Motor Protection Relay Using Thermal Models
Motor Protection Relay Using Thermal Models
Motor Protection Relay Using Thermal Models
l2 IS
A / 1
/ LPF 26
13 20 j 30
<3 , E {LPF} (TRIP)
8 l7 22
US. Patent July 25, 1995 Sheet 1 of 2 5,436,784
0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2
SLIP (l-w)
FIG, 3 m T E
L F T(
wm M
B P2
2 .SW
6 /8
1 2
motor situations, even though the thermal model ap
MOTOR PROTECTION RELAY USING THERMAL proach generally is advantageous, since it is related to
MODELS the actual thermal conditions in the motor.
In a somewhat different approach, temperature sen
TECHNICAL FIELD sors have been positioned within the structure of the
This invention relates generally to the ?eld of induc motor itself in order to sense motor temperature di
tion motors and, more speci?cally, concerns a system rectly. However, these attempts have been largely un
for overload protection for such motors. successful, since it is dif?cult to properly locate such
temperature sensors without interfering with the opera
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION tion of the motor. Also, such an approach has not here
conventionally, protection for electric induction tofore been very effective because by the time the
motors against overheating has been achieved through threshold of the temperature sensor is reached, substan
the use of overcurrent elements, which are also used for tial damage to the motor has often already occurred.
fault protection for electric power systems. The over Hence, there remains a need for thermal protection
current elements are typically coordinated with the system for motors which is accurately re?ective of the
time/current characteristic curves of the particular actual thermal conditions within the motor, yet is prac
motor being protected. These time/current curves are tical for a wide variety of motors and responsive to
typically available from the manufacturer of the motor. actual thermal conditions prior to any damage occur
However, such coordination is usually valid thermally ring in the motor.
only for limited operating conditions, since the time
overcurrent elements do not model the actual thermal SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
characteristics, i.e. the actual heating and cooling, of the Accordingly, the present invention is a protective
motor during its operation. Further, the reset character relay for an induction motor, having known operating
istics of overcurrent elements do not bear any relation parameters, comprising: means for measuring the input
to the actual operating thermal time constant of a mo current to the motor; means for establishing a ?rst ther
tor. mal threshold value for a first, start condition of the
Typically, the overcurrent elements will be set with a motor, based on said selected operating parameters;
time delay long enough to allow the motor to start, i.e. means for determining a representation of the thermal
they will permit a required high level of current for a condition of the motor during the start condition
suf?cient time to start the motor, but shorter than the 30 thereof, using said measured current and said operating
thermal limit time for a locked rotor portion of the parameters; means comparing the start condition ther
motor. A separate negative sequence overcurrent ele mal representation with said ?rst thermal threshold
ment is often used to prevent thermal damage caused by
value and for producing an output signal when said ?rst
excessive unbalanced three phase current. Unbalanced
thermal threshold value is exceeded by said start ther
current, which produces negative sequence current, in 35
turn produces a severe heating effect in the rotor. The mal representation; means for establishing a second
negative sequence elements are themselves typically set thermal threshold value for a second, run condition of
quite sensitively, but in structure and operation are the motor; means for determining a representation of
independent of and do not take into account the heating the thermal condition of the motor during the run con
effect of the positive sequence current component of the dition thereof, using the measured current and said
unbalanced three phase current. operating parameters; and means comparing the run
As indicated above, however, overcurrent elements thermal representation with said second thermal thresh
do not operate in accordance with the temperature rise old value and for producing an output signal when said
in the motor. second thermal threshold value is exceeded by said run
One solution to the disadvantages of the above 45 thermal representation.
described conventional motor protection system in BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
volves a “thermal mode ” approach, which takes into
account both the positive and the negative sequence FIG. 1 is a diagram showing per unit current and
heat sources at work on the motor. In this solution, set torque and rotor resistance versus speed (0:) and slip
out in US. Pat. No. 4,914,386 to Zocholl, motor voltage (l —m) for an induction motor.
and current values are directly measured at the motor FIG. 2 is a diagram showing starting current against
terminals, and those values are used to calculate the time for an induction motor.
change in the impedance at the motor terminals during FIG. 3 is a simpli?ed block diagram of the system of
the motor start-up period. From this information, the the present invention.
speed of the motor may be determined, and motor speed FIG. 4 is a diagram showing a general thermal model
is indicative of the actual thermal condition of the mo for a rotor portion of an induction motor.
tor. The relevant portions of that patent, concerning the FIG. 5 is a diagram showing a thermal model for the
general development of a thermal model for an induc start condition for a rotor portion of an induction mo
tion motor, are hereby incorporated by reference. ~tor.
The thermal model approach of the ’386 patent, how FIG. 6 is a diagram showing a thermal model for the
ever, has disadvantages, since a voltage measurement is run condition for a rotor portion of an induction motor.
necessary, which requires additional hardware ele
ments, such as voltage transformers. Hence, such a
system is expensive. Further, in many cases certain
required motor parameter information to implement the 65 FIGS. 1 and 2 show conventional plots of motor
thermal models is not readily available from the motor operation, involving motor current, torque and resis
manufacturer. Hence, existing thermal model ap tance versus motor speed, slip and time. FIG. 1 shows
proaches are basically impractical, except in a few that motor current decreases from a high initial value
3 4
until the peak torque of the motor is developed at ap obtain or not readily available, uses four basic motor
proximately the full speed of the motor. Motor “slip” is operating parameters which are typically readily avail
de?ned by the relationship of the speed of the rotating able from the motor manufacturer to develop the mod
magnetic ?eld (synchronous speed) and the speed of the els for each motor.
rotor, such that under start conditions, when the speed These parameters speci?cally include values of full
of the motor is at zero, slip is at one (maximum), while load current, locked rotor current, locked rotor thermal
when the motor is at full rated speed, slip is approxi time and rated service factor. Full load current (FLA)
mately zero. FIG. 2 shows that current to the motor refers to the current in the motor at its rated horse
starts out high and decreases over time to a “run” con power, with the rated value of voltage applied to the
dition value. motor. Locked rotor current (LRA) is the relatively
The current distribution in the rotor portion of the high current in the rotor during the start condition,
motor and the resistance of the rotor are both slip de when the rotor is not turning, with rated voltage ap
pendent. The current is forced to the outer periphery of plied to the motor terminals. The motor protection
the rotor when the rotor just begins to turn during the system must take into account the required period of
start condition, and gradually will occupy more and 15 time that this high start current must be present to start
more of the rotor area as the speed increases and the slip the motor, without prematurely tripping the circuit
decreases to zero. These conditions create an opportu breaker. ,
nity for overheating and possible thermal damage dur However, there is also a temperature limit established
ing the operation of the motor until it reaches operating when a circuit breaker trip will in fact be initiated. The
speed, with its relatively low current and low resis 20 locked rotor time (LRT) is the time that the locked, i.e.
tance. The operation of a motor until it reaches its run non-turning, rotor absorbs the locked rotor current
speed is generally referred to as the start condition. As until the established trip temperature, referred to as the
indicated above, at start, when the slip is one, the rotor “hot” temperature, is reached. The value of LRT is thus
resistance is relatively high, but decreases signi?cantly the time during which the rotor can absorb the high
as the slip decreases to zero. 25 locked rotor current before it dangerously overheats.
Following completion of the start condition, when Service factor (SF) is a conventional parameter refer
the motor is at rated speed, the current in the motor is ring to a rated multiplier for motors relative to the
relatively low, and the rotor resistance decreases to a stated horsepower, i.e. a motor having a horsepower
fraction of that during the start condition. This is re rating of 1000 and a service factor of 1.2 will actually
ferred to as the run condition. 30 produce a horsepower output of 1200.
In the run condition, with balanced stator current, FIG. 3 shows a simpli?ed block diagram of the sys
current is approximately evenly distributed in the rotor tem of the present invention. A three phase induction
bars, and the heating effect is due entirely to the positive motor is shown generally at 10. Such motors are typi
sequence motor current. However, when the three cally found in various industrial applications, such as
phase current is unbalanced, there exists a negative 35 factories, etc. The current in each of the three phases
sequence component to the current which produces a (A,B,C) of the power signal at the motor is connected to
?eld rotating at synchronous speed in the reverse direc respective transformers 12, 14 and 16, each of which has
tion. The negative sequence current in the rotor is con an associated resistor 13, 15 and 17. The signals from the
?ned to approximately one sixth of the available cross transformers are applied to low pass ?lters 18, 20 and 22
sectional area of the rotor bars and produces a severe 40 and then a multiplexer 24. The multiplexed signals are
heating effect when present. Hence, an accurate deter sent to an A/D converter 26, and then to a micro
mination of the thermal condition of the motor must processor 28, which implements and carries out the
take into account both the positive sequence current thermal model protection using the motor parameters
and any negative sequence current which occurs due to for the particular motor being protected. If preselected
an unbalanced current condition. 45 threshold temperatures are exceeded in the motor, as
While the most accurate and complete thermal model indicated by the thermal models, than an output signal is
of a motor’s operation includes a small transition zone applied on output line 30 to trip a circuit breaker (not
between the start and run conditions, generally the shown) for the motor, preventing damage to the motor.
motor’s operation can be accurately represented by its FIGS. 4 through 7 show the implementation of the
two basic operating conditions, i.e. the start and run thermal models used in the present invention. As indi
conditions. cated above, the thermal models for a particular motor
The present invention includes thermal models based are de?ned by particular parameters which are readily
on actual motor operation, one thermal model for the available to the motor engineer and which may be con
start condition and one for the run condition. Both of veniently programmed into the motor relay. The mod
the thermal models take into account the positive and 55 els are implemented in software in the microprocessor.
negative sequence heat sources, which are slip depen FIG. 4 shows a general rotor thermal model, which
dent, as well as the thermal resistance and thermal ca adapts to a motor start model or run model, which are
pacity of the particular motor being protected. shown in FIGS. 5 and 6. Actual current level in the
The double thermal model approach of the present motor determines whether the start condition model or
invention represents actual heating conditions in the 60 the run condition model is used. Referring to FIG. 4,
motor, and hence is more accurate and reliable than the heating effect caused by the power supplied to the
conventional overcurrent element based systems. The motor is represented by element 40. The total heating
present thermal model approach is more accurate and effect is the combination of the positive sequence cur
comprehensive than previous systems using thermal rent (11) and the negative sequence current (1;) multi
models because it covers the full range of motor opera 65 plied by their respective resistances.
tion, does not require voltage determinations, and, un The positive sequence current resistance is the posi
like other thermal model approaches which require tive sequence slip dependent rotor resistance (R,.,)
motor information which often is either dif?cult to divided by the rotor resistance at the rated speed (R0),
5 6
while the negative sequence resistance is the negative tance is 2R1+R0, such that the power source element
sequence slip dependent rotor resistance (R,_) divided 64 reduces to I12+5I22.
by the rotor resistance at rated speed (R0), where The above described thermal models produce motor
Rr+ =(R1 —— R0)S +R0, While Rr- =(R1 —Ro) protection which correlates with actual thermal condi
(2—S)+R0 where R1 is the locked rotor resistance, R0 tions in the motor.
is the rotor resistance at rated speed, S is the positive In addition to the above thermal models, a motor
sequence slip and 2~S is the negative sequence slip. relay may include some additional features, including a
The capacitive element 42 represents the thermal load jam element, a load loss element, a starts per hour
mass of the rotor, and is equal to R1/R0. The resistor element, and perhaps conventional overcurrent ele
element 46 represents the cooling effect present in the ments used to protect the cabling between the breaker
motor, i.e. the ability of the motor to give off heat. This and the motor. For load jam protection, a signal trip
is represented by the general expression 1L2 (TA—T0) will be issued when the current to the motor exceeds the
where IL equals the locked rotor current, TA is the pre-established load jam current setting for a set period
locked rotor thermal limit time, starting with the motor of time after the rotor has been determined to be in the
at ambient temperature (40°), and To is the locked ther run condition. For load loss protection, a trip is issued
mal limit time starting when the motor is at a run tem when the current to the motor falls below the pre-estab
perature (90° C.). Typically, Rl/Ro is 3. The value of S lished load loss current setting for a set time after the
(positive sequence slip) during the start condition is 1.0 run condition has been reached. Both of these protec
and during the run condition is 0.0. The combined effect tion “elements” are implemented in software in the
of the above elements representing the thermal condi microprocessor.
tion of the motor is applied to one input 47 of a compar For the starts per hour protection, a “start” count is
made each time the current exceeds the start current
ator 48 which compares that value, representing overall
motor “heat”, with a threshold temperature value on
standard, i.e. 2.5 times the full load motor current. Each
start indication is stored in a buffer. The buffer is
line 49 of ILZTA. If the value at input 47 is greater than
checked at the time of each start. When the number in
the input at 49, then a trip signal is produced on line 52.
the buffer exceeds the number set for one hour or some
A typical threshold temperature value (hot spot temper other speci?c time, a circuit breaker trip occurs.
ature) for the start condition is 300° C. Although a preferred embodiment has been disclosed
FIG. 5 shows the general thermal model of FIG. 4 in herein for purposes of illustration, it should be under
a start con?guration. The start condition is de?ned as stood that various changes, modi?cations and substitu
when the measured motor current is greater than 2.5 per tions may be incorporated in such embodiment without
unit of the rated current (run condition) of the motor. departing from the spirit of the present invention, which
During the start condition, RH. =R1, R,_ =R1 and the is de?ned by the claims‘ which follow.
power supplied to the rotor represented by source 50 We claim:
reduces to 3 I12+3 I22. The thermal capacity element 52 1. A protective relay for an induction motor, having
(Rl/Ro) is 3, and the thermal resistance element 54 is known operating parameters, comprising:
in?nity (the resistor 46 is hence shown out of the cir means for measuring the input current to the motor;
cuit) since there is effectively no cooling effect during means for establishing a ?rst thermal threshold value
the start condition. The threshold value for the compar for a ?rst, start condition of the motor, based on
ator 53 has an adjustment factor TD, which, when set to 40 selected operating parameters;
one, permits maximum rotor heating. A value of less means for determining a representation of the thermal
than one might be used in situations where the motor condition of the motor during the start condition
normally starts quickly, so the maximum temperature thereof, including means for determining positive
allowed (before the breaker is tripped) would reason and negative sequence power to the motor during
ably be less. To (the locked thermal limit time when the 45 the start condition, using positive and negative
motor is at a run temperature) is used in the threshold. sequence current values and resistance-dependent
This thermal model, carried out in the microprocessor values determined from selected operating parame
in software, represents the start condition of motor ters;
operation, and will produce a motor shut-down, if, for means comparing the start condition thermal repre
instance, the rotor does not turn after an extended per 50 sentation with said ?rst thermal threshold value
iod of time, indicating a locked rotor condition. and for producing an output signal when said ?rst
FIG. 6 shows the general model of FIG. 4 for the run thermal threshold value is exceeded by said start
condition of the rotor. The run condition is de?ned as thermal representation;
when the motor current is below 2.5 times the motor means for establishing a second thermal threshold
rated current. In the run model, the threshold value to 55 value for a second, run condition of the motor, the
comparator 63 decays from the threshold of the start second thermal threshold value being different
condition model to the run condition model at a rate than the ?rst thermal threshold value;
determined by the thermal time constant (RTC) of the means for determining a representation of the thermal
motor. RTC is obtained from the RC circuit 60 and 62 condition of the motor during the run condition
and is thus equal to 0.6 I LZTO, since element 60 (thermal 60 thereof, including means for determining positive
capacity R1/R0) is 3 and element 62 (thermal resistance) and negative sequence power to the motor during
is O.2IL2TQ during the run condition The time t begins the run condition, using positive and negative se
each time the run condition is declared. The complete quence current values and resistance-dependent
threshold value at comparator 63 is values determined from selected operating parame
[TDexp(—t/RTC+0.2]IL2T0. The thermal resistance 65 ters; and
0.2IL2T0, is approximately 50° C. during the run condi means comparing the run condition thermal represen
tion In the heat source 64, the positive sequence resis tation with said second thermal threshold value
tance is equal to R0 while the negative sequence resis and for producing an output signal when said sec
ond thermal threshold value is exceeded by said parameters of a locked rotor current and the thermal
run thermal representation. \ time for the rotor at the locked rotor current value.
2. A system of claim 1, including means using said 7. A system of claim 6, wherein said thermal time is
output signals to trip a circuit breaker to interrupt oper determined using the temperature of the rotor during its
ation of the motor. run condition as a base value.
3. A system of claim 1, wherein the ?rst and second 8. A system of claim 3, wherein the thermal represen
threshold values and the start and run condition thermal tation for the start and run conditions of the rotor in
representations are for a rotor portion of the motor. cludes a representation of the thermal mass of the rotor.
4. A system of claim 2, in which the positive and 9. An apparatus of claim 8, when the thermal mass of
10 the rotor is represented by an expression which includes
negative sequence power is represented by the sum of
three times the value of the positive sequence current the operating parameters of locked rotor resistance and
the rotor resistance at the rated speed of the rotor.
and three times the value of the negative sequence cur
10. A system of claim 3, wherein the run thermal
representation includes a representation of the ?ow of
5. A system of claim 3, wherein the operating param heat from the rotor to the atmosphere during the run
eters include full load current, locked rotor current, condition.
locked rotor thermal time, and rated service factor, all 11. A system of claim 10, wherein said heat ?ow from
of which are available from the motor manufacturers. the rotor is determined using locked rotor current and
6. A system of claim 3, wherein the ?rst and second thermal time parameters.
threshold values are determined using the operating * * * * *