USER_SETUP.file to run SUM to update the
BIOS configuration.


 The editable BIOS configuration items may be changed for different BIOS versions.
Please make sure the BIOS configurations are consistent with the BIOS version on the
managed system.
 The uploaded configuration will only take effect after a system reboot or power up.
 For HII, when the new BIOS firmware image is flashed, there may be conflicts between
the BIOS configuration file and the latest BIOS configuration in the managed system. The
current BIOS configuration file should be re-downloaded, re-modified and then updated.
 When hardware resources are changed, a previously downloaded BIOS configuration file
may become outdated. When a BIOS configuration file is inconsistent with the latest
BIOS configuration in the managed system, using the options --skip_unknown and--
skip_bbs may solve the problem.
For instance, when an AOC has been removed from the managed system, the BIOS
configuration for the related menus or settings may become invalid. The option --
skip_unknown is designed to skip all invalid menus and settings in the latest BIOS
configuration in the managed system.
In another example, when a hard disk device is changed, the option string in the Option
setting in the BBS related menus may become invalid as well. The option --skip_bbs is
designed to skip all BBS related menus. The “related BBS menu” is defined as owning
“Priorities” in its name and “Boot” for its parent menu.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 103


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c ChangeBiosCfg --file

<USER_SETUP.file> [--reboot]



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c ChangeBiosCfg --file

USER_SETUP.file --reboot


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c ChangeBiosCfg --file USER_SETUP.file --reboot

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 104

5.3.5 Receiving Factory BIOS Settings

Use the command “GetDefaultBiosCfg” to execute SUM to get the default factory BIOS settings from the
managed system and save it in the USER_SETUP.file file.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c GetDefaultBiosCfg --

file <USER_SETUP.file> [--overwrite]



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c GetDefaultBiosCfg --

file USER_SETUP.txt --overwrite


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c GetDefaultBiosCfg --file USER_SETUP.file --overwrite

5.3.6 Updating BIOS Settings Based on the Factory Settings

1. Follow the steps in 5.3.5 Receiving Factory BIOS Settings.

2. Follow steps 2 to 4 in 5.3.4 Updating BIOS Settings Based on the Current BIOS Settings.

5.3.7 Loading Factory BIOS Settings

Use the command LoadDefaultBiosCfg to execute SUM to reset the BIOS settings of the managed system to
the factory default settings.

Note: The uploaded configuration will take effect only after a reboot or power up.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c LoadDefaultBiosCfg [--


Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 105


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c LoadDefaultBiosCfg --



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c LoadDefaultBiosCfg --reboot

5.3.8 Receiving DMI Information

Use the command “GetDmiInfo” to execute SUM to get the current supported editable DMI information
from the managed system and save it in the DMI.txt file.

 This DMI file is synchronized to BMC from BIOS when the system reboots or powers up.
 If the customer has flashed BMC firmware image, this function will not work until the
managed system is first rebooted or powered up.
 The supported editable DMI items could vary from BIOS to BIOS. SUM will only show
supported items.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c GetDmiInfo --file

<DMI.txt> [--overwrite]



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c GetDmiInfo --file

DMI.txt --overwrite


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c GetDmiInfo --file DMI.txt --overwrite

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 106

5.3.9 Editing DMI Information

There are two ways to edit DMI information for the managed system. You can either execute the
EditDmiInfo command or manually edit the received DMI.txt file.

Manually Editing

1. Follow the steps in 5.3.8 Receiving DMI Information to receive the DMI information text file (DMI.txt).
2. Replace the item values in the DMI.txt file with the desired values illustrated in 4.5 Format of DMI
Information Text File.
3. Remove the unchanged items in the text file. Note that this step is optional.

Note: The supported editable DMI items may be changed for different BIOS versions. The
version variable of the DMI.txt file must be the same as that from the managed system and
should not be edited.

Executing the EditDmiInfo Command

The EditDmiInfo command will only update (or add) the specified DMI item in the specified DMI.txt file.
When you edit from an empty file, a new file will be created. You can specify a DMI item using [--item_type,
--item_name] options or using --shn option with the item’s short name. The editable item type, item name
and item short name can be found in the DMI.txt file. To receive a DMI.txt file, follow the steps in 5.3.8
Receiving DMI Information.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c EditDmiInfo --file

<DMI.txt> --item_type <Item Type> --item_name <Item Name> --value <Item Value>

sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c EditDmiInfo --file

<DMI.txt> --shn <Item Short Name> --value <Item Value>

sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c EditDmiInfo --file

<DMI.txt> --shn <Item Short Name> --default


Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 107


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c EditDmiInfo --file

DMI.txt --item_type "System" --item_name "Version" --value "1.02"

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c EditDmiInfo --file

DMI.txt --shn SYVS --value "1.02"

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c EditDmiInfo --file

DMI.txt --shn SYVS --default


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c EditDmiInfo --file DMI.txt --shn SYVS --value 1.01

5.3.10 Updating DMI Information

1. Follow the steps in 5.3.9 Editing DMI Information to prepare the edited DMI.txt file for updating DMI
2. Use the command ChangeDmiInfo with the edited DMI.txt file to run SUM to update the DMI


 The supported editable DMI items may be changed for different BIOS versions. The
version variable of the DMI.txt file must be the same as that from the managed system
and should not be edited.
 The uploaded information will only take effect after a system reboots or powers up.
 X9DRL-3F/-iF MB does not support DMI related functions.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c ChangeDmiInfo --file

<DMI.txt> [--reboot]



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c ChangeDmiInfo --file

DMI.txt --reboot

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 108


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c ChangeDmiInfo --file DMI.txt --reboot

5.3.11 Setting Up BIOS Action

Use the command “SetBiosAction” to execute SUM to show or hide the settings related to BBS priority.

Note: The uploaded configurations will take effect only after the system is rebooted or
powered up.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c SetBiosAction --BBS

<yes/no> [--reboot]



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c SetBiosAction --BBS yes



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c SetBiosAction --BBS no --reboot

5.3.12 Setting Up a BIOS Administrator Password

Use the command “SetBiosPassword” to execute SUM to update BIOS Administrator password.

Note: The uploaded new password will take effect only after the system is rebooted or
powered up.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c SetBiosPassword

–-new_password <new password> --confirm_password <confirm password> [--reboot]

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 109



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c SetBiosPassword

--new_password 123456 --confirm_password 123456 --reboot


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c SetBiosPassword --new_password 123456 --confirm_password

123456 --reboot

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 110

5.4 BMC Management for a Single System
5.4.1 Getting BMC Firmware Image Information

Use the command “GetBmcInfo” to receive the BMC firmware image information from the managed
system as well as the BMC firmware image.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c GetBmcInfo [--file




[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX –c GetBmcInfo --file



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c GetBmcInfo --file SMCI_BMC.rom

The console output contains the following information.

Managed system............
BMC type..............X11_ATEN_AST2500_2
BMC version...........12.63.00
BMC ext. version......01 00 00
Local BMC image file......SMCI_BMC.rom
BMC type..............X11_ATEN_AST2500_2
BMC version...........12.63.00

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 111

5.4.2 Updating the BMC Firmware Image

Use the command “UpdateBmc” with BMC firmware image SMCI_BMC.rom to run SUM to update the
managed system.


 BMC will be reset after updating.

 BMC configurations will be preserved by default after updating unless --overwrite_cfg
option is used.
 DO NOT flash BIOS and BMC firmware images at the same time.
 “UpdateBmc” command does not support AMI BMC FW. For OOB “UpdateBmc” usage,
please use SUM version 1.4.2.
 --overwrite_cfg option overwrites the current BMC configuration using the factory
default values in the given BMC image file.
 --overwrite_sdr option overwrites current BMC SDR data. For AMI BMC FW, it is also
required to use the --overwrite_cfg option.
 Signed BMC update is supported.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c UpdateBmc --file

<filename> [--overwrite_cfg] [--overwrite_sdr]



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c UpdateBmc --file



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c UpdateBmc --file SMCI_BMC.rom

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 112

5.4.3 Receiving BMC Settings

Use the command “GetBmcCfg” to execute SUM to get the current BMC settings from the managed system
and save it in the BMCCfg.xml file.


• Received tables/elements might not be identical between two managed systems. Only
supported tables/elements for the managed system will be received.
• SUM gets/changes syslog table in BMC configuration through HTTPS so that syslog
information in BMC conguration will be lost if HTTPS is disabled.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c GetBmcCfg --file

<BMCCfg.xml> [--overwrite]



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c GetBmcCfg --file

BMCCfg.xml --overwrite


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c GetBmcCfg --file BMCCfg.xml --overwrite

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 113

5.4.4 Updating BMC Settings

1. Follow the steps in 5.4.3 Receiving BMC settings.

2. Edit the configurable element values in the BMC configuration text file BMCCfg.xml to the desired
values as illustrated in 4.6 Format of BMC Configuration Text File.
3. Skip unchanged tables in the text file by setting the Action attribute as “None”. Note that this step is
4. Remove unchanged tables/elements in the text file. Note that this step is optional.
5. Use the command ChangeBmcCfg with the updated BMCCfg.xml file to run SUM to update the BMC


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c ChangeBmcCfg --file




[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c ChangeBmcCfg --file



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c ChangeBmcCfg --file BMCCfg.xml

Note: The connection could drop if the LAN configuration is changed.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 114

5.4.5 Installing BMC Certification
To enhance security, SUM supports identity certification, which allows a user to upload a certification file
to the BMC. The example below shows how a certificate file and key should be set up in the BMC
configuration file.

<Certification Action="Change">
<!--Supported Action:None/Change-->
<CertStartDate>Jul 27 00:00:00 2018 GMT</CertStartDate>
<CertEndDate>Jul 27 00:00:00 2021 GMT</CertEndDate>
<!--Configurations for BMC certifications-->
<!--string value; path to file-->
<!--string value; path to file-->
<!--BMC will be reset after uploading this file-->

 To set the value in <CertFile></CertFile>

a file path(/home/test/) follow by a filename(cert.pem)
 To set the value in < PrivKeyFile ></ PrivKeyFile >
a file path(/home/test/) follow by a filename(key.pem)

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 115

5.5 Event Log Management for a Single System
5.5.1 Getting System Event Log

Use the command “GetEventLog” to execute SUM to show the current system event log (including both
BIOS and BMC event log) from the managed system. With the --file option, the event log can be saved in
the EventLog.txt file.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c GetEventLog [--file

<EventLog.txt>] [--overwrite]



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c GetEventLog --file

EventLog.txt --overwrite


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c GetEventLog --file EventLog.txt --overwrite

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 116

5.5.2 Clearing System Event Log

Use the command “ClearEventLog” to execute SUM to clear the event log (both BMC and BIOS event log) in
the managed system.


 BIOS event log in BMC will be cleared immediately.

 BIOS event log in BIOS will be cleared only after system BIOS reboot.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c ClearEventLog [--




[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c ClearEventLog --reboot


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c ClearEventLog --reboot

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 117

5.6 CMM Management for a Single System (OOB Only)
The CMM provides total remote control of individual blade server nodes, power supplies, power fans, and
networking switches. The controller is a separate processor, allowing all monitoring and control functions
to operate flawlessly regardless of CPU operation or system power-on status.

Note: Three models of 7U SuperBlade CMMs, including SBM-CMM-001, BMB-CMM-002

(mini-CMM) and SBM-CMM-003 are no longer supported.

5.6.1 Receiving CMM Firmware Image Information

Use the command “GetCmmInfo” to receive the CMM firmware image information from the managed
system as well as the CMM firmware image.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c GetCmmInfo [--file



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX –c GetCmmInfo --file


The console output contains the following information.

Managed system...........
CMM type.............MicroCMM
CMM version..........09.01
Local CMM image file.....SMCI_CMM.rom
CMM type.............MicroCMM
CMM version..........09.10

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 118

5.6.2 Updating the CMM Firmware Image

Use the command “UpdateCmm” with the CMM firmware image SMCI_CMM.rom to update the managed


 CMM will be reset after updating.

 CMM configurations will be preserved after updating unless the --overwrite_cfg option
is used.
 DO NOT flash BIOS and BMC firmware images at the same time.
 For OOB UpdateCmm usage, please use SUM version 1.6.2 or later.
 The --overwrite_cfg option overwrites the current CMM configurations, including
network settings using factory default values in the given CMM firmware image. This
might cause the IPMI connection to be lost.
 If the CMM FW web server becomes unreachable after CMM FW is updated, use the
ipmitool to troubleshoot. Follow these steps:
a. Reset CMM.
$ ipmitool -H ${CMM_IP} -U {CMM_USER} -P {CMM_PASSWD} raw 0x30 0x34 0x05
b. Wait for 3 minutes and then check if the CMM web is reachable. If it is reachable,
the troubleshooting is done.
c. If the CMM web is still unreachable, load the CMM factory defaults.
(Note: All CMM settings except LAN/FRU will be LOST.)
$ ipmitool -H ${CMM_IP} -U {CMM_USER} -P {CMM_PASSWD} raw 0x30 0x33 0x14
d. Wait for 3 minutes and check the CMM web again.

sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c UpdateCmm --file

<filename> [--overwrite_cfg]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c UpdateCmm --file


Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 119

5.6.3 Receiving CMM Settings

Use the command “GetCmmCfg” to execute SUM to get the current CMM settings from the managed
system and save them in the CMMCfg.xml file.

Note: Received tables/elements might not be identical between two managed systems. Only
tables/elements supported for the managed system will be received.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c GetCmmCfg --file

<CMMCfg.xml> [--overwrite]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c GetCmmCfg --file

CMMCfg.xml --overwrite

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 120

5.6.4 Updating CMM Settings

1. Follow the steps in 5.6.3 Receiving CMM settings.

2. Edit the configurable element values in the CMM configuration file CMMCfg.xml to the desired values
as illustrated in 4.8 Format of CMM Configuration Text File.
3. Set the Action attribute as “None” to skip the unchanged tables in the text file. Note that this step is
4. Remove unchanged tables/elements in the text file. Note that this step is optional.
5. Use the command ChangeCmmCfg with the updated CMMCfg.xml file to run SUM to update the CMM

sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c ChangeCmmCfg --file



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c ChangeCmmCfg --file


Note: The connection might be lost if the LAN configuration is changed.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 121

5.7 Applications for a Single System (OOB Only)
5.7.1 Providing an ISO Image as a Virtual Media through BMC and File

Use the command “MountIsoImage” to mount ISO image as a virtual media to the managed system
through SAMBA/HTTP server.


sum -i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password> -c MountIsoImage --

image_url <URL> [--id <id for URL> --pw <password for URL>]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c MountIsoImage --

image_url 'smb://' --id smbid --pw


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c MountIsoImage --

image_url '' --id smbid --pw


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c MountIsoImage --

image_url '\\\MySharedPoint\MyFolder\Image.iso' --id smbid --pw


Note: Space character is prohibited for SAMBA password.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 122

5.7.2 Removing ISO Image as a Virtual Media

Use the command “UnmountIsoImage” to remove ISO image as a virtual media from the managed system.


sum -i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password> -c UnmountIsoImage


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c UnmountIsoImage

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 123

5.8 Storage Management for a Single System
5.8.1 Getting RAID Firmware Image Information

Use the command “GetRaidControllerInfo” to receive the RAID firmware image information from the
managed system or the RAID firmware image.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c GetRaidControllerInfo

[--file <filename>] [--dev_id <controller_id>]



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX –c GetRaidControllerInfo

--file RAID.rom


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum –c GetRaidControllerInfo --file RAID.rom

The console output contains the following information.

Managed System........................

Device ID............................. Device 0

Product Name.......................... AVAGO 3108 MegaRAID

Serial................................ N/A

Package............................... 24.18.0-0021

Firmware Version...................... 4.670.00-6500

BIOS Version..........................

Boot Block Version....................

Local RAID Firmware Image File........ AVAGO_3108_4.680.00-8290.rom

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 124

Product Name.......................... AVAGO 3108 MegaRAID

Package............................... 24.21.0-0028

Firmware Version...................... 4.680.00-8290

BIOS Version..........................

Boot Block Version....................

5.8.2 Updating the RAID Firmware Image (OOB Only)

Use the command UpdateRaidController with RAID firmware image RAID.rom to update the managed


The command “UpdateRaidController” is supported by the following firmware images:

 RAID firmware image of version 4.650.00-8095 and later.

 For Grantley platform, BMC firmware images of version REDFISH 3.52 and later.
 For Greenlow platform, BMC firmware images of version ATEN X11 1.33 and later.
 For Purley platform, BMC firmware images of version ATEN X11DP 1.10 and later.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c UpdateRaidController

--file <filename> --dev_id <RAID controller device ID> [--reboot]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c UpdateRaidController --

file RAID.rom --reboot

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 125

5.8.3 Receiving RAID Settings

Use the command “GetRaidCfg” to execute SUM to get the current RAID settings from the managed system
and save it in the RAIDCfg.xml file.

Note: The received tables/elements between the two managed systems might not be
identical. Only the supported tables/elements for the managed system will be received.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c GetRaidCfg --file

<RAIDCfg.xml> [--overwrite]



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c GetRaidCfg --file

RAIDCfg.xml --overwrite


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c GetRaidCfg --file RAIDCfg.xml --overwrite

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 126

5.8.4 Updating RAID Settings

1. Follow the steps in 5.8.3 Receiving RAID Settings.

2. Edit the configurable element values in the RAID configuration text file RAIDCfg.xml as illustrated in
4.7 Format of RAID Configuration Text File.
3. Set the Action attribute as “None” to skip the unchanged tables in the text file. Note that this step is
4. Remove the unchanged tables/elements in the text file. Note that this step is optional.
5. Use the command “ChangeRaidCfg” with the updated RAIDCfg.xml file to run SUM to update the RAID


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c ChangeRaidCfg --file




[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c ChangeRaidCfg --file



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c ChangeRaidCfg --file RAIDCfg.xml

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 127

5.8.5 Getting SATA HDD Information (OOB Only)

Use the command “GetSataInfo” to get the current SATA HDD information under on-board AHCI controller
from the managed system.


sum -i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password> -c GetSataInfo


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c GetSataInfo

The console output contains the following information.

SATA HDD Information



Controller Name: PCH SATA

Configuration Type: AHCI

Slot ID: 0

Slot Populated: Yes

Model Name: INTEL SSDSC2BB120G4

Serial Number: PHWL542502J2120LGN

HDD Firmware Version: D201037

S.M.A.R.T. Supported: Yes

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 128

5.8.6 Getting NVMe Information

Use the command “GetNvmeInfo” to get the current NVMe information from the managed system.


sum -i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password> -c GetNvmeInfo [--dev_id

<device_id> ]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c GetNvmeInfo --dev_id 0

The console output contains the following information.

NVMe Device information

[NVMe Controller(1)]
Group ID: 0
[NVMe SSD(1)]
Slot: 0
Temperature: 37 degree C
Device Class: Mass storage controller
Device SubClass: Non-Volatile memory controller
Device Program Interface: NVM express
Vendor Name: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Serial Number: S1NONYAF800079
Model Number: MZWEI400HAGM-0003
Port 0 Max Link Speed: 8 GT/s
Port 0 Max Link Width: x4
Port 1 Max Link Speed: N/A
Port 1 Max Link Width: N/A
Initial Power Requirement: 10 Watts
Max Power Requirement: 25 Watts
Located Status: Not Located

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 129

5.9 PSU Management for a Single System
5.9.1 Getting PSU Information

Use the command “GetPsuInfo” to get the current PSU information from the managed system.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c GetPsuInfo



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX –c GetPsuInfo


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum –c GetPsuInfo

The console output contains the following information.

[Module 1](SlaveAddress = 0x78)

PWS Module Number: PWS-605P-1H
PWS Serial Number: P605A0E39B07611
PWS Revision: REV1.1
PMBus Revision: 0x8B22
Status: [STATUS OK](00h)
AC Input Voltage: 122.00 V
AC Input Current: 0.46 A
DC 12V Output Voltage: 12.38 V
DC 12V Output Current: 4.50 A
Temperature 1: 25 C
Temperature 2: 53 C
Fan 1: 2688 RPM
Fan 2: N/A
DC 12V Output Power: 55 W
AC Input Power: 55 W

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 130

5.9.2 Updating the PSU Firmware Image

Use the command “UpdatePsu” with PSU firmware image SMCI_PSU.x0 and the PSU slave address to run
SUM to update the managed system.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c UpdatePsu --file

<filename> --address <PSU slave address>



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c UpdatePsu --file

SMCI_PSU.x0 --address 0x80


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c UpdatePsu --file SMCI_PSU.x0 --address 0x80


 This command is supported by the following PSU modules: PWS-2K04A-1R and PWS-
 During PSU firmware updating process, the updated PSU will be powered off.
Therefore, system needs to connect to at least two PSUs to support this command.
 Slave address of the PSU that needs to be updated can be found by executing
“GetPsuInfo” command.
 The updated PSU will be rebooted automatically when firmware update completes.
 PSU updated on the system with LCMC is only supported on Purley and later platforms.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 131

5.10 TPM Management for a Single System
Before Purley, the command “TpmProvision” can be executed to enable TPM module capabilities and clear
TPM module capabilities for the managed system.

For Purley and later platforms, through OTA TPM technologies, the commands “GetTpmInfo” and
“TpmManage” can be executed to receive TPM information and manage TPM, respectively. Since SUM
2.2.0, SUM has two implementations for OTA TPM management: Intel OTA and SMCI OTA. Intel OTA
solution can support OOB usages while SMCI OTA solution can support both in-band and OOB usages.
Depending on product design, either solution is implemented for the managed system. Supported OTA
solution can be obtained on the output of the command “GetTpmInfo”. For more detailed information,
please contact technical support.

The detailed information of TPM features are listed in the tables below.

Management Interface Supported Node Product Key Required

on the Managed System
Out-Of-Band In-Band
(Remote) (Local)
TpmProvision Yes No Required
GetTpmInfo (SMCI OTA) Yes Yes Required
GetTpmInfo (Intel OTA) Yes No Required
TpmManage (SMCI OTA) Yes Yes Required
TpmManage (Intel OTA) Yes No Required

HW & FW Compatibility
Without BMC With BMC
SUM (OOB & In-Band) Platform supported
Solution Feature Before Purley
listed in the “With Purley and later platforms
BMC columns”

TpmProvision No Yes No
GetTpmInfo (SMCI OTA) No No Yes
GetTpmInfo (Intel OTA) No No Yes
TpmManage (SMCI OTA) No No Yes
TpmManage (Intel OTA) No No Yes

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 132

5.10.1 Getting TPM Information

On Purley and later platforms, use the command “GetTpmInfo” to receive the TPM module information
from the managed system.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c GetTpmInfo [--showall]



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX –c GetTpmInfo --showall


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum –c GetTpmInfo --showall

The console output contains the following information when installing the TPM 1.2 module.

Supermicro Update Manager (for UEFI BIOS) 2.1.0 (2018/02/09) (x86_64)

Copyright(C)2018 Super Micro Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.

Query through SMCI OTA

TPM Information


TXT Support: Yes

TPM Support: dTPM supported

TXT Status: Disabled

dTPM Status: Enabled

fTPM Status: Disabled

TPM Version: TPM 1.2

TPM Provisioned: Yes

TPM Ownership: No

TPM PS NV Index write-protected: No

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 133

TPM AUX NV Index write-protected: No

TPM PO NV Index write-protected: No

TPM Locked: Yes

TPM 1.2 PS NV index LCP Definition


[NV Public Data]

Tag: 0x0018

NV index: 0x50000001

ReadSizeOfSelect: 0x0003

ReadPCRSelect[0]: 0x00

ReadPCRSelect[1]: 0x00

ReadPCRSelect[2]: 0x00

ReadLocalityAtRelease: 0x1F


00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00

WriteSizeOfSelect: 0x0003

WritePCRSelect[0]: 0x00

WritePCRSelect[1]: 0x00

WritePCRSelect[2]: 0x00

WriteLocalityAtRelease: 0x1F


00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00

Tag1: 0x0017

Attributes: 0x00002000

bReadSTClear: 0x00

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 134

bWriteSTClear: 0x00

bWriteSDefine: 0x01

LCP Policy:

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 32 63

66 33 65 39 E1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 0E 39 02

00 00 00 00 88 78

TPM 1.2 AUX NV index LCP Definition


[NV Public Data]

Tag: 0x0018

NV index: 0x50000003

ReadSizeOfSelect: 0x0003

ReadPCRSelect[0]: 0x00

ReadPCRSelect[1]: 0x00

ReadPCRSelect[2]: 0x00

ReadLocalityAtRelease: 0x1F


00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00

WriteSizeOfSelect: 0x0003

WritePCRSelect[0]: 0x00

WritePCRSelect[1]: 0x00

WritePCRSelect[2]: 0x00

WriteLocalityAtRelease: 0x18


00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 135

Tag1: 0x0017

Attributes: 0x00000000

bReadSTClear: 0x00

bWriteSTClear: 0x00

bWriteSDefine: 0x00

LCP Policy:

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

TPM 1.2 PPI NV index LCP Definition


[NV Public Data]

Tag: 0x0018

NV index: 0x50010000

ReadSizeOfSelect: 0x0003

ReadPCRSelect[0]: 0x00

ReadPCRSelect[1]: 0x00

ReadPCRSelect[2]: 0x00

ReadLocalityAtRelease: 0x1F


00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00

WriteSizeOfSelect: 0x0003

WritePCRSelect[0]: 0x00

WritePCRSelect[1]: 0x00

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 136

WritePCRSelect[2]: 0x00

WriteLocalityAtRelease: 0x1F


00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00

Tag1: 0x0017

Attributes: 0x00000001

bReadSTClear: 0x00

bWriteSTClear: 0x00

bWriteSDefine: 0x00

LCP Policy:

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

TPM 1.2 Capability Flags


[Volatile Flags]

deactivated: 0

disableForceClear: 0

physicalPresence: 0

physicalPresenceLock: 1

bGlobalLock: 0

[Permanent Flags]

disable: 0

ownership: 1

deactivated: 0

readPubEK: 1

disableOwnerClear: 0

allowMaintenance: 0

physicalPresenceLifetimeLock: 0

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 137

physicalPresenceHWEnable: 0

physicalPresenceCMDEnable: 1


enableRevokeEK: 0

nvLocked: 1

tpmEstablished: 0

The console output contains the following information when installing the TPM 2.0 module.

Supermicro Update Manager (for UEFI BIOS) 2.1.0 (2018/02/09) (x86_64)

Copyright(C)2018 Super Micro Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.

Query through SMCI OTA

TPM Information


TXT Support: Yes

TPM Support: dTPM supported

TXT Status: Enabled

dTPM Status: Enabled

fTPM Status: Disabled

TPM Version: TPM 2.0

TPM Provisioned: Yes

TPM Ownership: No

TPM PS NV Index write-protected: No

TPM AUX NV Index write-protected: No

TPM PO NV Index write-protected: No

TPM 2.0 PS NV index LCP Definition


[NV Public Data]

NvIndex: 0x01C10103

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 138

NameAlg: SHA256

Attributes: 0x62040408

PPWrite: 0

OWNERWrite: 0

AuthWrite: 0

PolicyWrite: 1

Counter: 0

Bits: 0

Extend: 0

PolicyDelete: 1

WriteLocked: 0

WriteAll: 0

WriteDefine: 0

WriteStClear: 0

GlobalLock: 0

PPRead: 0

OwnerRead: 0

AuthRead: 1

PolicyRead: 0

NoDA: 1

Orderly: 0

ClearStClear: 0

ReadLocked: 0

Written: 1

PolicyRead: 0

PlatformCreate: 1

ReadStClear: 0

AuthPolicy Digest:

C0 01 C8 00 02 10 D0 FA A4 F4 F4 F8 A7 8E F4 F8

26 4E 6F 85 55 34 0D 2F 04 18 0F 8C F1 10 FF DD

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 139


00 0B 40 7B A7 8D 90 B7 CF 3A A5 3C 0B 83 6D AE

A7 2A E6 B5 67 15 32 BD 4E EF E4 04 E3 7E A4 EB

B0 19

LCP Policy:

00 03 0B 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 C8 00 08 30

00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00

TPM 2.0 AUX NV index LCP Definition


[NV Public Data]

NvIndex: 0x01C10102

NameAlg: SHA256

Attributes: 0x62044408

PPWrite: 0

OWNERWrite: 0

AuthWrite: 0

PolicyWrite: 1

Counter: 0

Bits: 0

Extend: 0

PolicyDelete: 1

WriteLocked: 0

WriteAll: 0

WriteDefine: 0

WriteStClear: 1

GlobalLock: 0

PPRead: 0

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 140

OwnerRead: 0

AuthRead: 1

PolicyRead: 0

NoDA: 1

Orderly: 0

ClearStClear: 0

ReadLocked: 0

Written: 1

PolicyRead: 0

PlatformCreate: 1

ReadStClear: 0

AuthPolicy Digest:

EF 9A 26 FC 22 D1 AE 8C EC FF 59 E9 48 1A C1 EC

53 3D BE 22 8B EC 6D 17 93 0F 4C B2 CC 5B 97 24


00 0B 87 7A 0A B0 02 23 4B C3 A3 61 5C 81 9A BF

20 C3 0A 5F 2A F9 3F B6 DC 13 F3 B9 B0 59 90 F4


LCP Policy:

00 00 00 00 11 09 17 20 07 B0 00 00 00 02 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

CA D5 6B 67 FD 9A 84 36 B6 69 0B 50 8F 34 95 94

95 AD 11 69 8A 2D 9A DE 0F 3D F5 DF A3 6A 0A 5C

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

TPM 2.0 SGX NV index LCP Definition


[NV Public Data]

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 141

NvIndex: 0x01C10104

NameAlg: SHA256

Attributes: 0x62040404

PPWrite: 0

OWNERWrite: 0

AuthWrite: 1

PolicyWrite: 0

Counter: 0

Bits: 0

Extend: 0

PolicyDelete: 1

WriteLocked: 0

WriteAll: 0

WriteDefine: 0

WriteStClear: 0

GlobalLock: 0

PPRead: 0

OwnerRead: 0

AuthRead: 1

PolicyRead: 0

NoDA: 1

Orderly: 0

ClearStClear: 0

ReadLocked: 0

Written: 1

PolicyRead: 0

PlatformCreate: 1

ReadStClear: 0

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 142

AuthPolicy Digest:

B7 5C E1 94 6F 78 DF 8B AA 42 69 18 DB 09 31 80

17 E6 B3 8D 04 8C 95 4E 05 C2 C4 F3 4B D4 40 60


00 0B 3E CE D2 44 B7 B3 E8 33 3D A2 A8 C5 5E 9A

40 22 02 E1 C4 45 E8 D3 5D EE 0F C5 EE 17 8A 05

54 53

LCP Policy:

01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

TPM 2.0 PPI NV index LCP Definition


[NV Public Data]

NvIndex: 0x01C10105

NameAlg: SHA256

Attributes: 0x42040409

PPWrite: 1

OWNERWrite: 0

AuthWrite: 0

PolicyWrite: 1

Counter: 0

Bits: 0

Extend: 0

PolicyDelete: 1

WriteLocked: 0

WriteAll: 0

WriteDefine: 0

WriteStClear: 0

GlobalLock: 0

PPRead: 0

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 143

OwnerRead: 0

AuthRead: 1

PolicyRead: 0

NoDA: 1

Orderly: 0

ClearStClear: 0

ReadLocked: 0

Written: 0

PolicyRead: 0

PlatformCreate: 1

ReadStClear: 0

AuthPolicy Digest:

B7 5C E1 94 6F 78 DF 8B AA 42 69 18 DB 09 31 80

17 E6 B3 8D 04 8C 95 4E 05 C2 C4 F3 4B D4 40 60


00 0B 5B 53 B9 80 E7 36 D4 C3 3B 85 A6 A2 BB 7A

A5 F6 D3 10 1C EB D3 17 7D 69 8E D1 84 51 02 E2

D0 1B

TPM 2.0 PO NV index LCP Definition


[NV Public Data]

NvIndex: 0x01C10106

NameAlg: SHA256

Attributes: 0x2204000A

PPWrite: 0

OWNERWrite: 1

AuthWrite: 0

PolicyWrite: 1

Counter: 0

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 144

Bits: 0

Extend: 0

PolicyDelete: 0

WriteLocked: 0

WriteAll: 0

WriteDefine: 0

WriteStClear: 0

GlobalLock: 0

PPRead: 0

OwnerRead: 0

AuthRead: 1

PolicyRead: 0

NoDA: 1

Orderly: 0

ClearStClear: 0

ReadLocked: 0

Written: 1

PolicyRead: 0

PlatformCreate: 0

ReadStClear: 0

AuthPolicy Digest:

22 03 0B 7E 0B B1 F9 D5 06 57 57 1E E2 F7 FC E1

EB 91 99 0C 8B 8A E9 77 FC B3 F1 58 B0 3E BA 96


00 0B 8D D1 B6 DE A2 9D 5B 82 D7 1B 04 84 83 D6

A9 BF DE B1 A9 34 46 AA 96 09 FF D6 AF BE BC 95

7C 19

LCP Policy:

00 03 0B 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 145

00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 C8 00 08 30

00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00


 This command is supported on X11 Purley or later platforms.

 The field “TPM Locked” in “TPM Information” section is only for TPM 1.2.
 The section “Capability Flags” is only for TPM 1.2.
 The option --showall is optional for the GetTpmInfo command.
 The sections “PS NV INDEX LCP Definition”, “AUX NV INDEX LCP Definition”, “PPI NV
INDEX LCP Definition” and “Capability Flags” will be displayed when the option
--showall is assigned.
 This command will query TPM module information through Intel OTA or SMCI OTA.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 146

5.10.2 Provisioning TPM Module

On Purley and later platforms, use the command “TpmManage” to execute SUM to enable TPM module
capabilities for the managed system. Before executing the command, the TPM module should be installed
on the managed system.


sum [-i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password>] -c TpmManage --provision


Option Commands Descriptions

--reboot Forces the managed system to reboot or power up after operation.

--provision Launches the trusted platform module provision procedure.

--table_default Uses the default TPM provision table.

--table <file name> Uses the customized TPM provision table.



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c TpmManage --provision

--table_default --reboot

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c TpmManage --provision

--table Tpm12Prov.bin --reboot


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c TpmManage --provision --table_default --reboot

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c TpmManage --provision --table Tpm12Prov.bin --reboot


 This command is supported on X11 Purley or later platforms.

 The system will be rebooted several times during provisioning.
 Please execute GetTpmInfo command to obtain OTA supported type before doing TPM

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 147

provision. Intel OTA only supports OOB usage, but SMCI OTA supports both OOB and
in-band use.
 The TPM module will have been locked when the provisioning procedure is completed.
 Executing the TpmManage command with option --table_default will execute TPM
provisioning with default TPM provision table created by BIOS.
 Executing TpmManage command with option --table will execute TPM provisioning
with customized TPM provision table created by user.
 The --reboot option is required by TPM provision procedure.

On Pre-Purley platforms, use the command “TpmProvision” to execute SUM to enable TPM module
capabilities for the managed system. Before executing the command, the TPM module should be installed
on the managed system.

sum -i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password> -c TpmProvision --image_url

<URL> --reboot --lock <yes> [--id <id for URL> --pw <password for URL>]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c TpmProvision --image_url

'smb://' --id smbid --pw smbpasswd --reboot -

-lock yes

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c TpmProvision --image_url

'' --id smbid --pw smbpasswd --reboot

--lock yes

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c TpmProvision --image_url

'\\\MySharedPoint\MyFolder\' --id smbid --pw smbpasswd --reboot --

lock yes


 The TpmProvision command is supported from the X10 Grantley to the X11 Purley
 The TPM ISO images are not included in the SUM package. This ISO image can be

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 148

acquired from Supermicro. Each SUM release could require different ISO images as
noted in SUM release notes. Please acquire correct TPM_version_YYYYMMDD.zip, unzip
the zip file and get TPM ISO images for usage.
 With TPM ISO images, TPM capabilities can be enabled or cleared.
 The BIOS will be rebooted several times during provisioning.
 To clear TPM capability, see 5.10.3 Enabling and Clearing TPM Module Capabilities.
 Space is prohibited for a SAMBA password. SUM will check the TPM module status on
the managed system. If it is not installed or it has malfunctioned, the exit code 36/37
will be returned respectively. If the TPM is locked, the exit code 37 will be returned.
 The --cleartpm option clears the ownership of the TPM module.
 The --lock yes option locks the TPM module.
 SUM will stop TPM provision procedures if the CPU or platform does not support Intel
Trusted Execution Technology (Intel TXT).

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 149

5.10.3 Enabling and Clearing TPM Module Capabilities

On Pre-Purley platforms, use the command “TpmManage” with the options in the following table to
provide TPM module capabilities from the managed system.

Option Commands Descriptions

--reboot (optional) Forces the managed system to reboot.

--clear_and_enable_dtpm_txt Clears dTPM ownership and activates dTPM/TXT.

--clear_dtpm Clears dTPM ownership and disables dTPM.

--enable_txt_and_dtpm Enables TXT and dTPM.

--clear_and_enable_dtpm Clears dTPM ownership, disables dTPM and activates dTPM.

--disable_dtpm Disables dTPM.

--disable_txt Disables TXT.


sum -i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password> -c TpmManage [options…]




[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c TpmManage

--clear_and_enable_dtpm_txt --reboot

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c TpmManage

--clear_dtpm --reboot

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c TpmManage

--enable_txt_and_dtpm --reboot

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c TpmManage

--clear_and_enable_dtpm --reboot

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 150

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c TpmManage

--disable_dtpm --reboot

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c TpmManage

--disable_txt --reboot


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c TpmManage --clear_and_enable_dtpm_txt --reboot

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c TpmManage --clear_dtpm --reboot

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c TpmManage --enable_txt_and_dtpm --reboot

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c TpmManage --clear_and_enable_dtpm --reboot

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c TpmManage --disable_dtpm --reboot

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -c TpmManage --disable_txt --reboot


 The options “--clear_and_enable_dtpm_txt” and “--enable_txt_and_dtpm” cannot be

used when TPM is not provisioned.
 The option “--disable_dtpm” cannot be used when TXT is enabled.
 Please execute the “GetTpmInfo” command to obtain OTA supported type before
doing TPM use cases. Intel OTA only supports in-band usage, while SMCI OTA supports
both OOB and in-band use.
 The “--reboot” option is optional for in-band usage. If executing a command without
this option, the managed system will not reboot. Then SUM will remind the user to
reboot manually.
 The options of each use are mutually exclusive.

On Pre-Purley platforms, use the command “TpmProvision” with the options “--cleartpm” and “--reboot” to
clear TPM module capabilities from the managed system. For usage of the “--image_url” option, refer to
the notes in 5.10.2 Provisioning TPM Module.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 151

sum -i <IP or host name> -u <username> -p <password> -c TpmProvision --image_url

<URL> [--id <id for URL> --pw <password for URL>] --cleartpm --reboot


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c TpmProvision --image_url

'smb://' --id smbid --pw smbpasswd --cleartpm



 The TpmProvision command is supported from the X10 Grantley to the X11 Purley

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 152

6 Managing Multiple Systems (OOB Only)
For managing multiple systems, SUM provides the “-l” option to concurrently execute OOB command on
multiple systems enumerated in a system list file.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c <OOB command>

[command options]

The managed systems should be enumerated row-by-row in the system list file. Two formats are supported
for general commands as follows. (For the ActivateProductKey command, different formats are used. Refer
to 6.2.1 Activating Multiple Managed Systems.)

Format 1: BMC_IP_or_HostName

Format 2: BMC_IP_or_HostName Username Password

Options -u and -p should be specified in the command line for Format 1. By contrast, options -u and -p can
be removed from the command line for Format 2. In addition, the Username/Password in the system list
file overwrites the options -u and -p in the command line.


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD –c GetDmiInfo --file DMI.txt



For the first managed system, SUM applies –u ADMIN and -p PASSWORD in the command
line to execute the GetDmiInfo command. On the other hand, for the second managed system, SUM adopts the username (ADMIN1) and password (PASSWORD1) in SList.txt to execute

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 153

the GetDmiInfo command. Two executions are run concurrently and the execution status/results can be
referenced in 6.1.2 File Output, 6.1.3 Screen Output and 6.1.4 Log Output.

For the usage of commands that take input files as arguments, such as the UpdateBios command, see 6.1.1
File Input for its usage.


 Repeated managed system IPs or names in system list file are not allowed.
 SUM limits its maximum concurrent executing count to avoid system overloading. The
default thread count in the .sumrc file is 50. For more details on usages, see 4.1
Customizing SUM Configurations.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 154

6.1 Input Output Controls for Multiple Systems
6.1.1 File Input

SUM uses the input file specified in the command line (through --file option) to manage multiple systems.


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD –c UpdateBios --file



In this example, SUM uses the input file SMCI_BIOS.rom specified in the command line to concurrently
update BIOS for both managed systems and enumerated in the SList.txt file.

Note: SUM only supports single input files for managed systems in one command.

6.1.2 File Output

When SUM outputs files for managed systems, each managed system has one individual output file. The
individual output file names are those specified in the command line (through --file option) appended by “.”
and the “BMC/CMM_IP_or_Hostname”, which is obtained from the system list file.


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD –c GetDmiInfo --file DMI.txt


Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 155

In this example, DMI information from the managed systems and is written to
files “DMI.txt.” and “DMI.txt.”, respectively.

6.1.3 Screen Output

When SUM begins the execution for the managed systems, progress output will be continuously updated
to a log file created when SUM is invoked.

When the SUM finishes execution, the final execution status for each managed system will be shown on
the screen output row-by-row. Each row consists of “System Name”, “Elapsed”, “Status” and “Exit Code”.
“System name” is the “BMC/CMM_IP_or_Hostname” from the system list file. “Elapsed” is the time
elapsed when the command is executed. “Status” is provided as indicator: “WAITING”, “RUNNING”,
“SUCCESS”, or “FAILED.” The status summary will be shown before and after the status list. After listing the
final status, SUM will exit and return the exit code of the concurrent executions.

You can also press the “ENTER” key to see the current execution status before the program is finished. The
format of the current status is the same as the final status.


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD –c GetDmiInfo --file DMI.txt



Screen Output:

Supermicro Update Manager (for UEFI BIOS) 1.2.0 (2013/10/02) Copyright (C) 2013

Super Micro Computer, Inc. All rights reserved

Start to do GetDmiInfo for machines listed in SList.txt

Log file created:


Press ENTER to see the current execution status:

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 156

---------------------------------Current Status---------------------------------

Executed Command:

./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ***** -c GetDmiInfo --file DMI.txt --overwrite



Status List:

System Name | Elapsed | Status | Exit Code | 00:00:02 | SUCCESS | 0 | 00:00:03 | RUNNING |




----------------------------------Final Results---------------------------------

Executed Command:

./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ***** -c GetDmiInfo --file DMI.txt --overwrite



Status List:

System Name | Elapsed | Status | Exit Code | 00:00:02 | SUCCESS | 0 | 00:00:07 | SUCCESS | 0




Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 157

6.1.4 Log Output

When SUM is executed for the managed systems, a log file will be created. This log file will be continuously
updated with the execution message for every system. The log file name, which will be shown on the
screen, is the system list file name appended by “.log_”, “yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss” (date and time) and
“_PID” (process ID). The log file consists of one “Last Update Time” section, one “Execution parameters”
section, one “Summary” section, one “Status List” section and, for each system, one “Execution Message”
section. The following example shows the log file SList.txt.log_2013-10-02_15:57:40_7370 which was
created from the example in 6.1.3 Screen Output.

The SList.log will be saved in /var/log/supermicro/SUM if it exists. Otherwise, it will be saved in the same
folder as SList.txt.


--------------------------------Last Update Time-------------------------------


Process finished.

------------------------------Execution parameters-----------------------------

IPMI server port: 38927

Executed Command:

./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ***** -c GetDmiInfo --file DMI.txt --overwrite



---------------------------------Status List-----------------------------------

System Name |Start Time |End Time |Elapsed |Status |Exit Code |10-02_15:57:40 |10-02_15:57:42 |00:00:02|SUCCESS |0 |10-02_15:57:40 |10-02_15:57:47 |00:00:07|SUCCESS |0

-------------------------------Execution Message-------------------------------

System Name

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 158


Supermicro Update Manager (for UEFI BIOS) 1.2.0 (2013/10/02) Copyright (C) 2013

Super Micro Computer, Inc. All rights reserved

File "DMI.txt." is created.

-------------------------------Execution Message-------------------------------

System Name


Supermicro Update Manager (for UEFI BIOS) 1.2.0 (2013/10/02) Copyright (C) 2013

Super Micro Computer, Inc. All rights reserved

File "DMI.txt." is created.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 159

6.2 Key Management for Multiple Systems
6.2.1 Activating Multiple Managed Systems

You can activate multiple systems concurrently using SUM through the -l option and the command
“ActivateProductKey”. (You should first obtain the node product keys for the managed systems. See 3.1
Receiving Node Product Keys from Supermicro.)


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c ActivateProductKey

The managed systems should be enumerated row-by-row in the system list file. For the ActivateProductKey
command, two formats are supported.

Format 1: BMC_IP_or_HostName Node_Product_Key

Format 2: BMC_IP_or_HostName Username Password Node_Product_Key

Options “-u” and “-p” options are required to specify in the command line for Format 1. The options -u and
-p can be removed from the command line for Format 2. In addition, the Username/Password in the
system list file overwrites the options -u and -p in the command line. If an option --key is specified in the
command line, the exception will be thrown.


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD –c ActivateProductKey

SList.txt: 1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111 ADMIN1 PASSWORD1 2222-2222-2222-2222-2222-2222

For the first managed system, SUM applies -u ADMIN and -p PASSWORD to the command
line and the node product key 1111-1111-1111-1111-1111-1111 to execute the command
“ActivateProductKey”. By contrast, for the second managed system, SUM adopts the
username ADMIN1, password PASSWORD1 and node product key 2222-2222-2222-2222-2222-2222 to

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 160

execute the command “ActivateProductKey”. These two managed systems will be activated concurrently.
The presentation of execution status and results will be similar to 6.1.3 Screen Output and 6.1.4 Log

6.2.2 Querying Node Product Key

To query the node product keys activated in the managed systems, use the command “QueryProductKey”.

sum -l < system list file > [-u <username> -p <password>] -c QueryProductKey


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD –c QueryProductKey


If the execution “Status” field of a managed system is SUCCESS, the node product keys activated in the
managed system will be shown in the “Execution Message” section in the created log file.

6.2.3 Clearing Node Product Keys

To clear the node product keys activated in the managed systems, use the command “ClearProductKey”.
However, before executing the command “ClearProductKey”, query the existing “NodeProductKeyName”
and “NodeProductKeyIndex” values from the output of the command “QueryProductKey” (see 6.2.2
Querying Node Product Key).

sum -l < system list file > [-u <username> -p <password>] -c ClearProductKey --

key_name <NodeProductKeyName>

sum -l < system list file > [-u <username> -p <password>] -c ClearProductKey --

key_index <NodeProductKeyIndex>

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 161


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD –c ClearProductKey --

key_name SUM

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD –c ClearProductKey --

key_index 1


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, for the “--key_name” example the SUM
key is cleared from these two managed systems. For the “--key_index” example, the key with index 1 is
cleared in these two managed systems.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 162

6.3 System Checks for Multiple System
6.3.1 Checking OOB Support

Use the command “CheckOOBSupport” to check if both BIOS and BMC firmware images support OOB
functions for the managed systems. The received information will be the same as that in 5.2.1 Checking
OOB Support.


sum -l < system list file > [-u <username> -p <password>] -c CheckOOBSupport


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD –c CheckOOBSupport


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, the BIOS and BMC capabilities of the
managed system will be shown in the “Execution Message” section in the created log file.

6.3.2 Checking Asset Information

Use the command “CheckAssetInfo” to check the asset information in the managed systems. The received
information will be the same as that in 5.2.2 Checking Asset Information (OOB Only).


sum -l < system list file > [-u <username> -p <password>] -c CheckAssetInfo


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD –c CheckAssetInfo

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 163


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, the asset configuration of the managed
system will be shown in the “Execution Message” section in the created log file.

6.3.3 Checking Sensor Data

Use the command “CheckSensorData” to check the sensor data of the managed systems. The message
output will be the same as that in 5.2.3 Checking Sensor Data (OOB Only).


sum -l < system list file > [-u <username> -p <password>] -c CheckSensorData


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD –c CheckSensorData


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, the sensor data of the managed system
will be shown in the “Execution Message” section in the created log file.

6.3.4 Checking System Utilization

Use the command “CheckSystemUtilization” to check the utilization status of the managed systems. The
message output will be the same as that in 5.2.4 Checking System Utilization (OOB Only).


sum -l < system list file > [-u <username> -p <password>] -c


Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 164


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD –c CheckSystemUtilization


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, the utilization status of the managed
system will be shown in the “Execution Message” section in the created log file.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 165

6.4 BIOS Management for Multiple Systems
6.4.1 Getting BIOS Firmware Image Information

Use the command “GetBiosInfo” to receive the BIOS firmware image information from the managed
systems as well as the input BIOS firmware image. The message output will be the same as that in 5.3.1
Getting BIOS Image Information.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c GetBiosInfo [--file



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD –c GetBiosInfo --file



Note: If the execution “Status” field of a managed system is SUCCESS, the BIOS information
of the managed system will be shown in its “Execution Message” section in the created log

6.4.2 Updating the BIOS Firmware Image

Use the command “UpdateBios” with the BIOS firmware image SMCI_BIOS.rom to update managed
systems. For detailed usage notes of the “UpdateBios” command, see the usage notes in 5.3.2 Updating
the BIOS Image.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c UpdateBios --file

<filename> [options…]

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 166

Option Commands

--reboot Forces the managed systems to reboot.

--flash_smbios Overwrites SMBIOS data.

--preserve_mer Preserves ME firmware region.

--preserve_nv Preserves NVRAM.

--preserve_setting Preserves setting configurations.


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c UpdateBios --file



The execution progress for the managed system will be continuously updated to the “Execution Message”
section of the managed system in the created log file.

6.4.3 Receiving Current BIOS Settings

Use the command “GetCurrentBiosCfg” to get the current BIOS settings from the managed systems and
save it in the output files individually for each managed system enumerated in the system list file. Note
that Purley and the later platforms support HII configurations. A file in XML format will be generated for HII
while a plain text file will be generated for DAT.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c GetCurrentBiosCfg --

file <USER_SETUP.file> [--overwrite]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c GetCurrentBiosCfg --file

USER_SETUP.file --overwrite

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 167


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system (e.g. is SUCCESS, its current settings
are stored in its output file, e.g. USER_SETUP.file. The option --overwrite is used to force
the overwrite of the existing file, e.g. USER_SETUP.file., if the output file already exists.


 Purley and the later platforms support HII. The current BIOS settings will be generated
as a file in XML format and plain text file for HII and DAT, respectively.
 BIOS configuration XML file contains extended ASCII characters. Please use ISO 8859-1
encoding to view BIOS configuration XML file.

6.4.4 Updating BIOS Settings Based on a Current Sample Settings

1. Select one managed system as the golden sample for current BIOS settings.
2. Follow the steps in 5.3.3 Receiving Current BIOS Settings for that system.
3. Edit the item/variable values in the user setup file USER_SETUP.file to the desired values as illustrated
in 4.3 Format of BIOS Settings Text File (for DAT) or 4.4 Format of BIOS Settings XML File (for HII).
4. Remove unchanged items/variables in the text file. Note that this step is optional.
5. Use the command ChangeBiosCfg with the modified USER_SETUP.file to update the BIOS
configurations for managed systems.


 The uploaded configurations will only take effect after the managed systems reboot or
power up.
 For HII, when the new BIOS firmware image is flashed, there may be conflicts between
the XML files of new and old BIOS settings. The XML file of current BIOS settings should
be re-downloaded, re-modified and then updated.
 BIOS configuration XML file contains extended ASCII characters. Please use ISO 8859-1
encoding to view and save BIOS configuration XML file.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 168


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c ChangeBiosCfg --file

<USER_SETUP.file> [--reboot]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c ChangeBiosCfg --file

USER_SETUP.file --reboot


6.4.5 Receiving Factory BIOS Settings

Use the command “GetDefaultBiosCfg” to get the default factory BIOS settings from the managed systems
and save it in the output files individually for each managed system enumerated in the system list file.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c GetDefaultBiosCfg --

file <USER_SETUP.file> [--overwrite]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c GetDefaultBiosCfg --file



If the execution “Status” field for a managed system (e.g. is SUCCESS, its default settings are
saved in its output file, e.g. USER_SETUP.file. The option --overwrite is used to force
overwrite the existing file, e.g. USER_SETUP.file., if the output file already exists.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 169

6.4.6 Updating BIOS Settings Based on Factory Sample Settings

1. Select one managed system as the golden sample for factory default BIOS settings.
2. Follow the steps in 5.3.5 Receiving Factory BIOS Settings for that system.
3. Follow steps 3 to 5 in 6.4.4 Updating BIOS Settings Based on a Current Sample Settings.

6.4.7 Loading Factory BIOS Settings

Use the command “LoadDefaultBiosCfg” to reset the BIOS settings of the managed systems to the factory
default settings.

Note: The uploaded configurations will only take effect after the managed systems reboot
or power up.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c LoadDefaultBiosCfg [-



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c LoadDefaultBiosCfg --



6.4.8 Receiving DMI Information

Use the command “GetDmiInfo” to get the current supported editable DMI information from the managed
systems and save it in the output files individually for each managed system enumerated in the system list
file. For detailed usage notes of the command “GetDmiInfo”, see 5.3.8 Receiving DMI Information


Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 170

sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c GetDmiInfo --file

<DMI.txt> [--overwrite]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c GetDmiInfo --file DMI.txt



If the execution “Status” field for a managed system (e.g. is SUCCESS, its DMI settings are
saved in its output file, e.g. DMI.txt. The option --overwrite is used to force overwrite of the
existing file, e.g.DMI.txt.

6.4.9 Editing DMI Information

Use the command “EditDmiInfo” to edit the editable DMI items. For details on the “EditDmiInfo” command,
refer to 5.3.9 Editing DMI Information.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c EditDmiInfo --file

<DMI.txt> --item_type <Item Type> --item_name <Item Name> --value <Item Value>

sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c EditDmiInfo --file

<DMI.txt> --shn <Item Short Name> --value <Item Value>

sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c EditDmiInfo --file

<DMI.txt> --shn <Item Short Name> --default


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c EditDmiInfo --file

DMI.txt --item_type "System" --item_name "Version" --value "1.01"

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 171

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c EditDmiInfo --file

DMI.txt --shn SYVS --value "1.01"

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c EditDmiInfo --file

DMI.txt --shn SYVS --default


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system (e.g. is “SUCCESS”, its edited DMI
information are updated in its output file, e.g. DMI.txt.

6.4.10 Updating DMI Information Based on a Sample DMI Information

1. Select one managed system as the golden sample for DMI information.
2. Follow the steps in 5.3.9 Editing DMI Information to prepare the edited DMI.txt file for updating DMI
3. Use the command “ChangeDmiInfo” with the edited DMI.txt file to update the DMI information for
the managed systems.


 The uploaded information will only take effect after the managed systems reboot or
power up.
 For detailed usage notes of the command “ChangeDmiInfo”, see 5.3.10 Updating DMI


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c ChangeDmiInfo --file

<DMI.txt> [--reboot]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c ChangeDmiInfo --file

DMI.txt --reboot

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 172


6.4.11 Setting BIOS Action

Use the command “SetBiosAction” to show or hide BBS priority related settings.

Note: The uploaded configurations will only take effect after the managed systems reboot
or power up.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c SetBiosAction --BBS

<yes/no> [--reboot]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c SetBiosAction --BBS yes



Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 173

6.4.12 Setting BIOS Administrator Password

Use the command “SetBiosPassword” to update a BIOS Administrator password.

Note: The new uploaded password will only take effect after the managed systems reboot
or power up.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c SetBiosPassword

--new_password <new password> --confirm_password <confirm password> [--reboot]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c SetBiosPassword

--new_password 123456 --confirm_password 123456 --reboot


Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 174

6.5 BMC Management for Multiple Systems
6.5.1 Getting BMC Firmware Image Information

Use the command “GetBmcInfo” to receive the BMC firmware image information from the managed
systems as well as the input BMC firmware image. The information will be the same as that in 5.4.1
Getting BMC Image Information.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c GetBmcInfo [--file



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD –c GetBmcInfo --file



If the execution ”Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, the BMC information of the managed
system will be shown in the “Execution Message” section of the managed system in the created log file.

6.5.2 Updating the BMC Firmware Image

Use the command “UpdateBmc” with BMC firmware image SMCI_BMC.rom to update managed systems.
For detailed usage notes of the “UpdateBmc” command, see the usage notes in 5.4.2 Updating the BMC


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c UpdateBmc --file

<filename> [--overwrite_cfg] [--overwrite_sdr]

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 175


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c UpdateBmc --file



The execution progress for the managed system will be continuously updated to the “Execution Message”
section of the managed system in the created log file.

6.5.3 Receiving BMC Settings

Use the command “GetBmcCfg” to get the current BMC settings from the managed systems and save it in
the output files individually for each managed system enumerated in the system list file. For detailed usage
notes of the “GetBmcCfg” command, see the usage notes in 5.4.3 Receiving BMC Settings.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c GetBmcCfg --file <

BMCCfg.xml > [--overwrite]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c GetBmcCfg --file

BMCCfg.xml --overwrite


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system (e.g. is SUCCESS, its current settings
will be stored in its output file, e.g. BMCCfg.xml. The option --overwrite is used to force the
overwrite the existing file, e.g. BMCCfg.xml.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 176

6.5.4 Updating BMC Settings

1. Select one managed system as the golden sample for current BMC settings.
2. Follow the steps in 5.4.3 Receiving BMC Settings for the managed system.
3. Edit the configurable element values in the BMC configuration text file BMCCfg.xml to the desired
values as illustrated in 4.6 Format of BMC Configuration Text File.
4. Skip unchanged tables in the text file by setting Action attribute as “None”. Note that this step is
5. Remove unchanged tables/elements in the text file. Note that this step is optional.
6. Use the command “ChangeBmcCfg” with the modified BMCCfg.xml file to update the BMC
configurations for multiple systems.


 Some table settings cannot be applied to each managed system uniformly, e.g., FRU
and LAN configurations. You might need to change its table action to “None” in step 4
or remove tables/elements in step 5.
 LAN “IPAddress” field will be skipped in multiple system usage.
 For detailed usage notes of the “ChangeBmcCfg” command, see the usage notes in
5.4.4 Updating BMC Settings.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c ChangeBmcCfg --file



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c ChangeBmcCfg --file



If the execution “Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, its BMC settings are updated.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 177

6.6 Event Log Management for Multiple Systems
6.6.1 Getting System Event Log

Use the command “GetEventLog” to show the current system event log (including both BIOS and BMC
event log) from the managed systems and save them in the output files individually for each managed
system enumerated in the system list file with the --file option. Without --file option, you can choose to
show the event log in the execution log file instead. For detailed execution notes, see 5.5.1 Getting System
Event Log.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c GetEventLog [--file

<EventLog.txt>] [--overwrite]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c GetEventLog --file



If the execution “Status” field for a managed system (e.g. is SUCCESS, its event logs are
stored in its output file, e.g. EventLog.txt. The option --overwrite is used to force overwrite
of the existing file, e.g. EventLog.txt. If --file option is not used, the event log for each
managed system will be shown in the “Execution Message” section of the managed system in the created
execution log file.

6.6.2 Clearing System Event Log

Use the command “ClearEventLog” to clear the event log (both BMC and BIOS event log) for each managed
system. For detailed execution notes, see 5.5.2 Clearing System Event Log.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 178


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c ClearEventLog [--



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c ClearEventLog --reboot


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, its event logs are cleared.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 179

6.7 CMM Management for Multiple Systems
The CMM provides total remote control of individual blade server nodes, power supplies, power fans, and
networking switches. The controller is a separate processor, allowing all monitoring and control functions
operate flawlessly regardless of CPU operation or system power-on status.

Note: Three models of 7U SuperBlade CMMs, including SBM-CMM-001, BMB-CMM-002

(mini-CMM) and SBM-CMM-003 are no longer supported.

6.7.1 Receiving CMM Image Information

Use the command “GetCmmInfo” to receive the CMM firmware image from the managed systems as well
as the input CMM firmware image. The information will be the same as that in 5.6.1 Receiving CMM
Firmware Image Information.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c GetCmmInfo [--file



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD –c GetCmmInfo --file



If the Status field for a managed system shows “SUCCESS”, the CMM information of the managed system
will be shown in the “Execution Message” section of the managed system in the created log file.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 180

6.7.2 Updating the CMM Firmware Image

Use the command “UpdateCmm” with the CMM firmware image SMCI_CMM.rom to update managed
systems. For details on the “UpdateCmm” command, see the notes in 5.6.2 Updating the CMM Firmware


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c UpdateCmm --file

<filename> [--overwrite_cfg]

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c UpdateCmm --file



The execution progress of the system will be continuously updated in the “Execution Message” section of
the managed system in the created log file.

6.7.3 Receiving CMM Settings

Use the command “GetCmmCfg” to get the current CMM settings from managed systems and save it in the
output files individually for each managed system enumerated in the system list file. For details on the
“GetCmmCfg” command, see the notes in 5.6.3 Receiving CMM Settings.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c GetCmmCfg --file <

CMMCfg.xml > [--overwrite]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c GetCmmCfg --file

CMMCfg.xml --overwrite

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 181


If the Status field of the managed system (e.g. shows SUCCESS, its current settings are
stored in its output file, e.g. CMMCfg.xml. The option --overwrite is used to force the
overwrite of the existing file, e.g. CMMCfg.xml.

6.7.4 Updating CMM Settings

1. Select one managed system as the golden sample for the current CMM settings.
2. Follow the steps in 5.6.3 Receiving CMM settings.
3. Edit the configurable element values in the CMM configuration text file CMMCfg.xml to the desired
values as illustrated in 4.8 Format of CMM Configuration Text File.
4. Set the Action attribute as “None” to skip unchanged tables in the text file. Note that this step is
5. Remove unchanged tables/elements in the text file. Note that this step is optional.
6. Use the command “ChangeCmmCfg” with the modified CMMCfg.xml file to update the CMM
configurations for multiple systems.


 Some table settings cannot be applied to each managed system uniformly, e.g., LAN
configurations. You might need to change its table action to “None” in step 4 or
remove tables/elements in step 5.
 LAN “IPAddress” field will be skipped in multiple system usage.
 For details on the “ChangeCmmCfg” command, see the notes in 5.6.4 Updating CMM

sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c ChangeCmmCfg --file



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c ChangeCmmCfg --file


Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 182


If the Status field of a managed system shows “SUCCESS”, its CMM settings are updated.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 183

6.8 Applications for Multiple Systems
6.8.1 Providing an ISO Image as a Virtual Media through BMC and File

Use the command “MountIsoImage” to mount ISO image as a virtual media to managed systems through
SAMBA/HTTP server. For detailed “MountIsoImage” command notes, see 5.7.3 Providing an ISO Image as
a Virtual Media through BMC and File Server.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c MountIsoImage --

image_url <URL> --reboot [--id <id for URL> --pw <password for URL>]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c MountIsoImage --image_url

'smb://' --id smbid --pw smbpasswd

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c MountIsoImage --image_url

'' --id smbid --pw smbpasswd

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c MountIsoImage --image_url

'\\\MySharedPoint\MyFolder\Image.iso' --id smbid --pw smbpasswd


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, the Image.iso is mounted as a virtual
media to the managed system.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 184

6.8.2 Removing ISO Image as a Virtual Media

Use the command “UnmountIsoImage” to unmount an ISO image as a virtual media from managed system.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c UnmountIsoImage


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c UnmountIsoImage


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, the mounted virtual media will be
removed from the managed system.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 185

6.9 Storage Management for Multiple Systems
6.9.1 Getting RAID Firmware Image Information

Use the command “GetRaidControllerInfo” to receive the RAID firmware image information from the
managed systems as well as the input RAID firmware image. The information will be the same as that in
5.8.1 Getting RAID Firmware Image Information.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c GetRaidControllerInfo

[--dev_id <controller_id>] [--file <filename>]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD –c GetRaidControllerInfo --

file RAID.rom


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, the RAID information of the managed
system will be shown in the “Execution Message” section of the managed system in the created log file.

6.9.2 Updating the RAID Firmware Image

Use the command “UpdateRaidController” with the RAID firmware image RAID.rom to update multiple
systems. For details on using the “UpdateRaidController” command, see the usage notes in 5.8.2 Updating
the RAID Firmware Image (OOB Only).


The command “UpdateRaidController” is supported by the following firmware images:

1. RAID firmware image of version 4.650.00-8095 and later.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 186

2. For Grantley platform, BMC firmware images of version REDFISH 3.52 and later.

3. For Greenlow platform, BMC firmware images of version ATEN X11 1.33 and later.

4. For Purley platform, BMC firmware images of version ATEN X11DP 1.10 and later.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c UpdateRaidController

--dev_id <controller_id> --file <filename>


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c UpdateRaidController --

file SMCI_RAID.rom


The execution progress for the managed system will be continuously updated in the “Execution Message”
section of the managed system in the created log file.

6.9.3 Receiving RAID Settings

Use the command “GetRaidCfg” to get the current RAID settings from managed systems and save them
separately for each managed system enumerated in the system list file. For details on using the
“GetRaidCfg” command, see the usage notes in 5.8.3 Receiving RAID Settings.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c GetRaidCfg --file <

RAIDCfg.xml > [--overwrite]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c GetRaidCfg --file

RAIDCfg.xml --overwrite

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 187


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system (e.g. is SUCCESS, its current settings
are stored in its output file, e.g. RAIDCfg.xml. The option --overwrite is used to force the
overwrite of the existing file, e.g. RAIDCfg.xml.

6.9.4 Updating RAID Settings

1. Select one managed system as the golden sample for current RAID settings.
2. Follow the steps in 5.8.3 Receiving RAID Settings.
3. Edit the configurable element values in the RAID configuration text file RAIDCfg.xml as illustrated in
4.7 Format of the RAID Configuration Text File.
4. Set Action attribute as “None” to skip the unchanged tables in the text file. Note that this step is
5. Remove the unchanged tables/elements in the text file. Note that this step is optional.
6. Use the command “Chang eRaidCfg” with the modified RAIDCfg.xml file to update the RAID
configurations for multiple systems.


 Some table settings cannot be uniformly applied to each managed system. You might
need to change its table action to “None” in step 4 or remove the tables/elements in
step 5.
 For details on the “ChangeRaidCfg” command, see the usage notes in 5.8.4 Updating
RAID Settings.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c ChangeRaidCfg --file



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c ChangeRaidCfg --file


Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 188


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, its RAID settings are updated.

6.9.5 Getting SATA HDD Information

Use the command “GetSataInfo” to receive the SATA HDD information from the managed systems. The
information will be the same as that in 5.8.5 Getting SATA HDD Information (OOB Only).


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c GetSataInfo


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD –c GetSataInfo


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, the SATA HDD information of the
managed system will be shown in the console.

6.9.6 Getting NVMe Information

Use the command “GetNvmeInfo” to receive the NVMe information from managed systems. The
information will be the same as that in 5.8.6 Getting NVMe Information.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c GetNvmeInfo [ --

dev_id <device_id> ]

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 189


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD –c GetNvmeInfo


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, the NVMe information of the managed
system will be shown on the console.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 190

6.10 PSU Management for Multiple Systems
6.10.1 Getting PSU Information

Use the command “GetPsuInfo” to get the current PSU information from the managed systems. The PSU
information output will be the same as that in 5.9.1 Getting PSU Information.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c GetPsuInfo


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD –c GetPsuInfo


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, the PSU information of the managed
system will be shown in the “Execution Message” section of the managed system in the created log file.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 191

6.10.2 Updating the PSU Firmware Image

Use the command “UpdatePsu” with PSU firmware image SMCI_PSU.x0 and PSU slave address to run SUM
to update the managed systems. For details on the UpdatePsu command, see the notes in 5.9.2 Updating
the PSU Firmware Image.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c UpdatePsu --file

<filename> --address <PSU slave address>


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p XXXXXX -c UpdatePsu --file

SMCI_PSU.x0 --address 0x80

The execution progress for the managed system will be continuously updated to the “Execution Message”
section of the managed system in the created log file.

Note: To use “UpdatePsu” command for multiple systems, the slave addresses of PSUs that
need to be updated must be the same.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 192

6.11 TPM Management for Multiple Systems
6.11.1 Getting TPM Information

On Purley and later platforms, use the command “GetTpmInfo” to receive the TPM module information
from the managed system. For detailed usage notes of the “GetTpmInfo” command, see the usage notes in
5.10.1 Getting TPM Information.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>]-c GetTpmInfo [--showall]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c GetTpmInfo [--showall]


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, the TPM module information of the
managed system will be shown in the “Execution Message” section of the managed system in the created
log file.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 193

6.11.2 Provisioning TPM Module

On Purley and later platforms, use the command “TpmManage” to execute SUM to enable TPM module
capabilities for the managed system. Before executing the command, the TPM module should be installed
on the managed system. For detailed usage notes of the “TpmManage” command, see the usage notes in
5.10.2 Provisioning TPM Module.

Option Commands Descriptions

--reboot Forces the managed system to reboot.

--provision Launches the trusted platform module provision procedure.

--table_default Uses the default TPM provision table.

--table <file name> Uses the customized TPM provision table.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c TpmManage --image

provision [options…]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c TpmManage -- provision

--table_default --reboot

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c TpmManage -- provision

--table Tpm12Prov.bin --reboot


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, the TPM provisioning procedure is

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 194

On Pre-Purley platforms, use the command “TpmProvision” to enable TPM module capabilities for
managed systems. Before executing the command, the TPM modules should be installed on managed
systems. For detailed notes of the “TpmProvision” command, see 5.10.2 Provisioning TPM Module.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>]-c TpmProvision --

image_url <URL> --reboot --lock <yes> [--id <id for URL> --pw <password for URL>]


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c TpmProvision --image_url

'smb://' --id smbid --pw smbpasswd --reboot

--lock yes

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c TpmProvision --image_url

'' --id smbid --pw smbpasswd --reboot

--lock yes

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c TpmProvision --image_url

'\\\MySharedPoint\MyFolder\' --id smbid --pw smbpasswd --reboot --

lock yes


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, its TPM capabilities are enabled.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 195

6.11.3 Enabling and Clearing TPM Module Capabilities

On Purley and later platforms, use the command “TpmManage” with the options in the following table to
provide TPM module capabilities from the managed system. For detailed usage notes, see the usage notes
in 5.10.3 Enabling and Clearing TPM Module Capabilities.

Option Commands Descriptions

--reboot (optional) Forces the managed system to reboot.

--clear_and_enable_dtpm_txt Clears dTPM ownership and activates dTPM/TXT.

--clear_dtpm Clears dTPM ownership and disables dTPM.

--enable_txt_and_dtpm Enables TXT and dTPM.

--clear_and_enable_dtpm Clears dTPM ownership, disables dTPM and activates dTPM.

--disable_dtpm Disables dTPM.

--disable_txt Disables TXT.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c TpmManage [options…]



[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c TpmManage

--clear_and_enable_dtpm_txt --reboot

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c TpmManage

--clear_dtpm --reboot

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c TpmManage

--enable_txt_and_dtpm --reboot

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c TpmManage

--clear_and_enable_dtpm --reboot

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 196

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ADMIN-c TpmManage

--disable_dtpm --reboot

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ADMIN-c TpmManage

--disable_txt --reboot


If the execution “Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, the TPM option is applied.

On Pre-Purley platforms, use the command “TpmProvision” with options “--cleartpm and” --reboot to clear
TPM module capabilities from managed systems. For detailed notes of the “—cleartpm” option usage, see
5.10.3 Providing and Clearing TPM Module Capabilities.


sum -l <system list file> [-u <username> -p <password>] -c TpmProvision --

image_url <URL> [--id <id for URL> --pw <password for URL>] --cleartpm --reboot


[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -l SList.txt -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -c TpmProvision --image_url

'\\\MySharedPoint\MyFolder' --id smbid --pw smbpasswd --cleartpm --



If the execution “Status” field for a managed system is SUCCESS, its TPM capabilities are cleared.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 197

Appendix A. SUM Exit Codes
Exit Code Number Description

0 Successful

Others Failed

GROUP1 (1~30) Command line parsing check failed

1 GetOpt unexpected option code

2 Unknown option

3 Missing argument

4 No host IP/user/password

5 Missing option

6 Unknown command

7 Option conflict

8 Can not open file

9 File already exists

10 Host is unknown

11 Invalid command line data

12 Function access denied

GROUP2 (31~59) Resource management error

31 File management error

32 Thread management error

33 TCP connection error

34 UDP connection error

35 Program interrupted and terminated

36 Required device does not exist

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 198

37 Required device does not work

38 Function is not supported

GROUP3 (60~79) File parsing errors

60 Invalid BIOS configuration file

61 Utility internal error

62 Invalid firmware image file

63 Invalid firmware flash ROM

64 Invalid DMI information from BIOS

65 Invalid DMI information text file

66 Invalid DMI command line format

67 Invalid system list file

68 Invalid BMC configuration text file

69 Invalid asset information

70 Invalid CMM configuration text file

71 Invalid RAID configuration file

72 Invalid PCH asset information file format

73 Invalid full SMBIOS file format

74 Invalid VPD file format

75 Invalid BIOS internal file

76 Invalid TPM provision table file

77 Invalid SUMRC file

GROUP4 (80~99) IPMI operation errors

80 Node Product key is not activated

81 Internal communication error

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 199

82 Board information mismatch

83 Does not support OOB

84 Does not support get file

85 File is not available for download

86 Required tool does not exist

87 IPMI standard error

GROUP5 (100~119) In-band operation errors

100 Cannot open driver

101 Driver input/output control failed

102 Driver report: ****execution of command failed****

103 BIOS does not support this in-band command

104 Driver report: ****file size out of range****

105 Cannot load driver

106 Driver is busy. Please try again later

107 ROM chip is occupied. Please try again later

108 Kernel module verification error

109 This operation is prohibited

GROUP6 (120~199) IPMI communication errors

120 Invalid Redfish response

144 IPMI undefined error

145 IPMI connect failed

146 IPMI login failed

147 IPMI execution parameter validation failed

148 IPMI execution exception occurred

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 200

149 IPMI execution failed

150 IPMI execution exception on slave CMM or unavailable

151 IPMI execution exception on module not present

152 IPMI execution only for CMM connected

153 IPMI execution on non-supported device

154 IPMI execution only for BMC connected

155 IPMI delivered invalid data

180 IPMI command not found

181 IPMI command IP format error

182 IPMI command parameter length invalid

GROUP7 (200~) Special Group

200 System call failed

250 Managed firmware error

251 Rooted exception

252 Nested exception

253 Known limitation

254 Manual steps are required

Note: When using in-band commands with --reboot option through SSH connection to the
managed OS, SSH connection would be closed by the managed OS when the system starts to

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 201

Appendix B. Management Interface and
License Requirements

Management Interface Supported Node Product Key Required

on the Managed System
[ Group ] Command
Out-Of-Band In-Band
(Remote) (Local)
[ System Check ]
CheckOOBSupport Yes Yes Not Required
CheckAssetInfo Yes No Required
CheckSystemUtilization Yes No Required
CheckSensorData Yes No Not Required
[ Key Management ]
ActivateProductKey Yes Yes Not Required
QueryProductKey Yes Yes Not Required
ClearProductKey Yes Yes Not Required
[ BIOS Management ]
UpdateBios (without -- Required for Out-Of-Band;
Yes Yes
preserve_setting) Not Required for In-Band
UpdateBios (with --
Yes Yes Required
GetBiosInfo Yes Yes Not Required
GetDefaultBiosCfg Yes Yes Required
GetCurrentBiosCfg Yes Yes Required
ChangeBiosCfg Yes Yes Required
LoadDefaultBiosCfg Yes Yes Required
GetDmiInfo Yes Yes Required
EditDmiInfo Yes Yes Required
ChangeDmiInfo Yes Yes Required
SetBiosAction Yes Yes Required
SetBiosPassword Yes Yes Required
[ BMC Management ]
UpdateBmc Yes Yes Not Required
GetBmcInfo Yes Yes Not Required
GetBmcCfg Yes Yes Required
ChangeBmcCfg Yes Yes Required
[ System Event Log ]
GetEventLog Yes Yes Required

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 202

ClearEventLog Yes Yes Required
[ CMM Management ]
UpdateCmm Yes No Not Required
GetCmmInfo Yes No Not Required
GetCmmCfg Yes No Not Required
ChangeCmmCfg Yes No Not Required
[ Storage Management ]
GetRaidControllerInfo Yes Yes SFT-DCMS-Single only
UpdateRaidController Yes No SFT-DCMS-Single only
GetRaidCfg Yes Yes SFT-DCMS-Single only
ChangeRaidCfg Yes Yes SFT-DCMS-Single only
GetSataInfo Yes No Required
GetNvmeInfo Yes No Required
[ Applications ]
MountIsoImage Yes No Required
UnmountIsoImage Yes No Required
[ PSU Management ]
GetPsuInfo Yes Yes Required
UpdatePsu Yes Yes SFT-DCMS-Single only
[ TPM Management ]
TpmProvision Yes No Required
GetTpmInfo (SMCI OTA) Yes Yes Required
GetTpmInfo (Intel OTA) Yes No Required
TpmManage (SMCI OTA) Yes Yes Required
TpmManage (Intel OTA) Yes No Required

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 203

Appendix C. Platform Feature Support
HW & FW Compatibility
SUM (OOB & In-Band) Without BMC With BMC
Solution Feature All platform
listed in the A1 series
[ Group ] X9 Romley
“With BMC X10 Denlow
Command columns”

[ Key Management ]
ActivateProductKey No Yes Yes
QueryProductKey No Yes Yes
ClearProductKey No Yes Yes
Support SFT-OOB-LIC No Yes Yes
Support SFT-SUM-LIC No No Yes
Support SFT-DCMS-Single No No Yes
[ BIOS Management ]
Yes for in-band
UpdateBios Yes Yes
No for OOB
Yes for in-band
GetBiosInfo Yes Yes
No for OOB
GetDefaultBiosCfg No Yes Yes
GetCurrentBiosCfg No Yes Yes
ChangeBiosCfg No Yes Yes
LoadDefaultBiosCfg No Yes Yes
GetDmiInfo No Yes Yes
EditDmiInfo No Yes Yes
ChangeDmiInfo No Yes Yes
SetBiosAction No No No
SetBiosPassword No Yes Yes
[ BMC Management ]
UpdateBmc No Yes Yes
GetBmcInfo No Yes Yes
GetBmcCfg No No No
ChangeBmcCfg No No No
[ System Check ]
CheckOOBSupport No Yes Yes
CheckAssetInfo No No No
CheckSystemUtilization No No No
CheckSensorData No Yes Yes
[ System Event Log ]
GetEventLog No No No
ClearEventLog No No No

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 204

[ Storage Management ]
GetRaidControllerInfo No No No
UpdateRaidController No No No
GetRaidCfg No No No
ChangeRaidCfg No No No
GetSataInfo No No No
GetNvmeInfo No No No
[ Application ]
MountIsoImage No Yes Yes
UnMountIsoImage No Yes Yes
[ PSU Management ]
UpdatePsuInfo No Yes Yes
UpdatePsu No Yes Yes
UpdatePsu with LCMC No No No
[ TPM Management ]
TpmProvision No No No
GetTpmInfo (SMCI OTA) No No No
GetTpmInfo (Intel OTA) No No No
TpmManage (SMCI OTA) No No No
TpmManage (Intel OTA) No No No

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 205

HW & FW Compatibility
With BMC
SUM (OOB & In-Band) X10/B1/B2/B X11 K1 C7 Denv X11 H11
Solution Feature 10/MicroBla Green erton Purley Naples
de/Grantley/ Low

[ Key Management ]
ActivateProductKey Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
QueryProductKey Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ClearProductKey Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Support SFT-OOB-LIC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Support SFT-SUM-LIC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Support SFT-DCMS-Single Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
[ BIOS Management ]
UpdateBios Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
GetBiosInfo Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
GetDefaultBiosCfgFile Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
GetCurrentBiosCfgFile Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ChangeBiosCfg Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
LoadDefaultBiosCfg Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
GetDmiInfo Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
EditDmiInfo Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ChangeDmiInfo Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SetBiosAction Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SetBiosPassword Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
[ BMC Management ]
UpdateBmc Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
GetBmcInfo Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
GetBmcCfg Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ChangeBmcCfg Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
[ System Check ]
CheckOOBSupport Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CheckAssetInfo Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CheckSystemUtilization Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
CheckSensorData Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
[ System Event Log ]
GetEventLog Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
ClearEventLog Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
[ Storage Management]
GetRaidControllerInfo Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
UpdateRaidController Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
GetRaidCfg Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
ChangeRaidCfg Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
GetSataInfo Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
GetNvmeInfo Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 206

[ Application ]
MountIsoImage Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
UnMountIsoImage Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
[ PSU Management ]
GetPsuInfo Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
UpdatePsu Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
UpdatePsu with LCMC No No No No No Yes No
[ TPM Management ]
TpmProvision Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
GetTpmInfo (SMCI OTA) No No No No No Yes No
GetTpmInfo (Intel OTA) No No No No No Yes No
TpmManage (SMCI OTA) No No No No No Yes No
TpmManage (Intel OTA) No No No No No Yes No

HW & FW Compatibility
SUM CMM OOB Commands Without CMM With CMM
Solution Feature All platforms B1 series B10 MicroBlade

[ CMM Management ]
UpdateCmm No Yes Yes Yes
GetCmminfo No Yes Yes Yes
GetCmmCfg No Yes Yes Yes
ChangeCmmCfg No Yes Yes Yes


 In-band “UpdateBmc” command does not support AMI BMC firmware image.
 OOB “UpdateBios” command is not supported on motherboards that implement client
ME such as X11SAE-F, X11SAT-F, X11SSZ-(Q)F/LN4F X11SRM-VF and X11SBA-(LN4)F. In
addition, it is not supported on C7-series platforms.
 DMI information related functions do not work for X9DRL-iF/3F MB.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 207

Appendix D. Third-Party Software
The following open source libraries are used in SUM package:

Program Library License

sum simpleopt MIT

sum pugixml MIT

sum Libcurl MIT

sum openssl OpenSSL

sum CryptoPP Boost 1.0

sum EDK2 BSD


sum Jsoncpp MIT

sum libarchive OpenSSL

phymem.sys/pmdll.dll phymem CPOL

sum ncurses MIT

sum PDCurses MIT

ExternalData/tui.fnt Terminus Font OFL 1.1

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 208

Appendix E. How to Change BIOS
Configurations in XML Files
Five major setting types are provided as files in XML format: Numeric, CheckBox, Option, Password and
String. The “Information” included in every setting is read-only. Executing the command ChangeBiosCfg
does not affect the “information” enclosure. “Help” and “WorkIf” are two common fields in the
“Information” enclosure of all settings. “Help” describes the target setting and “WorkIf” specifies the
setting dependency. If the expression does not match the set conditions, a warning message will appear
and the related setting will not be changed.

E.1 Numeric
In Information, it contains the maximum value “MaxValue”/minimum value “MinValue”, default value, and
the amount to increase or decrease the value when a user requests a value change (StepSize) each time.
“numericValue” is the value that you want to apply to BIOS setting. “Help” contains the explanation to the

1. Open the XML file in Notepad++ (Windows) or vim (Linux).

2. Find the setting “Correctable Error Threshold” in the XML file.

<Setting name="Correctable Error Threshold" numericValue="10" type="Numeric">




<Help><![CDATA[Correctable Error Threshold (1 - 32767) used for sparing, tagging, and leaky bucket]]></Help>



3. Change the “numericValue” value in “Correctable Error Threshold.” In this example, the value is
changed from 10 to 20.
<Setting name="Correctable Error Threshold" numericValue="20" type="Numeric">

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 209

4. Save the XML file and then execute the command “ChangeBiosCfg.”

E.2 CheckBox
In CheckBox, the allowed input value in “checkedStatus” would be marked as “Checked” or “Unchecked.”
“checkedStatus” is the value that you want to apply to BIOS setting. “Help” contains the explanation to the

1. Open the XML file in Notepad++ (Windows) or vim (Linux).

2. Find the setting “Serial Port 1” in the XML file.

<Setting name="Serial Port 1" checkedStatus="Checked" type="CheckBox">




<Help><![CDATA[Enable or Disable Serial Port (COM)]]></Help>




3. Change the “checkedStatus” value in “Serial Port 1.” In this example, the value is changed from
Checked to Unchecked.

<Setting name="Serial Port 1" checkedStatus="Unchecked" type="CheckBox">

4. Save the XML file and then execute the command “ChangeBiosCfg.”

E.3 Option
In Option, you may choose one option in “AvailableOptions.” “selectedOption” is the value that you want
to apply to BIOS setting. “Help” contains the explanation to the setting. The following procedures
demonstrate how to change a setting with WorkIf dependency.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 210

1. Open the XML file in Notepad++ (Windows) or vim (Linux).
2. Find the setting “When Log is Full” in the XML file.

<Setting name="When Log is Full" selectedOption="Do Nothing" type="Option">



<Option value="0">Do Nothing</Option>

<Option value="1">Erase Immediately</Option>


<DefaultOption>Do Nothing</DefaultOption>

<Help><![CDATA[Choose options for reactions to a full SMBIOS Event Log.]]></Help>

<WorkIf><![CDATA[ ( 0 != SMBIOS Event Log ) ]]></WorkIf>



3. Change “selectedOption” from “Do Nothing” to “Erase Immediately”. Notice that there is “WorkIf”
dependency “( 0 != SMBIOS Event Log )” indicating that this setting is valid and can be modified only
when the expression is evaluated true. That is, it is required to check the current value of setting
“SMBIOS Event Log” as shown below.

<Setting name="SMBIOS Event Log" selectedOption="Disabled" type="Option">


<Option value="0">Disabled</Option>

<Option value="1">Enabled</Option>


<Help><![CDATA[Change this to enable or disable all features of SMBIOS Event Logging during boot.]]></Help>



Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 211

4. In “SMBIOS Event Log”, the selectedOption is “Disabled” which corresponds to the value 0. In other
words, it makes the expression “( 0 != SMBIOS Event Log )” false. In order to make it true, the
selectedOption should be modified to “Enabled” as shown below.

<Setting name="SMBIOS Event Log" selectedOption="Enabled" type="Option">

5. Save the XML file and then execute command “ChangeBiosCfg.” After reboot, the “When Log is Full”
should be changed to “Erase Immediately.”

E.4 Password
In Password, “NewPassword” and “ConfirmNewPassword” have to be the same. The password length is
limited, as MinSize represents the minimum length and MaxSize represents the maximum length.
“HasPassword” indicates whether the password is set or not. “Help” contains the explanation to the setting.

1. Open the XML file in Notepad++ (Windows) or vim (Linux).

2. Find the setting “Administrator Password” in the XML file.
3. Change “NewPassword” and “ConfirmNewPassword” in “Administrator Password.”

<Setting name="Administrator Password" type="Password">


<Help>Set Administrator Password</Help>






4. Save the XML file and execute command “ChangeBiosCfg.”

5. After reboot, the password takes effect and “HasPassword” becomes “True”.

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 212

E.5 String
In String, you can fill a string with the minimum “MinSize” and maximum “MaxSize” length. The option
“AllowingMultipleLine” indicates that you can input multiple lines in “StringValue”. The default string value
is “DefaultString”. “StringValue” is the value that you want to apply to BIOS setting. “Help” contains the
explanation to the setting.

1. Open the XML file in Notepad++ (Windows) or vim (Linux).

2. Find the setting “Add boot option” in the XML file.

<Setting name=" Add boot option" type="String">





<Help><![CDATA[Specify name for name boot option]]></Help>





3. Change the “StringValue” in “Add boot option”

<StringValue><![CDATA[ATAPI: TSSTcorp DVD+]]></StringValue>

Save the XML file and then execute command “ChangeBiosCfg.”

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 213

Appendix F. Using the Command Line
Tool (XMLStarlet) to Edit XML Files
F.1 Introduction
XMLStarlet is a set of command line utilities which can be used to transform, query, validate, and edit XML
files. Two examples are in the following sections.

F.2 Getting/Setting an XML Value (XML Element)

 To get a value (SUPERMICRO) from an element from

an xpath(/BmcCfg/StdCfg/FRU/Configuration/BoardMfgName) and a filename(BMCCfg.xml),
run the command
[shell]# xmlstarlet select --template -v "/BmcCfg/StdCfg/FRU/Configuration/BoardMfgName"
 To set a value (SUPERMICRO) to an element
in xpath(/BmcCfg/StdCfg/FRU/Configuration/BoardMfgName) and filename(BMCCfg.xml),
run the command
[shell]# xmlstarlet edit --inplace --update "/BmcCfg/StdCfg/FRU/Configuration/BoardMfgName" --

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 214

F.3 Getting/Setting an XML Value (XML Attribute)

 To get the value (None) from an attribute

in xpath(/BmcCfg/StdCfg/FRU/@Action) and filename(BMCCfg.xml),
run the command
[shell]# xmlstarlet sel -t -v /BmcCfg/StdCfg/FRU/@Action BMCCfg.xml
 To set the value (None) to an attribute
in xpath(/BmcCfg/StdCfg/FRU/@Action) and filename(BMCCfg.xml),
run the command
[shell]# xmlstarlet ed -L -P -u /BmcCfg/StdCfg/FRU/@Action -v None BMCCfg.xml

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 215

Appendix G. Removing Unchanged BIOS
Settings in an XML File
Not all BIOS settings are intended to be changed in each update. In SUM, the unchanged settings can be
removed from a configuration file. Metadata tags such as <Subtitle>, <Text> and <Information> are not
parsed in the “ChangeBiosCfg” command and can be removed as well. In the example below, the XML tags
are kept to a minimum:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>


<Menu name="Advanced">

<Menu name="Boot Feature">

<Setting name="Quiet Boot" checkedStatus="Checked" type="CheckBox">


<Setting name="Option ROM Messages" selectedOption="Force BIOS" type="Option">



<Menu name="Event Logs">

<Menu name="Change SMBIOS Event Log Settings">

<Setting name="MECI" numericValue="1" type="Numeric">



<Menu name="Boot">

<Setting name=" Add boot option" type="String">



<Menu name="Security">

<Setting name="Administrator Password" type="Password">


Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 216






The first line is an XML declaration header. SUM specifies the encoding method as ISO-8859-1. If the text
editor fails to deploy the encoding method ISO-8859-1, extended ASCII characters in a configuration file
may be lost after the file is saved.

<BiosCfg> in the second line is the BIOS configuration root. In other words, SUM only attempts to parse
child tags enclosed in <BiosCfg>. Within <BiosCfg>, the direct child tag must be <Menu>.

The <Menu> hierarchy represents the menu path in the BIOS configuration. Every setting has a menu path
and the <Menu> hierarchy structure should always match. For example, the menu path for the setting
“Quiet Boot” is “Advanced”->“Boot Feature”. If “Advanced” is removed, SUM will try to find the match for
“Quiet Boot” in the menu path “Boot Feature”. Since the menu item “Boot Feature” is not in the first level
of menu hierarchy in BIOS configuration in the managed system, an exception will be thrown.

In addition, for <Menu>, the attributes “name” and “order” (if applicable) should not be changed or
removed. If any changes are made, a setting in the menu path will fail to match and SUM will export error
messages. Similarly, for <Setting>, the attributes “name”, “order” (if applicable) and “type” should not be
changed or removed. SUM will fail to identify a setting if those are changed.

In contrast, for the settings Option, CheckBox and Numeric, you can change the current values in the
attributes “selectedOption”, “checkStatus” and “numericValue”, respectively. For the String setting, you
can change the current contents in the child tag <StringValue>. For the Password setting, you can change
the current password in the child tags <CurrentPassword> (if applicable), <NewPassword> and

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 217

Contacting Supermicro
Address: Super Micro Computer, Inc.
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Fax: +1 (408) 503-8008
Email: marketing@supermicro.com (General Information)
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Website: www.supermicro.com

Address: Super Micro Computer B.V.
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's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0) 73-6400390
Fax: +31 (0) 73-6416525
Email: sales@supermicro.nl (General Information)
support@supermicro.nl (Technical Support)
rma@supermicro.nl (Customer Support)
Website: www.supermicro.nl

Address: Super Micro Computer, Inc.
3F, No. 150, Jian 1st Rd.
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Tel: +886-(2) 8226-3990
Fax: +886-(2) 8226-3992
Email: support@supermicro.com.tw
Website: www.supermicro.com.tw

Supermicro Update Manager User’s Guide 218

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