X-Phala Praveshika Suta Bhava (5H)

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Bhava Phala Praveshika — 7: Suta

Bhava (5th House)

Varaha Mihira

Graha influences. Legitimate Children

Saravali 34.25–26. (1) If the 5th House contains a benefic, or is
aspected by a benefic, or be a benefic Rāśi, the native will surely
beget children. (2) If it is different, he will not obtain progeny. (3) If
the 5th House counted from stronger of the Moon or the
Ascendant has at least one Jupiter’s Varga, or has a benefic Rāśi in
it and is aspected by a benefic, the native will have legitimate issue.

This principle is same as that is mentioned for Siblings in verse

The moot point is that natural-benefic influences on a Bhava is
always beneficial to the living relations signified by the Bhava. The
influence can come in one of the following ways, (1) Placement of
a benefic in the 5H, (2) Aspect of benefic on the 5H, (3) 5L
should be conjoined with a benefic, (4) 5L should be aspected by
a benefic, (5) 5H falling in a benefic Navamsa (Navamsa Lagna)
If there are mixed influences, then the benefics will always try to
protect, while the malefics try to harm. As long as the children
follow the path of the benefics, they will be protected by the
For legitimate children, the 5H counted from the stronger of the
Lagna or the Moon, should have some influence of Jupiter. Jupiter
ensures that the child is born from a legitimate wedlock
(according to dharma). The 5H so obtained (from stronger of
Lagna or Moon) needs to be seen in the Dasa-varga which is
important for human horoscopes (Manushya Jataka).
Instead Jupiter could be placed in the 5H in the Rasi chart or in
the Navamsa Lagna. Of 5H or the Navamsa lagna be owned by a
Jupiterian sign (Leo or Scorpio Lagna in Rasi or Sagittarius or
Pisces Navamsa Lagna). The reason for taking Navamsa lagna is
that, the cusp of 5H will always fall in the Navamsa lagna in the
equal house division.

Number of Children
Saravali 34.27. (1) If the Navāńśa of the 5th falls in a benefic Rāśi
the number of children equals the number of Navāńśas past in the
5th House. (2) The aspect of a benefic on the 5th Bhava doubles
the number, while malefic Rāśi, as 5th House Navāńśa and the said
House receiving a malefic aspect confers progeny with difficulty.

Once after we are assured that the children will be born to the
native, by looking at the influence of benefics on the 5H, we
should look at the number of children.
Many astrologers jump directly into determining the number of
children without even checking whether or not the native will be
blessed with them. This can be misleading as, if blessings of
children are denied, there is no point looking at their numbers.
In my humble opinion one should judge other factors for
determining fertility of the couples before progressing further.
They are Santana Tithi, Beeja and Kshetra Sphuta, Surya-Tritya-
Arudha (AS3) and Surya-Navama-Arudha (AS9).
Once it is ascertained that the native will be blessed with children,
the next step is to determine their numbers. One of the prevalent
method is to look at the Navamsa past by the 3H. Once their
number is identified, then the factors affecting individual children
can evaluated to determine whether they will be strong, weak or
even born (or die before their birth). This can be done by noting
the influence of the Signs in the Navamsa indicating their birth. In
the same manner each pregnancy can be evaluated.

Authorizing other kinsman to raise progeny

for the native
Saravali 34.28. (1) If the 5th House falls in the divisions (like Rāśi,
Navāńśa, drekkana etc.) of Saturn and be with Mercury’s aspect,
but without that of Jupiter, Mars or the Sun, the native obtains
progeny by authorising his kinsman to raise the same for him from
his (the native’s) wife. (2) Similar result prevails, if Mercury’s Rāśi
be in the 5th House containing Mercury in it and is in aspect to
Saturn, but without the aspect of the others, as cited above.

This is a combination of adopting someone but letting others raise

the child.
Saturn’s and Mercury’s influence on the 5H in Rasi and Amsas
indicate adoption of a child. This will be made clear in the
forthcoming verse. Saravali 34.29: If the 5th House belongs to
Saturn and be occupied by Saturn himself with the aspect of the
Moon, one procures a child by adoption, or by an act of purchase.
Identical effect follows the position of Mercury in the 5th House
owned by him receiving the Moon’s aspect.
In the forthcoming verses, we will see how the aspecting Graha
(on the 5H) play a significant role in determining the
circumstances in which a child is adopted. Hence, the key here is
that the 5H should not be aspected by Jupiter, Mars or the Sun.
Here I will also include Moon and Venus. Moon’s aspect indicate
the native is adopting the child to be a parent or adopting from a
pregnant mother. Venus aspect indicate adoption through
marrying the partner etc.
Thus if no planets aspect the 5H and the native has no intention
or attachment of bringing up the child himself and would let
others bring it up.

Adopted or Bought Progeny

Saravali 34.29. (1) If the 5th House belongs to Saturn and be
occupied by Saturn himself with the aspect of the Moon, one
procures a child by adoption, or by an act of purchase. (2) Identical
effect follows the position of Mercury in the 5th House owned by
him receiving the Moon’s aspect.

There are some parents who beget children through adoption or

buying from birth parents or other sources.
Certain combinations are seen the horoscope of the parents. The
Karaka for child-birth is Jupiter, Sun and Moon. Moon indicate
pregnancy, Sun rules the ability to bring a new soul to life and
Jupiter gives the blessings of bring forth the fruits of marriage.
Saturn is inimical to all the 3 Grahas ruling natural child-birth.
Saturn represent old age and a state where sexual drive is nil,
thus ruling frigidity. Similarly Mercury is also in the group of
Saturn but rules a very young age where sexual instincts are not
yet developed. Hence, these two planets are involved in absence
of natural child-birth and adoption
There should be preponderance of influence of Saturn or Mercury
on the 5H simultaneously aspected by Pregnancy Karaka. The
influence of Saturn or Mercury on the 5H can happen in the
following manner, (1) 5H falling in Saturn or Mercury sign, (2)
Saturn or Mercury placed in the 5H, (3) Saturn or Mercury
conjoined with the 5L, (4) Saturn and Mercury hemming the 5H or
Moon’s simultaneously influence on the 5H is pertinent for the
native to get a child as there are many families who don’t adopt
even if they are devoid of children. Moon’s aspect on the 5H or 5L
or conjunction with them would ascertain that the native will
adopt a child, else, not.

Adoption without consent

Saravali 34.30. Should the 5th House contain Saturn un-aspected
by others and fall in a Saptamsa owned by Mars, the native will
adopt a grown up child without the consent of its natural parents.

Influence of Saturn on the 5H indicate that the native will not get a
child through natural child-birth.
However, if Moon does not simultaneously influence the 5H, the
native does not adopt or procure with rightful consent of the
parents of orphanage.
At the same time if the 5H falls in the Saptamsa of Mars, then it
indicates violence as a method of procuring the child. It can
indicate use of force, army, police or even kidnapping.
Determining Saptamsa of the 5H require knowing the longitude of
the Bhava. This can be known by taking the longitude of the
Lagna and placing a point in the 5H with the same longitude (as
the lagna). This point becomes the cusp of the 5H and represent
the core of the 5th bhava as per the equal bhava scheme.

Mean Children
Saravali 34.31–32. (1) If the 5th House contains the Sun and falls
in the divisions of Saturn receiving the aspect of Mars, the children
so obtained will be abject. (2) Should the Moon be in the 5th House
and receive exclusively Saturn’s aspect, while the 5th House falls in
a Navāńśa of Mars, even then the progeny will be foolish and base.

Children so born are Kula-nashak or cause destruction of name

and reputation of the lineage in which they are born.

This verse gives cues regarding deciphering the nature of the

children. It is a complex matter to determine the life details of
individual children from the horoscope.
In this verse, Kalyanvarma suggested to look at the Grahas
influencing the 5H in various divisions to decipher the nature
(lifestyle, destiny) of the children. We observe that not all children
are alike and there are many differences among them. There are
even cases where one child is noble and another one is a
wretched person. How, do we determine such details from the
parent’s horoscope? There are indeed ways to understand the
individual details, however, the subject is vast and can’t be
included here in few lines.
What can be understood from verses like this is, there could be
one child who will be wretched and this does not necessarily
applied to all the children. From the native’s point of view, even if
one child falls into this category, the suffering is intense and that
validates this dictum.
Like all combinations, we should understand the essence as we
will not find these combinations verbatim in actual horoscopes
and there could be many variations.
The combinations involve 5H, Sun-Saturn-Mars. Or Moon-Saturn-
Mars. One of the luminaries, Saturn and Mars are involved in both
Case I: 5H-Sun, sign owned by Saturn, aspect by Mars
Case II: 5H-Moon, sign owned by Mars, aspect by Saturn
We can infer that Sun in the sign of Saturn and Moon in the sign
of Mars is not conducive to happiness from children. At the same
time, the aspect of the other member of the Saturn-Mars Tamasic
pair (trouble maker), accentuates the trouble.
Sun gives negative results in the sign of Saturn and Moon in the
sign of Mars. Sun gets debilitated in a place where Saturn gets
exalted (i.e., Libra) indicating that they have quite the opposite
energies. Similarly Moon gets debilitated in Mars’s sign (i.e.,
Combined influence of Saturn-Mars is highly damaging in the
matters of living relations of a Bhava. For instance Saturn in the
Lagna aspected by Mars can cause mental derangement or
insanity. This happens especially due to placement of one of them
in the bhava while receiving aspect from the other.
In this case, the 5H should fall in the sign of Saturn or Mars in the
Rasi, Navamsa and / or Drekkana. These 3 are very important
division in horoscopy.

Adoption of an abandoned child

Saravali 34.33. If the 5th House is occupied by Mars falling in
many of Saturn’s divisions and be in aspect to the Sun, one will
obtain a son, that is adopted by a stranger after its being cast off
by its original parents, so says sage Karuna.

This a variation to the previous verse (Saravali 34.31–32) whereby

instead of Sun placed in the 5H owned by Saturn, Mars is so
placed and aspected by the Sun.
So, in essence, the 5H should ruled by Saturn (in Rasi, Navamsa
or Drekkana), Mars should be placed in the 5H (in the mentioned
division) and at the same time receiving aspect of Sun.
In such combination, the child is abandoned by the birth parents
and are adopted by the native (showing his kindness).
Such incidences happen very often even at current times.
One should get cautioned under following circumstances
5H ruled by Saturn, conjoined or aspected by Mars
5H ruled by Mars, conjoined or aspected by Saturn.
In addition, if the 5H is ruled by Saturn, placement of Sun indicate
some unusual circumstances. Similarly placement of Moon in the
5H ruled by Mars is equally affected.
In either Case, the generalisation of this principle is, combined
influence by ownership, placement or aspect of Saturn-Mars-Sun
or Saturn-Mars-Moon on the 5H in Rasi, Navamsa or Drekkana
indicate some unusual circumstances of childbirth. IN these
cases, the 5H should be ruled by either Saturn or Mars and not
the luminaries.

Children from a re-married widow

Saravali 34.34. Should the 5th House fall in Saturn’s Vargas and
contain both the Moon and Saturn therein, in aspect to both the
Sun and Venus, progeny will be begotten by a widow given to the
native in remarriage.

Sometimes a person marry a lady who had a child from an earlier

marriage. Then after childbirth there is death or separation from
the previous partner.
The same can happen when a lady marries a gentlemen having
children from a previous marriage.
When a person get a child from the previous marriage of the wife
(of husband) i.e., Child of one of the parents, the mentioned
combination is present.
Reiterating again, one should understand the essence of a
combination as they don’t apply verbatim in most real-life
Here, 5H should be owned by Saturn. Moon and Saturn should be
placed in the 5H. Venus and Sun should aspect the 5H.
The variations can happen in one of the following way: (1) Moon
conjoined 5H Saturn in any place, other than the 5H, (2) Venus or
Sun should aspect the 5L. (3) One of them (Venus/ Sun) aspect
the 5H and another one aspect the 5L. (4) One of them (Venus/
Sun) conjoin the 5H and the other aspect the 5L. (5) One of them
(Venus/ Sun) conjoin the 5L and the other aspect the 5H.
A kind of adoption is indicated by Saturn ownership of the 5H.
Placement of Moon and Saturn indicate some event of separation
or death while Venus-Sun influence indicate re-marriage. Venus is
the Karaka of Marriage while Sun is the karaka for Dharma
In General, the Graha owning the 5H indicate the reason behind
adoption (Saturn= lack of ability to procreate). The Graha in the
5H indicate the events that is triggering adoption (Mars=
abandon/ violence, Saturn=death etc.). The Graha aspecting the
circumstances in which the adoption is taking place (Sun=out of
generosity, Venus= marriage etc.)

Children from an Unmarried Mother

Saravali 34.35. Should the Moon be in the 7th along with the Sun,
or the Moon being in the 5th in aspect to, or in the company of the
Sun, one will obtain issue through an unmarried girl.

This is another variation of the combinations pertaining to

adoption of child through marriage to someone having child prior
to the marriage.
Sun rules the creative potency. The two lotuses in the hands of
the Sun god represents creation. Lotus is the symbol of Brahma,
who is the deity for creation. That is the reason why Brahma is
depicted sitting on the Lotus that is originated from the navel of
Lord Vishnu.
Moon the Karaka of Pregnancy as it represent the Mother.
Hence, Sun and Moon are intimately connected with the matters
of pregnancy and child-birth. Jupiter offers legitimacy of
childbirth from a legitimate wedlock and through Dharma.
When Moon and Sun jointly influence the 7H (Marriage) or the 5H
(childbirth), there is a possibility of acquiring children from
marrying an unmarried girl.
One should not jump to conclusion as this can only be confirmed
if other circumstances support this. While it is possible that in the
horoscope of most people acquiring children from unmarried girl
will have this combination, the reverse may not be true. I.e., not
everyone having this combination will acquire children from
unmarried girl.

Children from a woman pregnant at the time

of marriage
Saravali 34.36. If the 5th House falls in the divisions of the
Luminaries and contains the Moon and the Sun in aspect to Venus
only, one will have progeny by a woman, who will already be
pregnant at the time of marriage.

This should be read in conjunction with the previous verse

(Saravali 34.35). The conditions are very similar to the previous
verse i.e., involvement of Sun-Moon in the 7H or the 5H.
Additionally, the ownership of the 5H by Luminaries indicate
acquiring children from a already pregnant mother. Recall the
ownership of 5H by Saturn indicating adoption due to lack of
ability to procreate. The ownership of the 5H indicate the reason
behind adoption. Saturn = Barrenness, Moon= Pregnancy.
Venus aspecting the 5H indicate that the native will adopt the
child at the time of marriage. This is also endorsed by Saravali
34.34 which mentions that aspect of Venus cause adoption of
child at the time of marriage.

Saravali 34.37. If the 5th House falls in a malefic’s Sign and be
occupied by strong malefics without benefic’s aspect, the native
will be childless.
There are many reason for childlessness as given in the chapter
of Curses in BPHS. This is a simplistic dictum indicating
childlessness, however, a good start in the direction of
understanding this important aspect of horoscopy.
Birth of Child to a married couple is very important as it serve
many purposes-
Cement the relationship of the couple. The couple start thinking
more about their children than their own self.
Give hope for the future.
Defeat old age, depression and hopelessness as Mercury has the
ability to fight Saturn.
Not having children puts an end to the native’s lineage and is a
grave matter. Jyotishi should study this matter carefully before
pronouncing the judgment.

Children from a female slave

Saravali 34.38. (1) If the 5th House be in a Navāńśa of Venus and
be aspected by Venus, one will beget progeny by a female servant.
(2) Some scholars opine, that even, if the Moon’s Navāńśa and the
Moon so come in the picture, the said effects will come to pass.

This is a negative combination. Although slavery is now abolished

from most part of the world, mistreatment of women has not
Even now, children are born through forced sexual contact with
women under the person’s control or perhaps without consent.
Sometimes a women has to oblige because of social, physical,
emotional, financial or livelihood compulsions.
Venus indicate sex for pleasure and comfort. 5H owning the
Navamsa of Venus indicate the cause behind adopting a child is
having sexual contact (Venus = sex). The sex could be without
consent or use of power if there is involvement of Mars.
Involvement of Jupiter and Sun indicate sex through consent and
in a legitimate relationship (Dharma).
The aspect of Venus on the 5H indicate marriage which can be
extended to relationship with a lady.
Moon involvement indicate higher emotional attachment (devoid
of pleasure mentality that is indicated by Venus), hence this can
also indicate pregnancy before marriage, which can culminate
later into a marriage (Venus aspect).

Sons and Daughters

Saravali 34.39. (1) When the 5th House has exclusively the
divisions of the Moon and Venus and be with aspects of Venus and
the Moon alone, or be occupied by these two alone, or, when the
said House has the divisions of only even Signs, the native will
beget only female children. (2) In a contrary situation, (i.e. 5th
House falling in divisions of odd Signs only and be excluded from
the occupation, or aspect of Venus and the Moon but others), there
will be birth of only male children.

The sex of the children can be known from the influence of

masculine or feminine factors on the 5H.
The female Grahas are Venus and Moon. Similarly, Sun, Mars,
Jupiter are male Grahas. Mercury and Saturn are eunuch planets,
however, depending on other influences, they usually indicate
male and female births respectively. Among the nodes, Rahu
indicate male and Ketu female.
Among the signs, even signs indicate females and odd signs
indicate males.
Among the Grahas Avastha, exaltation indicate males while
debility indicate females.
One need to study the confluence of the Graha, Avastha and
signs influencing the 5H in the Rasi and Navamsa. If a Graha is
placed in the 5H, the Graha and its Avastha will take precedence
in determining the gender, else, the sign (and its lord) will

Destruction of Lineage
Saravali 34.40. When the Moon occupies the 10th House, Venus
is in the 7th and malefics are in the 4th, the native’s dynasty does
not descend any further.

“More of such combinations will be examined in the detailed study

of 5H”

Phaladeepika 12.6 provides few yogas for extinction of lineage.

They are, (1) Malefic in 4H, Venus in 7H and Moon in 10H, (2)
Malefics in 12H, 5H, 8H and the Lagna, (3) Venus and Mercury in
the 7H, Jupiter in the 5H and malefics in the 4H. (4) Moon in the
5H and malefics in the 8H, 12H and the Lagna
The yoga of 10H Moon — 7H Venus — 4H Malefics has been
endorsed in two important Jyotish texts. The reason behind this
yoga is difficult to decipher.
Three important Kendras 4–7–10 are included here. 4H= Mother,
10H= Father 7H= Spouse.
Venus-Moon are placed in the 4th and 10th from each other.
Venus is placed in the 10th from the Moon while Moon is placed in
the 10th from the Lagna.
7H is 10th from the 10th house, hence carry some of the
significations of 10H as per the Bhavat-Bhavam principle. 7H also
carries the signification of 4H as it is the 4th from the 4H.
Moon is placed in the 7th from its Dikbala bhava indicating
weakness in the matters represented by Moon (pregnancy) and
4H (home)
Malefics in the 4H indicate inability of setting up of home (4H).
The stage of life where a boy steps into the adulthood and
detaches from the parent’s home to set up own home is seen
from the 4H. Malefic affliction to the 4H cause the person to
wander around in life without being able to set up a stable home.

Loss of Children
Saravali 34.41. (1) Should Mars be in the 5th, the children of the
native will pass away, as they are born. (2) If Jupiter, or Venus lend
aspect to the said position, the loss relates only to the first child.
(3) If all planets aspect (the said Mars), then there is no loss at all of

5H is the house of genesis; this is where the male and female

forces come together to create something new. This is the house
of future which gives hope and the plan for the future.
The Karaka of 5H is Jupiter whose uccha bhava is 4H and neecha
bhava is 10H. 5H is its friendly Bhava as in the naisargika kundali,
it is owned by his dear friend Sun. Sun being the natural 5L
indicate his creative potencies.
Jupiter and Mars are completely opposite in nature although both
are friends and belong to the same camp i.e., the deva camp.
However, Jupiter gets neecha in the sign where Mars gets exalted
and vice-versa, indicating quite their opposite agendas.
Mars stands for action, hence it attains Dikbala and his Uccha
bhava is in the 10H, while Jupiter stands for Harmony and
universal brotherhood (as opposed to fighting for own territory),
hence it attains Dikbala in the Lagna (high ideals) and its uccha
bhava is 4H (world is my home).
Mars’s placement in any bhava is not conducive to the living
relations of that bhava as it Mars rules the fire that is uncontrolled,
something like the forest fire. It engulfs anything that comes into
its contact, especially the watery element as Fire and Water can’t
co-exist. Thus Mars in the 3H cause absence of loss of brothers,
in the 5H cause loss of father etc. This is especially true if Mars is
also aspected by Saturn as Saturn is the significator for Death,
Separation, Sorrow and Pain.
Mars in 5H is no different; it causes loss of child. This is happens
early or later depends on the protective energies trying to protect
the child.
The protective energies are of natural benefics Jupiter, strong
Moon, Venus and well associated Mercury.
Among them Jupiter is the Jiva, the life-force and Venus is the
giver of Mrtyunjaya (protection from death). Their influence on
the 4H, can stop the carnage of Mars after the 1st child.
However, if all the natural benefics aspect the 5H, they stop
Mars’s carnage even before it starts.
The aspect of 5L on the 5H is additionally considered very
effective as a lord will always protect its bhava, even if that is a
natural malefic like Saturn.
Wealth vs. Poverty
Saravali 34.42. (1) Should the 5th House be occupied exclusively
by malefics, the native will be devoid of wealth, own men and
happiness. (2) If Mars is in the 5th House, he will be distressed (or
deformed). (3) Saturn so posited denotes sickness. (4) The
occupations of Mercury, Jupiter, or Venus will confer abundant
happiness and wealth.

5H stands for future. An afflicted 5H indicate a ruined future,

especially after the individual becomes independent from the
aegis of the parents.
5H is naturally ruled by Sun and Jupiter is its Karaka. Sun signifies
wealth, resources, power while Jupiter signifies the blessings of
happiness from child, good planning abilities, intelligence and
If the 5H is occupied by malefics Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu, the
person is devoid of one or more aspect of the 5H. The situation is
mitigated to some extent if natural benefics aspect the bhava.
Sun in the 5H gives mixed results.
All Grahas give the results depending on their inherent nature,
which is what causes variations in the results given by different
Grahas. Sun= Sharp, Moon= nurturing, Mars= violent, Mercury=
wit, Jupiter= harmony, Venus= passion, Saturn= sorrow, Rahu=
diabolical, Ketu= unpredictable mishaps.
Hence when Mars is placed in the 5H, it causes much violence in
the person’s life and the person is injured mentally and physically.
The mental injuries come from Mars’s ability to debilitate Moon.
Instead, when Saturn is placed in the 5H, it causes diseases,
bodily pain, sorrow caused by separation from near and dear
ones. Saturn rules death, diseases and separation.
Placement of benefics cause much happiness and gives abundant
wealth, so that the native has a good future.

Intelligence & Open heart

Phaladeepika 16.15. (1) If the 5th Bhava be identical with a Rasi or
Amsa owned or occupied by Mercury, the person born will be
intelligent and open-hearted. (2) The same will be the case if the
lord of the 5th house is well posited and has attained a

5H has a strong bearing on the intellect, memory and overall

psychology of the native. We can see from here how broad or
narrow minded the person is.
There should be some connection to Mercury with the 5H for the
person to have the good qualities granted by the Bhava.
The connection is established when (1) Mercury sign falls in the
5H in the rasi chart, (2) Navamsa lagna is in Mercurial sign. The
cusp of 5H always falls in the Navamsa lagna as per equal house
system, (3) Mercury is placed in the 5H or in the Navamsa Lagna,
(4) 5L conjoin Mercury in the Rasi or Navamsa, (5) 5L is well
placed in various Varga charts in exaltation, own sign or friendly
signs i.e., Vaiseshikamsa. The divisional charts where the 5L is
well placed, the native will have high intellect pertaining to that
area of life.
For horoscopes of human beings, one should look at the Dasa-
varga scheme of Vaiseshikamsa.

Some important yogas from Dr. BV Raman’s
Hindu Predictive Astrology
Loss of children: 5th lord occupies the 3rd house, 6th house or
the 12th house and is aspected by malefics.

While it is understood 5L in dusthana cause loss of loss children,

it is not understood why Dr. Raman left out 8H from this list. BPHS
clarifies that 5L in the 8H also causers misery pertaining to
According to BPHS: (1) If Putra’s Lord is in Sahaja, the native will
be attached to his co-born, be a tale bearer and a miser and be
always interested in his own work. (2) If Putra’s Lord is in Ari
Bhava, the native will obtain such sons, who will be equal to his
enemies, or will lose them, or will acquire an adopted, or
purchased son. (3) If Putra’s Lord is in Randhra Bhava, the native
will not have much progenic happiness, be troubled by cough and
pulmonary disorders, be given to anger and be devoid of
happiness. (4) If Putra’s Lord is in Vyaya Bhava, the native will be
bereft of happiness from his own sons, will have an adopted, or
purchased son.

Loss of father but still begets children: Sun is in the 5th house
and is badly placed, the father will die early. If the 5th lord joins
favourable planets, the person may get many children.

Graha badly placed in the 5H and afflicted indicate danger to life

of the relations signified (naisargika karakatva) by the Graha
At the same time, if the 5L is favourably placed i.e., placed in
strength and associated with benefics, children are not denied.
This is an important shloka which specifies that even if the 5H is
afflicted, the good placement and association of the 5H does
promise children.

Beget children: Jupiter becomes the 5th lord and being powerful,
aspected by the lord of the Lagna.

Jupiter in the 5H is not conducive to happiness from children.

However, if Jupiter becomes the 5L, it will not deny children, in
fact very good children if Jupiter associate with the Lagna lord.

Loss of children: 5th house and its lord are hemmed by malefics,
and Jupiter is also in the company of malefics.

This is a straightforward yoga for destruction of a bhava i.e.,

weakness and / or affliction to the Bhava, Bhavesha, Karaka. One
should know the difference between these three factors
If Karaka is weak, god does not wish to bless the native with
happiness pertaining to that karaka. Bhavesha is the connecting
link of the bhava with the Karaka. If the Bhavesha is weak, then
the native does not gain from the karaka. The Bhavesha also
controls the longevity of the living relations pertaining to the
Bhava. The bhava defines the overall experience pertaining a
bhava. A person may have capable children, but they not be
helpful to the native if the Bhava is weak.

Native’s family becomes completely extinct: All malefics occupy

the 4th house or if all of them occupy the 12th, 5th, 8th and the

According to Phaladeepika, the combination that cause

destruction of lineage are 1) Malefic in 4H, Venus in 7H and Moon
in 10H and 2) Malefics in 12H, 5H, 8H and the Lagna
The affliction of the 4H cause inability to settle down in life.
Similarly affliction to 8H and 12H cause inability to have a lasting
relationship or the sexual pleasures will be missing. Similarly
affliction of Lagna and 5H denies happiness from children.

Piercing intellect: if the 5th house is hemmed between benefics.

Natural 5H is Leo that is ruled by the Sun, the karaka for

knowledge. The karaka of 5H is Jupiter indicating intelligence.
Hence 5H signifies applied intellect i.e., problem solving skills.
Intelligence is to be seen from the both lagna and the 5H. While
Lagna indicate power to analyse, the 5H indicate the power to
solve problems.
Good disposition of the 5H by placement or association of
benefics or shubhakartari yoga cause the native to have piercing
intellect. In addition association of Lagnesha with 3H/ 3L or 6H/
6L or 5H/ 5L or Surya gives razor sharp intellect.

Brain derangement: Saturn is in the 5th house or aspects the

Lagna lord or Jupiter.

Both 5H and Lagna re the seat of intelligence

Saturn rules the old age and a stage of loss of memory or senility.
Saturn is also not well disposed towards the Mind (Moon),
intellect (Jupiter) or Knowledge (Sun).
Saturn also debilitates the karaka of intellect Jupiter.
Thus Saturn’s affliction to the 5H/ 5L, Lagna / Lagna lord can
cause brain derangement, provided there are also other factors of
weaknesses to the said lords or houses.
Impotent child: Mercury and Saturn have major influence on the
child at birth.

To be verified.

Adopted child: 5th house falls in a sign of Mercury or Saturn and

its lord combined with Saturn.

This is a straightforward combination for adoption. Mercury and

Saturn’s influence on the 5H indicate the native will adopt a child.
This is endorsed by the authors of both Saravali and

First-born child will be a male: 5th lord is masculine, joins a

masculine sign and combines in a masculine Navamsa.

If there are influences of more masculine graha and sign in the

Rasi and Navamsa, the first born will be male child.
However, this is a generic combination which can be modified by
other influences as well. So, one should be cautious of not
predicting the gender of the first child just based on this.
There are methods to determine the order and gender of
individual pregnancies which need to be checked before
pronouncing judgment on the gender of children.

First-born child will be a female: 5th lord joins a female sign, with
feminine planets and combines in a feminine Navamsa.

If there are influences of more feminine graha and sign in the Rasi
and Navamsa, the first born will be male child.
As mentioned above, other factors should also be noted before
concluding on the judgment.
Some important yogas from Kundali Darpan
by Satyavir Shastri
1. Strong 5H, 5L and Mercury indicate that the native will be
knowledgeable and a scholar
2. When the 5L is in a dusthana (6–8–12), the native is a dull-witted.
However, this can’t be said if the 5L is in friendly, own or
exaltation sign. For instance for Le Lg, Ju is the 5L and is placed in
own sign in 8H and in exaltation in the 12H. In general for odd
signs, the 5L is afflicted only in 6H; for even signs, the 5L is
afflicted in 8H and 12H. Seeing from a different perspective, for
odd signs, the 5L is well placed in the 8H/ 12H while for even
signs 5L is well placed only in the 6H.
3. When Mars is in then Lg and Su in the 2H / 10H, there is delay in
4. LL placed in a Trika while 5H and 5L are afflicted by malefics
there is loss of children.
5. When Mars is in the 2H, Saturn in the 3H and Jupiter in the
5H/9H, the native is devoid of happiness from a Son. Either son is
not born or if born, meets premature death. In this case both 5H
and Ju is aspected by Ma by 4th sight, Sa by 3rd sight. Both of
them also aspect the 9H by 8th sign and 7th sign respectively. 9H
being 5th from the 5H has a strong bearing in the matters of
6. Su in 5H can cause miscarriage. Similarly when Ma in 5H in an
enemy sign can cause loss of child. Even when Ma is in Ar in 5H, it
is detrimental to children.
7. 5L in the navamsa of Sa / Me and aspected by Sa / Me, the native
may not be virile or fertile.
8. 5L in Trika conjoined with Mars and aspected by 6L indicate that a
child may be murdered. (See Dusthana+Mars+6L = Murder)
9. When Jupiter is Vargottama, the native does all work after judging
past and future.
10. 5L Saturn in 11H being conjoined with 7L or Mars, the native has a
love marriage.
11. Exchange of signs between 5L and 10L gives very high strategy
skills. They attain high position in govt. or politics.
12. Exchange of signs between 5L and 4L and influence of Me or Ve,
the native is fond of sports (Me= sports, games, plays etc.) or
entertainment (Ve= cinema, theatre etc.)
13. Rahu in the 5H and the 5L is strong and aspected by benefics, the
native gains sudden wealth. Especially when 5L is Mercury and
associate with the 9L, this yoga becomes extremely strong.
14. When the 5H, 5L, LL and Me are weak, afflicted in papakartari or
aspected by malefics, the native becomes insane.
15. When Moon is weak and afflicted and placed in 5H, 7H, 9H, Lg, or
8H, the native suffer balarishta i.e., great danger to life in
childhood. Even death can happen!

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