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An Edited Transcript of Christ-Centered Kabbalah
Message # 547
For My Parents
Louis and Evelyn Goldstein
Copyright © 2016 by Christ-Centered Kabbalah
All rights reserved.
Published @ Long Island, NY September, 2005

Alternate Translation Bible (ATB) ©

Sheila R. Vitale, Translator

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~ The Compleat Kabbalah ~

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Alternate Translation of the Old Testament – Volume 1©

Alternate Translation of the Old Testament – Volume 2©
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Alternate Translation of the Book of Revelation©
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Traducción Alternada del Libro de la Revelación de Jesucristo©

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For Additional Information, please contact:

Christ-Centered Kabbalah
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PO Box 562
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Christ-Centered Kabbalah
Sheila R. Vitale
Pastor, Teacher, Founder
PO Box 562
Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776 USA

Is an Edited Transcript of CCK Message #547.

Permanent Meditative Consciousness

Was Transcribed and Edited For Clarity, Continuity of Thought, And
Punctuation by

The CCK Transcribing and Editing Team


Formatted as a book by
The CCK Administrative Professional Staff
An Edited Transcript of Christ-Centered Kabbalah
Message # 547
(He Shall Go No More Out - Rev. 3:12)

We have an unusual title to this message. I will explain

the title to you, and then read some verses from Ezekiel 1.

I drew the conclusion years ago that the Scripture in

the King James translation that says, “and He shall go no more
out”, meant “no more incarnation,” that we would live forever
on the earth, but now I now have a different opinion. Today I
believe that those of us who are moving into Christ Jesus will
eventually enter into a permanent meditative state. What does
that mean?

Brethren, the Jew meditates to get closer to God and,

specifically, to receive prophecy. Look at drawing #1. I have
tried to draw something that will help you to understand what
the Jew, well, it is not just the Jew.

In the past, anyone who wanted to contact God had to

go in to find Him, God is within, but what is happening in
Christ Jesus is that the Lord Jesus Christ, who is Adam
Kadmon, who is at the innermost center of our being, is
coming out here to us, and there is going to be an open

There is one verse in the Psalms that always caught my

imagination. Our Alternate Translation is, “and a great
highway shall open, there shall be a great expansion.” It just
caught my spirit, but I really never knew what it meant.

Brethren, there is going to be a highway opened, and

it is no longer going to be difficult to get to the innermost place
within our heart where the Lord Jesus is, because Adam
Kadmon is appearing to us as the Lord Jesus -- and it is very
hard to get to Him.

If we could get to where the Lord Jesus is, and make a

permanent connection, stay permanently in that inner place
where the Jews meditate to get to, we would stop dying,
because we are all the way out here in the World of Action,
and the Lord Jesus is all the way at the most center place. He
is deeper than all of the worlds.

There are four worlds between us and the Lord Jesus.

That is why most Christians are so carnal, and the Christians
who fast, the reason that they fast and pray, brethren, is to get
closer to the Lord, to hear the word of the Lord. The Christians
do the same thing that the Jews do. The Jews do it because
they want prophecy, they want revelation and Christians do it,
I think most Christians do it, because they want a personal
word for their life, or their ministry, or their family.

I do not think many Christians today are praying for

prophecy or revelation, although some may be, but my
understanding is that when the Jew meditates, he meditates
because he wants revelation, at least the Jew that is into
Kabbalah. I do not think the secular Jew meditates.

The Jews that are into Kabbalah are specifically
piercing into the depth of their being in the hopes of having an
Ezekiel experience. Ezekiel’s vision in Ezekiel 1 is called the
“chariot,” and, according to Kabbalah, that is what you see
when you get into the inner depths of your being. The vision
that Ezekiel saw represented the angelic world, the angelic
world where the angels speak to the Jew who enters into that
place and gives them revelation. It is my understanding right
now that all of the prophets that brought forth the great
revelation, they were not just dancing around their house and
one day a prophecy hit them.

I do not know about you, but I did not know this, that
for a Jew either 500 years ago or a spiritual orthodox Jew of
today, because all orthodox Jews are not spiritual, but the
spiritual orthodox Jew of today, to hear from God, they
meditate, they have an active, designed program where they
sit down, and they do this, and they do that, and they do that.
It is almost a ritual, they use techniques to get in the spirit.

They use techniques to experience what we would call

“being in the spirit,” and according to my understanding it is
very difficult for someone who is not entering in through Jesus
Christ to get in the spirit, and this is what Ezekiel or at least
the initial verses of Ezekiel 1 are all about.

There are barriers that you have to pierce to get into

the spirit. First, Ezekiel saw a storm, then he saw a cloud, then
he saw a fire, then he saw a glow, four levels that he had to
pierce through, and we see this same principle with Elijah.

After Elijah had an encounter with Jezebel, and he was

knocked down, the angel appeared to Elijah and strengthened
him, and after the angel strengthened him, Elijah saw the
storm, and then I think it was an earthquake, and then he saw
the fire, and eventually he heard this still small voice.

I never understood that the angel strengthened Elijah,
and Elijah received the strength to pierce into the higher
planes of consciousness. The highest plane of consciousness
is where the still small voice is, and that is where the Lord
Jesus is or Adam Kadmon is. You do not hear the term
“meditation” in the church. Even when a Christian fasts and
prays, I do not believe they go in very deeply. Why? Because
they are contacting the Holy Spirit. In the Holy Spirit we have
something that the Jew does not have.

According to the books of Kabbalah, the Jews do have

a Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is, according to the books that I
read, the spirit of revelation. They do not experience the Holy
Spirit like the Christian experiences the Holy Spirit, and it is
not the same Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit that the
Christians experience is the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. The
Holy Spirit that the Jew experiences is the spirit of revelation,
and it is not the same thing. The spirit of revelation is the spirit
of revelation. The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is that which was
given to us without repentance, that we should have a
relationship with God through the Holy Spirit.

The Jew has to train for years to be able to enter into a

meditative state whereby he is close enough to God to get
revelation, but I will tell you something, brethren. There are
not really many Christians around, I cannot say there are not
any because I do not know, but I do not know of any
Christians, well that is not true, there are Christians who
receive revelation, little bits of revelation, a little bit here, a
little bit there, a little bit there, but I have to tell you that the
only place that I see it coming together as a whole message is
in the doctrine of Christ.

What does it mean that Christians are getting a little

bit of revelation, a little bit here and a little bit there, and a
little bit there? It means that they are not entering into the
depths of the spiritual plane where revelation flows freely.
God would withhold nothing from us. Revelation hangs in the
realm of the spirit. The only thing that is hiding it from us is
the darkness of this world, and the darkness of this world is in
our carnal mind. Revelation is like fruit on a tree, there for the
picking for those who get into the garden.

Let me put this to you up front because I am going

around in circles here. The whole purpose of the Jew in
meditation is to get into their innermost part, to get into the
linear Adam Kadmon. Let me remind you that we out here,
the personality, we are of the circular Sefirot, we are of the
negative elements of the creation. The Ayn Sof is both outside
of us and inside of us. If you recall the teaching, the Ayn Sof
that is outside of us is beyond the edge of the universes.

I do not know that much about physics, but from what

I hear is that, if it were possible for a human being to make a
spaceship that would travel to the edge of the universes, he
could never come back home. It is that far away, that if he
came back home, it would probably be hundreds of years gone
by on the earth, if he could even find the edge of the universes.
It is that far out there, and it may not even possible for a human
being in a spaceship to find the edge of the universes in one

It is not practical for us to try to communicate with

God outside of us. The more practical way is to communicate
with the God inside of us, and you may recall that the Ayn
Sof, because He desires to communicate with us, penetrated
the circular Sefirot in the form of a being called Adam
Kadmon. The light of the Ayn Sof pours into Adam Kadmon,
and Adam Kadmon is in the midst of every human being, in
his very, very center.

I have to take that back, I am sorry, Adam Kadmon is

not in the midst of every human being. He is in the midst of
the Jew because of the Shekinah that was imparted to the Jew

through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and He is in the midst of
the Christian that Christ is grafted to. If you meditate, and you
are not a Jew that has the Shekinah still alive in you, or you
are not a Christian that has Christ grafted to you, and if you
go all the way into the depths of your being, who will you
find? Who will you meet up with? Yes?


PASTOR VITALE: You meet up with nothing,

which is Satan. There is nothing there and Satan is nothing, so
it is dangerous to meditate if you are not a Jew. At this point,
I am thinking that the Shekinah is not even alive in every Jew,
I am thinking that. I am not really a hundred percent sure, and
if you are a Jew it is dangerous for you to meditate if you are
not keeping the law, because when you go into the spiritual
realms within you, you are confronting and mixing with the
negative forces. You need a cover, you need a safety net, so if
you are a natural Jew you need to be keeping the law
scrupulously, or it is dangerous for you to meditate, and if you
are a Christian, you better make sure that you have Christ
grafted to you because the Holy Spirit is not Christ, and Christ
being grafted to you is not enough.

You have to be identifying your carnal mind, Satan

and Leviathan, warring with them continuously and prevailing
over them. If you are a Christian, and you are not engaged in
exposing your sin nature and warring with it to put it under
Christ, if you do not have good reason to believe that your sin
nature is securely under Christ, you are in danger meditating.

“Pastor Vitale, what are you talking about? Christians

do not meditate.” Brethren, when you concentrate strongly on
the word of God, that is meditation. It is a specific mediation
called contemplation. If you are staring at your Bible and
looking at it and praying and saying, “Lord what does that
mean?” It is a form of meditation called contemplation or

contemplating the word but, in general, Christians should not
be engaging any of the meditative techniques that are
associated with Hinduism. The meditative techniques that the
Jew uses is very similar to Hindu mediation.

I still have not made my point. What is happening in

Jesus Christ today is that an end is coming to the necessity of
any form of meditation. Jesus Christ is putting an end to the
necessity to go into the depths of one’s spiritual being to find
God. I have heard many Christians say, “I am going to lock
myself up in a room, and I am going to fast and pray until I
get an answer.” That is the Christian’s way of going into the
depths of his being. That is how the Christian does it. This is
being put to an end by the Lord Jesus Christ, because the Lord
Jesus Christ is opening up a highway whereby He is going to
be present in our minds all the time.

Revelation 3:12, “And He shall go no more out.”

Christians are invited to go into the deepest spiritual realms
with safety, which Christ Jesus who is our safety net, and
never depart from that state of mind. What state of mind?
Where God speaks to you continuously. You do not have to
fast and pray to get an answer from Him. If you are a Christian,
you do not have to meditate like the Jews meditate. The Lord
talks to me in the shower, He talks to me in the road, when I
am on the road, talks to me everywhere, and I talk to him
everywhere. As soon as my mind is not occupied with some
necessary duty, physical or material duty in this world, He is
right there talking to me, helping me, giving me revelation.

What is happening is that the church is called to

become spiritual. The New Testament talks about Peter in an
open eye trance, seeing a big sheet come down from heaven,
an open eye trance. That means he was not meditating.
Meditation brings you into a trance. You have to get into a
trance. Getting you into a trance is catapulting you into
another spiritual realm.
When David used to play his instrument when Saul
was murderous towards David, and David would play his
instrument, that would put Saul in a trance. It would get him
out of his carnal mind.

Some Jews play music to get into a trance, but they

know that they have to get into a trance to go inward to get
this revelation. There has been no prophecy, I think it is more
than 2,000-2,500 years that there has been no prophecy. We
have a lot of Jews that are very knowledgeable spiritual men
writing all kinds of wonderful books that are blessing me, and
they are meditating, but no new revelation. According to the
books that I have read, the reason they think, at least the
authors that I have read, they think that there has been no
revelation because they believe that all of Israel, that the
majority of the Jews of the world have to be in the physical
land of Israel for the Lord to give prophecy. That is what they

As I have told you many times with the greatness of

the revelation that I see in Kabbalah, there is a major element
missing. From what I have read so far anyway, and this major
element is that there does not seem to be any connection
between the fall and the dispersing of the Jews from their
homeland, with the sins of Israel, with the sins of Adam and
the sins of Israel. They do not connect the diaspora with the
sins of Israel. If they do not connect the sins of Israel with the
diaspora, that means there is no confession of sin, and with no
confession of sin, there can be no repentance, and without
repentance, there is no restoration.

There is still a lot of glory in Israel, but they are

missing the keys. They lost the keys, and they cannot get them
back, but my message tonight is one of good news, because
they will come back. The Scripture says that they will be
grafted into their own tree, but my message to you tonight and
to the church tonight, is that we are delivered from meditation,
and we are called to enter into a realm of consciousness that
the occult world calls, “being asleep and awake at the same
time.” We do not have to go in to the depths of our being, we
do not have to put ourselves in a room and shut everybody else
out and empty out our mind. We are in a continuous place
where the Lord can speak to us, or we can speak to the Lord
at any moment.

This is our inheritance, a part of our inheritance in

Christ Jesus, but you do not receive it automatically. Ezekiel,
in Chapter 1, experienced four barriers before he heard the
voice of the Lord. He experienced four barriers, the wind
storm or the hurricane, the cloud, the fire, and the glow, and I
have that on the board for you here. I want to suggest to you
tonight that each of these four barriers that Ezekiel had to
pierce into before he could hear the voice of the Lord is still
being taught today to Jews who desire to meditate, that they
have to sit in their place, empty out their mind and expect to
pierce through these four barriers before they can hear the
voice of the Lord.

I believe there is a similar teaching in Hinduism, but

what is happening to the Christian today is that we are
experiencing each one of these barriers over a period of time,
and I can tell you this because it is happening to me. I am
having a little trouble getting this message out, please bear
with me, I am going to try it again.

Let us take the first realm. The meditating Jew trying

to pierce through from the World of Action has to deal with
the stormy wind from the north. This World of Action that we
live in is a physical world that has a shadow. Satan is in the
shadowy part of this world. We have called it in our past
studies the etheric body. You might say we have to pass
through the etheric part of our being. The spiritual part of the
physical world is the first barrier that you have to pass
If you are sitting in your seat with your eyes closed
trying to empty out your mind and have an experience that
would last if you are really successful maybe a couple of
hours, are penetrating into the spiritual plane. The World of
Action, the stormy wind from the north, and we read about
that, let me just read you the Scripture from Ezekiel, it is
Ezekiel 1:4, “I saw and behold a stormy wind came from the
north, a great cloud and flashing fire, and a glow round about
and from in the midst was the likes of the speaking silence...”,
that is the voice of the Lord, that is Elijah’s still small voice,
“In the midst of the fire.”

The term “north” always has to do with the negative

forces, so the first realm or first barrier or as Kabbalah says,
the first shell, that Ezekiel had to pass through, was the stormy
wind that came from the north, and we are going to call that
stormy wind Satan. The meditating person only meditates
sometimes for five minutes. An hour is considered a lot, a
couple of hours, you have to be a real pro to go in for a couple
of hours. I fought this stormy wind for over a year, I do not
even remember how long because I did not know what was
happening to me. I pierced through this first realm at least ten,
more than eleven, twelve years ago, the ministry is thirteen
years old.

I used to sit at my computer doing translations,

because this is the means that the Lord has used to bring me
into the deep realms of the spirit, doing these translations, and
I would just stare at my Interlinear Text and pray and ask God
for understanding, I would be contemplating on that word, and
I would be tormented.

At the time, there were several people that I would call

for prayer, four or five times in a night saying, “Satan is surely
attacking me, because I am bringing forth this revelation,” and
it was Satan, but I did not realize that because I was doing this
translation. I was penetrating the stormy wind from the north
and I was going inward towards the linear Sefirot where the
Lord Jesus Christ was waiting to give me revelation. In my
case, the Lord Jesus was penetrating out towards me at the
same time that I was penetrating in, because I started to
receive revelation even before the ministry started.

You have to be fighting Satan to get revelation, but my

whole point is, brethren, I do not know whether you are just
under a heavy anointing, or you are not understanding this but
I am struggling here. Listen, the way it used to be, the way it
still is with the Jew, they have to go through this, they have to
pierce in every time they want to hear from God. I went
through this fighting this stormy wind, being in torment every
time I studied probably for a couple of years, but then once I
got past this stormy wind, I am in, and I am not going out
anymore. I do not have to go through this every time I sit down
and want to talk to the Lord.

Although, for years every time I sat at my computer, I

would get attacked in my mind, or if I wanted to do something
for the Lord, a hindrance would come my way, a disaster
would come my way. Most Christians are familiar with that,
that Satan will hinder you every time you want to do
something, but I am talking about revelation knowledge, deep
experience, deep spiritual experience with God. It must have
been a couple of years, every time I studied I was tormented.
Actually, it went on for several years, but it does not happen
to me anymore. I do not have to deal with Satan anymore
when I want to get some deep revelation.

I just sit down with my books or my study material,

and I just go right in there. Brethren the door is open. With the
meditating Jew, the door closes every time they come out. Let
us say they give it everything they got. Let us talk about
Ezekiel, we do not know how long he was meditating before
he saw the chariot. That is what the Kabbalists call it, the
chariot. I think the church calls it “Ezekiel’s glorified man.”
We do not know, he may have been meditating for
hours before he saw that vision. I do not have to do that
anymore. I did not meditate for hours, I meditated for years
and now I am in, and I am not going to go out anymore.

The next barrier that Ezekiel had to pierce through was

the cloud, a great cloud of fear. The fear is also associated with
this great cloud. Let me remind you that everything that we
hear about and read about concerning spiritual things has both
a negative and positive connotation. Binah is the cloud, the
Sefirot Binah, who is eternal life, but in this case we are
talking about barriers.

We are not talking about Binah. We are talking about

the clouds of the negative energy. We are talking about the
clouds of the circular Sefirot that want to keep us from getting
to the linear Sefirot, because when we get to the linear Sefirot
we are going to marry the Lord and forever we are going to be
with the Lord.

When the Jew got into the linear Sefirot, it was only
temporary, however long he stayed in there. He then
withdrew, and the next time the prophet wanted revelation, he
had to go through the whole meditative process again. The
Jew’s meditation is a couple of hours, the Christian’s
meditation in my case has been years, but once I got in, I am
not going out anymore. The cloud is associated, I am told, with
a lack of sensory stimuli. What does that mean? This cloud is
the second barrier that Ezekiel had to pass through. This is not
the cloud that was with Moses in the wilderness. The cloud
that was with Moses in the wilderness was Binah. This is
Satan’s cloud, all clouds are not positive.

Every spiritual concept exists in the negative plane and

in the positive plane. What is really interesting here is that I
am preaching out of my personal experience; otherwise, there
would be no way that I could know this or preach this to you

except that the Lord has related it to my personal experience.
In my personal experience, the barriers are not in the same
order that they are according to the books that I am reading.

According to the books that I am reading, I believe

they are written by Rabbis who experience meditation, but the
order is different than my experience, and the Lord just told
me tonight, which is the third time I have read the material for
this message, but I did not realize it until tonight, that I have
been experiencing this great cloud for the last ten months or
so, maybe a year. I do not even know if it is a year, for no
more than a year and maybe less.

I have been before the Lord, on my face before God,

asking what is wrong with me and repenting, because what I
have received spiritually has no price. You cannot put a price
on what I have received spiritually, and yet I have been
suffering in my emotions and in my humanity, and the
problem that I have had for this last eight or ten months,
maybe a year or so, is that I feel that I am cut off from all
intimacy. These are the exact words that I have given to God,
that I feel that I have been cut off from being touched.

Of course, the brethren here kiss me, and so it is not

that no one is touching me physically, for years, and it is not
that I am not married, because for years I was very content
with the relationships that the Lord gave me, and I had
intimacy in my life in relationships, not physically intimacy
as a man and a woman, but there was intimacy in my
relationships and in my life, and this last year or so I feel that
I am just cut off from everybody, and I am not cut off from
everybody. I have rich relationships in my life, I have brethren
here, I have a physical family, and God has given me friends.

I went for five years without having anybody close by,

if God forbid I was sick, I needed something. Now I have
people close by. He has just brought everything I need into my

life, but I have been walking around feeling cut off, isolated
and deprived of sensory stimuli, deprived of being touched,
but I am being touched. You kiss me every time you come
here, so it does not even make any sense.

I know that if I was talking to a counselor in the world,

they would tell me, “Sheila, you need a man.” That would be
what they would tell me, and I have had this before the Lord,
crying out for months now saying, “Lord, I am so sorry that
this is the way I feel, after what you have done for me and
after what you have given me, and I would not trade it or turn
it in for anything, but yet I have this problem. What is your
answer for me? I am hanging between heaven and earth. I have
given up the worldly intimacy. I have one child, she is in
Florida. I do not even get to see my grandchild. The only time
I feel any relief is when I am hugging and kissing my
grandchild, which I see once or twice a year.

I have been dealing with a lot of condemnation for this

past year, and now in response to my prayers, the Lord is
explaining to me that I am passing through this great cloud
where there is a lack of tactile stimulation, but it is in the spirit.
I feel like I am cut off from everybody, to the degree, I do not
want anyone to misunderstand me, of course I am not cut off
from you all, but the degree of intimacy that has existed in my
life over the years does not exist today.

I have never been without a certain level of, I do not

know how to say this, I really do not want to get myself into
any trouble here, I am lacking the level of intimacy, spiritual
intimacy that I have had with people over the years. In all my
entire life, I have never been so alone, but do not take that the
wrong way. It is not that I am lonely. I am not lonely, I am
alone, it is just me and the Lord.

In all of these years, it has never been to this degree,

and it is painful, although I am doing better these last few

months. I just accepted it, because I know that I am going on
with the Lord, but what a relief for me to read about it in a
book that what is happening to me is that I am going through
the great cloud, and I have even told you that in all my life...I
have more fear, and I do not have a lot of fear, but I have more
fear in my life today than I have ever had at any time in my
life, which is not a lot of fear, because I used to be fearless.

I also have had a revelation that this fear that I have

which, do not misunderstand me, is not severe. It is just that I
was a fearless person, now I have some fear. I have been aware
that it has definitely been associated with this isolation that I
have been feeling. I have been feeling isolated, and I know
that the fear is associated with it, and here the Lord tells me
tonight...I have read this account in preparation for this
message three times. I did not get it until the Lord told me
tonight that I am passing through the cloud, and I want to tell
you that I am very excited, because what this means to me is
that when I pass through all four barriers, I am going to be
fully joined to the Lord, and I am never going to come out.

This is the experience that every Christian is going to

have to go through to get married to the Lord. It is going to
take a miracle. I am very tough, but I do not know how the
average person is going to do this. That is not my problem, but
my problem is to go through, my problem is to answer the call
of the Lord, because He has called me now, and that is my
challenge to go through now, but I want to tell you that it is a
great blessing to me to find out that this is what my problem

I am passing through the cloud, and I am having a lack

of spiritual stimulation that I have called intimacy, a lack of a
certain level of camaraderie, and that probably is because
there is nobody that I know that is where I am. I can relate to
people on a variety of levels, but I do not know anybody else

that is where I am, and that puts me in sort of an isolated place
which is, at least, a part of the problem.

I went through the stormy wind from the north years

ago. I mean I have not been bothered by that first barrier for a
long time, and we are told, I have on the board there, that this
barrier, the great cloud that is associated with fear, that is
where Leviathan is joined to the Fiery Serpent. What does
that mean? It means that as I go through that barrier, I am
overcoming my marriage to Leviathan, and you know the
Lord told me about ten months ago.

First He prophesied it to me that He was going to

divorce me from Leviathan, and I have been in this condition
since the Lord divorced me from Leviathan, so it lines right
up with what I am learning from the books that the Lord has
led me to. I am cut off from Leviathan, but I am not fully
married to the Lord yet, and I am feeling all of this isolation.
Also, I have on the board there, that this level of barrier is
associated with the speech of Jesus Christ, and I hear the
speech of Jesus Christ.

I have also lately been hearing the thoughts of Jesus

Christ. That is the next level, and the book that I am getting
this information from is called Inner Space by Aryeh Kaplan.
The third barrier is called the flashing fire. Oh, I did not tell
you that the stormy winds associated with this world, the
World of Action, Asiyah, and the great cloud is associated
with Yetzirah, that is the World of Formation. When you
pierce into this world where the great cloud is, the World of
Yetzirah, you will begin to hear the speech of Jesus Christ.

What is the difference between speech and thought?

The difference between speech and thought is that speech is
verbalized thoughts. I have also told you, I am having these
experiences before I read about them. I know I mentioned to
you that it has been happening to me for a while now, probably

since I am in this isolated place. I am in the cloud, and you
know this has been happening to me, although thoughts are
associated with the next level.

It is different for me, I am having a different

experience. It is not exactly lining up with this, but I feel, I
perceive the Lord impulsing a thought towards me, but it is
not words. I know that I have told you that, and it is amazing
that I understand it. It is like something right out of a science
fiction magazine. I know it is an impulse, I know it is not
verbal. Do you know what verbal is? It is not in words, but I
know what He is talking about.

That is the thoughts of God. The speech of God is

when He talks in words, and He does that sometimes too.
Why, and under what circumstances does He do one and under
what circumstances does He do the other? I could not tell you
at this time, but I have been hearing the speech of the Lord for
a long time, and if you ask me, I would tell you I am hearing
the speech of the Lord a lot longer than I have been in the
fearful cloud, but hearing the thoughts of Jesus Christ is
relatively new for me.

According to Kabbalah, you hear the thoughts of Jesus

Christ as you pierce into Beriah which is the World of
Creation, so I guess I am pressing into the World of Creation,
and we are told that the barrier that rises up as you try to press
into that flashing fire, which is the barrier of the World of
Creation, is that you come under conviction of sin that is a

There have many occasions that I have been studying

late at night trying to bring forth the translations of the
Doctrine of Christ, and I would just stop dead in my tracks
right at my desk and just start repenting, and I never
understood it until now. I would say, “Lord, why now? Why
is this spirit of repentance on me now?” I never realized that

if the Lord did not bring forth that repentance on me, I would
not have been able to get the revelation, that, that repentance
cleansed me to the point that I passed through barrier.

I never related the repentance to getting the revelation

of the verse. The Lord just told me the reason my experiences
are not lining up with the order of Kabbalah is that I am the
example for all of you who are coming after me.

I do not know any other Christian who has had this

experience. If there is someone out there, I have not heard
about them or read about their experience, that as a Christian
I am experiencing all of these barriers simultaneously. I am
sorry, not all of them. Well, that is true because I was getting
revelation when I pierced into the stormy wind, and I was
already hearing the speech of the Lord when I pierced into the
stormy wind, but as far as I know I am just experiencing the
great cloud now, and the fear now, and the conviction of sin.

I have been crying out in repentance for years, so

pretty much it is all happening to me all simultaneously, or as
the Lord calls each experience forth, as He gets me through in
His own path.

The fourth barrier and, of course, the positive side of

the condemnation is the conviction of sin. As you press into
Beriah which is the World of Creation, as you press in, Satan
will try to condemn you, because what happens is that all your
sins come up before you, and to get through that barrier, you
have to repent. If you do not repent, you go under
condemnation. The barrier is showing you your sins. It is how
you react to it that is either going to get you through or not get
you through.

Just for the minute, getting back to the stormy wind, I

was tormented in my mind and in my emotions, but I kept on
going. The torment could not stop me from going through the
great cloud, and the fear has not stopped me. I have laid it all
on the Lord, and I am going through. Actually, I am doing
much better this last month or so than I have before, and I am
going to do a lot better now after this revelation.

Then the revelation of sin comes. That is harder. Most

people, well especially for me, because I have always been
tough, I can deal with the torment of the storm, I can deal with
the isolation of the great cloud, but now sin is coming my way.
Am I going to take condemnation or am I going to repent?

A lot of Christians when they are confronted with this

level of barrier to intimacy with the Lord, their pride will
choose condemnation rather than conviction. If someone tells
them in a Spirit of Christ that something that they are doing is
wrong, pride will rise up. If I am the one who is telling them,
pride will rise up and say, “Sheila you just accused me of
that.” Accusation is sin. I have not accused you of anything.
If you feel condemned when sin is revealed, it is because your
pride has refused to repent. When sin is revealed, you have
two choices, to be condemned or to repent. We are all
experiencing these levels simultaneously and to different
degrees of intensity.

Then the fourth barrier is what Kabbalah calls the

“glow,” and this barrier, when we pierce through it, we enter
into the World of Atzilut which is the World of Emanation,
and the World of Emanation is the mind of Christ. The Mind
of Christ is identified by an ability to judge righteous
judgment, to get above your emotional soul ties and desires,
to protect the people that you love. “Sheila, are you against
protecting the people that you love?” No, I am not against
protecting the people that you love, but as a son of God I know
that the best way you can protect the people that you love is
to tell them the truth. It is to tell them the truth.

I have been telling you for years, and I have just

found... almost everything I have been teaching you, I have

been finding in these books on Kabbalah which is absolutely
amazing, because I never saw a book on Kabbalah until a
couple of months ago. When I expose your sins, now I just
read this, well maybe a different book, because I am reading
five books at the same time, that when the truth about
something is exposed, you then can raise that thing up higher.
I just read it in a book, this is what I am doing for you.

When I expose a hidden sin in your heart that you

cannot see, if you are willing to hear the truth, that character
flaw in you can be raised up and used for God’s glory. That is
what this is all about. You cannot raise somebody up to a
higher spiritual realm based on lie. Even if you are not lying,
maybe you are just blind, if you want to ascend spiritually, the
path that takes you up is truth.

If one of your children, or your husband, or your wife

did something wrong, if you can come out of the mind of
Christ without condemnation, just in the truth, “Yes they did
something wrong,” then we pray for them, and God brings the

If it is you, you did something wrong, if you could just

admit it, do not make excuses for yourself, just face it, I will
pray for you. We will pray together, and God will heal you,
and you will ascend spiritually. We ascend on the wings of the
truth. Lies take us downward. You cannot mature into Christ
Jesus on a lie.

The Mind of Christ is the ability to judge righteous

judgment, to find the truth in every circumstance, including
the truth, we have to start with the truth about you, and then
the truth about the people that you love. It gets to the point
where the truth is just the truth, and because there is no
condemnation in it, I do not feel any guilt telling the truth
about the problems in my family or the problems of myself,
because I know there is no condemnation in it, and as far as I

am concerned, I am going all the way. If I do not go all the
way, it is not because I did not try, because I did not do the
best that I could do.

We tell the truth and God heals and delivers and things
just get better and better and better, and this is the overriding
characteristic of the Mind of Christ. He sees the truth in every
given situation. There is a truth in every conflict. The truth
might be that both parties are contributing, but there is a truth
in every conflict, and frequently people relate to one another,
and there is no conflict because the operation of sin is so subtle
that many human beings do not even recognize that they are
being sinned against, or the person that is sinning does not
even know that they are doing it, but there is still a truth of
that interaction. That simple word that you said, it sounded
harmless, but to the man that does not judge by what he hears
or sees, but the man that judges by the spirit, knows that what
you said arose out of a spirit of envy, and it does not matter
that you do not feel envious.

The Son of God does not judge out of what he feels,

what he sees, what he hears, or what his conscious mind
thinks. The Son of God judges on one of these inner planes.
The Son of God, his mind dwells in the World of Emanation.
If I tell you something, a truth that comes out of the World of
Emanation, and you speak to me from here out of the World
of Action, and say, “This cannot be because I have no
awareness of it,” you might as well put a knife in your own
heart. You are completely undoing what the Lord is trying to
do for you with the Spirit of Truth.

The question that you have to ask yourself is, you have
a choice, do you want to believe what you carnal mind is
telling you from out here in the World of Action, out here in
the world that is outer darkness, it is far away from God as
you can get, or do you want the truth of the Mind of Christ,
where you are just one layer away from immortality?
What do you want? You have a choice. Out here in the
World of Action, you have the Holy Spirit, you definitely have
the Holy Spirit, and you could have the spirit of revelation, but
there is no eternal life out here in the World of Action. Eternal
life is in here with Adam Kadmon who is appearing to us as
the Lord Jesus, and there is no way that you are going to get
through the stormy wind from the north, the great cloud of
fear, and the flashing fire, and this glow which I will talk to
you about in a minute, with a lie. You are not going through.
The fact that you are holding on to the lie is legal ground for
Satan to lock you out of immortality.

In many instances, it is legal ground for Satan to lock

you out of a physical healing, because in here with the Lord
Jesus there is full healing and immortality. It is not in the Holy
Spirit. It is not Jesus Christ out here in the World of Action. It
is His Holy Spirit, it is like He sent His finger out to help you.
It is not the whole man.

Immortality and healing and the answer to every

problem that you have, including your kids, the problems of
your children is not out here with the Holy Spirit, because if it
was, your family would not have the problems that they have,
and you would not have the problems that you have, and I
would not have the problems that I have. It is in here. It is in
the world that is even closer to God than the World of
Emanation. Adam Kadmon appearing to us as Jesus Christ is
in direct contact with the light of the Ayn Sof, and that is
where it is. That is where your healing is, that is where
immortality is, and that is where the power to get your children
out of sin is. That is where it is.

You get into this spot, and any righteous thought that
you have will come to pass. Your son is in trouble, you want
to get him out, it is impossible for it not to happen, but that is
not happening with the Holy Spirit out here. It may happen
with the Holy Spirit, but it is really not. It is rare. The truth is
very important in attaining all of the promises, but this
message is about meditation.

Just in case I did not make it clear, any Christians

listening to this message and manifesting, I am relating
meditation to prayer and fasting in the church. A Christian
prays and fasts to get closer to God to get an answer from God,
to get a miracle. The Jew meditates. Both the Jew and the
Christian are trying to get to that holy place, Adam Kadmon,
the Lord Jesus, the place where the light of the Ayn Sof flows
in with unlimited power, with infinite power.

There is infinite power in the inner recesses of our

being. If you are a Jew, and you have the Shekinah, or if you
are a Christian and you have Christ, if you are Christian, and
you do not have Christ, what you have to do is get Christ. How
do you get Christ? You get Him through the foolishness of
preaching, but you have to humble yourself, James says,
receive with meekness the engrafted word. Why would he tell
you that? Because the pride of the Christian with the Holy
Spirit does not want to believe that there is something more
than the Holy Spirit. The seed which is Christ enters into your
brain through anointed teaching like this, and then it has to
work its way down to implant itself, just like in human
reproduction. Does the ovum not get fertilized and then has to
implant itself in the lining of the womb? The seed of life goes
into your brain, it has to travel down into your belly and graft
itself to Abel.

Praise the Lord. I did want to tell you one other thing
about this flashing fire. The flashing fire is the exact opposite
of the great cloud. The great cloud is sensory deprivation. That
means you feel emotionally dead. That is exactly what I was
going through. I was feeling emotionally dead, isolated, cut
off from all emotions.

The flashing fire which works with condemnation is
the exact opposite. It is an overload of sensory stimuli. You
are all emotional, you are feeling condemned, you are crying,
you are very sensitive, and your feelings get hurt.

Based on my experience, which is the only thing I have

to teach you from, you can go in and out of all of these
barriers, Satan causing you torment in your mind and your
emotions, isolation, lack of sensory stimulation, fear, overload
of sensory stimulation, condemnation, over sensitivity to sin.
It is in here also in the World of Creation where you are
sensitive to other people’s sin.

I have had that problem for years that I am over

sensitive to other people’s sin. I have had to learn how to deal
with it, because it causes me pain. Someone sins, they do not
even know what they are doing, and it like there is a knife in
my heart, and I have to deal with it, because what do you say
to people that do not even know what they are doing?

Again, I have received relief from these studies in

Kabbalah where I have read that when you are in a meditative
state...the book on Kabbalah is talking about the way the Jew
meditates, sitting there in a trance. They say the slightest noise
is perceived by the person in the meditative state as a million
times louder than it is. I am relating that to my sensitivity to
sin. You do not even know you are doing it, and I am in total
agony, and the way...I am still completely human, believe me,
the way I react to that kind of pain, the way I used to is
changing. I am forcing it to change by the power of God. My
reaction would be to lash out.

It is just as if someone comes over and knifes you, and

most people would have a reaction to strike back. If someone
comes along and punches you, most people would hit back,
and everything rises up in me to attack when I feel that sin.

The Lord is delivering with understanding. It has
really helped me to understand that people do not even know
what they are doing, and they are not feeling what I am
feeling. I used to think they were feeling what I was feeling,
but they are not. My biggest weapon in this area is
forgiveness, and compassion, because they do not know what
they are doing, or even if they know what they are doing, the
answer to the problem is forgiveness and compassion, because
even if they know what they are doing, they are just ignorant.

You have to be crazy to sin against someone like me,

or anyone walking with God. You have to be out of your mind.
When someone sins against you, or when someone sins
against me, we are supposed to be on our face praying for
them. There has to be a very not good recompense for anyone
doing evil to anyone of us, and it may not happen the next day.
It may happen a year later.

Going back years ago when I did not who I was, I

knew I was in God, but I did not know who I was, I went
through some very bad times in employment. I lost a lot of
jobs, because wicked people were coming out of the
woodwork, and at the time I was without a husband and
supporting a child. It was a very painful experience for me,
and over the years I would hear about the firms that I worked
for and the destruction that came upon those people. At one
point, it was really frightening me. One man’s wife got a brain
tumor, his marriage was wrecked, his wife was a vegetable, he
was a young man, and another woman got a spot on her lung.
I do not know whether she died or not. Someone else died, and
their only two children died. I went through a period where I
said, “Lord, is this a spirit of witchcraft on me, what is going
on?” I never prayed evil against these people.

It is not enough to pray evil against them. You have to

pray for their life, because just the fact that they are trying to
hurt you is going to bring this kind of destruction on their life,
so everyone that you know has evil thoughts towards you
conscious or unconscious. If you want to be a son of God, you
are supposed to be forgiving their sins and praying for their
life. I tell you the truth, you have to know who you are, and if
you know who you are, it makes it much more tolerable.

It is all how you look at it. Are you being persecuted,

or are these ignorant people, is Satan rising up in these
ignorant people trying to hurt you, is the glass half full, or is
the glass half empty? Who are you? Are you a victim or are
you the son of God? Brethren, you are a walking weapon, we
are walking weapons. People that come against us get hurt, do
not be deceived because it does not happen the next day. Pray
for your enemies that you might be a son of God.

We are talking about the meditative state. The

inheritance of the Christian is to be continuously in a
meditative state, a highway is being opened, a great expansion
between outer darkness, the World of Action, and the
innermost realm, which is beyond the four worlds.

There are four worlds, the World of Action, the World

of Formation, the World of Creation and the World of
Emanation, and even deeper than that is where the Lord Jesus
is, Adam Kadmon.

A highway is being opened between the Lord Jesus

and those of us out here in the World of Action. Jesus was in
heaven and earth at the same time, that is what this means. He
was in a continuous meditative state. I did not know who I
was, I did not do anything to get this way. All I did was study.
The Lord told me to study, and I studied. I had no idea who I
was or what was happening to me, and I heard about people
fasting and praying and locking themselves behind doors for
two weeks before they heard from God. I could not figure it
out. I just said, “Hey Lord,” and He said, “Yes.”

I could not figure this out, what people were doing
locking themselves behind closed doors trying to hear from
God. The Lord moved me into the New Order very soon, very
early. Does that mean I am better than you? No, it is for
everybody. This privilege is for the whole world. What is a
free gift is the power to achieve it, but you have to work it.
The power, and the privilege, and the opportunity to achieve
is the free gift. It is like a scholarship.

If you get a scholarship into Harvard, that means you

are accepted into the university, your tuition is paid, and
maybe even have some spending money and room and board,
but if you do not go to class and pass your exams, you are not
going to get that degree, because the reason you are going to
Harvard is to get the degree which will get you a job, which
will give you an opportunity to express your creative potential,
and perhaps make a lot of money also.

This is the inheritance of every Christian, the privilege

to pursue this experience, the power to pursue it, and the
instruction is free, no tuition, but you better not be taking this
course and not tithing. I do not recommend that at all. The
course is free, but whether you have the course or you do not
have the course, you have to gives tithes and free will
offerings as the Lord leads you, each man according to his
ability as the Lord sees it.

Praise the Lord. The permanent meditative state. Do

you remember in Isaiah, I think it was the Syrians, I could
have the wrong people, came to the men of Judah that were
sitting on the wall, and said, “We are going to huff, and we are
going to puff, and we are going to blow your house down,”
and they went to the king, and the kind went to the prophet,
Isaiah, and the prophet Isaiah went into a meditative state and
heard from God, and then the prophet Isaiah went back to the
king, and said, “Do not worry, the Lord is going to take care

of it.” I wonder how long that all took. I wonder how many
days that all took.

Just on the basis that the men on the wall had to go the
king, who had to go to the prophet, who had to go back to the
king, if you are a Christian, you have the privilege of having
Christ grafted to you and to have a highway erected in you, a
permanent highway that will override all of the four barriers
to the ear of the Lord Jesus Christ. Esther went in to see the
king, and if he did not hold out the scepter to her she would
have died.

If we try to pass through these four barriers without the

permission of the Lord, we will die spiritually. What does it
mean to try to pass through these barriers without the
permission of the Lord? What is the permission of the Lord?

How do we know we have the permission of the Lord

to attempt this? What represents the permission of the Lord to
us? Are we under the law? The Jew has to be under the law,
that is the permission of the Lord. You better have Christ
grafted to you, and you better be sure Christ is grafted to you,
or you could have some problems. There are a lot of people,
mostly men, a lot of people in the church today getting
revelation that is not from God mostly with regard to the book
of Revelation. They are hurting a lot of people. They went in
and they went in without Christ.

I think I am making my point. I have to tell you what

this glow is. We did not get up to that yet. Revelation
knowledge is in Adam Kadmon which is the Lord Jesus
Christ, so that means anyone, any Christian, who has truly
received revelation knowledge has connected with the Lord
Jesus Christ on some level. It does not mean he is completely
connected with the Lord Jesus, because if he was completely
connected with the Lord Jesus, he would have entered into

With all of my revelation, I still have a problem with
my immune system. Revelation is much stronger in me than
the rest of my being, that part of me that receives revelation
has charged way ahead of the rest of me. That is your
condition also.

This ability to receive revelation is way ahead of the

rest of me. Let us just do a little review here before I give you
the last element. The barriers to union with God, the World of
Action called Asiyah is the stormy wind, Satan, the World of
Formation, Yetzirah, is the great cloud. Oh, we want to do
that, I have a revelation on this great cloud of Hebrews 12:1.
Let us do that right now, do you have your Bible handy?

COMMENT: Hebrews 12:1, “Wherefore seeing we

also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses,
let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily
beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before

PASTOR VITALE: The King James translation

makes it sound like this cloud of witnesses is a good thing, but
I looked in the Interlinear Text. It does not mean that at all.
The word “witness” is the Greek word translated...I am sorry,
I went into the Hebrew, and I looked up the Hebrew word that
means witnesses, and there is a second Hebrew word with the
same consonance, just one vowel off, one dot, one little dot
off, one word has three dots for a vowel and the other word
has two dots for a vowel. It could have easily been a mistake
from the scribe, or whoever was doing the translation, just
drew the conclusion that in this translation the word had to be
witnesses, but I say, “No, the other word applies.” The word
that means “within.”

Paul was talking about the cloud within, and he is

saying, “Let us pierce through this great cloud within, let us
put aside every weight of sin, because you cannot pass through

with sin, put your sin away, and let us pass through the cloud,
and get on with getting closer to God, let us run this race.” The
race is from the World of Action into Adam Kadmon, who is
appearing to us today as the Lord Jesus Christ. “Let us go on
to immortality.” That is what Paul was saying.

This King James translation, I am going to put it on

every message that it is good to bring you to the Holy Spirit,
it is good for reconciliation, it talks about faith in Jesus Christ,
but I have been telling you for years, Satan will let you go as
far as she knows she cannot stop you. If you are going to take
that step into faith in Jesus Christ, she cannot stop you.

She will say, “Okay, but I will stop you at the next
step. You got as far as being reconciled, okay, but I will stop
you right here.”

That New Testament is completely emasculated, it is

completely castrated, any spiritual growth beyond the basic
reconciliation. Praise the Lord.

The second barrier is the World of Formation,

Yetzirah, that is the great cloud representing Leviathan’s
union with the Fiery Serpent. Remember the Fiery Serpent,
every man born of a woman has a Fiery Serpent. That is the
core of our being. Leviathan exists on a deeper plane.
Leviathan exists here in the World of Formation and is
connected to us. The Fiery Serpent is out here in the World
of Action in the individual. Leviathan is in the World of
Formation attached to all of the Fiery Serpents in the World
of Action. We have to be divorced from Leviathan, and when
we are divorced from Leviathan, we will experience a lack of
sensory stimuli. That is why I have been feeling so isolated.
Fear is associated with that isolation.

The third barrier is the World of Creation, Beriah, and

that is associated with flashing fire or lightning and
condemnation, and this, the power to...and, of course, the
flashing fire is an overload of sensual stimulation, an
overload. You will be over sensitive, you will be feeling other
people’s sins, and as I told you, it is really important, when
you get this sensitive, you start feeling other people’s, not only
feeling it but experiencing in your mind and in your emotions
other people’s sin.

Listen brethren, condemnation is sin, so if someone is

feeling condemnation that is sin and it will register in your
heart center. I want to put this testimony on the message that
I gave you earlier that was not recorded. I stopped off to say
hello to somebody a couple of days ago, and they were talking
to another person. I interfered, I said, “Excuse me,” and I just
wanted to say hello to the person and I left, and for two days I
was being attacked with condemnation in my mind and in my
emotions that I should not have interfered with that other

I rebuked the condemnation, I would not receive it, but

it would not go away. Then today I ran into the woman that I
had said hello to, the woman that I interfered with her
conversation to say hello to her, and she came to me and said,
“Sheila I am so sorry that I did not talk to you longer because
I was talking to that other person, did I hurt your feelings?” It
was her condemnation, and it was not even true. She did not
hurt me, she talked to me for a long time while that poor guy
was just standing there. She was feeling condemnation that
she had mistreated me, and it was registering in my mind and
my heart as condemnation that I should not have interfered in
that conversation.

You become very spiritually sensitive when you pierce

through into the World of Creation. Also, remember that the
Ayn Sof is absolute unity, absolute unity, He is one, and
everyone that passes, He is not even a He, it is the Ayn Sof.
“It” is absolute unity, and everyone that attains to that
level...Jesus Christ has attained to that level, Jesus Christ is
flowing in absolute unity with the Ayn Sof. There is no longer
any difference. That means as we ascend spiritually, it is not
really an ascension, it is a piercing inward. We are becoming
one with the whole human race. The more we pierce in, the
closer we get to the Ayn Sof, the more we enter into unity.
The division is out here in the World of Action. This is the
age, this is the divided age out here in the World of Action. As
we go in, we go closer and closer to absolute unity.

I just experience the feelings and the thoughts of

people that I have contact with. I think if I experienced the
thoughts and feelings of the whole world, it will kill me, I
would go insane at least at this level. Did Jesus experience the
thoughts and feelings of the whole world at one time? I do not

In my experience, I have to know the person, but we

are going inward, we are headed towards absolute unity. The
division decreases as we go in. This is why I have knowledge
of you frequently. I do not know everything that is in your
thoughts, but I know a lot of your thoughts and sometimes I
know things about you that you do not even know, because I,
you might say, I am in there in your mind. I am on the level of
mind where we are one, and I may be on a level of mind with
you where we are one and you are not even in there, because
you are all living out here in the World of Action, but that does
not mean that you do not exist on an inner level.

Everyone exists on the subconscious level, and on the

unconscious level. If you never look in, if all of the time you
are looking out, and you are not looking in towards the
subconscious and the unconscious level, it does not mean you
do not have a subconscious and unconscious level, but if I am
hanging out here in the World of Creation, I can know what is
going on, on your subconscious and unconscious level when
you do not, because I am in but you are out.

That is just like saying, God forbid, you have got some
disease in your body, and you do not know what is in there so
long as it does not bother you, but you put an x-ray machine
on you, and that will show you that it is there.

The fourth barrier, the World of Emanation called

Atzilut. Ezekiel calls it a glow, and I am told in the books of
Kabbalah that this glow is a semi-permeable barrier. I am
suggesting to you that it is Cain and Abel, what we have called
a maidenhead when we did the study in Jonah.

That is this last barrier over here, just before you get
to the Lord Jesus, Adam Kadmon, and that is the barrier that
will keep you out of the mind of Christ. You may remember
the teachings that Cain lays over Abel, and Cain is the
maidenhead that stops Abel in us, Abel in the person who is
going inward. I am connecting with Adam Kadmon or the
Lord Jesus.

It is interesting, the Kabbalistic view of the function of

this semi-permeable barrier, I must strongly disagree with. No
matter how much revelation knowledge that you have, when
you hit a point that you have no revelation, you are as ignorant
as the next person, and I see that the... unless you know it is
just not in the books. Maybe there are Kabbalists that have this
revelation, maybe it is all oral, it has not been written down, I
do not know, but what I read in the books is that there is a total
lack of revelation that relates the present condition of the
world and of Israel to sin.

The explanation in the book, Inner Space, of this glow

is that the...what does this mean, a semi-permeable barrier? It
means that light goes both in and comes out, goes both ways,
and it is like a filter. Certain filtered amounts of light go in and
come out, so that means the light from Adam Kadmon which
is the Lord Jesus is coming into this World of Emanation, and
also we who are meditating are pressing into this World of

Emanation, and the Kabbalistic explanation of Aryeh Kaplan
is that... I see that Aryeh Kaplan is really quoting Isaac Luria,
who they call the great Ari. Ari means lion. The great Isaac
Luria teaches that this barrier, this semi-permeable barrier, is
the means of nourishing the realm of evil. It is also the means
through which the sparks of holiness embedded down here are
set free and are allowed to return to their source. It is really
talking about Cain and Abel. Abel is the spark of holiness,
remember? He is the holy seed.

Abel is the spark of holiness that is trapped down here,

and Abel has to go through that barrier to join with the Lord
Jesus to be restored, but I do not believe that, that barrier is
the means of nourishing the world of evil. That barrier is there
to stop the spark of holiness from going back to its first estate.

The great Isaac Luria, I am telling you, this is true of

every great teacher, of every teacher great and small. Where
your mind is illuminated by the Spirit of Christ, you can have
great revelation, and if the Spirit of Christ is not illuminating
you, you are off, you are off. Praise the Lord.

Down on the bottom of the board, this is drawing #1, I

just have, what did I do here? The World of Action is
associated with the Holy Spirit, the World of Formation is
Yetzirah and is associated with the speech of God. Some
Christians hear audible voices. It does not have to be an
audible voice. The speech of God does not have to be an
audible voice. The speech of God could be thoughts in your
mind, speech is thoughts. We are running into a problem here
because, I am telling you that the World of Creation is the
thoughts of God, but according to...you have to understand
that we have one definition, the vernacular here on the way we
speak English, and Kabbalah has another definition.

To me, until I learned this, that a thought is a unity...let

me explain that to you. Maybe I did not explain that before.

According to Kabbalah, thought is a unity, it is non-
verbalized, it is non-verbal, thought is non-verbal. How could
you learn from a non-verbal thought? I personally do not know
how to have a non-verbal thought.

Non-verbal thought can only come to us through the

channel of understanding, and understanding takes that non-
verbal thought and breaks it down into individual ideas. You
are all looking at me, hold on, let me try again. It is as if you
had a package, a box came in the mail today, or the other day,
it was a box that had three volumes, the books that I ordered,
but when I looked at the box, it was just one box, and I did not
know what was in there, although I suspected what was in
there. I did not know what the books looked like, I did not
know what the books said, but I knew that it was three
volumes of books, but all I could see was the one box, and I
had no more knowledge than that.

That is what thought is, and for us to understand it, it

has to be broken down into individual ideas, so I opened up
that box and I found three books, three books that I was able
to open and to read, so that unity of thought, I could not do
anything with it until I broke it down into what Kabbalah calls
speech. Speech is the thought broken down into separate
ideas. According to Kabbalah, that is the definition of speech
and thought.

Speech is the idea that the thought is broken down

into... but now let us come back to English, let us use the
English definitions here.

I want to say to you that the speech of God is not

necessarily an audible voice. It is possible to hear somebody’s
thoughts. There is a difference between hearing an audible
voice in the spirit and hearing thoughts. Sometimes one word
or several words mean different things in different...they could
be the same language in different areas of the country. It is

called the vernacular or the idiom. In other words, I think in
Australia, the name “Sheila” is just a general name for woman.
If you go to the ladies room in Australia, on the ladies room
door it says “Sheila.” It is called the vernacular or the idiom.

We see we are talking right now about the words

thought and speech, and I have on the board with drawing #2
what these two words mean in Kabbalah, what these two
words mean in the English idiom, and what these two words
mean spiritually speaking as we study spiritual things.

According to Kabbalah, thought is a unified non-

verbal whole unfolded. That box that I told you about, it exists
but you really do not know what is in it. Example: the Doctrine
of Christ, thought, what does that mean? We preached the
Doctrine of Christ here for years. The Doctrine of Christ is a
unified, non-verbal whole. Of course, the Doctrine of Christ
is verbal, this is just my example. I do not know how to give
you an example of a non-verbal thought, but I will give you
an example of a unified whole which is the Doctrine of Christ.

Speech concerning the Doctrine of Christ, speech is

thoughts or thought unfolded into ideas. The Doctrine of
Christ unfolds into many sub-doctrines. Jesus will end
reincarnation. I could preach for an hour on that. Cain must
divorce Leviathan. Satan will be boiled. Christ Jesus is the
high priest that will consume Leviathan. All of these ideas
unfold from the unified whole called the Doctrine of Christ. Is
there anybody who does not understand this? Do you

The same two words in the English idiom, if I talk to

you in conversational English, to me the word “thought”
means ideas. These are my thoughts, let me tell you what my
thoughts are on this issue. Thought means ideas. Speech is
spoken language. I am going to speak out my thoughts to you,
that is the English idiom, but coming from a spiritual point of

view, thought means motive, the thoughts or the intents of
your heart, motives.

Speech, unspoken verbal ideas, how could it be verbal

if it is unspoken? Because it is spoken in the spirit. Spiritual
speech is what you hear coming out of my mouth now, verbal
speech, spiritual speech, you can hear that in the spirit.
Spiritual speech which is the verbal idea, that means a
pronounced idea, an idea that is pronounced in words can be
heard by someone whose consciousness abides in the World
of Creation.

That is why I hear thoughts, not all the time, but I hear
a lot of thoughts. I usually hear the thoughts under two
circumstances, if sin is manifesting in someone that I am near,
or if they are in some kind of distress. I can hear the thoughts
or the motives or the intents of your heart, when the Lord
opens my ears. I do not have any control over it.

Spiritual thought, that was spiritual speech can be

heard by someone whose consciousness is in the World of
Creation, spiritual thought which its motives are not heard.
Motives are discerned. Motives are non-verbal. Motives can
be discerned by someone whose consciousness is in the World
of Emanation.

I can discern sin in your hearts. I do not hear any

words, I do not hear any audible speech, it is a knowing, a
knowing. Thoughts or intents of your heart are discerned from
the World of Emanation where the mind of Christ is. I was
running into a little problem with my exhortation before I put
this on the board, because the word “thought and speech”
mean one thing in Kabbalah, and they mean something else in
my everyday conversation with you, and when I talk to you
about spiritual things. Therefore, I put this in the board for
you. Are there any questions about this?

Aafter this I am just going to read the last couple of
lines from drawing #1, and we are going to close because it is
pretty late here, and I am losing you all anyway, so are there
any questions on this board? No?

I was telling you, or I was reading from the lower left-

hand corner of drawing #1, and I was saying that the World of
Creation, Beriah, is the thoughts of God, and that I just
explained to you is the non-verbal. It does not come forth in
the thoughts that sound like words. It is just an impulse, the
thoughts of God, and the World of Emanation, Atzilut, is the
mind of Christ which discerns the intents and the motives of
your heart and judges righteous judgment.

The fifth world, which is sometimes called the fifth

world, is Adam Kadmon, where the speaking silence is and,
of course, Adam Kadmon is appearing to us today as the Lord
Jesus in that innermost place where Elijah heard that still small
voice. It is called the “speaking silence” which is the Word of
God, the speaking silence.

The Hebrew word for speaking silence is Chashmal,

and that is the word that is translated as “amber” in Ezekiel 1.
We are told that this Hebrew word was chosen because it
seemed to have something to do with a power that radiates. It
is also associated with the color amber, but in reality that is
not why the word Chashmal was chosen. When you break
down this Hebrew Chashmal in a deeper level, it really says,
“the speaking silence,” and this is very interesting, because we
are told that when you get into this really deep meditative
state, you can hear color, and see sound.

Does anybody know how you could hear color and see
sound? Both color and sound are vibrations. They vibrate, and
every level of vibration has associated with it a sound and a
color. Technically speaking, you can see sound if you can see
a sound wave. If you have a machine that can identify a sound

wave for you, you can see sound, and if you know how to
recognize a particular color associated with a certain level of
vibration, and every level of vibration has a sound, so let us
say, you are in a laboratory, and you have the ability to flash
the color yellow. In order for a color yellow to appear, there
has to be a vibration.

Everything is vibrating in this world. There is a

particular level of vibration that is associated with the color
yellow, and if you have the right equipment, you can hear the
sound that is associated with that vibration, because every
vibration has a sound. You may not be able to hear it with a
human ear, but every level of vibration has a sound.

Once you identify a particular level of vibration with

a color, if ever you should be able, let us say you could not
see, you were blindfolded, but you heard that sound, you
would know that it was the color yellow. We are told that
when you get into this deepest place, the place where Adam
Kadmon is or the Lord Jesus Christ is, you are so aware of
vibration and sound waves and colors that you can identify all
of these things.

The place that the person who is meditating wants to

attain to, that innermost section where the Lord Jesus is, or
Adam Kadmon is, is the place called “nothingness,” and
remember there is a difference between nothing and
nothingness. Nothing means “of no value.” Satan is nothing,
she has no value. Nothingness is the term we use to describe
the Ayn Sof, because the Ayn Sof is so high. It is so high that
it is so beyond anything that we relate to, we cannot
comprehend it on any level; therefore, to us it is nothing.

There are, I am told, and I had a salesman come into

my house once and show me all the bugs in my mattress,
scared me half to death, but I am told that there are entities,
or whatever they are, insects, I do not even know how to

describe them, everywhere. If you have a strong enough
magnifying glass, there are just, there is life everywhere, there
are bugs in the carpet, there is bacteria on our flesh. There are
these bugs everywhere, but we cannot see them, so as far as
we are concerned, they do not exist. That means they are
nothingness, they are there, but they are so beyond our
comprehension that they are called nothingness, so the Ayn
Sof is called nothingness.

The goal of meditation is to get into that deepest place

where the Lord Jesus is, and where the Lord Jesus is, that is
where the Ayn Sof is, and the Ayn Sof is nothingness. We are
trying to get into a place, or the person who is meditating is
trying to get into a place where the only thing that he is aware
of is the nothingness. That means he wants to lock out of his
mind everything to do with this world, and the question is,
what does nothingness look like? What does that mean? The
Hebrew person who is meditating, they focus on the Hebrew
letter, they want to get to the point where everything is so
locked out of their mind that their whole field of vision is only
the Hebrew letter that they are meditating on. Nothing else
comes in.

I want to give you a very exciting testimony.

Remember, this is very hard, very few Jews that meditate can
do this and, of course, the Hindus meditate in a similar way,
but I am trying to keep this a Judeo-Christian message. Can
you imagine how hard that would be to close your eyes, lock
out every sound, every thought, you have to go through all
these four barriers, so that there is nothing that you are aware
of, nothing that you are hearing, seeing? You are aware of
nothing except this one Hebrew letter which is filling up the
whole plane of your mind. This takes a tremendous discipline
of mind, and we are told that when the Jew gets to that point,
he receives revelation.

Several years ago, I was having a problem that I could
not identify. The manifestations in my life were very
distressing to me, and I cried out to God to help me, somebody
prayed for me, I asked someone to pray for me, and at the end
of that prayer I saw, in the spirit, this Hebrew letter come into
my whole spiritual vision, my whole spiritual vision filled up
with the Hebrew letter resh, and I knew that the Hebrew resh
was the letter that signifies the captain of the host. I knew it
meant Jesus, because resh means head, and that Hebrew letter
filled up my whole spiritual vision, and I knew that it meant
that He was coming to save me from this very difficult

It happened to me one time, and now years later I read

about it in this book, and I realized what happened to me.
What happened to me is because I have Christ, because I have
the privilege of having Christ grafted to me, and I do not have
to do what the Jew does. I do not have to spend hours getting
into this meditative state, if I could possibly achieve it.
Personally, I do not think I could achieve it, but the Lord Jesus
Christ did it for me.

I cried out to Jesus for help, and I reached that place

where everything was blocked out of my mind except the
Hebrew letter resh, and Jesus did all the work. I did not even
know what had happened.

I remember saying, "Oh look at that, I see the Hebrew

letter resh, I wonder what that means?" In all of my naivety, I
experienced something that probably most Jews would give
their eye teeth to experience. I went all the way into the
deepest place, because Jesus Christ took me there in response
to my heart-felt prayer and deliver me, He did. The
deliverance fell the next day. What am I telling you? Again,
that is the whole intent of this message. We are going to have
the experiences that the meditative Jew who is keeping the law
in every way that he can, is seeking with all of his heart, we
are going to have these experiences without all of that work,
without all of that difficulty, that so few people could even
attain. This is available to us in Christ Jesus. This is an outright
miracle access to the most inner place where the Ayn Sof
dwells because of our relationship with Jesus Christ.

We are talking about Ezekiel’s experience. He is

trying to get to a level of nothingness where everything is
tuned out but the image he wants to see. I did not have to do
anything to do that. Ezekiel had to pass through the four
distinct barriers in order to do that, and now he finally gets in
there, and the experience that he is having is that he is
experiencing speech and silence at the same time. What does
that mean? The verbal and the non-verbal parts of his mind
are experiencing different things simultaneously. The verbal
and the non-verbal parts of his mind, that is the unconscious
and the subconscious part of his mind, are experiencing
different things simultaneously.

That is no small feat. In addition, he is seeing

something that looks like a speaking silence. What looks like
a speaking silence is that he is experiencing something, but it
is not with his eyes.

It is my understanding from my studies that this amber

color, xxxasgill, is the color of silence, and what that really
means is that Ezekiel had an experience, a spiritual experience
which was a very advanced level of what is called synesthesia.
This is one of the common phenomena in a very deep
meditative state where a person will actually smell or hear
colors, smell colors or hear colors or see sounds, and it is
interesting because we were talking about this the other day.

I do not know whether I had it on a message or not, but

we were talking about the Word of Knowledge that comes
through smell. I told you that once I was praying for a woman,
and I got this strong whiff of alcohol, and I knew that her

problem was alcoholism. She could not tell me. She came up
and asked for deliverance from witchcraft, I do not know...she
just could not tell me what was wrong, and I got this strong
whiff of alcohol. I said to her, "Is your problem alcoholism?"
Her whole face fell.

That means, and I have heard of other Christians

having that kind of a Word of Knowledge, and I knew that it
came from the brain, and it came from the highest Sefirah,
Keter, but now when we get some more information to
experience this, you have to pass into the deepest meditative
state. Once again, I was having an experience with my eyes
wide open when I was praying for this woman, that the Jew
has to go through hours of meditation to get to. Not only does
he have to go through hours of meditation, but when he
experiences this, he is sitting in his chair, or wherever he is
meditating, he is not out there talking, consciously
communicating with people.

We are receiving, those of us that pass through the

barriers and join with the Lord Jesus Christ, we are receiving
the benefits of the deep meditative state while our eyes are
open, and we are walking around and talking to people and
praying for people. We are going way beyond in our spiritual
experiences. We are invited to go way beyond the experience
of the meditating Jew, because the meditating Jew goes in and
goes out, and he has to go inward to have his experiences, and
all of his experiences are in this small little place within his

Jesus Christ was the first one to have these experiences

in an outward expression, and He used it to heal people, and
deliver people, and break the chains of bondage on the people.

The permanent meditative state, “And he shall no

more go out,” does not say "you." The King James translation
says, “And he shall no more go out.” Christ Jesus in you shall

no more go out, He is going to stay in that meditative state.
This experience of hearing what is usually seen was
experienced by the Hebrew people in Exodus 20:15. The
people actually saw what it normally heard, and that suggests
the high spiritual...that they entered into a deep meditative
state through their communication with the Lord.

XXXXX is going to read Exodus 20, I think it is

maybe 16 in the King James, XXXXX. That was Exodus
20:18, XXXXX will read it now. “And all of the people saw
the thunderings and the lightnings and the noise of the
trumpet...,” so they saw the thunderings, and they saw the
noise. “And the mountains smoking, and when the people saw
it, they removed and stood afar off.”

I am not going to do the whole verse. The whole point

here is that when you get into this deep, deep place of
communion with Adam Kadmon or the Lord Jesus, you see
sound. That is the sign that you are so high up, and this is
called "the vision of nothingness." Remember, not "nothing,"
but "nothingness," that which cannot be perceived by the
common man. When we enter into the depths of our
spirituality, there is nothingness which is the Ayn Sof, which
is then perceived in the color of silence.

Once again, the color of silence is talking about a

vibration, a level of vibration that can appear as a color. I want
to say that one more time, because I do not think you got it.
The goal of deep meditation is to get into the place where the
Ayn Sof is, because that is where the miracles are, and when
you get in there, the question is, what do you see? When you
get into this deep place where the miracles take place, what do
you see? You see the nothingness, you see what you cannot
comprehend, what you cannot comprehend when you are out
here, so when you get in there, what does the nothingness look
like? It appears as a color or a vibration.

You experience things that you do not experience out
here. Even the angels, and I believe there are angels. I still am
not fully satisfied with all of this talk about angels, but we did
have a message, The Archangels and the Family of God, and
I do believe that each of the Sefirot is an angel, or an archangel
in its own right, and that is as far as I have gotten so far.

As far as the angels of God, I believe there are many

entities that exist in the different planes of consciousness, but
the angels, even the angels, brethren, people who see angels,
are seeing an illusion. Each of the Sefirot, being an angel or
an archangel, does not have wings and a white gown and
blonde hair. They may appear to some people in that form,
because our finite mind needs to see heavenly beings in our
own image, but the truth is they do not have any form in the
World of Emanation and in the World of Creation. They do
not have any form, they are breath. They do not take up any
time or space, they do not have any form.

As they get closer and closer to the World of Action,

they take on form because we humans cannot cope with
anything else. They are pure consciousness, the Sefirot are
pure consciousness. They do not have any form. They take on
a form because we need it to relate to them, and their whole
goal is to relate to man. They want to bring heaven down to
earth. They want what goes on in this planet and the individual
human being to be an exact replica or reflection on what goes
on in the higher realms.

The household of God, the family of God, is seeking

to communicate with us, to join with us, and to form us into
the image of the heavenly beings. They want a relationship
with us. The problem is that the evil inclination that is in
mankind has taken over humanity in the best of people. How
do I know that? We die.

I guess that is really it for tonight, are there any
questions or comments? This is a very exciting message, let
us just hope I got it across to you.

You are all just sitting there looking stunned. I accept

the fact more and more every day that the depth of the
messages that come forth just really stuns the minds of the
people that I am talking to. Even at your lawn party the other
day, one of the visitors said to me that her mind was just... her
head was just throbbing from, and I was just talking for about
ten or fifteen minutes. I guess these words are the sting of the
locust that is killing your carnal mind. I am going to let you
go, it is very late. Are there any questions or comments here?

I just want to thank you Lord for this excellent

message. I want to thank you for giving us the opportunity to
enter into a permanent meditative state which means all of the
power that is available in the innermost recesses of our being
where the Ayn Sof is, there is power to receive revelation,
power to receive healing, power to enter into eternal life,
power to do creative miracles on the flesh of human beings.
All of that power that is in the innermost recesses is coming
here to the World of Action through this great highway that
you are opening through the Lord Jesus Christ, that we should
have the power to do good works, to do cures and cast out
devils, and creative miracles and alleviate and relieve the poor
and suffering of this world. I thank you for that Lord, and I
look forward to the day that, that ministry comes here, because
we have been involved in deep teaching for thirteen years now
Lord, and we are waiting. We have been pushing in for
thirteen years, we have been pushing into the nothingness, and
when we get to the nothingness, then we have to turn around
and come back out.

One of the prophets said something along those lines.

He said, saviors will rise up on Mount Zion or come forth from
Mount Zion. You have to get to Mount Zion before you come
back and help the people. We have been working very hard,
pressing into that eternal place, and when we get there, we are
going to fill ourselves up with what is there, and we are going
to come back out to help the rest of the people, and this honor
has been given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For
that, we thank you Lord.

This is a subsequent meeting to everything that was

previously preached on this message. I felt that I had not
adequately dealt with the issue of the glow, so I made some
notes to add to this message, and I think while I am at it I just
want to make a couple of further comments concerning the

Remember, Ezekiel had four barriers to pass through

before he attained unto the ultimate meditative state. He had
to pass through the storm of which we said is Satan, and all of
the interferences and what some call "the reveries," just the
thoughts of this world. The second barrier was the great cloud
which the Lord has revealed to be a lack of sensation, and I
have personally experienced it to be a lack of emotional
stimulus, and the third wall or barrier that Ezekiel had to pass
through was the fire. The Hebrew word indicates a fire that
enfolds itself, a fire that keeps coming back, coming back to
the source in a circular motion. The fourth barrier is this glow
coming forth from the fire.

I did indicate that the fire had to do with the repentance

that came forth, and I did experience that. I have experienced
that over the years when I studied to do the translations which
I am not really doing these days, now that we are studying
Kabbalah, but for years I brought forth translations concerning
the Doctrine of Christ where I spent hours studying the
Interlinear Text, just peering into the text and asking the Lord
to help me to understand it.

Many times when I was engaged in that activity, a
repentance would just come upon me that would cause me to
stop from my studies and just turn to the side and just cry out
to God in repentance. This is the fire. I do not think I made
that clear on the earlier parts of this message, that this is the
fruit of the fire. This repentance that comes forth is the fruit of
the spiritual fire of Almighty God.

Most of us are familiar with the Scripture in the New

Testament that says, "Our God is a consuming fire," and that
statement is found in the Old Testament also. What we are
dealing with here is, and I would like to make this point, that
there are two aspects of fire. Fire can be judgment. In other
words, the Gehenna which is translated "hell" in the New
Testament, or it is one of the words translated hell, Gehenna,
that signifies fire, the fires of hell.

We see that fire coming from God can serve two

purposes. It can be a fire that will convict us and bring us to
repentance, and that could be known as the Gehenna, or some
Kabbalists refer to Gehenna as purgatory. I do believe there is
a purgatory, but it is in the flesh. When we engage in that or
experience that transition from a worldly sinful life into a life
that is cleansed before God, all of our sins have to be dealt

This is a major problem in the church today to think

that you answer an altar call and say, "I am sorry Lord," and
that is the end of it. That is not the end of it. Repentance is not
because God is exacting a price.

Repentance and the judgment that follows it is the

cleansing from sin, because if you want to migrate from a
worldly sinful life into a spiritual life of closeness to God, you
must be cleansed, so when you answer the altar call and you
say, "Lord I repent," that is repentance by faith. You have to
come forward and experience the spiritual cleansing so that

you can get close to God, and that spiritual cleansing is a
cleansing of your mind.

Of course, it is a cleansing of your behavior if you are

engaged in ungodly behavior, but that is...for God anyway,
that is the easy part. I am sure if you are a drug addict or an
alcoholic, it is not such an easy thing for you, but it is easy in
that you can see the sin, you can see that you are engaged in
some destructive behavior that must stop.

The difficult part of the cleansing is the cleansing of

your mind, the hidden sins of your heart where you cannot see
anything wrong with what you are thinking, or what you are
doing, or the way you are relating to other people. That is the
hard part. It is the fires of Gehenna that purify us, that bring
forth repentance and purify us. Also, we know that God is a
positive fire, because we read in the book of Exodus that when
the Lord revealed Himself to Israel, the whole mountain was
wholly on fire. That is what the Scripture says.

The mountain that God appeared in was wholly on fire,

yet right after that, I am paraphrasing here, right after we read
in the Scripture that the mountain was wholly on fire, we read,
"And the Lord spoke out of the darkness." If the mountain was
on fire, how could there be darkness? This is the point that I
am trying to bring to you that there is a bright fire, there is a
white fire, and there is a black fire. There is black fire, that is
the point that I am trying to make to you right now, and fire is
just a particular expression, an expression of God’s light on a
particular level. It is not the fire that we see on our cooking
stove. We are talking about spiritual fire, and there is a
spiritual white fire and a spiritual black fire.

You all may recall the concept of the Tzimtzum, that

God is everywhere and everything, and there is nothing that
He is infinite, so there is nothing that is beyond Him;
therefore, in order to bring forth this creation, He had to bring

it forth in the midst of Himself, and He had to bring forth an
empty space in the midst of Himself, because He has no edge.
He had no end, so it is impossible to get outside of Him.

When this empty space, this so-called empty space,

was brought forth in the midst of Him, we found out that this
space was not really empty. It was just apparently empty,
because there can be no area or space without God in it. Some
aspect of God has to be in it. If God contracted Himself and
withdrew Himself from this small area called the empty space,
what remained in this space was a negative energy.

You may recall on the earlier messages of “A Look At

Kabbalah,” when I first read in the book that there was an
empty space in the midst of God, I told you that I could not
receive it, that there had to be some rarified substance of God,
and sure enough that was what I did read as I read on further
in the books, and this is the explanation that the author is now

I am getting into this explanation because Ezekiel said

he had to pass through the fire, so we are talking about fire,
and we are talking about the negative and positive aspects of
fire, meaning that God who was a consuming fire, depending
on our present condition, can relate to us as a purifying
judgmental fire, not that He can relate to us but that we can
perceive Him as a black fire of negative energy.

It is the black fire of negative energy that we have to

pass through to get into the meditative state. That is what this
message is all about, we are trying to get into the meditative
state. I am going to have to put this on the board for you,
because you are all looking at me. Let me put this on the board
for you.

Drawing #3 is on the board, and it is really a double

drawing. I started out by just drawing infinite Ayn Sof in four
corners of our white board, and I drew a circle in the midst
which is the TzimTzum, the empty space. Remember,
everything outside of the empty space is infinite, and
everything within the empty space is finite in comparison to
that which is outside of it, because there is nothing greater or
equal to the Ayn Sof, who we call God.

The substance inside the empty space which is called

empty, because we cannot comprehend it, it is called empty
because we cannot comprehend what is in it, and it is empty
compared to that which is outside of it. It can be called black
fire, it can be called negative energy. The Zohar calls it the
lamp of darkness, and Isaac Luria calls this empty space the
Tzimtzum. We see that the empty space is not really empty,
but it is empty from our point of view. We cannot comprehend
what is in it.

Over here on the right, I have drawn our classic

drawing at this point of the circular Sefirot being penetrated
by the Adam Kadmon’s circular Sefirot being penetrated by
Adam Kadmon’s linear Sefirot. The circular Sefirot, that is the
empty space, so this is the black light or the negative energy,
and the circular Sefirot, and the light that is coming in through
Adam Kadmon’s linear aspect is the white light of the infinite
Ayn Sof.

We have white light. Let me put it to you this way at

first. All that we have is the white light of the Ayn Sof, and
this lamp of darkness or this negative energy that came forth
from within the Ayn Sof, because the Ayn Sof is not a he. It,
the Ayn Sof, has no sexual connotation, neither he nor she but
"It." There was nothing else but the Ayn Sof. It brought forth
from within itself a negative energy or a lamp of darkness, and
that negative energy that came forth from within the Ayn Sof
carved out this empty space.

It is the exact opposite of, as if you were to shut off

every light in this room, and it was pitch black, and all of a

sudden we turn on a flash light, that would be white light
suddenly appearing in the blackness of this room, and if you
looked at the flash light, you would see the circumference of
the head of the flash light.

This is the exact opposite. If all that there was, was the
Ayn Sof, and It was white light, how could you delineate
something other than the Ayn Sof in the midst of everything
that is all light? It has to come forth with a dark light. Is
anybody not following me?

The Ayn Sof brought forth from within Itself a lamp

of darkness, a negative energy and, therefore, the TzimTzum
was carved out or the Tzimtzum came into existence with this
negative energy, because if the energy used his white light on
white light, there would not be any empty space. There would
be no difference between what was outside the circle and what
was inside the circle. Is everybody okay with that?

Over here on the right, again we see Adam Kadmon,

the white light of the Ayn Sof coming into Adam Kadmon’s
linear aspect and as that white light penetrated into the depths
in the midst of the black light which is the TzimTzum, the
white light that entered into Adam Kadmon, you may recall,
penetrated out into the circular Sefirot, because Adam
Kadmon is a filter.

Adam Kadmon’s function is to take in the white light

of the Ayn Sof, and only disperse limited quantitative. That
means specifically measured amounts of white light into the
empty space. Why? Because if too much white light poured
into the empty space, it would completely consume the black
light, and then we would have all white light again. The whole
purpose of the TzimTzum was that the Ayn Sof wanted to
carve out an area where he could bring forth something
opposite from himself, a reflection of himself.

The Ayn Sof is infinite, and he carved out an area with
the specific intention of bringing forth a finite creation that
would reveal all of its attributes, mercy, glory, greatness, and

As Adam Kadmon released quantified measures of the

white light into the TzimTzum, we went from darkness
because that black light inside the TzimTzum is night as I told
you over here, and the white light coming from the Ayn Sof is
day, and as Adam Kadmon released quantified amounts of
white light into the black light, a mixture of black and white
light came forth called evening and morning.

Is everybody okay with this? What Ezekiel was

confronted with was the negative black light. I just want to
make it very clear. I have some definitions that I will read onto
the message. Black light is invisible radiation, and although
this is hard for the rational mind to comprehend, I think the
rational mind cannot comprehend it because, that black light
can be blazing and glaringly bright. I cannot comprehend it.
The books that I am studying tell me that, in the natural, this
is impossible to have a black light that is as blazing and bright
as the brightest white light.

We read in the Scripture about Jesus, that His garment

shone as...I cannot really recall at the moment the word used
in the Scripture, but His garments shone like bright whiteness,
glittering from the brightness of His garments.

I cannot imagine a black white being bright, so the

book that I am studying from tells me that it is not possible to
see a blazing and bright black light in this world, but that we
can see it in meditation. The expression to describe what we
see in meditation is, "to see what is behind your head." The
way I would say it, and the way I have been saying it for years
is to look into the unconscious part of your mind. That is not
what is behind your physical head, because if I turn around, if

I am standing facing one wall and I want to see what is behind
my head, all I have to do is turn around to look at it. We are
talking about inside the back, the back inside of our head, the
unconscious part of our mind.

Let me remind you that the purpose of meditation for

the Jew and for everyone, there are a lot of spiritual disciplines
in this world that practice meditation, we who are Christians
do not practice this kind of meditation. The whole purpose of
this message is to tell you that in Christ Jesus we have access
to the fruit that all of these people who are meditating are
seeking, that the fruit that all of these people who are
meditating are seeking for. That is the whole point of this
message. I am not telling you to meditate. I am telling you that
in Christ Jesus we are eligible to have experiences that people
who meditate for years are still seeking to attain to. Is
everybody okay with that?

I am not telling you to mediate. I do not meditate, not

by the definition of the word in our society today, or by the
definition of the word in Kabbalah or Hinduism. I do not sit
down and empty out my mind. The most that I do or have
every done is to concentrate on the Word of God, on the
Doctrine of Christ.

I read in this book just this morning where it says, you

do not just enter into a meditative state, you do not just get
prophecy. This is what I am reading in the book, the prophet
does not just get prophecy. You have to prepare yourself, you
have to do exercises, you have to enter into the meditative
state, it is very hard. I talk to people who meditate today, and
they cannot do it for more than a couple of minutes, they
cannot sit still.

I do not do anything like that, I am active all of the

time, my mind is active continuously, reading the word,
thinking about the word, asking Jesus about the word, but now

this is the truth of the word, this is not the parable of the word.
This is the deep spiritual meaning of the word, and I do not
have to enter into a meditative state to get revelation.
Remember, the goal of the one who is meditating is to get

Sometimes I am just walking down the street, and the

Lord gives me a revelation. I do not have to get into any
particular preparation or position or place or empty out my
mind to get revelation, because there is a highway that has
been opened between the deepest recesses of the Christ mind.
Although, I also see into the carnal mind. The unconscious
part of the mind, and my conscious mind are now connected.
It is like a long tunnel. I can look in the back of my mind, and
I could see Satan in there, and I can also the see the Spirit of
Christ in there, that is the Lord Jesus who gives me revelation.

All you people who cannot see in the back of your

mind, if you want to grow, stop arguing with me when I tell
you what is in the back of your mind, because once you can
see in the back of your own mind, you can see in the back of
other people’s minds too. If you want to be spiritual, before
you can become spiritual, you have to come to the place where
you believe this, that spiritual people see past the conscious

If you cannot believe that, or you are not willing to

believe that, you really cannot be spiritual, because that is
what spirituality is. The spirit is in the back of your mind, it is
not in your conscious mind.

You have to decide what you want, and after you

decide what you want, then you have to find out whether or
not you have got it, and if you come to the conclusion that you
do not have it, and the Lord has put you with someone who
has it, it does not make any sense to argue with them, but you
listen to what they say, you say "amen," and you go before the

Lord, and you say, "Lord if it is not true, I am believing you
are going to correct me, but if I do not hear from you, it is
true," because you are blind, you are still blind.

Meditation, the purpose of meditation is to get to that

place in the back of your mind where the Spirit of Christ is,
the one who gives revelation, but in Christ Jesus that is a
doorway that is permanently open. Some areas of the occult
call it being asleep and awake at the same time. They would
call having access to the unconscious part of your mind the
dream world. There are people who are open all the time in
witchcraft, they are open all the time.

I am open all the time in Christ, and this is the heritage

for every serious Christian that would seek to pursue it. This
is what the Lord wants to give you, because revelation is not
only a knowledge that you could puff yourself up over.

I have the explanation to this. I found out that it is

black, invisible light in the Tzimtzum, revelation, that open
highway, that open connection between the conscious and the
unconscious part of your mind means protection. It means
knowledge and wisdom for the everyday applications of your
life, that will save your life and ultimately lead to eternal life,
to have an unbroken unhindered dialogue with God twenty-
four hours a day. How can you fail, how can you not prosper
from this?

Those of us in Christ do not have to meditate like the

Jew meditates, but we do have to engage in a series of studies
which will open up that hallway, that connection, that
highway, and a series of instructions and classes and learning
principles that can go on for years that will prepare us for
dealing with what we will see, and what we will experience
when that door is open and permanently set ajar. You have to
learn how to deal with it, and that is what we as Christians are
doing today.

Ezekiel has these four barriers that he has to pass
through, and I told you earlier on this message which I
preached Thursday night, that although these four barriers that
the Jew has to pass through are only very short barriers in
terms of time, because the average Jew that meditates, I mean
how long can he meditate? He has a life, he has a family, he
has to go to work, he has a job, so maybe it will take him an
hour or two or three hours to pass through these barriers, but
those of us who are eligible to have this highway opened up
permanently, we experience these barriers in our life.

The meditating Jew sits still, closes his eyes and tries
to get every carnal thought out of his mind and get into his
unconscious part of his mind. Those of us who are eligible to
have that door opened permanently, these four barriers are
played out as experiences in our everyday life.

In my case, each one of these barriers is lasting for

years. I am facing these barriers in some cases simultaneously.
The first barrier, the storm which was Satan’s chatter in my
mind and emotions which attacked me as I began my studies,
I went through that for years, and I think at that time that was
the only barrier. I face all four barriers simultaneously. As we
get in deeper, eventually we are facing all of the barriers
simultaneously on a daily basis through our life’s experience,
because when we penetrate, when we, the Christian, penetrate,
it is a permanent penetration. When the Jew penetrates it is a
temporary penetration.

The Jew or the Hindu or whoever it is that is trying to

get to the unconscious part of their mind, they get there and
they come out, and we put that on the message Thursday night.
That is the name of this message, “And He shall no more go

The fire, I am making extra comments on the fire, that

is what this is all about today. The fire that Ezekiel had to pass

through was not a fire as we see fire on the stove, and in
particular it was a black fire. It was a negative fire, it was a
negative energy that, we are told, brought forth repentance,
and I gave you a whole exhortation on how I experienced that.

This could be very painful having to face the things

that we have done wrong in every situation. It is very painful,
but once we pass through abiding in the fire, once our sins are
burned away, abiding in that same fire that is causing us all
this pain is the ultimate bliss and glory. It is the same fire. It
is us, we are the ones. It is our condition that determines
whether that fire hurts us or blesses us. It is the fire of God.

If there is sin in us, it hurts us. If you will submit to the

correction, it will burn it away, and you will be in the glory.

I did want to read you these definitions of light. I want

to point out to you that this black light, although it is finite in
relationship to the Ayn Sof, it is infinite in relation to us.
Brethren, it is this black light that we know as Satan today.
This is just another way of saying the Tree of the Knowledge
of Good and Evil was joined to the Tree of Life, and the Tree
of the Knowledge of Good and Evil rebelled and departed
from the Tree of Life. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good
and Evil is the partial tree, and she is the female part of the
creation. The Tree of Life is the male part of the creation.

The male part survives without the female and is

whole without the female, it is whole in its righteousness, but
the female is not whole, she is the partial tree. The Tree of Life
is a whole tree, whether he has his female with him or not. The
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil when she departs is
a partial tree, and we preached this years ago.

This negative energy has a place in the creation. It is a

part of the evening and morning, as long as it is under the
dominion of Adam Kadmon, but when that dark light
departed, it became negative energy uncontrolled, known to
us today as Satan. This is where the negative energy came
from. Praise the Lord.

Let me read you some definitions here on black light.

This is from the American Heritage Dictionary of the English
Language. Black light, invisible, ultraviolet and infrared
radiation. Black light is radiation. Black light causes
florescent materials to emit visible light and is used to take
pictures in the dark. The black light itself is invisible. It is
radiation, infrared.

Just for your information, because I said that invisible

black light is invisible ultraviolet or infrared radiation,
infrared is of or relating to the range of invisible radiation
wavelengths from about seven and fifteen nanometers, just
longer than red in the visible spectrum. This is all technical, I
am not going to go on with that, since I do not know what I
am reading myself.

Radiation - the act or process of radiating, the radiation

of heat and light from a burning body, from a burning body.
Ultraviolet - of or relating to the range of invisible radiation
wavelengths. It has to do with the x-ray region.

Of course light is invisible, black light that is. Black

light is invisible, because to us black is...I do not know
whether it would be formally called a color or not, but it is
certainly visible and more visible than white, but spiritual
black light, and actually physical black light, I got this out of
our dictionary, black light is invisible, so its name is
misleading. To hear the name black light is misleading.
Invisible means it has no appearance, it is imperceptible,
indistinct, vague, indefinite.

I thought you might find this very interesting. I found

this in the dictionary, it is called black light trap - an insect
trap that attracts a wide variety of insects by the use of a form
of black light.
The negative energy of the black light attracts the
insects, it attracts insects. I found that very interesting that
insects are attracted to negative energy, very, very interesting.
Let me see if there is anything here I forgot to tell you. I just
mentioned again that, and I said this earlier on Thursday night,
that the barrier called "fire" is in the overload of sensation.
The black light is an absence of sensation or sensory
deprivation. Black fire that glows and radiates and becomes
blinding bright cannot exist in this world. It is only in the other
world, the world behind your mind.

Oh, this is interesting I wanted to tell you this. I read

in a book that I am studying that there is an ancient Hebrew
saying that says, "In the ultimate future, there will be no more
Gehenna, that is the fires of hell. Rather, God will remove the
sun from its sheath, whereby the righteous will be healed and
the wicked burned." Can anyone relate that to the Doctrine of
Christ? There will be no more fires of hell but instead of that,
the Lord will reveal the sun from its sheath. Who is the sun of
this world?


PASTOR VITALE: Satan is the sun of this negative

world, but from the Lord’s point of view, because the Lord
does not acknowledge Satan as the sun of this world, who is
the sun of this world? In our fallen condition, who is the sun
of this world? You want to try?

COMMENT: Christ Jesus.

PASTOR VITALE: That is true but talking about the

average person, what part of the fallen human being has the


PASTOR VITALE: Abel, yes, so what that said to
me is that the Lord will remove the sun from its sheath. Does
anyone not know what sheath means? Who is Abel’s sheath?
What sheath is Abel in, what is covering over Abel?


PASTOR VITALE: Cain is Abel’s sheath,

absolutely, yes. Did you want to say something?

COMMENT: I was thinking of that Scripture, “The

sun of righteousness shall arise.”

PASTOR VITALE: Yes. Then, of course, once that

happens, when Abel, Abel will not be removed from his
sheath unless and until Christ is grafted to him. Abel in and of
himself will never have...this is my understanding of the
Doctrine of Christ, will never have the power to come up from
under Cain’s ground, under the ground that Cain buried him
under. Therefore, now this is a legitimate conclusion to draw
that when Christ is grafted to Abel, Abel will rise up above
Cain, he will come out of his sheath, and at that time, the
wicked will be burned. The righteous will be healed, and the
wicked will be burned.

That Scripture that you just had was, "The sun of

righteousness will arise with healing in his wings." That is the
rest of the Scripture.

It is when Christ in Abel, now they are one, they are

going to become one, overcome Cain, the wicked will be
burned. Who is going to burned? Who is going to burned? Is
it your next door neighbor who you do not like? Who is going
to be burned?

COMMENT: Leviathan.

PASTOR VITALE: And, the two of them.

COMMENT: The carnal mind?

PASTOR VITALE: Leviathan and Satan. They are

both going to be burned. When Satan is burned, Satan is
likened to what substance?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, so when fire touches water,

what happens, what is going to happen to Satan?

COMMENT: Boiled.

PASTOR VITALE: He is going to be boiled and

evaporated, and when the fire touches Leviathan, what is
going to happen to her? Do you want to try?

COMMENT: She is going to be cooked.

PASTOR VITALE: Yes, she is going to be cooked

and then what happens to her?

COMMENT: Consumed?


COMMENT: The Lord Jesus Christ?

PASTOR VITALE: By Christ Jesus. Actually, it is

the Christ Jesus in the individual where Leviathan is being
cooked. Christ Jesus in me is presently consuming Leviathan
in me. The Lord Jesus Christ is doing the boiling, and this
honor has Christ Jesus in me to consume the flesh of the
sacrifice. Amen. That is so exciting, it is so exciting to see the
Doctrine of Christ in Kabbalah. Are there any questions on
this issue of the fire as a barrier that Ezekiel had to penetrate?
It is a spiritual black fire in his mind.

The Jewish prophets would sit in an isolated place
trying to empty out their mind of every thought, because the
ultimate goal of the prophet, or the ultimate goal of the
mediator whether it is a Hebrew or a Hindu or any other
disciplined person who is meditating, their goal is to see only
what is in their unconscious part of their mind. That is the
reason they are doing all of this, and you have to understand
that when you are looking at what is out here with your visible
eyes as you are looking at this room that we are in, as you are
looking at your loved ones, as you are looking at your hobby
that your eyes are focused outward.

If you want to see what is in the back of your head

which is a valuable thing, why would anyone want to see what
is in the back of their head? Because the Hebrew wants
revelation. It is my understanding that a lot of people who
meditate today, it may be this is true of the Hebrew too, they
know that the answer to every problem of your everyday life
is truly in the unconscious part of your mind. That is the truth,
whether you get it from the Spirit of Christ or whether you get
if from Satan.

There is truth in this thought, or this mentality that, that

which is on the level of spirit is much wiser and has much
more knowledge than the smartest person down here on the
earth. Why would we not want Satan’s counsel? If Satan really
is smarter than we are, and we have a problem down here, why
would we not want Satan’s counsel?

COMMENT: Because it comes with sorrow?

PASTOR VITALE: Yes, it comes with sorrow and,

in particular, that sorrow comes to us because when we take
Satan’s counsel, whether we mean to do it or not. Whether we
are aware of it or not, every time we take Satan’s counsel, we
are killing Christ in us. You can only have one God in here.
Satan has many gods. There are all different kinds of names,

but they are all the same spirit, so you can have hundreds and
thousands and millions.

I understand that the Hindus have thousands of gods,

and that is okay, but if you are taking counsel from any one of
those gods, it is going to be killing the Christ in you, and when
you take your counsel from Christ, it is killing all of those
other gods.

The sorrow that you experience is that which comes

upon you as Christ is taken from your life. We have a lot of
people in this world seeking to meditate to eliminate, to cast
out of their mind no matter how temporarily, every thought of
what is called the mundane, what we call the natural life, for
the specific purpose of locking out, so they meditate with their
eyes closed.

They want to lock out everything that they could see

with their eyes, or hear with their ears. They do not want to be
distracted by any noise or any kind of external stimuli so that
they can get into the depths of the unconscious part of their
mind and hear the voice of wisdom. I hear the voice of wisdom
in the shower in the morning.

I open my eyes waking up, and I hear the voice of


How sad, all of these Christians that think that all that
Jesus means to them is that they will be prosperous materially
and maybe have some good health in this world and then die.
They do not even know what they are missing, but there is a
price to pay to hear from God all the time. You have to really
die to this other stuff, and the more you die to the blessings of
this world, the more that hallway or that channel is open to the
unconscious part of your mind continuously.

As I have been preaching here for many years, yes you

can have the good things of this life and a relationship with
Christ Jesus to a certain point. If you want to mature into
Christ Jesus beyond that certain point, you have to start to die
to the blessings of this world, because you cannot be in two
places at once, from that point of view anyway.

Of course, Quantum Mechanics says you can be in two

places at once, but with God and from this point of view, you
cannot be in two places at once, because Quantum Mechanics
has to do with your spirit, and we are talking about
personality. The personality is not spirit, the personality is of
the earth. It can only be in one place at a time.

I hope I have made this clear. I think I may have hit it

this time. Praise the Lord.

I did want to make some further comments also on the glow,

the fourth barrier which is the glow here. I wanted to comment
on that also. The fourth barrier I told you on Thursday is, I
believe to be, Cain and Abel. The Kabbalists just call it a glow
that comes out of the fire, and the Kabbalists say...at least
Isaac Luria says, at least the book that I am reading quotes
Isaac Luria as saying that there is a double purpose to this
semi-permeable glow. That means it can be penetrated, but it
is like a filter, only so much can get through.

On the first half, actually it was the second half, the

way I have read it in this book, I agree with Isaac Luria, that
is it through this cheesecloth that the sparks of life that are
trapped in this world will return to their first estate, and now I
know what the Book of Revelation means when Jesus warns
some, I do not know what, which church He was warning, but
He said, "You have fallen from your first estate."

Our first estate was union with God. We have many,

many falls in our lifetime. We all go backwards and forwards,
and backwards and forwards and, hopefully, we wind up...we
take five steps forward and only one step backwards, but when
Jesus was talking about His first estate, He was talking about
perfect union with God, which union brings us into a place of
sinlessness. That is what Jesus was talking about with His first

Jesus could use that Scripture to apply it to your

present situation, but the depth of the meaning of the Scripture
is to be fully joined to God and out of the pains of this world.
We are talking about the glow, it is semi-permeable. I am
telling you that I am relating it to the Doctrine of Christ and
saying it is Cain and Abel, and I agree that Abel has to pass
through Cain and be restored to his first estate. Isaac Luria
who I have the upmost respect for, obviously we are studying
his material, apparently he did not understand the side of this
glow, He knows that it is negative.

I may not have said this, the first three barriers, the
storm, the great cloud are all negative, 100% negative barriers
that both the one who meditates in the physical, who sits there
and empties out their mind, and the one who meditates in the
spiritual, that is us who are facing these barriers as an
everyday part of our life. I have been going through this for
years. Those three barriers are completely negative, there is
nothing good you could say about them.

The glow is both good and evil, and the good part of it
is that Abel escapes, and according to the Doctrine of Christ,
the bad part of it is the maidenhead over Abel that will not let
him out. We have seen Cain described in the Doctrine of
Christ as the maidenhead that lays over Abel, that will not let
Abel out, and also will not let the person who comes with the
Doctrine of Christ through.

Cain is the darkness on your carnal mind that will not

let Christ in you understand spiritual principles. Cain,
remember, is married to Leviathan. Cain is Leviathan’s agent
in your mind blocking you from understanding spiritual truth,

manifesting as pride and rebellion, and all forms of sin,
because the truth will surely set you free.

How will the truth set you free? Abel who is now
joined to Christ will penetrate that veil of Cain, and you will
have that open highway between your conscious and
unconscious part of your mind, and once that happens you will
never be deceived again, not by the lie in your own mind,
because Satan in your own mind lies to you, or by any lie that
any man would ever tell you.

Once this connection is open, Satan is finished. She

cannot lie to us anymore about anything.

Cain’s function, actually Isaac Luria does not say, at

least in the book that I am reading who was just quoting Isaac
Luria, he does not say, what the evil’s function is. All he says
is that this glow is both good and evil, and as far as the evil
goes, he says that it is a pathway by which the Lord can
nourish the wicked. I have to tell you that I do not agree with
that. Unless the Lord corrects me, I will stand with the
Doctrine of Christ. I believe that Isaac Luria just did not have,
with all of the great revelation he had, he just did not have that

The books that I read, more and more I am reading

more authors, it seems to me that the... and, of course, this may
not apply to all Jews, but the Kabbalists that write up
these...that study these ancient works and write up
commentaries on them, at least I read in a recent book, in so
many words, they do not believe a Jew has a carnal mind.
They believe that the nations, and I am putting this in our own
terms, have a carnal mind, but the Jew does not have a carnal

They do not see the double mindedness. They think

that they are righteous because of the law, and that they do not
have a carnal mind, and that is why they are stuck! They were
supposed to have what we have two thousand years ago. This
is why they do not have it, because they do not think they have
a carnal mind, and the church is filled with Pharisees that do
not think they have a carnal mind. They think they are going
to heaven because they answered an altar call.

Even Moses was afraid to look. I read that in a

commentary, Moses was afraid to look. He did not enter in,
because he was afraid to look, afraid to look at what? The
unconscious part of his mind. He was afraid to face what was
inside of him.

Once we get through these four barriers, the first three

evil, and the fourth one good and evil, what we get to, Elijah
called the still small voice and Ezekiel...I do not know if it is
Ezekiel, but the commentaries on Ezekiel called the speaking
silence a contradiction of terms, and what that means is that
the two aspects of the mind, one verbal, and the other non-
verbal, thought and speech, and we went through that earlier
on this message also. Thought is undifferentiated ideas,
undifferentiated, and you cannot understand it until it becomes
speech. I am sorry, I am being attacked in my mind here.

The speaking silence, the two parts of the mind, or two

parts of the brain, I am not sure which it is, thought and
speech, operating simultaneously. If you have thought only, it
is silence, because thought, we are told, you cannot understand
it until it is rolled out and explained in speech, but I have told
you that I am experiencing the thoughts of God without it
being rolled out.

I cannot explain to you exactly how it is happening,

but I just know that what I experience I can only describe to
you as an impulse. It is just like an impulse, and then all of a
sudden I have understanding. It is like a stimulation, it is like
a shot, and then the understanding opens up in my mind, but
the actual communication was undifferentiated.

I receive it when that drop touches me, it blossoms
forth into understanding, but the actual communication from
the Lord was just thought. We see that this is what Ezekiel
experienced, verbal and non-verbal speech, thought and
speech simultaneously, and he called it "the speaking silence,"
and this is a contradiction in terms. What it means is to get
into that unconscious place, that unconscious part of your
mind, you have to experience total and complete silence which
means, not that the world around stops.

We were talking about the speaking silence, and I was

reminding you that the ultimate goal of meditation whether it
is meditation with your eyes closed which is what we call Old
Order meditation, or whether you are talking about open eye
meditation, which is what I have been introduced to by the
Lord Jesus, and we read about that in the New Testament.
Peter saw a vision with his eyes open, and a sheet came down,
and he heard a word from the Lord without...all I know is that
the Scripture says that Peter went up to the roof of the house
and saw a vision with his eyes open, so to me what that means
is that Peter went up to the top of the house. All that it means
is that he ascended spiritually.

Peter may very well have attempted meditation, I do

not know, but what I do know is that he heard from the Lord
when his eyes were open, so even if he sat down to expose
himself to Old Order meditation, he had an experience that
was not the typical meditative experience of the Jew, because
his eyes were open.

From that Scripture that I read in the Greek in the Book

of Acts, I do not know whether Peter actually sat down and
presented himself to the Lord and started to do his meditative
techniques and had the new experience, or whether Peter was
just talking to the Lord and had the New Order experience,
because I know that I get visions, and words, and
conversations, and all kinds of experiences, and I do nothing
to prepare myself at all. The only requirement in most cases
for me to enter into an active conversation with the Lord
through the meditative state and my meditation is with my
eyes open, I am asleep and awake at the same time. The only
thing necessary is that I am not focusing on something else.

It is not likely that I am going to get something from

the Lord now, because I am teaching you; although,
sometimes He speaks to me right in the midst of my teaching
you if He wants me to tell you something in particular, or if I
am making a mistake, He will correct me. At the time that I
had a secular job, He did not talk to me while I was on my
bosses time and being paid to do a different kind of work, but
I will tell you those years that I had a secular job, as soon as I
closed the office door behind me, and got on the elevator, as
soon as I was away from other people, if I was on the elevator
alone, He started talking to me immediately.

If there were other people on the elevator, as I entered

into the parking lot, I had not even gotten to my car yet, He
was talking to me all the way to my car, as soon as my mind
was not occupied with some other activity.

My highway is open, is unhindered, and I do know that

if He wants to override a conversation with somebody else, it
is not unheard of for Him to speak to me or show me a vision
while I am speaking to someone else and, of course, my
famous testimony is, when I was speaking to a woman, I was
at a meeting, not one of our meetings, and it was not a
Christian meeting, and this woman, everyone was
fellowshipping, and this woman was talking to me very
animatedly, and I kept hearing a voice in my head.

It was a very loud thought, it was too loud to just be

one of my own thoughts, and I kept hearing, "She is gay, she
is gay," and after I separated from the woman, at which time I
did not understand what I understand now, I said, "Lord, why

would I think such a thing about this woman, she looked fine
to me, why would I be thinking such an evil thought towards
someone to think that they are gay?"

The Lord said to me, "That was not your thoughts, that
was me telling you that she was gay." The Lord will speak to
me when I am engaged in a conversation with someone else
on a carnal issue if He wants to, but the second that I am alone,
the second I get in my car, I mean I could be doing secular
work here in the office and then I have to go shopping, I get
in my car, He talks to me all the way to the supermarket. Then
it stops in the supermarket, usually because I have to
concentrate on what I am purchasing. Every second that my
mind is not occupied, He is talking to me or I am talking to
Him. That door is permanently open, praise be to the Lord,
thank God for Jesus.

We are up to the last stage after we pass through the

four barriers. The fourth barrier is a glow that shines around,
or a glow that appears around the black fire, the negative
energy. I do not really know that I gave you any definition of
this. Yes, the negative energy, the fire, sure, that is what
brought repentance and brings forth all of your sins. This
exposure of the carnal mind that we are engaged in, in this
ministry, that is the fire you are passing through, the fire that
is a barrier to entering into the unconscious part of your mind
where the Lord desires to speak to you unhindered.

As I told you earlier on this message, it is not necessary

for anyone of us to be facing the four barriers in the order that
Ezekiel faced them. We all have different life experiences. It
is sort of hard to experience lack of emotional and tactile
sensation if you have a big family; although, I think you might
be able to say that, I am not going to name any name here, but
you can be married and have a big family and be very isolated
and feel that you are lacking if you feel that you are not loved.
That could be a lack of emotional and tactile stimulation, so
you can experience if you are married, but all I know is that
what the people in this ministry, especially those of you here
in New York are experiencing with intensity right now, is the
fire which Ezekiel says is the third barrier. That is the fire that
is causing you pain, because I am attacking the conscious part
of your carnal mind who does not want that door to open.

I am the fire to you, and I have known for a long time

that Christ Jesus is the fire. I have known that I am the Lake
of Fire to you, but I have never really seen the fire in this sense
before that. I guess what it really must be, I am the positive
fire that is attacking the negative fire in you, because I tell you
all the time, I show you your sins and something in you, even
though you do not want to, something in you rises up and bites

I have said, "It is the serpent, it is the Fiery Serpent

that rises up and bites me," and that is true, but in view of this
teaching, it is the black fire in you that rises up and bites me,
so we could say the Fiery Serpent is the black fire, she is
negative energy. We see both the black fire and the white fire
in your life, and Lord willing the white fire will prevail. The
black fire has to bow to the white fire. Why? Because you,
the personality, you are passing through, and will pass

That is very interesting. Another way of looking at this

judgment of your sins is that the Lord is coming to get you and
you, from your point of view, have to pass through your own
resistance. Your own resistance is the black fire, your pride
and your rebellion and your fear and basically all pride, even
more than rebellion, it is all pride, that is the black fire.

The Lord is coming to open that hallway, He wants to

pave that highway of permanent communication with you on
every level, and it is up to you to overcome that black fire

within you. Very interesting, thank you Lord for that little

There are four barriers that we have to pass through,

and we spend years passing through them. The reason why we
spend years passing through this barrier is, does anybody
know? Why is it taking so much longer than the man who just
sits down and says, "Today I am going to contact God, and I
am going to do these exercises, and I will get to the point
where I can experience the unconscious part of my mind," and
he meditates for an hour or two or three hours, and he pierces
through and he has his experience with God?

Why do we have to experience it for long periods of

time? We are experiencing that same physical experience that
the one meditating is experiencing, we are experiencing it on
a spiritual level where it is literally being acted out in our lives.
The one who meditates and sits down and tries to empty out
his mind, he is having a limited experience of mind, emptying
out his mind. This very same experience we are experiencing
spiritually in a manner that is affecting our entire life, and it
lasts for...it could last for years; whereas, the Old Order
mediation only lasts for an hour or two.

Why are we having such a different experience, does

anybody remember? Because the door is being opened for us
permanently, that is the name of this message, Permanent
Meditative Consciousness. In the Old Order meditation, he
meditates, he blocks everything out for an hour or two, and he
has an experience with God that lasts anywhere from a minute
to an hour or two. We are experiencing the meditative
techniques or the meditative barriers on a level that affects our
entire life that is going on for years, because once that door
opens for us, it will be a permanently opened door, and no
more He shall go out. Everybody okay?

After we pass the four barriers, and remember
everything is happening simultaneously like a hologram,
everything is happening at once; therefore, the ultimate goal
of meditation, which is to enter into that place in the back of
our mind which we call the unconscious part of the mind, we
can be partially in there. Now you are partially experiencing
the fire, because I am the fire to you all the time, and maybe
some of you are partially experiencing the dark cloud because
your emotional needs are not being met even in the midst of a
family life.

I think pretty much everybody experiences the storm,

because Satan is always running interference between what
God has to say to us, and that would also mean a lack of
understanding. Though this storm would be confusion, even
from what I am teaching you, Satan is in the way, static,
talking, putting other thoughts and ideas in your mind
preventing you from understanding.

If we are experiencing all three of the barriers

simultaneously, all four of the barriers simultaneously, it is not
unreasonable to think that we might simultaneously
experiencing contact with the unconscious part of our mind,
and all of us do, I do not doubt that for a second. Every time
you get a word of knowledge, or any communication with the
Lord at all, you have made contact with that holy place.

That is the holy place, the unconscious part of the

Christ mind is the holy place, the deepest place that there is,
and there is a curtain between that unconscious part of your
mind and the subconscious part of your mind, and the
conscious part of your mind is the outer court. Everybody can
see that, but the subconscious and the unconscious part of your
mind is the secret place, and the only person who can get into
the subconscious and unconscious part of your Christ mind is
someone who is also into the subconscious and unconscious
part of their Christ mind. Because once you get into the
unconscious part of the Christ mind, it is no longer just yours,
it is big whole.

Out here in the conscious realm, we are all individuals,

but if we all had the ability to do it right now, if the Lord were
to take all of us here into the unconscious part of our mind
right now, we would find ourselves all in the same place, and
if I were in a different country, if three of us were in different
countries, I guess that is a better example, if the three of us or
four of us or all of us here were in different countries so that
we could not even see each other, but the Lord brought all of
us into unconscious part of our mind, we would find ourselves
in the same place. This is the principle of traveling in the spirit.

There are different kinds of traveling in the spirit.

There is one kind of traveling in the spirit called, "Going into
the city." If we all go into the city of God, no matter where
you are in the physical plane, you will meet whoever else is in
the city of God. That is one form of traveling in the spirit.
Another form of traveling in the spirit is that your whole
personality goes to another geographical location while you
are in a trance, and your body stays in the place that you are
praying. The third form of spiritual transportation that I know
of, as far as I know there is only three, is called flying, where
all of you, your personality and your body, in full
consciousness, transports to another location through a
spiritual translation.

I believe that we have to...or, of course, the Lord is not

restricted to any order, but I think He is telling me right now
that the first experience that we as young Christians will have,
as far as traveling in the spirit, is to go to this place in the back
of our mind. That is the first experience, where we enter into
the holy city and meet whoever else is in that city. I think that
is what happened to Jesus when He met the woman at the well.
I think it was in a meditative state, and I do not think He even
spoke to anybody. I do not know, it might have been both.
You cannot completely spiritualize everything, but even if he
did meet a physical person face-to-face, it was a deep spiritual
communication. Are there any questions about what I have
just said here?

Ezekiel has penetrated the four barriers, and now he

has attained to the holy place. That is his goal, that is the goal
of the person who meditates, to block out every influence of
this world, and hear and see and experience nothing except
what is in the back of your mind.

I have to tell you I had an experience a couple of days

ago that sort of alarmed me. I know the Lord is going to have
to teach me a lot of things here, because as I told you, as soon
as I get in the car I am talking to Him, and I cannot even
control, I cannot stop it.

Most of you have heard my testimony that when I

worked in Manhattan and had a substantial walk from my
commuter bus to my office, and when I am not doing anything
with my mind, when I am just physically walking,
immediately I am talking to Him, and I cannot stop it, and I
was so concerned that people would think I was crazy walking
along the streets talking to myself, and I prayed and I prayed,
and I could not stop it up, and finally the Lord said to me,
"Sheila you are in Manhattan, there are crazy people walking
up and down the streets, nobody is even going to look at you
twice if you are talking to yourself," and I stopped worrying
about it.,

I would have these full conversations speaking out

loud, walking down the street, nobody even looked at me.

That is the goal. I was telling you about what happened

to me the other day that really alarmed me. I got in the car, I
was going to a meeting, which is like a ten to fifteen minute
ride tops, and I completely blacked out. I am telling you, I
have to admit that it really alarmed me. I was talking to the
Lord, and all of sudden I came to, and I did not know where I
was. I had completely blanked out, I was in another place
driving my car.

I said, "Lord, this is scary, I was not even here." I got

my senses back, and I realized where I was, but the
experience, I was in another place, long enough to know that
I do not know how I was driving that car. I have to believe that
the Lord was with me driving that car, because I could have
killed somebody or killed myself, obviously. I had gone into
an inward place and had lost all perception of my external
stimuli. Does anyone not understand what I am talking about?

I was in so deep with the Lord that I was not aware of

my physical surroundings while I was driving a car. This is
not the first time this has happened to me, but it just has not
happened in a long time. It used to happen to me a lot, it used
to happen to me years ago. I do not know about a lot but years
ago several times, and I thought it was because I had a lot of
spiritual problems in those days. I thought it was a negative

It has not happened to me in a long time. I remember

once, I blacked out for a long time, maybe ten or fifteen
minutes. I was coming from my sister’s house on a two and a
half hour ride, and by the last memory that I had of where I
was and when my consciousness came to the outer world
again, I must have been driving a half an hour with no...I did
not know what I was. I have to believe some part of me was
driving the car, because I have never been in an accident or
been hurt from an experience like that.

Another time I was coming down from my sister’s

house, and I had to be here for a Sunday morning meeting and
I was late, so I asked the Lord to get me home, and I was not
sure of what road to take at that time. I had asked Him to help

me to get home on time and to take the quickest route, and I
completely blanked out again.

I do not even remember the crossroads, because I had

to decide which highway to take, and I got home. I was
amazed at how fast I got home. The point is that there were,
in all of these experiences, there were periods of time that I
was not consciously focusing on the road. That was years ago,
and I thought it was because I had a problem, and here it
happened to me again the other day.

I just have to believe that the Lord takes care of us if

we are talking with Him to such an intensity that our whole
focus...do you understand what I am saying? That the whole
focus of my concentration was inward talking to the Lord, so
that I literally penetrated into another world? Everything
outside of me became dark to me, so I have to believe that
when that happens, that I am still functioning and driving the

The Lord has to know that I am having these spiritual

experiences, and for years I have been trying to stop this, it is
impossible, I cannot stop it, and you know what that says to
me that I cannot stop it, or at least the Lord is saying it to me
now, because I never thought of it before? The reason I cannot
stop the conversations is that they are not me. It is Christ Jesus
in me having these conversations.

I remember years ago, especially on the long trip back

from my sister’s house which is an hour and a half to two
hours, as I started home I was saying, "Lord, it is really strange
that I drive these highways, and I just talk to myself all the
way home and you never answer me. I was frustrated with the
Lord, saying, "I talk to you all the way home and you never
answer me," and that one day He answered me and He said,
"Of course, I answer you. I do answer you, I answer you with
your mouth, with your voice and with your thoughts, that is

me talking through you," and that revelation just set me free,
because I really thought that I asked the Lord all these
questions and either He answered me years later, or one of my
biggest frustrations was that He did not answer me on the spot
like another person.

Now I know that He speaks to me through my own

thoughts, my own vocal chords, that He is me, the two of are
one. We have a symbiotic relationship, He is inside of me, and
we work simultaneously. We work in unison, and for me to
acquire the comfort that is promised to me from the Lord, I
have to understand that He is with me in my isolation, and that
He is the best company I could ever hope for, because He does
not talk to me when I am talking to other people.

I have to believe that...what He just told me right now

is that the reason I cannot stop these conversations which have
been going on for years, like twenty or more years, is because
it is not me talking, it is Him talking through me, it is Him
talking to me. I have to believe He is going to save me from
cracking up the car, that was shocking. It was like I came out
of trance, and I had been in a trance, driving my car. Help me

Of course, this is the precursor. This is the beginning

of entering into this secret place, entering into the depths of
the meditative state. Everything that I have been preaching on
this message is that I am asleep and awake at the same time, I
am in that meditative state with my eyes open but, apparently,
the Lord is telling me right now, this is coming forth for the
first time as I teach it, I am telling you as He tells it to me,
there are degrees of the meditative state and, yes, everything
that I have said on this message is true.

That highway is open, and I hear from God, but there

is a deeper experience, and in order to have that deeper
experience, you have to completely shut out this world and go

in which is called a trance, which has really only happened to
me a couple of times.

Does everybody understand what the Lord just said to

us? There are degrees of entering into that meditative state,
and that is what happened to Jesus. That is how He went up
from the earth, He went into that meditative state to such a
degree that His body dissolved, He took His body with Him. I
am sorry, I do not think He took His body with Him, but His
spiritual being so completely went in, that He disappeared
from this world.

Can you hear what I am saying? That when you go

into this, when I went into these trances, this whole physical
external world disappeared from my plane of vision. When
you go in deep enough and long enough, you disappear from
everyone else’s plane of vision. Does anyone not know what
I am talking about? This is getting very deep, and I am being
instructed as the Lord tells me, and what this means is there
are some new experiences coming, there are some new
experiences coming.

Remember, it is from these deep, deep places that the

miracles come forth. Remember, miracles are the fruit of our
experience with God, miracles for ourselves and for other
people, mostly for other people, are the fruit of our
relationship and experience with God.

Let us finish this message up. The Hebrew word for

the speaking silence is called, if I am pronouncing it right, the
"Chashmal." You might say to yourself, you who have read
the Book of Ezekiel, especially Chapter 1, you might say, "I
do not remember reading anything in that book about a
speaking silence, I read about the storm and I read about the
cloud, and I read about the fire, and I read about the glow, but
I do not read anything about the speaking silence, are you sure

you do not have this mixed up with Elijah, what are you
talking about?

I would like to read you this explanation, the author of

this book, his translation of Ezekiel 1:4 is, "From its midst was
the like of the Chashmal, in the midst of the fire...,” and I am
pretty sure that is amber. The King James translation says,
"The color of amber, from the midst was the like of the
Chashmal or the color of amber in the midst of the fire."

I would like to read what Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan has to

say about this Chashmal. He says the Hebrew word Chashmal
is usually translated as "electron" or "electra" in the
Septuagint. That is the Latin translation, the Septuagint. This
has led to a certain confusion about this word. In other words,
the Catholic priest, the Jesuit priests that translated the
Scripture into Latin, translated this Hebrew word Chashmal as
electron, and Aryeh Kaplan is saying, this translation is not
wrong, but it is wrong in this context, and has, therefore, led
to a lot of confusion.

Of course, the whole New Testament is filled with

confusion, because the translators that translated from the
Latin Septuagint into English, chose legitimate translations of
that word, but in the context it is all wrong. Is this not the exact
reverse of what I have done in bringing forth the Doctrine of
Christ? I have chosen other legitimate translations of the word
and have a whole, totally different translation.

This has led to a certain confusion about this word,

because electron was an alloy of gold and silver in the ancient
world, so it does not even mean what we would think electron
means. In the ancient world it was an alloy, and an alloy is a
metal made of more than two or more metals. Gold and silver
was smelted together to make a new metal, and they call metal
"electron." It was also an old world word for amber, and amber

is the color yellow that we have in the King James translation,
a brownish yellow.

As an interesting aside, electricity was discovered long

before Benjamin Franklin. I did not know that by rubbing
amber against cloth or wool, that means this metal alloy made
from gold and silver, when you rubbed it against cloth or
wool, you got electric sparks. Amber is a fossilized resin of
trees. I am sorry, by rubbing amber against cloth or wool, I
said that wrong.

Electricity was discovered long before Benjamin

Franklin by rubbing amber against cloth or wool, not that
metal alloy. Amber is a fossilized resin of trees. People would
rub it against cloth and since it would produce a charge, they
thought they had discovered a force. Since it was made from
electron...I guess I had it right the first time, since it was from
electron, namely amber, they called it electric, and that is
where our English electricity comes from. That does not make
any sense to me, let me read it again.

Electricity was discovered long before Benjamin

Franklin by rubbing amber against cloth or wool. Amber is a
fossilized resin of trees, and people would rub it against cloth,
and since it would produce a charge, they thought they had
discovered a force, and since it was made from electron, since
what was made from electron? Electron is the alloy of gold
and silver, I do not understand it. Does anyone here
understand this?

Namely amber, they called it...maybe this cloth, let me

just look at this one more time here. People would rub amber,
a fossilized resin of trees, oh I see what he is saying, I see what
he is saying. This word Chashmal translated electron or
electra, electron was an alloy of gold and silver, and it was
also an old world word for amber. I got it, let me make sure
that you have it now.

This word amber has two meanings, and in the old
world it had two meanings. It was the fossilized resin of trees,
and it was also an alloy of gold and silver. You okay with that?
Before Benjamin Franklin, people used to rub an amber cloth,
not a yellow cloth, but a cloth that was made from the
fossilized resin of trees, they would rub it against cloth, this
fossilized...amber had three meanings. It was the color yellow,
it was the fossilized resin of trees, and it was an alloy of gold
and silver called electron. The people would rub this fossilized
resin of trees against a cloth, and it would produce a charge,
and they thought they had discovered a force since it was
made from electron, namely amber.

This Hebrew word Chashmal was translated three

ways in the old world, electron meaning an alloy of gold and
silver, the color amber, and also a fossilized resin of trees. The
people would rub the cloth against this fossilized resin of
trees, and it would produce a charge, so they thought that they
had discovered a force. The word that they used was amber,
because the cloth was made from the resin from trees, and they
mixed it up with that same word meaning electron. They
called it electric.

For whatever it is worth, you are all looking at me. For

whatever it is worth, this is where our English word
"electricity" comes from. Similarly, when searching Israel for
some Hebrew equivalent for modern electricity...listen, all
languages that existed before this modern time even in the
Romance languages, in Spanish, there were certain words that
there is no translation for, like computer, Spanish translates
computer, computadora. There was no word "computer"
existing originally in the Spanish language.

In modern Hebrew, when they wanted a word that

would mean modern electricity, they looked through all of the
Hebrew language and someone who was in charge of this
decision chose the word Chashmal. They translated it, because
it seemed to have something to do with a power that radiates.
Chashmal was translated electricity in the old world, so they
took that Hebrew word to mean electricity in modern Hebrew.

When people reading the Bible see the word

Chashmal, they know that the modern Hebrew translation
means electricity, and that also means the color amber. This
word Chashmal was translated amber, and nobody knows
what I am talking about here. The King James translation of
Chashmal was translated amber because of this confusion
about the diffrent meanings of that Hebrew word. That
Hebrew word Chashmal could be electron, electricity, this
resin cloth. It could mean any one of those three things, so the
translators got confused with the meaning of the word. It could
mean the fossilized resin of trees, the color yellow, or electron,
electricity or an alloy of gold and silver.

The King James translators, the scholars translating

that word Chashmal, got all confused because they could not
understand the vision of Ezekiel. They had no idea what it
meant, so they chose a wrong translation, but Rabbi Kaplan
says that we have to look deeper into this word Chashmal. He
says that according to the Talmud, Chashmal comes from two
words, Chash, meaning silent and mal, meaning to speak.
Chashmal is the speaking silence Rabbi Kaplan says, despite
the fact that the old world translated this same word as
electron, as resin from a plant or as the color yellow.

When we try to fit the word into a spiritual translation,

and I have been doing this with the Doctrine of Christ for
years. I have said to you, "Here is the word in the Interlinear
Text, it does not make any sense, I have gone back into the
roots of the word, I have looked it up in dictionaries, I have
prayed about it, and this is the meaning that the Lord has given
me for this word." Does anybody not remember me doing
things like that?

That is what Rabbi Kaplan is doing, and he says, "I do
not think the color amber fits into this translation accurately.
It does not tell us anything. To understand what the color
yellow means, we have to pick apart this word Chashmal and
break it down, and find out that it means the speaking silence,
and that is where we get speaking silence from."

What happened to Ezekiel as he entered into the

ultimate place, the place behind his mind, he experienced and
I mentioned this earlier, a phenomena called "synesthesia,"
where you smell what you should be seeing, and you see what
you should be smelling. I explained that to you earlier that
everything has a vibration, what you should be hearing and
you smell what you should be seeing, everything comes out
mixed up, because when you get deep enough into the spirit,
compared to this physical plane, everything gets backwards.

I explained it to you earlier on this message that

everything has a vibration, every color has a vibration;
therefore, you can recognize a color without actually seeing
the color. If you know that a particular vibration and you can
experience vibration by hearing it or in a variety of ways. If
you know that, that particular vibration will manifest as that
color under the right circumstances, you can hear the color. If
you can hear that vibration, you will know that when that color
finally appears, it is going to be yellow. This is what Ezekiel

I just have one more point to make and I, hopefully,

will have explained this to you.

Why did Ezekiel see the color yellow? He saw the

speaking silence. What does that mean? How do you see the
speaking silence? He perceived it as a form of vibration. He
saw what he could not hear. What is in this place? When you
get into the back of your mind, into the unconscious part of
your mind, what is there, what is there, does anybody know?

Nothingness is there. Remember, there is a difference
between nothing and nothingness. "Nothing" means "without
value." Satan is nothing. "Nothingness" is the Ayn Sof. He is
called nothingness because we have no way to relate to Him,
He has no attributes, He has no attributes in the infinite. He is
the simple undifferentiated whole, he is undifferentiated.
When He rolls Himself out in the empty space, we find out
His attributes are that He is great, and He is glorious, and He
is merciful, but all of the attributes of God exists in the empty

Outside of the empty space, I am having trouble

calling the Ayn Sof "It," it is undifferentiated, you cannot see
any of its attributes. It is something that is indescribable. The
Ayn Sof is indescribable. There are no words to describe "It,"
and that is why it is called an "It," and that is why it is called
"nothingness," because to us, what we cannot comprehend is

How many times have you heard a story where

someone came in contact with something very valuable,
maybe worth a million dollars, an antique, or a pin or
something, and they threw it out because it was nothing to
them. It was a piece of junk to them, they had no concept of
the value. I want to tell you that this happens all the time with
this word today, that the Doctrine of Christ goes to people and
they either set it aside, or malign it, because it is nothing to
them. It is so far beyond them, they cannot make any sense
out it, and they behave like fools, frequently.

Because we cannot relate to or comprehend the Ayn

Sof in any way, It is called nothingness to us. It is nothing to
us. If the Ayn Sof appeared to us right now apart from Jesus
Christ, of course, we would not even know it was Him, it
would be nothing to us. When we get into that empty space in
the back of our mind, it is filled with the nothingness, it is
filled with the infinite Ayn Sof, and where is that place? Here
it is right here, right here, even within where Adam Kadmon
is. For us, it is the Lord Jesus in that innermost place,
appearing to us, the Lord Jesus Christ appearing to us or His
presence, I should not even say appearing to us, the presence
of the Lord Jesus Christ is in the innermost place where Adam
Kadmon is with no attributes.

When Jesus appeared to the disciples, He appeared as

Jesus of Nazareth and He said, "Here, look at the holes in my
hands." He appeared on the way to Emmaus, He appeared as
a human being so that the human beings on the road to
Emmaus could relate to Him.

He appears to us through His word so that we can

relate to Him. How do we relate to the Lord Jesus Christ? We
cannot see Him, He has to communicate with us through His
word. All we can do is pray and say, "Lord, reveal yourself to
us." He is nothingness to us, we cannot find Him, we cannot
see Him, we cannot pursue Him, we can cry all day and all
night, and unless He answers, we have no way to lay hold of
Him, so He is nothingness to us. Can you understand this?

That is what is waiting for us in the unconscious part

of our mind, the undifferentiated Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus
Christ without attributes, without a physical body, without a
physical appearance, without a verbal voice, without a voice
that comes from the vocal chords. How can you see
nothingness? He is only in thought, and the undifferentiated
thought, and by Ezekiel saying he saw the color of amber,
what he is saying is that he perceived the nothingness by
recognizing its vibration. This is very difficult. I am going
spend some time on it and try and help you to understand this.

The Lord Jesus Christ without attributes, with no

attributes, do you understand what I mean when I say no
attributes? Do you understand what I am talking about? No
attributes, you cannot see Him, the invisible Lord Jesus Christ

is present here in the back of our mind, He is invisible, you
cannot recognize Him because of His physical body, like
Mary saw an angel, no angels, no visible appearance, no voice
like my voice, and even if you could hear His voice, would
you recognize His voice? How do you recognize the Lord
Jesus, in His spirit form? How do you recognize Him?

That is why He appears in men, we cannot recognize

Him. Spirit is light, right? Spirit is light, can you say amen to
that? Spirit is light, and light is vibration, can you say amen to
that? The only way for Ezekiel to recognize the Ayn Sof and
where Adam Kadmon was in the back of his mind, the Ayn
Sof in the midst of Adam Kadmon, the only way he could
recognize the Ayn Sof was to perceive the vibration of His
light. Can you hear this? It was nothing, he could not see
anything with his eyes, could not hear anything, nothing, only
this undifferentiated light of the Ayn Sof was there, simple
undifferentiated light, but yet it had a vibration, because light
is a wave, light is a vibration. It is a light wave. Are you
following me?

We are told that Ezekiel has an experience of

synesthesia, he experienced this vibration as a color. How do
you experience a vibration? Either it makes your body shake,
right? He was not dealing with a physical experience.
Vibration makes your body shake if you are out here in this
world, but Ezekiel was in the back of his mind, he was in a
trance, so even if his body were shaking, he is not dealing with
what is going on out here. He is dealing with what is going on
in the back of his mind. How do you recognize a vibration
when you are not having any physical stimuli, not seeing, not
hearing, not tasting? How do you experience a vibration? He
had a synesthetic experience, there was a vibration in the back
of his mind, and it registered to him as the color amber.

For Ezekiel to say he saw the color amber means that

he was in there, that means that he got into the back of his
mind, he got into the unconscious part of his mind. He got in
there with Adam Kadmon, and the light of the Ayn Sof is in
there with Adam Kadmon, and that he knew that the Ayn Sof
was there, and that he made contact with the Ayn Sof, because
he saw the color amber.

This is a very difficult concept, but this is what the

Lord is telling me to give you right now. He just gave me a
memory. I know quite a while ago, fifteen or twenty years ago,
it was my first spiritual experience with spiritual color. I had
read a lot about it, I was concerned that colors were occult at
the time.

I was very young in Christ, but my pastor was having

a heart attack, and he asked the whole church to stay and pray
for him. The anointing fell upon me that I was the channel
through which the Lord brought forth the healing, and the
Lord told me to go up and lay hands on him.

It was not a formal announcement that I had the

anointing, or that I was a channel for the anointing at that
moment. I made my way up to the front and when I laid hands
on him and prayed for him. My eyes were closed, because
most of us pray with our eyes closed, and my whole field of
vision when my eyes were closed, usually if you close your
eyes, usually your vision is black, my vision is black when I
close my eyes. My whole field of vision turned into a bright
green, and I had a knowing, it was a word of knowledge, I just
knew that he was healed, and from that day forward, I knew
that the color green in the spirit and he was, in fact, healed.

From that day forward, I knew that the color green in

the spirit, when I saw, my whole field of vision turned green,
that a healing was taking place, and even to this day,
sometimes when I pray for people, I will see the color green,
and I know for sure that it has never over all of these years
meant anything other than healing.

What does that mean? It means that the invisible Lord
Jesus Christ manifested Himself through me when I pray for
this person, and He manifested Himself on a particular level
of vibration that brought forth healing to that person. Can you
understand this at all?

I know two things from personal experience, I know

that when the color green fills up the vision of my mind’s eye,
there is a healing or a deliverance taking place, and I do not
have any conscious awareness right now of ever seeing the
color amber, but I do know that if the Lord gives me a spiritual
experience after preaching this message, and I am in any kind
of trance or a semi-trance, if I see the color amber, I will know
that it means that it is the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in
the highest, undifferentiated state, speaking silence. He is total
silence, but He is speaking to me by His very presence and I
know that He is there because I am seeing the color amber.
When He speaks it will be pure thought.

Is that not interesting? Any questions or comments on

this exciting message?

COMMENT: When you mentioned gold and silver, I

was thinking of Peter in the Book of Acts saying, "Gold and
silver have I none."

PASTOR VITALE: Yes, that is very interesting.

Peter might have been saying, "At this moment, I am not in
the deepest recesses of the unconscious mind." Unless we can
translate that not positively, maybe he is saying, "Here is the
gold and silver of the I am," because "not" can be translated
“I am,” and I could tell in the Hebrew, I could tell you there is
a particular word, Hebrew word translated “not” that is Satan,
and another Hebrew word that is translated the Ayn Sof, Ayin
is the Ayn Sof.

In the Greek there is only one word, I cannot tell the

difference, but when that text was originally written in
Aramaic, it could really be that Peter was saying, "I have the
gold and silver of the Ayin, of the great I am, I have His gold
and silver, and that which I have, I am giving it to you, I am
giving you the gold and silver, here it is, the vibration of God,
the power of God."

It is just one thing after the other. I was studying the

other day, and I read in the Zohar that Shekinah, one of the
cognomens for Shekinah is "bed," and it was a whole
exhortation on the sick. I am reading a section of the Zohar
that has to do with healing and sickness, and it says that when
someone who, in terms of the Zohar, has different terms, I am
using our terms, if you are close to the Lord, and you are sick
in bed, the Shekinah with us would be Christ. He is with us
right there in the bed and completely envelopes us in herself,
except for our feet. Of course, I do not know how much to take
this in the physical or not, but it says, "The angel of death is
at your feet."

If you are really close to God, you could have the

privilege of pulling your feet up and bringing your feet under
that protection of the Shekinah, and the Zohar quoted a
Scripture, something to the effect, I think it was Jacob, I may
not have it right, “And He gathered his feet up into his bed.”
In other words, he gathered his feet, and we know the feet
signify the carnal mind. He gathered his feet up under the
protection of the Shekinah so that he was completely covered,
even his carnal mind was covered.

When I read that, all I could think about was Jesus

saying to that man, “Pick up your bed and walk,” and it came
to me that he was not telling the man to pick up his bed and
walk. He was telling the man to be gathered up into the
Shekinah, something like that. I would have to look at it again,
but something like that, that his carnal mind, just like he was
putting a blessing on him. He was saying, "Let your carnal

mind be gathered into your Shekinah that you might walk in
the walk with God."

I always questioned that, that He told the man to pick

up his bed, and I have heard all kinds of explanations that
people slept on just a small pallet, so he picked this little
mattress type thing and carried it away. It never really sat right
with me, but I did not know what to make of it, and I really
received this that Jesus said to him, "Gather yourself up into
the Shekinah," or however it would be translated. To that Jew,
it would have to be Shekinah. "Here is the power, here is the
power to gather your carnal mind up into Shekinah, and now
you could walk straight with God."

You cannot understand the New Testament without

Kabbalah. It just gets more and more evident to me every day.
It is a great blessing, I just wish that I could retain more of it,
that my memory would hold on to it, and as time allows, I am
going to be writing up notes just with these simple definitions,
getting them down on paper so that I could search for them if
I want to.

I even came across something about the books, saying

there were three books and I thought about the Book of
Revelation, "And the books will be opened at that time," and
I never was really quite sure what those books were. The
church will tell you it is all the sins you committed, and I am
not really sure. I do this reading, and I just remember
fragments of what I read, so I have to go back and do it again,
but if the thought crosses your mind, pray that I should find
the time to put these notes down, just these simple definitions,
just get them down on paper so that I could look for them. If
you get a chance, please pray for me to be able to do that.
Thanks a lot and God bless you.

Just one more thing. There were some manifestations

here in New York the first time that I used the initial ak, to

represent Adam Kadmon, but I now see that this is very
common amongst Kabbalists and, therefore, I want you all to
be on notice that if while I am writing on the board, I feel led
to abbreviate Adam Kadmon or anything, a Sefirot, that it is
your responsibility to find out what that means.

The Lord has given me a further revelation of

Ezekiel’s glow, the fourth barrier that we have to pass through.
I have already told you that it is a semi-permeable barrier that
I perceive to be Cain and Abel, and I told you earlier that I
could not agree with Isaac Luria’s teaching that this barrier
was used to nourish the evil or to nourish the wicked. Isaac
Luria teaches that this semi-permeable barrier is both good
and evil. The first three barriers are all evil.

This fourth barrier...let me remind you the first barrier

is the storm, the second is the great cloud, and the third is the
fire that is enfolding itself. These are all evil. The fourth
barrier, the glow, is both good and evil, and I have related that
to Cain and Abel, the evil and the good. Cain evil, and Abel
good. Isaac Luria says that this barrier has two purposes. On
the one hand, the sparks of life that are trapped down here in
the World of Action can escape through this barrier and return
to their first estate, and that is Abel’s restoration.

Then, Isaac Luria says, but the other side is the other
purpose of this semi-permeable barrier. That means
something can pass through it, so the sparks of life can pass
through it to escape and return to their first estate, and also the
Lord uses it to nourish the wicked. My reaction, I am going to
have to be really more careful when I disagree with these
renowned teachers, because I should really do what I tell you
to do when you disagree with me, and I repent of not doing it

I did pray, actually I did pray, and I have to give myself

that. I said, "Lord, I do not believe that, that Cain and Abel,

that semi-permeable barrier is used for the Lord to nourish the
wicked, but I do put it before you for correction," and He
corrected me the same day. Actually, I preached that in the
morning service, and this is what I am talking about now.
After we finished preaching the evening service, the Lord
corrected me within a couple of hours. I do practice what I
preach, and this is what the Lord told me.

My first reaction was, "God is not nourishing the

wicked, God is not nourishing the evil, he just said that,
because he does not have this revelation of Cain and Abel,"
but remember what I told you this morning that the evil part
of this glow is the black light, it is the negative energy coming
from your carnal mind that is opposing the white light of
Christ that is coming at me. Remember, these are barriers that
you have to pass through to get into the unconscious part of
your mind where you hear the pure word of God.

Cain is the last barrier that you have to get through,

and he is standing in front of this communication with God
like a maidenhead. That is how we have preached it here, and
the Lord told me, the Lord said to me, "Who are the wicked?"
Who are the wicked that is on the other side of this black light
that the Lord wants to penetrate His light through this barrier,
and He said, "That is us, humanity, His church," we are the
wicked that cannot come to God because Cain who was really
our conscious mind, Cain if you recall is our conscious mind,
is standing...this is the teaching of the Doctrine of Christ, the
conscious mind, Cain, is standing in front of the sub and
unconscious parts of our mind causing us to remain carnal. It
is Cain who is our conscious mind, who is refusing.

Let us say it is one of you here. Cain is standing, if you

are having a problem believing what I am teaching, Cain, your
carnal mind, the conscious part, your carnal mind is standing
up as a maidenhead. I am trying to penetrate your mind, Christ
Jesus in me is trying to penetrate your mind, and help you,
help Christ Jesus in you connect to the Lord Jesus and become
spiritual in your own right. Maybe you will need a teacher
forever. It does not matter.

I am trying to improve your relationship with the Lord,

and your conscious mind, the conscious part of your carnal
mind, Cain, is standing right up there, not letting me through,
and that is the problem. You all have that problem. Cain is a
semi-permeable barrier, and that means that no matter how
strong Cain resists, the Spirit of Christ in me, some of the light
of Christ in me is penetrating that barrier, because it is a semi-
permeable barrier, small bits of light can get through. Cain can
stand up as strong as she wants, and she is like cheesecloth.

I know that we had a teaching on the eye of the needle

here a year or two ago, and it was revealed that, that is a poor
translation in the King James, that what that verse is really
saying where Jesus talked about the eye of a needle, He was
really saying that the Spirit of Christ is the needle and that
only a needle could pass through all of the very small holes in
the cheesecloth. I know when I preached that message, I
preached it in camels, “Moses, Camels, and Water in the

I preached it on that message, and we have an

illustration showing that Jesus is the needle that is passing
through the eye, and the eye is the very small hole in the
cheesecloth, and now we see that Cain is the cheesecloth. That
is what a semi-permeable barrier means. It is possible to
permeate it, but the holes are so teeny tiny, only the Spirit of
Christ can get through your conscious part of your carnal mind
can stand up as strong and as rigid as she has it within her to
stand up, but as you submit yourself, as you at least put
yourself in a place where you are going to hear what I am
saying, the light of Christ is penetrating and is going through,
so that you, the wicked, can be fed. Can you hear this?

Our personality is made of the earth, and the earth is
evil. Spirit is good, and the earth is evil, so the Lord is
penetrating Cain, this glow, the fourth barrier to the depths of
meditation, this fourth barrier to communication with the
unconscious part of your Christ mind. As strong as Cain is
standing up, the Spirit of Christ is penetrating her little by little
for the purpose of nourishing the personality. The Lord
forgives you and has mercy on your personality and continues
to work with you, and when enough of this light of the Spirit
of Christ passes through that cheesecloth which is Cain, there
will be enough light on the other side to just tear her down.
You are getting this light in very small doses because Cain,
the conscious part of your carnal mind, does not want this
knowledge or information or spirit to get through, but because
Cain is cheesecloth, semi-permeable, the Spirit of Christ like
a needle is penetrating and, eventually, all of the light that
penetrates to the other side will accumulate to the point that
the barrier will not even mean anything anymore. Do you
understand what I am talking about? This is really for you, do
you understand what I am talking about?

I am going to put it on the board for you then. This is

drawing #4, and I am trying to show you how the conscious
part of our mind, which is Cain, is a veil that blocks the Spirit
of Christ in another man from touching the subconscious and
the unconscious part of the student’s mind. We have seen this
from many different points of view in our studies of the
Doctrine of Christ. We saw this in the study that we did with
the woman in the well where Jesus was talking to a disciple,
which at the time I preached it I believed it was John, that He
was trying to reach behind the conscious mind, because his
conscious mind is carnal.

The conscious mind is the eye of this physical world

that stands in front of and blocks our spiritual potential which
is the sub and unconscious parts of our mind.

We have called Cain the maidenhead. That came forth
in Jonah, and also Cain has been revealed to be the turtle, who
is the eunuch that guards Cain from having spiritual sexual
intercourse with the Spirit of Christ in a man that has come to
impart Christ to that Abel to save his life. This is not a new

I have written on the board for you that the conscious

part of the carnal mind is a veil that prevents the Spirit of
Christ in a teacher, or a prophet, or a priest, whoever God is
speaking through, from opening a path of communication
between the conscious part of that person’s mind which is
Cain, and the Lord Jesus in that person, both in the person and
in the teacher, and the unconscious part of the Christ mind. I
am sorry, the Lord Jesus who is the unconscious part of the
Christ mind in the student, and also to open a path of
communication and to open the vision of the student between
the conscious part of the mind which is Cain and Satan, the
unconscious part of the carnal mind.

We must see both Satan and the Lord Jesus to enter

into eternal life. Satan must be boiled unto death, and we
cannot kill her until we see her. You cannot kill a shadow, you
have to see her. You have to look at her, and that means you
have to see what is going on in the unconscious part of your
mind. Simultaneously, a path of communication is open
between you and the Lord Jesus who is the one who executes
the judgment of boiling on Satan. Both your sin nature is
revealed, plus the one who is full well able to destroy her is
revealed simultaneously as the conscious part of your mind
which the veil, that maidenhead, is penetrated and dissolved.

To the left the board says, drawing #4, the Spirit of

Christ in the teacher is the needle that penetrates the
unconscious part of the eye which is the carnal mind, because
it is the mind that gives us spiritual sight. Someone with the
Christ mind, and someone with the carnal mind can be looking
at the same thing and have two completely different opinions.
Your mind is your eye. The Spirit of Christ in the teacher is
the needle that penetrates the unconscious part of the eye of
the carnal mind of the student. When enough light, now
remember Cain is a semi-permeable barrier that could be
likened to cheesecloth or some piece of cloth with very, very,
very small holes in it. It is a filter, but the light of the Spirit of
Christ can pass through it. When enough light accumulates
behind the veil, and how would that light accumulate behind
the veil?

If, in spite of your inability to understand, you

continue to submit yourself to this kind of a spiritual
discipline, enough light will penetrate Cain, your veil, and
when enough light accumulates behind the veil, the
maidenhead Cain will dissolve, and there will be a free flow
of communication between the conscious and the unconscious
parts of both the Christ and the carnal mind. We will see Satan
and overcome her.

We see the Spirit of Christ is our hope, because we

really cannot overcome Cain ourselves. We are Abel buried
under Cain’s ground. Cain is the ground, that is the veil that is
over us.

I went inside just to put a couple of Scripture

references on the board for you about the eye of the needle
because, of course, the way it reads in the King James is
backwards, and Matthew 19:24 and Mark 10:5 are the two
verse where Jesus is talking about the eye of the needle, and I
would like to just make a couple of comments on it, and I am
going to let you go, I know it is very late, but the spirit is

I am in Matthew 19:24, and the King James says, “And

again I say unto, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye
of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of

God.” I have good news for you tonight, because this is a
totally incorrect translation, and it follows after Verse 23,
where Jesus is supposed to have said, according to the King
James, “Verily I say unto you that a rich man shall hardly enter
into the kingdom of heaven.”

It is that word "hardly" that is the negative word in that

verse, and I looked up that word “hardly.” It only appears
three times in the Scripture, and each of those three times it is
associated with this concept of passing through the eye of a
needle and the camel cannot get through. The Greek word that
this comes from is a word that means, "one who scrupulously
keeps the law."

Brethren, what Jesus is saying is, “Verily, verily I say

unto you, that a rich man who scrupulously keeps the law, can
enter into the kingdom of heaven.” “And again I say to you,"
it is a good thing because this Greek word translated “easier”
comes from two words that mean "to cut" and "to be good." It
is a good thing to cut into the eye, which is the carnal mind or
the personality. I think I am going to have to make that the
carnal mind, of the one who bears the burden. The camel is a
burden bearer, and I have amplified, "There is the burden of
restraining their carnal mind, so that the spiritually rich man
can enter into the kingdom of God," because we are told
clearly in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, that the rich
man was spiritually rich.

He had the kingdom of God. We do not even know if

he was materially rich or not, but he was rich according to our
exposition on the parable, because he had the keys to the
kingdom, he was prospering in the world. Jesus is saying,
"You are already rich because you have the law, you are
already rich in spiritual things, and it is a good thing to cut into
the carnal mind, the carnal mind of the Jew who scrupulously
keeps the law."

It is the blessing of the Lord Jesus to take you to the
next step if you scrupulously keep the law. If you are a Jew
who scrupulously keeps the law, Jesus is saying, "It is a good
thing for me to cut into your carnal mind." Why would Jesus
say that? Because in the verses before that, the young man
came to Jesus and said, “And behold one came and said unto
Him, Good master, what good thing shall I do that I might
have eternal life?" I am in Verse 16 now, “And Jesus said to
Him, Why callest me good?" That is like me saying, "What
do you think when you ask me a question?" Sometimes I say,
"What do you think?" Why? Because I am digging at you, I
am cutting at your carnal mind.

Here is this man, in his mind he said something nice to

Jesus, he called him master, he said, "What do I have to do to
get eternal life?" Jesus says to him, “Why are you calling me
good?” What an insult to the carnal mind. “There is none good
but one, that is God, but if you would enter into life, keep the
commandments.” Here is this young man who in all sincerity
went to Jesus, and said, “What do I have to do?” and Jesus is
cutting him to ribbons, saying, “Why are you calling me good,
and all you have to do is keep the commandments.”

He is telling this to a Jew who scrupulously keeps the

law, and the young man says to him, "Which
commandments?" Jesus says, "Thou shalt do no murder, thou
shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not
be a false witness, honor thy father and thy mother, and thou
shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” This is an orthodox Jew
Jesus is talking to.

The carnal mind is insulted from this, but the young

man is still not disrespectful and says to him, "All of these
things have I kept from my youth, what do I lack yet?" Jesus
is trying to get him to be spiritual, Jesus is trying to tell him
you are doing all of this stuff in the flesh, and if you want to
enter into eternal life, you have to give up your carnal mind,
because eternal life is in the spirit which is in the unconscious
part of your mind. This is what Jesus is telling him, and I am
sure that, that young man was very upset at Jesus’ response to
his humble approach to the master.

“And Jesus said to him, If you would be perfect, go

and sell what you have and give to the poor and you shall have
treasure in heaven, and come and follow me.” Brethren, Jesus
never told him to give away all of his money. He said, “Go
and sell that which you have.” He was talking about his carnal
mind, get rid of your carnal mind, and then Verse 22 says,
“But when the young man heard that saying, he went away
sorrowful, for he had great possessions." He heard everything
that Jesus said with his carnal mind and thought Jesus was
telling him to get rid of all of this wealth, when Jesus was
saying, "Get rid of your carnal mind."

The man was totally carnal. “And after this, Jesus says
to his disciples, ‘Verily I say unto you that the rich man who
scrupulously keeps the law shall enter into the kingdom of
God.” He cut him to ribbons, Jesus cut him to ribbons, and I
know the Lord comforts me because it is very hard, saying
things to people that hurt them. It hurts me to do it, but I do it
because it is my job, and Jesus comforts me by telling me,
“Even though they reject you at the moment, and sometimes
get very angry at you and turn away from you, you have cut
into their carnal mind, and they will never be the same."

Verse 24, Jesus speaking, will start with 23, “Verily I

say unto you, that a rich man that scrupulously keeps the law
shall enter into the kingdom of God.” “And again I say unto
you, it is a good thing to cut into the carnal mind of the one
who bears the burden of restraining their carnal mind so that
the spiritually rich man can enter into the kingdom of God. It
is a good thing to cut into the personality of the one who bears
the burden.” I think that is not right, I think it should be saying,
"It is a good thing for the...I am going to have to work on that
translation, but I think Jesus is talking to His disciples, and He
was telling them, "It is a good thing for you to cut into the
mind, and therefore bear the burden of the spiritually rich man,
it is a good thing for you to bear this burden, and cut into the
man’s carnal mind so that this man who scrupulously keeps
the law can enter into the kingdom of God," and it says, His
disciples were amazed, saying, "Who can be saved?"

Brethren, His disciples were as carnal as the rich man

that came to talk to Him. As a matter of fact, I bet you the rich
man that came to talk to Him was one of His disciples. First,
He talked to the rich man who came to Him and He said, "If
you want to be perfect you have got to destroy your carnal
mind, you have got to sell it, get rid of it, and then he turned
around and taught His disciples," because Jesus was an
example to them as to what they were supposed to do, or
would shortly be doing, and He said, "I did not hurt that man,
I did not do a bad thing, it is a good thing to cut into the man
of someone who is scrupulously follows the law so that I can
bear the burden of that persona and help them to enter into the
kingdom of God."

He taught the young man who came to Him, whether

it was one of His disciples or not, and then He taught his
disciples who were completely amazed at what He says, and
when you are a spiritual person, I am a spiritual person, when
I talk to a carnally minded person, they frequently get very
upset with me, because I look right in to the heart of their
motives that they are blind to, and when I do that, I hurt you,
but what I am hurting is your carnal mind. May it die quickly
that the truth might rise in you.

Brethren, it has been a very fruitful day. It is midnight,

which we do not usually go this late, and I would ask you if
there are any questions or comments but you are all passing
out on me, so I am going to just say goodnight, God bless you

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of

Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In
that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and
teaches The Ways of God through a unique Judeo-Christian

She has been studying the authentic Jewish Kabbalah

of several rabbinic scholars, including Moses Nachmanides
(Ramban), Moses Cordovero (Ramak) and Isaac Luria (The
Ari), since May of 2000. Some of the English translations of
their writings that she has studied include, The Gate of
Reward (Ramban), Pardes Rimonim (Orchard of
Pomegranates) (Ramak), The Tree of Life (The Palace of
Adam Kadmon) (The Ari) and The Gate of Reincarnations
(The Ari).

Pastor Vitale attributes her ability to understand and

teach Kabbalah, which she believes is beyond the grasp of the
human mind, to the Lord Jesus Christ.

She has been studying Torah (Scripture) and the New

Testament, in-depth, since the 1970s, and began to teach her
understanding of it, which she calls The Doctrine of Christ,
in January of 1988.
She also began to study and teach Kabbalah in the year
2000. Since then, she has woven her constantly evolving
understanding of the Doctrine of Christ and Jewish spiritual
philosophy into a fascinating and unparalleled course of study
that she calls, Christ-Centered Kabbalah.

Pastor Vitale asks everyone who would like to know

more about her, to please note that ALL Kabbalah is not
kosher (authentic). She teaches authentic Kabbalah, which
glorifies God, and shuns the occult Qabalah of personal
power which, all too frequently, is used to control
unsuspecting persons, acquire wealth by spiritual power, or
punish one’s enemies. She warns her students often about the
dangers of Qabalah that is not kosher.

Pastor Vitale has been responsible for the distribution

of free Judeo-Christian literature for many years since she
founded Living Epistles Ministries in the late 1980s. She has
also overseen the creation of lending libraries across three
continents, as well as the organization’s charitable giving.
Under her direction Living Epistles donates a significant
percentage of its income to organizations that advocate for
Judeo-Christian values, defend the US Constitution of the
United States of America and serve individuals most in need.

Today, she remains a passionate teacher and author.

She has written more than a dozen books, including The Noah
Chronicles, Not Without Blood and The Three Israels. She
has also developed more than 500 transcribed messages, many
of which may be viewed at no charge through the Living
Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah websites.

Pastor Vitale’s signature work is the three volumes of

The Alternate Translation Bible. The Old Testament, The
New Testament and The Book of Revelation. The Book of
Revelation, as well as several other books, has been translated
into Spanish.
The Alternate Translation Bible is an esoteric
translation of the Scripture. It is not intended to replace
traditional translations.

Pastor Vitale focuses, daily, on studying, teaching and

Christ-Centered Kabbalah
Sheila R Vitale,
Pastor, Teacher & Founder
~ The Compleat Kabbalah ~
PO Box 562, Port Jefferson Station, New York 11776, USA
Christ-CenteredKabbalah.org Books@Christ-CenteredKabbalah.org
(631) 331-1493

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