Coffee Condesation
Coffee Condesation
Coffee Condesation
Coffee [German
Table of contents
Product information
Container transport
Cargo securing
Product information
Product name
French Café
Spanish Café
Scientific Coffea arabica
Product description
Coffee shrubs (Coffea arabica), which belong to the madder (Rubiaceae) family, are
shrubs with evergreen, leathery leaves, white flowers and spherical, reddish purple stone
fruits, known as coffee cherries. Originally native to East Africa, coffee was cultivated
for the first time in Brazil in 1740. The coffee shrub thrives in a tropical climate in shady
locations with high rainfall in both mountainous areas (Coffea arabica, see below) and
lowlying areas (Coffea liberica, Coffea robusta).
Since the coffee shrub blossoms throughout the year, each shrub carries fruits at all the
various stages of development.
Green coffee beans are the seeds of the coffee shrub, which are disengaged completely
from the husk and to a considerable extent from the seed coat (silver skin). In general,
each coffee cherry contains two coffee beans, which lie with their flat sides together and
exhibit longitudinal furrows in the middle of these sides.
Coffee beans contain the alkaloid caffeine (0.8 - 2.5%), which has a stimulating effect on
the human nervous system, for which reason coffee is counted as a semiluxury item.
There are three varieties of coffee shrub which are of economic significance:
The coffee beans of this variety are more expensive, the higher
the plantations, as the fruits ripen more slowly at greater
altitudes, becoming horny and hard and containing only little
moisture. They consequently have a strong, full flavor. They have
a caffeine content of approx. 1.2%. This variety accounts for 75 -
80% of the world's coffee harvest.
The washed varieties are generally those from the higher quality grades.
However, their higher hygroscopicity makes them more susceptible to
moisture damage.
Figure 2: Flowchart illustrating the wet process
Quality / Duration of storage
Green coffee beans are graded according to certain criteria, such as shape, size,
uniformity of the beans, color, horniness, husk, cut, gloss, smoothness of the beans,
proportion of defective beans, foreign matter and odor.
For instance, beans should be graded into uniform shapes and sizes. A distinction is
drawn between flat beans (2 beans in a cherry), peaberries (only 1 bean in a cherry, not
flattened) and Maragogype coffee (particularly large beans).
The color of the beans must exhibit a greenish to deep green and fresh background hue
and varies depending on variety and origin (top varieties from Central America: strong
green to gray-blue, other varieties: light yellow to light green).
Fading color, starting at the tips of the beans, results from a relatively long storage time
and is deemed to indicate poor quality. Fresh-colored coffee beans are recently harvested,
while yellowish-green hues are indicative of beans from an older harvest.
Horniness is also an indicator of product freshness: fresh beans should be tough and have
to be peeled with a knife in the manner of horn. The cutting test shows that highland
coffee is hard and has a horny, tightly serrated and wrinkly cut surface. A straight, broad,
open cut indicates lowland coffee.
Coffee beans must be hard and not spongy (especially washed coffee beans), i.e. if a
finger nail is pressed into the bean, it should leave no trace.
In addition, the proportion of defective beans and foreign matter constitutes an important
criterion in the quality grading of coffee. Thus, the highest quality green coffee is sorted
(previously hand-sorted, now sorted by machine) and contains only a few defective
beans. Foreign matter, such as sticks, stones and leaf residues, has been almost
completely removed, while medium quality green coffee still contains a considerable
proportion of defective beans and foreign matter.
Foreign contamination
matter due to stones,
sticks, small
lumps of earth
The following terms allow conclusions to be drawn as to the quality of the coffee:
Quality specifications for coffee vary very widely in Europe. Basically, the darker the
coffee is roasted, the lower is the required starting quality. If German quality
requirements are taken as a baseline of 100%, the coffee qualities required in Scandinavia
are between 110 and 120%, while Southern Europe demands qualities of between 60 and
70%, i.e. a loss causing depreciation of 20% in Germany does not constitute a loss at all
in southern Europe.
Washed coffee may be stored for several years if the recommended storage conditions are
complied with.
Intended use
As a semiluxury item: green coffee beans are roasted, ground and brewed. They are
further processed to yield products such as (freeze-dried) instant coffee.
Figure 4a
Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 4b
This Table shows only a selection of the most important countries of origin and should
not be thought of as exhaustive.
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Coffee beans are usually packaged in new bags of woven natural materials (e.g. jute or
sisal), which allow free air circulation. Their net weight is generally 60 kg, but may be 69
kg in Central America/Colombia.
Coffee from Mexico is sometimes shipped in a sisal outer bag containing a plastic inner
bag. This plastic inner bag is perforated. Woven plastic bags, as are occasionally used for
transport from West Africa, have no effect on the quality of the coffee, provided that they
are air-permeable.
Figure 10
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Means of transport
Figure 11
Container transport
The protective and ventilation measures conventionally taken in a general cargo ship do
not generally apply to containers.
Containers have increased handling speeds decisively. The constant increase in container
ship tonnage has increasingly reduced the supply of space in conventional ships. Approx.
95% of European coffee imports are already transported in containers - the change-over
to containerized coffee transport is largely complete.
Two types of container are used to transport coffee:
The bottom, sides and top areas of the cargo block in the
container should be lined with packing paper. Incipient container
sweat (initial drips) may be soaked up and distributed by the
Figure 15 Figure 16
2.) Ventilated containers ("coffee containers")
Figure 17 Figure 18
Figure 19 Figure 20
Because the ventilated containers are ventilated in this manner, they must be loaded
below deck. On deck, the airflow through such containers might not be sufficient and the
containers would also be exposed to considerable temperature fluctuations. Furthermore,
on deck the additional ventilation openings in the container create the risk of seawater
spray deposition.
The container floor should be lined with paper. There must be no dunnage at the sides
and in the top area, since the ventilation action would otherwise be impaired or
completely prevented.
The wooden flooring of the containers must be absolutely clean. If washed, it must be
completely dried; the water content of the flooring should be 12%, corresponding to a
lumber equilibrium moisture content of 70%, so that the flooring does not constitute an
additional source of water vapor to dampen the coffee cargo and container atmosphere.
"Bulk containers": Approx. 1/3 of containerized coffee is transported as bulk cargo in 20'
standard containers. Liner bags of plastic fabric are suspended in the containers. The
container and liner bag are filled in a tilted position and both are then closed. The
dunnage recommendations for "bulk containers" are the same as those for standard
Cargo handling
Hooks must not be used in cargo handling as they subject the cargo to point loads, so
damaging the bags. Due to their shape, plate or bag hooks apply an area load and are thus
more suitable for handling bags.
In damp weather (rain, snow), the cargo must be protected from moisture, since moisture
ingress may cause damage.
Stowage factor
1.90 m3/t (flat bags of jute fabric, 60 kg, Santos, Brazil) [1]
1.98 m3/t (jute bag, 61 kg, Mombasa, Kenya) [1]
1.72 - 1.81 m3/t (bags from Brazil) [11]
1.81 - 2.09 m3/t (bags) [11]
1.70 - 1.90 m3/t (bags) [14]
Fiber rope, thin fiber nets. Used nets must be washed and dried before use, to prevent
tainting by odors or seawater.
Cargo securing
In order to ensure safe transport, the bags must be stowed and secured in the means of
transport in such a manner that they cannot slip or shift during transport. If loss of
volume and degradation of quality are to be avoided, the packages must not be damaged
by other articles or items of cargo.
Attention must also be paid to stowage patterns which may be required as a result of
special considerations, such as ventilation measures.
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RF Temperature
0 - 20°C [1]
Travel temperature
< 20°C [2]
The goods must be protected from frost (< 0°C).
In general, temperatures should be between 10 and 20°C during transport of green coffee
There is a close connection between fluctuations in the ambient temperature and the
formation of condensation water (sweat) in the hold or container. Thus, during a voyage
from a hot climate (port of loading, e.g. South America in December, i.e. summer in
southern hemisphere) to a cold climate (port of discharge, e.g. Northern Europe in
December, i.e. winter in the northern hemisphere) intensive cooling of the cargo is
essential. Temperatures gradients of as much as 50°C between "summer in the southern
hemisphere" and "winter in the northern hemisphere" are entirely possible. A sudden fall
in temperature also leads to a higher probability of condensation water formation below
the ship's deck or in the container. The resultant dripping sweat then causes considerable
cargo losses. Overintensive cooling of the cargo surfaces may also lead to condensation
water formation directly on the cargo (cargo sweat).
Figure 24
For this reason and owing to the close relationship between temperature and humidity in
the hold together with the external weather conditions, it is necessary to take daily
temperature and humidity measurements (external temperature, hold temperature,
relatively humidity), so that an appropriate ventilation program can be drawn up.
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RF Humidity/Moisture
Designation Source
10 - 12% [4]
Maximum equilibrium
65% [1]
moisture content
Preventing the formation of condensation water in the hold is absolutely essential and
constitutes the number one priority.
The cargo in the hold (or in the container) should be protected from dripping sweat by
placing mats, jute coverings, gunny cloth or similar coverings at a distance of approx. 0.5
m above the cargo surface (where possible). The spacing from the cargo is necessary to
ensure adequate ventilation. For this reason, use of tarpaulins or plastic films should be
avoided, since the coffee beans may otherwise start to postferment.
Figure 25 Figure 26
According to the sorption isotherm for green coffee beans, beans with an 8.5 - 10% water
content are at equilibrium with a relative humidity of 50 - 65%.
Figure 27
If coffee beans have an excessively high moisture content, there is a risk of mustiness,
mold growth and post- or overfermentation. Washed coffee frequently has a higher
moisture content than unwashed coffee, due to the processing technique used, so meaning
that it also releases more water vapor and is therefore more at risk from sweat.
Moisture damage (vapor damage, fresh and salt water damage) does not generally
become apparent until several days after the beans have come into contact with water and
is then manifested by a musty odor and visible changes to the beans.
Exposure to wetness (excessive humidity, rain, sweat) turns the beans white, and
sometimes subsequently black, moldy and swollen. A relatively long period of exposure
to wetness results in a musty/rotten odor.
Figure 28
Salt water damage may have been caused by seawater ingress during lighterage (=>
seawater test using the silver nitrate method). Bags damaged by sea- or rain water should
be rejected. In addition, the salt content of the seawater increases water vapor absorption
by coffee beans.
Figure 29
Green coffee beans should never be transported in the same compartment in conventional
ships as rafted logs (high water vapor release).
Normal loading humidity of between 11 and 13%. Values of up to 13.5% are still
acceptable. Where values are between 13.5 and 14%, i.e. the mold growth
threshold of 75% relative humidity has already been reached, it is essential to use
ventilated containers, and to ensure very rapid stripping after unloading the
container from the ocean-going ship.
Very few exporters dry coffee to a level of 10%. Since the weight of coffee is the
basis for trade, tax and duty, in this case special agreements and preparations are
required on the part of the exporter. If the water content of coffee is reduced to
values below 10%, the structure, flavor and odor of the coffee change
(depreciation due to loss of aroma).
The Far East exports coffee at particularly high moisture levels (approx. 14%).
Ventilated containers must be used for the purpose of loss prevention. Stripping
must be performed very quickly, especially in winter in the northern hemisphere.
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RF Ventilation
The beans constantly release water vapor during the voyage, and the water content may
fall by 0.5 - 1%. This released water vapor must be removed to the outside by suitable
ventilation in order to reduce the risk of condensation in the event of unfavorable ambient
conditions (e.g. sudden drops in temperature of the external air). Intensive cooling must
be provided, especially during voyages into cold climates. A sudden drop in temperature
causes sweat to form below deck. Considerable damage may be caused by dripping
sweat. Overintensive cooling of the cargo surfaces after a sharp drop in temperature may
also lead to sweat formation directly on the cargo.
The elevated relative humidity in the hold may also lead to mold damage.
In the event of a sharp drop in external air temperature, any consequent rapid impact
upon the holds and thus upon the containers may be alleviated by reducing or completely
ceasing ventilation. In the event of a sharp decline in the temperature of the hold air, the
ceilings and free wall surfaces of the containers are particularly prone to cooling. If the
air above the cargo has a relatively high water vapor content (which occurs with goods
with a high water content), it must be expected that condensation will form to a particular
degree on these surfaces.
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RF Biotic activity
Respiration processes are essentially suspended, but biochemical and microbial processes
continue. Despite the fermentation process, the embryo is preserved: the loss of the
ability to germinate has an unfavorable effect on the contents and thus on the quality of
the green coffee beans.
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RF Gases
If ventilation has been inadequate (frost) or has failed owing to a defect, life-threatening
CO2 concentrations or O2 shortages may arise. Therefore, before anybody enters the hold,
it must be ventilated and a gas measurement carried out.
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RF Self-heating / Spontaneous combustion
No risk.
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RF Odor
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RF Contamination
Figure 30
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RF Mechanical influences
Point loads applied for example by hooks may result in damage (tears) to the bags and
thus to losses of volume. Plate or bag hooks, which, due to their shape, distribute the load
and reduce the risk of damage, should thus be used. Exposure to moisture in particular
increases the susceptibility of jute bags to rotting, which reduces their mechanical
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RF Toxicity / Hazards to health
Black spots resulting from the formation of condensation water may be caused a mold
containing the toxin ochratoxin A, which is suspected of being carcinogenic. This mold is
extremely heat-resistant and is not destroyed even by roasting (160°C). It may occur in
grain, pasta, spices, wine and beer. Coffee roasters must ensure that the green product is
fit for use (max. permitted level 3 micrograms / 1 kg foodstuff).
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RF Shrinkage/Shortage
Weight loss caused by the release of water vapor during the voyage may amount to up to
0.5%. Loss of volume may also be caused by tears in bags.
If very dry coffee is shipped, storage under conducive conditions may even result in a
weight increase.
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RF Insect infestation / Diseases
The coffee beetle (Araeocerus fasciculatus) is a typical storage pest, which easily spreads
during relatively long periods of storage ashore. Coffee may additionally be infested with
cockroaches, rats and mice.