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Pole Dance Competition Rules

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Table of Contents
Entry requirements for 2014 ………………… 3
Entry Dates ………………… 3
Competitions Dates ………………… 3
Divisions ………………… 3
Entry Fees ………………… 4
The Candidate ………………… 4
Video Submission ………………… 4
Automatic Entry ………………… 4
Finalists ………………… 5
Conditions of Registration ………………… 5

Rules and Regulations ………………….. 6

Conduct ………………….. 6
Dress Code ………………….. 6
Props ………………….. 6
Grounds for Disqualification ………………….. 7
Film and Photography ………………….. 7

Categories …………………. 7
Amateur …………………. 8
Intermediate …………………. 9
Doubles …………………. 10
Men’s …………………. 10
Masters …………………. 11
Women’s Professional …………………. 11

General …………………. 12
Music …………………. 12
Judging …………………. 12
Poles …………………. 13
Other …………………. 13
Winners …………………. 13
The Organisers …………………. 14

Competition FAQ …………………. 15

Miss Pole Dance SA®2014 Page 2


Entries open on 3 March 2014

Entries close at 12h00 on Friday, 15th August 2014.
Video entries to be submitted by no later than Friday, 15th August 2014
Finalists will be announced by Friday, 22nd August 2014.


The public is allowed to vote for their favourite contestant. The person with the most votes per category
is granted automatic entry to the finals. Only one vote per person is allowed, so the sooner you get your
entry in the more chance you have to get in.


22 August 2014 : FINAL NOMINATION Announcement

12 September 2014
Movida, Sunninghill
Amateur and Intermediate

20 September 2014
UJ Theatre, Melville
Advanced, Doubles, Masters, Men's & Women's Professional


The theme for the amateur finals on the 12th September 2014 is WILDLIFE
The theme for the Intermediate finals on the 12th September 2014 is FAMOUS PEOPLE
The theme for the finals (ALL DIVISIONS, EXCEPT ADVANCED) on the 20th September 2014 is
All contestants are required to perform according to their theme specified. You will be judged
according to your interpretation of your theme and outfit as well as performance.


 Amateur
 Intermediate
 Advanced
 Doubles
 Masters (over 40s)
 Men’s
 Women’s

Miss Pole Dance SA®2014 Page 3


Entry fee is R250 per contestant, per division. Doubles pay R250 per double.
Entry fees are to be accompanied by submission of entry form and/or video, whichever comes first.
Entry fees are not refundable. They will be used towards prize money for the winners/seat to watch
finals if you do not make it through to the final round. If your video entry was not selected the entry fee
will go towards prizes only.

Banking details:
BodyMind Studios
Clearwater Mall
Current account: 6242 7200 241
Ref: Name and division


 must be a South African Citizen, resident or have a working visa

 must be female for Amateur, Intermediate and Professional Divisions
 must be male for Men’s Division
 must be at least 18 years or older
 must submit a completed application
 may compete in a personal capacity or be from any pole studio in South Africa
 must be available for the RSA finals to be held 12/20 September 2014.


 You must submit a 2-3 min unedited video of your pole dancing skills. The judging panel will not
watch over the allocated time.
 The video is to be uploaded to YouTube (private or public) and the link to be provided to us. No
attachments accepted. Your video will be uploaded to www.MissPoleDance.co.za for voting and
 The video may be updated with a new video as your skills improve. Any votes on your previous
video will be kept on record.
 No two videos may be uploaded at the same time.
 The video will be subject to voting by the public on www.MissPoleDance.co.za . The video with
the highest votes will automatically be entered into the finals.
 Videos will be judged by a panel of judges, therefore try to ensure that you show your best moves.
 Videos must be recent, and must be filmed in a studio/home, not live on stage. No film footage
from previous competitions is accepted, unless done within 4 months of closing date, and within
stipulated time allocation.
 Video must be submitted /uploaded by no later than 15 August 2014. (All categories) in order to be
approved for Miss Pole Dance SA® 2014.
 Video is compulsory in order for us to determine which category you belong, and whether you
have the best chance at succeeding.


Anyone who has won a regional or national competition within 2014 is granted automatic

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entry to the semifinals. The entry requirements still remain the same as for everyone else,
however, their video may be used from the competition which they won, as opposed to an
unedited video for all other competitors. The video is required in order for us to ascertain the
category he/she should enter, and so that everyone can see the standard required.
Please complete your entry form, copy of ID, photo and entry fees as well as your video.


A panel of judges, including internationally recognized pole dancers, will pick out final competitors
based on their number of votes, skill, presentation, technical ability and creativity. These final
competitors will get to compete in the semifinals as listed above.
If you have submitted your video in the incorrect category, you will not be disqualified. The judges will
place you in the correct category, and you will be judged according to contestants of the new category.

Max Final number of contestants per division for the finals:

 Amateur 12
 Intermediate 12
 Advanced 6
 Doubles 6
 Masters 6
 Men's Professional 6
 Women's Professional 8


 The registration form must be completed in full in accordance with these rules, dated and
submitted via www.MissPoleDance.co.za
 The applicant him/herself must submit the registration form.
 A copy of a valid identification (passport or drivers license) and a recent photo need to be emailed
to entries@misspoledance.co.za
 The candidate declares that she has no contracts or obligations with other organisations or persons
related to pole dancing or of a similar nature that may hinder her representation of Miss Pole
Dance SA® 2014.

Miss Pole Dance SA®2014 Page 5

The rules and regulations are to be complied with, and abided by, at all times with the Organiser, their
representatives and the Venue.


 Engage in proper conduct at all times whilst involved in the competition.

 No nudity, no G-strings or thongs. Violation of this requirement leads to immediate
 No vulgar language, body language or defamation of other contestants is permitted, either
on stage or backstage.
 You may not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol at any time during the competition.
 For those applicants who smoke tobacco must not be seen smoking during the competition or
whilst on the competition venue.


 Costumes and themed dress are encouraged and will earn you extra points
 A minimum of sports bra and hot shorts is required.
 Amateur and Intermediate: Heels/shoes are compulsory for 50% of the routine
 Doubles and Advanced: heels, ballet shoes or barefoot.
 Boots are allowed for all categories. Keep in mind that the judges are aware that boots may hold
you up, and therefore mark you down on strength and ability.
 Clothing or props (such as wings or a cape) may be removed, but no you may not be seen to be
‘undressing’ as part of your performance.
 Ensure you do a full dress rehearsal before the time. Broken bra straps, creeping underwear, etc
will lead to point deduction and are against our proper dress code, which may even lead to


 Props help you to set the scene and announce your theme. Try to be as imaginative as you can.
 Fire and large fireworks are not permitted at public venues as they pose a safety hazard.
 Smoke machines are not allowed as they contain soap which makes the poles slippery.
 Props such as motorbikes or special equipment need to be approved by Miss Pole Dance SA® and
the venue. If you are unsure, it’s best to check with us first.
 People may be used as props as part of your performance, but they may not perform any tricks on
the pole. Use of the pole by your assistant(s) will lead to point deduction.
 No assistants or people as props are allowed backstage, and they will have to buy a ticket in order
to secure their space at the venue. This is NOT NEGOTIABLE.

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 Any other information you supplied in connection with the competition, prove to be false and or
 For Miss Pole Dance SA®, absences at official functions without permission or approval from Host
Organiser or failure to perform duties and responsibilities required of Miss Pole Dance SA®.
 Nudity or other dress code violation
 Talking to the crowd or using vulgar language
 Showing any misconduct that will or could damage the reputation of Miss Pole Dance SA®.


 All photography and other footage remain the property of the Organisation
 The candidates have no right to compensation for photography and other footage made before,
during and after the Miss Pole Dance SA® competitions.
 The candidate explicitly and irrevocably agrees that all footage and photography can be used by
the Organisation for promotional, advertising and commercial purposes.
 The candidate is to sign a model release form for photography and video footage.
 The Organiser is allowed and permitted to use or take her photographs/video for purpose of
publicity and promotions.

 The applicant may be required to appear on television, radio, film or print media for the publicity
and promotion requirements of the competition.
 The use of cameras and cell phones by the audience is strictly prohibited.
 No personal photographers or filming are allowed in the Venue without express written permission
by the Organiser. Any footage taken by private photographers/filming will be deemed as the
property of the Organiser, who shall be entitled to full use of the footage during and after the


Based on the video footage, we will be able to determine which category is most suited to you. Your
ability to control your moves will determine which category you fall under.


 There will be no semi finals round this year. Winners of regional and national competitions, such
as Pole Trix, PFASA and East Coast Pole are automatically qualified to enter the finals. Winners
are first place winners only.
 Pre-qualified entries are still required to submit videos and entry form and fees. The video must be
submitted in order to allow the public to view their performance and abilities. This must be recent
footage (less than 8 months) and may be of a stage performance. This video will not require votes,
nor will the judges judge on it.

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The selected finalists from each category will go through to compete in the Finals in the evening of 12
September 2014 (Amateur & Intermediate) or 20 September 2014.

The routines for each category are described below. Please use the following websites as a guideline for
the category you belong in:
www.PoleDanceCommunity.com syllabus

AMATEUR (PDC syllabus level 1-3)

Dance ability: it must be clear to the audience and the judges that pole dancing is a new sport for you.
If you are capable of performing more difficult tricks, but are trying to keep yourself in an easier
category, it will show in your performance/video. You will only do yourself a disservice. Rather
perform to the best of your ability and enter into the category in which you belong. If you do perform a
routine that is higher than your chosen level, you will be required to perform again in the category you

 The candidate may not have entered into and won the Amateur division before.
 The candidate must perform a choreographed routine of 2-3 minutes. Points will be deducted for
each 10 seconds over/under time.
 There will be 2 45mm poles. 1 Static and 1 Spinning. Either or both may be used.
 A maximum of 1 minute of floor work is allowed.
 Men and women allowed

Compulsory moves:
 Combination spin
 One handed spin
 Climb to top of 1 pole
 Invert into knee hook
 Seated lean back

Optional moves:
 Intermediate moves allowed (PDC level 4):
 strength move (eg aerial inversion); and
 flexibility move (eg splits on the pole)

Prohibited moves
 No one handed combination spins
 No inverted elbow grips
 No double knee hooks
 No advanced pole mounts, such as aerial shoulder mount or handsprings
 No advanced inner thigh holds
 No PDC level 4 moves allowed, except the 2 optional moves as above.

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INTERMEDIATE (PDC syllabus level 1-4)

Dance ability: it must be clear to the audience and the judges that you are becoming increasingly
familiar with pole dancing, but although you are capable of performing more difficult tricks, you are
still getting the flow and technique right. You are required to do more strenuous moves and more
daring moves.
As with the Amateur division, if you are trying to keep yourself in an easier category, it will show in
your performance/video. You will only do yourself a disservice. Rather perform to the best of your
ability and enter into the category in which you belong.

 The candidate may not have entered into and won the Intermediate division before.
 The candidate must perform a choreographed routine of 3-4 minutes. Points will be deducted for
each 10 seconds over/under time.
 Men and women allowed

 There will be 2 poles, 1 static and 1 spinning. The spinning pole is compulsory for one move.
 A maximum of 60 seconds of floor work is allowed.

Compulsory moves:

 One-handed combination spin

 Aerial inversion
 Seated move on spinning pole
 Climb to the top of spinning pole
 Basic drop (eg sad mary)

Optional moves:

 4 Advanced moves allowed (PDC level 5):

2 Strength and 2 flexibility.
Any more than 4 will be penalized

Prohibited moves
 No extreme moves allowed (see PDC level 5 and 6)
 No advanced drops
 No snatch and grab (such as letting go and grabbing again)
 No contortion moves (such as cocoon)
 Absolutely no PDC Level 6 moves

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DOUBLES (PDC syllabus level 1-6)

 Only 2 contestants are allowed per entry

 The candidates must perform a choreographed routine of 4-5 minutes. Points will be deducted for
each 10 seconds over/under time.
 The 2 poles may be set to spinning or static as per your requirements.
 There are no restrictions on sharing a pole.
 Contestants will be judged according synchronisation, theme, timing and ability to do the chosen
moves according to the level you are at.
 Each contestant is required to be carrying the same load. If only one does all the lifting for
example, they will be marked down.
 Both contestants are required to perform equal lines, points will be deducted for flexibility
showing more in one than the other. Rather work out moves to showcase your strengths
individually and combine your good points.
 Pole ability will not be marked down, therefore amateurs and advanced all stand an equal chance
of winning.
 Candidates that enter in the doubles finals may enter into another division too.
 Shoes are not compulsory

Compulsory moves:
 Synchronized spin
 Min 60 seconds synchronized in total
 Lift performed by each
 Use of both poles
 Climb to top of both poles

Prohibited moves
 No prohibited moves

MEN’S Professional (PDC syllabus level 1-6)

 The candidate must perform a choreographed routine of 4-5 min. Points will be deducted for each
10 seconds over/under time.
 There will be 2 poles, one spinning and one static, both need to be used.
 Shoes/barefoot are both acceptable
 The candidate must wear clothing on upper body. Cut off sleeves are allowed.

Compulsory moves:
 One-handed combination spin
 Deadlift
 Climb without legs
 Aerial static hold
 Outer knee hook
 Min of three level 5- 6 moves. Select any from the PDC syllabus.

Prohibited moves
 All moves allowed

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MASTERS (PDC syllabus level 1-6)

 The candidate is required to perform the same moves as per mens or womens professional.
 The routine must be between 4-5 min. Points for over/under time will be deducted.
 Shoes are optional.
 Choice of 4 flexibility moves and 4 Strength moves from PDC Level 5 and 6
 A 40 degree tolerance is allowed on flexibility moves

ADVANCED (PDC syllabus level 1-6)

 The candidate is required to perform the same moves as per men's or women's professional.
 The routine must be between 4-5 min. Points for over/under time will be deducted.
 Shoes are optional.
 The candidate may not have competed Internationally in a Professional division
 The candidate may have competed in a competition in the Professional or Advanced
Divsion, but may not have placed in the top 5.

WOMEN’S PROFESSIONAL (PDC syllabus level 1-6))

 The candidates must perform a choreographed routine of 5-6 minutes. Points will be deducted for
over/under time.
 The candidate must use the spinning pole during her routine.
 The candidate must stay on the pole continuously for 60 seconds without touching the floor as part
of her routine.
 At least 2 original moves must be used that have not been classified in any instruction book/DVD.
A novel way to get into a move or a new combination will count as an original move.
 Points will be deducted for body corrections, falling or going over or under time.
 Heels, ballet shoes, boots or barefoot allowed.

Compulsory moves:

 One-handed combination spin

 Deadlift
 Non-basic climb
 Aerial static hold
 Outer knee hook
 Deadlift
 Drop
 Flexibility move(eg chopsticks, jade, ballerina, Russian splits)
 Choice of 5 flexibility moves and 5 Strength moves from PDC Level 5 and 6
 A 20 degree tolerance is allowed on flexibility moves

Prohibited moves

 All moves allowed

Miss Pole Dance SA®2014 Page 11


 Contestants may choose which number they wish to be on a first come- first served basis.
 The judging is based on 60% pole ability (strength, flow, ability) and 40% art (theme, personality,
costume, expression). Keep this in mind when planning your performance.
 Negative points will be given for every 10 seconds over / under time.
 A theme is compulsory
 The candidate may not converse with the judges at any time, before, during or after their
performance. This includes notes, gifts, placards, certificates, oral or written communication. This
will result in immediate disqualification.


Pole Ability (60%)

 Strength
 Flexibility
 Transitions and combinations
 Stamina
 Lines and posture
 Level of difficulty (for your division)
 Choreography (esp doubles)

Dance (40%)
 Use of floor
 Movement
 Expression
 Musical expression
 Theme: use of props, background. Bringing theme to life.

MUSIC (very important)

 Music is to be emailed to entries@misspoledance.co.za by no later than 1st September 2014.

 Music is to be emailed/shared via Dropbox in MP3 format only
 Music is to be clearly labelled under your name and division.
 You will need to provide the Artist and Song Title for SAMRO purposes, but via email, and NOT
on the name of the song file.
 Music is to be cut to the right length before emailing. If it is over time it will be cut off at the max
time allotted.


 Candidates may not communicate with judges regarding the competition itself, before, during or
after the competition.
 The judges’ decision is final.
 The judges panel will be made up of pole dancing and fitness/dance experts.
 Judges are unbiased, and are not allowed to be instructors or friends or family of the contestants.

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POLES Movida

 The poles will be freestanding - 3m high and are against a concrete roof.
 The poles are 45mm powder coated.
 Both poles will be able to set to static or spinning
 The poles will be placed 4m apart

POLES UJ Theatre

 The poles will be freestanding - 4m high and will be rigged on the fly bar at the top.
 The poles are 45mm powder coated.
 Both poles will be able to set to static or spinning
 The poles will be placed 5m apart


 The Organization reserves the right to expel a candidate from participation, both before and during
the competition.
 The finalists must be available for a photo shoot directly after the prize giving.
 Dressing rooms are off limits to anyone other than contestants. This is NOT NEGOTIABLE.
 Contestants are to arrive min 1 hour before their division. Your division time will be announced
closer to the time.
 You will be responsible for all your belongings whilst at the competition
 No make up artists, assistants, friends or family are allowed backstage, unless they are part of your
theme. If so, they will only be permitted backstage for the time they are required, then they will be
asked to go back to the front.
 No photographers are allowed backstage, unless they are the official photographers / media
authorized by Miss Pole Dance SA®.
 Contestants may watch the remainder of the competition, as part of their entry fee is to reserve a
seat for them.
 Contestants will need to purchase a ticket if they wish to watch the competition of the other
divisions in which they are not participating.


 The winner of Women’s Professional will be officially regarded as Miss Pole Dance SA 2014.
 The winner of Men’s Professional will be officially regarded as King of the Pole SA 2014.
 All other winners will hold their title underneath their relevant category.
The title of Miss Pole Dance SA® 2014 is an official title and valid for one year, or until the new
Miss Pole Dance SA® for the following year has been announced.
 The title cannot be prolonged. The winner may enter the following year to defend the title.
 The winner will receive prizes from sponsors and the Organisers. The sponsors and organisers are
not responsible for incorrect sizes or better available dates (should the prizes include clothing or
holiday accommodations).
 The Organiser reserves the right to retract the title if the winner causes any damages to the

Miss Pole Dance SA®2014 Page 13

 The winner and the 2 runners up will receive prizes. All other entrants may receive consolation
 The prizes to be announced, depending on sponsorships and response.
 The winner of the Advanced category will be able to use her title to enter competitions
internationally. The Organiser is not responsible for the cost of such entry.


 Shall conduct herself with decorum during her reign and shall NOT commit any immoral, illegal or
any act of behaviour which in the sole opinion of the Organiser could bring disrepute, ridicule or
contempt to the Miss Pole Dance SA® image and reputation.
 Will be able to participate as a candidate in any other pole dance competition as we believe it is
unfair to restrict people passionate about the art of Pole Dancing.
 Winners and runners up for the Professional (Advanced) category may enter into any other
competitions held for the same year. However, in case of conflict with their duties as winners, they
will be available, and give preference to, the Organisers of Miss Pole Dance SA first and foremost.


 The Miss Pole Dance Organisation and its SA representatives are not liable for injury or damage
resulting from participation in the Miss Pole Dance SA® Competition.
 All decisions not addressed in these regulations will be made by the Organisation.
 A decision made by the Miss Pole Dance Organisation is binding.



Miss Pole Dance SA®2014 Page 14


Why Compete?
Miss Pole Dance SA® is not looking for the craziest tricks or how many spins you can do around the
pole. We are holding this competition so that everyone has a chance to do the most basic movements,
with some challenges of course, to show us that their physical strength is equal to their passion for

This competition does require you to be disciplined, fit and creative. Miss Pole Dance SA® hopes that
you are as excited as we are in promoting pole dance as a sensual athletic art form.

Apply to the competition simply because you love to pole dance. As long as you can do the required
elements for the compulsory round you have a chance to become the winner of Miss Pole Dance SA®

Do I have to be affiliated with a studio?

It’s not necessary. You can be a private individual not representing anyone but yourself. But our
suggestion is to ask your local school or studio to sponsor you. Sponsorship is optional, but can help
with expenses to prepare and get to the competition.

I am not a South African citizen, can I still enter?

If you have been living in South Africa for more than 3 years, or if you live her for 9 months out of a
year, then you qualify to enter. You may not, however, represent South Africa if you have qualified as
a pole dance representative of another country within the last 3 years.

What if I’m not sure if I interpret the required elements for compulsory routine correctly?
As soon as the final competitors are accepted, they will be given a detailed description of the required
elements along with examples. Miss Pole Dance SA® will make sure that final competitors fully
understand what goes into the compulsory routines.

Do I have to use the required elements in my submission video?

No. The required elements are listed so that people who apply have an idea of what we expect.

Will I be judged differently on a spinning versus stationary pole?

No, each category has its own requirements. Both poles are judged the same way.

Will there be tickets sold so my friends, family and supporters can come to watch?
Yes. Tickets will be available online from http://www.bodymind.co.za as of 3 August 2014
Ticket prices R150 - R220

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