HF Efficiency PDF
HF Efficiency PDF
HF Efficiency PDF
HEPA filters are factory tested to meet Flanders does not guarantee that its
the requirements of IEST RP-CC001.3 equipment will operate at the
for Type A, B, C, D, E or F filters: perfor mance levels given on
the identification labels or in the
• Industrial Grade catalog specifications under all
• Nuclear Grade conditions of installation and use, nor
• Laminar Flow Grade does Flanders/CSC guarantee the
• Bio/Hazard Grade HEPA suitability of its product for the
• VLSI par ticular end use which may be
• ULPA contemplated by the buyer.
• Pharmaceutical Grade
For best results, it is recommended
Test results appear on both the filter that the buyer supply complete
label and upon the filter carton label. information about the operating
An additional quality assurance test conditions of the ventilation system to
report is kept on file and is available Flanders/CSC for evaluation.
upon request.
When the system components are
Flanders recommends that all HEPA supplied to the buyer or his agent
filters be tested in place by for final installation and assembly
qualified personnel to ensure that the in the field, it should be under
filters have been correctly installed. the supervision of factor y trained
Flanders service personnel are
available for installations, supervision Failure to adhere to this recommenda-
of installation, testing and certification tion or failure of the buyer to have
of compliance to industry and filters timely retested and serviced will
government standards and instruction nullify or limit any warranties which
of the owner’s personnel in testing and might otherwise apply and may result
maintenance procedures. in a compromised installation.
HEPA Filters: Introduction
Filter Media
This filter media is boron silicate microfiber and
contains a waterproofing binder which adds
strength under both wet and dry conditions.
Samples of the media are tested for physical
and performance proper ties before filter
HEPA Filters: Design and Construction
Frame Styles
00 Box-Type Construction
03 Double-Turn Flanges, Both Sides
08 Double-Turn Flange, One Side
00 00 03
Wood Metal Fabricated
Faceguards are available and are used
primarily to protect the filter media from
damage. The standard faceguard material is
03* 08
4 x 4 mesh galvanized steel and a 4 x 4 mesh Extruded Fabricated
Type 304 Stainless Steel is also available. Aluminum Metal
Sealant Materials
The entire media pack must be sealed to the IL — Fire-retardant polyurethane foam for
filter frame to prevent by-pass leakage so that Separator-Style Filter Pack
the filter will meet the minimum efficiency require-
IU — Fire-retardant solid urethane for
ments. The filter pack is sealed with a variety of
PUREFORM® Filter Pack
adhesives, depending upon the style of
filter pack and the efficiency and testing SU — Fire-retardant solid urethane for Scan-
requirements. tested PUREFORM ® and Separator-
Style Filter.
HEPA Filters: Design and Construction
Frame Styles
05 Channel for Fluid Seal, One Face
06 Single Header with Channel for Fluid
05 05 05*
Wood Fabricated Extruded
Metal Aluminum
HEPA Filters: Performance Data
HEPA Filters: Performance Data
HEPA Filters: High Capacity
HEPA Filters: Performance Data
HEPA Filters: Model Number - Example
Hardware: 0 = None
P = 2” extended frame w/roughing prefilter pad
H = Bearing plates on filters for A-2/A-4/B-1
frames ordered before 6/1/1975
S = Bearing plates on filters for C-Series
housings ordered before 6/1/1975
T = Extractor clips on filters for fluid seal housings
U = Handles for wood-frame filters for G-Series
Frame Material: 01 = /4” non-fire-retardant exterior plywood
02 = Type 409 stainless steel
03 = Type 304 stainless steel
04 = /4” fire-retardant plywood
05 = aluminum
07 = /4” fire-retardant particleboard
08 = Galvaneal steel
11 = /4” non-fire-retardant particleboard
19 = extruded anodized aluminum (only available for “D”
Note: Not all model number combinations depth PUREFORM® and 5 7/8” depth SeparatorPack)
are available. Consult the factor for
HEPA Filters: Model Number - Example
00 - IU- 51 - 13 - GG - FU9
UL Code: U5 = UL586
U9 = UL900
For filters requiring UL labels. (Standard
sizes only.)
For odd size or filters requiring a “Z”
drawing, the UL Code must be specified
separately from the Filter Model Number.
HEPA Filters: Model Number Designating Code
None 0
2” extended frame with roughing prefilter pad (DUAL-PAC) P
Bearing plates on filters for A-2/A-4/B-1 frames ordered before 6/1/75 H EXAMPLE:
Bearing plates on filters for C-Series housings ordered before 6/1/75 S
Extractor Clips on filters for fluid seal housings T
U-Handles on wood-frame filters for Flanders G-Series housings U
'Box-Type" construction 00
Double-turn flanges both faces (for metal filters) 03
Channel for fluid seal on one face (for wood or metal filters) 05
Single headers with channel for fluid seal (downstream) 06
Double-turn flange, one side 08
HEPA Filters: Model Number Designating Code—High-Temperature
None 0
Bearing plates on filters for A-2/A-4/B-1 frames ordered before 6/1/75 H
Hardware Bearing plates on filters for C-Series housings ordered before 6/1/75 S
Extractor Clips on filters for fluid seal housings T
U-Handles on wood-frame filters for Flanders G-Series housings U
Filter HEPA Media (High Capacity Separator-Style Filter Only) 011
Medium HEPA Media (PUREFORM® and Standard Capacity Separator-Style) 007
Pack Pleated flat sheet with corrugated aluminum separators (Std. Capacity) C
Style Pleated flat sheet with corrugated aluminum spacers (High Capacity) H
Seven spaces are allotted for filter size codes, although all
spaces may not be required. Standard size designators
Filter Size (GG-F, etc.) are entered flush left, including dashes. Special
sizes (Alpha Numeric Designators and Z-drawings) are entered
flush left with the prefixes (no dashes)
HEPA Filters: Specialty Filters and Suggested Specifications
Round Filters
Round HEPA filters are available with Flanders’
PUREFORM ® filter element and with
Separator-style elements.
Frames are made of galvaneal steel, aluminum
and Type 304 and Type 409 stainless steel,
and are available for both gasket or fluid
seal applications. Round filters are also
manufactured for high temperature applications.
Nipple-Connected Filters
Nipple-connected Nuclear Grade filters are avail-
able with one (N1) or two (N2) pipe connections,
and with separatorless PUREFORM ® or
Separator-style filter elements. Frame
materials are Type 304 or Type 409 stainless
steel and 3/4-inch fire-retardant plywood.
HEPA Filters: Packaging, Palletizing, Storage and Shelf Life
Guide Specifications
1.0 General 3.0 Performance
1.1 HEPA filters shall be extended 3.1 Initial and final resistances shall not
media (separator-type) (PUREFORM ® exceed the scheduled values.
separatorless-type) filters as manufactured
3.2 HEPA Filters shall have a minimum
by Flanders.
efficiency of 99.97% on 0.3 micrometer
1.2 Filter sizes, capacities and construction particles when tested at rated capacity
options shall be as scheduled on the on a Q-107 Penetrometer. Each filter shall
drawings. be challenged with an approved
nearly monodispersed oil aerosol of 0.30
1.3 Filters shall be (UL 900 Class 1) (UL 900
micrometer size. Measure the upstream
Class 2) listed.
and downstream concentration of these
2.0 Filter Construction particles with a light scattering photo-
meter, determine the penetration
2.1 The filter pack shall be constructed by
and calculate the efficiency.
pleating a continuous sheet of non-woven
water-resistant fiberglass media around 3.3 HEPA Scan Tested HEPA Filters
hemmed-edge corrugated aluminum shall have a minimum efficiency of
separators. 99.99% on 0.30 micrometer particles.
2.2 The filter pack shall be constructed by Scan Testing shall be in accordance with
pleating a continuous sheet of formed, Section 6.2 of IEST-RP-CC034.1. The
corrugated medium so that the pack is self- scan test shall consist of challenging the
supporting without the use of spacers of filter with a high concentration of an
any kind, including separators, tape approved oil aerosol or PSL Spheres.
strings, adhesives or strips of media. Using a photometer or particle counter,
the media pack and the pack-to-frame
2.3 The filter pack shall be sealed into a seal shall be scanned to insure that there
(galvaneal) (409 stainless steel) (304 are no leaks greater than .01% of the
stainless steel) (particleboard) (fire- upstream concentration at 100 fpm face
retardant particle board) (fire-retardant velocity.
plywood) frame with a fire-retardant
(polyurethane foam) (solid urethane)
sealant. (Steel frames shall be 16-gauge.)
(Wood frames shall be 3/4-inch thick.)
2.4 A (40-durometer closed-cell neoprene
gasket) (silicone gel in a channel) shall be
provided on one or more sides to seal the
filter in the mounting device.
HEPA Filters: BLU-JEL® Seal Data
HEPA Filters: BLU-JEL® Seal Data
The effect of temperature on the hardness of
BLU-JEL ® Seal has been tested using a
Penetrometer test machine. The following results
are expressed in points of penetration (mm x
10-1) as measured by the machine:
@-58°F: 35 @+77°F: 57 @+392°F: 34
Chemical Resistance
Information on BLU-JEL® Seal’s resistance to a
wide variety of oils, fuels, hydraulic fluids,
solvents, silicone fluid, greases, food products,
water and steam, acids, bases, salts and other
chemicals is available from the factory upon
Radiation Effects
The expected radiation resistance of BLU-JEL®
Seal is 20 megarads at room temperature, 10
megarads of radiation at 77°F. Radiation
exposure at these levels will not affect the
sealing properties of the compound. Exposure
to higher levels of radiation and temperature will
result in brittleness, which is not reversible.
Further information on radiation testing is
available from the factory.
BLU-JEL® Seal is a non-nutrient and will not of
itself support biological growth. The compound
does not contain a fungicide.
Important Notice
For best results in the application of Flanders products, it is recommended that the
buyer supply complete information about the operating conditions of the
ventilation system to Flanders for prior evaluation. Flanders does not guarantee that its
equipment will operate at the performance levels given on the identification labels or in
the catalog specifications under all conditions of installation and use, nor does Flanders
guarantee that suitability of its product for the particular end use which may be
contemplated by the buyer. When the system components are supplied to the buyer or
his agent for final installation and assembly in the field, it should be under the supervision
of factory trained personnel who are equipped to test the installation and certify its perfor-
mance and conformance to industry accepted specifications. Failure to follow these pro-
cedures may result in a compromised installation.
Technical Inquiries:
531 Flanders Filters Rd
Washington, NC 27889
Tel: 252-946-8081 Fax: 252-946-3425
Email: ffi@ffi.flanderscorp.com
Web site: www.flandersffi.com Flanders Corporation Printed in USA 12/2003
Flanders Corporation continues to research and develop product improvements and reserves the right to change product designs and specifications without notice.