Sex Has Made Us Stupid

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19/07/2020 Sex Has Made Us Stupid - henrymakow.


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Sex Has Made Us Stupid

January 15, 2019

Men want to have intercourse with

every attractive woman they see.
It's stupid, dehumanizing and it's
self-defeating too.
We've forgotten, or want to forget,
that sexual attraction is about
marriage and family and that we seek
much more than sex.

It's time to admit when it comes to sex, society is

increasingly dysfunctional. This is not progress. It is
sickness and decline. It's time we turned around and
began the arduous climb back to a higher place. 1/7
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Revised from June 29, 2017

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Considering that our most powerful instinct is also our

stupidest, no wonder humanity is in such a sorry state.

Sexual attraction is all about procreation. Men are attracted to

nice breasts because they feed babies.

The act of procreation is sacred. We are simulating an act that

creates life even if we practise conception. We are surrogates
of God. A man plants his seed in the fertile ground and
regards the child as his natural extension. He sustains both
mother and child and prepares the child to take his place in
the world.

Sexual intercourse is the most intimate physical act between

man and woman. It is dehumanizing if it does not correspond
to a human connection. It is an act of possession. If a man
takes possession of a woman, and then tosses her away like a
piece of litter, the psychological effect on the woman is

Yet most men (and women) are more than willing to let the
Illuminati degrade this sacred act to the level of sensual

Men fantasize about impregnating every attractive young

woman they see. They're obsessed with planting their seed in
that ground. But most think the job ends there. They really
don't care what happens after the seed grows. If we are
disconnected from our progeny, we are disconnected from


There were 50 million abortions in the US since 1970. Twenty

million worldwidethis year alone. 2/7
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necro (1).jpg

But do these possibilities even enter a man's mind?

No. Seed planted. Job over. Goodbye.

Apparently, men were designed to spread their seed, not

consider the consequences.

Talk about stupid.

What could be dumber than using another human being for

selfish sensual gratification?

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Under the Christian dispensation, the culture recognized that

sexual attraction is really about procreation. Men generally
are not attracted to women who are not fertile. The
culture sensibly linked sex to procreation by insisting on
marriage. If a man wanted the milk, he had to buy the cow.
This way, if sex had its intended consequence, there would be
a structure to care for it.

"Love and marriage...go together like a horse and carriage"

was a popular song at the time.

Sex was a sacrament, the symbol of a sacred bond between

man and woman. Men and women "made love." They
expressed their feelings by giving pleasure. It wasn't mutual
masturbation with a stranger.

Thinking of sex in these terms meant other women become off

limits. You can focus on more important and
more fulfilling things.

But upon entering the Satanist (Masonic) dispensation, things

have gone off the rails. The act of procreation was transformed
from a sacrament of marriage into sensual indulgence, a
carnival ride. Sex has become a lifelong sexual addiction, an
end in itself and the more the better.


Hence, the stupidity of mindless sexual attraction is on full


Let me count the ways.

1. Love is blind. By love, I mean lust. We are sexually

attracted to people who otherwise we often cannot stand.
Because sex has been detached from marriage and
procreation, we do not consider a woman's[personality and
fitness as wife and mother. 4/7
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These considerations go out the window: character,

personality, intelligence, skills, talent. Men are not looking for
a wife, but momentary diversion and release.

(At sea for weeks at a time, mostly male Canadian navy crews
are encouraged to embrace sodomy.)

2. The Illuminati use sexual attraction to create chaos and

control us. They prefer that we obsess on sex rather than on
their credit monopoly and permanent wars. Heterosexual
society is the victim of a massive behaviour modification
program. We are taught to behave like homosexuals who
generally indulge in sex for its own sake. Homosexuals
generally don't bond and don't want to marry.

Homosexuality is caused by gender confusion due to an

overbearing mother, absent father or same-sex molestation.
The Illuminati are reengineering healthy heterosexuals to
question our gender identity and behave like homosexuals.

Normalizing paedophilia is next. They are sexualizing children

in public schools. After that, incest and bestiality. There is no
depravity our satanist masters won't indulge because they
indulge in them all. Necrophilia for example. Some people
are in love with inanimate objects.
3. "Free love" is disastrous for women who get nothing in
exchange. How is giving away their most important asset
empowering? After 35, their sex appeal is in steep decline.
Women want the lifelong love and dedication of one man, their
husband. They need to marry when they are young and 5/7
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attractive. For their own sake, they need to reserve sex for
courtship, love and marriage.
4. Men and women seem incapable of governing sexual
attraction. It wasn't until I arrived at a ripe old age that I was
able to appreciate that appearance (sex attraction) bears no
relationship to character, personality and intelligence. Women
especially have been objectified. Hollywood has put them on a
pedestal. But women are very complex creations, not sperm

5. Dare we admit it? This thing we are conditioned to obsess

about, anonymous sex, is not that great. Sex without love is a
sad imitation. They've convinced us we want sex when we're
really looking for much more.


Joseph Daniel (J.D.) Unwin was an Oxford university social

anthropologist whose research on 80 primitive tribes and six
civilizations demonstrated that societies that practised
heterosexual monogamy were far more successful. Let's face
it. Society needs to replace itself and
nature has deemed that the heterosexual family is the most
effective way to do this.

(Only two genders. Nuclear family. Good for nature but not for Satanists who
overrule God and nature)

Satanists know this. That's why they promote "sexual

liberation" (promiscuity, porn) and gender confusion. 6/7
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We need to re-establish the bond between sex and

marriage/procreation. Sexual attraction is a primitive program
geared to procreation. By harnessing the sex drive to marriage
and family, Christian Western culture has humanized it. This is
for the benefit of men, women, children and society as a
whole. For our own sakes, we need to return to our cultural

Makow- How Society Became a Sex Cult
----------Sexual Depravity is the Hallmark of Satanic
-------- Gay Marriage is About Incremental Totalitarianism

--------- Personhood Law would have made Sex Act of

Procreation Again (It was Defeated) 7/7

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