University of Technology Chemical Engineering Oil and Refining Branch

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University Of Technology

Chemical Engineering
Oil and Refining Branch

Materials Engineering laboratory

Second Stage – Evening Study

Group No 6
‫جعفر ذياب عداي‬
‫وسام رشيد مطر‬

Name of the experiment

Tension Test

To obtain a general understanding of how material behave under -1
tensile loading
Demonstrate the relationship between stress and strain to -2
the tensile properties of a material from the results

Tensile testing is one of the simplest and most widely used
mechanical tests. By measuring the force required to elongate a
specimen to breaking point, material properties can be determined
that will allow designers and quality managers to predict how
. materials and products will behave in application


Tensile tests are performed for several reasons. The results of

tensile tests are used in selecting materials for engineering
applications. Tensile properties frequently are included in material
specifications to ensure quality. Tensile properties often are
measured during development of new materials and processes, so
that different materials and processes can be compared. Finally,
tensile properties often are used to predict the behavior of a material
under forms of loading other than uniaxial tension. The strength of
a material often is the primary concern. The strength of interest may
be measured in terms of either the stress necessary to cause
appreciable plastic deformation or the maximum stress that the
material can withstand. These measures of strength are used, with
appropriate caution (in the form of safety factors), in engineering
design. Also of interest is the material’s ductility, which is a
measure of how much it can be deformed before it fractures. Rarely
is ductility incorporated directly in design; rather, it is included in
.material specifications to ensure quality and toughness

Low ductility in a tensile test often is accompanied by low

resistance to fracture under other forms of loading. Elastic
properties also may be of interest, but special techniques must
be used to measure these properties during tensile testing, and
more accurate measurements can be made by ultrasonic

Engineering Stress is the ratio of applied force P and and cross

section or force per area.

𝜎 =𝑃/𝐴0

𝞼 is engineering stress

P is the external axial tensile load

𝐴0 is the original cross-sectional area

There are three types of stresses an seen in Fig. 1.

Engineering Strain is defined as extension per unit length.

Ɛ = ∆𝐿/𝐿0= − 𝐿0/𝐿0
Ɛ is the engineering strain
𝐿0 is the original length of the specimen
𝐿𝑓 is the final length of the specimen
An example of the engineering stress-strain curve for a typical
engineering alloy is shown in Figure 2. From it some very
important properties can be determined. The elastic modulus,
the yield strength, the ultimate tensile strength, and the fracture
strain are all clearly exhibited in an accurately constructed stress
strain curve.

True stress is the stress determined by the instantaneous load

acting on the instantaneous crosssectional area (Fig.3).
T = P/Ai
True strain is the rate of instantaneous increase in the
instantaneous gauge length (Fig.3).
T = ln (li/lo)

True stress-engineering stress relation (Assuming that total volume

remains constant)
σT = σ(ε + 1)
True strain-engineering strain relation

εT = ln (ε + 1)
Elastic region: The part of the stress-strain curve up to the
yielding point. Elastic deformation is
recoverable. In the elastic region stress and strain are related to
each other linearly. E is Modulus of
Elasticity or Young Modulus which is specific for each type of
Hooke’s Law: 𝜎 = 𝐸Ɛ

Plastic region: The part of the stress-strain diagram after the
yielding point. At the yielding pointthe plastic deformation
starts. Plastic deformation is permanent. At the maximum point
of the stress-strain diagram (𝜎𝑈𝑇𝑆), necking starts
Ultimate Tensile Strength, 𝞼𝑼𝑻𝑺 is the maximum strength that
material can withstand
𝜎𝑈𝑇𝑆 = 𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥/𝐴0
Yield Strength, 𝞼𝒀 is the stress level at which plastic deformation
initiates. The beginning of first plastic deformation is called
yielding. 0,2% off-set method is a commonly used method to
determine the yield stength. 𝜎𝑌 (0.2%) is found by drawing a
parallel line to the elastic region and the point at which this line
intersects with the stress-strain curve is set as the yielding point
.(Fig 4)

Fracture Strength, 𝞼𝑭: After necking, plastic deformation is not
uniform and the stress decreases accordingly until fracture.
𝜎𝐹 =𝑃𝑓/𝐴0
Toughness: The ability of a metal to deform plastically and to
absorb energy in the process before fracture is termed
toughness. The emphasis of this definition should be placed on

the ability to absorb energy before fracture. Toughness is given
by the area under the stress-strain curve as seen in the Fig. 5.

Ductility is a
measure of
how much
fracture, but
just because
a material is ductile does not make it tough. The key to
toughness is a good combination of strength and ductility. A
material with high strength and high ductility will have more
toughness than a material with low strength and high ductility.
Ductility can be described with the percent elongation or percent
reduction in area
% 𝐸𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 =𝐿𝑓−𝐿0/𝐿0 100 (percent elongation)
%𝑅𝐴 =𝐴0−𝐴𝑓/𝐴0 100)percent reduction in area(
Resilience: By considering the area under the stress-strain
curve in the elastic region, this area
.represents the stored elastic energy or resilience


stress-strain Deagram

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18



1- Compare and discuss the values of yield strength, ultimate

and Yong’s modulus with published values for the same

2- Draw stress-strain curve for ductile and brittle materials, then
discuss them.

The Stress/Strain Curve is the relationship between the

magnitude of applied stress on a material and the resulting strain
(or elongation) caused to the material.

3- What is necking? How does it lead to reduction in

engineering stress as true stress increase?

Ans/True stress accounts for the reduction in area of the

specimen as it necks - this is what makes it seem like
Engineering stress is ‘reducing’. It's not reducing, Engineering
stress simply doesn't account for this and assumes a constant
cross section.
Engineering stress is a simplification. When testing a specimen,
the load-extension graph that will be recorded will resemble a
true stress-strain graph rather than an Engineering stress-strain

4- Define plastic deformation and compare it with elastic
Ans/ Deformation is the action or process of deforming or
distorting. When a force is applied to an object, the object will
either compress or stretch as a response to the force. In
mechanics, the force applied to a unit area is called stress. The
extent of stretching or compressing (as a response to the stress)
is called strain. Every material responds differently to stress.
The response is highly dependent on the chemical bond type of
the substance. Deformations can be elastic or plastic based on
what happens after the stress is released. Elastic deformation is
the deformation that disappears upon removal of the external
forces causing the alteration and the stress associated with it.
Plastic deformation is a permanent deformation or change in
shape of a solid body without fracture under the action of a
sustained force. The main difference between elastic
deformation and plastic deformation is that elastic deformation
is reversible whereas plastic deformation is irreversible

5- Does the sample with the highest load means that material
has the greatest tensile strength? Why or why not?
Ans/ Tensile strength is the resistance of a material to breaking
under tension. So, if an object has high tensile strength, it
essentially means that it can resist a lot of tension before if


1- ASM International, Tensile Testing, second edition.

2- www. / Engineering math review
3- Nde research center
4- Azo materials


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