Digi-Star 10/60 Series Technical Manual
Digi-Star 10/60 Series Technical Manual
Digi-Star 10/60 Series Technical Manual
10/60 Series
Digi-Star, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, United States
Please contact your Digi-Star service representative if you wish to suggest changes or make
corrections to this document.
Applicable Products
10 SERIES EZ2810, EZ3410, ST3410, TMR3610, and TMR4610
60 SERIES GT560 – NT560
Reference Documents
Setup/ Calibration/ Settings
D3648 – Escape Computer Commands – RS232 serial commands and print formats
D3657 – Long Form Setup – factory settings for indicators
D4019 – 10/60 Series Setup – settings by model number
D4020 – Direct Access Numbers – change settings on keypad based indicators
D4021 – Software Release Information – software version & type used by model
D4177 – Special Customer Setup Requirements
D4185 – 60 Series AutoLog2 – settings to use internal relay as a control device
D4206 – EZ4 Software Update Instructions
D4211 – Scale Tracker Manual
D4216 – EZ4 & SL2 Save Settings Guide
D4222 – Scale Indicator Calibration Guide
F3471 – Setup and Calibration Numbers
F3471 - Appendix A & B – Setup & Calibration guides
10/60/SL2 Application Note – Maintenance and Sign-on Message Files
D3724 RAM Mounts
D3747 Wedge Mounts
D3810 Power Cord Options
D3908 AutoLog Installation and Setup (560 series)
D3972 Swivel/ Magnet Mount
D4044 Rotation Counter Install for EZ/ TMR Indicators
D4194 Universal Indicator Bracket
Other/ Misc
Operation manuals for each product
Options and Accessories referenced at back of this manual
Other documents available at www.Digi-Star.com
10/60 Technical Manual
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
SECTION 0 – PRODUCT OVERVIEW ................................... 5
10/60 Series Specifications ................................................... 5
0.2.0 10/60 Series Features .................................................. 6
SECTION 1 – CONNECTIONS............................................... 8
1.1.0 Power........................................................................... 8
1.2.0 Load Cell ...................................................................... 8
1.3.0 Remote ........................................................................ 9
1.4.0 Serial Ports ................................................................ 10
1.5.0 Communications ........................................................ 11
1.6.0 Example Printer Setup ............................................... 12
1.7.0 USB Port .................................................................... 12
1.8.0 Serial GPS Port .......................................................... 12
1.9.0 ACC Port .................................................................... 13
1.10.0 Interfaces and Controls ............................................ 13
SECTION 2 – Electronics/Setup ........................................... 14
Main Board Jumpers, All 10/60 Models ............................... 14
Main PCBA Diagram ........................................................... 15
2.1.0 Software Installation/ Configuration ............................ 16
2.2.0 Calibrating the Scale Indicator.................................... 16
2.3.0 Self Test ..................................................................... 18
2.4.0 Weighing Errors ........................................................ 19
2.5.0 Direct Access Numbers ............................................. 19
Section 3 – Menu Items ........................................................ 26
3.1.0 Menu 1 – General Settings......................................... 26
Menu 1.0 – General Settings (Jump List 1) ........................................ 26
Menu 1.1 – General Settings (Jump List 11) ...................................... 28
Menu 1.2 – Time and Date (Jump List 12) ......................................... 28
Menu 1.4 – Remote Inputs (Jump List 14) ......................................... 29
Menu 1.9 – Diagnostic 1 (Jump List 19)............................................. 30
3.2.0 Menu 2 – Communications, remote, and isobus......... 30
Menu 2.0 – Communications (Jump List 2) ......................... 30
REMOTE (D.A.N. 2001) Remote ........................................ 30
Menu 2.1 – Scoreboard & Operational Status Mess. (Jump List 21) . 31
Menu 2.2 – Port Settings (Jump List 22) ............................................ 36
Menu 2.3 – Print (Jump List 23) ......................................................... 37
Menu 2.4 – Remote Display (Jump List 24) ....................................... 37
D4055 3
3.3.0 Menu 3 – MOTION & Weight ..................................... 39
Menu 3.0 – WEIGHT (Jump List 3) .................................................... 39
Menu 3.1 – MOTION (Jump List 31) .................................................. 40
Menu 3.2 – ANALOG OUT (Jump List 32) ......................................... 41
3.4.0 Menu 4 – Preset, Alarm, and Timer ............................ 41
Menu 4.0 – PRESET, ALARM, AND TIMER (Jump List 4) ................ 41
Menu 4.1 – SETPOINT (Jump List 41) .............................................. 43
Menu 4.2 – PRESET TOLERANCE (Jump List 42) ........................... 44
Menu 4.3 – MIXER REVOLUTIONS (Jump List 43) .......................... 44
3.5.0 Menu 5 – communication port mapping...................... 44
Menu 5.0 – Port Outputs (Jump List 5) .............................................. 44
3.6.0 Menu 6 – application specific settings ........................ 45
Menu 6.0 – Common Batching (Jump List 6) ..................................... 45
Menu 6.0.5 – Common Batching/Selection Based on Application ..... 46
Menu 6.1 – 3410 Batching (Jump List 61) ......................................... 48
Menu 6.2 – 3610/4610 Batching (Jump List 62)................................. 48
Menu 6.3 – PRESET ACTIVE SIGNAL (Jump List 63) ...................... 52
Menu 6.4 – AUTOLOG (Jump List 64) ............................................... 53
Menu 6.6 – Seed Tender (Jump List 66) ............................................ 56
Menu 6.8 – Moisture (Jump List 68)................................................... 57
Menu 6.9 – Baler (Jump List 69) ........................................................ 57
3.7.0 Menu 7 – Scale Specific Settings ............................... 58
Menu 7.1 – Scale Specific Settings (Scales A & B – Jump List 71) ... 58
Menu 7.2 – Scale Specific Settings (Scales C & D – Jump List 72) ... 58
3.8.0 Menu 8 – Setup and Calibration ................................. 59
Menu 8.0 – SIGN-ON & MAINTENANCE MESSAGES ..................... 59
Menu 8.1 – CALIBRATION ................................................................ 59
Menu 8.2 – MEMORY MANAGEMENT ............................................. 60
Menu 8.4 – RPM RECORDING ......................................................... 61
Menu 8.5 – PEAK WEIGHT ............................................................... 61
Menu 8.7 – SETUP NUMBER & SETTINGS ..................................... 62
3.9.0 Menu 9 – Service/Options Settings ............................ 64
Menu 9.0 – SERVICE/OPTIONS ....................................................... 64
4.0.0 Remote Options ......................................................... 66
4.1.0 Cable Repair & Adaptor Kits ...................................... 67
4.2.0 Keypad Error Codes................................................... 68
5.0.0 PRINT FORMATS ..................................................... 70
10/60 Technical Manual
F1 Main Fuse, internal: 2.5A self-resetting, never needs replacement. Protects combined current
of indicator, load cells, remote display(s), serial port, and other indicator
powered accessories.
D4055 5
Note: Adding accessories such as radio modules and remote displays
will increase total current load. Refer to accessory documentation for
additional power details.
F2 Relay1 Fuse, internal: 9A self-resetting, never needs replacement. Protects relay1 as used in
alarm relay output and machine control applications.
F3 Relay2 Fuse, internal: 9A self-resetting, never needs replacement. Protects relay2 as used in
alarm relay output and machine control applications.
These are features that are new or expanded on over the EZ3 series product line.
Hour meter
Indicators with a rotation counter track the total accumulated time rotations have been detected. This time
is a running total and is displayed during self-test after REVHRS is displayed.
10/60 Technical Manual
Also added are “jump” lists. This feature will allow the user to quickly “jump” to an entire menu or sub
menu. To access the jump list, enter the 1 or 2 digit jump list number via the keypad and press and
hold the FUNCTION key.
Self-resetting Fuses
All 10/60 units contain resettable fuses that never need replacement. These replace the old tube style
fuses used on prior generations, so the fuse will never need to be replaced.
Options include but are not limited to: CANBUS for proprietary uses such as serial CAN or GPS; 2nd
relay control; analog inputs for uses such as grain moisture sensor; connections for other functions
D4055 7
1.1.0 POWER
The power connector is also known as J901. This connector brings power into the entire scale system.
The Relay1 output control also comes out of this connector. The Remote Input 1 function is also
brought into this connector. The remote input hardware is defaulted to active low/ ground triggered, but
may be modified to active high/ 12V triggered on specific models.
Standard EZ Mate
10/60 Technical Manual
EZ Mate – 4 Connectors
Pin Wire Color Board Connection Description
1 Red RED + Excitation
2 Green GRN - Signal
3 White WHI + Signal
4 Black BLK - Excitation & Shield
5 (mid) SHD
Crown – 4 Connectors
Pin Wire Color Board Connection Description
A Green RED - Signal
B Red GRN + Excitation
C White WHI + Signal
D Black BLK - Excitation & Shield
1.3.0 REMOTE
The Remote connector carries power and data lines out to any EZ Series SPI bus remote indicator.
Compatible remote displays include RD2000, RD2400V, RD2500V, RD4000, and RD400/440.
D4055 9
Remote Settings; D.A.N. 2401
There are 3 types of Digi-Star remote display hardware; EZ2, EZ3MUX, and COG. The 10/60 series
indicators can now auto-detect which remote type is attached. The setting for each remote type also
can be changed within indicator Menu 2 or D.A.N. 2401, “RMDISP”.
The serial port is offered as an option on many indicator models. This port provides two bi-directional
ports and a +12 VDC supply. Existing printers and printer cables will work with this port. Serial
powered remote displays also work on this port.
The 10/60 series indicators have a communication port mapping feature located in the Menus. This
feature allows the user to select different ports for each of the outputs found in Menu 5. (Scoreboard,
Printer, Opstat, External radio, etc)
Pin Wire Color Board Connection Description
1 Violet P9 pin 1 20ma Current Loop (+)
2 Orange P9 pin 2 Com # 1 Out (Tx)
3 Red P9 pin 3 Com # 1 In (Rx)
4 Brown P9 pin 4 Com # 2 Out (Tx)
5 Gray P9 pin 5 +12 VDC (F1 fuse 2.5A)
6 Blue P9 pin 6 GND
7 Yellow P9 pin 7 Com # 2 In (Rx)
8 Black P9 pin 8 GND
10/60 Technical Manual
Connecting to a Printer / Scoreboard Com 1
RS-232 Out Pin 2
Printer Ground Pin 6
Connecting to a Printer / Scoreboard Com 2
RS-232 Out Pin 4
Printer Ground Pin 6
Connecting to a Computer or Wireless Machine Control Com 1
RS-232 In Pin 3
RS-232 Out Pin 2
Computer Ground Pin 6
Connecting to a Computer Com 2
RS-232 In Pin 7
RS-232 Out Pin 4
Computer Ground Pin 6
Data is transmitted and received in the asynchronous ASCII format. This communication format is
compatible with most printers, computers, and terminals. The parity, baud rate, and data bits can be
changed to fit a specific application. These settings are stored in MENU 2.2, or can be accessed
through the D.A.N. numbers. See “Setup & Direct Access Number” section in this manual for further
details and options.
D4055 11
Baud Rate
The default Baud rate is 9600 and can be set to 1200 through 115200. The baud rate can be changed
to fit a specific application. These settings are stored in MENU 2.2, or can be accessed through the
D.A.N. numbers. When changing any of the communication port settings, the indicator will reset to
ensure the correct setting are applied.
"Handshake lines" are not used and XON/XOFF is not supported.
NOTE: For more information on data communications, refer to manual D3648 (Escape Computer
Commands Set) and D.A.N. number section later in this manual.
This is an example of the steps needed to run a 12 volt in-cab printer on Com 2. This printer example
runs at ‘4800 baud’ with parity settings of ‘8 data bits’, ‘No parity’, and ‘1 stop bit’. DAN codes pg 37.
1) Attach printer cable to Serial port; connector pin 4 to indicator TX and pin 6 to indicator ground.
(‘Connecting to a Printer’ pg 12)
2) Set indicator Com 2 baud rate to 4800. Type 22 and press and hold ‘FUNCTION’ if you have a
keypad, or enter Menu 2.2 to get to setting “C2 BD”. Press ‘Select’ until “4800” is displayed,
then ON to save.
3) Set indicator Com 2 parity to NONE. After pressing ON in the previous step, C2 PAR will be
shown. Press ‘Select’ until “NONE” is displayed, then ON to save.
4) Set indictor Com 2 data bits to 8. After pressing ON in step 3, C2DATA will be shown. Press
‘Select’ until “8” is displayed, then press ON to save.
5) The next option that will be displayed is C2 DLY. Press ON to accept the default setting. The
indicator will not reset. Press ‘Print’ key a few times to verify data prints correctly.
An internal USB port is available on all 10 series models, including EZ2810 and EZ3410. An external
IP65 USB port is available on select 10/60 models, including TMR3610, TMR4610, and GT560. This
port is a USB 2.0, A style connector, capable of up to 500ma. Functions and applications of the USB
vary slightly between models, but the primary purpose of the USB is to store or transfer data. See your
model’s Operations manual for details on the product specific use of the USB port.
This port is a DB9 connector for use with small puck style 5V RS232 serial GPS modules. This port is
used on some 60 series models such as GT560 and NT560. When a more accurate GPS location is
needed, the Topcon SGR-1 is connected to the ACC port over CAN.
10/60 Technical Manual
1.9.0 ACC PORT
The ACC connector is used on models with CAN, Relay2, Grain Moisture Sensor, and other functions
not on the other ports. Standard pin locations shown, subject to change with further customization.
Several indicator models require controls, interfaces, or special cables in order for the entire system to
work as designed. The items below are only a partial list, and only include items required to be installed
for the scale system to work correctly.
GT560/ NT560 Auto Log requires a rotation counter, sensor, or switch to work correctly
Touch screens Systems using a touch screen need serial and/ or power interface cables
Radio/ Cab Control Radio systems require hardware in at least 2 locations to communicate
ERM WiFi WiFi requires module and a WiFi smart device with App to work
All models Require load cells, cabling, and connections to read weight
D4055 13
The 10/60 series indicators connection points are shown below. Always consult the schematic for the
proper part number and revision before changing jumpers or wiring locations. Jumpers must be
properly configured for the scale indicator to function. Contact Digi-Star Customer Service for complete
documentation or assistance in configuring your scale hardware.
10/60 Technical Manual
The most common connections are shown here. Not all models or PCB part numbers have all options,
parts, or connectors installed. Connections are setup for each indicator model.
P15 keypad
Coin battery P8 Buzzer for TMR and 60 series
D4055 15
2.1.0 Software Installation/ Configuration
The 10/60 series indicator software and setting can be transferred via USB. See D4021 for current
software release information. Please contact an authorized service center or Digi-Star Customer
Service if needing to update software, as indicator setting changes may occur.
Always download or backup any scale data prior to making any software changes!
CAUTION: The short form calibration method works with Digi-Star load cells only. The short
form calibration method for a non-Digi-Star load cell may get close to the correct
calibration number, but this method is not reliable and the scale calibration must
be checked using known weights.
10/60 Technical Manual
Write down the current Setup and Calibration numbers of your EZ indicator. These numbers are
displayed during the Self Test. Press [On/Off] to "pause" the Self-Test while setup and calibration
numbers are displayed. Press [On/Off] again, to "resume"
Actual Known Weight 2000lbs
Weight Display 2080lbs.
Existing Cal Number 32500.
31250 is the “Accurate Calibration Number”. The setup number does not change.
D4055 17
Initiating the Self-Test
After turning the scale on, wait for normal operation to begin then press the ON key. The Self-Test tests
all settings, displays information, and performs an internal system check to ensure that the indicator is
working and set properly.
Test Sequence (Order may vary based on model & software version)
The word TEST flashes:
"SETUP" is displayed.
Display Program ID: Displays the current version (revision number) of the software.
Display Setup Value: Short Form Setup Value.
Display Calibration Number: Short Form Calibration Value.
Display Peak Weight: “WEIGHT” is displayed followed by the largest peak weight
detected along with the date. See menu 8.5 – Peak Weight for
more information.
Display Rotation Counter: “REV” is displayed followed by the total Rotation count.
Display Hour Meter: “REVHRS” is displayed followed by the total Rotation count hours.
Display Temperature Calibration Count:
Display LCD Segments: The system then cycles through all display segments to help the
operator identify any faulty areas.
ENHANCED TEST: When standard test is shown (all segments
8’s) press the ZERO key. Screen will show several special
characters followed by the alphabet. Test can be paused by
pressing ON key, press any key excluding the ON key at any time
to exit.
System Test: The indicator displays the message "RUNNING SELF TEST -
PLEASE WAIT" while performing internal system testing. Self Test
cannot be paused or terminated during this test.
Self-Test System Errors:
If system errors are discovered during internal diagnostics, the operator will see an error message. For
SERVICE *** PRESS NET/GROSS TO CONTINUE". See “Software Error Codes” near the end of this
manual for error code descriptions.
Sending a command using the Computer Interface causes the system to terminate the error messages
and attempt normal system operation.
Pausing the Test:
Press [ON] during the self-test to pause the sequence. Press [ON] again to restart the test.
Terminating the Test:
The self-test terminates and continues normal operation if no errors are detected or if other keys are
10/60 Technical Manual
D4055 19
REMOTE SWITCH MESSAGE {RI2MSG}…………………………………………………………….. 1412 pg. 30
REMOTE SWITCH STATE {R2STAT}…………………………………………………………………. 1413 pg. 30
REMOTE SWITCH MSG {R2TIME}……………………………………………………………………. 1414 pg. 30
SCOREBOARD MODE {SCOREM} ................. ……………………………………………………….. 2101 pg. 31
ZERO OUTPUT {ZEROUT}…………………………………………………………………….……….. 2102 pg. 35
FRONT PANEL ZEROUT {ZEROFP}……………………………………………………….…………. 2103 pg. 35
SCOREBOARD MODE OUTPUT 2 {SCRM 2}….……………………………………….…………. 2104 pg. 36
OPERATING STATUS {OPSTAT}………………………………………………………….………….. 2111 pg. 36
DYNAMIC VARIABLE ADJUST {-dvadj}…………………………………………………………… 2199 pg. 36
10/60 Technical Manual
WM1 ADJUST 1 {WMA1-1}………………………………………………………………………….. 3003 pg. 39
WM1 ADJUST 2 {WMA1-2}………………………………………………………………………….. 3004 pg. 39
WM1 ADJUST 3 {WMA1-3}………………………………………………………………………….. 3005 pg. 39
WM2 ADJUST 1 {WMA2-1}………………………………………………………………………….. 3006 pg. 40
WM2 ADJUST 2 {WMA2-2}………………………………………………………………………….. 3007 pg. 40
WM2 ADJUST 3 {WMA2-3}………………………………………………………………………….. 3008 pg. 40
A, B, C Display Format {ABCDSP}………………………………………………………………….. 3091 pg. 40
D4055 21
BATCH PRE-ALARM {BP-ALM}………………………………………………………………………. 6002 pg. 45
INGRED. TOLERANCE METHOD {ITMTHD}……………………………………………………….. 6003 pg. 45
INGREDIENT TOLERANCE {ITOLER}………………………………………………………………. 6004 pg. 45
PEN TOLERANCE METHOD {ptMTHD}…………………………………………………………….. 6005 pg. 45
PEN TOLERANCE {PTOLER}………………………………………………………………………… 6006 pg. 46
BATCH TOLERANCE OVERLOCK {BOVRLK}……………………………………………………… 6007 pg. 46
BATCH ADVANCE DELAY {BDELAY}……………………………………………………………….. 6008 pg. 46
MANUAL PEN ADVANCE {MANPEN}…………………………………………………………………. 6009 pg. 46
INGREDIENT STARTED WEIGHT {ISTART}……………………………………………………….. 6011 pg. 46
PEN WEIGHT {PEN WT}………………………………………………………………………………. 6012 pg. 46
RESIZE RECIPE {RESIZE}……………………………………………………………………………. 6013 pg. 46
10/60 Technical Manual
D4055 23
DISPLAY UNIT {LB-KG}………………………………………………………………………………. 7154 pg. 58
CAPACITY {CAP}……………………………………………………………………………………… 7156 pg. 58
WM1 ADJUST 1 {WMA1-1}……………………………………………………………………………. 7157 pg. 58
WM1 ADJUST 2 {WMA1-2}……………………………………………………………………………. 7158 pg. 58
WM1 ADJUST 3 {WMA1-3}……………………………………………………………………………. 7159 pg. 58
WM2 ADJUST 1 {WMA2-1}……………………………………………………………………………. 7161 pg. 58
WM2 ADJUST 2 {WMA2-2} ............................ ………………………………………………………. 7162 pg. 58
WM2 ADJUST 3 {WMA2-3} ............................ ………………………………………………………. 7163 pg. 58
MOTION {MOTION} ....................................... ………………………………………………………. 7164 pg. 58
MOTION WEIGHT {MOT WT}…………………………………………………………………………. 7165 pg. 58
TARE AUTO PRINT {TAREAP}……………………………………………………………………….. 7166 pg. 58
SAVE TARE {SAVTAR}………………………………………………………………………………… 7167 pg. 58
SCALE ID SETUP {SCALID} ......................... ………………………………………………………. 7201 pg. 58
WEIGH METHOD {W MTHD}………………………………………………………………………….. 7203 pg. 58
DISPLAY UNIT {LB-KG}………………………………………………………………………………. 7204 pg. 58
CAPACITY {CAP}……………………………………………………………………………………… 7206 pg. 58
WM1 ADJUST 1 {WMA1-1}……………………………………………………………………………. 7207 pg. 58
WM1 ADJUST 2 {WMA1-2}……………………………………………………………………………. 7208 pg. 58
WM1 ADJUST 3 {WMA1-3}……………………………………………………………………………. 7209 pg. 59
WM2 ADJUST 1 {WMA2-1}……………………………………………………………………………. 7211 pg. 59
WM2 ADJUST 2 {WMA2-2} ............................ ………………………………………………………. 7212 pg. 59
WM2 ADJUST 3 {WMA2-3} ............................ ………………………………………………………. 7213 pg. 59
MOTION {MOTION} ....................................... ………………………………………………………. 7214 pg. 59
MOTION WEIGHT {MOT WT}…………………………………………………………………………. 7215 pg. 59
TARE AUTO PRINT {TAREAP}……………………………………………………………………….. 7216 pg. 59
SAVE TARE {SAVTAR}………………………………………………………………………………… 7217 pg. 59
SCALE ID SETUP {SCALID} ......................... ………………………………………………………. 7251 pg. 58
WEIGH METHOD {W MTHD}………………………………………………………………………….. 7253 pg. 58
DISPLAY UNIT {LB-KG}………………………………………………………………………………. 7254 pg. 58
CAPACITY {CAP}……………………………………………………………………………………… 7256 pg. 58
WM1 ADJUST 1 {WMA1-1}……………………………………………………………………………. 7257 pg. 58
WM1 ADJUST 2 {WMA1-2}……………………………………………………………………………. 7258 pg. 59
WM1 ADJUST 3 {WMA1-3}……………………………………………………………………………. 7259 pg. 59
WM2 ADJUST 1 {WMA2-1}……………………………………………………………………………. 7261 pg. 59
WM2 ADJUST 2 {WMA2-2} ............................ ………………………………………………………. 7262 pg. 59
WM2 ADJUST 3 {WMA2-3} ............................ ………………………………………………………. 7263 pg. 59
MOTION {MOTION} ....................................... ………………………………………………………. 7264 pg. 59
MOTION WEIGHT {MOT WT}…………………………………………………………………………. 7265 pg. 59
TARE AUTO PRINT {TAREAP}……………………………………………………………………….. 7266 pg. 59
SAVE TARE {SAVTAR}………………………………………………………………………………… 7267 pg. 59
CLEAR RECORDS {CLEARR} ....................... ………………………………………………………… 8211 pg. 60
CLEAR NVRAM ......................................... ………………………………………………………… 8212 pg. 60
FILL RECORD MEMORY .......................... ………………………………………………………… 8298 pg. 60
10/60 Technical Manual
Please note: Scale specific Setup and Calibration settings can be affected by the same global settings. When global settings
are changed they will affect the currently selected scale.
SETUP NUMBER {SETUP}……………………………………………………………………………… 8771 pg. 64
CALIBRATION NUMBER {CAL} ………………………………………………………………………. 8781 pg. 64
SETUP NUMBER {SETUP}………………………………………………………………………………. 8772 pg. 64
CALIBRATION NUMBER {CAL}………………………………………………………………………… 8782 pg. 64
SETUP NUMBER {SETUP}………………………………………………………………………………. 8773 pg. 64
CALIBRATION NUMBER {CAL}………………………………………………………………………… 8783 pg. 64
SETUP NUMBER {SETUP}………………………………………………………………………………. 8774 pg. 64
CALIBRATION NUMBER {CAL}………………………………………………………………………… 8784 pg. 64
D4055 25
HOLD OPTION ENABLE {HOLD}…………………………………………………………………… 90007 pg. 65
MEMORY OPTION ENABLE {MEMORY}……………………………………………………………. 90008 pg. 65
BLACKOUT ENABLE {BLKOUTY}……………………………………………………………. 90009 pg. 65
TIMER OPTION ENABLE {TIMER}………………………………………………………………… 90011 pg. 65
INTERNAL RADIO ENABLE {RADIO}……………………………………………………………… 90012 pg. 65
ANALOG OPTION ENABLE {ANALOG}……………………………………………………………… 90013 pg. 65
ROTATION COUNTER {REVCTR}………………………………………………………………….. 90016 pg. 65
GPS ENABLE {gps}.................................... ……………………………………………………. 90017 pg. 65
MOISTURE SENSOR ENABLE {MOISTR}………………………………………………………… 90018 pg. 65
PRESET ACTIVE SIGNAL {PRACTV} ........... …………………………………………………….. 90019 pg. 65
NUMBER KEYPAD ENABLE {NUMKEY}…………………………………………………………… 90051 pg. 65
QWERY KEYPAD ENABLE {QWERTY}……………………………………………………………. 90061 pg. 65
MODEL IDENTIFICATION {MODELID}……………………………………………………………. 90201 pg. 66
MODEL ID TIME {MODLTM}…………………………………………………………………………. 90202 pg. 66
CLEAR PEAK WEIGHT {CLRPKW}…………………………………………………………………. 90302 pg. 66
CLEAR ROTATION COUNTER {CLRREV}………………………………………………………… 90303 pg. 66
CLEAR HOUR METER {CLRHRS}………………………………………………………………….. 90304 pg. 66
STORE FACTORY IMAGE {STFCTY} ........... ……………………………………………………. 90715 pg. 66
REINITIAZE {REINIT}…………………………………………………………………………………. 99999 pg. 66
GAIN CALIBRATION {GN CAL}……………………………………………………………………… 100001 pg. 66
GAIN CALIBRATION {GN CAL}……………………………………………………………………… 100002 pg. 66
GAIN CALIBRATION {GN CAL}……………………………………………………………………… 100003 pg. 66
Jump lists will start at the beginning of the menu and step through all options by pressing the ON or
ENTER key. To access Jump Lists, enter the corresponding menu number and then press and hold
FUNCTION key for most models. (EZ3410 – Press and Hold ENTER to access jump list)
NOTE: To access an entire menu, enter the top-level number. To access a sub menu, enter the
appropriate menu number.
10/60 Technical Manual
Select the number of times per second to update the weight display. This setting also affects remote
indicators. Default = “3”.
Select 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Note: When selecting the Weigh method (General, Slow, or Fast) or when setting the Weigh Method Adjustment
Options (see Menu #3 of the Long Form Setup), a change in Display Rate affects how the weight appears on the
scale. A selection of ‘1’ update per second helps to stabilize the weight. A selection of ‘4’ updates per second
provides more response to weight changes but may cause the weight to appear “jumpy.”
D4055 27
10/60 Technical Manual
When enabled, adds verification of the system date at power up. An error will be displayed if the date is
2011 or before. The operator will be prompted to press ON to set the time and date if an invalid date is
Date check functionality differs on SL2 model indicators. Date Check is skipped at startup,
REGARDLESS of setting. This is to allow the system to operate normally on ISOBUS, without getting
stuck on prompt for the user to set the date. The date is still verified and if invalid, a CANBUS message
will be sent. When enabled, user can set date/time. When disabled, SL2 will receive update from
ISOBUS/UT broadcasts to set indicators’ date/time.
D4055 29
Used to set how often the Remote Switch Message 1 is displayed for an ‘OPEN’ or ‘CLOSED’ condition
on the remote input line of the power cord. For the default value of 2, the message is displayed every 2
seconds. The maximum setting is 9 seconds.
10/60 Technical Manual
This number is used to identify this specific indicator to the Cab Control unit and the Datalink software.
Up to 48 different numbers can be selected.
Radio ID detection can also be accessed through this menu system setting.
Menu 2.1 – Scoreboard & Operational Status Mess. (Jump List 21)
There are multiple scoreboard modes available; this feature causes the indicator to continuously send
data. No data is transmitted when SCOREM is set to ‘0'. See pages 11 & 12 for connections.
Refer to D3648 for the most up to date details on scoreboard functions.
A = either a minus sign, SPACE, number, or a dollar($). The dollar($) appears when
the "Lock On" weigh method and has "locked onto" a weight value.
B = a number or a SPACE.
C = a number, SPACE, or a '-' minus sign indicating a TR command is active.
D = a number or a '-' minus sign indicating that motion is active.
D4055 31
Ends with a <CR> (Carriage Return- Dec. 13).
Output examples: (Note: Data sent will start with a <STX> and end with <CR>).
7 Transmit comma delimited data which includes the basic weighing information 1 time
per second.
Includes Gross Weight, display unit, weight tag (GR, M+, etc...), Total Rotation
Count, Date & Time with seconds.
Ends with a <CR>,<LF>. (Carriage Return, Line Feed) PA
Output example:
1 2 3 4
" 280,LB,GR, 187,03JL03, 3:41:21"
8 Transmit comma delimited data which includes the basic weighing information once
every 5 seconds.
Same data format as setting 7
9 Selection #9 is reserved.
11 Transmit comma delimited data which includes the "serial gross weight" 2x/second.
10/60 Technical Manual
The serial gross weight data can be sent at any available baud rate, 1 start bit, 7 or 8
data bits, EVEN, ODD, or NONE parity bit, and 1 stop bit on pin 2 (COM #1 Tx line) or
pin 4 (COM #2 TX line) on the Serial / Printer connector.
See Port Settings Menu 2.2 for more information.
Starts with <STX> (Start of Text)
Six digit Serial Gross Weight “whole number” value (ie.1000 not 100.0)
"LB" or "KG" unit of measure.
Space character.
Value is calculated using a "serial zero/balance point" (ZEROUT D.A.N. 2102) and may not match
the weight displayed on the scale. The serial gross weight is not affected when the operator
performs a normal zero/balance. The serial gross weight value will always be gross and does not
change when the operator performs a normal zero/balance or selects the Net or Load/Unload
weight to be displayed.
12 Transmit comma delimited data which includes the "displayed gross weight" 10 times per
second. (Format follows SCOREM 11)
Output example:
<STX> 670LB SG<ETX>j<CR>
14 Transmit weight displayed, and tons per acre 1 time per second.
1 2
" 18490, 3.8"
D4055 33
15 Transmit comma delimited data which includes the feeding status 1 time per second.
Includes Preset, Net Weight, Gross Weight, display unit,(O – Operator, P – PC
requested command), M – Motion, weight tag (GR, M+, etc...), ID, Rotation
counter, Date & Time.
Ends with a <CR>,<LF>.
Output example:
1 2 3 4 5 6
500, 220, 1300,LB,P, ,GR, , 0,18MY15,11:20:19<CR><LF>
27 Transmit comma delimited data which includes the “timer” or “mix counter” 1 time per
Includes Preset, Net Weight, Gross Weight, Ingred/Pen Name, Recipe,
Timer/Counter, Time, Date.
Ends with a <CR>,<LF>. (Carriage Return, Line Feed).
Output example:
1 2 3 4 5 6
" 200, 130, 340,Ing ,RecNam,00:01:15,10:48A,23MY12"
37 Transmit comma delimited data 1 time every 5 seconds which includes the basic weighing
information for each scale platform, starting "left-to-right" with Scale A, Scale B, Scale C,
and Scale D.
Starts with <STX> (Start of Text).
Includes Weight displayed, display unit & weight tag (GR, M+, etc...) for each scale.
The <ETX> (End of Text) control character.
Checksum Character (C) value that includes all bytes starting after the <STX> up through,
but not including the <ETX> .
Ends with a <CR> (Carriage Return).
Output example:
1 2 3 4 5 6
"^ > 280LB GR, 11300LB NE, 1520LB GR, 2850LB NE@C~"
1 2 3 4 5
"^ 280LB GR,> 11300LB NE@C~"
The weight tag changes from (NE,GR, or LU) to (NC,GC,or LC) when indicator is performing
internal temperature calibrations (which can take up to 3 seconds). The weight sent at this time
is the same weight prior to internal temperature calibrations. This occurs every 20 minutes but is
done several times during the first 20 minutes after power up.
10/60 Technical Manual
Output example: Scales A & B with scale B selected at the indicator. Both scales are being
1 2 3 4 5
"^ 280LB GC,> 11300LB NC@C~"
Output example: Scales A & B with scale B selected at indicator, B scale is in setup.
1 2 3 4 5
"^ 280LB GR,> 999999LB ES@C~"
Weight will appear as "999999ER” when weighing errors (+/-RANGE, CHK AD,
OVERCAP etc..) are detected by the scale.
Output example: Scales A & B with scale B selected at the indicator, B scale has an error.
1 2 3 4 5
"^ 280LB GR,> 999999LB ER@C~"
38 Transmit comma delimited data with basic weighing information for each scale platform
one time per second.
Same data format as setting 37.
39 Transmit comma delimited data with basic weighing information for each scale platform
ten times per second.
Same data format as setting 37.
YEILD Transmit comma delimited data which includes the “YEILD” data 1 time per second.
Gross Weight, Net Weight, current lbs/acre, total acres.
Ends with a <CR>,<LF>. (Carriage Return, Line Feed).
Output example:
1 2 3 4 5 6
“ 6527 GR, 2995 NE, 48661.9 LBS/A, 0.05 AC"<CR><LF>
D4055 35
The same multiple scoreboard modes as SCOREM (D.A.N. 2101) are available. The modes can be
output to the same or separate communication ports. See SC2PRT (D.A.N. 5015)
Refer to D3648 for the most up to date details on scoreboard functions.
10/60 Technical Manual
Sets Com 1 data bits or 7 or 8
Auto Print prints all transactions. This feature also works with wireless transmitters.
D4055 37
EZ3MUX First Generation RD2400 Remote Display
COG RD2500V Remote Display
NOTE: These settings will also affect the TMR4610 bar graph display.
NOTE: For feature to work correctly Bootloader needs to be version 160725 or newer.
10/60 Technical Manual
D4055 39
WM1-A2 is used as the filter number. The default is 10% of the scale’s capacity. For example, if this
value is set to 3000, the weight must change more than 3000 lbs before Weigh Method #1 will use the
“Quick Response Average Number” set in WM1-A2. Once close to the actual weight, Weigh Method #1
uses the filter number set in WM1-A1.
Note: Motion is temporarily turned on during all system weight calibrations to insure a stable measurement. It is
turned off after calibration if Off was selected in Motion setup.
10/60 Technical Manual
Standard motion detection will activate when the weight displayed has moved more than “2 display
counts” in less than “2 seconds”. The standard motion detection is selected whenever the indicator is
first turned ON or the “Motion Weight” value is set to “0”. The “Motion Weight Value” has a range from 0
(OFF) – 999999. The weight value is either lb or kg depending on settings for Display Units in Long
Form Setup.
NOTE: To use Motion Weight, the motion detection feature MOTION (D.A.N. 3101) in Menu 3 must be On
D4055 41
Enter a value to activate an early warning to alert user the scale is reaching the preset weight.
SWITCH Select Alarm Output setting ‘SWITCH‘ to illuminate the lamp for an ‘OPEN’ or ‘CLOSED’
condition on the remote input line or the power cord.
NOTE: SWITCH option will not be present unless RMINP1 (D.A.N 1401) or RMINP2 (D.A.N. 1411) are
set to SWITCH
PRESET Standard preset relay, lamp, and alarm functionality. Uses the preset to determine the
pulses of the light, buzzer, and 12V signal.
SETPNT Uses the weight threshold to activate and deactivate the 12V signal
ST3410 Models
SEEDTD During unloading the 12V signal is activated and once the preset is reached the light,
buzzer, and the signal deactivates. The light and buzzer also pulse when the pre-alarm is
GT/NT560 Models
PRNOPA Preset No Pre-Alarm. Uses the preset and pre-alarm for the light and buzzer, but the
12V signal is only activated by the preset being reached.
PREACT Preset Active Signal. During unloading the 12V signal is active before the preset weight
is reached and the signal deactivates when the preset is reached. The light and buzzer
are linked to the pre-alarm and active until unloading is complete.
SSPRST Start/Stop Preset. Same functionality as PRESET with the addition of PAST setting (See
PAST (D.A.N. 6303) page 45)
10/60 Technical Manual
PRTDLY controls the number of seconds to wait before auto-advancing to the next to print the preset,
clear the preset, and clear the “Preset ID” once the target weight has been reached. Enter value in
seconds, a value of 0 sets manual advance.
D4055 43
This feature allows the operator to select the weight source to trigger the SETPNT.
NORMAL – Displayed weight.
SERIAL – Uses the Gross weight shown for the Zero Output feature ZEROUT (D.A.N. 2102).
10/60 Technical Manual
Sets printer port. Off, COM1, COM2, or COM3
D4055 45
Enter the value to accept pen for auto-advance.
Refer to TOLERANCE (D.A.N. 4202) for more information.
EZ3410 Operation
Three selections are available:
SYSTEM – User selected print format listed in PRTFMT (D.A.N 2304)
AUTO – Standard recipe format
32-TMR – Feedline format
TMR36/4610 Operation
Six selections are available:
SYSTEM – User selected print format listed in PRTFMT (D.A.N 2304)
10/60 Technical Manual
AUTO – Standard recipe format
32-TMR – Feedline format
FDINFO – Batching feedline status information
FEED-1 – 3-line format including batching information
SERMED – TMR Tracker feedline format
Programmed { PROG }: This setting always displays the total weight of the recipe as "programmed".
The value is shown for recipes programmed in Entry Methods #1 (Amount per Animal) and #2
(Percentage of Load), but shows an actual weight amount if programmed in Entry Method #3 (Amount
per Load).
Last {LAST}: This setting always displays the total that was "last" used for this recipe.
NOTE: The next two settings work with ingredient only recipes.
Programmed Correction {PRGCOR}: This setting only works for recipes programmed in Entry Method
#3 (Amount per Load). It "corrects" the total amount displayed for any under or over feeding that
occurred the last time the recipe was used. This helps insure that the amount loaded will average the
recipes programmed weight.
TMR36/4610 Operation:
List Mode: When recipe is started, indicator will display a full load of the recipe, followed by what is
needed for the current feeding.
Loads Mode: When recipe is started, indicator will display what is needed for current feeding.
EZ3410 Operation:
1 ING – First Ingredient Resize
This feature will resize the entire recipe if the first ingredient’s loaded weight is outside of the Ingredient
tolerance ISTART (D.A.N. 6014) window of the preset. Resizing changes the preset of each ingredient
to mimic the ratio loaded in the first ingredient and keep the nutritional value of the recipe the same.
D4055 47
of each ingredient to mimic the ratio loaded in the first ingredient and keep the nutritional value of the
recipe the same.
TMR36/4610 Operation:
1 ING – First Ingredient Resize
This feature will resize the entire recipe if the first ingredient’s loaded weight is outside of the Ingredient
tolerance ISTART (D.A.N. 6014) window of the preset. Resizing changes the preset of each ingredient
to mimic the ratio loaded in the first ingredient and keep the nutritional value of the recipe the same.
10/60 Technical Manual
Keys on the indicator will be disabled while using a recipe to prevent errors by the operator pressing the
wrong key.
Disabled Keys:
Left Cursor, Right Cursor, Zero, On, Tare, Net/Gross, Recipe, Pens, 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, ID, Select
and Function.
Active Keys: Hold, Timer, Print, Enter, Up Cursor, Down Cursor, Clear, Help
D4055 49
When enabled, the indicator will display any recipe that has “undone” feedlines, including recipes that
have completed unloading the Pen feedlines, but did not load all of the ingredients. This selection is
required to allow the operator to start “Single Ingredient Recipes” using the front panel.
When disabled, recipes that may have skipped an ingredient, but has unloaded all of the Pen feedlines,
will be considered complete and will not be visible to the operator.
(For use with Batch-box operation)
10/60 Technical Manual
was logged. The TARE key can be used to clear any weight displayed prior to loading or unloading.
When set to OFF, the ingredient or pen preset weight displayed only shows the weight-change from
when the preset was started.
Other features added to the 10 series are as follows:
Enter or Print will perform a partial drop. (Standard partial drop function is performed by the
down arrow)
When a partial drop is performed, the indicator will load the next pen.
Partial drops are printed. (Standard operation will print the completed pen and create a separate
feedline for each partial drop.
Ingredient/Pen toggle (New feature added to 10 series)
If an ingredient/pen is idle for 8 seconds, the ingredient/pen name will be displayed again. This feature
is disabled with the TC1300 setting.
Press on for present Ingredient/pen – press enter for next Ingredient/pen – clear to
exit recipe
Removing changes to loaded weight of preset – clear to remove – ON to return
If CLEAR is pressed again to exit, the following output stream will be sent out the serial port.
Print example:
1 2 3 4
ID: 1 ZN:3 REC:20 PEN: 20 <CR><LF>
D4055 51
Turn this setting to OFF to inhibit loading of the stored preset and the indicator will behave as a normal
grain cart that is not utilizing the preset output signal. Default is OFF.
10/60 Technical Manual
The output tolerance feature allows the operator to tune in the preset signal based on the intended
equipment. This setting creates a window, based around the preset weight, and will activate the preset
signal, according to the selected RELAY configuration, when the measured weight is within that window.
This setting allows the signal to activate before the preset is reached.
NOTE: Output Tolerance is used with the following RELAY modes: SEEDTD, PRNOPA, PREACT, and
Refer to RELAY (D.A.N. 4005) for more information.
D4055 53
NOTE: The following settings work in conjunction with RSSCTL (D.A.N. 6401)
10/60 Technical Manual
ARATE3 (D.A.N. 6507) Application Rate Window – NT560 only application
Set for a range or window around the desired application rate value RATE (D.A.N. 6502). 0 = "OFF", 1
= RATE +/- RATE, 2 = RATE +/- ½ RATE, up to 9 = RATE +/- 1/9 RATE. When the actual application
rate estimate is outside the window, the number of weight samples used for the estimate is determined
from the minimum samples setting (ARATE4 - D.A.N. 6509). When the actual application rate is within
the window, the number of weight samples used for the estimate is determined from the Application
Rate Estimate value ARATE1 (D.A.N. 6505)
AWEQUL (D.A.N. 6509) Application Rate Equal Weights – NT560 only application
Set the number of equal weight samples used to determine if the displayed application rate estimate
should be zeroed. If the last AWEQUL weight samples are determined to be within 1 display count of
the latest weight sample, the application rate estimate is zeroed. 0=”OFF”, 1 = previous sample, 2 =
previous 2 samples, up to 8 = previous 8 samples. This setting should be increased for low application
rates. The Display Count COUNT (D.A.N. 3001) should be set to 10.
ARATE5 (D.A.N. 6510) Application Rate Speed Adjust – NT560 only application
Set the response of the application rate estimate calculation when spreader unloading ‘starts’. When set
to ‘SLOW’ the settings for ARATE1 - ARATE4 will always be used to determine the application rate
estimate. When set to ‘FAST’, a quicker response will be observed when the GPS spreader speed
increases above 1kmh, or the number of equal weight samples satisfies the Application Rate Equal
Weights value (AWEQUL) condition over the last 3 seconds. When in ‘fast’ mode, the number of
samples used for the application rate estimate, and application rate average, are set equal to minimum
values of 2 and 1, and increase towards the values set by ARATE1 - ARATE4.
APMNSP (D.A.N. 6513) App Rate Minimum Speed – YM560 only application
Minimum speed to use when calculating application rate.
MUNITS (D.A.N. 6514) Load/Unload Measure
Select units to be measured. TONS or LB
GPSTLC (D.A.N. 6515) GPS Storage Location
Select location to store GPS records (off, internal, or USB)
D4055 55
GPSSSR (D.A.N. 6516) GPS Serial Streaming
When enabled, GPS application rate data is streamed out the serial port when in an active load/unload
cycle. Used with GPS Storage Rate setting GPSSTR (D.A.N. 6512)
Data stream includes the following:
Current Latitude
Current Longitude
Fix Quality
0 = Invalid
1 = GPS fix
2 = DGPS fix
6 = estimated
Current Altitude (feet/meters based on A UNIT setting)
Unique Load Number
Current GPS time
Field (up to 26 characters)
Unique ID
Speed (Mph/Kph based on A UNIT setting)
Travel Distance (feet/meters based on A UNIT setting)
Gross Weight
Delta weight change (lbs/kgs based on LB – KG setting)
Output example:
1 2 3 4 5 6
“ 6527 GR, 2995 NE, 48661.9 LBS/A, 0.05 AC"<CR><LF>
42.934678,88.806602,2,205.957443,20,20:05:21,TEST FIELD 1 ,
10/60 Technical Manual
PRNOPA. The Preset Active Signal Timeout PAST (D.A.N. 6303) can be used to account for the time it
takes the engine to throttle down and stop the see delivery process.
Contact the Service Department for more information.
D4055 57
Minimum weight to be considered a bale. This number should be set to the empty chute weight.
NOTE: Scale specific settings can be affected by the same global settings shown. When changed, they
will affect the currently selected scale.
Menu 7.2 – Scale Specific Settings (Scales C & D – Jump List 72)
Scale ID Number
See SCALID (D.A.N. 1003) SCALID (D.A.N. 7201) SCALID (D.A.N. 7251)
Weigh Method
See W MTHD (D.A.N. 1002) W MTHD (D.A.N. 7202) W MTHD (D.A.N. 7252)
Display Unit
See LB-KG (D.A.N. 1008) LB-KG (D.A.N. 7203) LB-KG (D.A.N. 7253)
See CAP (D.A.N. 3002) CAP (D.A.N. 7204) CAP (D.A.N. 7254)
WM1 Adjust 1
See WMA1-1 (D.A.N. 3003) WMA1-1 (D.A.N. 7207) WMA1-1 (D.A.N. 7257)
WM1 Adjust 2
See WMA1-2 (D.A.N. 3004) WMA1-2 (D.A.N. 7208) WMA1-2 (D.A.N. 7258)
10/60 Technical Manual
WM1 Adjust 3
See WMA1-3 (D.A.N. 3005) WMA1-3 (D.A.N. 7209) WMA1-3 (D.A.N. 7259)
WM2 Adjust 1
See WMA2-1 (D.A.N. 3006) WMA2-1 (D.A.N. 7211) WMA2-1 (D.A.N. 7261)
WM2 Adjust 2
See WMA2-2 (D.A.N. 3007) WMA2-2 (D.A.N. 7212) WMA2-2 (D.A.N. 7262)
WM2 Adjust 3
See WMA2-3 (D.A.N. 3008) WMA2-3 (D.A.N. 7213) WMA2-3 (D.A.N. 7263)
See MOTION (D.A.N. 3101) MOTION (D.A.N. 7214) MOTION (D.A.N. 7264)
Motion Weight
See MOT WT (D.A.N. 3102) MOT WT (D.A.N. 7215) MOT WT (D.A.N. 7265)
Tare Auto Print
See TAREAP (D.A.N. 2301) TAREAP (D.A.N. 7216) TAREAP (D.A.N. 7266)
Save Tare
See SAVTAR (D.A.N. 1102) SAVTAR (D.A.N. 7217) SAVTAR (D.A.N. 7267)
1. Enter (D.A.N. 8121) and press SELECT, the indicator will display WT CAL and prompt to zero the
scale. Press and hold the ZERO key to zero the system.
D4055 59
2. Scale will now prompt “ADD WT”. Place a known weight on system (ex. 5000 lb. test weight) on the
scale platform and press the ON key. If calibration weight is at least 5% of the scale capacity, the
message “CAL” will be displayed.
3. If the scale capacity is not at least 5%, the system will not accept the calibration value and display the
message “ADD WT”. Add more weight to the scale until the 5% capacity weight has been exceeded.
4. After the 5% capacity weight has been reached, the indicator displays the message “CAL”. The
weight value estimated to be on the scale at that time is displayed. The weight on the scale is estimated
based on the previous calibration value.
5. Correct the weight value by pressing the NET/GROSS or SELECT key to increment the flashing digit
and the TARE or FUNCTION key to select the digit to change.
NOTE: The scale will not accept the weight entered if motion is detected (weight is not stable) and will display the
error message “MOTION.”
6. When the display reads the correct weight, press the ON key to automatically determine and store
the full scale calibration value. The message “GOOD” is displayed for a successful calibration.
GT/NT Models
Erases all data records stored in memory.
10/60 Technical Manual
The Peak Weight Detector feature constantly monitors the gross weight and stores the largest value
ever measured by the indicator (ie. the "Peak Weight Detected"). This feature also discards weights
caused by momentary shocks seen by the scale. The “Peak Weight” is displayed in the Self -Test right
after the "CAL" value. The text "WEIGHT" is displayed, followed by the largest Peak Weight Detected
(ex. 30950), then the date when the Peak Weight was detected will be displayed (ex. 15MA16).
Pressing the ON key while the weights or dates are displayed will freeze the displayed value until the
ON key is pressed again. All indicator models will store the top five Peak Weight values. To view the
top five peak weights, enter DAN 8501, the indicator will display DSPPEK followed by the same format
as displayed in the self-test.
D4055 61
10/60 Technical Manual
Weight displayed at 0.4mV/V for the load cells used in the system.
D4055 63
Note: Disabling the Virtual Terminal communications does not affect the settings for ISO WT (D.A.N. 2701) when
broadcasting weight values to ISOBUS.
SL2BAL Details:
Industry Group = 2 Agricultural & Forestry Eq)
Device Class = 17 (Sensor Systems)
Function Type = 135 Product Mass
Manufacturer Code = 365 Digi-Star
SETUP NUMBER {SETUP} 8771 8772 8773 8774
See SETUP (D.A.N. 8711)
CALIBRATION NUM. {CAL} 8781 8782 8783 8784
See CAL (D.A.N. 8712)
10/60 Technical Manual
Allows for entering a target NET weight.
D4055 65
If ON – Allow entry of specific model ID to be display at power up.
10/60 Technical Manual
RD2400V RS232 – 405667 – Has internal adapter pcb with cable, and connects to DB9 style
connection. DB9 pin 3 = Scale TX; DB9 pin 5 = Signal Ground; J1 of adapter pcb in for 9600 baud,
and removed for 1200 baud
RD2500V RS232 – 407230 – Has jumper setting, cable, and connects to DB9 style connection.
DB9 pin 3 = Scale TX; DB9 pin 5 = Signal Ground; JP4 removed; JP5 added
RD4000 RS232 – 405666 – Has internal adapter pcb and 8 pin AMP style connector. Connector
pin 2 = Scale TX; pin 6 = Signal Ground; J1 of adapter pcb in for 9600 baud, and removed for 1200
ERM/ Cab Control – 409665 WiFi, 409004 2.4, 409310 2.4x, & 409287 900 ERM radios work
with various Cab Control Displays by connecting to J905 port. WiFi connects to Cab Control App or
Harvest Tracker App (GT560 only). Other radios connect to cab control remotes to view information
from loader or other equipment.
Other Brands – Some other serial remote brands will work with Digi-Star indicator serial ports
when correctly connected and configured. See “Serial Ports” section near the beginning of this
manual, or contact Customer Service for assistance.
403455 Power Cable Repair Kit – Repair broken power cable connector
403456 Load Cell Cable Repair Kit – Repair broken load cell cable connector
403457 Remote Cable Repair Kit – Repair broken remote cable connector
403458 Serial Cable Repair Kit – Repair broken serial cable connector
409834 EZ4 Power Harness – Replace broken power harness/ port
403682 Load Cell Harness – Replace broken load cell harness/ port
404805 Plug-In Remote Harness – Replace broken remote harness/ port; cover 141568
407091 Plug-In Serial Harness – Replace broken serial harness/ port; cover 141568
410331 GPS Harness – Replace broken serial GPS harness/ port (GT560, NT560); cover 410297
410329 ACC Harness – Replace broken ACC harness/ port (GT560, YM560); cover 410304
405963 USB Harness (large) – Replace USB harness/ port (TMR3610, ST3410); cover 405479
410330 USB Harness (compact) – Replace USB harness (560’s, TMR4610); cover 410313
405082 EZ Mate Splice Kit – Convert standard load cell to EZ Mate; repair EZMate load cell
148155 J902 Load Cell Y Cable – Connect 2 Load Cells to 1 J902 port
408099/ 409248 Load Cell 20’ Ext Cable – Extends load cell or J-box cable on large machinery
400190 J903 Remote Y Cable – Connect 2 Remotes to 1 J903 port
403670/ 408747 Remote Ext Cable – Extend J903 remote 25’ or 40’, other lengths available
D4055 67
406834 Serial Ext Cable – Extends J904/ J905 serial 25’, all pins
409156 ERM Ext Cable – Extends J905 serial 5.5’ for use with ERM, pins 2-8
410885 ERM & DDL Y Cable – DDL on COM1, ERM on COM2
409272 COM1-2 Splitter Cable – COM1 w/ TX1, RX1, GND; COM2 w/ TX2, RX2, GND, +12V
410063 EZ4 Shift-tronic Cable – Pins 2-3-6 to 2-3-6 COM1, Pins 4-7-8 to 2-3-6 COM2
408440 J905 Adapter Cable – Convert J905 pin-out to TX=2/ RX=4/ 12V=8/ GND=6
(Enables 3rd party serial devices to adapt to Digi-Star J905 Com 1)
Other Accessories – ICP300 Printer, GPS, Power cubes, Moisture Sensor (GT560), ERM-WiFi,
ERM-2.4, ERM-900, Cab Control, Cab Control App (w/ WiFi), RAM mounts, Wedge Mounts, etc
10/60 Technical Manual
Digi-Star Indicator Key Code Table
Code values are shown in Hexadecimal (base-16)
Code General Code Numeric Code Extra Features Code Letters Code Symbols
21 Bunk Read +/- 16 0 - Zero 37 Function C1 A6 & Ampersand
13 Help 34 1 - One 27 Select C2 AA * Asterisk
20 Hold 45 2 - Two C3 C0 @ AT Sign
12 ID 35 3 - Three 32 Memory Plus (M+) C4 DC / Back Slash
41 Ingr / Advance 25 4 - Four 22 Recall Memory C5 74 Backspace
30 Load Unload 15 5 - Five 66 Memory Average C6 DE Caret
77 Menu 14 6 - Six 52 Clear Memory (Cm) C7 BA : Colon
10 Net / Gross 46 7 - Seven C8 AC , Comma
62 Select Gross 36 8 - Eight 5A Backlight Dimmer C9 A2 “ Double Qt
63 Select Net 26 9 - Nine 79 Combine CA A4 $ Dollar
08 On 17 Clear 5E Dump Print Buffer CB BD #NAME?
11 Pens 57 Clear All 7C GPS Rate CC 75 Escape
23 Print 6E Clear All Entries 7D GPS Spread Width CD A1 ! Exclamation
5D Recheck 5C Print Accum Setup CE AF / Forward
31 Recipe 60 Program CF BE > Great Than
67 Re-enter Preset Code Cursor Pad 5B Quick Notes D0 DB [ Left Bracket
53 Remote Zero 44 Up Arrow 72 Record D1 A8 ( Left Paren
78 Setup 24 Down Arrow 71 Screen D2 BC < Less Than
76 Stop 42 Left Arrow 73 Stats D3 AD #NAME?
40 Tare (Start) 22 Right Arrow D4 A3 # Number
47 Timer 33 Enter D5 A5 % Percent
43 Zero / Balance D6 AE . Period
05 1 Press Balance D7 AB #NAME?
Code Data Transfer Code Combination Keys D8 BF ? Question
7A EZ to USB 4B Zero/Balance + On D9 A7 ' Single Qt
7B USB to EZ 48 Tare + On DA DD ] Right Bracket
01 DK to EZ 18 Net Gross + On A9 ) Right Paren
02 EZ to DK 49 Ingr + On BB ; Semi Colon
50 DL to EZ 39 Recipe + On A0 ' ' Space
51 EZ to DL 1B Help + On DF Underscore
06 EZ to PC 19 Pens + On 70 Shift Lock
D4055 69
Output Examples: Date & Time formats selected in the Long Form may change these examples. If print format is
not supported by indicator model, it will not be shown.
No Name Description
01 " AUTO " Multiple formats available depending on indicator model.
Print example:
10 20 30 40
"27MY15 11:09A"
" CORNID 1300LB NE 1375LB PR"
Print example:
10 20 30 40
" 27MY15 11:10A"
" CORN 1400LB NE 1375LB PR"
"* HAY 2650LB NE 2750LB PR"
" CSILAG 4130LB NE 4125LB PR"
" HAYLAG 5510LB NE 5500LB PR"
" PEN-01 -6250LB NE 6250LB PR"
" PEN-02 -7510LB NE 7500LB PR"
" ------------ ------------"
" TOTAL -13760LB NE 13750LB PR"
10/60 Technical Manual
Batching Format – Used by TMR3610/4610 when processing data from TMR Tracker.
Begins with a <CR>, <LF>.
Includes SCALE ID, Line Statues, Batch #, Ing/Pen name, and recipe name.
Call weight, loaded/unloaded weight and user ID
Time and TMR Style Date, Total Head Count (Unless Pen feedline, then Head count
is pen head count), and original call weight.
Ends with a <CR>, <LF>.
Print example:
10 20 30 40
" 3610,D,I,T,4004,HLG5 ,MCHigh,
" 6898, 7070, 1 ,
"16:21,0, 7-11-14, 238 6898"
02 "WTONLY" Simple weight value. Must be selected for AGCO (Hesston, Hay & Forage).
Includes weight, display unit, $' if unit is "locked-on", weight tag (GR, M+,
Ends with a <CR>, <LF>
Print example:
" 0LB GR"
03 "DOWNLD" This format is compatible with the original Downloader (EZI and EZII series).
Includes preset ID, weight, display unit, weight tag (GR, M+, etc...) date and time.
Ends with a <CR>, <LF>.
Print example:
10 20 30 40
"SCALE ID 16090LB GR 27JA00 10:37P"
Print example:
10 20 30
" 0,LB, ,GR,13MR02,11:08"
D4055 71
05 "ID+TM" This comma delimited format includes ID, time but not date.
Includes ID, weight, display unit, $' if unit is "locked-on", weight tag (GR, M+,
etc...) and time.
Ends with a <CR>, <LF>.
Print example:
10 20 30
" , 0,LB, ,GR,11:08"
06 "IDWTTM" This comma delimited format includes ID, time and date.
Includes ID, weight, display unit, $' if unit is "locked-on", weight tag (GR, M+,
etc...), date and time.
Ends with a <CR>, <LF>.
Print example:
10 20 30 40
"FARM-1, 16090,LB, ,GR,27JA00,10:37P"
08 "3200-A" This comma delimited format includes information for batching weighing.
Includes Preset, Weight, Gross Weight, ID, Ingred/Pen Name, Recipe#, Batch#,
Total Rotation Count, time and date.
Ends with a <CR>, <LF>.
Print example:
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
" 1000, 0, 16100, ,CORN-1, 2, 2, , 9:35P,27JA00"
10/60 Technical Manual
09 "3200-B" This comma delimited format includes more information for batching weighing.
Includes Manual Advance indicator, Scale ID, Preset, Weight, weight tag (GR, M+, etc...), Gross Weight, display unit, $'
if unit is "locked-on", ID, Ingred/Pen Name, Recipe#, Batch#, Total Rotation Count, Time, Date and User ID.
Ends with a <CR>, <LF>.
Print example:
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
"*,NEW EZ, 1000, 0,NE, 16090,LB, , ,CORN-1, 2, 3, , 9:36P,27JA00, "
10 "32-TMR" This print format is similar to the record format of the TMR3610. (See "Feedline with Control codes & Check Sum:" for more
Starts with specific control codes for TMR Tracker.
Includes Scale ID, Line Status, Line Type, Batch#, ID# or Ing/Pen name, Recipe#, Preset, Weight, User ID, Time and
TMR Style Date.
Ends with specific control codes for TMR Tracker.
Print example:
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
"NEW EZ,D,I, ,1003,MIN1 ,0, 428, 550, 1 ,9:36P, 7-08-14, , "
11 "BATCH1" This comma delimited format includes more information for batching weighing.
Includes Preset, Net Weight, Gross Weight, Ingred/Pen Name, Recipe, Batch#, Total Rotation Count, Time & Date.
Ends with a <CR>, <LF>.
Print example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
" 1500, 0, 280,ING001,REC626,2222, 187, 3:54P,03JL03"
D4055 73
12 "FDINFO" This comma delimited format includes batching feedline status information.
Includes Feedlines Done, Feedlines Undone, Total Feedlines Loaded, Number of Additional Feedlines that can be loaded,
and the Maximum Number of Feedlines that can be loaded into an TMR3610 or TMR4610.
Ends with a <CR>, <LF>.
Print example:
1 2 3 4
" 0, 5, 5, 763, 768"
Print example:
1 2 3 4
" 280,LB,GR, 187,03JL03,12:41:03"
Print example:
10 20 30 40
"FIELD1, 4856,GR, 274575,PA,05FE08, 1:44P"
18 “PRTAC2" This comma delimited format includes Print Accumulation information, but prints two lines.
Includes Scale ID, date and time on line 1.
Includes weight, weight tag (GR, M+, etc...), Print Accumulated weight and Print Accumulator tag (PA).
Each line ends with a <CR>, <LF>.
Print example:
10 20
"FIELD2,05FE08, 1:44P”
“4856,GR, 274575,PA"
10/60 Technical Manual
Includes Scale ID, weight, display unit, $' if unit is "locked-on", weight tag (GR, M+, etc...), Print Accumulated weight,
Print Accumulator tag (PA), date and time.
Ends with a <CR>, <LF>.
Print example:
10 20 30 40
"FIELD3, 5977,LB, ,GR, 309719,PA,05FE08, 4:42P"
20 "FEED-1" This three-line format prints on a 40 column printer and includes batching information.
Includes User ID, Time, Date, Feeding Number, Feed Zone, Recipe, Mix Counter / Timer, Ingredient / Pen, Preset
Amount, Actual Loaded/Fed Amount (Absolute value) & weight tag. The Time & Date formats can be selected in Menu
2 of the Long Form.
Each line ends with a <CR>, <LF>.
Print example:
10 20 30 40
“ID: 1 4:59P 3/10/2008 “
“FD:1 ZN:0 REC:COWS CTR:006 “
“ING:CORNSL PRE: 1600 ACT: 1610 NE”
Print example:
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
"TRUCK1, 4856,GR, 274575,PA,05FE08, 1:44P,NOTE FIELD "
D4055 75
22 “PRTAC5" This comma delimited format includes Print Accumulation information in a three-line format.
Includes ID, date and time on line 1.
Includes weight, weight tag (GR, M+, etc...), Print Accumulated weight and Print Accumulator tag (PA).
Field information.
Each line ends with a <CR>, <LF>.
Print example:
10 20 30
"TRUCK1,05FE08, 1:44P”
“4856,GR, 274575,PA"
Print example:
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
"FIELD3, 5977,LB, ,GR, 309719,PA,05FE08, 4:42P,NOTE FIELD "
24 “NUTRNT" This comma delimited format includes Nutrient and GPS information in an eight-line format.
Includes Spread Width, Set Spread Rate
Latitude, Latitude Hemisphere, Longitude, Longitude Hemisphere
Field Total and Total Acres
Weight, acres of current load, tons/acre
Field, ID, date and time.
Load TimeField information.
Ends with a <CR>, <LF>.
10/60 Technical Manual
Example of the NT560 indicator:
1 2 3 4
"WIDTH:40.5 RATE SET: 1.0<CR><LF>
"LA:4256.0796 N<CR><LF>
"LO:08848.5061 W<CR><LF>
" 2270TOT 0.2TAC<CR><LF>
" 0LB 8.45AC 0.0T/A<CR><LF>
" SPDR-1,29SE09, 6:43A<CR><LF>
"T: 0:00<CR><LF>
26 "SCLABC” This comma delimited format provides weight information for indicators with multiple scale (A, B, or C) platforms.
Includes Selected Scale (‘>’), weight displayed, display unit & weight tag (GR, M+, etc...) for each scale.
Ends with a <CR>, <LF>.
Print example:
Scales A, B & C with scale A selected at the indicator.
1 2 3 4 5 6
"> 280LB GR, 11300LB NE, 3240LB LU"
Print example:
Scales A & B with scale B selected at the indicator.
1 2 3 4 5 6
" 280LB GR,> 11300LB NE"
The weight tag changes from (NE, GR, or LU) to (NC, GC, or LC) when the indicator is performing internal temperature
calibrations (which can take up to three seconds). The weight sent at this time is the same weight prior to internal temperature
calibrations. This occurs every 20 minutes but is done several times during the first 20 minutes after power up.
Print example: Scales A & B with scale B selected at the indicator. Both scales are being calibrated.
1 2 3
" 280LB GC,> 11300LB NC"
D4055 77
The weight will appear as "999999" with the “ES” weight tag when the operator is in the Short or Long Form Menu’s.
Print example: Scales A & B with scale B selected at the indicator. The B scale is in setup.
1 2 3
" 280LB GR,> 999999LB ES"
The weight will appear as "999999" with the “ER” weight tag when weighing errors (+/- RANGE,CHK AD,OVERCAP etc..) are
detected by the scale.
Print example: Scales A & B with scale A selected at the indicator. The B scale has an error.
1 2 3
"> 280LB GR, 999999LB ER"
27 "PRWTRC" This comma delimited format includes more information for batching weighing including “timer” or “mix counter”.
Includes Preset, Net Weight, Gross Weight, display unit, Command Originator, ‘M' if unit detects motion, weight
tag (GR, M+, etc...), ID, Total Rotation Count, Date, Time.
Ends with a <CR>, <LF>.
Print example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
" 400, 180, 540,LB,O,M,GR,TRUCK1, 35,05JN12,00:01:15,10:48A, "
28 "BATCH2" This comma delimited format includes more information for batching weighing including “timer” or “mix counter”.
Includes Preset, Net Weight, Gross Weight, Ingred/Pen Name, Recipe, Timer/Counter, Time, Date.
Ends with a <CR>, <LF>.
Print example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
" 200, 130, 340,Ing ,RecNam,00:01:15,10:48A,23MY12"
10/60 Technical Manual
29 "RECINF" This comma delimited format includes Print Buffer record status information.
Includes number of Records Stored, number of Available Records, Total Record capacity and the last Record
Ends with a <CR>, <LF>
31 “PRTST1” This comma delimited format includes information specific for the ST3410.
Includes Field ID, Bin, Mode (Auto/manual), Weight Dispensed, weight tag, (GR, M+, etc...), Preset, Print
Accumulated Weight, Print Accumulator Tag (PA), Date, Time.
Ends with a <CR>, <LF>.
Print example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
"BACK40, BIN1, AUTO,- 252,GR, 250LB PR, 2652,PA,10AP13, 8:15A"
32 “PRTST3” This comma delimited format includes information specific for the ST3410.
Includes Field ID, Bin, Mode (Auto/manual), Weight Dispensed, weight tag, (GR, M+, etc...), Preset, Print
Accumulated Weight, Print Accumulator Tag (PA), Date, Time.
Each line ends with a <CR>,<LF>.
Print example:
1 2 3 4
“- 252,GR, 250LB PR, 2562,PA,”
“10AP13, 8:16A"
D4055 79
33 “SERMED” This comma delimited format includes information specific for the TMR Series scales when used with TMR Tracker.
Print example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
NEW EZ,D,I,T,1001,CAN ,MFRESH, 515, 830, 1 , 9:39,0, 7-08-15,000212, 0,0, 0, 2610,000,000
34 “GT560A” This comma delimited format includes information specific for the GT560.
Includes Dry weight and average moisture
Dry Bushels and Scale ID
Crop and Software version
Load Latitude & Load Longitude
Unload Latitude & Unload Longitude
ID, date and time
Includes weight, weight tag, (GR, M+, etc...), Field Accumulated Weight, and Print Accumulator Tag (PA)
Each line ends with a <CR>, <LF>
Print example:
1 2 3 4
DRY WEIGHT: 22450, MS:15.5<CR><LF>
CROP: CORN,161108<CR><LF>
LOAD LA:4256.0796 N<CR><LF>
LOAD LO:08848.5061 W<CR><LF>
UNLOAD LA: 4256.0796 N<CR><LF>
UNLOAD LO: 08848.5061 W<CR><LF>
TEST 1,12AU15, 1:34P<CR><LF>
0,GR, 0,PA<CR><LF>
BACK 40 <CR><LF>
10/60 Technical Manual
34 “YM560A” This comma delimited format includes information specific for the YM560.
Load Latitude & Load Longitude
Dry Bushels and Scale ID
Unload Latitude & Unload Longitude
ID, date and time
Includes weight, weight tag, (GR, M+, etc...), Field Accumulated Weight, and Print Accumulator Tag (PA)
Each line ends with a <CR>, <LF>
Print example:
1 2 3 4
LOAD LA:4256.0796 N<CR><LF>
LOAD LO:08848.5061 W<CR><LF>
UNLOAD LA: 4256.0796 N<CR><LF>
UNLOAD LO: 08848.5061 W<CR><LF>
13D525,12AU16, 1:34P<CR><LF>
2075,GR, 5250,PA<CR><LF>
35 “GT560B” This comma delimited format includes information specific for the GT560.
Includes Dry weight and average moisture
Dry Bushels and Scale ID
Includes weight, weight tag, (GR, M+, etc...), Field Accumulated Weight, and Print Accumulator Tag (PA)
Each line ends with a <CR>,<LF>.
Print example:
1 2 3 4
DRY WEIGHT: 0, MS: 0.0<CR><LF>
20660,GR, 48260,PA<CR><LF
D4055 81
37 “PRTST5” This comma delimited format includes information specific for the ST3410.
Includes Bin, Seed, and Preset
Planter, Date, Time.
Weight Dispensed, weight tag, (GR, M+, etc...), Print Accumulated Weight, Print Accumulator Tag (PA)
Each line ends with a <CR>,<LF>.
Print example:
1 2 3 4
PLT 1, 16MR17,4:55P<CR><LF>
230,GR, 200,PA<CR><LF>
PLT 1, <CR>,LF>
10/60 Technical Manual
D4055 83