An Analysis of Hydrodynamic Interaction of Floating Multi-Body Using Higher-Order Boundary Element Method
An Analysis of Hydrodynamic Interaction of Floating Multi-Body Using Higher-Order Boundary Element Method
An Analysis of Hydrodynamic Interaction of Floating Multi-Body Using Higher-Order Boundary Element Method
ABSTRACT element method (HOBEM) can be utilized. Liu et al. (1990) and
Choi et al. (2001) showed that the results of HOBEM are more
In this study, a higher-order boundary element method is used to accurate and convergent than those of CPM. For an comparative
analyze hydrodynamic interaction of floating multi-body study of hydrodynamic interaction between a floating body and
system. Perturbation scheme is adopted to tackle nonlinear vertical solid quay, Hong et al. (1999) concluded that HOBEM
problem. Linear problem is solved using wave Green function. is more efficient than CPM to solve hydrodynamic interaction
To investigate interaction phenomena, the radiation and problem. In the mean time, Lee & Choi (1998) and Huijsmans et
diffraction problems for two rectangular barges are solved. The al. (2001) applied CPM to FPSO-shuttle system of tandem and
motion responses and wave drift forces are calculated, also. In side-by-side arrangement, respectively.
the case of a platform-shuttle system, the hydrodynamic wave In this study, HOBEM is used to analyze hydrodynamic
loads and motion responses are evaluated and compared for two interaction of floating multi-body system. Perturbation scheme
different off-loading arrangement, tandem and side-by-side is adopted to tackle nonlinear problem and linear problem is
arrangement. solved using wave Green function.
To investigate interaction phenomena, the radiation and
KEY WORDS: hydrodynamic interaction, floating multi-body, diffraction problems for two rectangular barges are solved. The
higher-order boundary element method, tandem and side-by- motion responses and wave drift forces are calculated, also. In
side off-loading system the case of a FPSO-shuttle system, the hydrodynamic wave
loads and motion responses are evaluated and compared for two
INTRODUCTION different off-loading arrangement, tandem and side-by-side
As ocean development is growing up, various types of multi-
body systems are putting into and being devised. For an NUMERICAL METHODOLOGY
example, FPSO-shuttle system is focused on, due to its active
usage to exploit oil & gas resources. The feature of the To analyze fluid field, velocity potential is introduced and
performance and safety for multi-body systems is characterized boundary value problem is formulated. Based on the
by the relative phenomena, such as relative motions and perturbation method for small amplitude waves, the velocity
collision, caused by hydrodynamic interaction. This interaction potential and other physical quantities are expanded with respect
may result in unfavorable responses or risk of collision in multi- to the mean position. The 1st-order boundary value problem is
body system. Hence, the safety of mooring or link system well known, for example in Newman (1977), which can be
should be evaluated considering hydrodynamic interaction. decomposed into radiation and diffraction problem.
The intensive hydrodynamic interaction is attributed to locally Normally, 6-degree of freedom is adopted for the motions of
resonated waves in confined fluid field. Its physical aspect is single rigid body. However, for a multi-body system which is
somewhat complicated and variable. So, use of numerically composed of NB units, the concept of generalized mode leads to
accurate scheme is highly recommended so as to catch up its 6xNB degrees of freedom (Lee & Choi, 1998). The radiation
complexity. As a scheme for solving boundary-value problems, boundary condition is expressed as below ;
the constant panel method (CPM) and higher-order boundary