Explosion Protection: Industrial Automation and Drive Technologies
Explosion Protection: Industrial Automation and Drive Technologies
Explosion Protection: Industrial Automation and Drive Technologies
Explosion Protection
© Siemens AG 2008
Classification of explosion-proof
equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Safety parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Intrinsic safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Further information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
An explosion is the sudden chemical reaction of a combustible The principle of integrated explosion protection requires all
substance with oxygen, involving the release of high energy. explosion protection measures to be carried out in a defined
Combustible substances can be present in the form of gases, order.
mist, vapor or dust. An explosion can only take place if the A distinction is made here between primary and secondary
following three factors coincide: protective measures.
• Combustible substance Primary explosion protection covers all measures that prevent
(in the relevant distribution and concentration) the formation of a potentially explosive atmosphere.
• Oxygen (in the air)
• Source of ignition (e.g. electrical spark) What protective measures can be taken to minimize the risk of
an explosion?
Co bst a
The consideration of technical safety parameters is necessary The explosion limits depend on the surrounding pressure and
for the characterization of potential dangers: the proportion of oxygen in the air. Below are examples of the
explosion limits of some common materials.
Flash point
Substance Lower Upper
The flash point for flammable liquids specifies the lowest
designation explosion limit explosion limit
temperature at which a vapor/air mixture forms over the sur-
face of the liquid that can be ignited by a separate source. If Acetylene 2.3 vol. % 78.0 (self-decomposing) vol. %
the flash point of such a flammable liquid is significantly Ethylene 2.3 vol. % 32.4 vol. %
above the maximum prevailing temperatures, a potentially Petroleum spirit ~ 0.6 vol. % ~ 8 vol. %
explosive atmosphere cannot form there. However, the flash Benzene 1.2 vol. % 8 vol. %
point of a mixture of different liquids can also be lower than Natural gas 4.0 (7.0) vol. % 13.0 (17.0) vol. %
the flash point of the individual components.
Heating oil/diesel ~ 0.6 vol. % ~ 6.5 vol. %
Methane 4.4 vol. % 16.5 vol. %
In technical regulations, flammable liquids are divided into
four hazard classes: Propane 1.7 vol. % 10.9 vol. %
Carbon disulfide 0.6 vol. % 60.0 vol. %
Hazard class Flash point
City gas 4.0 (6.0) vol. % 30.0 (40.0) vol. %
AI < 21 °C
Hydrogen 4.0 vol. % 77.0 vol. %
AII 21 ... 55 °C
AIII > 55 ... 100 °C
B < 21 °C, soluble in water at 15 °C
We refer to a deflagration, explosion or detonation depending
Explosion limits on the speed of combustion.
Combustible substances form a potentially explosive atmo- A potentially explosive atmosphere is present if ignition repre-
sphere when they are present within a certain range of sents a hazard for personnel or materials.
A potentially explosive atmosphere, even one of low volume,
If the concentration is too low (lean mixture) and if the con- can result in hazardous explosions in an enclosed space.
centration is too high (rich mixture) an explosion does not
take place. Slow burning takes place instead, or no burning
at all. Only in the area between the upper and the lower ex-
plosion limits does the mixture react explosively if ignited.
Mixture too rich:
Mixture too lean: Area subject Partial deflagration
No combustion to explosion No explosion
Explosion limit
• Hot surfaces
• Adiabatic1) compression 1 rare rare
• Ultrasound electrostatic
• Ionized radiation discharges,
• Open flames impact sparks
• Chemical reaction
• Optical radiation
• Electromagnetic radiation
• Electrostatic discharge 0.01
• Sparks caused mechanically by friction or impact Gases Dusts Practice-oriented
• Electrical sparks and arcs ignition source
• Ionized radiation
Minimum ignition energy of different environments
1) An adiabatic state change is a thermodynamic process in which a
system is changed from one state to another state without exchanging
heat with its surroundings.
nations, there has therefore been interest in removing barriers explosion protection symbol in the case of specific device
to trade by harmonizing the appropriate technical standards, classification, if demanded. In contrast to non-European laws,
and in implementing uniform safety standards in parallel. the ATEX guidelines also apply to non-electrical equipment,
Within the European Union, the harmonization process in the e.g. pneumatic drives.
area of explosion protection is largely complete.
The respective equipment and systems have been classified as
At the international level, the IEC is attempting to get closer to systems requiring monitoring and must only make use of
the aim of "a single global test and certificate" with the IECEx devices permitted for the purpose. Furthermore, start-up,
Scheme (www.iecex.com) that still enjoys only very limited changes and regular safety inspections must be carried out by
acceptance. registered institutes or authorized companies. The EU direc-
tives are binding for all Member States and form the legal
1) ATEX is the abbreviation for ATmosphaére EXplosible framework.
Important EU directives
Abbreviation Full text Directive No. Valid since
Low-voltage directive Directive 2006/95/EC of the European Parliament and Council of December 12, 2006, 2006/95/EC 16.01.2007
on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to electrical equipment
designed for use within certain voltage limits
EMC directive Directive 2004/108/EC of the European Parliament and Council of December 15, 2004, 2004/108/EC 20.01.2005
on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic
compatibility and repealing the Directive 89/336/EEC
Machinery directive Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and Council of May 17, 2006, 2006/42/EC 29.06.2006
on machinery, and amending Directive 95/16/EC (recast)
ATEX directive Directive 94/9/EC of the European Parliament and Council of March 23, 1994, 94/9/EC 09.05.1994
on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning equipment
and protective systems intended for use in hazardous areas
Pressure directive Directive 97/23/EC of the European Parliament and Council of May 29, 1997, on the 97/23/EC 29.07.1997
approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning pressure equipment
ATEX 137 Minimum regulations for improving the health protection and safety of employees who 99/92/EC 16.12.19992)
(old: ATEX 118a) could be endangered by potentially explosive atmospheres
2) The transitional regulations are defined in the relevant national legislation. In Germany, this is the working reliability regulation (BetrSichV)
In general, EU directives are European law that must be incor- There are a host of technical standards worldwide for the area
porated by the individual member states unmodified and of explosion protection. The standards environment is subject to
"one-to-one" by ratification. Directive 94/9/EC was adopted constant modification. This is the result both of adaptation to
completely into the German explosion protection regulation technical progress and of increased safety demands in society.
ExVO. The underlying legislation for technical equipment is the
Equipment Safety Law (GSG) to which the ExVO is appended International efforts at standardization also contribute, with
as a separate regulation (11. GSGV). the aim of achieving the most uniform global standards possible
and the resulting removal of barriers to trade.
In contrast, ATEX 137 (Directive 1999/92/EC) contains only
"Minimum regulations for improving the health protection EU standards
and safety of employees who could be endangered by poten-
tially explosive atmospheres", so that each EU member state The standards for explosion protection valid in the European
can define its own regulations beyond the minimum require- Union are created on the basis of the EU directives under
ments. In the German Federal Republic, the contents of the the leadership of CENELEC (European Committee for Electro-
directive have been implemented in the working reliability technical Standardization). CENELEC comprises the national
regulation. In order to simplify the legislation, the contents committees of the member states. Since, in the meantime,
of several earlier regulations have been simultaneously inte- standardization at international level gained greatly in impor-
grated into the working reliability regulation ('BetrSichV'). tance through the dynamism of the IEC (International Electronic
From the area of explosion protection, these are: Commission), CENELEC has decided only to define standards
in parallel with the IEC.
• The regulation concerning electrical installations in
hazardous areas (ElexV) In practice, this means European standards in the area of elec-
• The acetylene regulation trical/electronic systems will now be created or redefined almost
• The regulation concerning flammable liquids exclusively on the basis of IEC standards as harmonized EN
standards. For the area of explosion protection, this primarily
These regulations became defunct when the working reliability affects the standards of the EN 60079 and EN 61241 series.
regulation came into force on 01.01.2003.
The numbers of harmonized European standards are struc-
Guidelines for Explosion Protection of the Employer's tured according to the following scheme:
Liability Insurance Associations
Example Meaning
In the "Guidelines for the prevention of hazards from poten-
EN 60079-0 : 2004
tially explosive atmospheres with listed examples" of the
Employer's Liability Insurance Association (chemicals), speci- Year of issue
Temperature class
Indication of the type(s) of protection with which the equipment complies
Conformity marking
Devices are classified into equipment groups. Each equipment Hazardous areas are divided into zones (see page 2). Division
group contains equipment that is in turn assigned to different into zones depends on the chronological and geographical
categories (Directive 94/9/EC). The category specifies the zone probability of the presence of a hazardous, potentially explo-
in which the equipment may be used. sive atmosphere.
Protection types
The protection types are design measures and electrical mea- Electrical equipment for hazardous areas must comply with
sures carried out on the equipment to achieve explosion pro- the general requirements of EN 60079-0 and the specific
tection in the areas subject to explosion hazard. Protection requirements for the relevant type of protection in which the
types are secondary explosion protection measures. equipment is listed.
The scope of the secondary explosion protection measures According to EN 60079-0, the types of protection listed below
depends on the probability of the occurrence of a hazardous, are of significance. All types of protection are based on different
potentially explosive atmosphere. protection concepts.
Sand filling q Ignition source is buried in sand. The Ex EN 60079-5 Strip heaters,
atmosphere surrounding the housing IEC 60079-5 capacitors
cannot be ignited by an arc ■ ■
ANSI/UL 60079-5
Types of n Zone 2: This type of Slightly simplified application of the EN 60079-15 Programmable
protection protection includes other protection types – "n" stands for IEC 60079-15 controllers
several types "non-igniting" ■
ANSI/UL 60079-15
FM 3611
1) Marking
Pressurized enclosure pD The penetration of a surrounding atmosphere IEC 61241-4 Equipment where
into the enclosure of electrical equipment is pre- sparks, arcs or hot
vented in that a protective gas (air, inert gas or components occur
■ ■
other suitable gas) is kept within the enclosure at during normal
a pressure higher than the surrounding atmo- operation
Encapsulation mD Parts which could ignite a potentially explosive EN 61241-18 Large machines,
atmosphere through sparks or heating are encap- IEC 61241-18 slip ring or
sulated in a potting compound such that the collector motors,
explosive atmosphere cannot ignite. This is switchgear and
■ ■
achieved by completely covering the components control cabinets
with a potting compound that is resistant to
physical (particularly electrical, thermal and
mechanical) and chemical influences.
Protection by tD The enclosure is sealed so tight that no combusti- EN 61241-1 Measuring and
enclosure ble dust can penetrate into it. The surface tem- IEC 61241-1 monitoring ■ ■ ■
perature of the external enclosure is limited. systems
Intrinsic safety iaD, ibD Current and voltage are limited such that intrinsic EN 61241-11 Sensors and
safety is guaranteed. No sparks or thermal effects IEC 61241-11 actuators ■ ■ ■
can ignite a dust/air mixture.
Explosion groups
In the explosion groups, a distinction is first made between Electrical equipment of Group II is divided further into explo-
equipment of Group I and Group II: sion groups. The division depends on the safe gap and the
minimum ignition current ratio.
Electrical equipment of Group I is used for mines subject to
fire-damp. Electrical equipment with approval for explosion group IIC can
also be used in explosion groups IIA and IIB.
Explosion groups
Equipment group Use Explosion Safety gap for Degree of hazard Equipment
group flameproof enclosure requirements
1) The safe gap is the gap width between two 25-mm long, parallel flange surfaces of an explosion chamber
Safety parameters
Flammable dusts
Temperature classes
Dust from natural Ignition Smoldering
products temperature temperature
The ignition temperature of flammable gases or a flammable
liquid is the lowest temperature of a heated surface at which Cotton 560 °C 350 °C
the gas/air or vapor/air mixture ignites. Wood dust 400 °C 300 °C
T6 85 °C > 85 °C
14 Safety parameters
© Siemens AG 2008
Safety parameters 15
© Siemens AG 2008
Service and maintenance principles
for the plant operator
The installation and erection regulations specified in
EN 60079-14 apply, as well as national regulations. • Maintenance of the proper state
of the system
Installation • Continuous monitoring of the electrical
Three installation systems are used for electrical systems in • Undelayed execution of the necessary
hazardous areas (see table on page 17). maintenance measures
• Proper operation of the system
Service and maintenance • Cessation of operations in the case of
unrectifiable faults that can constitute a
Regular servicing is required to maintain the safety of electrical hazard to personnel
systems in hazardous areas.
Observation of general and special design require- Selection and installation observing the Responsibility for safety of the plant.
ments and technological state-of-the-art. installation requirements and the application. Zone assignment according to explosion hazards.
Request for testing by an independent institution if If the installer is not the owner at the same time, Testing of correct, safe state of plant:
specified by the associated standard. the installer is obliged on request of the owner to • Prior to first startup
Passing on of all approvals and manufacturer provide an installation certificate. • At specific intervals
declarations to the user. Correct operation of the electrical equipment.
Manufacture of each electrical unit according to the This confirms that the electrical equipment corres- Every explosion which may be caused by operation
test documents and test specimens. ponds to the requirements. of the plant must be reported to the supervisory
If such a certificate is available, additional testing authority.
by the owner prior to first startup is no longer
Intrinsic safety
The intrinsic safety of a circuit is achieved by limiting the Maintaining intrinsic safety
current and voltage. This characteristic limits the type of
protection "Intrinsic safety" to circuits with a relatively low All devices in an intrinsically-safe circuit must correspond to
power. Applications include e.g. measuring and control the intrinsically safe type of protection. When wiring the
technology. nodes in this circuit (typically transmitters, sensors and the
wiring itself), the characteristic electrical values must be main-
The basis for the protection type "Intrinsic safety" is that a tained to ensure intrinsic safety.
certain minimum ignition energy is required to ignite a poten-
tially explosive atmosphere. In an intrinsically-safe circuit, no
sparks or thermal effects occur in operation or in the event of Terms and definitions for intrinsic safety
a fault that ignite a potentially explosive atmosphere. Intrinsically-safe A circuit in which no spark and no thermal
circuit effect can cause the ignition of a potentially explosive
Categories of intrinsically-safe equipment
ib The intrinsically-safe electrical equipment must not cause an ignition Zone 2, zone 1
• During normal operation
• When a single fault occurs
18 Intrinsic safety
© Siemens AG 2008
The basic principles of explosion protection are identical The existing system of temperature classes has not been
all over the world. However, techniques and systems have changed following the CEC 1998.
been developed in North America in the area of explosion
protection that differ significantly from those of the IEC Degrees of protection provided by enclosures
(International Electrotechnical Commission).
Just as the IP degrees of protection have been defined in ac-
The differences from IEC (International Electrotechnical Com- cordance with IEC 60529, the US has Standard Publ. No. 250
mission) technology include division of the hazardous areas, of NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturing Association) that
the design of equipment, and the installation of electrical deals with the degree of protection of housings.
These degrees of protection cannot be equated exactly with
Classification of hazardous areas those of the IEC since NEMA takes account of additional
environmental influences (e.g. coolants, cutting coolants,
Areas subject to explosion hazard are termed "hazardous (clas- corrosion, icing, hail). The following table is therefore
sified) locations" in North America. In the US, they are intended as a non-binding guideline.
defined in Sections 500 to 506 of the National Electrical Code
(NEC), and in Canada they are defined in Section 18 and Annex
J of the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC). They encompass areas Degrees of protection Degrees of protection
in which flammable gases, vapors, or mist (Class I), dusts according to NEMA according to IEC
(Class II) or fibers and threads (Class III) can be present in 1 IP10
hazardous quantities. 2 IP11
3 IP54
The hazardous areas are traditionally divided into Division 1 3R IP14
and Division 2 according to the frequency and duration of
3S IP54
their occurrence.
4 and 4X IP56
The IEC Zone concept was also introduced in Canada (CEC Edi- Note:
tion 1988). Since then, all newly installed systems there must Since the degree of protection requirements of NEMA correspond to,
or are higher than, the IP degrees of protection of IEC, the table cannot be
be classified according to this system.
used to convert the IEC degrees of protection into corresponding NEMA
degrees of protection!
In the traditional North American classification system, poten-
tially explosive gases, vapors, and mist of Class I are arranged
in Gas Groups A, B, C and D, and flammable dusts of Class II
are arranged in Groups E, F and G.
Zone 1
Areas in which hazardous concentra-
tions of flammable gases, vapors or
mist are present occasionally under
normal operating conditions.
T2 (≤300 °C) T2 T2
T3 (≤200 °C) T3 T3
T4 (≤135 °C) T4 T4
T5 (≤100 °C) T5 T5
T6 (≤85 °C) T6 T6
PROFIBUS is a powerful, open and rugged fieldbus system The following components are available for the hazardous
with short response times for use in all areas of production area:
and process automation. PROFIBUS has integral diagnostics
functions and can also be used for HART devices. Optical and • SIMATIC ET 200 distributed I/O
wireless transmission technologies expand the possible appli- • SIMATIC HMI Touch Panels and Multi Panels
cations of PROFIBUS. • SIMATIC NET, SCALANCE communications products
• SIRIUS low-voltage switchgear
The AS-Interface (Actuator-Sensor-Interface, AS-i) is an open, • SIMATIC PX inductive, optical and ultrasonic proximity
international standard for fieldbus communication of geo- switches
graphically distributed binary actuators and sensors at the • Asynchronous motors, synchronous motors, and
lowest control level. In this purely electrical network, small geared motors of all performance classes
volumes of data and energy are transmitted across the same
bus cable.
Control system
Industrial Ethernet
ET 200S 1)
Hazardous area
2 10
ET 200M 1)
1) 3)
ET 200iSP
Isolating Transformer Actuators/
2 10
Motor/geared motor
Ex n
Ex-zone 22-dust
Motor/geared motor
Ex p, Ex d, Ex e, Ex de
Ex-zone 21-dust
SIMATIC ET 200 provides different distributed I/O systems for The ET 200 systems can be used in different zones – either in
solutions with or without a control cabinet direct at the Zones 2 and 1 in the case of gaseous atmospheres, or in Zones
machine, as well as for use in the hazardous area. The modu- 22 and 21 in the case of dusty atmospheres. The sensors and
lar design makes it possible to scale and expand the ET 200 actuators linked to the I/Os can even be in Zone 0 or Zone 20.
systems simply and in small stages. Already integrated add-on
modules reduce costs, and at the same time offer a widely A manufacturer's declaration (compliance of the control cabi-
diverse range of possible applications. You can choose from net with the ATEX directive) is necessary for installation in
the most varied combination options: digital and analog Zone 2/22. Certification of the control cabinet for the gas/dust
inputs/outputs, intelligent modules with CPU functionality, area must be procured for installation in Zone 1/21.
safety technology, motor starters, pneumatic systems, fre-
quency converters, and diverse technology modules.
The all-rounder with the comprehensive range of modules
The multifunctional and bit-modular SIMATIC ET 200S I/O system with IP20 degree of protection
can be exactly tailored to the most diverse automation tasks by using, for example:
The IM 151-1 COMPACT interface module supplements the familiar module range of the proven
ET 200S and enables its use as block I/O. The functionality is based on the IM 151-1 BASIC and com-
prises an interface module and 32 channels in one block. By expanding the block with ET 200S
modules (up to 12 modules), a total of 128 channels can be connected to the SIMATIC ET 200S
COMPACT. Extensive diagnostics functions are also available.
Hot swapping
in Run
The S7-300 I/O with high channel density
The ET 200M distributed I/O system is modulary designed with IP20 degree of protection. Up to
12 multi-channel signal modules (e.g. 64 digital inputs) and function modules as well as com-
munications processors from the S7-300 range can be used as I/O modules (the interface to the
Hot swapping
in Run
ET 200M ●1) ● ● ● ● 0 °C ... +60 °C ATEX II 3 (2) G EEx nA [ib] IIC T4(EEx ib HART modules)
1) CiR in conjunction with S7-400 ATEX II 3 G EEx nA II T4 or T5 or T6 (all other modules)
The intrinsically-safe version for hazardous areas
The SIMATIC ET 200iSP has been specially designed for use under hazardous ambient conditions.
Use of an isolating transformer makes PROFIBUS DP intrinsically safe. This is done by isolating
the bus and limiting the energy in the safe area. The most varied modules are available for the
Hot swapping
in Run
ET 200iSP ● ● ● ● -20 °C ... +70 °C ATEX II 2 G (1) Ex de [ia/ib] IIC T4, Ex de [ia/ib] I
IECEx Zone 1 Ex de [ia/ib] IIC T4
SIMATIC Panels are rugged and are used for machine-level operator control and monitoring in harsh industrial environments.
Their brilliant displays in different sizes and with long service life are a convincing argument. Communication is handled via
PROFIBUS or PROFINET. WinCC flexible is used for configuring. Up to 32 project languages facilitate worldwide use.
Touch Panels
Touch Panels have pixel-graphics displays and are operated by means of a touch screen.
Multi Panels
Multi Panels are multi-functional platforms without fans or hard disk and with
the Windows CE operating system.
Communications products
Hot swapping
in Run
The benefits of Industrial Ethernet, PROFIBUS and AS-Interface can be ideally combined into one
shared bus system using special links.
Hot swapping
in Run
Hot swapping
in Run
Security modules
The rugged and user-friendly security modules SCALANCE S effectively protect information
within a system and also over public networks such as the Internet. They provide protection
against data spying and manipulation, overload of the communication system, and mutual
interference or incorrect addressing.
Hot swapping
in Run
IWLAN components
The SCALANCE W components offer a unique combination of reliability, ruggedness and
security. Industrial Wireless LAN (IWLAN) provides an expansion of the IEEE 802.11 standard
aimed especially at industrial customers requiring strict real time and redundancy. This provides
customers for the first time with a single radio link both for process-critical data (e.g. alarm
messages) and for non-critical communication (e.g. service and diagnostics).
Hot swapping
in Run
Hot swapping
in Run
Product range
Low-voltage switchgear
AS-Interface – integrated system, superior strategy
• As a low-cost and rugged bus system for the field level, AS-Interface – open and vendor-
independent – connects actuators and sensors with the control level – for standard
applications as well as safety applications.
• A serial fieldbus provides simple, safe and integrated connection here for all the automation
components. Thanks to the ATEX-certified K60 compact module, the AS-Interface can also be
used in hazardous areas.
Digital I/O modules 3RK1 400-1DQ05-0AA3, K60 ATEX 2705 EN 60947-5-2 Ex II (3) D X
IP67 – K60 3RK1 200-0CQ05-0AA3 EN 50281-1-1
You can find more information on this product in the Catalog LV 1 and in the technical information LV 1 T in Chapter 2
(Information and Download Center: www.siemens.com/simatic/printmaterial).
Information on the use of current-monitoring motor protection devices. Definition of the heating time tE: If the rotor of an explosion-proof AC motor of protection
type "Increased Safety" EEx e stalls (locks) at operating temperature during runtime, the motor must be switched off at the very latest when either the rotor or
the stator winding has reached its maximum temperature. The time that elapses until the rotor or stator winding has reached maximum temperature is called
the heating time tE or tE time.
Demands made on overload protection devices with regard to the tE time: for trip units and relays with inverse time-delay tripping operation, tripping charac-
teristics must be available at the operating site. The characteristics should show the tripping time for 3-pole loading, assuming a cold state and a room tem-
perature of 20 °C, depending on at least a 3 to 8-fold current setting. The protective devices must comply with the specified tripping times with a permissible
deviation of ± 20%. The tripping devices and relays for machines with cage rotors must be selected such that the tripping times for 3-pole loading do not exceed
the heating time tE specified on the rating plate of the motor.
SIRIUS circuit-breakers for motor protection
• The 3RV circuit-breakers are compact, current-limiting circuit-breakers. They guarantee safe
shutdown in the event of a short circuit and protect loads and systems against overload.
They are also suitable for switching loads under field conditions at low switching frequencies,
and for safely isolating the load from the main power supply when maintenance work or
modifications are necessary. SIRIUS 3RV is the only integrated product family on the market
for circuit-breakers up to 100 A.
Circuit-breakers for motor 3RV10 11 S00 DMT 02 ATEX F 001, IEC 60947-4-1, Ex II (2) GD
protection DMT 02 ATEX F 001 N1 DIN EN 60079-14
3RV10 21 S0
3RV10 31 S2
3RV10 41 S3
3RV10 42 S3
SIRIUS 3RB2 and 3RU1 overload relays
for standard applications 3RB20, 3RB21 S00 ... S12 PTB 06 ATEX 3001 DIN EN 60079-1, Ex II (2) GD
DIN EN 60079-7,
for high-feature applications 3RB22, 3RB29 PTB 05 ATEX 3022 DIN EN 60079-14,
IEC 60947-4-1,
IEC 60947-5-1,
IEC 60947-8,
IEC 61508
for standard applications 3RU11 1 S00 DMT 98 ATEX G 001, IEC 60079-14, Ex II (2) GD
DMT 98 ATEX G 001 N1 DIN EN 60079-14
3RU11 2 S0
3RU11 3 S2
3RU11 4 S3
SIRIUS 3RW soft starters
• The soft starters offer a comprehensive range of products covering all standard and high-
feature motor-starting applications. The advantages of soft start-up and smooth ramp-down
with these devices can therefore be exploited in the most varied of applications for simple
and economically efficient machinery and equipment layouts.
• Any three-phase current loads can be protected and started with the ET 200S motor starters.
The fully pre-wired devices are available in different performance classes as direct starters,
reversing starters and soft starters, up to a power rating of 7.5 kW.
Soft starters for 3RW40 S6, S10/S12 BVS 05 ATEX F 002 DIN EN 60079-14, Ex II (2) GD
standard applications IEC 60947-4-2,
IEC 61508
Standard motor starters 3RK13 01 S00 DMT 02 ATEX F 001 DIN EN 60079-14 Ex II (2) GD
ET 200S DTM 02 ATEX F 001 N1 IEC 60947-4-1
• SIMOCODE-DP is the predecessor of the SIMOCODE pro motor management system and of-
fers the solution for the most diverse tasks in a single device.
SIMOCODE pro motor manage- 3UF7 S00 ... S12 BVS 06 ATEX F 001 DIN EN 60079-1, Ex I (M2),
ment and control devices DIN EN 60079-7, Ex II (2) GD
DIN EN 60079-14,
IEC 60947-4-1,
IEC 60947-5-1
IEC 60947-8
IEC 61508
SIMOCODE-DP motor protection 3UF5 S00 ... S12 PTB 01 ATEX 3219 DIN EN 50019 Ex II (2) G
and control devices DIN EN 60079-7
DIN EN 60079-14
IEC 60079-7
• 3RN1 thermistor motor protection relays offer substantial advantages wherever current-
dependent protection by means of circuit-breakers or overload relays is not the ideal solution.
This is the case, for example, when in certain situations and often as a result of external
influences, overheating occurs which the thermal mapping in the circuit-breakers/overload
relays is unable to detect. SIRIUS thermistor motor protection relays have ATEX certification
for gases and dust.
Thermistor motor 3RN10 22,5; 45 PTB 01 ATEX 3218 DIN EN 60079-14, Ex II (2) G
protection relays for PTC DIN EN 50281-1-1
thermistors (Type A) 3RN10 11-.B IEC 60947-1, Ex II (2) GD
3RN10 11-.G IEC 60947-5-1,
3RN10 12-.B IEC 60947-8
3RN10 12-.G
3RN10 13-...0
You can find more information on this product in the Catalog LV 1 and in the technical information LV1 T in Chapter 7
(Information and Download Center: www.siemens.com/simatic/printmaterial).
3SE5 position switch
• Position switches are used wherever moving parts in plants and machines have to be posi-
tioned, controlled and monitored. Whether you use them to monitor protective equipment
with rotary joints, or to monitor laterally sliding protective devices, or to detect hazardous
machine part movements – our devices can meet just about all industrial requirements.
You can find more information on this product in the Catalog LV 1 and in the technical information LV1 T in Chapter 8
• Commanding and signaling devices ensure that statuses of machines and plants (e.g. fault
sources or interference factors) are reported reliably and at the right time and machines and
plants can be controlled and brought to a safe state in hazardous situations.
Our comprehensive portfolio includes both the actuators and contact blocks as well as the
lamp holders with LEDs that have been categorized as simple electrical equipment in accor-
dance with ATEX Directive 94/9/EC and are thus suitable for use in intrinsically-safe circuits.
Actuating elements
Actuator 3SB30.. Plastic or metal actuator ATEX 2690b Simple electrical equipment Use in circuits of type of
3SB35.. in accordance with protection i (intrinsically-safe)
EN 50020, IEC 60947-5-1 in accordance with EN 50020
Contact block 3SB34.. Spring-loaded terminals or
screw terminals
Lamp holder 3SB34..-1A Spring-loaded terminals or ATEX 2689b Simple electrical equipment Use in circuits of type of
screw terminals in accordance with protection i (intrinsically-safe)
EN 50020, IEC 60947-5-1 in accordance with EN 50020
LED 3SB39 01-1.A Rated voltage 24 V AC/DC, Use up to voltage 26.4 V (LEDs)
base BA9s
As the sensory organs of the automation system, sensors Plug-in devices are protected against unauthorized disconnec-
must be used at exposed locations in the process. This tion by means of a security clamp on the plug.
applies also and especially for plants and machines in
potentially explosive atmospheres. Sensors face special
demands here with regard to explosion protection. You can find more information on proximity switches in
Chapter 2 of the Catalog FS10 or on the Internet at:
With the inductive, optical and ultrasonic proximity switches www.siemens.com/simatic-sensors/px
with ATEX certification for Zone 2 or Zone 22 SIMATIC PX prox-
imity switches, for example, also open up typical Ex area ap-
plications from the food and beverages industry, paint shops,
the chemicals industry, or woodworking.
PXI600 inductive proximity switches are available in the designs M12, M18, M30, and
EC Declaration of Conformity:
Optical proximity switches with large sensing ranges enable flexible and precise
detection of objects over long distances regardless of the material.
The optical proximity switches of the type K80 from the SIMATIC PXO600 series offer
diverse fixing options. Output versions are available with two antivalent switching
outputs or with one switching output and one surplus light emission output.
Retroflective sensor Light-on and dark-on pnp M12 connector 6m ATEX Zone 2/22 EX II 3G EEx nA II T6 X
EX II 3D IP65 T 80°C X
Thru-beam sensor Emitter with enable input M12 connector 50 m ATEX Zone 2/22 EX II 3G EEx nA II T6 X
EX II 3D IP65 T 80 °C X
Light-on and dark-on pnp M12 connector 50 m ATEX Zone 2/22 EX II 3G EEx nA II T6 X
EX II 3D IP65 T 80 °C X
Light-on and dark-on pnp; M12 connector 50 m ATEX Zone 2/22 EX II 3G EEx nA II T6 X
surplus light emission with timer EX II 3D IP65 T 80 °C X
function 0.01 to 1 s
EC Declaration of Conformity:
Thanks to their detection principle, ultrasonic sensors are especially suitable for
use in the frequently harsh environment of hazardous areas. Whether conditions are
misty, dusty or contaminated: the sensor works reliably. Even levels in tanks or silos
can be detected reliably with ultrasonic technology.
There are also devices of stainless steel available for contact with corrosive media or
for use in the food and beverages industry.
M18 Switch output: NC contact 5 ... 30 cm M12 connector ATEX Zone 2/22 EX II 3G EEx nA II T6 X
Switch output: NO contact EX II 3D IP65 T 80 °C X
Analog output 15 ... 100 cm M12 connector ATEX Zone 2/22 EX II 3G EEx nA II T6 X
Frequency output EX II 3D IP65 T 80°C X
M30 Switch output: NC contact 6 ... 30 cm M12 connector ATEX Zone 2/22 EX II 3G EEx nA II T6 X
Switch output: NO contact EX II 3D IP65 T 80 °C X
Analog output
EC Declaration of Conformity:
Product range
Motors and geared motors
Gap-free portfolio for maximum safety For all applicable types of protection
Siemens has for decades offered explosion-proof motors The products offered by Siemens and Loher form a gap-free
across all performance classes, thus ensuring reliable opera- range – from 60 W to 100 MW, in a standard version or as a
tion and maximum safety for personnel, machinery, and the tailor-made customized solution, and with all applicable types
environment, even in potentially explosive atmospheres. The of protection for gas and dust.
acquisition of Loher GmbH in 2005 has significantly expanded
and rounded-off the range in the area of explosion-proof For motion control applications in explosion protection zones,
drives. such as are found in the printing industry and in paint shops,
synchronous and asynchronous motors are available for use in
Zone 1 and 2, as well as Zone 22.
1MJ explosion-proof asynchronous motor for use in Ex Protection Zone 1 1FS6 synchronous servomotor for use in Ex Protection Zone 1
Like the motors, the geared motors are also offered in versions
complying with ATEX. There are geared motors available here
with all types of gears: Helical, helical bevel, helical worm, off-
set and worm gearboxes.
Motor type Protection types Performance Frame size Speeds Degrees Certifica-
range/torque (shaft of protec- tions
height) tion
Asynchronous Ex n AII, Ex e II, Ex de IIC, 0.06 ... 4 000 kW 56 ... 630 mm ... 12 000 min-1 IP20, IP55, ATEX, NEPSI,
motors low- Ex d IIC, Ex de I, Ex d I, IP56 (non Rostekhnadzor
voltage Ex p II, dust Ex, heavy sea), etc.
double protection Ex d IP65, IP67,
and Ex e as well as IP68
Asynchronous Ex n AII, Ex e II, Ex de IIC, 200 ... 100 000 kW 350 ... 1 250 mm ... 15 000 min-1 IP20, IP55, ATEX, NEPSI,
motors high- Ex d IIC, Ex de I, Ex d I, IP56 (non Rostekhnadzor
voltage Ex p II, dust Ex, heavy sea), etc.
double protection Ex d IP65, IP67,
and Ex e as well as IP68
Synchronous Ex n, Ex d, Ex e, dust Ex 0.2 ... 385 kW 28 ... 280 mm ... 7 000 min-1 IP64, IP65 ATEX
motors for
Gears and Ex n AII, Ex de IIC, Ex d 0.12 - 200 kW; Gear frame size 0.1 ... approx. 700 rpm IP55, IP65 ATEX,
geared motors IIC, Ex e, dust Ex 50 ... 20 000 Nm 18 ... 188 Rostekhnadzor
Further information
MOTOX geared motors Working reliability regulation - BetrSichV: Ordinance concerning the protec-
Brochure: Order No. E80001-A440-P220-V1 tion of safety and health in the provision of work equipment and its use at
work, concerning safety when operating installations subject to monitoring
and concerning the organization of industrial safety and health at work.
SIMATIC PX proximity switches for reliable
K. Nabert and G. Schön:
sensing, counting, measurement or monitoring
Safety parameters for combustible gases and vapors
Brochure: Order No. 6ZB5330-0DA02-0BA.
Published by Deutscher Eichverlag, Brunswick, Germany
Fundamentals of Explosion Protection
42 Further information
© Siemens AG 2008
Further information 43
© Siemens AG 2008
Sensor technology:
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Explosion Protection