MBA105 - Almario - Parco - Assignment 2
MBA105 - Almario - Parco - Assignment 2
MBA105 - Almario - Parco - Assignment 2
TITLE PAGE......................................................................................................1
I. INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND................................................................3
X. CONCLUSIONS..........................................................................................13
XI. ATTACHMENT..........................................................................................14
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I. Introduction
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To remain ahead in scholarly investigation, IT frameworks must be
developed and organizes must be moved up to meet the ever-changing
client needs. This is valid too for LRZ to migrate its current IPv4 system to
new generation IPv6. With its larger address space, IPv6 would empower
the organization to convey the versatility and adaptability its student need.
To meet the bandwidth and performance demands of IPv6, the
organization required an answer that would give a similar demonstrated
soundness as its current system, to encourage progress and permit
across the board use.
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that IPv4 has its inherent limitations that began to create some
administrative issues; and
For this case study, the main objectives for finding the right
alternative course of action for LRZ were:
1) LRZ will deliver the scalability and flexibility its clients need;
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VII. Areas of considerations
1.) IPv6 would enable LRZ to deliver the 1.) The threat of introducing additional
scalability and flexibility its clients hardware
need which would require additional capital
2.) Cisco IPv6 network which lets LRZ 2.) To not be able to utilize the latest
E meet customer needs with a ‘one size networking
X fits all’ approach. technology which would directly
T impact their
E focus on staying ahead
R 3.) The networked platforms at the LRZ
N Supercomputing Centre deliver a more
A cost effi cient, systematic, and faster
L alternative to costly, time-intensive 3.) To not be able to meet escalating
experiments. network demands
4.) IPv6 is a promising protocol for
applications, providing secure
connectivity to
multiple devices and support for
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VIII. Alternative course of action
(2.) Proactive Approach - Adopt a proactive way to deal with IT tasks and
operations to help guarantee total, start to finish support in conveying
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The two approaches likewise hold chances; the threats that the
group up may not be effective or may fall apart or being proactive may not
suit their present industry which could prompt more operational expenses
rather than savings.
X. Programs
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XI. Conclusion
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XII. Attachments
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