Apparatus Details

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1- Microscope:

An optical instrument used for viewing very small objects, such as mineral samples or animal or
plant cells, typically magnified several hundred times.

 It is used to observe the tissues, cells, microbial bodies etc. with 10x, 40x and 100x
power lenses.
 The function of any microscope is to enhance resolution. The microscope is used to
create an enlarged view of an object such that we can observe details not otherwise
possible with the human eye. Because of the enlargement, resolution is often confused
with magnification, which refers to the size of an image.
2- COD Thermoreactor:
It consist of solid aluminum block with provision for heating vials and tubes. Uniform heating is
achieved and can serve the purpose to function as solid block heater or dry block heater. Ideally
suited for COD digestion and other similar digestions.

It is used to heat the solution at the specific temperature for a specific time.

3- Electric Oven:
Laboratory ovens are ovens for high-forced volume thermal convection applications.
These ovens generally provide uniform temperatures throughout. Process applications
for laboratory ovens can be for annealing, die-bond curing, drying, Polyimide baking, sterilizing,
and other industrial laboratory functions.
Drying ovens are devices used to remove moisture from objects without cooking them. They are
used for a variety of purposes, from sterilizing laboratory equipment to dehydrating foodstuffs
such as raisins to extend their shelf life in the supermarket.

4- Water Distillation Apparatus:

Water distiller is a machine which is used to purify water using distillation process, which is
related to first boiling impure water after that collecting condensed water in a separate container.
This distilled water is used in laboratory, organic chemistry lab, clinic, fermentation and medical
industry etc.
It is used to distill the impure water using the process of impure water.

5- BOD Incubator:
BOD incubator is the most versatile and reliable low temperature incubator which is designed to
maintain at 20°C, necessary for Biological Oxygen Demand/Biochemical Oxygen Demand
(BOD) determination. BOD incubators provide controlled temperature conditions for accelerated
tests and exposures.

Refrigerated Incubators (often called B.O.D. or Low Temperature Incubators) are commonly
used for applications such as B.O.D. (Biological Oxygen Demand) Determinations, Plant and
Insect Studies, Fermentation Studies, Bacterial Culturing and Mycology Studies.

6- Spectrophotometer:
An apparatus for measuring the intensity of light in a part of the spectrum, especially as
transmitted or emitted by particular substances.
It works on a principle of light absorption. A beam is passed through the sample and then give
the details of impurities in a sample.

A spectrophotometer is an instrument that measures the amount of photons (the intensity of light)
absorbed after it passes through sample solution. With the spectrophotometer, the amount of a
known chemical substance (concentrations) can also be determined by measuring the intensity of
light detected.

7- Furnace:
An enclosed structure in which material can be heated to very high temperatures, e.g. for
smelting metals.
It is used to heat any sample or substance at very high temperature. This instrument ranges from
25 C – 1100 C.

8- Filtration Assembly:
It is combined with suction pump and a glass filter to filter any liquid for better result filter paper
may be used.
Filtration, the process in which solid particles in a liquid or gaseous fluid are removed by the use
of a filter medium that permits the fluid to pass through but retains the solid particles.

Vacuum Filtration. Suction filtration is a chemistry laboratory technique which allows for a
greater rate of filtration. Whereas in normal filtration gravity provides the force which draws the
liquid through the filter paper, in suction filtration a pressure gradient performs this function.

9- PH, Do & Conductivity Meter:

An electrical conductivity meter (EC meter) measures the electrical conductivity in a solution. It
has multiple applications in research and engineering, with common usage in hydroponics,
aquaculture, aquaponics, and freshwater systems to monitor the amount of nutrients, salts or
impurities in the water.

A conductivity meter measures the amount of electrical current or conductance in a
solution. Conductivity is useful in determining the overall health of a natural water body. It is
also a way to measure changes in wastewater procedures at water treatment plants.

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