UCSP Edited
UCSP Edited
UCSP Edited
Department of Education
Region VI- Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo City
Santa Clarita International School Inc.
Puerto Real de Iloilo, La Paz, Iloilo City
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
Grade 11
Year and Section:_______________________ Score:_____________________
Part 1. Multiple choice.
____1.) It is the study of what makes us human.
A. Archeology B. Sociology C. Anthropology D. Psychology
____2.) Is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human
A. Archeology B. Sociology C. Anthropology D. Psychology
____3.) Focuses on the theory and practices of government and politics at the local state, national
And international level.
A. Political Science B. Political theory C. Comparative Politics D. Governement
____4.) Study human culture, by analyzing the objects people have made.
A. Archeology B. Sociology C. Anthropology D. Psychology
____5.) It is the underlying foundation of traditions and beliefs that help a person relate to the world around
A. Culture B. Norms C.Folklore D. Society
____6.) Is a sense of belonging. This includes a shared sense of companionship, beliefs, interest and
Basic principles of living.
A. Cultural Identity B. Social Identity C. Political Identity D. Class Identity
____7.) Relates how we identify ourselves in relation to others according to what we have in common.
A. Cultural Identity B. Social Idenity C. Political Identity D. Class Identity
____8.) Is almost always associated with a group affiliation and describe the ways in which being a
Member of a particular group.
A. Cultural Identity B. Social Identity C. Political Identity D. Class Identity
____9.) It is defined as the people who interact in such a way as to share a common culture.
A. Culture B. Norns C. Folklore D.Society
____10.) Personal distance and gestures are examples of forms of
A. Non-verbal communication B. Cultural Integration C. Folkways D. Values
____11.) Means that one may see his/her own culture as the correct way of living
A. Ethnocentrism B. Cultural Relativity C. Absolute D. Critical
____12.) Is the ability to understand a culture on its own terms and not to make judgments using the
Standard of one’s own culture.
A. Ethnocentrism B. Cultural Relativity C. Absolute D. Critical
____13.) Everything that happens within a culture must and should not be questioned by outsiders.
A. Ethnocentrism B. Cultural Relativity C.Absolute D.Critical
____14.) It creates question about cultural practices in terms of who is accepting them.
A. Ethnocentrism B. Cultural Relativity C. Absolute D.Critical
____15.) Earliest stone tools introduced by Homo habilis
A. Lower Paleolithic B. Middle Paleolithic C. Upper Paleolithic D. Mesolithic
____16.) Increased use of smaller finer tools and blades. Tools exclusively used by Homo sapiens.
A. Lower Paleolithic B. Middle Paleolithic C. Upper Paleolithic D. Mesolithic
____17.) More advanced tools made from a greater variety of materials.
A. Lower Paleolithic B. Middle Paleolithic C. Upper Paleolithic D. Mesolithic
____18.) Tools displaying a much more sophisticated design and greater ingenuity.
A. Lower Paleolithic B. Middle Paleolithic C. Upper Paleolithic D. Mesolithic
____19.) Aspect of culture where it is not biological and we do not inherit it.
A. Culture is learned B. Culture is shared C. Culture is integrated D. Culture is dynamic
____20.) Aspect of culture known as holism, or the various parts of a culture being interconnected.
A. Culture is learned B. Culture is shared C. Culture is integrated D.Culture is dynamic
____21.) This Aspect of culture means that cultures interact and change.
A. Culture is learned B. Culture is shared C. Culture is integrated D.Culture is dynamic
____22.) An aspect of culture where we are able to act in socially and appropriate ways as well as predict
How others will act.
A. Culture is learned B. Culture is shared C. Culture is integrated D. Culture is dynamic
____23.) A subfield of of Political science that is concerned mainly with the foundations of political
Community and institutions.
A. Political theory B. Comparative politics C. International Relations D. Political Methodology
____24.) A subfield of political science that is concerned with developing an understanding of why states
And non-states international like UN interact as they do.
A. Political theory B. Comparative politics C. International Relations D.Political Methodology
23 copies
____25.) A subfield of of political science is to provide an understanding of how and why different socities
Develop different kinds of political institutions.
A. Political theory B. Comparative politics C. International Relations D. Political Methodology
____26.) A subfield of political sicence where it covers philosohical issues regarding the possibility of a science of Politics, the similarities and differences
between political science and other social science.
A. Political theory B. Comparative politics C. International Relations D. Political Methodology
____27.) Is the transition to a more democratic political regime. It also refers to substantive political changes
Moving in a democratic direction.
A. Democratization B.Culturalization C.Socialization D. Population
____28.) Is a fundamental sociological concept, comprising a number of elements.
A. Democratization B. Culturalization C.Socialization D. Population
____29.) Refers to the socialization that takes place througout one’s life. Both as a child and as one
encounters new groups.
A. Primary socialization B. Secondary socialization C. Broad socialization D. Narrow socialization
____30.) Refers to socialization that takes place early in life, as a child and adolescent.
A. Primary socialization B. Seconday socialization C. Broad socialization D.Narrow socialization
____31.) Refers to socialization that is intended to promote obedience and conformity
A. Primary socialization B. Secondary socialization C. Broad socialization D.Narrow socialization
____32.) Refers to socialization that is intended to promote independence, individualism and self-
A. Primary socialization B. Secondary socialization C. Broad socialization D.Narrow socialization
____33.) Is the extent to which an individual complies with group norms or expectation.
A. Deviance B. Conformity C. Social Diversion D. Conflict crimes
____34.) Is a violation of established contextual, cultural or social norms.
A. Deviance B. Conformity C. Social Diversion D. Conflict crimes
____35.) Are acts like prostitutions, which may be illegal but about which there is considerable public
A. Deviance B. Conformity C. Social Diversion D. Conflict crimes
____36.) A violate norms in a provocative way but are generally regarded as distasteful but harmless or
For some cool.
A. Deviance B. Conformity C. Social Diversion D. Conflict crimes
____37.) Are reward given for conforming to norms.
A. Positive sanction B. Negative Sanction C. Informal sanction D. Formal sanction
____38. )A sanctions that is emerge in face-to-face social interaction.
A. Positive sanction B. Negative Sanction C. Informal sanction D. Formal sanction
____39.) A sanctions that gives punishment for violationg the norms.
A. Positive sanction B. Negative sanction C. Informal sanction D. Formal sanction
____40.) A sanction that officially recognize and enforce norm violations.
A. Positive sanction B. Negative sanction C. Informal sanction D. Formal sanction
1. If you are given the chance to talk to the Philippine President, what would it be? Why? Elaborate your answer. (5pts)
2. What is your idea about the continuous poverty your fellow citizen is experiencing? What could be the possible reasons? What can you contribute to
uplift it? (5pts)
If you change the society and a culture, the politics will follow