Letter For SBOQ (Civil) Dec 2018
Letter For SBOQ (Civil) Dec 2018
Letter For SBOQ (Civil) Dec 2018
All EDs(Projects)/CPMs/GGM/GMs
1. The yearly exercise for updation of rates of Standard Bill of Quantities of RVNL has
already been completed and circulated vide letter no. C/Policy/Estimate &
BOQ/2011/24 Pt.III dated 31.10.2018. The Committee constituted for revision of
bidding documents in its final report, has considered necessary to revise certain
items of SBOQ, include few new items and also to issue revised SBOQ for all
disciplines duly updated upto March 2018.
2. Accordingly, the revised SBOQ for Civil Engineering works updated upto March
2018 is now being issued. Descriptions of item no. 1002, 2012, 2063a to 2063d,
2064a, 2076, 4029, 4029a, 5007, 5009, 5015, 5022, 5023, 5031, 6001e, 6003,
6004, 6005, 7001, 7002, 7005, 7018, 7027, 7028, 7061, 7063, 7064, 9003a, 9003b
& 9004 have been modified. Rates of item no. 1002d, 1003, 5007, 5031b, 5031c &
9004 have been revised. Item no. 2039, 6003, 6004, 6005, 7007c, 7018, 7021,
7027, 7028 & 7063 have been made site specific. Item no. 5031d & 5031e have
been deleted. The standard rate analysis for item no. 2012 and 7003 has been
revised. Standard rate analysis for item no. 2039, 7007c, 7021 have been
3. The revised SBOQ (Civil Engg.) contains a Preamble followed by SBOQ grouped
under 15 sub heads as under:-
5. The rates for items as in the SBOQ should be strictly followed. However, the rates
for the following items are considered as site specific and should be analyzed
separately for each project.
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Bill Bill Name Item Short description of item
No. No.
amenities and 7002 1:3:6 Nominal Mix Concrete
miscellaneous works 7003 1:2:4 Nominal Mix Concrete
7004 Earthwork in filling for platform etc
7007c Vacuum dewatered cement concrete
7018 station name board
7021 Brick work
7027 RCC Hectometre & Reference Posts
7028 cement concrete STEPS for FOB
7033 Re-grading and widening of existing LC
7063 MS benches
8 Supply of Cement 8001 OPC 43 grade Cement
8002 OPC 53 grade Cement
8003 Portland Pozzolana Cement
8004 Portland Slag Cement
10 Other items of works 10001 Unified SOR Items (see para 8 below)
not covered in Bill No.
1 to 9
6. Two new items (No. 2047 & 2048) for exploratory boreholes and one new item (no.
9005) for large format plotter have been included in the SBOQ. Item no. 2047 is for
drilling boreholes in all type of soils except hard rock and item no. 2048 is for rock.
7. The rate for site specific items for Bill no. 1, 2, 3, 6 (except item no. 6001 & 6002),
7 & 8 should be analyzed based on the standard rate analysis (as issued from time
to time and being uploaded on website) by adopting local market rates of inputs
and labour. However, while proposing the rates, the rates being obtained for
similar items of work on Zonal Railways in adjacent sections should be kept in view
and any substantial deviations in the rates should be justified. If no such rate is
available, CPM may certify the same. Revised standard rate analysis for item no.
2012 and 7003 along with new standard rate analysis for item no. 2039, 7007c,
7021 is enclosed herewith. However, no standard rate analysis for site specific
item no. 6003, 6004, 6005, 7018, 7027, 7028 & 7063 have been prepared as the
rate for these items to be worked out by PIUs themselves depending upon the
drawing which is to be mentioned in respective item by PIU while preparing the
BOQ for a tender.
8. The rate for supply of Cement in Bill No.8 may be worked out as an average of the
prevailing market rates of three popular brands of cement in the area at the time of
preparation of BOQ/Detailed Estimate. While working out such rates, instructions
issued vide this office letter no. C/Standard/BOQ/2008 Pt.V dated 17.06.2015
should also be kept in view.
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9. As the payment for item no. 6001 & 6002 Bill No.6 (Buildings) is to be made on
plinth area basis, the specifications for buildings are required to be incorporated in
the bidding document so that the scope of work is clear to the bidders. The model
specifications as specified in SBD are to be adopted. However, if the concerned
Zonal Railway insists for changes as per their laid down specifications, these
changes may be incorporated in the Bidding document specifically bringing out the
changes from the model specifications and the financial implications of the same at
the time of submission of Detailed Estimate for approval of Corporate Office.
The rates for item no. 6001 & 6002 of Bill No. 6 should be site specific and rates
adopted as per rates/building cost indices circulated by zonal Railway(s) for
preparation of estimates. In case, such rates/cost indices are not available, rates of
CPWD, state PWD, Govt. departments/PSUs etc as applicable in /around project
area may be obtained or rate analysis may be done.
10. Bill no. 10 is for items of work not covered in Bill no. 1 to 9 required to be executed
which cannot be foreseen at the time of inviting tender. Execution of such items of
works shall be done through various items covered by chapters 1 to 25 of Unified
SOR of Zonal Railway in whose jurisdiction majority of the project length falls,
which shall be indicated in this schedule with year of USOR. The amount of item
no. 10001 is to be arrived at by considering the prevailing percentage above/below
in the area. The total amount/value of the USOR items should not exceed 1% of
the total contract value subject to a maximum of Rs. 1 (one) crore.
PIUs may also include specific Unified SOR items with specific quantity and
rate as per requirement as NS items in this bill.
This bill will be operated for only those works, which cannot be executed by
operation of BOQ items in other bills.
11. In the bill of quantities, if any new item is required to be added the same should be
incorporated at the end of the relevant bill, duly justifying the same.
12. While submitting estimate or BOQ to the Corporate Office for approval/sanction,
the following certificate should invariably be recorded in the forwarding letter by
CPM/GM in-charge of the project.
“No charges have been made in the description, Unit and rate of items of the
SBOQ, except for the following: -
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The rates being obtained for similar items of works on Zonal Railways
in adjacent sections have been kept in view and any substantial
deviation in rates have been justified (if no such rate is available,
CPM may certify the same).
ii) New item No……..in Bill No…….and item No………in Bill No……have
been added for which rates have been analyzed and vetted by
13. Soft copies of the above mentioned documents are being sent through email and
also being uploaded on the website.
(P. K. Sharma)
Group General Manager/P-II
Copy to:
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(based on item no. 4.1.3, 4.7.1, 5.9.1, 6.1.1, 6.4.1 & 11.1.2 of CPWD Delhi DAR 2016 )
S. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
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S. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Sundries L.S. 14.3 1.73 24.74
Cost of 1 cum 1:2:4
A 2,866.22
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S. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
labour Code No. 0124 of
4 class
CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
Rates as per basic rates for
Beldar day 0.00250 368 0.92 labour Code No. 0114 of
CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
Rates as per basic rates for
Coolie day 0.01620 368 5.96 labour Code No. 0115 of
CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
Rates as per basic rates for
Bhisti day 0.00270 407 1.10 labour Code No. 0101 of
CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
(ii) 25mm thick cement Rate as per (A) above. Labour
concrete 1:2:4 in pavement for fixing blocks in Item no.
2.00x2.00x0.025 = 0.100 2.6 to 2.8 above taken as
Qty taken for cost of using average of that for brickwork
2.4 once = 0.100/40 = 0.0025 cum 0.0025 2,866.22 7.17 Item no. 6.1.1 & 6.4.1 of
cum CPWD Delhi DAR 2016 as
labour element of item no.
4.7.1 is for lifting, hoisting and
fixing manually.
Rates as per rate analysis for
cement mortar 1:6 (below
Cement Mortar 1:2 for
AOR for item no. 2039). Qty
2.5 Fixing 0.1625/100x25 = cum 0.0410 1769.5 72.55
taken half of surface area with
10 mm thick mortar for 25
Rates as per basic rates for
labour Code No. 0115 of
CPWD Delhi DAR 2016. Qty
2.6 Coolie day 0.495 368 182.16 reduced in proportion of
0.325/1.0 from average of
quantities given for CPWD
item no. 6.1.1 & 6.4.1.
Rates as per basic rates for
labour Code No. 0123 of
CPWD Delhi DAR 2016. Qty
Mason (brick layer) 1st
2.7 day 0.13 487 63.31 reduced in proportion of
0.325/1.0 from average of
quantities given for CPWD
item no. 6.1.1 & 6.4.1.
Rates as per basic rates for
labour Code No. 0124 of
CPWD Delhi DAR 2016. Qty
Mason (brick layer) 2nd
2.8 day 0.07 448 32.7 reduced in proportion of
0.325/1.0 from average of
quantities given for CPWD
item no. 6.1.1 & 6.4.1.
Rates as per basic rates for
2.9 Bhisti day 0.063 407 25.64 labour Code No. 0101 of
CPWD Delhi DAR 2016. Qty
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S. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
reduced in proportion of
0.325/1.0 from average of
quantities given for CPWD
item no. 6.1.1 & 6.4.1.
Rates of carriage of bricks as
2.1 1000 per basic rates for materials
Carriage of blocks 0.025 276.72 6.92
0 nos. Code No. 2201 of CPWD Delhi
DAR 2016.
TOTAL 1339.01
Add 1% Water charges 13.39
TOTAL 1352.40
Add 15% Contractor's profit
and overheads
Cost for 0.3125 cum 1555.26
Cost per cum 4976.83
Say 4977
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S. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Pointing with 1:3 cement sqm 3.5 139.35 487.73 Rates as per rate analysis
mortar (@3.5 sqm for 1 cum of for flush pointing with 1:3
5 RR masonry considering wall cement mortar (given
thickness of 40 cm and inside below)
and top face to be pointed)
6 Mason (for plain stone work) day 1.07 448.00 Rates as per basic rates
2nd class for labour Code No. 0125
of CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
7 Beldar day 1.07 368.00
Rates as per basic rates
393.76 for labour Code No. 0114
of CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
8 Coolie day 0.71 368.00 Rates as per basic rates
261.28 for labour Code No. 0115
of CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
9 Bhisti day 0.09 407.00
Rates as per basic rates
36.63 for labour Code No. 0101
of CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
10 Cement concrete 1:6:12 L.S. 0 1.73 0 Not applicable
11 Sundries L.S. 4.42 1.73 7.65
Total 2,865.80
12 Add Water charges @ 1% 28.66
Total 2,894.46
13 Add CPOH @ 15% 434.17
Total 3,328.63
Cost of 1 Cum 3,328.63
Say 3,329
(based on item no. 3.10 of CPWD DAR 2016, Note:-Rate analysis for 1:5 and 1:3 is same as cement cost
is not included)
S. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Details of cost for 1 cum
1 tonn 0 5700.00 0.00
Portland Cement e
2 tonn 0 92.24 0.00
Carriage of cement e
3 Coarse sand (zone III) cum 1.07 1200.00 1284.00 Rates as per basic rates
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S. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
for materials Code No.
982 of CPWD Delhi DAR
4 cum 1.07 103.77 111.03 Rates as per basic rates
for materials Code No.
2203 of CPWD Delhi DAR
Carriage of Coarse sand 2016.
For measuring, carrying,
depositing and mixing-
5 day 0.75 368.00 276.00 Rates as per basic rates
for labour Code No. 0114
of CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
6 day 0.07 407.00 28.49
Rates as per basic rates
for labour Code No. 0101
of CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
7 L.S. 26.91 1.73 46.55
Hire and running charges of
mechanical mixer
8 Sundries L.S. 13.52 1.73 23.39
Cost of 1.00 cum 1769.47
Say 1769.50
Rate Analysis for Flush/Ruled Pointing on Stone work (1:3 cement mortar):
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4 Coolie day 1.37 368.00 504.16 Rates as per basic rates
for labour Code No. 0115
of CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
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Item no. 7003:
No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Rates as per basic rates for
labour Code No. 0155 of
1.6 Mason (average) day 0.1 467 46.7
CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
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No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Rates as per basic rates for
labour Code No. 0101 of
1.8 Bhisti day 0.7 407 284.9
CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
Analysis based on item no.
2 5.9.2 of CPWD Delhi DAR
Details of cost for
Area of contact
2.0mx7.9mx1.00m = 15.8
Volume of Concrete =
7.9x1x(0.55+0.25)/2 = 3.16
Assuming shuttering of
Material will become
unserviceable after use of 40
times, Adding for
maintenance @ 10% of cost,
Taking salvage value after
full use of material @ 25%
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No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Total 5201.73
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No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
Add for Contractor’s Profit
and Overheads @ 15% (no 780.26
rates reqd.)
cost for3.16 cum 5981.99
B cost per cum cum 1893.04
Say 4759
Total 4,956.93
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S. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
For selection of bricks
5 Beldar day 0.50 368 184.00 Rates as per basic rates for
labour Code No. 0114 of
CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
6 Mason (brick layer) 1st class day 0.46 487 224.02 Rates as per basic rates for
labour Code No. 0123 of
CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
7 Mason (brick layer) 2nd class day 0.46 448 206.08 Rates as per basic rates for
labour Code No. 0124 of
CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
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S. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
8 Coolie day 1.60 368 588.80 Rates as per basic rates for
labour Code No. 0115 of
CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
9 Bhisti day 0.20 407 81.40 Rates as per basic rates for
labour Code No. 0101 of
CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
6 Mason (brick layer) 2nd class day 0.60 448 268.80 Rates as per basic rates for
labour Code No. 0124 of
CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
7 Coolie day 2.00 368 736.00 Rates as per basic rates for
labour Code No. 0115 of
CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
8 Bhisti day 0.70 407 284.90 Rates as per basic rates for
labour Code No. 0101 of
CPWD Delhi DAR 2016.
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