8° Año - Inglés - Prueba - Future Mastters

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Prueba “Unit 4: Future matters”

Name: ______________________________ Grade:___________ Date:____________

Puntaje ideal: 40 points Exigencia: 60% Puntaje real: Nota:

4,0: 24 points

- Aplicar vocabulario temático de la unidad.

- Expresar predicciones sobre el futuro.

- Utilizar estrategias de comprensión lectora para identificar información general y específica.

1) Classify the unit vocabulary: (10 points)

Technological Good actions for the Bad actions for the Types of habitat
devices planet planet

Use clean energy Lake Smartphones Run out of water Desert

Computers Recycle Use smart cars Cut down trees Forest

2) Answer the following questions: (4 points)

a) What is the meaning of wind energy? _________________________________
b) Name two endangered animals: ___________________, _________________.
c) What is the meaning of pollution? _____________________________________.
d) Name two technological devices: ___________________, __________________.

3) Match the sentences to make predictions: (8 points)

a) If we cut down trees, _____ The animals won’t have their habitats.
b) If we waste the water, _____ We will save the planet.
c) If we use renewable energy, _____ The forest will disappear.
d) If we don’t protect the forest, _____ The planet will run out of water.

4) Write the meaning in Spanish (4 points):

a) Cut down trees: _______________________ b) Clean energy: __________________
c) Artificial intelligence: ____________________d) Forest: ________________________
5) Complete the sentences with Will - Won’t to make predictions for the future: (8 points)
a) I suppose, we ________ have English classes tomorrow (Negative)
b) I think, my sister and I ________ travel next year. (Affirmative)
c) It _________ rain next week. (Negative)
d) My classmates __________ pass the exams (Negative)
e) I think, my parents ____________ visit the museum next month (Affirmative)
f) Aliens ______________ visit the planet in the future. (Affirmative)
g) The planet ______________ disappear in the future. (Affirmative)
h) I suppose, the test _____________ be easy. (Negative)

6) Read the text and answer the following questions: (6 points)

Global warming is the climate change, in other words the increase of the heat in Earth’s
atmosphere. What can we do?
There are many ways to protect the planet. If you turn off the lights or electrical devices, you
will stop wasting energy. If you walk or use a bike, you will stop wasting gasoline.
We should reduce the air pollution in the atmosphere. If we plant trees, flowers and plants;
the air will be cleaner.
Finally, we have to integrate the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) rules into our lives. Reduce
the amount of your garbage. Reuse the items such as jars, pots, newspapers, carrier bags,
packaging papers, etc. Recycle paper, plastic, metal and glass.
a) What is global warming?
b) What is the meaning of 3 Rs?
c) What materials can we recycle?

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