Valve Clearance Inspection and Adjustment

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Eee ENGINE — ENGINE MECHANICAL, 5. RECONNECT INJECTION PUMP (FUEL CUT SOLENOID) CONNECTOR 6. REINSTALL GLOW PLUGS (See steps 14 to 17 in cylinder head installation) Torque: 12.5 N-m (127 kgf-om, 9 ftlbf) 7. START ENGINE AND CHECK FOR LEAKS VALVE CLEARANCE INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT HINT: Inspect and adjust the valve clearance when the engine is cold. 1, LH: REMOVE INTAKE AIR CONNECTOR steps 2 and 3 in cylinder head removal) REMOVE NO.2 CYLINDER HEAD COVER (See steps 2 and 4 in cylinder head removal) 3. REMOVE CYLINDER HEAD COVER (See step 15 in cylinder head removal) 4, SET NO.1 CYLINDER TO TDC/COMPRESSION (a) Turn the crankshaft pulley and align its groove with timing pointer. (b) Check that the valve lifters on the No.1 cylinder are loose and valve lifters on the No.4 are tight. If not, turn the crankshaft one revolution (360°) and align the mark as above. 5. INSPECT VALVE CLEARANCE (a) Check only the valves indicated. © Using a feeler gauge, measure the clearance be- tween the valve lifter and camshaft. © Record the out — of — specification valve cle: ance measurements. They will be used later to determine the required replacement adju: ENGINE — ENGINE MECHANICAL aoe Valve clearance (Cold): Intake 0.20 ~ 0.30 mm (0.008 ~ 0.012 in.) Exhaust 0.40 — 0.50 mm (0.016 — 0.020 in.) (b) Turn the crankshaft one revolution (360°) and align the mark as above. (See procedure in step 4) (0) Check only the valves indicated as shown. Measure the valve clearance. (See procedure in step (a)) 6. ADJUST VALVE CLEARANCE (a) Remove the adjusting shim. © Turn the crankshaft so that the cam lobe of the ‘camshaft on the adjusting valve points upward, © Using SST, press down the valve lifter. * Position the notch of the valve lifter facing the exhaust manifold side. ‘SST 09248-64011 HINT: © Remove the adjusting shim with a small screw- driver and magnetic finger. {b) Determine the replacement adjusting shim size by following the Formula or Charts; AA Using a micrometer, measure the thickness of the removed shim. * Calculate the thickness of a new shim so that the valve clearance comes within speci value. Thickness of removed shim Measured valve clearance nose N swam Thickness of new shim Intake N= T + (A — 0.26 mm (0.010 in.)) Exhaust: N= T+ (A — 0.45 mm (0.018 in.)) * Select a new shim with a thickness as close as, possible to the calculated valu HINT: Shims are available in 17 sizes in increments of 0.05 mm (0.0020 in.), from 2.50 mm (0.0984 in.) to 3.30 mm (0.1299 in.). belie ENGINE — ENGINE MECHANICAL Adjusting Shim Selection Using Chart INTAKE {Ba os iow Pes SEES! 0908 [ant caste oopDs oral Ses oes Soar "tao? Bom) Har pees sea New shim thcknoss_ mm tn} ee ee San Shire Sa eee em No Ne 01 | 280 (0,0984)| 46 {295 (0.1160) 42. | 2.55 (0.1004)| 26 |3.00 (0.1781) | 08 | 2.60 0.10241) 47 [3.06 (0.1201) 43 | 265 (0.1043) 31_[3.10 (0.1220) T1270 (0.1063)| 48 [3.15 (0.1240), ‘442.75 (0.1083)| 86 _|3.20 (0.1260), [18 | 280 10.1102) | 49 [3.25 (0.1280) 45 [285 (0.1122)| 41 [3.30 (0.1299) 21 [2.90 (0.1742) ela Thiekiess: Thicknoss Intake valve clearance (Cold): 0.20 — 0.30 mm (0.008 — 0.012 in} EXAMPLE: The 2.800 mm {0.1102 in.) shim is installed ‘and the measured clearance is 0.350 mm (0.0138 in}. Replace the 2.800 mm (0.1102 in) shim with a No.21 shim, ENGINE — ENGINE MECHANICAL Loti Adjusting S EXHAUST Selection Using Chart a lle sels eeeRerll xm ERSESE legals ian + te ea Cong str =e300 0% saso=8mnipa [estes ca pert Lege Beenie! San er eae Sore ee eee cs oo nae Faced 2 eee oe a hee cee Sa eee oe HBet = na teIE Tess = 050 focave beat) — peer mon tind stb [omnes —nease) — wrk Eee Thickness | St | Thickness 2.50 (0.6984)| 46 (295 O116n 2.55 (0.1004) [26 [3.00 (0.1181) SRRSRETELCTO iz TH ews ct 2.60 (0.1024)| 47 [3.05 10.1201) Hs onet an 2.88 (0.1043)| 31 [3.10 0.1220) tet pee =oeme — A 2.70 (0.1083)| 48 |3.15 (0.1240), 2.76 (0.1083)| 36 [3.20 (0.1260) 2.80 (0.1102)| 49 [3.25 10.1280) 2.86 (0.1122)| 41 13.30 (0.1299) 21 | 2.86 (0.1142) Exhaust valve clearance (Cold): 0.40 ~ 0,50 mm (0.016 — 0.020 in) EXAMPLE: The 2.800 mm (0.1102 in) shim is installed and the measured clearance is 0,350 mm (0.0138 in). Replace the 2.800 mm (0.1102 in) shim with a No.11 shim,

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