547 1 Part - Permanent Meditative Consciousness PDF
547 1 Part - Permanent Meditative Consciousness PDF
547 1 Part - Permanent Meditative Consciousness PDF
An Edited Transcript of Christ-Centered Kabbalah
Message # 547
For My Parents
Louis and Evelyn Goldstein
Copyright © 2016 by Christ-Centered Kabbalah
All rights reserved.
Published @ Long Island, NY September, 2005
Christ-Centered Kabbalah
Sheila R. Vitale
P O Box 562
Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776-0562 USA
(631) 331-1493
Christ-Centered Kabbalah
Sheila R. Vitale
Pastor, Teacher & Founder
~ The Compleat Kabbalah ~
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Rita L. Rora, Transcriber
The Alternate Translation Bible©
Christ-Centered Kabbalah
Sheila R. Vitale
PO Box 562
Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776 USA
Christ-Centered Kabbalah
Sheila R. Vitale
Pastor, Teacher, Founder
PO Box 562
Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776 USA
Is an Edited Transcript of CCK Message #547.
Formatted as a book by
The CCK Administrative Professional Staff
An Edited Transcript of Christ-Centered Kabbalah
Message # 547
(He Shall Go No More Out - Rev. 3:12)
The Jews that are into Kabbalah are specifically
piercing into the depth of their being in the hopes of having an
Ezekiel experience. Ezekiel’s vision in Ezekiel 1 is called the
“chariot,” and, according to Kabbalah, that is what you see
when you get into the inner depths of your being. The vision
that Ezekiel saw represented the angelic world, the angelic
world where the angels speak to the Jew who enters into that
place and gives them revelation. It is my understanding right
now that all of the prophets that brought forth the great
revelation, they were not just dancing around their house and
one day a prophecy hit them.
I do not know about you, but I did not know this, that
for a Jew either 500 years ago or a spiritual orthodox Jew of
today, because all orthodox Jews are not spiritual, but the
spiritual orthodox Jew of today, to hear from God, they
meditate, they have an active, designed program where they
sit down, and they do this, and they do that, and they do that.
It is almost a ritual, they use techniques to get in the spirit.
I never understood that the angel strengthened Elijah,
and Elijah received the strength to pierce into the higher
planes of consciousness. The highest plane of consciousness
is where the still small voice is, and that is where the Lord
Jesus is or Adam Kadmon is. You do not hear the term
“meditation” in the church. Even when a Christian fasts and
prays, I do not believe they go in very deeply. Why? Because
they are contacting the Holy Spirit. In the Holy Spirit we have
something that the Jew does not have.
through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and He is in the midst of
the Christian that Christ is grafted to. If you meditate, and you
are not a Jew that has the Shekinah still alive in you, or you
are not a Christian that has Christ grafted to you, and if you
go all the way into the depths of your being, who will you
find? Who will you meet up with? Yes?
contemplating the word but, in general, Christians should not
be engaging any of the meditative techniques that are
associated with Hinduism. The meditative techniques that the
Jew uses is very similar to Hindu mediation.
When the Jew got into the linear Sefirot, it was only
temporary, however long he stayed in there. He then
withdrew, and the next time the prophet wanted revelation, he
had to go through the whole meditative process again. The
Jew’s meditation is a couple of hours, the Christian’s
meditation in my case has been years, but once I got in, I am
not going out anymore. The cloud is associated, I am told, with
a lack of sensory stimuli. What does that mean? This cloud is
the second barrier that Ezekiel had to pass through. This is not
the cloud that was with Moses in the wilderness. The cloud
that was with Moses in the wilderness was Binah. This is
Satan’s cloud, all clouds are not positive.
except that the Lord has related it to my personal experience.
In my personal experience, the barriers are not in the same
order that they are according to the books that I am reading.
life, but I have been walking around feeling cut off, isolated
and deprived of sensory stimuli, deprived of being touched,
but I am being touched. You kiss me every time you come
here, so it does not even make any sense.
months. I just accepted it, because I know that I am going on
with the Lord, but what a relief for me to read about it in a
book that what is happening to me is that I am going through
the great cloud, and I have even told you that in all my life...I
have more fear, and I do not have a lot of fear, but I have more
fear in my life today than I have ever had at any time in my
life, which is not a lot of fear, because I used to be fearless.
that is where I am, and that puts me in sort of an isolated place
which is, at least, a part of the problem.
since I am in this isolated place. I am in the cloud, and you
know this has been happening to me, although thoughts are
associated with the next level.
if the Lord did not bring forth that repentance on me, I would
not have been able to get the revelation, that, that repentance
cleansed me to the point that I passed through barrier.
been finding in these books on Kabbalah which is absolutely
amazing, because I never saw a book on Kabbalah until a
couple of months ago. When I expose your sins, now I just
read this, well maybe a different book, because I am reading
five books at the same time, that when the truth about
something is exposed, you then can raise that thing up higher.
I just read it in a book, this is what I am doing for you.
am concerned, I am going all the way. If I do not go all the
way, it is not because I did not try, because I did not do the
best that I could do.
We tell the truth and God heals and delivers and things
just get better and better and better, and this is the overriding
characteristic of the Mind of Christ. He sees the truth in every
given situation. There is a truth in every conflict. The truth
might be that both parties are contributing, but there is a truth
in every conflict, and frequently people relate to one another,
and there is no conflict because the operation of sin is so subtle
that many human beings do not even recognize that they are
being sinned against, or the person that is sinning does not
even know that they are doing it, but there is still a truth of
that interaction. That simple word that you said, it sounded
harmless, but to the man that does not judge by what he hears
or sees, but the man that judges by the spirit, knows that what
you said arose out of a spirit of envy, and it does not matter
that you do not feel envious.
The question that you have to ask yourself is, you have
a choice, do you want to believe what you carnal mind is
telling you from out here in the World of Action, out here in
the world that is outer darkness, it is far away from God as
you can get, or do you want the truth of the Mind of Christ,
where you are just one layer away from immortality?
What do you want? You have a choice. Out here in the
World of Action, you have the Holy Spirit, you definitely have
the Holy Spirit, and you could have the spirit of revelation, but
there is no eternal life out here in the World of Action. Eternal
life is in here with Adam Kadmon who is appearing to us as
the Lord Jesus, and there is no way that you are going to get
through the stormy wind from the north, the great cloud of
fear, and the flashing fire, and this glow which I will talk to
you about in a minute, with a lie. You are not going through.
The fact that you are holding on to the lie is legal ground for
Satan to lock you out of immortality.
You get into this spot, and any righteous thought that
you have will come to pass. Your son is in trouble, you want
to get him out, it is impossible for it not to happen, but that is
not happening with the Holy Spirit out here. It may happen
with the Holy Spirit, but it is really not. It is rare. The truth is
very important in attaining all of the promises, but this
message is about meditation.
Praise the Lord. I did want to tell you one other thing
about this flashing fire. The flashing fire is the exact opposite
of the great cloud. The great cloud is sensory deprivation. That
means you feel emotionally dead. That is exactly what I was
going through. I was feeling emotionally dead, isolated, cut
off from all emotions.
The flashing fire which works with condemnation is
the exact opposite. It is an overload of sensory stimuli. You
are all emotional, you are feeling condemned, you are crying,
you are very sensitive, and your feelings get hurt.
The Lord is delivering with understanding. It has
really helped me to understand that people do not even know
what they are doing, and they are not feeling what I am
feeling. I used to think they were feeling what I was feeling,
but they are not. My biggest weapon in this area is
forgiveness, and compassion, because they do not know what
they are doing, or even if they know what they are doing, the
answer to the problem is forgiveness and compassion, because
even if they know what they are doing, they are just ignorant.
I could not figure this out, what people were doing
locking themselves behind closed doors trying to hear from
God. The Lord moved me into the New Order very soon, very
early. Does that mean I am better than you? No, it is for
everybody. This privilege is for the whole world. What is a
free gift is the power to achieve it, but you have to work it.
The power, and the privilege, and the opportunity to achieve
is the free gift. It is like a scholarship.
of it.” I wonder how long that all took. I wonder how many
days that all took.
Just on the basis that the men on the wall had to go the
king, who had to go to the prophet, who had to go back to the
king, if you are a Christian, you have the privilege of having
Christ grafted to you and to have a highway erected in you, a
permanent highway that will override all of the four barriers
to the ear of the Lord Jesus Christ. Esther went in to see the
king, and if he did not hold out the scepter to her she would
have died.
With all of my revelation, I still have a problem with
my immune system. Revelation is much stronger in me than
the rest of my being, that part of me that receives revelation
has charged way ahead of the rest of me. That is your
condition also.
with sin, put your sin away, and let us pass through the cloud,
and get on with getting closer to God, let us run this race.” The
race is from the World of Action into Adam Kadmon, who is
appearing to us today as the Lord Jesus Christ. “Let us go on
to immortality.” That is what Paul was saying.
She will say, “Okay, but I will stop you at the next
step. You got as far as being reconciled, okay, but I will stop
you right here.”
That is just like saying, God forbid, you have got some
disease in your body, and you do not know what is in there so
long as it does not bother you, but you put an x-ray machine
on you, and that will show you that it is there.
That is this last barrier over here, just before you get
to the Lord Jesus, Adam Kadmon, and that is the barrier that
will keep you out of the mind of Christ. You may remember
the teachings that Cain lays over Abel, and Cain is the
maidenhead that stops Abel in us, Abel in the person who is
going inward. I am connecting with Adam Kadmon or the
Lord Jesus.
Emanation, and the Kabbalistic explanation of Aryeh Kaplan
is that... I see that Aryeh Kaplan is really quoting Isaac Luria,
who they call the great Ari. Ari means lion. The great Isaac
Luria teaches that this barrier, this semi-permeable barrier, is
the means of nourishing the realm of evil. It is also the means
through which the sparks of holiness embedded down here are
set free and are allowed to return to their source. It is really
talking about Cain and Abel. Abel is the spark of holiness,
remember? He is the holy seed.
According to Kabbalah, thought is a unity, it is non-
verbalized, it is non-verbal, thought is non-verbal. How could
you learn from a non-verbal thought? I personally do not know
how to have a non-verbal thought.
called the vernacular or the idiom. In other words, I think in
Australia, the name “Sheila” is just a general name for woman.
If you go to the ladies room in Australia, on the ladies room
door it says “Sheila.” It is called the vernacular or the idiom.
view, thought means motive, the thoughts or the intents of
your heart, motives.
That is why I hear thoughts, not all the time, but I hear
a lot of thoughts. I usually hear the thoughts under two
circumstances, if sin is manifesting in someone that I am near,
or if they are in some kind of distress. I can hear the thoughts
or the motives or the intents of your heart, when the Lord
opens my ears. I do not have any control over it.
Aafter this I am just going to read the last couple of
lines from drawing #1, and we are going to close because it is
pretty late here, and I am losing you all anyway, so are there
any questions on this board? No?
Does anybody know how you could hear color and see
sound? Both color and sound are vibrations. They vibrate, and
every level of vibration has associated with it a sound and a
color. Technically speaking, you can see sound if you can see
a sound wave. If you have a machine that can identify a sound
wave for you, you can see sound, and if you know how to
recognize a particular color associated with a certain level of
vibration, and every level of vibration has a sound, so let us
say, you are in a laboratory, and you have the ability to flash
the color yellow. In order for a color yellow to appear, there
has to be a vibration.
describe them, everywhere. If you have a strong enough
magnifying glass, there are just, there is life everywhere, there
are bugs in the carpet, there is bacteria on our flesh. There are
these bugs everywhere, but we cannot see them, so as far as
we are concerned, they do not exist. That means they are
nothingness, they are there, but they are so beyond our
comprehension that they are called nothingness, so the Ayn
Sof is called nothingness.
Several years ago, I was having a problem that I could
not identify. The manifestations in my life were very
distressing to me, and I cried out to God to help me, somebody
prayed for me, I asked someone to pray for me, and at the end
of that prayer I saw, in the spirit, this Hebrew letter come into
my whole spiritual vision, my whole spiritual vision filled up
with the Hebrew letter resh, and I knew that the Hebrew resh
was the letter that signifies the captain of the host. I knew it
meant Jesus, because resh means head, and that Hebrew letter
filled up my whole spiritual vision, and I knew that it meant
that He was coming to save me from this very difficult
problem was alcoholism. She could not tell me. She came up
and asked for deliverance from witchcraft, I do not know...she
just could not tell me what was wrong, and I got this strong
whiff of alcohol. I said to her, "Is your problem alcoholism?"
Her whole face fell.
no more go out, He is going to stay in that meditative state.
This experience of hearing what is usually seen was
experienced by the Hebrew people in Exodus 20:15. The
people actually saw what it normally heard, and that suggests
the high spiritual...that they entered into a deep meditative
state through their communication with the Lord.
You experience things that you do not experience out
here. Even the angels, and I believe there are angels. I still am
not fully satisfied with all of this talk about angels, but we did
have a message, The Archangels and the Family of God, and
I do believe that each of the Sefirot is an angel, or an archangel
in its own right, and that is as far as I have gotten so far.
I guess that is really it for tonight, are there any
questions or comments? This is a very exciting message, let
us just hope I got it across to you.
Many times when I was engaged in that activity, a
repentance would just come upon me that would cause me to
stop from my studies and just turn to the side and just cry out
to God in repentance. This is the fire. I do not think I made
that clear on the earlier parts of this message, that this is the
fruit of the fire. This repentance that comes forth is the fruit of
the spiritual fire of Almighty God.
you can get close to God, and that spiritual cleansing is a
cleansing of your mind.
it forth in the midst of Himself, and He had to bring forth an
empty space in the midst of Himself, because He has no edge.
He had no end, so it is impossible to get outside of Him.
sudden we turn on a flash light, that would be white light
suddenly appearing in the blackness of this room, and if you
looked at the flash light, you would see the circumference of
the head of the flash light.
This is the exact opposite. If all that there was, was the
Ayn Sof, and It was white light, how could you delineate
something other than the Ayn Sof in the midst of everything
that is all light? It has to come forth with a dark light. Is
anybody not following me?
The Ayn Sof is infinite, and he carved out an area with
the specific intention of bringing forth a finite creation that
would reveal all of its attributes, mercy, glory, greatness, and
I am standing facing one wall and I want to see what is behind
my head, all I have to do is turn around to look at it. We are
talking about inside the back, the back inside of our head, the
unconscious part of our mind.
this is the truth of the word, this is not the parable of the word.
This is the deep spiritual meaning of the word, and I do not
have to enter into a meditative state to get revelation.
Remember, the goal of the one who is meditating is to get
Lord, and you say, "Lord if it is not true, I am believing you
are going to correct me, but if I do not hear from you, it is
true," because you are blind, you are still blind.
Ezekiel has these four barriers that he has to pass
through, and I told you earlier on this message which I
preached Thursday night, that although these four barriers that
the Jew has to pass through are only very short barriers in
terms of time, because the average Jew that meditates, I mean
how long can he meditate? He has a life, he has a family, he
has to go to work, he has a job, so maybe it will take him an
hour or two or three hours to pass through these barriers, but
those of us who are eligible to have this highway opened up
permanently, we experience these barriers in our life.
The meditating Jew sits still, closes his eyes and tries
to get every carnal thought out of his mind and get into his
unconscious part of his mind. Those of us who are eligible to
have that door opened permanently, these four barriers are
played out as experiences in our everyday life.
through was not a fire as we see fire on the stove, and in
particular it was a black fire. It was a negative fire, it was a
negative energy that, we are told, brought forth repentance,
and I gave you a whole exhortation on how I experienced that.
PASTOR VITALE: Abel, yes, so what that said to
me is that the Lord will remove the sun from its sheath. Does
anyone not know what sheath means? Who is Abel’s sheath?
What sheath is Abel in, what is covering over Abel?
COMMENT: Leviathan.
COMMENT: Boiled.
COMMENT: Consumed?
The Jewish prophets would sit in an isolated place
trying to empty out their mind of every thought, because the
ultimate goal of the prophet, or the ultimate goal of the
mediator whether it is a Hebrew or a Hindu or any other
disciplined person who is meditating, their goal is to see only
what is in their unconscious part of their mind. That is the
reason they are doing all of this, and you have to understand
that when you are looking at what is out here with your visible
eyes as you are looking at this room that we are in, as you are
looking at your loved ones, as you are looking at your hobby
that your eyes are focused outward.
but they are all the same spirit, so you can have hundreds and
thousands and millions.
How sad, all of these Christians that think that all that
Jesus means to them is that they will be prosperous materially
and maybe have some good health in this world and then die.
They do not even know what they are missing, but there is a
price to pay to hear from God all the time. You have to really
die to this other stuff, and the more you die to the blessings of
this world, the more that hallway or that channel is open to the
unconscious part of your mind continuously.
I may not have said this, the first three barriers, the
storm, the great cloud are all negative, 100% negative barriers
that both the one who meditates in the physical, who sits there
and empties out their mind, and the one who meditates in the
spiritual, that is us who are facing these barriers as an
everyday part of our life. I have been going through this for
years. Those three barriers are completely negative, there is
nothing good you could say about them.
The glow is both good and evil, and the good part of it
is that Abel escapes, and according to the Doctrine of Christ,
the bad part of it is the maidenhead over Abel that will not let
him out. We have seen Cain described in the Doctrine of
Christ as the maidenhead that lays over Abel, that will not let
Abel out, and also will not let the person who comes with the
Doctrine of Christ through.
manifesting as pride and rebellion, and all forms of sin,
because the truth will surely set you free.
How will the truth set you free? Abel who is now
joined to Christ will penetrate that veil of Cain, and you will
have that open highway between your conscious and
unconscious part of your mind, and once that happens you will
never be deceived again, not by the lie in your own mind,
because Satan in your own mind lies to you, or by any lie that
any man would ever tell you.
I receive it when that drop touches me, it blossoms
forth into understanding, but the actual communication from
the Lord was just thought. We see that this is what Ezekiel
experienced, verbal and non-verbal speech, thought and
speech simultaneously, and he called it "the speaking silence,"
and this is a contradiction in terms. What it means is to get
into that unconscious place, that unconscious part of your
mind, you have to experience total and complete silence which
means, not that the world around stops.
would I think such a thing about this woman, she looked fine
to me, why would I be thinking such an evil thought towards
someone to think that they are gay?"
The Lord said to me, "That was not your thoughts, that
was me telling you that she was gay." The Lord will speak to
me when I am engaged in a conversation with someone else
on a carnal issue if He wants to, but the second that I am alone,
the second I get in my car, I mean I could be doing secular
work here in the office and then I have to go shopping, I get
in my car, He talks to me all the way to the supermarket. Then
it stops in the supermarket, usually because I have to
concentrate on what I am purchasing. Every second that my
mind is not occupied, He is talking to me or I am talking to
Him. That door is permanently open, praise be to the Lord,
thank God for Jesus.
within you. Very interesting, thank you Lord for that little
After we pass the four barriers, and remember
everything is happening simultaneously like a hologram,
everything is happening at once; therefore, the ultimate goal
of meditation, which is to enter into that place in the back of
our mind which we call the unconscious part of the mind, we
can be partially in there. Now you are partially experiencing
the fire, because I am the fire to you all the time, and maybe
some of you are partially experiencing the dark cloud because
your emotional needs are not being met even in the midst of a
family life.
me to get home on time and to take the quickest route, and I
completely blanked out again.
me talking through you," and that revelation just set me free,
because I really thought that I asked the Lord all these
questions and either He answered me years later, or one of my
biggest frustrations was that He did not answer me on the spot
like another person.
in which is called a trance, which has really only happened to
me a couple of times.
you do not have this mixed up with Elijah, what are you
talking about?
is the color yellow that we have in the King James translation,
a brownish yellow.
This word amber has two meanings, and in the old
world it had two meanings. It was the fossilized resin of trees,
and it was also an alloy of gold and silver. You okay with that?
Before Benjamin Franklin, people used to rub an amber cloth,
not a yellow cloth, but a cloth that was made from the
fossilized resin of trees, they would rub it against cloth, this
fossilized...amber had three meanings. It was the color yellow,
it was the fossilized resin of trees, and it was an alloy of gold
and silver called electron. The people would rub this fossilized
resin of trees against a cloth, and it would produce a charge,
and they thought they had discovered a force since it was
made from electron, namely amber.
That is what Rabbi Kaplan is doing, and he says, "I do
not think the color amber fits into this translation accurately.
It does not tell us anything. To understand what the color
yellow means, we have to pick apart this word Chashmal and
break it down, and find out that it means the speaking silence,
and that is where we get speaking silence from."
Nothingness is there. Remember, there is a difference
between nothing and nothingness. "Nothing" means "without
value." Satan is nothing. "Nothingness" is the Ayn Sof. He is
called nothingness because we have no way to relate to Him,
He has no attributes, He has no attributes in the infinite. He is
the simple undifferentiated whole, he is undifferentiated.
When He rolls Himself out in the empty space, we find out
His attributes are that He is great, and He is glorious, and He
is merciful, but all of the attributes of God exists in the empty
is present here in the back of our mind, He is invisible, you
cannot recognize Him because of His physical body, like
Mary saw an angel, no angels, no visible appearance, no voice
like my voice, and even if you could hear His voice, would
you recognize His voice? How do you recognize the Lord
Jesus, in His spirit form? How do you recognize Him?
What does that mean? It means that the invisible Lord
Jesus Christ manifested Himself through me when I pray for
this person, and He manifested Himself on a particular level
of vibration that brought forth healing to that person. Can you
understand this at all?
mind be gathered into your Shekinah that you might walk in
the walk with God."
represent Adam Kadmon, but I now see that this is very
common amongst Kabbalists and, therefore, I want you all to
be on notice that if while I am writing on the board, I feel led
to abbreviate Adam Kadmon or anything, a Sefirot, that it is
your responsibility to find out what that means.
Then, Isaac Luria says, but the other side is the other
purpose of this semi-permeable barrier. That means
something can pass through it, so the sparks of life can pass
through it to escape and return to their first estate, and also the
Lord uses it to nourish the wicked. My reaction, I am going to
have to be really more careful when I disagree with these
renowned teachers, because I should really do what I tell you
to do when you disagree with me, and I repent of not doing it
that semi-permeable barrier is used for the Lord to nourish the
wicked, but I do put it before you for correction," and He
corrected me the same day. Actually, I preached that in the
morning service, and this is what I am talking about now.
After we finished preaching the evening service, the Lord
corrected me within a couple of hours. I do practice what I
preach, and this is what the Lord told me.
Our personality is made of the earth, and the earth is
evil. Spirit is good, and the earth is evil, so the Lord is
penetrating Cain, this glow, the fourth barrier to the depths of
meditation, this fourth barrier to communication with the
unconscious part of your Christ mind. As strong as Cain is
standing up, the Spirit of Christ is penetrating her little by little
for the purpose of nourishing the personality. The Lord
forgives you and has mercy on your personality and continues
to work with you, and when enough of this light of the Spirit
of Christ passes through that cheesecloth which is Cain, there
will be enough light on the other side to just tear her down.
You are getting this light in very small doses because Cain,
the conscious part of your carnal mind, does not want this
knowledge or information or spirit to get through, but because
Cain is cheesecloth, semi-permeable, the Spirit of Christ like
a needle is penetrating and, eventually, all of the light that
penetrates to the other side will accumulate to the point that
the barrier will not even mean anything anymore. Do you
understand what I am talking about? This is really for you, do
you understand what I am talking about?
We have called Cain the maidenhead. That came forth
in Jonah, and also Cain has been revealed to be the turtle, who
is the eunuch that guards Cain from having spiritual sexual
intercourse with the Spirit of Christ in a man that has come to
impart Christ to that Abel to save his life. This is not a new
God.” I have good news for you tonight, because this is a
totally incorrect translation, and it follows after Verse 23,
where Jesus is supposed to have said, according to the King
James, “Verily I say unto you that a rich man shall hardly enter
into the kingdom of heaven.”
It is the blessing of the Lord Jesus to take you to the
next step if you scrupulously keep the law. If you are a Jew
who scrupulously keeps the law, Jesus is saying, "It is a good
thing for me to cut into your carnal mind." Why would Jesus
say that? Because in the verses before that, the young man
came to Jesus and said, “And behold one came and said unto
Him, Good master, what good thing shall I do that I might
have eternal life?" I am in Verse 16 now, “And Jesus said to
Him, Why callest me good?" That is like me saying, "What
do you think when you ask me a question?" Sometimes I say,
"What do you think?" Why? Because I am digging at you, I
am cutting at your carnal mind.
The man was totally carnal. “And after this, Jesus says
to his disciples, ‘Verily I say unto you that the rich man who
scrupulously keeps the law shall enter into the kingdom of
God.” He cut him to ribbons, Jesus cut him to ribbons, and I
know the Lord comforts me because it is very hard, saying
things to people that hurt them. It hurts me to do it, but I do it
because it is my job, and Jesus comforts me by telling me,
“Even though they reject you at the moment, and sometimes
get very angry at you and turn away from you, you have cut
into their carnal mind, and they will never be the same."